Rogues Resurgence Chapter 15 Part 1

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Rogues Resurgence Chapter 15 Part 1

Post by SteveMill » Wed, 11. Dec 02, 17:54

Part 1 posted, more when time permits.


Chapter Fifteen: Black Hearts

Morn watched the Black Heart attack from her own, private Tactical Tank, deep within the bowels of the Teladi Gain Trading Station, tiny fighters flitting around her as she moved, a god-like colossus, through the holographic model of the sector.

Force was prepared, alerted by Daht to the imminent arrival of the Stoertebeker Transport Carrier, long before it came within detection range of his commercial Nav-Sat.

Conveying secret military data to potentially hostile aliens.

‘Who?’ Morn mused with a thin reptilian smile. ‘Would have imagined a respected Teladi war hero could countenance such a betrayal for blatantly sectarian ends?’ The ploy had cost her one of her most important agents, long burrowed deep under the skin of the General’s organisation, but it was worth it. Loose ends came so easily unravelled if not taken care of.

The strike went almost entirely as she anticipated. The Black Heart swept past the Force construction site, disgorging a stream of fighters as it pivoted for another pass. On cue the Force fleet lurking just beyond the Ceo’s Buckzoid jump-gate leapt through to join the handful of fighters guarding the almost operational Chip Fab. This too, Morn expected, already rehearsing her bitter regret at the ease with which unknown saboteurs had been able to disable her own communications, preventing her from issuing Law a warning.

The operational Laser Towers were something she had not anticipated, noting again Force’s remarkable ingenuity as they sliced through Law’s fighters and pounded on the shields of the Albatross as it laboured to escape. Force’s smaller, but efficiently organised defenders quickly obliged Law’s fighters to join their mothership in the head-long flight to the safety of his Station.

Force, his Mamba highlighted in case there was an unexpected bonus for her to savour, fought like a demon, destroying three fighters and harrying the fleeing attackers right up to and within the protective shelter of the Stoertebeker base LT screen, rolling from their slashing beams and sweeping pulse streams with preternatural reflexes before withdrawing.

Morn consulted her chronometer, the station comm. system would be back on-line shortly. She terminated the holo-display and returned to her offices to await Law’s call. He would be beyond anger, insane, even by his own standards. Morn was confident she would be unable to restrain his rage once he learned of Daht’s treachery.

‘Then, who knows what he might do?’ She thought with cold irony.

Max docked the Mamba in the main Raiders bay instead of his own in a calculated act of bonding. Only two Bayamons lost and both pilots recovered, it was high fives all round and a mass invasion of Corrin’s Casino where prodigious quantities of intoxicants were consumed and considerable chunks of combat bonuses flowed via the gambling tables back into Max’s coffers.

“Chug-a-lug, Max.” Corrin ordered, thrusting a huge, foaming stein into his hand. Max took a heroic draught, killing the glass in one as his pilots chanted and clapped.

“The ability to consume alcohol is not correlated with man-hood.” Xela whispered sardonically through the shades. Max ignored her and snatched another glass from a passing hostess as he scanned the casino for the un-named blonde. She hovered near the roulette wheel with a full tray of complimentary drinks to encourage the misplaced optimism of the assembled gamblers, occasionally darting a glance in his direction.

Max raised his glass in greeting and she flashed a reticent smile in return, provoking an unexpected and hankering twinge in his deadened heart. Flustered by long, unfelt emotion, Max turned to Corrin.

“That girl, the blonde one?” He nodded over his shoulder in her general direction. “Who is she?”

“Which one?” Corrin asked.

“The one by the wheel.” Max replied. “Long hair, well-stacked, nice ass.”

“Enlightened choice of descriptors, Max.” Xela observed sardonically. “You’ve been spending way too much time with your new best friend.”

Max ignored her.

Corrin thought for a moment before replying.

“Tyre. Tyre Annis. Why? You haven’t been encouraging my staff to fraternise have you?”

He caught Max’s discomfited look and clapped him on the shoulder.

“Relax Max. The rule doesn’t apply to you, unless you talk in your sleep.”

“Careless talk costs lives!” Xela quoted mischievously.

“You know her?” He continued.

“Sort of.” Max answered. “Seems like a nice girl. What do we know about her?”

“We did the usual background checks Max.” Corrin said. “She came up clean. No known associates we might disapprove of, and like all my people here, she’s no family and has been in a similar post for over a year. Two criteria which helped filter out potential security risks.” He answered in reply to Max’s unspoken query.

