Bernd Lehahn - AMA @ reddit

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Bernd Lehahn - AMA @ reddit

Post by Sorkvild » Mon, 2. Sep 13, 11:42

Niedawno odbyla sie seria pytan "Ask Me Anything" do Bernda na lamach serwisu reddit.

Tutaj link do zapisu spotkania ... releasing/

Ponizej zebrane przez jednego forumowicza wszystkie pytania, na ktore odpowiedzial Bernd. Jest co czytac, duzo konkretow i rozwianych watpliwosci.
Valkore wrote:Relevant gameplay questions that received a reply, the most interesting and revealing questions&answers are in bold:

[–]bumbami 1 point 10 hours ago
since fighting is taken much more near to the stations, wont the races get angry often when you accidentally hit their stations?

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

It can happen but they are quite forgiving. Even if they get upset about you, there is a big change in how notoriety is treated in such a case. The station will get upset about you and you see them turn "red". This however is only a temporary booster, a bit like the police "star" rating in GTA. If you manage to survive long enough for it to cool down again, the hit on your permanent (faction. relation would be a lot less.
[–]Pakislav 1 point 10 hours ago

Will your game finally be an actual Open World Sandbox game, with the world and factions changing and developing irregardless of the player instead of revolving around him?

I loved the idea of the X series, but I was always disappointed in finding out that the world did literally nothing and the enemies instead of coming from somewhere were just spawned and their defeat had no impact on the game...

Make the factions actually randomly fight each other, take each others territory, expand and fall and collapse and stuff... Bit like Total War series.

Without that your game will just remain being... ****** boring and pointless flying thingy.

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

You mistake the sandbox aspect here. For me it is more important that the player can change the universe rather then that the NPCs change it for you.

What you perceive as a dynamic faction behavior could just as well simply be scripted.

But to answer your question: Yes we do intend to also improve on that aspect.

[–]KrozProzor 1 point 11 hours ago

Greetings Bernd,

I took a gamble when I purchased and played X3: The Reunion, but I loved it, and ever since X: Rebirth was announced I have been glued to the screen looking for new info. If I may ask a question. I remember your trailers saying we can build our own empires. Can you clarify whether that is just referring to mercantile empires or can we actually create our own political empires with borders, navies to defend them and some kind of relations systems with other, for lack of a better term, nations? Thank for your time.

Vielen Dank Bernd.


[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

Hmm.. I am pretty sure it didnt say empires. Well you can build your own empire. That is the point of building. And that aspect is bigger than ever before. But no we do not (yet. plan on any empire level managing UI. Then again: Yes you can define the NPC relations that your stations and ships take into consideration. So there is a little of it but no RTS level :.
[–]Simplexletalis 1 point 11 hours ago

Will there ever be a co-op, maybe 2-4 players in x rebirth?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 10 hours ago

No. No multiplayer for the release. As for the chance of this in the future, we will have to see.
[–]theabominablewonder 2 points 11 hours ago

Hello. I have never played X3 but I have it in my library and I occasionally entertain the thought of starting it up.

Anyway - I'm really looking forward to star citizen. Do you have plans to do your own space MMO in a similar vein?


[–]zav42[S] 5 points 10 hours ago

errm well we had plans at some point: was posted in 2000 or 2001 then boom went a publisher down and with it our hope to soon dig on a gold mine. So instead of trying the super huge mega MMO we concentrate on gameplay in a single player game at first. Maybe one fine day we grow... but thats currently nothing more than a dream and some still registered domain names ;-.
[–]maseck 1 point 11 hours ago

I wasn't that big a fan of the previous X games, but I did enjoy them. The PR for this game really makes me feel confident that you guys get it. Good job!

How will the new multi-core scaling impact mods or future installments?

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

The core engine design should not affect modders much. For them the whole plethora of new scripting languages (similar to MD. and the fact that we put everything into DB exported files is far more important.

For future installments on the other hand this is indeed an essential step.
[–]geoffreybeene 1 point 11 hours ago

How's optimization looking? Can we expect good framerates running at "ultra" settings with proper hardware?


[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

Define proper hardware. Check out the requirements on the Steam page. If you are above the suggested there, you should be able to play it well.
I am so excited about this game! The one question that is on my mind though, is if you can still make pilots bail out of their ships? Or even board ships like on X3 TC?

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

Yes and yes
[–]IRGhost 1 point 11 hours ago

just thought of another question:

Will the shields work the same way as they did in all the other games?


[–]EGO_CBJ 4 points 11 hours ago

Shields on small ships work fairly similarly to previous games, but shields on big ships and on stations work somewhat differently. As well as overall protection, there can be local shields which only protect certain parts and surface elements, and which can be prevented from that task by destroying the corresponding shield generators.
[–]blak24 1 point 11 hours ago

Hello, As other users made, I would thank you guys for your efforts and passion developing this game :.

Then, my question: will the game be optimized for Multi GPU configurations? In X3AP and TC using SETA in some cases I had FPS drops even if GPUs (2x HD6970. were at 30% usage each... Thank you! :.

[–]EGO_CBJ 3 points 11 hours ago

The older games were heavily CPU-bound, so no matter how much GPU power you threw at them you weren't going to improve the frame-rate in busy situations. The new game is somewhat more balanced in this respect and demands more from the GPU. It isn't specifically optimised for multi-GPU systems, but it will almost certainly benefit more from such a setup than the older games would.
[–]bumbami 1 point 12 hours ago

what happens, when you get too near to a planet or sun with your ship?

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

You will eventually burn in the atmosphere.
[–]BeatdownBrownies 1 point 12 hours ago

Is a fully upgraded version of the player ship (The Pride of Albion. the strongest ship in the game? Could it take on a Capital ship 1 on 1?

[–]DocAce 4 points 11 hours ago

Only if you're a REALLY good pilot. If you just sit there the turrets will probably rip you apart very quickly, even if you have the best shield in the game.
[–]Juggernaut93 1 point 12 hours ago

Will BBS come back in Rebirth?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 10 hours ago

[–]X_Central 3 points 12 hours ago

what are possible actions, if you want to be a pirate?

