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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 27. Aug 13, 22:01

Stealing the Cobra:

Janz led the approach to the Cobra his active scans giving him second by second updates as he swept past within 200 meter's.

He activated the security access code he had been given and saw internal defences come on line.

The Owner had probably installed them as a failsafe to prevent exactly what he was planning.

He had no choice he began to attack the Cobra using his empc weapons.

The intent was to cause enough hull damage to destroy the internal defences but without causing irreparable damage.

It took a while but he got rid of the ILS system.

Okay Boarding teams you have a go I repeat you have a go.

Janz then swung the Spring blossom into position and pressed the Boarding signal to C'parrt who exited the airlock and joined the stream of marines heading towards the Cobra.

Janz could only watch as the marines landed on the Hull then he switched to monitor the active com's taking care not to activate his command com circuits.

"Team one we have hostile marines on board we are engaging" came C'parrts voice above the sound of gunfire and explosions as stun grenades were used.

It seemed to take an age before they finally reached the ships computer core and made the hack to transfer control to Janz.

Janz immediately rescanned the ship and found to his relief that his teams had suffered no serious injuries.

The Cobra had taken a fair bit of damage but it was a lot less than he had feared.

He immediately transferred a jump drive and energy cells across to it before ordering Liam to make for their Eq dock in Heavens assertion before transporting himself across.

"Liam he ordered on reviewing the Cobras Status transfer three 1gj shields Fifty mosquitos and the two ISR's we collected".

"Transferring now Captain" replied Liam "good luck".

Janz made his way to the Bridge acknowledging the salutes form the marines who had taken positions at strategic locations throughout the ship.

In engineering the shield modules were being installed as were the missiles and ISR's C'parrt joined him on the bridge as he began bringing the weapon's systems back online.

"Your men did well Janz, they moved with economy and precision the funds spent enhancing their skills has proven itself this day".

"I moniotered the operation C'parrt I think you have failed to mention that your leadership gave them an advantage over the hostiles on board".

"Perhaps C'parrt admitted but they worked with a unity of purpose that I have seen only when serving with fellow Split warriors".

"Praise indeed" then accepted Janz "regrettably the task is not yet complete. at any moment I am anticipating a Teladi response force to attempt to engage us when the ship is reported as stolen".

I assume you have a plan to avoid this unpleasant occurrence" said C'parrt activating more of the bridges systems.

"I do but it is risky and has to be timed just right I have installed a unique jump drive secondary protocol that will take us to a gateless system if those who attempt to capture us follow they will be left stranded".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 3. Oct 13, 21:11

Unknown space:

Janz supervised the marines as they carried out ad hoc repairs to the ships primary systems he had robbed Liam of a lot of tech but he knew he was going to need it if they were to keep the ship even now Liam was heading for the south gate at full speed to prevent its ID being recorded in the same sector as the Cobra.

A com alert from C'parrt had him running to the bridge and leaping into the pilot's seta as the first of the Teladi police ships came into sensor range.

"They haven't seen us yet" noted C'parrt "but it is a matter of time only".

Janz watched the long range sensors keeping a note of the steady grid search pattern more ships were arriving behind them.
The unfocussed jump drive had been a gift from admiral Deeley that he had some how obtained from the Goner sect.

Janz felt anxious as he punched in the code that would bring the UFJD online.

The Teladi were now actively vectoring in on his position "All Crew emergency jump has been initiated lock yourself down Now".

It was the only warning he had time to give as the universe dissolved around them and they came out into utter darkness.
Alarms were going off all over the ship but C'parrt quickly disabled them acting more from memorised responses than conscious choice.

Janz swung the ship onto a different vector trying to catch a glimpse of something, anything.
Before he could analyse the new data the Teladi force arrived.
Too close to avoid detection.
He had no choice without warning he reengaged the Jump drive leaving the settings open.
They emerged less than a few kilometer's from where they had taken the Cobra in the first place.
Janz was almost passing out as the transition took place"C'parrt get us out of here jump to the nearest Boron sector" he gasped as darkness enfolded his sight.

Janz woke in a hospital bed his vision obscured by a light netting that enveloped his head.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 22. Oct 13, 00:26


Janz took a few moments to check himself the bandages over his eyes were light and there were no drip units attached to his arms so all in all not to bad but what had happened.

He remembered the jumps and the sudden disorientation he had felt as they had arrived back in known space.
Where was his ship his crew.
His anxious state must have triggered an alarm as a phalanx of Boron medics entered the room and began multiple scans and intravenous injections. " No Drugs" he rasped surprised at the weakness in his voice.

"Captain we are administering a mild sedative only you must attain tranquillity to aid your recovery, your ship is docked please you must relax or the automatic sedatives will begin again".

Begin again how long had he been here ?' there were flashes moments of clarity in the fog of his recent memories.
The sedatives took hold and he felt his heart rate slowing as the world began to dissolve around him once more.

He woke some time later with the bandages gone from his eyes but the lighting in the room dimmed so low he could barely see anything.

"You are awake at last" came a rumbling growl that could only be C'parrts voice.

"How long ?" he breathed.

" Ten days since you had a seizure we made what speed we could but it was a difficult time fortunately your Boron friend was able to make these facilities available to us".

The spook that meant they were safe for the moment but what had happened ten days for Christ's sake Janz raised himself to a sitting position so that he could see his friends face.

"Alright out with it, what the hell happened to me ?.

"It was the jump drive protocol you used a development at variance with that which the Goner are known to dispense upon those who have served the church.
You should have been warned that an interval of a mizura at least is required before initiating a second activation the side effects can be lethal"

"Lethal" he queried.

"Indeed replied" C'parrt "My family has done some research of this UFJD technology with tragic results The Goner have a soloution that they do not share some who survived were put to death rather than continue to live as less than men.
You are fortunate to be here my friend it may be that your ancient ancestry of terra has spared you the worst, but enough get dressed we are going back to the ship".

Janz knew better than to argue with his friend as did the Boron medical staff who watched in silence as C'parrt escorted him to the docking bays where a full guard stood watch at the ships airlock dressed in full combat gear.
Moments later he was ushered into his cabin as the ship lurched suddenly ripping free of docking clamps before jumping to an unknown sector.
Glad to be free of the drugs Janz slipped easily into an undisturbed sleep.

"How is he" Liam asked as C'parrt entered the bridge.

"He is resting without the benefit of Boron drugsand no intrusive drugs that I am familiar with they did not gain information from him i feel we removed him at an appropriate moment" C'parrt answered taking the command chair with no sense of discourtesy merely of need.
"We jump for my home family Zyarth there no one will dare to challenge us and it will give the Captain time to regain himself if I am to present him to my families Lords he must be more himself".

