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Post by jaffas21 » Fri, 30. Dec 05, 21:52


I'm not a programmer, although I work in IT Support

But I am struck by the larger extent and variety of MODS being designed over at lancersreactor for freelancer.

Is there some reason there are not a lot more mods being produced for this program

Have the developers made it hard to do so ?
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Post by IKCBlade » Sat, 31. Dec 05, 02:41

Freelancer is large scale Multiplayer.

X2/X3 arent.

Why do people play Freelancer? dunno, guess some are just idiots and others have nothing better to do.

Freelancer is a horrid example of complete ignorance. Pathetic gameplay, graphics that the Commodore 64 made obsolete twenty years ago, and a piss poor storyline that makes 90% of flight/space sim players puke before the forst word is spoken. Even the Battlecruiser series of games are better then Freelancer.

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Post by Burianek » Sat, 31. Dec 05, 08:01

From the welcome message:
1. Absolutely no one is to use abuse of a personal nature against another forum member.

I happen to like Freelancer. I'm also not an idiot.

Expressing your opinion about the game is fine. Calling people idiots is not.
Enough said.
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Post by jaffas21 » Sat, 31. Dec 05, 21:12


Yes not much of an excuse for rudeness still ......... must be all the christmas drink making people grumpy

I personally just like games with some moddability and extendability to their basic design

I have just installed the Crossfire mod in Freelancer which features 40 new systems amongst other features .... and these can be single player without multiplayer and a whole new storyline

I have x2 and x3 and whilst they are more advanced .. the way freelancer is going its only a matter of time before it goes beyond X

I suppose you could say "Hardwar" is graphically lacking as well, but if some modders moved over to that community at " we dont link to sites that offer pirate software (abandoware argument is irrelevant) LV "which seems to be the main base of operations some major improvements could be made there as well ... i personally like all space trading games .. especially ones that allow me to have my own house for my ships .. so in a way hardwar was ahead of its time and perhaps inspired the X franchise

graphics or not

perhaps IKCBlade should have another look at freelancer as it stands today at lancers reactor and think again
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Post by Fraggar » Sat, 31. Dec 05, 22:24

Freelancer was good, I agree. I played online with the Excelsia and Asgard RP Communities and there is certainly alot to play about with.

But when I left, the feeling I had was Freelancer was getting near the end of its time. And to be honest, it was.
What more could you mod into it? I mean we had ships and systems aplenty, quality design and new commodities and a host of other things.

X2 beats Freelancer any day though. Better graphics isnt much, the bigger universe is, the abillity to own more than one ship. The working economy rules out the abillity to do the same boring trading runs again and again..when you got a decent frieght ship and knew how to avoid the danger, that was it. Easy money. The AI in Freelancer was just..sub par. Stick your thruster on, cut engine and turn round to face your opponants. They stop putting up any sort of chase and your away scot free.
Freelancer doesnt let you upgrade your ships in the same way, meaning if you wanted a ship that handles a certain way you have to buy it. No "getting the edge" by making it go faster or turn quicker.

I liked Freelancer, and Im sure you do too, but X2 at least takes the praise from me. If it was Multiplayer, Id be hooked like a hippy on weed. Each to their own.

PS: FL only has the rubbishy Nomads. X2 has killer Lawnmowers. I mean, cmon!

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Post by morts » Tue, 3. Jan 06, 18:49

Freelancer was fun...
I liked the simple controls - I think that hooked a lot of people onto the game. No joystick, no complicated keyboard commands, not many shortcuts and simple mouse flight.

The economy was a little washed-out and not particularly realistic, but still it was a fun game. The end fight was good fun too.

X2, of course, has the thing that Freelancer lacked - a working economy and the ability to own big mother****** battleships. I mean come on - taking on a battleship in your Anubis in FL was a *little* unrealistic... Admittedly you can take on an M2 in X2 if you know what you're doing.

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Post by Omnicron Lyrae » Thu, 5. Jan 06, 22:40

IKCBlade wrote: Even the Battlecruiser series of games are better then Freelancer.
I have Battlecruiser milennium, thnx for that......comment

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Post by Monty_Jack » Thu, 12. Jan 06, 12:33

I own Freelancer, and it doesn't even compare with X2.

The biggest trouble with Freelancer was that when you'd finished the missions, there was nothing in the game to keep you interested.
All you could do was fly around, and get better ships, nothing else.

The thing i like about X2 is that even if you've finished all the missions, there's still things to do, like run your own intersystem buisiness, or try to take over the galaxy.

Freelancer was ok, X2 ROCKS

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Nothing as yet.....Just Started X3 after losing my X2 Save Games.....

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Post by THE_BIG_FISH:Leo » Sat, 14. Jan 06, 07:18

i think that freelancer is much better than x2/3 mostly because it is so much bigger and the storyline is far better! :D

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Post by MOOG_CORP » Sat, 14. Jan 06, 12:58


I hate this sort of topic :(
X-series and Freelancer only overlap very slightly.
They have different goals and aims as games and I do not know how they can be accuratly compared because of this.
THE_BIG_FISH:Leo wrote:i think that freelancer is much better than x2/3 mostly because it is so much bigger and the storyline is far better! :D
Size... Freelancer bigger???? :?
Did I miss something?

Storyline... about the same but different in my opinion.

I am co-founder of a major freelancer clan, {nighthawks}, played it to death, explored everything and I am first to admit there is not a lot to keep a player active appart from the multiplayer and modding side.

X-series keeps me gripped as it never really ends and the 'build' side of the game allows an almost endless and unique post-plot experience.
But both are good games in their own right.

So why keep trying to compare the two games :?
FL = more arcade, kind of Trade & Fight
X = a true "Trade, Fight, Build and Think" game.
The last two elements missing from the (classic in my eyes) freelancer.

Thats my 2 Cr :)


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Post by Zombielordzero » Fri, 10. Feb 06, 01:03

the thing that bugged me about freelancer is that the under-construction zones (incomplete trade lanes, unfinished stations, etc...) never got completed, even if you made yourself a multi-trillionair running trade lane parts to those construction platforms. no stations can be rebuilt, a few can be destroyed (causes a crash in multiplayer if someone is docked at a station when it is destroyed).

even with all that, the one thing that is a problem (to me atleast) you cant fly the battleships. which btw was cut to ship the game out unfinished (flying a battleship umong other features were cut around the time the wing commander guy quit the game design team, probibly due to micro$oft pressure)

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Post by Dethloc » Sun, 29. Jan 12, 20:32

Hey All!

I know this post is old but I had to reply....

I totally agree with jaffas21. I've played Hardwar offline and online (I'm known as AI), while the graphics are a bit old the game play (especially online with human players is downright exhilarating. I've played this game for about ten years and it never gets old.

I play Battlecruiser millennium 3000 (the older offline version) it was a cool game and I really got into it.

Just got into Freelancer and it IS a great game! Simple yes! Intense YES!

Point is every space sim has it's good points and its bad points. The above three IMHO are among the best. So if you don't like a particular game u don't have to go around bashing people about it.

IKCBlade chill out...

And to Jaffas21 thanx to you and all the modders out there that make various communities better with their hard work and efforts, Kudos!


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Post by X2-Illuminatus » Sun, 29. Jan 12, 21:30

I know this post is old but I had to reply....
No, you hadn't. If you like to talk about the differences or similarities of Freenlancer and X, then create a topic in the Off topic forum. Given the facts that this topic is now 6 years old, most of the users, who posted in this topic, are not active in the forum anymore and the whole discussion was off topic anyway (this is the X2 Scripts and Modding forum), I'm closing this one.

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