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

Stealing for one thing. You can steal goods from stations as well as ships. These can be items you can pick up with the skunk, or you can use freighters with collector drones and also steal large amount of cargo.

Then of course the whole stealing of ships either for your own use or to sell them off.

Smuggling is also a possibility of course if you dont want to get the legal licenses for all kinds of ware types.

Special missions and much more...

[–]X_Central 2 points 10 hours ago

in the X News 49 you wrote: In X Rebirth there is a big difference between being in scanner range for a quick ID and being REALLY scanned deeply. There are several levels of scanning. Your true identification for example is something that requires a deeper scan. If you attack a station or shoot down a small transport vessel near a station, the law enforcement of that station may immediately start to hunt you, but they do not know exactly who you are (YET.. Hiding in the right place, for long enough can help you not being punished for your evil deeds ;.

are we gonna see this feature in v1.0?

and thank you very very much for your answers and your effort so far.

[–]zav42[S] 1 point 9 hours ago

The technical system to have a "cover" is in version 1.0. Yes.
[–]benTheRobot -1 points 12 hours ago

Are there any plans to allow a sort of cooparative mode?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 9 hours ago

Not in the immediate future at least
[–]bumbami 1 point 12 hours ago

will there be an untimate build for the skunk, or will it be impossible to get untimate speed when you for example have the ultimate cargobay?

[–]DocAce 2 points 12 hours ago

You upgrade each system (like weapons, shields and engines. on its own, but some of these also have "side-grades", for example you may get a choice between a shield that has a higher capacity and one that recharges faster.
[–]Sadmod 1 point 12 hours ago

Will Dogfighting be more exciting? Hated that in X3 it basically came down to trying to aim just in front of some icon on your screen, because the enemy ship was to far away to be seen with the bare eye, so all you had to go on was the aim indicator and the red markings on your screen.

Also will (crazy. maneuvering be more important then in X3?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 10 hours ago

Yes... because of many different changes. Some of them include: - You fight with small objects on ships or stations more often, therefore being much closer to these ships then you were before. - The AI allows much more and much cooler maneuvers - Different balancing and much more. Watch the videos on our youtube channel for some more on that.
[–]dingbat91 2 points 12 hours ago

With trading there has been a lot of talk how it all seems to be done via large trading specific ships, but the player ship seems strangely absent in it's ability to trade from what we've seen so far. how will initial trading work before we can buy these behemoth sized freighters?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 10 hours ago

There are two types of trading. Large quantity trading (what you refer to. happens with executing orders, which you collect and then send off to the ships in your command group. You can fly with them and watch it all happen, but you dont have to.

Then there is the other, "smaller" trading sometimes called item trading. This happens with people on stations and you can find / collect items in many places (see other post on this topic in this thread..

You will have trade ships pretty early in the game. Just because they are big they dont have to be expensive

[–]DocAce 2 points 12 hours ago

You can also use smaller freighters to trade (the Gamescom demo actually has you escort a couple of them for a short bit.. You should get one relatively early - can't say for sure because the early stages of the plot are not set in stone yet.
[–]RustInPieces[!] 2 points 12 hours ago

Will there be a benchmark or Demo? It would be very useful to see if our systems could run it. You already have the Gamescom demo, you could easily use that. A free demo could improve sales.

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 11 hours ago

Maybe later. Not before release. I know this defies your purpose but unfortunately we dont have the manpower to do "nice" things like that before release.
[–]X_Central 2 points 12 hours ago

can we fly drones throw a highway/jumpgate to another sector?

[–]DocAce 4 points 12 hours ago

Leaving the Skunk behind? No.
[–]Kahitar 1 point 12 hours ago

Are the graphics shwon in the videos and trailers the actuall ingame graphics? Because it's so much different to the previous X-Games. They were more... photorealistic while this looks so... unreal. I mean... it doesn't look bad but just not photorealistic^

[–]Arsaneus 4 points 12 hours ago

All trailers show ingame graphics. It is a completely new engine and we tried to make it as immersive as possible. Previous X games were...dark and empty. I do have to mention that the graphics of X Rebirth do look more appealing in real compared to compressed video material. The feedback I got at Gamescom from people that tried the demo was very positive and everyone liked the graphics. I understand your point but I'm sure you won't be disappointed once you have a chance to see it in without any compression.

[–]Ska-Ar 1 point 12 hours ago

Simply Question... Are Khaak still alive in Rebirth?^

[–]Arsaneus 3 points 12 hours ago

Only a dead bug is a good bug.

[–]EGO_CBJ 3 points 12 hours ago

Simple answer: no.
[–]Demongornot 2 points 12 hours ago

I'm sure the future plan is, for the next game to bring back multiple ship available for player, but do capital ship will still be able to be controlled ? Cause at this point you think it is boring, but a lot of player, including myself really like to controlling huge and slow ship ! By the way i'm perfectly ok with the single player ship concept for X Rebirth !

[–]zav42[S] 5 points 11 hours ago

I do not see us putting the player back into the cockpit of a huge slow capital ship and force him to push the steering stick / hold the mouse / tilt the joystick for minutes on end just to look what is behind him.

If you now say: But wait I can do that from my external camera! No! Whats the difference then to what you can already do in X Rebirth? Add the ship to your squad, keep it in close vincinity if you like and command it with the help of the Skunks HUD?

Yes I know it is cool to be on a large bridge. Maybe we will have them eventually as indoor locations at a later point in time. But no way will you control such a ship with your standard controls.
[–]Gyossaits 1 point 12 hours ago

Any chance Egosoft or another team port the game to PS4?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 11 hours ago

I dont know. As I said before our current goal the release of the PC game in November and then a lot of updates and expansions after that. A port to a console like the PS4 or XBox One is now at least in the realm of the possible, but if it will ever happen I dont know.
[–]deimosmuc 5 points 12 hours ago

Will there be a playable demo around the release date, to get a better feeling, if the game is something for me or not?