Liam considered C'parrts reasoning and found no flaw " All hands" he ordered over the in-ship com "!stand by for jump".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 22. Oct 13, 01:37

Family Zyarth:

The Jump dropped them in to Family Zyarth at the West Gate where a flight of Xenon were busily engaged attacking local freighters, C'parrt wasted no time launching a barrage of flails that reduced the aggressors to debris before setting a course for the shipyard.

Liam was stunned it was as if C'parrt had sensed the enemy before they had even arrived in sector, he turned to offer his thanks but C'parrt had already left the bridge,
"Maintain course he ordered" taking the chair "all weapons to missile defence" lets not upset C'parrt here gentlemen".

C'Parrt returned after a few minutes and stood next to Liam at the command console dressed as a Split warrior his Jatra's sheaved but clearly visible as he stood at the console next to Liam as they came within com range of the station.
The Coms sparked to life with an angry demand that they stand down until C'parrt spoke on open broadcast questioning the ancestry of the split who had contacted them and advised them of the imminent death that awaited him should he fail to acknowledge the ships right to dock.

Apparently the rules of protocol were different in Split space as a docking beam lit up and the ship manouvered to alignment.

"It will be necessary for Lord Captain Janz to accompany me onto the station without escort".
"To do other would be to undo all that Janz has done so far Liam trust me in this I will defend your commanders life with my own".

Liam was boxed in with those words but he had taken to trust the Captain particularly when it came to this particular Split.

"It will be as you suggest C'parrt no doubt when you see fit to discuss the reason's you will do so but for the moment we will go with the dice you have rolled I pray you are right"

As do I C' party agreed making for janz's quarters.

Janz flinched at the harsh sodium lighting as they made there way into the station core offices.
The security guards were obviously expecting them as they were waved through after a perfunctory inspection at each station.

They finaly arrived at some sort of conference room not a Terran style room here the major speakers were on a dais above the floor with two chairs et half way between them and the entry port.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 23. Jan 14, 19:57

Family Zyarth:

"C'prrt you are well met said the family patriarch this is the Terran you spoke of "?.

C'parrt bowed deeply before answering"It is my lord, I have fought at his side and he has earned my respect, more he also seeks an end to the senseless war that even now draws the life blood from all the Split families".

"That he has earned your respect is a sign then that there exist's the possibility of peace how may we be of help in this cause"?.

"My lord c'parrt replied he needs a place where he can build complexe's away from those who would prevent him from accomplishing his goal, to the north lies Twisted skies if he had your leave to build there he would be indebted to our family, more he would aid us to the limit of his strength".

"What facilities would he need C'prrt we are not the richest of the families".

"He will pay for the factories that he requires my lord more he would purchase them from us, those factories and mines he proposes could help this house once more rise to its rightful place amongst the Split."

The patriarch saw C'prrts intention if this Terran could stimulate trade here then the fortunes of his house would rise again his people could once again enjoy the prosperity they had once known before the great betrayal when isolated by the gates and attacked by overwhelming numbers of xenon they had been forced to retreat to the last two defensible sectors of their realm.
The other families had sent some help but not enough to prevent the loss of the home system to the Xenon.

I will speak with this man in private then he allowed stepping down from the dias and signalling his guard to let them follow him.

Once they left the audience hall the Patriarch threw aside his ceremonial robe and signalled for his staff to attend. He took a seat at a low table before a roaring fire.

"Please sit down he asked Janz and C'prrt" indicating the seats the other side of the table where staff were placing glass's and a bottle of fire wine.

"Please drink make your self at ease Commander Janz here in my private rooms I can dispense with the formality that custom requires, now to business" he said taking one of the glass's and sipping at it.

" There are those in my family who would see me refuse you your request my position even within my own family has been weakened by several setbacks, so I would know more of your intentions as to how they will benefit my family".

Janz took a sip from his own glass to give him a moment to arrange his thoughts.
"Primarily I intend to build a weapons complex capable of sustaining my operations in the commonwealth and elsewhere this will in itself require that I build ore mines silicon mines and all the associated factories that will be necessary to that end I already have one such complex operating in Boron space.
Here as I did there I will use your people to operate these factories with appropriate wages and facilities."
From what I have seen your economy is stalling due to a lack of investment I believe that my plans could resolve that problem for you ".

"A bold plan what you propose will cost millions of credits do you expect concessions from me in order to build your industrial base in our realm "?.

"Not at all sir that would not be necessary I have sufficient funds on hand to commission the first stage of investment and I anticipate further funds being available in a very short space of time all I ask is that I be given access to your facilities to enable me to continue with my objectives".

"A sound answer" agreed the patriarch nodding to C'prrt that such access would be granted, "for the moment though we shall dine together and we will discuss in detail your first stage.

Janz was somewhat astonished at how easily the patriarch had agreed to his proposals he strongly suspected C'prrt had done a lot of groundwork here before they had even arrived.

They were led to a suite of rooms to refresh themselves before being summoned to the great hall where most of the senior members of the Zyarth family council were in attendance the fact that the family patriarch spoke at length to Janz during the meal obviousely aroused their curiosity.

C'prrt introduced him to several members of the council after the meal as well as several of the noted industrialists who had been invited to attend indicating which ones he should respond to favourably when they enquired as to his investment plans.

H spoke briefly to C'prrt asking him to select those offers he needed to consider in order too make the building stage go as smoothly as possible he knew what they needed and more importantly he knew these people.

Even though the evening was more restrained than normal for the split Janz found himself needing to be helped back to his quarters by C'prrt in the early hours of the morning.

He awoke early the next morning wincing at the hangover he had managed to acquire and reaching for the water jug placed by his bed.

He washed and dressed quickly eager to get back to the ship and begin.

C'prrt came into the room a short while later

"Good you are awake we have the access you required we have an appointment in Twisted skies and little time".

Janz took the hint and followed C'prrt to the stations docking bay where they went back on board the Cobra.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 23. Jan 14, 21:20

Twisted skies:

Janz watched as the military Outpost grew to immensity on the main screen this was one of the primary access's he needed to recruit troops to augment Lt Danson's squad's. Also the Cobra was only lightly crewed and it showed with most of his men being assigned to multiple task's to make up for the lack.

"Any news from Liam" ? he asked C'prrt who was activating the auto
docking procedure.

"He has taken the Spring blossom south to gather the munitions we will need he sent a report in earlier it is in your day room".

Janz didn't need the report to know that except for crew they were ready to begin phase two, hopefully that would be rectified to some extent here.

The main concourse of the station was strangely quiet as they were led through to the managers office in any other split system a military outpost was a hive of activity which showed just how bad the local economic situation had become.

This was reflected by the attitude of the dock manager who seemed almost desperately glad to see them when he was allowed into his office.
He brightened up even more when Janz asked to interview potential crew and marines and studied the data pad of requirements Janz had given him.

"We have a fine selection of marines available for you to inspect I will have other crew gathered as to their qualification's for you to interview please feel free to use my office".

