For the Terrans or Myself DINQD TC 3.2

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For the Terrans or Myself DINQD TC 3.2

Post by BankruptAssasin » Fri, 2. Nov 12, 10:09

Well I have decided I am going to give this a little go. I have enjoyed reading others and thought i would try to give it a go, it’s my first time so dont be too hard on me lol. Hopefully you will like it, It’s not quite a DiD, but it will be very similar: I apologize for any spelling mistakes or grammar issues, I tend to type to fast and sometimes this spellchecker does not pick up on things.

I'm playing X3TC 3.2, I have a number of mods/scripts installed and I have installed the XRM mod, although I dunno why as most of the things I buy early in the game are now well out of my reach – Freight scanner is something like 300k, Jump-drive is like 2 Mill – I thinks this will be fun. Anyway here is a list of the Mods and my Rules – These may change and some may be added later.


1.DINQD – I will only reload if the computer crashes, Stupid Ai, Gate Crashes & if I do something really really stupid, but I will let you know if I reload. If I lose something big, I lose it, the DINQD will only apply to Me, Myself & I.

2.I am only able to Fly Terran, Teladi & Split Ships – AI is allowed to have any ships as long as I don’t fly them. I don’t like Boron/Paranid/Argon ships apparently.

3.Repairs are allowed on Player/AI ship as long as it falls into this category – TS/TP/M5/M4/M3 – All others must be fixed by Marines or at a Shipyard.

4.I don’t plan on doing much fighting, and so will rely heavily on my Minions to do the work – I will be allowed to defend myself & if I want to try to cap a ship then I am allowed to engage, otherwise the AI will be doing the fighting.

5.Any ships the AI have Bailed OOS I am not allowed unless it was my AI – I am allowed to Strip the ships however – I can claim the ships, strip them and then destroy them * This will only come into effect after chapter 1

Game, Mods & Scripts

X3TC 3.2
Auto Rename Property
Force NPC Undocking v2
Improved Boarding
Marine Repairs
NPC Bail Addon
Reduced Enemy Missiles
Salvage Network
Free Jump Credits
Marine Training Manager
No Station Wrecks
Pirate Starts
Salvage Insurance Contract
Missile Safety
Remove Rocks
Missile Defense
No Civilians
Numeric Ranks

Prologue - Who am I? Where am I? What am i doing here?

What am I actually doing? I never wanted to be in the core, I wanted to be a Doctor or a Vet, I Wanted to live a peaceful life with 2.5 children, 2 dogs, a Lizard, a Tortoise & a Turtle. Instead I'm here in the cold expanse of Uranus, sitting in an unfamiliar ship looking at a number of ships buzzing by me. What am I doing here? Why am I here? Where did my choices take a nose dive and led me to here?

I blame my father, he always wanted to be in the core, he loved the idea of the military, his father and grandfather were high ranking officers in the core and he wanted to follow in their footsteps, but due to him having one leg shorter than the other, he wasn’t accepted into the core, this broke him, all he wanted to do was be a part of something, something he thought was important. He was the one that forced me into doing this, he is forcing me to live his dreams, he never once asked what I wanted to do, instead he enrolled me in the core 5 years ago and her I am today sitting in something called a sabre, it looks like a good ship but I've never heard of it before, I’ve never been in a combat ship before – in fact the only ship outside of the Terran test ships they use to train us rookies i have actually been in before now was when one of those Goner people called to school and was trying to talk us into some religious mission, he had a Ranger – a nice looking ship but as he is a peaceful man he seen no reason to carry weapons.

So why am I here? Apparently there have been rumors of an old force coming back, there have been sightings of the AGI, at first we all thought it was some kind of prank, trying to scare us trainees into joining the flight school or marines, but by the way things have been going on lately, I have a sneaking feeling they have more information that they wont openly share with us.