[–]zav42[S] 5 points 11 hours ago

We are thinking of MAYBE giving out the little fight demo that you can see my playing HERE. But as always this only shows a super tiny fraction of the game and leaves people with a wrong impression what X Rebirth is all about. So I doubt we will do this.
[–]CutterJohn 1 point 12 hours ago*

First I just want to say how absolutely stunning this game looks. Amazing job!

Its been said that everything is built by the economy. Does that include all ships? If I destroy an NPC ship, is a replacement for that ship produced by a factory? Is it 'poofed' in? A mix of both?

What tools are there to control your fleet? Are there anything like RTS controls we can utilize from the map, even just simple ones?

One of your decisions I disagree with the most, perhaps even the only important thing I disagree with, is the single player ship. I feel it goes completely against the idea of a sandbox to have a magical force field preventing me from getting into another ship, but I digress. My question: Have you left any framework in place to allow players to mod in additional ships? How difficult would it be for players to flag some NPC ship to be player flyable? Do you have any plans to add player ships in DLC?

Thank you very much for the AMA, and thanks to your entire team for the game!

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 11 hours ago

Have you left any framework in place to allow players to mod in additional ships? How difficult would it be for players to flag some NPC ship to be player flyable? Do you have any plans to add player ships in DLC?

Of course we dont stop modders from anything actively. The point most people dont get however is that you can control other ships and that goes beyond just telling them to follow you. USING your capital ships does not require you to sit in their cockpit. Also see other post about this in this thread.
[–]zav42[S] 3 points 11 hours ago

Its been said that everything is built by the economy. Does that include all ships? If I destroy an NPC ship, is a replacement for that ship produced by a factory? Is it 'poofed' in? A mix of both?

It is at least our goal to produce everything from the economy. Balancing this however is a ... err... terrible hard job. So I better dont make too big a promise here.
What tools are there to control your fleet? Are there anything like RTS controls we can utilize from the map, even just simple ones?

I have posted about this at least twice in this thread. In short: Maybe later.
[–]Reliant 17 points 14 hours ago

I've been a fan of the X series from the first one. The biggest issue I had with the series was how cumbersome it was to buy and place a station, particularly in a good spot with the entrance facing a convenient direction. That complication was usually was stopped me from going very far in setting up a network. Usually I'd only make a solar plant and one or two factories with some ore mines just to get some cash flow happening. I was among the players who never got to make enough money to try flying a capital ship.

My question is, what, if anything, has been done to ease the process of creating and placing a station? I remember reading from the earliest of docs that we would be able to expand stations and add modules, but what about that initial setup?

[–]zav42[S] 19 points 13 hours ago

You get station "blue prints" which are pre designed but allow different paths and alternatives. Almost all stations are what you would have called a Complex in the X3 games, a combination of many factories which supply one another with their products. You have an architect who looks at the blue print and asks you what to do, so the decissions (even though they sometimes require menus. are always supported through talking to this person. Also you can not simply build at ANY location. There are "build spots" which you can start to build at. Thats not really a big limitation as we supply enough of them everywhere, but they allow us to help you place them "meaningfully".
[–]LostCanuck89 17 points 14 hours ago

First, I just want to say: thank you to EgoSoft for a Linux launch! I think my main question is in regards to user content. The other X games have had quite a modding community, and is the new engine similarly open to user-generated content?
[–]zav42[S] 16 points 13 hours ago

Yes absolutely. I think it is safe to say that the new engine is a lot more open and will at least after a few weeks be much better documented than anything in the past. We definitely intent to support modding.
[–]Russian_mobster 10 points 13 hours ago

In AP were war sectors, but there was no point of fighting there, because factions had unlimited amount of ships. As I read in x-rebirth building a capital ship requires some time and resources. So my question is – if we destroyed all capital ships of some corporation, will that corporation build new ships on their own ship yard or just get new ones from thin air like in previous games? And if ship is building in real time, can we find and destroy it?

[–]zav42[S] 13 points 13 hours ago

We definitely want ship production to be realistic. Yes the X3: Albion Prelude ships did not use actual resources from the economy, but I THINK that the ships in the war sectors around the earth gate were at least produced in shipyards and flew to these sectors. CBJ, can you confirm?

[–]EGO_CBJ 18 points 13 hours ago

They were produced in shipyards in X3AP, and I believe the rate was limited, but the production did not use actual resources from the economy to do so.
[–]rollhax 9 points 14 hours ago

I have a few questions!

Can you expand on the concept of "ship hierarchy," mentioned several times in this thread: (the growing fears thread.

On mining: can we mine derelict ships, or even ships we've disabled but not neccessarily destroyed? Or just some random NPC minding his own business, can I take a chunk out of his hull and use it for resources? :.

Will we have the ability to speed-up/skip all the "turning" animations when, e.g. pulling down VR goggles, or turning to the right for that information screen to come up? It looks really cool, but I can see it becoming tedious after the 500th time.

What is Egosoft's favorite office food for late-night coding sessions?

Can you give some examples of unexpected behavior you've encountered while developing XR's AI?

I'm planning a visit to Germany sometime soon'ish. Do you allow fans to come in and say hi? :.

Thanks so much for taking time to do this, even if you don't/can't answer my questions!

[–]zav42[S] 14 points 13 hours ago

On ship hierarchies: It is basically just a simple tree that develops automatically if you assign a boss to a pilot. Like when you tell a small ship to protect another small ship and that small ship is added to the fleet of a carrier. The idea here is that the player wouldnt have to worry about any ship that has a boss != from himself. Only the ships that are directly under your command are getting back to you and will tell you about everything they do
[–]Pakislav 1 point 11 hours ago

A lot of people probably won't understand !=...

[–]zav42[S] 9 points 11 hours ago

Well it is really intuitive and simple:

NPC Pilot: Hello boss I am the new pilot, what do you want me to do?

You: I want you to work for ... A station of mine

CoPilot opens your list of stations or a map and calls the manager of the station you select

Manager: Yes boss?

You: I am sending you this ship to work in your... freight fleet

NPC: Aye sir.

Manager: Welcome in our fleet.

