Bringing Chaos to Order

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Bringing Chaos to Order

Post by devilofbelfast » Thu, 22. Sep 16, 21:16

My first attempt at a proper 'D.I.D(B.N.Q)' long term game. I'll explain this soon.

MOD LIST (theres some iv forgotten to list but will update list as i spot the effects)
Advanced Complex Hub with 200km range,
Enhanced Station sensor range to approx 200km,
Copied and repurposed the magnetar to be a static defense drone launcher (0m/s speed, 10x2GJ shields, 5000xl cargo, universal missile tubes ((kinda cheaty but i like it, cant be used until i get an aran due to deployment issues))),
Changed Gates to Trans Orbital Accelerators (this completely renders the jumpdrive useless until i gain jumpbeacons),
Board Station,
Cheat Package (to set starting conditions)
DCS Drone Carrier (mainly for use with the static defense magnetars)
Equipment R&D
Marine Repairs
Pirate and Yaki guilds
Ring of Fire
Salvage Command Software
Peldors Drones

Character Background,
Name, Bill Rew
Race, Goner
Starting Sector, Argon Prime
Starting Assets, 1x untuned disco, 0cr and my mojo

The Rules,
Generational Game. Saves should be made regularly. Upon death and reload of the last save, all currently owned properties are to be assigned to the race whose sector the property occupies (all ships and stations except the hub. all stations must be set to be profitable before handover and the credit accounts left undrained). All ships should be assigned relevent tasks and turned over to the sectors owners. Once the plots are done, they are done. They cant be reset for each generational character. Any unique ships i come across must be secured and reverse engineered. These blueprints will also be added to a generic spawned shipyard incase i lose my hq (shipyard is npc, all ships must be payed for, just avoids build times). HQ is purchasable fron the Goner Shipyard in EoL. New character must start with only a basic ship and limited funds, competing against thier predecessors estabished empires.

*Edit, Although the starting conditions included a shield and salvage command software i decided to omit these to start with a bare hull. edited to reflect this.
Last edited by devilofbelfast on Wed, 1. Feb 17, 02:02, edited 2 times in total.
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Thu, 5. Jan 17, 00:48

Bringing Chaos to Order

Chapter 1

(Opens with a holo-letter to the President of the Argon Federation)

Dear Guv'ment Frak-wits

I, Bill Rew, hereby renounce my citizenship of the Argon Federation and demand a vessel in which to depart. I'd love to tell you i'd had a great time here but well, id be fracking lying. Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home.

(signs letter with a holographic, revolving clenched fist with a middle raised finger)

Heeheehee, cant believe they actually gave me a ship after sending them that letter! I thought if i was lucky, they'd just boot me onto the next flight out. But damn, soooo didn't expect them to ACTUALLY give me a fracking ship!!

So here i am, smack bang in the middle of Argon Prime in a puny Discoverer with no weapons, shields, system modules or enhancements. Just a bare hull and not a credit to my name. What the hell am i gonna do...? I mean,,, all i'd ever dreamt of was leaving this scum bucket planet but i never really considered what id do once i actually left. Whoops!

Current assets; 1x untuned disco, 0 credits, 1x my mojo
Settings; Pirate Guild and Yaki have been activated, Abandoned ship spawner activated and npc salvaagers destroyed.

Chapter 2

Guess i should introduce myself... I'm bill. And im a fracking physcopath.

Well, sort of... i mean i'm actually a really nice guy! Really! But when people start doing stupid things or saying stupid things... i just cant help it. I start breaking things... and people. People saying things like 'there's too many big words in that, i dont understand and i wont educate myself on the subject' tend to wind up 6foot under. Another is blatent ignorance, like a refusal to even acknowledge that an order has been given. Thats when i get MAD.

But really, apart from that im a perfectly lovely guy... i mean... sort of.. i smoke ALOT of space weed, i sware a lot, im seriously sarcastic and rude, never punctual or appropriate. But really im a nice guy. My hearts in the right place...

