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Looking for the perfect start

Posted: Mon, 30. Oct 23, 17:52
by Jimmy C
I decided to start a new game. This time, I wanted all the sectors I deemed most worth having. That being, in order, the one off the southern Unclaimed Sector, Unseen Domain beta, Consecrated Fire Beta, Family Rhonkar Beta, Quiet Tide Beta. Conditionally, Dark Water Beta and Shinning Currents Beta are also worthwhile, provided the nearby hostile sectors aren't present. But there's no way to check that at the start of the game.
I've been trying for days. New game, Teladi start. Immediate save. Activate console, use All-Seeing Eye to map the universe. Check which of the sectors I want are active (it would have a blueprint crate) Save the ones that have something, zip the initial save up, even if it's not perfect. Repeat.
Frustratingly, the closest I've gotten has every sector except Consecrated Fire Beta. And quite rich too. The thing is, without CF Beta, I might as well stick with my current game, which already has the two best sectors ahead of it.
I really, really, want a game with Consecrated Fire Beta, southern Unclaimed Sector beta and Unseen Domain beta in it and all three rich in resources. Most importantly, the Unclaimed Sector Beta must be rich. I could compromise on the rest, also use them to distract the other factions, but I want those three.

Anyone willing to help me generate gamestarts?

Edit: I decided I was satisfied with one that had sufficient resources in CF Beta, with rich resources in Preacher's Refuge Beta, Family Rhonkar Beta and Unclaimed Sector North Beta.