Changes In The Wind –New Horizons pt7 – Cyborg…

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Changes In The Wind –New Horizons pt7 – Cyborg…

Post by silentWitness » Mon, 11. Jul 11, 23:11

Ok so the competition from the previous part still stands... but it's now for the next issue... please post if you wish to take part so that I know if I should bother with the competition or not.

Part one:
Part two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six:

Changes In The Wind –New Horizons pt7 – Cyborg…

I awoke in the medical bay… at first I thought it had all been a dream but then I saw Sry’akl… his head badly crushed… but slowly healing… It was strange… I was hungry and thirsty but I was almost completely unhurt which is more than I could say for my clothes… Then I realised my nanites were all still… all of them! As I hurried to wake them but then I felt Useless in my mind, his field forcefully cutting me off from them “shhh… my child… you must keep them still… Sry’akl is alive because Allontamant believes him to be nanite sensitive! He will kill him if he discovers it is you!” I couldn’t talk back to him… but I formed the question in my mind. “It is again my fault, I did not consider there would be such creatures still in existence” Useless chose his words carefully… obscuring his emotions… it was strange as he normally allowed me to see his feeling to help me understand his words. How did he know the Cyborgs name? The medical bay was cold. Sry’akl was shivering slightly. I worried… he should not get cold. I slipped my legs over the side and slowly eased myself down onto them. With a little scream I landed in a heap under the bed. So… my idea of getting linen to wrap him in would not work until my legs did! I shuffled weakly over to his small bed. Grasping at the sides I pulled with my weak arms, gasping at the strain! Flopping next to him, my body exhausted! Close up his wound looked better… it had bled, a strange black substance, but it looked like it was healing which was good.

My stomach was suddenly overcome with nerves… What was I doing? I had touched him before yes? No… never his skin. He had always worn gloves or there had been clothes between us. Hadn’t there? I couldn't remember... Now he was unconscious and I was about to touch his skin… Without permission. What if he woke up and was disgusted?! What if he wasn’t?! What if it meant something? What if it meant nothing? My stomach turned summersaults, my mouth dry, my head felt fuzzy and hot from over thinking… Ok Lyssa… He’s cold… that’s all this is… warming him up. My breath caught in my throat as I moved to touch him and my hand instinctively pulled back. Oh my god! Oh my god! Why is this so nerve wracking! What if he gets offended? What if he’s aggressive? What if he likes me? Like really likes me? My hand leaped out... his skin wasn’t as hard as I had expected. It looked hardened but it was soft and supple… like skin. His was cold, there was a strange texture to it… soft yet it seemed textured. My hands ran slowly up his arm, feeling the definition of his firm muscles, my confidence growing with every motion. A naughty hand slipped onto his chest… he was more buff than he looked… it was hidden under all that armour normally but this close I couldn’t help but feel the firmness of his muscles. A feeling of guilt suddenly exploded in my mind… Yeah Lyssa… warm him up… at this rate the only one who will be getting hot here is me! I took my hands off and closed my eyes trying to calm down. I hadn’t been this close to anyone who I wasn’t related to… I needed to keep my focus… especially as he was as alien as anything I had known… but that made it more exciting didn’t it. I gently entwined myself, bringing myself close to him. A strange wave of contentness seemed to overwhelm my excitement… My eyes slowly closed and I fell asleep.

When I awoke I felt strong arms around me. Was he awake? I slowly opened my eyes… Sry’akl was sleeping peacefully… his wound was almost completely healed. I stretched out my consciousness and just felt the shuddering of the nanites working on him… without my nanites I felt almost blind to the blur of shells moving around him. But he was sleeping! He was so warm… it was like laying next to a heater… his body seemed to exude heat naturally. I could have stayed like this forever… I thought of his face as he awoke with me in his arms... I felt the broad smile on my face dissolve as doubt spread like a forest fire through my mind. No he couldn’t find me in his arms… he needed to make a move first… What would he think of me if he were to find me like this? It was with a tinge of guilt that I extracted myself from his grasp silently… he would never know… My legs shook slightly as I stood and gave him a little nudge to wake up “Sry’akl… wake up”.