The manager left to attend to his duties C'parrt took it upon himself to interview the marines leaving Janz to go through potential crew members.
It was late in the afternoon when he looked up to see a Human standing in front of him.

"And you are" ? he asked.

"Names Sladon got my self stranded here when the Xenon blew up my ship I made it here eventually hoping for a ride out that was four years ago".

"How have you survived that long here"? Janz asked.

I had some credits when I first got here they ran out though, since then I've been doing the odd jobs here and there in the docking bays enough to get by at least but things are getting bad here and I need a ride if you won't hire me will you at least get me out of here".

"That won't be a problem" Janz assured him "but why don't you tell me what you can do I am hiring after all".

"Fair enough I 'm an engineer mostly on cargo ships since I qualified though I've worked on pretty much every thing ever built over the years".

"Fair enough report to my ship give this to the sentry at the gate and he'll let you on board, after that we'll see how well you do and go from there ".

"Okay Sladon" replied taking the chit and heading for the docking ring.

Janz watched him leave liking the man he seemed confident enough and if he had managed to survive here for four years he was resourceful.

Reluctantly he returned to his list of interviewee's hoping C'prrt was having more luck than he was.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 23. Jan 14, 23:24


Sladon walked up the ramp and showed the chit his new boss had given him to the military type who though dressed in standard crew coveralls looked every inch a marine.

"Through the air lock down the corridor see the COB he'll assign you quarters and arrange a tour".

Sladon did as he was instructed and after being listed as being part of the crew he was shown to a small cabin with a single bunk in it and given an id badge.
"Wear that at all times the crewman advised him before leaving him to it"

He opened his small kit bag onto the bunk and began unpacking his few possessions placing them in the drawers built into the bunk.
He checked the other drawers and found clean coveralls and undergarments as well as basic toiletries.

It took him a few moments to locate the concealed shower unit and he spent the next hour washing the dirt out of his skin.
There was a laundry chute nearby and he bagged his dirty clothing wondering if it would survive the laundry process before he began studying a floor plan for the deck he was on.
He found what he wanted after a moment and after pinning the id to his breast pocket he set out to find the canteen.

It was open and he grabbed a tray and walked to the serving line and began adding food to his plate.

He selected a table near the far wall and sat down and began to eat not realising till then how hungry he had become it took him a while before he cleared his plate only then did he notice the others staring at him.

"I was peckish he admitted" moving to get a mug of coffee from the dispenser placing his empty plate in a nearby disposal unit.

" Yeah been there " called one of the men who had been watching him before turning his attention back to the people with him.

Gradually more people began entering the room these must be the regular crew he decided by the looks of them they had just come back on board after a visit to the station. He studied them carefully yes definitely military there was something about them that they never lost and once you had seen it it you never failed to recognise it when you saw it again.
They always appeared more comfortable in groups and tended to exclude outsiders.

This had all the hall marks of a military ship and he started to wonder just what the hell he had gotten himself into.
He decided not to question the crew he could already the lack of a true answer he would get if he tried, no he would just sit back and see if he might have to jump ship at the next port of call after all he hadn't signed on as yet. after a while he grabbed another coffee before heading back to his cabin. after a bit of exploration he managed to find a fold away desk and a monitor that could tap into the local news feeds.
He was watching one of those when the image was overridden and the new crew were asked to report to the canteen.

That means me he decided and returned to the canteen and found a seat at the back of the room.

Once they were all present The man who had interviewed him earlier stood up at the front of the room.
"Ladies, gentlemen I am Captain Janz and before you decide weather to join us or not I will answer some of the questions that must have occurred to many of you by now.
Firstly this is a military ship it's kind of hard to hide that from anyone with any experience out here ".
Secondly we will on occasion be going in harms way I am not asking you to take any direct part in any operations we may engage in we have people to do that, If you can't handle that then we will drop you off at our next port of call and leave it there. For those that do decide to say I can assure you we pay guild rates with performance bonuses according to duties.

Those that intend to leave can return to their quarters those that stay will be assigned duties over the next few days. That is all.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 24. Jan 14, 00:56


Sladon decided to stay so far he had not heard anything that worried him unduly and if he changed his mind at a later point well that was easy enough.
Only a couple of the newbies walked out of the room, the captain as Sladon was beginning to think of him now waited till the door was closed before he began speaking again.

"Alright thank you for staying as you might have gathered we have two more days in port here so relax while you can you will be given a com unit before you leave keep it on you at all times or you will find yourself stuck on this level.
On of the other things it does is allow you to access the ships systems to varying degree's.
When you are off duty you will be allowed access to the crews mess instead of just the canteen here. Now as a word of caution you will be able to buy a beer but any one found to be intoxicated or unfit for duty will be put in the brig till they sober up and loose pay.
I have one important rule for you to obey at all times if you see a member of our operations crew running down a corridor towards you then make a hole.
Once you are assigned your duties you will be more fully briefed on what we expect of you till then relax".
The man left then one of the regular crew started handing out com units checking faces and names which meant they were personalised and that they could all be monitored.
Sladon took the opportunity to grab a fresh cup of coffee before heading back to his room.
The monitor was on and a brief message said report to the COB at 0900 in the morning. It looked like he wasn't going to enjoy a couple of days of rest.

He acknowledged the memo then switched back to the local news feeds before turning in.

The Chief was military that was obvious as soon as Sladon saw him as he walked into his small control room overlooking the engineering deck.

"Take a seat" Sladon he gestured to a chair by the desk remaining by the window as he watched his men at work.
"Sorry to deprive you of your free time already Sladon by the way is that your first name ?" any ways we'll get to that how good are you with propulsion systems" ?.

Show me the problem and I'll let you know if I can fix it what's it doing?"

"Its giving me a headache damn thing wont lock on calibration and its causing a vibration that the Captain wants fixed".

"You run a diagnostics I can look at"? his interest peeked.

"Hell yes take a look the numbers are all where they should be but its still causing a vibration" replied the chief handing him the data pad.

Sladon scrolled through the list of data noting the pad was taking live readings the chief was right all the numbers looked good perhaps too good he wondered "Chief he replied cautiously but where are the data links for this the numbers are too smooth something is damping them out.
I've worked on a lot of ships Chief but I've never seen numbers that good not till the engines have been practically rebuilt".

The chief grabbed the data pad and opened the door down onto the floor "follow me said the chief as made his way down".

Sladon followed him down the catwalk alongside the engine housing to a point midway down where an interface cable was plugged in it all looked good the cable was shielded he followed the cable back into the conduits overhead and climbed up to get a better look at it.
He didn't see it at first it was so slight a thing he was surprised he had seen it at all half way down the conduitthe cable was plugged into a junction box with a load of other feeds going into it.

