Where in the save XML file is war relationship stored?

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Where in the save XML file is war relationship stored?

Post by HopelessArgonRefuge » Wed, 28. Jun 23, 23:48

I ask because it is not contained in the relationships or boosted relationships. I have TER and ARG at war with each other, but their relationship in the save XML file is only -3 or -0.1. There are a few pilots I see that have -1 boosted relationships on a decay timer, but I don't see where the war relationship is kept.


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Re: Where in the save XML file is war relationship stored?

Post by Dj_FRedy » Thu, 29. Jun 23, 03:01

Those values you see are the ones actually used for faction relations. What you see in the UI are those same values converted for better visualisation/understanding.
Some schematics taken from the file 'factions.xml':
Default Relation Ranges:
self: 1.0 to 1.0
ally: 0.5 to 1.0
member: 0.1 to 1.0
friend: 0.01 to 1.0
neutral: -0.01 to 0.01
enemy: -1.0 to -0.01
killmilitary: -1.0 to -0.1
kill: -1.0 to -0.32
nemesis: -1.0 to -1.0

UI value mapping (analogously for negative values):
1.0 = 30
0.32 = 25
0.1 = 20
0.032 = 15
0.01 = 10
0.0032 = 5
These values are fixed. Between them, logarithmic interpolation is used. Approximate formulas:
uivalue = 10 * log10(relation * 1000)
relation = 10^(uivalue / 10) / 1000
Between -0.0032 and +0.0032 (UI -5...+5) linear interpolation is used, and 0.00064 equates to one UI value step.
I use Lua as a converter for personal reference:

Code: Select all

function round(x, digits)
    local mult = 1
    if digits and digits > 0 then
        mult = 10^digits
    if x == nil then
        print("Invalid number provided to Helper.round().")
        print("x = " .. x .. ", mult = " .. mult)
        return math.floor(x * mult + 0.5) / mult

-- Approximate formulas to calculate relation/uirelation values:
local uivalue = 30
local relation = 10^(uivalue / 10) / 1000
print("relation: " .. round(math.abs(relation), 2)) -- necessary to change the rounding to 4, 3, 2 as appropriate to approximate

local relation = relation
local uivalue = 10 * math.log(relation * 1000, 10)
print("uivalue: " .. math.floor(uivalue))
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