Wow! What a dream! I could have sworn I was captain of a split cruiser crewed entirely by attractive concubines. A little voice cooed… “Sry’akl… wake up” it was my Lys… second in command of the dreadnaught cruiser of raining death!! Was it was time to inspect the crew again… *sigh* I don’t think my body was up to another round of inspections… my shoulders ached… but not so much as my head! The light glared but as my eyes opened all I saw was that pretty little face! Her smile as radiant as the halo the lights made around her head. Now this… This is what I wanted last time… not some crazy hallucination about her getting shot and dying! She tenderly took my hand… her skin was so soft… it was softer than anything I could imagine. “What happened?” her little face scrunched up… “Pirates” “Are they gone? Did the authorities catch them?” her face said it all… “They’re still in control aren’t they…” I looked down at her body… her clothes were stained, blast holes, burned… yeah… that was the worst real hallucination I had ever had… I could have atleast kissed her or felt her up or something. When I knew she was going to be alright of course… Missed my chance now haven’t I! A Mercs life for me now… her’s a slave… maybe in a domicile… no… with that hair? A pleasure complex… maybe one day I could buy her out of there. Wow… was getting ahead of yourself there! “So how many are there?” Her eyes searched mine “…Just one” One? “he is too strong… he could kill us all in a heartbeat!” figures…

Boots clanked on the deck behind her and a familiar Paranid voice echoed though the bay “Ah so Captain Sry’akl! You are now awake? How fortuitous for us both! Or perhaps I should call you Master Sry’akl… That is after all the formal title of the nanite sensitive… or has the old man not taught you that yet?” The Paranid came into view. It was wrong… part machine… part abomination! The split never used mechanics in this way… it was wrong to augment yourself in such a way! It was the honour of the flesh and the stone! Never the two meet in honour! A bionic abomination was not right in this world… it was a nightmare. A control spike was dug deep into a piece of the ship that was wrapped around its arm. This bionic abomination was here for something… but my thoughts were interrupted as the Paranid threw its arms about… the shockwave his like a wall of pain as it came towards me but the pain broke like a wave on my skin and subsided. The Paranid looked vaguely satisfied… So… the old master has atleast taught you basic fields… this is good… maybe I can use you! I looked as Lys, her breath was held. She had done it. The bionic laughed “You know the power! I can see it in your eyes! Come now! You know that your Master has not taught you like an apprentice… imagine what I could teach you if you were to listen!” It thought I was the one who did it… this abomination would crush Lyssies will… I had to be strong! I had to take control. My voice seemed to snarl “What of it Bionic?” It turned and laughed “Come little one… let us see this pitiful ‘Master’ of yours! Then maybe you shall see things my way.

As I stood it was then I noticed the plasma pistol holstered on its belt… It would vaporise us both before I could get close enough to strike… not forgetting that this was a psychotic Cyborg Commando and I was a maintenance split with an empty holster and empty promises of aggression and violence. It walked in front of us knowing either of us could hope to take it by surprise. The drunk was kept in a small room. Tutol was hunched in a corner looking even more pathetic than usual… maybe the pirates had worked him over… who could tell with his scarring?!? The bionic showed him with a sense of triumph! “See your Master! He is pathetic” The shock blast knocked Tutol down as if he were a day old babe. “What is a Paranid without eyes” It snarled as it hit him again, and again! Finally bringing forth blood. I could feel Lys crushing her face into my shoulder, feeling her flinch with every crash but little could prevent the sound of the sickening crunch as tutol was tossed to the deck like a ragdoll.
The Bionic released its fist and the grip seemed to disappear. “See what becomes of your teacher! HA! Wouldn’t you want real power? Become my apprentice!” but the old drunk couldn’t stay quiet could he? His laugh seemed to bounce around the room “One like you could never train an apprentice Allontamant! You are little more than a child toying with nanites!” The bionics smiled turned into a snare! “A child?!?!? Then let us see you take these childish blows” The force of it’s fist smashing into Tutol was powerful… I felt its force right across the room. Somehow the Paranid was still alive. “Then train him then! But I will be surprise if he masters even the basics under your tutelage” “Ha we will see! He will be of use to me! He will join my cause! He will learn and I shall use him to command all this system!” “And if I refuse?” I shouted defiantly! “Well then your pretty thing dies!”