“You can check her file but if memory serves she’s a colonial from Garleth Beta, Treasure Chest. Sick of farmers and earthquakes I guess. If you’re interested, go for it.”

Max shook his head, uncertain.

“I don’t know, Corrin. If I were any one of my enemies, or dubious friends for that matter, I’d try and get to me through a good-looking woman. Oldest trick in the book.”

Corrin separated Max from the jubilant crowd and led him to the private booth. He ordered food and more drinks.

“Max.” He said avuncularly. “She’s been checked out. You shouldn’t let paranoia stand in the way if the universe offers you a clean shot at happiness. Mission or no mission.”

It was something Kaitrin and he had discussed, late at night, suffused in a post-prandial glow that, like lovers the universe over, they wanted to extend to all.

“The love of a good woman, Max.” Corrin added. “Ain’t nothing finer.”

Max shrugged.

“So people say.”

Corrin waited while one of his hosts delivered the food and drink, large steaming, bowls of vegetables, dumplings and marble fat meat in a spiced sauce, fresh baked crusty bread, chocolate-dark beer, redolent with hops and a bottle of twenty year old whisky, with two shot glasses.

“New peasant cuisine, Max.” he said, as his friend poked the melange with his spoon. “It’s all the rage apparently. You mean you’ve never been in love?”

“I don’t know, I guess not.” Max replied with studied casualness.

“If you’re not sure then the answer is no.” Corrin stated. “It’s the greatest feeling in the world. You can’t mistake it.”

Max sighed, weary.

“I can’t remember the last time I felt anything, anything good. I’m running a fire-sale on fear and guilt though.”

His self-mocking smile left his eyes untouched.

Corrin nodded in Tyre’s direction as she crossed back to the bar.

“She’s a nice girl, Max. Give it a go.”

Max tracked her as she went, glimpsing flashes of thigh above stocking tops through the calculatedly cut slits in the long black dress that served as the casino uniform.

“And lust. Plenty of lust.”

“That’s just a side-effect of killing people.” Corrin replied, ignoring the forced note of humour. “You take it from an old soldier.”

Max finished his beer and poured a whisky shot, filling the glass to the brim before tossing it straight down.

“That’s good stuff Max.” Corrin observed. “You might want to savour the complexity before treating it like rot-gut.”

Max poured a second shot, delicately sipping off the meniscus.

“Wood-smoke and peat. It’s always wood-smoke and peat.” He finished the glass.

Corrin moved the bottle out of his reach.

“Seriously Max, I know the Challenger thing has put you into a flat spin and to be honest, I’m not sure I would have made that call, regardless of what Artur said. But it was your call, we weren’t there and if it helps convince Jackson to play along with us then some good will come. You can’t beat yourself up about it forever.”

He checked the time.

“She’s off in a couple of hours, Max. Take her out for an expensive meal, get to know her. If she’s a spy, just don’t tell her anything.”

“And if she’s an assassin?”

“She’s not an assassin Max, she’s just another good-looking woman trying to get ahead.”

“But we could have your security people keep tabs on her?”

“No Max.” Corrin stated, privately appalled. “I’m sorry but I’m not having my staff spied upon. People have rights. Besides, how would she feel if she found out?”

“Okay, I take your point.” Max conceded quickly. “Any objections to me going through her file?”

Corrin shrugged.

“If there was anything to find she wouldn’t be here, but go ahead if it’ll make you feel better. What plans for tomorrow? Hunting?”

“I’ve got an idea how we can get Jackson’s credits.” Max answered, grateful for the change of subject. “I’ve talked it through with Jack and I’ll need the Mamba, Xela and Kerman in the Pegasus to give it legs. I’ll fill you in on it when I’ve checked a few details with Zee.”

“I can hardly wait.” Corrin said without a trace of sarcasm. “If you can pull this off it’ll be one for the history books.”

“If we pull it off correctly, no-one will even know.” Max replied with a smile.

He reached across and poured himself another whisky.

“And thanks for the words okay?” He looked across at Tyre. “You’re right, I should give it a go.”

“I am going to read that file though.”

“Relationships are built on trust Max.” Corrin answered. “But if it’ll put your mind at rest, go ahead.”

Later, Max opened the security files, quickly marking the names of five applicant researchers Jackson had given him as confirmed, bypassing the security checks. They would be the kernel of his clandestine research team, attempting to unravel the knowledge contained in the damaged computer core.

