Warehouse Upkeep missions

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JESS 246
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Warehouse Upkeep missions

Post by JESS 246 » Tue, 16. May 17, 15:31

Hi Techs

Just Pointing out an ongoing issue.

Since we were able to build warehouse station they do not function as intended and i have built this one to show this case and as the builder is just finishing i'm constantly being asked for trade ships in the upkeep missions menu even though i've assigned trade ships of all kinds as you can see in picture (link below) and those ships just sit off station area not moving or responding.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/3f948cfhl5ax0 ... r.jpg?dl=0

I don't think this has anything to do with nods as i've build one in the past without mods and still had the issues and no other station is effected and i do believe i and others have mentioned this before and i don't recall anyone ever getting a positive result to this issue.

I do no want to build this station because of this issue, and reason i only built this one is to show you that the warehouse station still has this problem and it has never be corrected.

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Post by CBJ » Tue, 16. May 17, 15:37

With all due respect, you say that you don't think your mods have anything to do with the problem every time you report a problem, and on several occasions they have proven to be exactly the problem. This wastes a lot of developer time, and is precisely why we generally don't look into issues reported in modified games. If the problem can be reproduced in an unmodified game (by which I mean a new savegame started on a clean game installation, not one where mods may or may not have been correctly removed) then we'd be more than happy to investigate further.

Alan Phipps
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Post by Alan Phipps » Tue, 16. May 17, 16:04

Yes the player warehouse 'Assign ships' upkeep mission hangs around after you give it ships in vanilla. Reported before, as you say.

However, that is not really a problem as you can disable that upkeep mission from having active guidance and so not get any more hints about it on screen. The mission screen itself only shows it if you expand the upkeep mission list for the warehouse, so it is hardly shouting at you all the time.
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Post by CBJ » Tue, 16. May 17, 16:25

Thanks for the link, Alan. With that confirmation in an unmodified game, we can take a look at the issue when we get the chance.

JESS 246
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Post by JESS 246 » Tue, 16. May 17, 18:47

Hi Alan Phipps

Thanks I did try the upkeep disable thingy but to no avail but if it's been noticed and what CBJ says it's to be looked into atlast.

Why it was there in the first place as when designed and coded in the same way as other station this flaw somehow crept in.

Well good luck and prompt resolve in correcting this error Dev's.

JESS 246
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Post by JESS 246 » Tue, 16. May 17, 19:12

Sorry to say this CBJ but do you every read what i say when i report something i do as in a true manor and it do so after i try with and WITHOUT MODS either way if it a mod i remove that mod and do not report if the other without mods and the issues still occur then i report as it is.

As in this case i said i and others had this before and i tested both ways before reporting it and i was only pointing it out again at it not been addressed since the 3.0 patches.

You alway tell me and others off about mods even when we say we have an issue without mods and in some cases you have recommended mods to use and why is it if i'm not using any mods that these issues and others are there and in some cases a mod correct those issues.

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Post by CBJ » Tue, 16. May 17, 19:47

I have read many of your reports, including those where you believed you had removed mods only to find later that they were still present in the game, which is why I reiterated what we mean by a "clean" installation. Nobody is being "told off" for reporting problems with modified games; it is simply a statement of fact that time spent investigating problems in modified games which turn out to be caused by mods is developer time wasted; time which could perhaps have been better spent investigating other issues that did not have external causes.

Now, since there is a report from an unmodified game, let's focus on the issue in hand and not use this thread, or the Tech Support forum as a whole, for general discussion.

JESS 246
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Post by JESS 246 » Tue, 16. May 17, 21:59

I do clean installs as part of that why I mention i do with or without mods and you seem to miss that.

I have played this game over 4000 hours now and it seems you and your fellow moderators seem to think i do not know what i'm doing like said earlier i won't post a report if it a mod unless i'm pointing out that mods fault.

I do agree CBJ keeping to the point but we know it always goes off a little and as "Alan Phipps" pointed out on earlier posts it only confirms as to what i was pointing out.

Alan Phipps
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Post by Alan Phipps » Tue, 16. May 17, 22:37

OK, I'm calling a close to this now before anyone gets into hot water.

A few closing remarks follow:

CBJ is an actual Egosoft developer and not just a player volunteer as with most moderators.

This particular thread issue was indeed supported as vanilla by previous posts but you could have found and quoted them yourself in the same way that I did.

There have been other recent occasions when you have posted 'show-stopper' issues with your game, even when declaring it as clean vanilla, which are not being supported by other vanilla players doing the same things on the same version. I have previously advised you that linking vanilla saves that show the issues for the devs to review would be the way forward and avoid all the doubts.

Finally, your frequent claimed linkage of such issues to updates that have nothing to do with those areas just confuses the case even further and could be easily verified if you supplied the saves as advised.

Hopefully we can all learn from this and avoid such confusions in future. :)

If you have any issues with what I have said, or wish to pursue the debate with CBJ, then please do so by PM. If there is any progress in this thread's game issue then it can always be reopened by an official.
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Post by j.harshaw » Fri, 19. May 17, 14:20


Thanks for taking the time to report. i quickly investigated, and there appears to be two issues:

1. Ships assigned to warehouses do not do anything.
- This appears to happen if:
+ you assign a ship to a warehouse whose manager doesn't know what to do (for example, doesn't have wares set to sell or buy or doesn't have enough money (if buying) or wares (if selling)),
+ or you assign a ship that can't do what the manager wants to do (assigning a ship that can carry energy wares to a warehouse whose manager only wants to buy ore, for example).
+ or there simply aren't trades in your station's operating range that meet your price specifications.

Note that this happens even if you later set up the manager. So with the way things are set up at the moment, you have to give the manager his orders (set up buy/sell orders, give money and/or wares as appropriate) BEFORE you assign a ship that can do those orders.

After discussion with some of my colleagues here, we decided that the best solution would be an additional upkeep mission to tell you to set up your warehouse before triggering the upkeep mission to tell you to assign your ship/s. Please note that you can turn the guidance to these upkeep missions off at any time.

As a workaround for now, you should be able to set up the manager, unassign your ship, then reassign your ship. If your ship can do anything that would be useful to the manager, in line with the orders that you give the manager, it should be off on its merry way.

2. Upkeep mission to acquire ships does not end.
- This does appear to be a bug. i was told that it will be fixed in a future update.

JESS 246
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To Attention of j.harshaw

Post by JESS 246 » Fri, 19. May 17, 17:08

Thank you for your info on the Warehouse issue (that post is locked now)

I had seen other races ships supply the station and all manager setting etc. had been acted on and assigned ships still sit there i only wanted to point out this continuing bug as it seems had been overlooked in resent patches.

I'm sorry if i have upset other admins but they will slate me and others about mods causing these issue even after i and others have tried without mods and clean game installs and reporting a bug.

Now that even you say it a bug and it will be looked into soon i thank you for confirming this issue as a bug.

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