So i started this log just to put my thoughts into perspective. To explain things, if even only to myself. See i'm kinda disabled in a few different ways. One of which is that my mind simply works too fast for my body to keep up... My mind has already played the game and hundreds more while i physicly reach out to make the first move... But if i can sit for a bit and talk about why im doing what im doing, hopefully it will make a bit of sense.

See, when i was younger and at school, an assignment was given. Simply describe the universe in a single word. Most kids wrote stuff like Big, Beautiful, Empty, ect but me...
All i could think of was Chaos. Absolute and Utter Fracking Chaos! When i was a kid, i had this fascination with just watching the sector satillite feeds. Watching the ships, the stations stock levels ect and getting soooo pissed off when one ran out of resources. I mean, i know it was irrational. They wern't my stations or ships, nor my credits. But i and i alone it seemed could see what was wrong.

Everyone wanted to trade in the big profit items like ores, weapons and missiles. Noone wanted to do resources. It wasn't profitable. It was just a milk run. It was boring.

See, its not about the profit... Its about the trades. If it was up to me, id have a middleman complex with guys buying and selling intermediate rescources across a short distance, say three sectors at maximum. For example, a silicon mine, a cattle ranch, a cahoona bakery, a crystal fab, a power plant, an ore mine and a mosquito missile fab. If you complex them,
you get a facility with no resources, just intermediate products and mosquito's. If i assigned a few guys to buy energy below average and a few to sell above average within the 3 sector range, they could keep a lot of stations supplied while also allowing my middleman station to quietly tick over. As profits increase i simply expand my cag roster to include guys trading in each intermediate and a sales guy to sell of the occasional mosquitos being produced.

With my guys making so many trades, there is reduced need for npcs in the area so hopefully most of them leave and go elsewhere. Some should hang around to trade the products as stations come back into full production. Any shortages in the local market can be filled with small automated complexes; ie, a 3x cattle ranch and 3x cahoona bakery with a power plant would provide enough cahoonas to stabiliise the Argon Prime region. Simply set the price of crystals to go between avg-1 and avg +1 and the price of cahoonas to go between avg-1 to avg +1. Let the middleman complex feed it occasional crystals and funnel out its cahoonas when there is no local supply cheaper. A small similar complex of ore, a silicon, a wheat, a crystal and a power plant complex would see me completely stabilise and dominate the
local resource base across the entire Argon Prime region and it could be done for about 250million credits per racial sector block.

Add in the Trading station + cags to move products to the docks and theres my guys practicly making every trade aross the region. People talk of profits
but what do profits really matter when your the only company doing any serious shipping? The profits are there with every trade, even if they are small. Every credit builds up. Its simply a matter of letting it come to me.
Its simply a means to an end. It's not about profits, it's about the chaos of the universe and bringing it to order, by whatever small degree.

But how the hell do i start? i mean all ive got is an untuned disco! I haven;t even a single credit to my name... Hmmmm... Where theres money there will usually be a Teladi... therefore... where theres a Teladi, there should be money? Sounds logical doesnt it? How hard could it really be to scrounge up enough to start trading a few energy cells? Or a few Sunrise Flowers?

It's as good a start as any!

Into the abyss we ride! Destination... Freedom!
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Sun, 8. Jan 17, 16:23

Chapter 3

Bill here, just checking in. Managed to reach Teladi space! I tell ya, travelling 7 sectors at 92m/s with no sensors, shields or seta really isn't fun. Decided to travel down as far as Company Pride just to map the sectors and stations. Got to Blue Profit and one of the lizard people commed me; 'Here mate, couldnt do me a wee favour?'
'Depends chum' I replied 'I'm looking to make a few credits... Maybe we could help each other out?' The lizard said 'I was attacked by Pirates up in Profit Share and had to bail! Could you nip up and see if my ship's still there? I'll pay 950cr!'

My mouth just dropped... 'Wait wait hang on a second here mate, you're gonna pay me just under a grand to fly about 100km and grab your ship...!? Are you serious!? Of course i will!' I was astounded... I was
only here about 20 minutes and they were throwing money at me for silly little tasks like this?? I would have taken the job in a spacesuit for that kinda money! I opened comms again and told her 'back in a half hour mate' and that i was.