OK this is not actual text from the game but you get the point ;-
[–]Schtiebuu 8 points 14 hours ago

will rebirth be compatible with n'vidia 3D Vision? | Wird Rebirth mit 3D Vision von nvidia spielbar sein?

[–]Hobbitron 6 points 13 hours ago

What about oculus rift? Will the TrackIR support be improved? Better support for multiple joysticks for HOTAS + pedals?

[–]zav42[S] 7 points 12 hours ago

Not all of this will be possible at release. We have a very long wishlist of features to be added after the release and some of these things will be on that list. I answered about the Rift already below in another post (YES sure after release.. Track IR maybe. Joystick support is of course a must for release but may also be extended with special features after release.
[–]Schtiebuu 1 point 12 hours ago

and what is with the 3D vision with shutter glasses?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 11 hours ago

Unfortunately our 3D shutter glass expert (Markus. is not in this chat and probably asleep already. I think he did get it to run and the problems were manageable. So good chance but no guarantee.
[–]Westbeam 9 points 14 hours ago

Are there aliens on the space stations? Can you talk to them like to the argon people seen in the videos?

[–]zav42[S] 11 points 14 hours ago

I do not want to give away exactly which races you will see in X Rebirth at release but yes there are some. BUT the new universe does not have as many different races as the old one. What we do is to show only a few solar systems but in a MUCH bigger resolution. What used to be just a sector with four gates is now an entire system with thousands of kilometers and many zones to explore and work in. This is also the reason why we had to limit the game to show only a smaller area.
[–]ea6b607 7 points 14 hours ago

Will there be any support for multiple monitors (where second monitors can be used for other views or controls, etc.?

[–]zav42[S] 13 points 13 hours ago

Not at release without external tools, but we do support many different resolutions and it may work through such tools. Anyway... it is not a priority before the release of the game but may well end up high on the list of features to work on for an update / patch once the game is out.
[–]GTAVC16 7 points 14 hours ago

Will there be empty spaceships, such as Trading ships, placed in space, ready to collect?

If yes, where is the first one?

[–]zav42[S] 11 points 14 hours ago

hehe... I am pretty sure we will do this (again. but even if I knew I wouldnt tell you where to find them. Of course the more "normal" way is to capture ships in fights. So you MAKE them become empty ;-.
[–]billwoo 7 points 13 hours ago

First, I am pleased you rebuilt X from ground up, it shows great commitment to the IP and the genre, and I am looking forward to the new release (my X3:AP is running in the background as I write this btw!. . But I have to ask, why did you go down the route of one ship for the player to directly control? It seems a large departure previous versions, and doesn't seem to provide any more options to the player (other than the nice interior views which would be much work to do for all ships., only less...

Part 2 if you have time, do you foresee the modding tools being able to circumvent this limitation in any way?

[–]zav42[S] 8 points 12 hours ago

The reason was that we wanted to focus on those things that are most fun and help us design a better overall gameplay. I have explained in another post in this thread how you can control ships in your squad.

Yes I think MODs could extend this area and maybe eventually we may do this ourselves as well if demand is really so extreme. But first I want people to try out the game and THEN tell us what they miss :.
[–]Juggernaut93 6 points 13 hours ago

Will there be a Jumpdrive system? If yes, how will it work if gates are disabled?

[–]zav42[S] 13 points 13 hours ago

Jumpdrives are only available for capital ships and only work inside solar systems (which is still a huge distance.. However, the player can currently land on a capital ship and jump with it.
[–]Juggernaut93 6 points 13 hours ago

Hi Bernd, thanks in advance for answering my questions: -Will the station interiors be different according to the station and the race type? - I watched the videos posted and I noticed that in the main cockpit of the Albion Skunk only one type of laser is shown at same time. Does it mean that we can only mount one type of weapon for each turret?

[–]DocAce 8 points 13 hours ago

There will be variations of each type of interior, yes. I don't want to talk too much detail - spoilers, you know :-. Regarding the weapons: you can have several weapons installed, but only one shoots at a time. In previous games weapons were often rather similar, especially when it comes to range and projectile speed, so shooting several different ones at the same time worked. In Rebirth they are very varied to serve different tactical purposes, so we encourage the player to choose the right weapon for the right situation.

[–]zav42[S] 7 points 13 hours ago

The playership does only have front mounted weapons. Additional protection comes through your drones which you can simply start like wingmen OR control manually. Then there are of course also other ships with LOTS of turrets that you can have in your fleet and which can be around you if you like.
[–]BlackRainZ 6 points 14 hours ago

Another question. Will there be empire/command/strategic elements to the game? What I mean is, will you be able to take over areas of space (or possibly even the whole game universe. and eliminate factions/governments in some way?

[–]zav42[S] 14 points 13 hours ago

You can still eliminate almost anybody and we sure dont stop you from eliminating an entire faction. However the game will not have a special UI to support strategic war planning at release. But this is high up on my personal wishlist for things to add in an update. This could maybe also include owning zones and many interesting consequences from that. But again: We are working on this beast for 7 years and cant add EVERYTHING for a 1.0 release or we will be working for several more decades ;-.
[–]pinguz 4 points 13 hours ago

Will the Argon girl by the name of Suzie make a cameo appearance in the game?

[–]zav42[S] 9 points 12 hours ago

Shes already on the soundtrack. So yes :.
[–]RustInPieces[!] 2 points 13 hours ago

Yes. Search youtube for the x rebirth soundtrack.

[–]zav42[S] 8 points 10 hours ago

No, search iTunes for it. Alexei will thank you for it :.

[–]jaxxa 2 points 5 hours ago

Also thanks for it being available on Spotify.
[–]X_Central 5 points 13 hours ago

How does the modular construction of capital ships work? Are they weled wall by wall together like stations and need time to build? and has the player influence on the appearance, or just wehre Turrets are placed? Do shipyards still have infinite Ships in stock?


[–]zav42[S] 6 points 13 hours ago

Capital ships are built just like stations. It takes time and follows a blueprint. Unlike with stations, typically there are however not a lot of fundamental choices on a cap ship blueprint. The upgrades fall into two categories:Those build in large quantity (e.g: turrets, shield gens, missile launcher etc.. where you do not select each seperately but just decide about the amount. And those that are individual build steps.

