[SCRIPTING HELP] "append_to_list" in iterations ?

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[SCRIPTING HELP] "append_to_list" in iterations ?

Post by PSCO1 » Sat, 4. Nov 23, 02:12

Im going to do my own script about hull repairs

But I don't know how to deal with arrays in iterations and try to add elements in an external array

Code: Select all

<do_all exact="$npcs.count" counter="$i">
	<set_value name="$npc" exact="$npcs.{$i}"/>
	<set_value name="$engValue" exact="$npc.skill.engineering"/>
	<set_value name="$morValue" exact="$npc.skill.morale"/>
	<set_value name="$workForce" exact="$workForce + $engValue + $morValue"/>


<set_value name="$workForceList" exact="[]"/>
<do_all exact="$npcs.count" counter="$i">
	<set_value name="$engValue" exact="$npc.skill.engineering"/>
	<set_value name="$morValue" exact="$npc.skill.morale"/>
	<append_to_list name="$workForceList" exact="$engValue"/>
	<append_to_list name="$workForceList" exact="$morValue"/>

<set_value name="$workForce" exact="$workForce / $npcs.count"/>
At this status, my script set my "$workForce" value to 15, (the count of my ship crew), thats not I want :(
This value must be 17.3333...
Is this the correct syntax to get NPC skills ?
And how to additionate all elements in "$workForceList" ?

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Re: [SCRIPTING HELP] "append_to_list" in iterations ?

Post by Dj_FRedy » Sat, 4. Nov 23, 19:11

Hello there
Some examples of how to get, store and retrieve values for your purpose.

Code: Select all

<set_value name="$Controllable" exact="player.ship"/>
<set_value name="$PeopleList" exact="$Controllable.people.list"/>
<set_value name="$workForce" exact="0"/>

<set_value name="$SkillTable" exact="table[]"/>
<do_all exact="$PeopleList.count" counter="$i">
    <set_value name="$npctemplate" exact="$PeopleList.{$i}"/>
    <set_value name="$engValue" exact="$Controllable.people.{$npctemplate}.skill.engineering"/>
    <set_value name="$workForce" exact="$workForce + $engValue"/>

    <set_value name="$SkillTable.{$i}" exact="table[ $npc = $npctemplate, $engValue = $engValue ]"/>

<do_all exact="$SkillTable.keys.count" counter="$i">
    <set_value name="$npc" exact="$SkillTable.{$i}.$npc"/>
    <set_value name="$engValue" exact="$SkillTable.{$i}.$engValue"/>
    <debug_text text="'npc: ' + $npc + ', engValue: ' + $engValue" chance="100"/>

<set_value name="$SkillList" exact="[]"/>
<do_for_each name="$npctemplate" in="$PeopleList">
    <set_value name="$engValue" exact="$Controllable.people.{$npctemplate}.skill.engineering"/>
    <set_value name="$workForce" exact="$workForce + $engValue"/>

    <append_to_list name="$SkillList" exact="table[ $npc = $npctemplate, $engValue = $engValue ]"/>

<do_for_each name="$element" in="$SkillList">
    <set_value name="$npc" exact="$element.$npc"/>
    <set_value name="$engValue" exact="$element.$engValue"/>
    <debug_text text="'npc: ' + $npc + ', engValue: ' + $engValue" chance="100"/>
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Re: [SCRIPTING HELP] "append_to_list" in iterations ?

Post by PSCO1 » Sat, 4. Nov 23, 20:18

Awesome ! Thanks :)

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