He made his way back down to the floor and pointed up at the shaft the cables shielded but the splitter box they used isn't chief you got shorted on the repairs".

The chief swore then looked at Sladon "okay first thing tomorrow you fix it I'll get you the necessary clearances, good work".

Sladon left the engineering deck and followed the flashing floor lights back to his room.
Well he decided he had learnt two things this ship was big a lot bigger than a freighter by a large margin and that it had recently been repaired at a shipyard well what had he expected ?.

Just on a whim he powered up the monitor and saw that he was listed as being on the main day shift roster and that he had access to the full deck layouts of the ship.
Was that a test he wondered, if it was he guessed he had passed.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Fri, 24. Jan 14, 22:52

Stage II:

Janz was in hid day cabin reading the updates on the crew they had hired some looked promising whilst others would have to be monitored before he could make a final decision on weather they would be suitable or not.

C 'prrt had transmitted a list of the asteroid yields in sector coutesy of the Patriarch and he had already purchased the necessary freighters and stations to begin construction of what would be his primary weapons complex.

This left him in a difficult situation once those stations were built he was going to need a swift injection of capital to keep his promise to the Zyarth family.

He would have to remain in system for another day to over see the stations construction and factories placement before he could begin active operations. Time to discuss his intentions with Danson he was about to call him via coms when the COB came into his office saluting casually and waiting to be acknowledged.

"Chief what can I do for you"?.

"Put me back on the bridge sir, you know I ain't no grease monkey and I've filled the gap but you struck gold with that Sladon touch your desk sir and listen"

Janz did so somewhat bemused. "I'm sorry chief I can't feel anything untoward".

"He fixed it sir that damn vibration you wanted fixed even now he's up to his butt in the main drive space tweaking the engines the mans a born engineer sir and that I am not, I can get by repairs and maintenance but this mans got the touch I don't care what you have to pay him make sure he stay's".

Janz touched his desk again and realized the chief was right that low pitched vibration that couldn't be heard was gone.

"Alright chief when he finnish's his shift send him up and if he takes the post you'll be back on the bridge".

The chief smiled at his response then saluted and left.

Janz called up Sladon's records such as they were. What was clear was that he was not above doing what was necessary to survive the Military outpost s00000000had had him flagged as a potential hositile to be watched and he had been involved in several affray's during his time on the station.

Nothing had been found to get him charged with any particular offence but he had been marked to be watched by the split security and Janz had to ask himself why.

Making a decision he sent a secure wave burst to an office in Aldrin that he marked for an urgent response he wanted to know everything there was to know about Sladon before he made a decision on him.

In the mean time he decided to visit Dansen in the training area where he was putting the new marines through their paces.

Dansen saw him on the gallery but he signalled him to carry on till he had finished the current drill and waited watching the men go through static exercises until Dansen was satisfied theyd got it down only when he had dismissed the men did he join him on the Gallery.

" Sir I.m pleased to report we now have four full teams ready for boarding operations some of the new recruits lack combat experience but they are all fully skilled in mech and eng operations".

"I'm glad too hear that lieutenant because in twenty four hours you are going in harms way as are your men, are you ready "?.

"We'll find out some time tomorrow I guess"Dansen answered "we won't fail sir".

"that's all I need to hear Captain Dansen, now get your men rested and prepped I'll have all available intel forwarded to you well before the op oh and by the way get your rank epaulettes changed".

Janz left him and returned to his day quarters where Sladon was waiting for him.

" Captain you asked to see me"

"Indeed I did Sladon or should I call you Tarion Danaar formerly a member of the Argon rapid response forces based in Omicron Lyrae" ?.

Tarion It had been so long since he'd responded to his given name he had almost forgotten that life. "that was a long time ago sir, I joined up so I could play with the newest toy's took me five years to see where it was going so I quit".

" By quit you mean you staged your own death and got lost for three years " Janz replied.

"Well there is that but I got the notion that Argon security wouldn't just let me walk see these new toys were way out there and there was only a limited number of uses for them so I opted out, how the hell did you find this stuff out Captain I've been pretty low profile "?.

"Yes there are periods when you were off the grid but you left a trail Tarion now and again your parents originally and now your sister received bank deposits always from discreet locations, but you developed a pattern that got you tagged, I've no doubt Argon security are studying those patterns as we have".

Tarion was suddenly cold he'd been careful always never sending money home from the same place or from the same account but this man had a dossier on him that shouldn't be possible.
"Okay Captain you have my undivided attention what do you want ?".

"My COB says he wants you in engineering and I need an engineer, now before you chuck that back in my face there is a bonus you get weather you take the job or not".

"That being"? Tarion asked.

"Your sister and her family I can arrange for her to relocate without trace, I have an interest in this through you and the trail you have inadvertently left I am vulnerable to exposure.
I will transport them wherever you wish with no trail at all on this you have my word".

"Do that and I'll take the job captain" he replied knowing that he had little choice Captain Janz could have taken an easier solution to his problem but he had offered him a chance to finally break free from his past.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 29. Jan 14, 07:21

Lasting vengeance:

Janz dropped into the sector and changed course swiftly heading northwest from the gate to deploy one of the first of a series of nav sat's to give him a better tactical overview of the sector.

There was no immediate threat but he loaded the torpedoes into the racks just in case and alerted Captain Dansen who was waiting in the forward launch bay with his marines ready to board the pods at a moments notice.

Janz turned about and headed due south keeping one eye on the gravidar as he accelerated into the heart of the sector.

It did not take long three Nemesis ships had detected them and had launched missiles.

"That's not very friendly is it sir" said Lathan his tactical officer "counter measures deployed".

"Okay Lathan open fire use the hammers a spread of three per ship" Janz ordered dtetecting additional ships beyond the defensive screen amongst them his intended target.

" Dansen it's time" he signalled over the come and plotted an intercept course for the carrier and its escorts.

"Lathan Target the escorts give me updates as necessary I don't want those pods launched till all threats are eliminated".

" Roger that sir the defence screen is gone missiles on target for the escorts we are closing rapidly range fourty click's 39".

Janz swung the ship end over end and matched his speed to that of the carrier " Guns he ordered we have missiles inbound weapon's are free".

"Weapons free aye came" the response over the com as the aft mounted turrets began tracking and firing at the incoming missiles ISR's were not the quietest of weapons and the whole ship reverberated each time they fired.

"Sir" said Lathan the carrier is accelerating to close the distance between us He is not launching fighters".

Janz smile coldly his intel had been good then, the Duke hadn't outfitted the carrier fully relying on its turrets as his primary defence he was just about to learn how expensive a mistake that had been.

"Alright Lathan I'll take it from here" he ordered taking primary control of the missiles he launched two barrages of hammers at the carrier then switched to the lighter flails to distract the carriers turrets from the main danger once he saw the targets shields drop down to four percent he launched the pods maintaining a steady sequence of flails to mask them from the carriers sensors he was rewarded in moments when he had conformation all four pod's had locked on to the targets hull he reduced the numbers of missiles he was firing maintaining shields at just three percent.