My class was split into different groups, based on skill and how we performed in tests, there were 5 groups, M3 Group, M4 Group, M5 Group, TS Group & TP Group, based on our skills, our application forms and tests we were then given a ship in each class and expected to do our role– although I have a sneaking feeling that it was based more on how much money was being chucked at the government by some of my class mates parents because, although I'm not the best pilot, there were others that were very poor pilots but they ended up with better ships and a place In the Terran Military, other good pilots were then put in the TS/TP groups because their parents could not afford to “bribe” the government. I ended up in an M4, I'm happy about that as I'm not the best fighting pilot, but I'm just frustrated that people who should have been in a TP class ship, running taxis etc were given better ships and had the responsibility of protecting us, forget that for a game of darts.

The bloody Government, money seems to be the only language they understand, the more you have the more they listen, and they expect us poorer folks to put our lives on the line and get nothing in return, well forget that, they give me this Sabre – the only thing they did ever give me, but its poorly shielded, how can I go up against any of those Xenon Toasting Machines in this if the stories I heard are true? I would be turned inside out and look like Jabba the Hutt on a Bad day – Forget that, I'm going to do what I want to do, I'm sorry dad, I know this is your dream, but I'm 22 now, my name is Erin Lovis and I want to see more of the world before I die, I want to visit all the other Races and see how they live, I want to experience it all and I don’t want to fight in the Terran War, I know I'm turning my back on them, but they don’t care about me, all they care about is money and killing toasters, maybe I will return one day, maybe then they will realize that they should have been more interested in protecting the Terran people more than protecting their wallets.

Posts: 496
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Fri, 2. Nov 12, 15:09

So here is Chapter 1 - Sorry it's a bit long, i will try to shorten the rest down, and i will get screenshots for the next chapter - i didn't think about screenshots until actually writing this. Let me know what you think - Good or bad i don't mind, just want to know if anyone is reading it.

Chapter 1 – Every which way but West

I think I'm going to dock at Orbital Defense station and go get a drink, I think I will need it after telling my father that I'm leaving the Terran Flight Core. He was not that happy, in fact he is furious and told me never to speak to him again. I think this whiskey will go down well.

3 Whiskeys later and I'm talking to a guy named Osiras, Osiras Jol, he seems to be a wise old man, a drunk wise old man but he does sound like he has been around the block a few times. He told me that I had the right idea, too many Terrans decide just to stay in the Terran sectors and don’t ever experience the wonders of the Universe. He says that we should embrace the different cultures, even though some are more weird than others, take the Paranid for example

“Those are a weird race, they don’t take to kindly to other races sticking their noses into their business, they love extremely hot temperatures, the kind that other races cannot tolerate and so leave them be, however they have wonderful technology that if given the opportunity you should try to use it”

or the Boron

“A species that live underwater yet can fly spaceships – very contradicting but they are a very peaceful race, very friendly to the Argons and one of the few races that except us Terrans.
He also told me some more stuff about other races, who likes what, who dislikes who and who to stay clear from, such as the Yaki – a really dangerous group of Pirates that most of the universe fear due to their destructive powers, especially the Argons and Paranid who seem to be the Yaki’s favorite targets.

Maybe it’s just the whiskey in me, but I'm starting to feel warm in the cold expanse of space, I'm starting to think I may actually have something to do, I want to meet these races, I want to try their technology, I want to be accepted by these races, 1 more drink and then I'm gonna hit the road so to speak.

Back in my Sabre I look at the Star Map Osiras give me, it’s very detailed in that it gives me the names of sectors that he has visited, he did tell me that there were other sectors but he didn’t have time to visit them, he said that it would be my responsibility to find these and enter them into the star map. I think I will head East into Saturn, South into Jupiter and head South towards the Asteroid Belt and checking out the areas as I go, I’ve never left Uranus before so I know nothing about the other Sectors or what they contain.

Great, as soon as I start heading towards Saturn, someone is comming me, Apparently someone called S.Plinter is looking me to help patrol or follow him somewhere, his ship is much bigger than mine, ‘I guess his family has money’ but something tells me he ain’t planning on using it anytime soon, typical, he wants me to put my life on the line while he sits there in his ship playing space chess, I don’t think so, I think I will just motor on through to Saturn before he realizes I’ve left., maybe another time when I'm finished doing what I want to do.

Okay, time to put this ship through her moves, this is a very fast ship, over 242ms – this is what I like, it means I should be able to outrun anything strong enough to cause me problems, especially those Scary Yaki!! anything trying to kill me is going to have a job catching me first.