[–]rollhax 2 points 12 hours ago

Does this mean that there are no pre-defined Capital ship "shells" (hulls.?

[–]zav42[S] 4 points 12 hours ago

The blueprint dictates what can be built and extended as a maximum, just like with stations. But the difference is that even a very large capital ship will not have many building decissions of core modules.
[–]Erforce 4 points 13 hours ago

Hardware question : Many guys start looking for a better hardware system to play XR. Considering we have little information about X:R multithreading calculations, can you tell us if it will be equally multithreaded or, like many others games, a big part of the code is run on a single thread, thus requiring a good GHZ CPU, like a i7 unlocked, in a heavy combat situation ?

[–]zav42[S] 9 points 13 hours ago

We have two major threads we call the render and the "move" thread which are the heart of the game and in addition many special task threads running in parallel. The result is that four cores are strongly advised even though the game may be able to run on a dualcore machine too.
[–]DocAce 8 points 13 hours ago

While it's not a single thread, lots of calculations - especially those potentially affecting framerate - are distributed over a few specialized threads (4 if I'm not mistaken, but please don't hold me to that., so while the game can theoretically use all cores a high frequency will also help a lot.
[–]zav42[S] 7 points 12 hours ago

I am pretty sure I can introduce another employee here... Please welcome Mr Physics himself ;-.
[–]Ska-Ar 5 points 14 hours ago

Hallo Bernd. youd said there will be Modding available soon after the release of Rebirth.

How did u and your company want to help us? Would it be like in the previus games that we get the tools and have much to find out by ourselves. or do you want to help us with comfortaable tools and a good dokumentary?

and how many of the game will be modable cuz the most and important parts was very hardcoded in x2upto x3ap so the limits was reached very fast

[–]zav42[S] 10 points 13 hours ago

The engine is a lot more open than the old one. So this should help modders tremendously. Until the 15th of november I doubt that we will find time to write a proper documentation, but yes we definitely plan to release better documentation and tools then in the past.
[–]Aberrati0n 6 points 14 hours ago

Hello Bernd,

So first of all, thank you for taking your precious time to answer to your fans. I have a few questions that torment my mind:

-Can you tell us the approximate number of sectors (by sectors I'm obviously talking about solar systems. compared to X3: Albion prelude? I doubt they will be fewer in x rebirth and you can not reveal too much, but more precise information about it would be welcome.

-I wonder if the AI will be able to build complex by himself throughout our adventure, so that it fits to the fluctuations of universal economy?

-are there still unknown areas and pirate systems?

-can you tell us more about piracy? Can we finally live a real pirate's life, captured ships and sell them in a pirate base for example? I really hope you've improved this, because in the old X games, piracy was not sufficiently developed to be able to play as pirate.

-can you tell us about the boarding system, are there any change?

Anyway, thank you for all your awesome work.I love you guys.


[–]zav42[S] 12 points 13 hours ago

Solar systems: Few. But huge. A lot fewer than in the older X games, but they can not be compared to any old game. What used to be a sector is now more of what we call a "zone". So logically you have to compare the number of zones with the number of sectors in the old game. If you do that you get in a similar ballpark.

Yes the AI builds complexes. See my answer about blueprints in this thread.

[–]Aberrati0n 3 points 13 hours ago

Already read :.

Thanks for your answers. So what about piracy and boarding? :D

[–]zav42[S] 14 points 13 hours ago

Boarding is of course supported. In fact you now hire a boarding crew commander personally on a platform and make sure he gets better (more experienced. and survives his action. They use pods like in the past and you have to disable engines and jump drives to allow them to board in the first place. More about that maybe in a video before release.

[–]damjancd 8 points 13 hours ago*

My eyes are bleeding with tears over hearing about experience levels on commanders.

And my micromanaging glands are completely thrilled.

[–]Merroc 4 points 13 hours ago

Will there be any X-con style meetings at any point in the near future (I know there was one a couple years back at ES HQ and even further back in England.. And will they be in English... :P
Also, why was the presentation during Gamescom in German..? ;.

[–]zav42[S] 6 points 12 hours ago

Hi Merroc, nice to see you again :. I`d love to see that happen again and it would be all fine to do it at our offices although I (hope?. our office would be too small this time. I will definitely raise that as a suggestion to our publisher as a PR thing near the release of the game.

Sorry for gamescom, but I think the majority were german visitors.
[–]jabza_ 3 points 13 hours ago

Any plans to support Oculus Rift? Looking around space from inside the cockpit would up the immersion massively.

[–]zav42[S] 4 points 12 hours ago

Yes definitely. We have a prototype Rift here and love it. However not for 1.0. How soon after that depends on your feedback once the game is release. You guys define the priorities.
[–]Mein_Tarnaccount 1 point 12 hours ago

I would like to throw in my vote for a Mac version then.

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 10 hours ago

MAC and Linux will be worked on for sure and X3TC and X3AP will come out for MAC as our native (new. port in just a few days on Steam as well.

[–]Sathynos 1 point 10 hours ago

I'd say it is a no 1 priority, since you already have walking outside the ship. If Oculus Rift doesn't get early adopters then it will die like all VR helmets of 90's. XR is the perfect chance for OR and super-immersive game.

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 10 hours ago

It is funny, but one of the first things we did with the oldest incarnations of what later turned into X Beyond the Frontier was a VR helmet version runnin on an Amiga. This was for the Virtual iO iGlasses. Needless to say that the Rift is a whole lot better, but after almost 20 years thats about what you expect :.

[–]Erforce 3 points 13 hours ago

2nd : Is there a specific reason why Egosoft decided to make a First Player view/ Hangars ? or is this a feature "in case of" for futures additions like armed squadron, planet landing ? //// Does NPC have an AI ? (do not stand still.