I nipped up to Profit Share and claimed her Disco Sentinel (a teladi flying an Argon ship... That's odd) and sent it on its way. Since i was heading down towards Company Pride I escorted the Disco back to Blue Profit.
Kinds fortunate that i did as upon entering sensor range of the Trading Station two pirates were promptly smashed by the local lasertower. Two missiles were left behind, a typhoon and a windstalker.

After the Disco had docked and been turned over i headed south and docked at the military base. Sold the missiles and got a whopping 20000 credits! Thats a lifetimes earnings on Argon Prime! I promptly spent
half of it on a triplex scanner, just cause its scary flying with no sensors and then went to the trading station for a few engine upgrades.

Current assets; 1x Disco - 7 engine tunings, 1x triplex Scanner and 1x SETA. 53cr. Everything i need to start my journey! Here we go!
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 7229
Joined: Tue, 29. Dec 09, 02:15

Post by Triaxx2 » Mon, 9. Jan 17, 03:32

I'll happily add this to the DiD list, if you'll tell me which game you're playing. :D
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Mon, 9. Jan 17, 13:47

hi triaxx its AP but pretty modified
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 7229
Joined: Tue, 29. Dec 09, 02:15

Post by Triaxx2 » Mon, 9. Jan 17, 14:48

Cool. I adore mods personally, but the list doesn't care if it's modded or not.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Sat, 14. Jan 17, 18:46

Chapter 4

Its just occurred to me that i'm actually the captain...

Begin Captain's Log, Stardate Today hahahaha.

Yeah so with the Independance (that's what I named the Disco) now bieng a bit quicker I decided to just take a bit of time out to map the sector's and stations. Headed north as far as ceo's buckziod but just couldnt see any nice jobs. Went south to map Profit Share and Spaceweed Drift properly when i got a wee comm; 'Here matey I hear you like retrieving ships, would you mind grabbing mine? It ran outta gaas down in Spaceweed Drift' 'Aye, no problem. Back soon'. Flew south into S.D and claimed her ship, gave it a quick buzz with the repair laser and sent it on its way home. Turns out the gas tank was full, the idiot's keys had just fallen out hahahaha. she must'a bin really high. Turns out she was delighted to get her ship back and paid me a grand! Nice! Then her employer broke in on the line; 'Scuze me but your meant to be working, not conducting personal affairs' 'Calm down chum' i replied 'i'm just turning over control and we're done' His scaley little head turned at that 'Returning control of what?' he asked. 'Her ship, I retrieved it for her' i told him. 'You retrieve ships? Some silly fool left one of my courier ships in Greater Profit. Bring it back and i'll overlook this' 'Deal' I replied. Flew over to Greater Profit and saw the ship straigt away. A pegasus Sentinel, I remember the old versions used to go over a kilometer a second. Claimed and repaired the ship and sent it back to the flower farm manager. Several minutes later i got a rather unusual message asking why the ship had been repaired and how much i wanted for doing it. I quickly replied about just using the suit laser and not having incurred expense. Moments later the next message came in. 'We give you 5000cr for job well done'

Seriously!? Five grand!? She hadn't even offered to pay me! I'd just done it to get the teladi off the hook with her boss! I'm gonna run over to the Trading Station and upgrade the engines a bit. Back in a min...
Kay me again... wait who else would it be? hahaha so got the engines upgraded, grabbed a few credits worth of spaceweed and took off again. Decided on going north to properly map Siezewell. Sure is alot of rocks floating around here. Someone really should hoover them up...
Unfortunately it's not gonna be me in this heap of junk. Profit Share has been good for missions so heading back there. Had just got into the sector when i was hailed by this big scaary looking thing with three eyes! 'You bring me 200 energy cells lower creature i give you 22585cr. 14 minutes on clock' 'Deal!' I told it. Long story short i hadn't upgraded the cargo bay much and after a quick trip to the trading station for upgrades, I just managed to complete the job with 4 seconds to spare. The big scary creature still honoured the deal though. 22585 Credits!! Jackpot! Made straight for the Siezewell Equipment dock to max the engines and cargo.