Once I reach the asteroid belt after not finding anything overly interesting in the last couple of Sectors, I bump into an Argon – My god they are very like me, I didn’t expect to see another race look so similar to mine, anyways, as we have a we chat, he mentions that he is actually a secret agent and he is undercover (some secret agent, telling some random stranger he just met) and that he thinks he may have blown it, he has lost sight of his target but fears they may be on to him, he asks me to give him a little help, he wants me to track down his target and just follow him to his base of operations – me being me I decide to help, plus he was prepared to double my funds from 1000 cr to 2000cr, not much but its 100% more than I had and he says it will be quick & easy , all I have to do is just follow him and make sure he does not see me. Simple.
So I track on down in to heretics’ end, and there I see him, something called a Caimen, closer inspection tells me it’s a Split ship – A warrior Race if I remember what Osiras said, fairly fast if upgraded, I follow him at a measly 90m/s (his top speed) and at 14km away so that he doesn’t detect me. We go through to circle of labor and south into Omicron Lyrae and then east into Treasure chest, bloody hell this is boring, I thought I was going to enjoy visiting all the other races, giving them a helping hand, but dear god, I'm bored now, have I made a massive mistake? Should I have listened to Osiras instead of Father? No, no regrets, I will live with my decision, and at least I'm able to map each of the sectors, Osiras map is good, he has told me where most of the shipyards & equipment docks are and where the pirate bases are most likely based, if this is indeed a pirate I'm following it looks like he is going to be going to Nathans Voyage which is only 2 sectors away.

As we are heading into Black Hoe Sun, a Pirate Harrier comes bombing through, he looks like a very fast we ship, A teladi ship – able to mount a number of weapons with light shielding, but is fairly quick so hard to hit – Teladi – according to Osiras, these are a good race to get Rep with, they buy anything without asking too many questions, have some nice ships and even allow space weed to be smoked (I don’t know what that is, but it sounds fun) Anyway, we continue on through to BHS, still keeping a good distance so that he doesn’t know I'm following him, but the Pirate Harrier decides to follow, oh great, I'm trying to be discreet and now I'm getting my ass popped by some wee Harrier, I done nothing wrong to upset him, he just started shooting at me, looks like I'm going to have to try out this Sabres fighting capabilities, Shields down to 50%, I fire and fire but i can’t hit him, he is too fast and I look at my installed equipment, no fight command software, oh great, shields holding at 60%, now what? I can’t outrun him, I can’t hit him, what am I going to do. A quick look around the sector to see if I can get help results in more wasted time, shields dropping to 50% again, I need some help, I look at the inventory - ohh missiles, that will work, I hope!! I fire 1 Poltergeist Missile, bye bye Harrier, that looked very pretty – I wonder how to take a picture off it?

Anyway time to catch up with this Ship, please let it end. We travel south into Nathans Voyage, we bypass the east gate, oh yes looks like he is docking in the Pirate Base – Osiras your are a Legend, the pirate base is exactly where you said it would be. Bing, What the hell is that? – Thank you for your service, here’s you reward – oh it was just that Argon guy thanking me & giving me my reward, It doesn’t seem worth it any more, a lot of time and effort just for 1000cr. A quick look at my map and I decide to head westwards past Omicron Lyrae, I want to check out these Teladi people for myself, I am fairly close to a number of their sectors, time to get my rep up.

On my way to the Teladi sectors i comm a station and another Argon needs my help, he needs me to go get his Discoverer Raider in Circle of Labor and send it back to Treasure Chest – Ohh another fast ship, I need to start making money soon so I can buy these ships for myself, after that harrier I think I need some backup, I'm sure there are others that are willing to burn my ass for kicks and giggles.