[–]zav42[S] 5 points 13 hours ago

Many reasons why it is cool and makes sense now already: Hiring crew, mission NPCs, merchants etc. But yes it also opens more possibilities for the future.
[–]X_Central 4 points 14 hours ago

Is the "pathing" used by the a.i. during combat as well, or just during "navigation"?

[–]DocAce 7 points 13 hours ago

The system used can actually be different while fighting than otherwise - regular-sized ships switch from precalculated paths to a per-frame steering model that can react very quickly to changing situations and perform various maneuvers. Even in this model the ship can make use of path finding around stations, so that they don't get stuck trying to fly through a wall.

[–]minusthedrifter 3 points 12 hours ago

Speaking of flying into walls, in previous X games, if I found myself in a tight spot and I was near a station I found tucking myself into, around and behind station structures would often cause the AI to crash into the station itself while it tried to figure out how to get me.

Will the AI now be able to properly hunt down my cowering self?

[–]DocAce 10 points 11 hours ago

Anecdote: as I was testing just this, I hid myself in a tube-like structure in a station that just about fit my ship, with a half dozen enemy fighters trying to attack me. I was sitting very still, looking out the far end of the tube. After a short time I saw them passing back and forth and immediately felt like a diver in a shark cage! It didn't take them very long to find their way inside - the first one actually came in behind me, fired a missile and made me jump half out of my chair.

[–]zav42[S] 8 points 11 hours ago

Note that this guys job is to program that part of the AI (pathing. ;-.
[–]zav42[S] 7 points 13 hours ago

There is not just "one" pathing. There are different approaches which look ahead in time for different amounts of time. Anything could be used in combat but typically the agents can not look ahead in time as much as a ship in a less dynamic environment.
[–]Aesran 5 points 14 hours ago

From french community : - How much module ? ( Module available for install on capital ship. - What the different type of capital ship ? ( Have fregate, destroyer .. or not ? .

[–]zav42[S] 7 points 13 hours ago

The ships vary more in purpose. There are for example special collector ships, specialized trader ships versus more hybrid trader ships. Carriers etc. I do not know the current highest number of possible surface elements on any capital ship but I believe it must be above 100
[–]k23j4k2j3g4hj2 4 points 13 hours ago

How does trading work? Theres been a lot of talk about no 'direct trading' I like to trade in space games, I liked the humble merchant start in X3. flying my TS around eking out a profit. Can I still do that with the exception that I wont be personally flying the transport? For instance if I see a load of some commodity going cheap can I just buy it and find a place to sell it later?

[–]EGO_CBJ 4 points 13 hours ago

The difference is essentially where you sit, not what you can do. If you have a suitable cargo ship with you then you can buy things, have them loaded into that ship, send that ship to a new location (either with or without you. and then sell them again at that new location.
[–]jamesw40k 3 points 13 hours ago

Hello, I've loved your games ever since I was young and had no clue what was going on apart from flying around, shooting some guys then getting vaporized by the police force.

My question is about the ships, you've said that you'll only be able to fly one main ship but is it possible to build up massive fleets and command them from your main one? Or can you only control the one ship and its drones?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 13 hours ago

You own and control them all. But other ships are not controlled from a cockpit. You order them around. This does not always mean talking because we also have special HUD features (modes. which directly connect with those ships in your squad that can do special tasks (like collecting large freight in space when stealing from a station..

Drones can be controlled in 1st person but you are not there yourself and therefore dont die when they explode
[–]Mariux446 3 points 14 hours ago

Will we be able to controll other ships in a sequel or DLC of X-Rebirth? Or maybe only M6's? Also, did the ship classification system change?

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 13 hours ago

Yes the classification system did change. It is more designed to point out the purpose of a ship.

As for expansions and sequels please check the other postings I made in this thread on this topic.
[–]RC-1262 4 points 14 hours ago

Do I can dock on my own capital ships and is there also an interior which can be visited?

[–]zav42[S] 4 points 13 hours ago

You can dock on your own ships and sometimes the locations that you can then walk around on or in maybe actually inside the ship. More importantly however you can also fly into a ship to destroy turrets in the inside for example (see new video from today although this is a pretty small captial ship.
[–]BlackRainZ 4 points 14 hours ago

As a player, I am curious how the player will interact with their own stations. What I mean is this, will you be able to build space cities of your own? Since the focus is on space cities, I am curious also how this ties into the empire building elements. Will you be able to build such large space cities in areas of space controlled by the player and have all your ships and fleets doing whatever it is they do there? Etc.

[–]zav42[S] 4 points 13 hours ago

Yes you can build large space cities yourself. There is also another post here in which I explain the nature of blue prints and that every station is a complex. Owning a zone is not implemented yet but on our list of features to be put up for voting after the release.
[–]Demongornot 4 points 14 hours ago

How is the scale ? you say is the scale for a solar system, but do it really mean that planet is thousand of Km large and distance between Earth and Moon in the game is really 300 000 Km ? Same for distance between sun and Earth, planets between them and finally solar system distance that are something like several Year light, impossible to do without highway and super highway cause it is really big like real ? Or this is just huge but not that huge as real one ? and if it is this, a little information about distance between 2 planet in Km ?

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 13 hours ago

We do not try to be overly realistic, but we want to create a believable scenario. That means a system (the area connected with jump gates. has multiple planets and moons and you can travel very significant distances between and around them using the so called "super highways" which connect what we now call sectors. But then start the really interesting part because even these sectors are huge and can only be bridged using the local highways effectively. Local highways (those usually green in videos. can be left at any point. So you can explore much much more than before.
[–]Rockconan 3 points 14 hours ago

Hello Bernd (Conan1.. In Terran Conflict in combat and near large stations it could become very difficult to navigate and the framerate hit rock bottom (even with pretty decent system specs. - meaning it was impossible at times to shot and hit anything. Question: Will it (in Rebirth. be possible to engage in combat near stations against a horde of enemies without suffering from a low frame rate?
[–]zav42[S] 4 points 13 hours ago

That is definitely our goal. We are still fighting with performance until the day of release and probably also beyond it, but the bottlenecks are in totally different places than in X3 games. Just having a lot (and I mean REALLY a lot. of ships near a station is not going to do much to it. But yes every new game we do is cutting edge when it comes out and therefore performance optimization is crucial
[–]koriote 4 points 14 hours ago

Hi bernd, there is a question from the spanish forum.