Need to find me some more spaceweed! maybe there is some in Spaceweed Drift? only one way to find out! Headed south again and as i was just entering Spaceweed Drift again the combat alarm sounded! OH SHIT! PIRATES! Had i had and weapons or shields i probably would have gone in and tried to assist the sector defense but it wasn't really needed. The sector police ships pretty quickly opened fire and the pirate ships exploded, spewing missiles everywhere... Hang on... The poice are just leaving. Who's gonna clean up all this mess...?

Bill you idiot! Get your fracking ass in gear boy!

I swung the Independance into action and picked up as much as i could. Filled the entire cargo bay with missiles and returned to the siezewell eq dock to see what i could sell. Turns out they would take the lot and for a very shiny pile of credits too! 62k cr i got! 62 thousand fracking credits! HOLY CRAP! I'M RICH!

Its just hit me that i've only been out here twelvehours and i've already made more money than ten people could make in a lifetime, planetside. Why didn't I do this years ago...

Since i was already at the eq dock i figured what the hell, lets arm this puppy! 4x IRE but no shields. Gonna have to nip down to that Light Shield place i seen earlier. Maybe they will have some. Few minutes later and i was equipped with three brand new 1mj shields.

Current assets; Liberation; Full enging and cargo upgrades.Equipped with Triplex scanner, Freight scanner, Navigation, trade, fight and special command softwares. Trading system extension. 4x ire 3x 1mj shields. 7.5k cr. Maybe this isnt such a rust bucket after all...
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Sat, 14. Jan 17, 18:52

Chapter 5

I've spotted the kestral in the shipyard and decided i simply must have one... Unfortunately i couldn't afford it. I only had about seven and a half grand left. Then it came to me. Set up a robbery! Yep, you heard that right. See, im in a fast ship... im armed... im shielded... and i can spot a target half way across the sector with these sensors so why not just corner a frieghter in a dark spot and demand his frieght... hehehehe Well, why not?

Flew down into Hatikvah's Faith and there it was right in front of me. The perfect target. A Boron TS Military Supply Transporter. Completely unarmed! with a cig in the cargobay!!! I didn't even hesitate, I just started shooting. I couldnt help myself, i just kept firing until the weapons generator ran dry.
I commed the captain and put on a scarey face 'Listen mate dump the frieght or i'll blow your lifesupport. you've 5 seconds to decide'I couldnt even blink... I just stared at this octopussey like thing trying to look mean. On the fourth second a CIG sailed out the cargo hatch and i just cut comms. I picked up the weapon and left.

It literally was that easy. I flew back up into Teladi space and sold the CIG. Four hundred grand minus the teadis fee for handling the stolen weapon. I might have just been declared wanted dead or alive by the boron but who cares? they're just fish aren't they? What are they gonna do? Swim after me?

Safe to say I'd bought that new Kestrel and swapped over into it with all my gear. Wow this things fast! I'ma call her Speedy Gonzalez!

Sped North in Speedy until i got into Blue Profit. Took an assassination mission for a whopping two hundred and seventy five thousand credits which with the speed of ole Speedy here i was able to complete within two minutes! It feels like i just won the lottery here! I just got to 'quite legally' murder someone AND got paid an absolute fracking fortune for the pleasure? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP HERE????? I mean i could never have dreamed of this kiind of money planetside and heer its practicly just falling into my hands! HOLY CRAP!!!

One thing i don't like about these small ships though is the severe lack of space to just get up and walk around. I'm gonna use Speedy to get the cash for something bigger. Something i can have a toilet in. And maybe a bed! That'd be cool! I am kinda tired.

