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Problem completing experimental jumpdrive mission

Posted: Sat, 28. Mar 20, 03:42
by polarbair
So I'm on the experimental Jumpdrive mission and I have all the parts and the mission guidance is telling me to bring all the parts back to mechanic Deborah Jerigan at station "JSS Metalframes Fab I" in zone "High Scholar" in sector "Radient Haven" in system "Omicron Lyrae"

I've brought the parts there and the quest guidance tells me to dock at a specified dock so I do.

Then when standing in the docking bay outside my ship the quest guidance immediately tells me to get back on my ship.

If I ignore that and look around I can't find the mechanic "Deborah Jerigan" anywhere so I get back on my ship and the quest guidance immediately tells me to dock again.

If I try to open the comms and get Deborah Jerigan on the comms she shows up in the list but if I select her the comm button is greyed out and if I mouse over it there's a tooltip text that says "This person cannot be communicated with at this time." or something to that effect.

So wtf? How am I supposed to complete this mission?