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[#2290][7.0 Beta 3] Frozen / unresponsive ships (Save)

Posted: Fri, 26. Apr 24, 20:36
by Scoob

Please examine this vanilla saved game.

In it, you're in the player's personal office on the HQ, but that's not where the issue is.

Load the save and Pause, to give you time, open the map and go to Hatikvah's Choice I. I have a variety of ships here, as well as a Station under construction. Look for the Fleet "Destroyer Group 01" which is lead by a Barbarossa. Subordinate to this ship are four wings, Alpha and Beta in an Intercept role, plus Gamma and Delta in a Bombard role. On the map, just north of the Destroyer, are various ships from the two Intercept groups which are frozen and unresponsive.

Usually, as can be observed by letting the game run, Fighters are returning to the proximity of the Destroyer after a sortie. These stuck Fighters are not however. They were responding just fine, but stopped doing so. They neither return to the proximity of the Destroyer nor engage any new foes that appear. Not all of the ships in the two Intercept groups are effected, many are working just fine. More and more are not however.

I reloaded this save, and the issue continues for me - the ships aren't waking up as would often happen in such a scenario after a save / reload. So, hopefully this is a good example of the problem.

In summary, just load my save and let it play out. Soon after loading, more Xenon ships should appear and some of the Intercept ships will engage as they should, but some will not.

Note: Being present - i.e. teleporting to the sector - can sometimes wake these ships up. Also, giving them a move order then cancelling it can wake them up too. I have had some success forcing a "Recall Subordinates" order too from the lead Destroyer, but that did not work this time for me.

Hopefully the save gives you all you need.

Re: [7.0 Beta 3] Frozen / unresponsive ships (Save)

Posted: Fri, 26. Apr 24, 21:53
by Scoob

I want to share a possibly related issue that might be impacting what I'm seeing here. I've seen this a lot with my Carriers, in games prior to the v7.0 Beta.

Basically, if I have a ship with Subordinates, let's say in an Intercept role, they'll generally perform well. However, if, due to attrition, I reinforce a group, those new additions came become unresponsive. So, as an example, let's say my Carrier has an Alpha group set to Intercept and there are 12 Fighters assigned to this role. They will work as expected. However, over time let's say we're down to just 6 surviving Fighters, so we assign 6 NEW Fighters to the group. Those new Fighters will often NOT respond as the originals do. I.e. they will remain Docked, not launching with the originals when a threat is present.

The "fix" for this is really quite simple, after assigning new Fighters I'd simply toggle the Launched / Docked state for that group once. After doing that, the newly-assigned Fighters respond as they should.

With the issue posted above, being otherwise unable to wake up those stuck Fighters, I did exactly that. They started responding again. So, it seems that the stuck Fighters were reinforcements I'd added to replace the losses I'd suffered over time. However, in this case, they DID work for a bit before breaking down. Key point perhaps though is that these Fighters are subordinate to a DESTROYER, not a Carrier, so they're not docking when first assigned, nor docking between sorties - they're always launched.