So tired I almost missed it! Anoother Boron Military Transport right infront of me! A quick scan reveals not only is it unarmed but holding some very nice cargo. I couldnt just attack it here in siezewell though... Or could i? Of course i did! Flew right up behind him and sat about 50m behind, blasting away at his shields while listening to his frantic comms calls. Once he started spewing cargo I calmly stopped firing and started collecting. 3 ion disruptors and 6 pac's in the hold with another 6 pac's floating in space if I can get them in time.

Sold the weapons at the eq dock and lifted the other 6 pac's. Returned to the eq dock andd sold 2 of them along with my ire's. Upgraded Speedy's guns to the Pac's. I'venow just over 800k cr and i'm really tired. I just want somewhere comfortable to sleep. I told Speedy's autopilot to take me to a Split shipyard while i rolled a smoke.

It really didnt take long to get there and once docked i simply approached the manager. 'Sir, If I give you ownership of this lovely Kestrel would you let me be your friend...?' i asked him. 'Split say yes!' And that was that. The big split authorised me as a Split Family Friend and let me into the shipyard. I had a look at the ships specs and decided on buying a Camian Miner.
I had it outfitted with a soft bed and a human bathroom and simply slept on the autopilot journey back to Siezewell.

On arrival at Siezewell's North Gate the computer rather rudely awakened me and i set about scooping up those rocks. It's really not as difficult as i thought it would be. Just aim for the rock and the ore collector guides the rock into the cargo bay. Didn't take too long to get a hold full of silicon and even less time to sell it.

The profits from the silicon gave me just enough to buy my first atation, a Dream Farm L. I'm going to use it to train pilots as CAG'S. Commed the sector Albatross and had the captain drop my station in profit share where there is two power plants and a bliss place. I've just named it Cag Training School and sat back in my new office to have a smoke and record my log.
While the TL was enroute i mobile mined quite a bit more ore and silicon in Siezewell. Boy it's been a long day!

Current assets; Camian Henry the Hoover. armed with 1x ire and 2x 25mj shields. full speed and rudder plus all basic software. 1x dream farm. Total credits just over 1 million. Game time elapsed is just over 13 hours.
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 7229
Joined: Tue, 29. Dec 09, 02:15

Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 15. Jan 17, 01:05

Finally DID Listed. Good story. Could use a bit of formatting to make it easier to read.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Sun, 15. Jan 17, 01:29

to be honest triaxx i failed english in school lol i really wouldnt expect it to get any better. infact i completed half my final exam paper with the sentence 'only smarty's have the answer' i got marked down for spelling Smarties wrong and not using correct punctuation lol
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 7229
Joined: Tue, 29. Dec 09, 02:15

Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 15. Jan 17, 14:35

No problem. It's okay as is, just personal preferences. :D
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Posts: 2068
Joined: Sat, 7. Feb 04, 20:42

Post by birdtable » Mon, 16. Jan 17, 10:21

Read chapter 5 and had to go back and read all the chapters, very enjoyable read,, captures the essence and excitement of the X series games perfectly.
Looking forward to chapter 6.....
As I was reading through all the memories of playing the old X games came flooding back ...... Keep it up, yes definitely keep it up.

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Tue, 31. Jan 17, 17:31

Chapter 6; Setting up shop.

Captain's Log, Stardate, well to be honest ive no idea hahaha

Had a nice wee nap in my in my office hahaha that space weed is some good stuff! This teladi girl/thing heard me grumbling and moaning as i was getting up and ready to get back to work. I guess she thought she was being nice by bringing me some food... Unfortunately thier main food product is an oil made from flower seeds. Yeah i really tried to guzzle it down but YUCK!!!
I've already decided i HATE teladi names so ima just give em nicknames. They are just way too hard to pronounce so my new apprentices name is Bob! I know she is a girl but she bob's up and down a lot as she walks so Bob it is. Funny thing is, i'm not quite sure where she came from... She just brought me food when i woke up and now she's wandering around the growhouse planting Swamp Plants. Am I gonna have to pay her?? Maybe i should... I mean she might be a crazy person but i dunno... It's not everyone who would go to the trouble of making me food... Ima go see her for a wee chat.