Then he turned to Tyre’s report.

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Post by Moss » Wed, 11. Dec 02, 20:18

Well I hope time permits fairly soon Steve, seems ages since your last chapter :wink:

Will Law do something stupid in a fit of rage now? seems likely too me and something he seems quite adept at, getting in a rage that is :)

Keep it coming!

Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Wed, 11. Dec 02, 22:44

Nice read Steve, especially as I have a head ache and am not feeling well at the mo!

Keep it coming.

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Post by Adamskini » Wed, 11. Dec 02, 23:45


i have a suggestion Steve, hold of on posting anymore till Christmas! that would be a most excellently bodaeshush Christmas Pressie :)
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Post by Faze » Thu, 12. Dec 02, 00:04

Just keep it coming Steve, No excuses. OK.

No point in running.
You will just DIE tired!

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak !

Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Thu, 12. Dec 02, 08:58


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Post by Mercenary » Thu, 12. Dec 02, 09:15


Signing off the five researchers sounds a bit rash :roll: Waiting to see what he finds out...

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Post by spikey » Thu, 12. Dec 02, 13:38

Crackin' stuff again Steve. Great to see that you can write the human interest side as well as the action and intrigue. Well worth the (short) wait. Nice one.


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Post by SteveMill » Thu, 12. Dec 02, 17:31

spikey wrote:Crackin' stuff again Steve. Great to see that you can write the human interest side as well as the action and intrigue. Well worth the (short) wait. Nice one.

Thanks Spikey,

Thought it was time I practiced that side of things and it is going to play a significant role in what happens to Max and what is going on in his head.

Thanks everyone else too - not sure when the next bit will be, things are just too hectic at the moment but i'll do my best.

Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Thu, 12. Dec 02, 18:10

SteveMill wrote:
spikey wrote:Crackin' stuff again Steve. Great to see that you can write the human interest side as well as the action and intrigue. Well worth the (short) wait. Nice one.

Thanks Spikey,

Thought it was time I practiced that side of things and it is going to play a significant role in what happens to Max and what is going on in his head.

Thanks everyone else too - not sure when the next bit will be, things are just too hectic at the moment but i'll do my best.
How about 1 hole chapter on Christmas day?!!!

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Post by SteveMill » Fri, 13. Dec 02, 07:49

The Doctor wrote:
SteveMill wrote:
spikey wrote:Crackin' stuff again Steve. Great to see that you can write the human interest side as well as the action and intrigue. Well worth the (short) wait. Nice one.

Thanks Spikey,

Thought it was time I practiced that side of things and it is going to play a significant role in what happens to Max and what is going on in his head.

Thanks everyone else too - not sure when the next bit will be, things are just too hectic at the moment but i'll do my best.
How about 1 hole chapter on Christmas day?!!!
Seems unlikely due to numerous pressures at the mo but I'll try and keep episodes coming.

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Post by spikey » Fri, 13. Dec 02, 14:46

Did I here a thud??


Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Fri, 13. Dec 02, 14:56

Bump, bump and upt to the top it goes!

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Post by KiwiNZ » Sat, 14. Dec 02, 18:58

Took me quite a while to get to read it during my holidays ...

Excellent installment, Steve. Must be kind of good fortune that an LT does not have any lasers :-)

I am looking forward to see how that will go on with Morn and Law.

gimme moa :D

Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Sat, 14. Dec 02, 23:38


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Post by Al » Mon, 16. Dec 02, 13:55

Just got back to work and found time for a little browse of the forum. Good read Steve. Have I missed something or is there a little time gap between the end of 14 and this?

Looking forward to the next installment :)


Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Mon, 16. Dec 02, 14:16


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Post by SteveMill » Mon, 16. Dec 02, 15:10

Al wrote:Just got back to work and found time for a little browse of the forum. Good read Steve. Have I missed something or is there a little time gap between the end of 14 and this?

Looking forward to the next installment :)

You might have missed the short ending added to Ch 15, but you are right, a couple of days have passed, inferred from the fab still being constructed, I think it was said in previous ch it would take a few days.

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Post by Al » Mon, 16. Dec 02, 18:17

Hi Steve

I read the short end bit in chapter 14 but its not usual for you to skip forward in time between chapters and thats what made me think I'd missed something.



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Post by Mercenary » Mon, 23. Dec 02, 14:47

Found this about five pages down....

Any update on the horizon? :wink:


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