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Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sat, 4. Apr 20, 18:39
by Chirashi
Hi !

So I have been playing the Paranid Plot and really enjoying it this far. However I am stuck at the end of the plot: I entered the Maze in the Paranid Sanctuary and found my way to the cocoons.
Also shot both the interruptors to release the security on the power structures. Both turned red but only one of the securities appears to have been released (despite the fact that I got the two cinematics) but I am not sure this is an issue.

However I am stuck at the part of the mission where I need to choose. You have the choice between placing bombs on the power structures or just leaving. I actually want to blow up the station
but I just don't know how.

If I place bombs and detonate them while in the station I die. So I tried to place the bombs but not detonate them and go out of the station. Also didn't work. Whatever I do I always seem to end up
to the same dialogue where I actually don't blow up the station. I also tried placing the bombs and detonating while outside the station at different moments of the dialogues but without any success.

I have been spending the afternoon on this and can't actually find a solution? Is it intended by the plot that you actually can not choose?
Maybe I am just missing something very obvious.

Does anyone have a clue on how to blow up that station :D ?

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sat, 4. Apr 20, 21:00
by GArch
I did this earlier today, using space suit bombs, not emp(I was using emp bombs the first time.............) put one on each pillar, if it matters, I did the glassy area. You have no control, whats-her-face is supposed to trigger the explosions after you leave. Sounds like a bug, I'm in a similar situation down the quest line unfortunately. GL to you.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sat, 4. Apr 20, 21:04
by Chirashi
Thanks for the response!
So you don't need to trigger the bombs. Well I tried that but it didn't work.
I was using bombs on the glassy side but the quest just doesn't seem to trigger. Or maybe the bug is the protection of one of the power structures not opening?

Well anyway it's good to know that it's supposed to be possible and not just me not understanding the dialogues.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sun, 5. Apr 20, 00:35
by Gimbutz
If you provide a save game, we can check whether the mission is working as intended in your game.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sun, 5. Apr 20, 01:09
by Raevyan
Go back to the chamber where you destroyed the clamps. There are 2 buttons when you enter that room and turn around. You need to shoot them. This will open the weak spots marked and you can place the bombs. Don’t trigger them, just fly out.

If you teleport out, you need to enter the station again to trigger the mission to continue. I had the exact same problem. Once I shot the two triggers in the last chamber I was able to destroy that station. I got some help in German forum :)

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sun, 5. Apr 20, 09:18
by Chirashi

@Rene: I already checked those buttons and both are shot (red) but just one of the weak sports has been exposed. Actually went back once again today to check it and tried placing the bombs and just flying out but I always get the
dialogue where The station doesn't blow up :cry: .

@Gimbutz: Here is a savefile: ... sp=sharing

I don't use any mods and I checked the integrity of the game files multiple times already. I am playing on GOG, in case that changes anything.
At this stage I really hope it is a bug and I am not wasting everyone's time.

Thanks to everybody for the help :)

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sun, 5. Apr 20, 15:10
by Gimbutz
Chirashi, I managed to progress in your save by repairing the two panels in the cocoon room until they glowed green and then shooting them again. That's obviously just a workaround and we'll look into preventing this from happening in the first place.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sun, 5. Apr 20, 18:15
by Chirashi

Thank you very much. Couldn't try it yet as I couldn't play today but I will as soon as possible.
Sorry to have bottered you. Seeing the forums it doesn't seem to be a too frequent issue so there is that.

Congratulations on the new patch, it added a lot of interesting content :D. Looking forward to the next one.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sun, 5. Apr 20, 19:15
by Chirashi
Actually tested it and it worked perfectly ^^

Thanks again

Oh, and the explosion of the cathedral,... just beautiful.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Mon, 6. Apr 20, 06:31
by SpacePuppy
I thought I would continue in this thread instead of starting a new one.
I'm stuck as well trying to "navigate the maze".

Put the mist at the bottom of the following chamber, then...
I've entered the maze and flown to the first intersection with a big column.
There's an glowing energy star like thing to the right.
Straight across is a a locked door.
There is an entrance to the left that bottoms out to a 4 way intersection.
1. Two directions end in switches that I can't figure out how to activate. I tried repair laser, shootem up pew pew laser, emp bomb and space suit bomb. I was unable to change the red arrow to green.
2. Two directions look like locked doors that the switches are supposed to open.

Am I missing something? It seems like the repair laser should throw the switches similar to Data Vault or Wreck Space Hulks.

