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Fov 133.4 - Field of View without editing config.xml but As patch\Mode - Guide 1o1

Posted: Wed, 25. Aug 21, 17:16
by bioscmos303
Fov - Field of View settings with script - Guide 1o1

Download as Mod: Fov XR133 Alpha ... i8Dz76OwY8

download : full controll to move or remove parts inside the cockpit - check soon in day or 2

goto Documents\Egosoft\X Rebirth\ config.xml -- if you added fov option once REMOVE !! <fov>1.3</fov>
i repeat - REMOVE !! <fov>1.3</fov> or 1.2 , 1.5 etc
or any other like 1.5 etc - ignore if never edited :)

first :
this patch\mod changes the fov setting to 133.4 for specific cockpit xml - units_player_cockpit_1.xml
and separate it from the global fov game setting and gives units_player_cockpit_1.xml independent Fov settings only when player is in side that cockpit xml
you can use this setting on any other cockpits xml's just make sure to change it to the right connections \parts (if needed)

not the same as editing fov inside config.xml that effect 100% of the game Visual.
with this patch\mod it separate it from global settings and gives you more freedom .
this patch let you choose how much to change and when

fov settings takes effect only when:
player is inside ship that use - units_player_cockpit_1.xml again only !!! (default )
and also only if you on board other ships that use the default - units_player_cockpit_1.xml ( if combined with other cockpits or ships mods)
this patch Changes the player default FOV 93.4 to 133.4 perspective or any other setting you like (more to come)

why its good?
well it gives modding more flexibility safe and easy way to use
for example - can go well with mods like Take Control v0.40
or other cockpits\ships mods combined together ,this patch can help on the making,
and also gives modders 100% customize ability config all cockpits different one from another ,,etc . (soon)
here is the basic code to change FOV (field Of View) with - units_player_cockpit_1.xml only !!!

and if any one know away to menu it with options in game even keybind \ hotkey to change cam_cockpit" fov="133.4 on the fly - we will have perfect zoom effect !! (try fov="33.4)
small tip : you can change fov setting at this line - <cam_cockpit" fov="133.4 - <camera name="cam_cockpit" fov="133.4" focus="101">

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Edits and comments by BioVespa Cmos303 !-->
<!-- description: Field of View Changer configure FOV with simple script(default cockpit only)!-->
<!-- Deafult Setting are fov="93.4 0 feel free to play around !-->  
<!-- as you like with <camera name="cam_cockpit" fov="93.4" focus="101"> !-->


	 	<replace sel="/components/component[@name='units_player_cockpit_1']/connections/connection[@name='Connection040']/offset">
					<position x="0.9033812" y="0.2541494" z="-1.408868"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_enter" start="0" end="0"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_active" start="300" end="300"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_entering" start="1" end="295"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_inactive" start="295" end="295"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_activating" start="295" end="300"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_inactivating" start="300" end="300"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_facing_copilot" start="300" end="310"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_face_copilot" start="310" end="310"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_activate_detailmonitor" start="310" end="315"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_face_detailmonitor" start="315" end="315"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_activate_dmcloseup" start="315" end="325"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_face_dmcloseup" start="325" end="325"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_deactivate_dmcloseup" start="325" end="335"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_deactivate_detailmonitor" start="335" end="340"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_facing_normal" start="340" end="350"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_goggles_activating" start="400" end="450"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_goggles_active" start="450" end="450"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_goggles_deactivating" start="450" end="500"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_leaving" start="500" end="660"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_left" start="660" end="660"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_quick_enter" start="661" end="860"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_angry_01" start="1000" end="1174"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_disappointed_01" start="1174" end="1395"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_flirting_01" start="1395" end="1604"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_happy_01" start="1604" end="1784"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_happy_02" start="1784" end="1944"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_idle_01" start="1944" end="2034"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_sad_01" start="2034" end="2271"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_sad_02" start="2271" end="2504"/>
					<animation name="cockpit_yisha_surprised_01" start="2504" end="2709"/>
					<part name="anim_main">
							<lod index="0">
									<material id="1" ref="arcp1.cp1_generic_01"/>
									<material id="2" ref="arcp1.cp1_generic_02"/>
									<material id="3" ref="arcp1.cp1_consoles"/>
							<max x="3.113746" y="1.543889" z="2.121232"/>
							<center x="-3.576279E-07" y="1.192093E-07" z="0"/>
							<max x="3.113746" y="1.543889" z="2.121232"/>
							<center x="-3.576279E-07" y="1.192093E-07" z="-1.192093E-07"/>
							<omni name="XU Omni_mainanim_02" shadow="0" r="161" g="209" b="255" range="2.59" shadowrange="2.59" lighteffect="1" trigger="1" intensity="0">
									<lightanimation name="intensity" controller="linear_float">
										<key frame="0" value="0"/>
										<key frame="32" value="0"/>
										<key frame="54" value="0.3812449"/>
										<key frame="144" value="0.3812449"/>
										<key frame="161" value="0"/>
										<key frame="669" value="0"/>
										<key frame="691" value="0.3812449"/>
										<key frame="843" value="0.3812449"/>
										<key frame="860" value="0"/>
									<position x="-0.1940304" y="0.4511917" z="-1.413426"/>
									<quaternion qx="0.6536804" qy="-0.2697749" qz="-0.269833" qw="-0.6535394"/>
				<camera name="cam_cockpit" fov="133.4" focus="101">
						<position x="-1.679221" y="1.002591" z="-5.036272"/>
						<quaternion qx="0.5605175" qy="-1.431424E-03" qz="-7.928491E-04" qw="-0.8281409"/>

		<replace sel="/components/component[@name='units_player_cockpit_1']/connections/connection[@name='Connection_cockpit']/offset">
					<position x="-2.3" y="0" z="-0.1184299"/>
					<quaternion qx="0.5" qy="-0.5" qz="-0.5" qw="-0.5"/>

and before you go :
try it solo without other mods that effect cockpits
and without changing <fov>1.2</fov> inside the config.xml
also for now dont use it with other cockpit mods \ fov mods
so far only tested with new game and only with few mods .. (still on the making this is just a part of it)

highly recommended - get this mod: = Take Control v0.40

like x4 highly recommended !! :) you can change ship \ cockpits fast
and it will help you understand why its better changing fov , move\remove and control all cockpit parts this way, and most impotent - bugs free
over the years i have seen few mods out there that "change" the Field of View
but it always ends with editing the main config.xml file and add <fov>1.3</fov> etc .. that effect all scene's \ game
worked ok but noticed a lot asked for it and only few really tried.. so here you go easy done