Turns out she was just a bit down on her luck, Her engines failed just outside the Cag School and the stations emergncy transporter scooped her up. She couldnt leave as id sealed the airlocks and docking clamps so she just started making herself useful. Fair enough! I used the station computer to send her ship over to the shipyard for the basic mantainence and repairs it needs while she just continued planting the little seeds. I figured it was really the least I could do for her just not robbing me blind you know? She also kinda yelled at me a little for building a station with no staff... How was i supposed to know? I'd thought they were largely automated! Ermmmm whoops! She gave me a little free advice (unusual for a teladi) and told me just to buy a few cheap Harriers from the shipyard, get tail's on the stools and the rookies would figure things out for themselves. As there is a power plant or two and a Bliss Place already in the sector its not like they could mess things up too bad. Sounded pretty logical so thats precisely what i did. I then chucked her a credit chip with a little over ten thousand credits on it for helping me out. I thought it was a fair trade?

So yeah 800k it cost me for half a dozen Harrier Haulers with cargo and speed upgrades. She actually told me everyone would think I was absolutely nuts for doing that but i could see her point. Teladi ships are slow and I need trained pilots fast so that was that. Once the Agency has sent the rookies over, I put em to work just lifting energy cells from the power plant and bringing them back here to keep the lights on. All well and good, I think they actually sent me girls that had been in a ship before! hahaha

I dropped 100k in the stations account and just told them to spend it. Wether its food for themselves, furnishings or energy cells, just use what they need. Youre maybe thinking,'WHAT!? Are you fracking INSANE!? They're TELADI!!! But no, they lifted a single crate of spaceweed from the trading station and just started working. I just thought 'awesome' and left them to it. I told them i'd only be a sector or two away trading in Henry if they needed anything. Off i went and flipped an old coin to decide between north or south, South won and i ordered Henry to fly on atuopilot so i could find something to use as a back sctatcher. Damn these pilot's seats are itchy! I also remembered i'd bought something called a 'Salvage Command Software' so just spent the journey to the south gate scratching my back with a fork from the kitchen and fiddling around with the software.

After punching the computer interface a few times, i managed to get Henry to automaitcly tag any free floating crates or ships which was really fortunate as the second i got to spaceweed drift, a Kahkk scout popped up on the hud.

An abandoned one!

It was well outside my sensor range which explains not seeing it earlier but hey, free ship! Yoink! A quick repair and rename to Buzzey Buzzkill and off it went to the cag school.

I was really proud of that name hahaha

There wasnt any good deals in spaceweed drift so off i went again over into greater profit...

Thats when the shit hit the fan...
Last edited by devilofbelfast on Tue, 31. Jan 17, 18:12, edited 2 times in total.
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Posts: 225
Joined: Tue, 3. Mar 09, 17:32

Post by devilofbelfast » Tue, 31. Jan 17, 17:42

Chapter 7; The day i defeated the Xenon in a TS!

So physco bill got out to play for a while today and i think he really enjoyed it! He's now chilling quietly in his cage while I tell you guys what happened! Wait... Is anyone actually going to sit and listen to my rambling??? To be honest, I really dont care... This is my life... My story.

So yeah, just as i got into Greater Profit, all hell broke loose! Xenon! How the hell did they get away in here!? And why the hell isn't the military responding!? There isnt even a police ship here!

Right physco bill, its up to you to sort this shit out!

I tell ya, he did. 93 m/s, 1 x i.r.e and two 25mj shields and he defeated six xenon ships without the shields going under 25%. Damn even I was impressed.

Even more impressive was physco bill destroying missiles before they had left the firing tubes. Ohhhh i laughed and laughed at that! Actually kinda laughed maniacly for a bit... but it felt kinda good you know?

Bill promptly slaughtered 4x n's and 2 m's with just that puny Impulse Ray in the front weapon slot and it was all over. He wandered back into his cage and i started picking up salvage. Got a few missiles which i couldnt fire so they will just get sold soon. Surprisingly the manager of the sector Trading Station hailed just to say thanks for helping out and gave me 25 grand for my troubles! Awesome! he didn't even scratch the hull.