I'm making my way up to Circle of Labor, I go through to Omicron Lyrae and I see another 2 Pirates, I was still annoyed at the last pirate and though this time I'm making the first move, It was an Elite and a Buzzard, so I fire 1 missile at each thinking it would be enough and I make my way towards Circle of Labor as if nothing has happened, oh no!! Their shields drop down to around 40% and then come after me, I still have no fight command software so I don’t even bother trying to shoot them down, lucky for me there is a colossus in the Sector, I start doing donuts around the colossus, using my Terran flying skills to make sure I don’t turn into a bug splat on its window and watch as the two pirates get their asses handed to them, Hahahahaha – you thought you could have me didn’t ya? Not when I have big balls behind me backing me up, as I start to fly away I see two crates in the sector, debris of the pirates, 2 wildfire missiles, I pick these up and try to arm them, damn, I forgot, my ship only fires Terran weapons, I need a new ship if I'm going to stay in the commonwealth – Maybe I should just keep the Discoverer Raider? No, I can’t do that, that’s an act of piracy, I'm no pirate, at least I don’t think so, technically I stole this ship from the Terran Government, plus if I'm going to be pirating I'm gonna need to be able to shoot my targets, so no, the Discoverer will go back to its rightful owner.

After repairing the Discoverer with my trusty Repair laser, I send it on it’s way, I travel west into Nyana’s Hideout and then west again into Scale Plate Green – Teladi Sectors here I come, I then travel north into PTNI HQ and dock in shipyard. I go to the bar again and get another whiskey, that’s 4 whiskeys 2day already!! And speak to a guy called Yohulis Holigis X – He is looking me to kill someone? Me go hunting? Me kill someone for money? I know it’s morally wrong but he was offering 5,000cr for me to do it, the only real problem I was having really was that it was in Eighteen Billion, and according to Osiras Star Map I will have to go through Xenon Sector 347, Really? Me a Terran go through a Xenon Sector – I'm going to regret this. I think another whiskey will be in order to give me courage.

I find the gate to Eighteen Billion, and cautiously go through, fully expecting an army to be waiting for me, but when I go through it is fairly quiet, in fact there are a number of derelict ships just lying here – This is not a good sign, I don’t go any further until I find out what brought these ships down – But nothing catches my eye, the only ship I recognize is the Ranger – 2 of them just lying there, I wonder if it was that Goner that came to class a few years back? I motor on across, keeping an eye out for a toaster coming my way, but nothing, I eject and claim the 2 rangers, I send them both back to PTNI HQ Shipyard for sale, both are around 50% hull with no shields, I didn’t dare try to repair them in-case a toaster or washing machine came for me, so I quickly sent them back and hop back in my Sabre. I aim for the west gate and on my way I see a lot of crates, I see one called the Heavy Hammer Torpedo, closer inspection tells me its worth a lot of money, I go over then there a white flash – what the hell just happened? The torpedo just blew up? How the hell am I still alive? Never mind that, my ship took no damage at all????? I look at my cargo, half filled, I start to pick up some missiles lying around, some belugas, windstalkers, wasps until I'm full and quickly try to go through the west gate, I then come across a Teladi Phoenix – Oh I wish I brought my camera with me – it looks amazing and as I watch it a couple of Q’s & J’s appear – The Phoenix takes care of them in seconds, a few Lx’s come after that, I move on afraid they will see me.

Once into Eighteen Billion I find my Mark, another harrier but he isn’t running away, in fact he does not know who I am and why I’m here, I can’t shoot as my aim is rubbish, I’ve no missiles – next best thing? battering ram, a few rams later and boom, an extra 5k for me - the split aren’t to happy about it though, but I don’t care, I'm making a bit of money. I then proceed to map the sector and find a gate to Ianamus Zura and then dock in the Shipyard and look at what they have for sale for 5k, Not a lot, in fact the dealer kicked my ass out and told me he wanted proper profiiiiiitsssss.

I checked my computer and seen the Rangers had docked, time to sell them, “Trading System Not installed” oh Great, another trek through Xenon Sector 347 to sell these ships, as I go through I'm still expecting to get my ass handed to me, but that Teladi Phoenix is still kicking ass, its trying to blow the Xenon base up – Good luck to ya Teladi – tip my hat to your efforts, oh watch that Q behind ya. A quick look at the sector and I notice more free ships, an Express, a Falcon and a Vulture SF – claim all three and send them quickly to Eighteen Billion to sell. Once in that I sector I repair the Falcon & Express – The Vulture is badly damaged and would take a team of marines to repair so that is getting sold. I sold the Vulture and then bought the trading system component so I could sell the Rangers – Holy crap, 1 is worth 3.2 million the other worth 1.2 Million – I guess the Teladi like these ships, maybe they are going to bribe the Goners.

