A word of praise for Egosoft

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A word of praise for Egosoft

Post by gapper4 » Wed, 18. Oct 17, 13:55

Hey guys,

I know I've posted about a few bugs, a few unclear mechanics, and some VR rendering issues about the game, but I just wanted to let the devs know that I am very, very happy that I paid full price for XRVR. It is, by far, the most complete space game made so far in VR, and would gladly buy it again with everything I now know about it.

Despite some gltches, playing an X game in VR is so far superior to playing it on a 2D screen that, well, it's not really possible to describe to someone who's never seen it. A particular point of praise is the Oculus Touch control scheme. I've loved and (over)used an X52Pro for hundreds of hours in Elite Dangerous and other games, but this new method of control is a game-changer, and I find it very difficult now to go back to a HOTAS for space games. The Touch controls much more precisely and smoother than anything else I've tried.

I'm looking forward to the next patch, of course, as there are lots of niggling rendering issues and a few irritating bugs, but I can't lie; I'm having an absolute blast with XRVR.

Thanks again.

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Franc Kaos
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Post by Franc Kaos » Wed, 18. Oct 17, 19:20

but I just wanted to let the devs know that I am very, very happy that I paid full price for XRVR
I'm not! It's not the full game, they didn't update the UI AT ALL, the rendering glitches, ghost controllers and mission chains breaking show an early access game a lot further away from release than six months...

90* monitor off to the right still not fixed even tho they have a perfectly serviceable virtual monitor that pops up directly in front of the player when on a station. Poor HOTAS implementation, disappearing stretches of the station when walking around, stereo destroying missing textures on parts of stations when flying close to them, same ugly textures of the NPCs from the original release, some low res textures in various parts of the game...

Not forgetting most of the stations locked off and even when open barely any NPCs to interact with, making the dialogue mini game painful at best.

No, I'm not happy at all!

Posts: 127
Joined: Wed, 12. Aug 09, 09:00

Post by gapper4 » Thu, 19. Oct 17, 09:29

Franc Kaos wrote:
but I just wanted to let the devs know that I am very, very happy that I paid full price for XRVR
I'm not! It's not the full game, they didn't update the UI AT ALL, the rendering glitches, ghost controllers and mission chains breaking show an early access game a lot further away from release than six months...

90* monitor off to the right still not fixed even tho they have a perfectly serviceable virtual monitor that pops up directly in front of the player when on a station. Poor HOTAS implementation, disappearing stretches of the station when walking around, stereo destroying missing textures on parts of stations when flying close to them, same ugly textures of the NPCs from the original release, some low res textures in various parts of the game...

Not forgetting most of the stations locked off and even when open barely any NPCs to interact with, making the dialogue mini game painful at best.

No, I'm not happy at all!
Well, yes, I did mention that I love the game in spite of its glitches. And, let's be honest, that's all they are, glitches. Other than the semi-broken plot, it's completely playable as a sandbox. Frankly, although I've noticed everything you mentioned -- and posted myself on some of these points -- I still think this is a pretty ace effort as a first attempt at a VR game. And let's not forget it was ported years after the original game was released. Also, you must know that Egosoft have a long history of supporting games for years after release, so, by their standards, this is still a baby. You are, of course, entirely entitled to your opinion as a consumer but I, for one, couldn't be happier to have another major space title playable in the VR. Here's to hoping that X4 will be even better !

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