Now with Rebirth near to be released, what can we spect now from egosoft? any idea for the next game ? or any plan of what will you do?


[–]zav42[S] 6 points 14 hours ago

As I said many times, we are booked on the X series and our plans are to listen to the feedback on X Rebirth once it is out. We will then work on updates, patches and probably an expansion (the difference here is that the former is free and the later costs money ;-.
[–]BlackRainZ 4 points 14 hours ago

I have a few questions but I will start with this. Are you able to use the COMM system (or whatever it is called that you use to command your captains. while docked on a station or Capital ship? So essentially, can you be docked on one of your Capital ships and use the COMM system to command that ship to do things?

[–]zav42[S] 6 points 14 hours ago

Phew that is a very specific scenario. Most conversations can actually be opened anytime including while you are docked. But this is not the scenario I consider typical. Most of the time you are in your ship in space and send commands from there (or receive calls from pilots or managers and react to them..
[–]gordogomez 2 points 14 hours ago

So...even though it is not typical... can we do it?
[–]zav42[S] 8 points 13 hours ago

The honest answer is: I think so, but I have to try it out first.
[–]CkEvan 3 points 14 hours ago

How extensive would the interaction with the NPCs on the space station be? Will they give out missions, sell goods, etc?

[–]zav42[S] 6 points 14 hours ago

Yes they can be involved in missions in various ways and yes they also sell goods. In fact what they sell we call items as opposed to the large quantity trading that requires larger ships and happens asynchronously (you send ships.. Also you hire people there (with different skill levels. and you upgrade your ship.
[–]darshuomega 2 points 13 hours ago

I really loved the station building economic aspects of the previous games. But after awhile as things grew, I always tired of the perspective from the cockpit. The game grows in scale as you build space stations, but your options for control do not.

Are there any plans to allow players to control their stations and fleets from a view other than what was available in the previous titles? Perhaps a simplified sector view to better control station buliding and economics, not tied to your avatar in the game. I'd love to be able to play your games from space pilot and then make the transition into more of a galactic sim. Or perhaps I should just wish for yall to make a galactic sim instead?
[–]zav42[S] 3 points 12 hours ago

There is a map system which can show you a systematic overview of a station by modules. We are not showing this map system yet because we are not yet happy with its look and feel and want to improve it before release, but this functionality is already there and essential when you investigate build plans for a station and make decisions with your architect. The feature which will not be in the game at release however is a more strategic gameplay that such maps could make possible in the future. I talked about that in another posting here.
[–]lab_rabbit 2 points 13 hours ago


Thanks for your time today. I recently discovered X3:AP and realized it's the game I've always wanted- I love you guys for it!

I have heard that ships won't have SETA in X:R. Do you compensate in other ways (such as increasing ship speed. for this? Is the player more preoccupied in-between destinations such that the lack of SETA doesn't matter as much?

Secondly, can we expect more voice acting and limited use cut scenes in X:R? (cut scenes that are only used a few times for major events.

Third, are ship upgrades similar to x3:ap? One wish I had for X3:AP was to make each ship modular and custom- i.e. swap engines, compartments, etc.

Fourth: We love massive complexes/stations and they look amazing in X:R. Can we expect performance improvements over x3:ap when building massive complexes?

Fifth- I can't believe you made it to question 5. This is more of a suggestion: I think you need beta testers and I know a certain someone that would be a great candidate. (hint: it's me!. Let me know how I can help!


[–]zav42[S] 5 points 12 hours ago

Secondly, can we expect more voice acting and limited use cut scenes in X:R? (cut scenes that are only used a few times for major events.

Yes of course we want to present the plot better than ever before. But at the bottom of my heart I am a fan of generic systems that will allow us to create more content for the future. And especially with cutscenes that means we have made a script based cutscene language which makes it very easy to create custom cutscenes for missions. So even modders can add cutscenes to missions easily.
[–]zav42[S] 5 points 12 hours ago

I have heard that ships won't have SETA in X:R. Do you compensate in other ways (such as increasing ship speed. for this? Is the player more preoccupied in-between destinations such that the lack of SETA doesn't matter as much?

THIS. Yes. That is the whole idea of highways. If you like to travel fast, you will and it will occupy you and be fun but you can leave the local highways anytime and explore at your hearts desire.

[–]zav42[S] 5 points 12 hours ago

Oh and I forgot to mention: SETA was always ugly. It was necessary and the best we could do at the time, but it was our goal to design a game that does not require this hack.
[–]zav42[S] 3 points 12 hours ago

Third, are ship upgrades similar to x3:ap? One wish I had for X3:AP was to make each ship modular and custom- i.e. swap engines, compartments, etc. Fourth: We love massive complexes/stations and they look amazing in X:R. Can we expect performance improvements over x3:ap when building massive complexes?

In both these regards it is not possible to compare the two games. The complexes in X3 were just collections of loose stations while in X Rebirth you have the blueprint based complexes. Of course we improved the game to allow these complexes at decent framerates because they are now the rule and not the exception.

Ship upgrades I explain in another post in here.
[–]zav42[S] 3 points 12 hours ago

Fifth- I can't believe you made it to question 5. This is more of a suggestion: I think you need beta testers and I know a certain someone that would be a great candidate. (hint: it's me!. Let me know how I can help!

If you are REALLY dedicated and have a LOT of time, subscribe to the egosoft devnet, fill out the NDA there and contact us. But we only admit in people who dedicate serious time and not just sign up to play the game.
[–]BlackRainZ 2 points 13 hours ago

When you say you can "eliminate" a faction, do you mean you can completely erase them from the game? No more ships/stations getting spawned? Or will those factions/governments still produce ships and stations from nothing?

[–]zav42[S] 4 points 12 hours ago

Thats the plan. I cant say that I have personally tested it yet, and cant even promise that it is feasible in any earthly amount of time, but we should support it.
[–]nonnex 3 points 14 hours ago*

you were speaking of item trading beside the large scale trading. Does that mean that we have more (respective. items to sell. More variants or even rare items that can drop ect..?