So shooting the switches doesn't change the arrows but it does open doors. I was shooting, then repairing ect.. didn't notice the doors opening.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Mon, 6. Apr 20, 11:20
by Chirashi

No you're doing it right. Red means you shot them which activates them which is what you want. When you activate/shoot the switches you'll gradually open up passages in the maze.
Just keep going and see what passages opened up around you and keep shooting the switches as you find them. Every time you shoot a switch you'll also get a few lines of the peace negotiations.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Tue, 7. Apr 20, 16:42
by SpacePuppy
Thank you. :) I was able to finish the plot (well... up to the end game part: deliver a massive fleet)

In the cocoon room, the switch-like-things that open the energy columns DO change color when shot.

But, each door-switch had a red arrow and a green arrow. With the green arrow indicating a closed door. After I shoot the switch, I do get more of the negotiation but nothing visibly changes on the door-switches at all. They look exactly the same, even though a door actually opens when one is shot.

1: Is that the correct behavior? No visible change what-so-ever when a door switch is shot even though it will open a door.

( I luv me some hyphens )


From the post below: big fleet is not the end.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Tue, 7. Apr 20, 17:46
by Cerbius Nirin
Hi Folks,

Just so you don't miss out, building the fleet is nowhere near the end of the paranid plot.

I'm also kind of stuck a few stages later but I'll wait a week or so til folks catch up a bit before asking my questions.

Enjoy ;)

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Wed, 8. Apr 20, 01:40
by Vega Knight
I'm having the same problem and im trying to side with Gride. When I plant both of the bombs and leave (they arent emp) she still gets pissed off. Did I miss something else? In the cacoon room i shot both of them to red and still nothing. Should I upload my save? ... 2ETaU-W3fO

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Wed, 8. Apr 20, 05:11
by Vega Knight
I fixed it by repairing the cocoon doors and disabling them again.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Thu, 9. Apr 20, 12:07
by bogate
I did it yesterday and i thing the problem lies in that the "cinematics", depicting the opening of the covers of the tubes on which you need to place the bombs, start as soon as any damage is done to their switch, while the cover only opens above a certain damage threshold

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Sat, 23. May 20, 10:24
by Galinet
There's a few things I would change to make this part easier to understand.

It is far from obvious that those switches need to be destroyed to unlock the doors; my instinct was to repair them. And since I could not interact with them (with the F key) I thought there was a switch elsewhere to unlock that control; it did not occur to me that I needed to destroy it until I searched the internet. It may be better if there was a "security plate" over a switch (metal over something) which could then be used (with the F key) to unlock the doors. Or maybe adding a symbol/image to show that the switch needs to be destroyed, something like the lockboxes.

The red and green colors were confusing for me. I assumed that green meant the door was unlocked and red that it was locked. But its the other way around. Maybe I see too many traffic lights where red means stop and green means go.

Navigating the maze is fine, but having different colors/textures in the sections would help get our bearings (know where we are). In my mind there are 3 sections. 1) Initial section with the first power tube and maze. 2) Second section for the second power tube. 3) Cocoon room.

Like many I too placed bombs on top of the glass covering and tried to blow them up, which resulted in my death or, when trying to move away, triggering the alternate branch of this scenario. Maybe adding a symbol showing that the glass needs to be removed. This symbol could also be placed on the locked doors, to indicate that a switch somewhere else needs to be activated/destroyed.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Wed, 10. Jun 20, 15:45
by RayF
as many people,
i am stacked at placing the charges...i am also confused when you say 'caccoon ' room..

Where are the buttons to open up the shields so i can place the charges?

I am in the room with the one pillar that i need to place the charges, but there is a glass there..Where are the buttons? I ve spend an hour looking for buttons in that room..

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Wed, 10. Jun 20, 16:39
by chip56
RayF wrote:
Wed, 10. Jun 20, 15:45
as many people,
i am stacked at placing the charges...i am also confused when you say 'caccoon ' room..

Where are the buttons to open up the shields so i can place the charges?

I am in the room with the one pillar that i need to place the charges, but there is a glass there..Where are the buttons? I ve spend an hour looking for buttons in that room..
The room is the one where you have the window through which you peeked into at your first visit. Its the room where you remove the docking clamps of the caccons.

Re: Paranid Plot - Stuck at the end

Posted: Wed, 10. Jun 20, 20:51
by RayF
after hours of trying and trying,
i finally made it.

One hint for anyone reading this : If you disable the shields and you save for some reason before completing the event, after reload, you need to go back and disable the shields again! it wont tell you any fail/success msg but you HAVE TO .

now, are they serious about that fleet!!? Who do they think I am? their mummy?! :evil: