HOTAS vs. Touch/Vive controller - Poll

Feedback and information for X Rebirth VR Edition

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XVR: HOTAS or Touch/Vive?

HOTAS (X55/X56/Thrustmaster/whatever)
Oculus Touch
Vive Controller/Wands
Total votes: 14

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Joined: Tue, 9. Dec 03, 19:51

HOTAS vs. Touch/Vive controller - Poll

Post by Aquitaine » Mon, 7. Aug 17, 19:42

Just curious for those of you who have both a HOTAS and a VR setup: do you prefer the touch/vive controller, or HOTAS, and why?

Posts: 328
Joined: Wed, 6. Nov 02, 20:31

Post by Tanall » Mon, 7. Aug 17, 20:20

HOTAS user. Tried using the touch and gesture controls, and it felt unintuitive. I spent more time fighting the controls and getting the ship to do what I wanted than I did fighting enemy craft.

As an example, the first dogfight you get into in the tutorial. With touch or gesture control I MIGHT get one kill before I'm taken out. With a HOTAS I clear all hostiles with shields never losing more than %10 power.

The motion controls just arent natural to me.
(> <) BuNn3h!!!1!!!111

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Post by dertien » Mon, 7. Aug 17, 22:08

HOTAS user as well:

Pretty much all what Salnas said.

in addition to this, it should be self-evident that the following choice should be added to the Settings->Game Settings menu:

- UI menu pointer to navigate menus:

- VR controller [if VR controller is powered]
- Mouse (eventually)
- None - keep the HMD's functionality as it is now.

For example it would be great if the HMD pointer's usefulness could be expanded as a natural way to select things inside the cockpit instead of just used for pointing at icons and targeting ships (Guns, Missiles, menus choices) regardless of controller choice or detection.

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Joined: Sat, 28. Jan 06, 14:08

VR needs to think different

Post by KMD » Wed, 9. Aug 17, 10:17

I loved my HOTAS and it was expensive enough. But VR opens up new ways of playing games.

The gesture steering in XR is really smooth but the whole menu concept is still desktop thinking and not yet VR! In VR there is no need to spend hours for complex button mappings when we have an interactive cockpit around us. There are so many panels with levers and switches. Make these work and all we need to fly that ship are our hands (motion controllers) and a pilot seat (chair) in the middle of an empty room.
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