Ok… so only are communal garden mad psychopath… only with nanite powers and bionic strength… great!

I had closed my eyes but that noise seemed to bash through my barriers into my mind. All the time Useless kept saying calming things through nanite space… telling me to be still… ‘be still my child… be still’ the tears kept flowing from my eyes but it seemed so insufficient. I had never seen anyone tortured… but this was beyond anything I could have imagined! It would haunt my nightmares for the nights afterwards… maybe forever.
Then I heard it. Sry’akl’s strong voice “Stop this… stop this and I shall learn from you.” Useless smiled… ‘good he has realised’… ‘what?’ ‘this Cyborg wants a nanite sensitive… he will study one and then attempt to augment its power’ horror overwhelmed my mind ‘but Sry’akl can’t see the nanites!’ Useless was smiling again ‘Allontamant can see but shadows… we are lucky. I will teach you… will learn to defend yourself… and then if need be… to kill.’ Kill? How could he even consider I would be capable?!? A calm came over me… it was a calming field… everything seemed to make more sense... I would have to learn I would cover for him or Sry’akl would be dead and then I would be too soon after as I wouldn’t have the strength to do half the things this Paranid would want. I feared for us both… I wished I had woken Sry’akl up with me in his arms… damn the consequence… now I would never get to… my nerve would never overcome itself…

Damn my stupid heart! It shouldn’t be so hard!

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Post by Deeparth » Fri, 22. Jul 11, 17:56

You might wanna recheck the spellings and a few punctuation mark here and there.

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Post by ghostrider » Mon, 25. Jul 11, 05:01

Great work,I'm looking forward to more.

I think i've read just about every story on these forums(except the DiD's which i dont like) and i gotta say I'm likeing this a lot,keep it up :)

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Post by lichking21st » Fri, 29. Jul 11, 11:06

Wow I just noticed that the index hasn't been updated since sometime in 2010!

That might explain a few things. Was wondering why this story isn't in there.

I have read your previous stories, all of them are good.

I recognize your style of writing in "Of future heroism" to be somewhat similar to Sci-Fi Fantasy... or at least I think so... (having recently read "Firebirds Rising")

Great work!

Need to read this series now...

*rushes off to read*

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Post by silentWitness » Mon, 1. Aug 11, 21:26

'Of Future Heroism' was a story I wrote for my readers and for therapy. I constantly had other things in mind... I remember feeling wholly unfulfilled at the end... 'Dark Horizons' was my ultimate sell out, truly an attempt to gain comments and views... I neither enjoyed writing it or can read it myself.

'Flames from Ashes...' was a return to writing for myself... I am exceptionally happy with the story and sometimes reread it... It is very much my swan song for that era of X games... 'Changes In The Wind' is somewhat of an experiment... I both feel the need to write a new story but I don't want a single protagonist... It's a sort of a sci-fi love story... but with classic pulp novella themes of coming of age, rebirth and conflict... The climax of this next section promises to be a good one... I just need to write the parts in between now!!!

I've been working part time as a librarian and so I have far too much time to read although I spend most of my time with books written before 1000AD...

The next part will be online in the next few days... I'm just reworking it to fit into the sections ending...

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Post by lichking21st » Tue, 2. Aug 11, 06:05

'Dark Horizons' was my ultimate sell out, truly an attempt to gain comments and views... I neither enjoyed writing it or can read it myself.
I don't believe that writing something you don't enjoy writing makes the best book. I know that when I try to do that, the story is crap and usually I lose intrest midway. It's simpily not worth it to continue.

I finished reading (or shall I say listening since i actually put it through a text to speech) your story yesterday. I am currently reading the Rouge series and the stories by Ed Man. I would say your writing intrests me the most :D

Awaiting your next installment :wink:

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Post by johneh77 » Wed, 7. Jan 15, 15:33

This is a fascinating story. I don't suppose you will ever finish it? I love stories that are a bit different.

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Post by silentWitness » Mon, 8. Jun 15, 13:34

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