He switched to the marines channel on his earpiece when he stopped firing and matched speed with the carrier.

There was heavy fighting as his men made there way to the control deck of the carrier but at last he received the signal from Captain Dansen and swung about to maintain a defensive perimeter around the now captive carrier.

"Captain Came Dansen's voice over the secure link the ship is hours what do you want us to do with the crew ?".

"Put them in the pods Dansen , The Hyperion is vectoring to your position Lt Emers will be landing with a bridge crew and kit to get you out of there give my thanks to your men we will meet at the ship yard the drinks are on me".

" Roger that sir I will keep you up dated Dansen out".

Janz watched as the operation proceeded exactly as they had outlined in the pre mission briefings the crews moved swiftly knowing that it was at this point in the operation they were most at risk.

"Sir" Called Lathan "we have a group of pirate M3's heading for us at speed I estimate they will be able to target us in four minutes". contact in fifteen".

Janz did not hesitate and launched enough flails to obliterate them twice over. determined that no one would be able to identify his ships until he was more than able to deal with it when that did finally happen".

There was a bright flash of light from the right and he knew the Hyperion had jumped ahead of the carrier to provide in system protection whilst it was en-route to the shipyard and of course to take his men of the carrier once it was on final approach.

There was a second flash of light as the carrier jumped out Janz maintained his defensive position for a further ten minutes to make sure none of those pirate ships had managed to transmit their Id to any one then jumped for the east gate in heavens assertion ordering his men to maintain amber alert status till they were docked at the shipyard.

"Lathan you have the com I will be in my ready room Cobb wil you join me" He switched out of the system leaving Lathan the chair.
"I Have the com sir Lathan" answered as he took over Janz's post.

The chief followed him into his office and took a seat whilst Janz activated the bank of active monitors to keep himself alert as to what was going on in this sector and on board. "Well Chief that went surprisingly well any thing you noticed that could be done better".

The chief searched his thoughts for a moment before responding " Nothing major sir some of the jar heads put a few dings in the carrier but they'll learn better I am sure, the only problem I can see is the missile auto command sequence that could be better controlled using manual override the damn AI just follows its programming a good gunner can adapt as the situation changes. So all in all sir the answer is no it was a classic boarding op but I know that we won't always be that lucky".

The COB was right Janz knew that how much of that luck had been due to surprise the next time they would not have that luxury.

He poured them both a whiskey and settled back in his seat savouring the warmth of the drink, "fair enough Chief between now and the next time lets give some thought to that, I want minimum risk to the men at all times, I know we can expect casualties in the future but if we can minimize them then we should".

"I'll drink to that" Captain agreed the Cobb finishing his drink then heading back to the bridge".

Janz let Lathan dock the boat prepping himself on what needed to be done now to begin the next stage of his operations.

Fortunately he was on fairly good terms with the Paranid who gave him a fair price for the carrier even after he had stripped it of its weapons and some intersting software upgrades that were not supposed to be available to non military vessels.

Only when he had concluded the necessary paperwork with the dock master did he join his men at the Night club they had rented for the occasion where he was greeted with cheers from his men.

He took the drink offered to him by Dansen then turned to face the men. " Ladies gentlemen The Cobra will be undocking at 1200 tomorrow do not be late until then enjoy yourselves".

Janz stayed for a few hours after that but left before it became to noisey he still had work to do and did not want to inhibit the men.

Dansen probably had the same thoughts himself as he returned to the ship shortly afterwards himself.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Thu, 30. Jan 14, 19:53, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 29. Jan 14, 08:07

Sladon braced himself as the ship finished the jump, for the moment the bridge had direct control of the drives and he could do little but watch as the ship responded to the inputs from the bridge.

his crew looked up to him as they felt the gravity shift in a manouver that stretched the gravity field to its limits.

fortunately his crew were wearing survival suits whose grav boot's kept them on their feet.

They had queried that order when the had undocked from the military out post but were grateful for it now.
He had seen the results of an unexpected Hull fracture and he was not taking any chance's on his watch.

"Chief" called Anders his tentative second " Capatin wants 110% duration eighty seconds".

"Give him it Anders tie in the auxillary coolers just in case he extends it beyond the eighty seconds".

Anders acknowledged the order and they all felt the swift acceleration as the ship surged forward.
Sladon also linked in the reserve fuel pods to make sure the ship didn't loose other functions as the drives began to eat into the available reactor output.

They all felt and heard the ISR's open up here so close to the turrets overhead the noise was deafening and they all sealed there suits and went to coms to reduce the noise level and stay in communication.

Sladon watched the monitors his eyes tracking the readouts as the Captain carried out the op then the readouts began dropping back into the safe zones as they slowly decelerated "Anders" he ordered "cut out the auxillaries but keep them warmed up".

"Roger that Chief Auxillaries are on standby fuel rods in the primary are at 30% depletion".

Sladon caught that the rods shouldn't have depleted that quickly in an extended action that would have crippled them.

"Okay anders get the refuelling rig ready I want a fresh set of rod's prepped and Ander's, I want those rods checked before we put them in".

Sladon watched Anders begin the automated refuelling process it would take half an hour to be ready but he wanted the new rods in sooner rather than later.

He comm'd the bridge the COB responded his call " Sir this is Sladon I need a word when you have a moment and I need a fifteen minute window on min power status when possible".

The Chief knew what ever Sladon needed that for it was urgent he had enough sense of the man to know he was making an urgent request but it would not be till the boarding op was completed.
"I'm a little bit busy just at the moment Sladon I will get back to you asap" the COB replied before cutting the link.

Sladon fumed when that window only arrived after they had made another Jump and were en-route to the Shipyard.

Sladon had the partially depleted fuel rack disassembled in a workshop just of the main engineering deck when The Cobb came down to join him.
"Problem" he asked looking at the fuel rods.

"You tell me Cob we just pulled these from the primary reactor I installed them my self immediately prior to our undocking and there is no way they should be depleted this badly Cob if we had been in action for more than half an hour we would have lost the mains".

The Chief cursed to himself he knew exactly what Sladon was telling him, "alright Sladon I want the numbers of these cells and I want them traced to point of origin, I trust the replacements are up to spec ?".

"I checked them myself chief and Anders is down in the fuel bunker checking the rest".

"Then you have the situation in hand, it goes without saying that we keep this to ourselves until the Captain decides how he want's us to deal with it".

"That's a given Cob at the moment there's just you me and Anders in the loop".

"Keep it that way Sladon and let me know if we have anymore like this".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 29. Jan 14, 08:21

Janz was angry more than angry he wanted to kill something, he glared once again at the report. "There is no doubt in your mind about this Cob ?".

