duvida dica8

Moderator: Ketraar

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu, 10. Jul 08, 02:00

duvida dica8

Post by CBR1000RR » Mon, 18. Jan 10, 21:43

when I get to the individual sector in dica8 doing the scan the minor and there is no indication of q contain the data storage devise. Anybody know where the asteroid or has to do with the distance that makes the scan?

{1 Tema deve chegar - Ketraar}

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu, 10. Jul 08, 02:00

hint 8

Post by CBR1000RR » Tue, 19. Jan 10, 21:24

when I get to the individual sector in dica8 doing the scan the minor and there is no indication of q contain the data storage devise. Anybody know where the asteroid or has to do with the distance that makes the scan?

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