It made me realise that Henry is just sooo slow though so im gonna go take Buzzey out for a shakedown cruise. hahaha get it? Buzzey? Well, I thought it was funny!

Once id got back to the Cag School and swapped my gear over into Buzzey, i decided to go kill some more evil stuffs. Flew south as far as company pride and found the pirate lasertowers happily chewing up passing traffic. Lovely! i thought so i just zipped around lifting anything i could fit in my cargo bay and selling anything i could in the pirate base. Easy money!!

I was also trying to remotely control Henry to trade and had just had it pick up a load of cheap nostrop oil for near minimum price and set off to a buyer. Hopefully noone realises there is no pilot onboard... Bob called from the Cag School to tell me the cash had run out! I really didnt believe her till i noticed the stations energy supply was near full and there was loads of swamp plant for sale! Unfortunately none of the girls had any sales experiance so hadnt a clue where to take it.

I reassigned a cag to be a general sales(lizard)person and she just happily started shifting plants on over to the Bliss Place. Sweet!

On my way back up to the school, i stopped in teladi gain and took an assassination mission for some loud mouthed terran bitch. She was actually trying to sell terran secrets to the other races! The only problem was she was in profit share, shooting at my cags. Ahhhh nuts. The girls cant even shoot back cause i forgot to arm them... Whoops! One CAG dead by the time i got in sector and that just made me mad! I ordered physco bill to take over as Buzzey was a little too hard for me to handle. He turned
that bitch into spacefly food and then went after her mates. Boom! Boom! Boom they went and not even one thought it would be a good idea to bail... Odd that... How come theres no military around here...? I think i'd love my own m2 watching over the place but damn i just dont have that kinda cash yet! Maybe i should put a few fighters on patrol instead...?

Buzzey really sucks as a combat ship. I really dont like it at all. its only got one weapon and ts just so slow... i really miss Speedy...

Enough of this, ima head to henry and get some food. Nothing exciting happened on the journey there or the journey aboard Henry back up to Siezewell so i just started collecting rocks again and sold buzzey at the shipyard. Bye Buzzey! I actually have a reason for collecting all these rocks. As i see it im removing navigation hazzards and preventing crashes while making myself a few credits. Fair's fair?

See, im planning to build a small trading outpost and the last thing i need is to be constantly replacing ships cause lizards cant see millions of rocks directly in thier flight path! So ima scoop em up and sell em. Logical huh? It really didnt take long to get a little silicon and fill the rest of the bay with ore and i even managed to sell the whole lot in the sector for a very nice price indeed.
I'm currently sitting at about 450k and realisticly need about two million to start building my moneymaker so ima just keep mining rocks while my girls train up. I havn't given them nicknames yet as i just dont really know them too well but its gauranteed sooner or later haha.

I've been flying around for a few hours now, just mining and doing whatever it took to make a dime and its just getting a little boring. I've noone to talk to and physco Bill is sleeping for once. I think he's baked after all those joints i've been smoking haha hey! atleast im not drunk! My momma told me, never drink and drive, smoke and fly. I thought it was pretty good advice so... meh. If anyone says anything i can just blame her haha

I've decided I really like doing armed robberies on passing ships so thats exactly what ima go do... Just need some new tools for a better job...

Namely, a new Kestrel fully armed and equipped! Time to go get this party started!

I had Henry follow me on autopilot while i ran escort in the kestrel and we made out way down to Hatikvah's Faith and thats when i hit the fracking jackpot...

An abandoned Hyperion Vangaurd! Aswell as four (YES, FOUR) Boron military transporters on sensors... Oh how could i not...

BILL! Get your ass up! this is gonna be cool!

hahaha physco bill went mad when he saw it and the transoprters just started spewing weapons crates everywhere.... One of the fishies bailed and im pretty sure i saw bill blow it to bits in its space suit.

Fracking physco hahaha
the four most important things iv'e found out,
1, your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom factory.
2, dont argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experiance.
3, if gods watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining,
4, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

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