"I am afraid not sir Sladon briefed me initially before we arrived at the shipyard but I wanted the full picture before bringing it to you".

"How did we get these fuel cell Cob ?"he asked already suspecting the answer.

"From The Dragon sir part of a shipment the Springy transferred to us when we outfitted the Cobra over one third of the rods have been tampered with it is a certainty that the first time we were in a sustained action we would have lost primary power".

"Alright Cob I want the matter recorded the serial numbers of the tampered rod's shipment and handling details the full works and then tell Sladon I want those rods of my ship and tell Lathan to set a course for the nearest supplier".

The chief left the office and Janz activated the secure link to the office with a progress report and a full report on the defective fuel cells".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 29. Jan 14, 23:12

The return to Zyarths stand was delayed by the need to replace the defective fuel cells but even so Janz was afforded a warm greeting as he docked at the equipment dock. He Contacted C'prrt and advised him they had delivered a gift for the Patriarch at the station before leaving the station and once again jumping to the outpost in Twisted skies.

Once there he transferred the necessary funds to get his complex up and running ordering his stations freighters to get cracking before the locals realised this fact.

Once again the dock master allowed him the use of his offices as this time he was swarmed not by potential crew but by traders seeking exclusive supply rights to the complex. He dealt with them assuring them that no such exclusivity would be entertained but that all traders were welcome who were allied with family Zyarth.

There was a bit of discontent at that but Janz was not worried the complex was running and already turning out munitions he suspected that a lot of the traders present would be seeking trading rights from the family Zyarth itself so he thanked the dock master for the use of his facilities and went back to his office aboard the Cobra.

There was a response from the Office in Aldrin which he put through the decryption process and waited for the reply to his reports.

He was startled to see Admiral Dealy on the screen," Janz I read the reports and we can confirm the fuel cells were tampered with before they left the Dragon.

You know where that leads us and I have taken steps but for the moment be aware that whilst the specifics of your operation cannot be known to anyone except your immediate crew there is some concern that any reports sent here may be intercepted.

We go to strategy Delta one as of now Dealy out ".

The image disappeared as the message erased itself. Janz wasn't ready not for this but he had no choice he activated a hidden console and sent self destruct codes to all of the satellites in the link to Aldrin if any one had started following that lead they would find a few surprises along the way.

He turned then to his other messages and was absorbed in admin till he finally got word that the Hyperion was in system with the Spring blossom an would be transferring freight during alter day's shift.

He contacted Dansen and told him they would be upping the schedule and that all hands were to be on standby at six am.

There was a letter of thanks from the Split council for the gift of the dozen IBL's that would enable them to fully arm their one remaining Capital class ship. Not really a gift Janz thought he didn't have a ship that could carry them as yet and it strengthened his position here.

There was one other item of interest and he asked Sladon to join him on the dock, He led Sladon to the Hyperion and indicated he should go aboard certain that for the moment that his presence would not be necessary.

Tarion was admitted onto the Hyperion admiring the beauty of the ship's construction every corridor was spacious with none of the more blatant signs of it being a military ship.

He followed the ships routing to a lounge that looked out on the sector and stopped when he saw Trisselle and the boys at the view screen.

She must have sensed something for she turned slowly and after a moment of shock on seeing him stood there she ran into his arms.

Gently she led him to the table and sat close to him not letting go of his hand saying nothing just staring into his eyes.

The Captain had kept his word Tarion realised wondering how the Captain had arranged for her to be transported from Omicron Lyrae to here and be confident in leaving no trail, knowing this was a debt he would never be able to repay but would gladly accept he sat with Trisselle just being comforted by her presence, he left only after it became apparent the children needed to go to bed and he kissed her gently promising to be in touch soon.

Tarion watched from the docking ring as the Hyperion with his sister and her children jumped to another place far from the war zones that had so cruelly imprisoned her and her children.

Looking at the time he made his way swiftly on board and down to the engineering decks where his crew were waiting for the morning briefing scheduled by the Captain.

The main viewer came too life showing the Captain on the bridge.

Ladies, gentlemen I am remiss my chief of the boat has informed me that this ship does not have a name it is time to end that sad state of affairs from this day forward she is the Banshee, now to more pressing matters from here we will jump back to Lasting vengeance, we have unfinished business there all hands stand to we jump once clear of the dock.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 30. Jan 14, 08:35

Pirate Interference:

Janz waited near the north gate noting that his satellite network had been disrupted, south of the gate some one had been very busy, sensing a trap he cautiously made his way south and west resisting the urge to put a satellite up as it would pinpoint their position to any one lurking nearby on low power.

"Sir we are tracking one transport moving towards the gate no other ship is in range at this time".

"Maintain sensor sweeps Lathan after our last visit this seems too quiet, Weapons he called over the com, warm up the batteries".

"Batteries are hot Captain came the swift reply from the" COB "advise we ping the safeties of the missile tubes".

Janz saw the sense in that and switched out the safe distance arming for the nukes every part of him sensing a trap but unable to see it yet.

"Sir we have contacts course 320 true relative, I have five no make that six M3 heavies and M4 escorts accelerating away from us".

"Ignore them" Janz ordered sensing they were bait loading their courses and positions into the tactical control computer. "Okay gentlemen I think we were supposed to take a look at those fighters launch a drone to follow them".

"Helm accelerate to max speed once those fighters are beyond detection range and change course to 165 up".

That would take them well up above the ecliptic beyond what any lurker might anticipate them doing but would when they had completed the manouver would give them a clear down view of most of the sector.

Once they reached that position he ordered the ship to go dark shutting down all but essential systems.

He sensed what out there in the dark a trap? possibly but he recalled the words of one of his tactical instructors at the academy, caution whenever in doubt use extreme caution, you may be wrong nine times out of ten but the one time you are right could save your life and that of your ship.

So they waited for hours he rotated the shifts to ensure his men stayed sharp then waited some more.

"Sir we have contacts heading for the gate M3 heavies and M4 escorts different id's than the first group they are conducting a sweep pattern".

" That means they lost us he allowed to the Cob alert all stations to standby we can expect action as soon as they realise they looked in the wrong direction Helm I want us to drift east and up of the centre of the system, silent running is to be maintained".

"Silent running aye sir" answered the Cob sending the necessary orders to all personnel".

Janz studied the sensor feeds getting a feel for the trap that had been laid for them, he was supposed to have gone after the squadron of fighters and they would have bolted straight into the jaws of it leading the Banshee into god knew what. He had avoided that but he still had not seen the jaws of that trap.

It was there of that he was certain the fighter group went beyond the gate and took out the last satellite he had in system then accelerated south moving below the ecliptic and it was there he got a glimpse of the Jaws, a Pirate Galleon was there with a shield of Nemesis ships at regular distances all ready to respond rapidly to any assault on the galleon.