[–]zav42[S] 7 points 14 hours ago

Yes. There is a large variety of items. Soma illegal, some require a license to carry some with interesting missions behind them. Items can be collected in various ways but all are pretty obvious: Fly over a crate in space, open a box on a platform, get them from a trade on a station etc.
[–]Merroc 2 points 13 hours ago

Two more questions: - When will there be more information about the English Collectors Edition - Looking to the future, what are the plans? How did you like the path Egosoft took with "community" made plots and patches? Is growth (both as a company and gametype/market wise. on the table? Would be interesting to see what ES can do, thats not specifically a space-sim.
[–]zav42[S] 4 points 12 hours ago

I already wrote a bit about our plans in a different post. But more specifically: We (of course. love the cooperation wit community people on bringing updates and joining their best content with our updates. The last X3: Albion Prelude update was a great example. A very dedicated team of people worked on this and made something that would definitely never have been possible otherwise (because the egosoft core team was 99% invested in X Rebirth..

If the modding content for Rebirth reaches that level in the future we would be stupid not to work together with people again.

Growth of a company is (for me. not a goal in itself, or otherwise we would probably have made different games. If X Rebirth is very successful (and it currently looks very promising for that., then of course we will do everything to make that franchise grow. As I have said in other postings here we have an almost endless list of things we want to do with this great game in the future. Some will be free updates some will be paid expansions, some even completely new games. But what matters is that we are dedicated to this series and these type of games. No intention to divert away from it as long as it can sustain our company. So sorry... no big chance of a egosoft football game but likely more diverse X stuff :.
[–]Zackaryel 4 points 14 hours ago

You claim everything in the game is produced from mining, but what happens if you mine enough to make asteroids disappear ?

Is there a way for the game to spawn other asteroids to keep the production levels up ?

[–]zav42[S] 6 points 13 hours ago

Yes. New asteroids form naturally.

[–]zav42[S] 6 points 13 hours ago

With a certain rate of course. So this is not endless!
[–]DocAce 5 points 13 hours ago

Most mineral fields (including asteroids. replenish somewhat over time.

[–]rollhax 3 points 12 hours ago

Will there ever be a point where we are forced to quit a game due to lack of available resources?

[–]DocAce 5 points 12 hours ago

[–]Doctor_cheetos 3 points 14 hours ago

There is probably a clear answer to the question I am about to ask, but I am going to put it out anywhere. A while back Egosoft had plans for creating an MMO game based around X-Universe; was that idea scrapped or is it something still on your minds?

EDIT P.S. I am looking forward to X-Rebirth.

[–]zav42[S] 6 points 14 hours ago

The website still exists but wasnt updated for ages. Actually a lot of the ideas from the tech development of that MMO have made their way into X Rebirth, but I am still sorry to say that we do not currently have any plans to start development of a proper MMO simply because we dont have the team size and time for it.
[–]Xorvic 1 point 14 hours ago

Is X-Rebirth only going to work on 64BIT Windows 7/8?

[–]zav42[S] 4 points 13 hours ago

It can theoretically run on 32bit systems but we dont test it and so it is not officially supported. Minimum requirement 64bit simply because we need 3 or 4 GB of memory. As for older OS I am not sure. We used to have some Windows XP machines at the office and they used to run the game fine. But again: We dont test on that anymore, so officially: No.
[–]EGO_CBJ 3 points 13 hours ago

Right now the game does require a 64-bit version of Windows to run, because 2GB of available system memory is not quite enough and that's all that 32-bit Windows allows per application (without some tweaking that we can't expect most people to do..
[–]Noxinecrotic 3 points 14 hours ago

Will there be a nosteam.exe on launch, if not, how long after launch will it take to develop one and release on the egosoft website?

[–]zav42[S] 7 points 14 hours ago

We aim to release a nosteam.exe at a later point just like we released the DRM free versions in the past. With the games of the past this was never longer than a year after release and I think this time it will be rather ealier not later. Note however that I do not consider Steam a DRM in any way. With the standard Steam restrictions (not using additional protection like some do. Steam allows you to install a game very conveniently on many machines.
[–]Erforce 1 point 13 hours ago

4th : are the freeroaming mission difficulty VS reward revamped? what is the degree of repetitiveness from these missions ? (still pick him, drop him, profits?. And by the way, hi ! and thank you for everything.

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 12 hours ago

Free roaming missions (I called them generic missions in another post here. are an essential part of the game. We hope to provide a very solid set of missions with the release. But this especially is something that we can extend very nicely with updates later.
[–]ThommoHawX 2 points 14 hours ago

Hi Bernd,

1. Space Suits > Is EVA enabled in Rebirth if not yet but at a later time?

2. 3rd person camera view of our ship / other ships / stations (like the F3 and numerical keypad function in X3 etc.... will Rebirth have this?

Thanks, and best wishes to you and your team.

[–]zav42[S] 3 points 12 hours ago

2. 3rd person camera view of our ship / other ships / stations (like the F3 and numerical keypad function in X3 etc.... will Rebirth have this?

Probably not at the start. You do have other perspectives through special units (like drones. but we do not currently have an external cam mode. Possible thing for after release if requested by enough people.
[–]Demongornot 0 points 14 hours ago

The game want to be more open and leave the niche, but do some possibility was lost ? mainly with NPC related command ? Like possibility to give complex order to a ship, like a path like we want, scan this area, always resupply a predefined station with another ? Order a fleet to follow us ?

[–]zav42[S] 2 points 10 hours ago

Yes you can give orders similar to your examples to ships. Which ones exactly will be in 1.0 can still change until release, but they are definitely not less complex than with previous games. The difference is only in how they are presented. You usually talk to a pilot and tell him what to do.
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Post by piotr11 » Tue, 3. Sep 13, 13:53

Szkoda że nie po polsku :D

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Sorry, ale wątpie że komukolwiek będzie się chciało to tłumaczyć.

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