Stuck in a spacesuit in Leap of Faith

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Stuck in a spacesuit in Leap of Faith

Post by Slayrix » Sun, 30. Apr 23, 20:46

Due to unforseen circumstances my online save is pretty much screwed. I was doing the Northriver plotline in leap of faith where I was meeting with the twins. While I was meeting with them, Venture ships came in (why are venture ships in LEAP OF FAITH???) and destroyed my yasur. I had already left the astrid at this point in my spacesuit. I told myself oh well ill get another one and try to get myself out of this mess. I forgot that downloading a new one saves the game!!!! So now I am stuck in a spacesuit with no way to rescue myself before my 02 runs out. I had teleportation researched but only to level 1 and it will not let me jump next door to dead end where I had another ship try to get in range. I have tried researching level 2 but I can't complete the research before my 02 runs out. So is my save just dead at this point because I cant go back to a previous save now and I put alot of work into this one. Any Ideas??

(UPDATE) I fixed it myself by going through cloud saves and replacing the online save with the cloud save that was 2 hours prior. I will leave this here in case this happens to anyone else. I would like to note that having venture ships in a system that is technically impossible to reach for NPCs other than the twins is a little overkill.

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