I'm now rich – I now know why the Terran Government like money so much, more money means I can actually buy things like extra cargo space, faster engine tunings and rudder optimization., freight scanner (300k???) Mineral scanner (200k???) my god, I have just spent about 750k and didn’t even blink. I guess that’s what rich people can do, just spend money on anything and not have to worry, even after spending all that I still had over 4 million credits due to the sale of the Vulture SF – What should I buy??? I know back up, I'm going to buy a wing of M5’s – I like the look of the Kestrels, quite quick and fairly cheap, the only problem is that my Rep is not high enough, looks like I’m going to have to look for a few missions to build my rank up, luckily I bought the mineral scanner and fright scanner, this will open up more possibilities to different missions such as asteroid scanning and scan for smugglers, This whole thing has given me an idea though, I think I'm going to start capping ships – I found a couple and it netted me over 4 million credits, but it was those toasters that did it, I can’t believe I'm thanking those Xenon for helping me make so much money, I'm ashamed of myself, if the Terrans Government ever found out I would be in so much trouble I don’t think I could ever return home, so from now on, any free ships will be blown up after I strip them for goodies, the only free ships I am allowed will have to be ones I capped myself or my wings capped – this will make me feel a little better about accepting the free money the Xenon threw at me.

I start doing a few missions trying to up my rep, unfortunately there is not much, mostly Taxi missions but I can’t do them as I have not got the Cargo Life Support System installed – I do have the Express, but i don’t like the look of it, looks very basic and to be honest, it almost looks very Terran styled, I think if I'm going to fly Terran styled ships, I may as well just fly Terran ships and forget about the Argon ones.

The missions I do get are Mainly scan asteroids, some as much as 3-4k per asteroid, I do a lot of this and then comm a station and buy some more sector maps, makes things a little easier while navigating, at least the gates and some stations are easier to find. I start making some nice legit money, working for the Paranid – they are a weird bunch, 3 eyes? I mean seriously why do they need 3? And they all seem to be fat and sweating. I don’t care though, some of the missions they offering are netting me 50k for 10 minutes work. I can’t understand why the Terrans don’t some down this far, and I definitely know what old Osiras loved it so much, its easy to make money, you get to see a lot of different people and you get to fly ships and shoot things, this is what I call having a good time.

My rep is increasing, I go to check the computer and see how much I have improved, what? Whats is going on? A black screen? Work damn you, I need to know my rep. I need to restart it – bloody machines, all they got to do is one simple job and they can’t. I look at the error log – System overheated, loss of data, what data, what did I loose? You mean all those jobs I done for the last 2 hours have been for nothing? The sector maps I bought were bought for nothing? All those asteroids are not scanned after all? Ahhhh bloody computer, why did you have to overheat?

*I had to reload a save, my laptop over heated, had it on the bed for too long and it just switched off.

That’s it, I'm going to the bar and then heading to bed, I can’t believe I spent all that time and the computer didn’t even record it, guess I'm going to have to start again tomorrow.


Credits – 4.3mill
Sabre – “Terranminator” (will prob change this)

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Post by Triaxx2 » Fri, 2. Nov 12, 21:36

Awesome start. I recommend X3 Unleashed to thin out the civilians and keep your frames up. It's very, very helpful.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Posts: 496
Joined: Thu, 4. Mar 10, 17:54

Post by BankruptAssasin » Sun, 4. Nov 12, 18:11

Thanks for the feedback, i enjoyed writing it. However Disaster has struck - Corrupt save - so im going to have to cancel this one. I am going to unistall the mods i didn't like, like XRM - it just changed to much of the game for me, but will def have that unleashed, it looks decent and i will start again.

Thanks again and sorry this tale ended so early :(

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Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 4. Nov 12, 18:48

Ugh. I hate save corruption. It's always annoying. Can't wait to see your next effort. It's always nice to see new DiD's.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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