"Missiles did you get target fixes on those ships?" he asked quietly.

"All targets are locked on sir I have the firing solution's ready for the capitals and the fighters in that order".

"Then Launch as soon as you have them in the Tubes, engineering I want a jump to the gate as soon as we have finished launching synch your timing with missile control".

The missiles began flying in rapid succession first the hammers then the flails this was not a precursor to a boarding op it was a cleansing the Jump drive alert started sounding as the last load of missiles were loaded into the tubes and they jumped even as the last missile were fired.

Janz launched a nav sat as soon as they were clear of the gate.
Hopefully the capital ships on seeing him arrive in system would assume he had jumped out earlier and not suspect the barrage that was even now closing on them.

"Set course flank speed for the last known position of that Galleon reload the tubes"

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 1. Feb 14, 07:08

"Helm maintain current course at speed until we are in scan range of the defensive screen then I want you to do an about face at flank speed for the gate but I want it ragged as though we broke something in the rapid turn".

Lathan grinned in response seeing what the Captain intended and fixed his eyes on the gravidar for his cue to act.

Janz patched into the engineering com channel "Sladon we will shortly be executing a swift course change is there anything you can think of doing down there that will make it look like we damaged the drives during that manouver ?".

The response was rapid " Sir I can jettison a refuelling rig with some depleted cells in it will make a nice pyrotechnic display and make who ever is watching that assume that we will be low on power for fifteen minutes or so after we jettison the rig".

"We'll go with that Sladon advise when you jettison the rig and we'll make it look just like that".

"Missiles" he ordered "I want a sequence of flail barrages ready to take out the fighters we've seen once launched switch back to the Hammers".

"Roger that came" the response from guns " be advised sir that we are nearing missile stick limits as outlined by yourself for operations".

Janz knew that was coming but if they timed things right it would be of little moment, the limits he had set were far above the standard limits set for missile frigates and he was counting down his stocks as they were being used.

The Banshee changed course rapidly in the next moment as Helm followed his orders the defensive screen was now once more visible on their scanners. Janz heard the rig being jettisoned and watched the impressive firework's Sladon had created, the only question now was would they take the bait.

The ship seemed to almost stop in flight as power was cut to the drives the sudden silence as the drives were shut down to minimum was eerie to say the least.

"Helm bring the drives back up to normal power gradually let's make ourselves a target, guns weapons free expect a missile attack before the fighters get in weapons range launch the flails once you have enough targets closing on us".

Now it was a waiting game he needed the defence screen to pursue him leaving their charge Isolated, Janz studied the tactical display that was now being updated every few seconds.

The waiting was the hard part but at last he got the information he wanted the M3 and M4 fighters were accelerating towards them believing they would be crippled for the next ten minutes or so and better yet the defence screen was also accelerating hard on their heels wanting a taste of the kill.

He watched dispationately as the flails were launched and heard the heavy torpedo racks being swung into place.

"Helm once the fighters have been dealt with I want you to do a 180 degree course change and head for that Galleon Dansen this is Janz do you fancy a little exercise I think I want that Galleon ?".

"Give us the word sir my men are standing by" came Dansen's response.

Janz grinned at that and his lighter mood spread amongst the bridge crew now they were the hunters although his targets had not realised that yet.
"guns" he comm'd as the fighters were obliterated "target the defence screen but minimum missile use our first barrage should be catching up with them about now take out the ones we don't damage too badly".

"All hands stand by for boarding operations he called over the ship wide speakers".

Jnaz sent a signal to the Hyperion waiting beyond the North gate and ordered it to follow his lead. Satisfied that he had done everything he could he watched and waited as the defence screen ships drew ever closer.

They hesitated as the first of the heavies he had launched inntialy caught up with them producing a succession of blinding explosions in his path.

once the screens cleared he felt yet another salvo of missiles being fired as guns targeted the ships still surviving.

That left the Galleon as he changed course to intercept it but holding a course that would render their mains ineffective against the Banshee.

He launched a second satellite and waited for the damage reports on the Galleon to settle as the remaining heavy torpedo's targeted it.

Now he decided taking control of the missiles and switching to flails which he launched in rapid succession " Dansen" he ordered "you have a go", the pods launched on his word masked by the flail barrage that even now was homing on the Galleon the distance was greater than he had wanted it to be but he was able to maintain a constant rate of attrition till the pods locked onto it's hull.

After that it was down to his marines he switched to their channel ad grimaced at the sound of heavy fighting the pirates were clearly used to boarding ops and were putting up a determined resistance.

It was taking too long he thought his eyes searching the satellite display looking for potential danger. The Hyperion was now in range and was waiting to assist in the clean up but the situation was tense.

Sir the ship is ours came the message finally and Janz vectored in on it to get his men back on board.

Beaming aboard a bridge crew and kit from the Hyperion which he then ordered to jump back to the gate for further orders.

"Sir we have incoming a second flotilla accelerating towards us a Zeus and three no make that four Nemesis class ships with a fighter screen ".

So the duke was not repeating his mistakes he checked his missile bunkers for stock levels it would be a close thing but doable if he used hammers on the Zeus.

"Guns launch flails to eliminate the fighters then go for the nemesis ships Helm I want an evasive course stand by for a missile attack".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 3. Feb 14, 00:46

The second flotilla was swiftly decimated but his missile stocks were now getting critically low, Janz checked the distance to the Zeus and the nemesis escort screen that was being targeted and obliterated as he watched guns was sniping he realised using just enough warheads to confirm a kill before moving to the next target.

Finally that left the Zeus it had taken some hits but its shields were recharging rapidly.

"Guns" he ordered " I want you to hurt that Zeus regardless of hull damage I don't want our marines exposed".

Understood sir came the response as a Barrage of hammers left the tubes a moment later.

"Dansen are your team ready to go he asked ?".

"Ready willing and able sir" came the rapid response.

Dansen stepped back from the com link and turned to face his men " alright ladies and gentlemen you heard the man prep for boarding warm up the pods".

Sillarno one of his lead men gave him the look but went to the weapons locker to replace his depleted weapons , others followed his lead and waited for the go command.

Two stints in less than an hour was insane Dansen thought but if it was necessary He would do it. The Galleon had been hard the crew had anticipated their tactics and they had been fortunate they hadn't suffered any casualty's but now his men were tired and he was not happy a point he would make to the Captain when or if he had the chance.

"Pods you are a go to launch came the order and Dansen was the first to step into the pod sealing his suit as he fastened himself into the webbing that would cushion the G forces they would experience, checking the gravidar feed he saw the target was at fifteen clicks but closing inexorably.

The rest of his team settled into their harness's and the pod was launched as soon as the hatch closed.

Dansen watched an waited as the target grew ever nearer his hand hovering over the abort switch as he watched the readout on the Zeus's shields watching the flails impact ahead of them distracting the turrets and giving his team a chance.

The Pod found it's target and locked on the violent decelaration punched the wind out of his chest but he recovered as the pods breaching dock opened to reveal the hull of the Zeus.

The team moved to the portal and started cutting the plasma torch they were using generating a massive heat build up in the pod as molten metal spilled into the air.

"Breaching charge placed and armed" announced Ch'tall his demolitions expert stepping back and closing the portal.

The explosion tore through the Zeus's hull sending a 500 kilo chunk of hull inwards. Ch'tall opened the hatch and dropped through the hole followed by the rest of the team.

They were on a lower deck with the alarm systems wailing advertising there presence.

"Deploy" he ordered "command alpha" his men went forward moving towards the access ports to the control decks across the hanger bay he saw a flight of M3 fighters being readied for launch with a glance to Sillarno he gave all the order he needed to and Sillarno launched the close support missiles from his back pack mounted weapon.

"okay people lets make a little progress here he comm'd as the M3 fighters were torn to shards secondary explosions from their payloads creating havoc on the hanger deck.

Dansen called up his tac display and led his men forward aware of the other teams moving towards the ships core.
The team fanned out at the approach to the ramp to the next deck there were tango's ahead of us I could see them moving on the Ladar on my helmets display the others were obviousely getting the same data as they began setting up a phased repeater rifle behind some cover by the ramp.
Leave that for the moment he ordered speed is our best weapon now.

Dansen left them to it and ran past firing his own rifle as he saw targets ahead of him trying to regroup the rest of his team formed on him as they ran through the first point of resistance

Their second point of contact at the head of the ramp was better prepared but they were not wearing heavy combat suits with integral shields that deflected most of the small arms fire. "Grenade" he warned throwing the stick into the group clustered ahead of them and feeling the concussion from the blast. he fired short bursts at the survivors then moved up to the next level.
Here they met heavier resistance the crew were setting up hard points.
Alright ladies he called over the com here's where we get to dance Sillarno break right and provide cover the rest of you follow me in.

As Sillarno made his move the crew began to track him with their floor mounted repeater Dansen barrelled forward maintaining a continuous stream of fire interspersed with grenades form his second. The result was not pretty most of their team manning the cannon were vaporised as the high velocity rounds tore through them like they were nothing more than tissue paper.

More Targets ahead he cautioned as they reached the next level ignoring side corridors that led to crew cabins fortunately he and his men were familiar with the Zeus carriers layout and they all zeroed on his position giving updates as they went.

Ahead of them lay the control decks and they were being targeted by active sensors linked to hardened weapons points.

"Okay" he called sensing his men grouping up near him "we have two hard points ahead possible marines in combat gear so no mistakes ladies, "

"Ch'tall I want a sweeper charge with an emp pulse I want their armour shields down when we go in so power down when its launched then reboot and we go in".

There was a rapid series of conformations from his men the mine was sent forward and they felt the deck shake as it detonated "shields up" he
ordered changing out his rifle charge pack for a fresh one then leading his squad at a dead run, the pirates crew were disorganised from the shock of the emp pulse but they were still a potential threat.
He moved swiftly directing his fire at the hostiles in the combat suits before their suits shields could recharge. The other hostiles he mostly ignored leaving them to his team to clean up after him.

He came up to the ships main deck where the blast doors were down and sealed.

"Okay Sillarno I want that door gone, all teams vector on me we are going for the core".
"Roger that" came the rapid response over the coms.

Once again the deck shook as the hatch was blown there was a sustained fire from beyond the hatch as the crew of the Zeus made a last ditch effort to stop them.

lifting his rifle he charged forward selecting targets as they appeared out of the smoke his suits sensors were screaming at him that he was taking fire.
That was okay he was in even as he moved forward to clear the room he knew his team were taking down the life support systems that would leave the crew no choice but to bug out unless they were in survival suits.

Speaking of which as he stepped into the main area of the deck he found a bunch of suited marines all marked as hostile, wrong turn he thought as he launched grenades at them switching his rifle to full auto and trying to keep on target as he felt the returning fire blast through his shielding.

Not good he decided as he felt his suit begin to fail its systems going offline under the sustained fire. He felt a massive blow to his chest and realised he was going down his Hud display darkened as he fell his own vision becoming blurred as he lost all sense of his bearings his ears still ringing with the staccato bursts of repeater fire at close range.

After that he was aware of very little time had no meaning to him and so he was surprised to see Sillarno peering at him through his visor. "Skip hang in there" he heard Sillarno say "We have the ship and help is on its way".

He should say something he realised as he tried to clear the fog from his mind but it hurt too much god how it hurt.

without his suits systems he had no idea how bad he was but the pain that was spreading ever deeper into his mind told him this was not good.

"Sill" He gasped forcing the words through the pain "you have point" then his eyes rolled back in his head as he lost consciousness.

"Sir we have a report from the Zeus they are requesting a medical team asap they have injured".

Janz cursed and ordered the Hyperion's nova to take a med team to the carrier.
He ordered the Notus on board the Hyperion to transfer a jump kit and bridge crew as well then waited on the reports to come in.

The Hyperion docked with the carrier to his surprise and then moved swiftly to dock with his own ship ignoring his standing orders.
He switched feeds to the airlock the Hyperion had latched onto then left the chair heading for the med bay on deck two.

There he found a Squad of marines hovering at the access hatch to the med bay still in full combat rig.

"Report he ordered Sillarno" getting the name from the mans breast tag.

"The Skip is in there Captain and he's hurt real bad took down a squad of combat marines on deck five on his own, saved our asses for sure".

Janz saw the mans pain "Okay Sillarno get your men back to quarters I will keep you updated on Dansen".

"Okay Captain" Sillarno agreed reluctantly knowing he had broken a lot of rules today that he did'nt give a damn about he glanced once more into the med bay then signalled his men to follow him back to their own quarters.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Joined: Sat, 12. Apr 08, 10:53

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 3. Feb 14, 10:27

Janz stepped into the med bay but kept out of the way as he saw the staff stripping the combat suit of Dansen and plugging in IV tubes and sensors.

The surgeon glanced at Janz for a moment but said nothing he was to busy.
The surgery took too long that was Janz's thought as the doctor finally stepped back from his patient and had the gurney taken to a recovery room.

Janz stepped forward after the surgeon had had time to wash his hands and take of his mask.
"How's he doing doc" he asked.

"Not good Captain, punctured left lung and trauma to his kidneys and liver and spleen, I've got rid of the shrapnel and sealed the lung but he is in a bad way".
"Before you ask if he will make it Captain I have no idea, that unfortunately is in the hand's of the god's".

Janz thanked the man and made his way back to the bridge his mood was dark as he checked the gravidar the Zeus had jumped out but the Hyperion stood off his port bow awaiting orders.

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