What Buck_Rogers DiD. (Now a `join in` game!)

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Post by Nathancros » Wed, 16. May 12, 14:55


I want back in ;P


Lucifers brother.
Opposite to him in every way.
OH and ship name "ArchAngel"

That enough? :D
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Sat, 14. Jul 12, 23:26

Nathancros wrote:Hmmmm

I want back in ;P


Lucifers brother.
Opposite to him in every way.
OH and ship name "ArchAngel"

That enough? :D
I'll keep the application on file, and see what I can do. ;)

47. Xenon,and Pirates, and Spaceweed. Oh my!

I return to Lucky Planet's. Just in time to be notified by Betty, that the bailed N has docked at the shipyard in Shore Of Infinity. Now some of you may be thinking that I should keep the N, and use it as my replacement racer. But I just don't trust those tin-pot terrors! Even if they have managed to 'somehow' eject from their ships.

So, as I see it, it's only fit for selling.

Before I do though, I notice a few red blips on the Gravidar. My wee metal friends have decided to come out and play revenge of the killer oversized hard drives again! :D They make a beeline for my MTS, so I greet them by launching several explodey things at their optical relays. Or in other words, throw loads of missiles at the metal moron's faces! lol

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00604.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00605.jpg

Once the dust settles, I check my score...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00606.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00607.jpg

Scratch 1 N and 1 M. Oh, and another 'sold' N. My bail sells for around 12k.

With the metallic muppets sorted out, I jump both "TigerInc Taxi's" and "Lazy Geordie" to Kingdom End. Docking at the Taxi Driver Guild Station, and the Merchants Guild Shipyard, repectively. So that I can look for work.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00608.jpg

Unfortunately, I find nothing suitable. So I jump the MTS to Queens Space, for a refuel. Whilst waiting for my purchased E-Cells to be loaded, I peruse the Bulletin Boards.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00610.jpg

Nerver pass up an opportunity to get one up on autopiloocks for brains! :D Even if it is only for a measly 8k! lol As soon as my passenger embarks, I undock and set Auto to guide the ship to the Ore Mine. Whilst I check the Gravidar.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00611.jpg

"Here they come!"

Slap bang bewtween me and my destination. lovely! I set sensors on the nearst Xenon and launch a few Silkworms at it. Repeating the process for the others.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00612.jpg

I watch closely, as the Missiles begin to strike their targets. This time though, I don't score any kills. Mainly thinks to my fishy friends, who quickly move in to finish off the Xenon.

Guess I should be greatful!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00613.jpg

Yeah yeah whatever.

My hunt for more work is interupted by Betty. Who informs me of an encroacher in Teladi Gain. I quickly initiate a jump, and a short time later....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00614.jpg

Ho ho ho! What do we have here? a Pirate Dragon Mk1 transporter no less. I fiddle with a few button, to get a closer look.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00616.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00615.jpg

Hmmmmmmm. I wonder if I could 'encourage' him to vacate his vessel? :D Worth a try? I bet it would make Mckenna happy! lol

"Let's do it"

I lock on to the Dragon, and from about 10-15k, I start throwing Silkworm's in his general direction. A Mizura or 2 later and the explodey things start striking the hull.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00620.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00621.jpg

Several big booms later and the Pirate decides to contact me....

"Ssssstop. Here. Take all I have."

YAY! He's giving me his ship........erm.......Or not? He's still flying it? Eh? A quick check of my Gravidar reveals what he 'surrendered'..........Spaceweed!!! He expects me to let him go by ejecting 8 canisters of bloody spaceweed from his hold?!?! Pppfffffffftt!! I think not! So in my frustration, I smack the launch button several more times. With several unecessary missiles included for good measure! :evil:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00629.jpg

Spaceweed indeed! Humph!

Game time = 6Days 11hours 6mins
Ranks = Specialist / Economist
Cr = 10.2 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Caiman "The White Cow"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
3 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-3"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
4th-------Jack Jomar-------------4

Memorial Wall of Honour

KIA - Lucifer
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 40
Joined: Sun, 1. Jul 12, 18:03

Post by Khayul » Wed, 1. Aug 12, 23:41

Bad luck on that Dragon! Nice reading though :D

I'd like to sign up one of my characters! :D

Name: Kasamira Nightshade
Gender: Female
Race: Terran

Background: She was one of the youngest captains in the AGI Task force, having a small strike group at her command. She piloted the Wolfslayer, a Vidar class Corvette. The strike group got ambushed by a Xenon gate camper fleet, with her as the only surviving marine. She got picked up by a passing Teladi, who was out salvaging what remained of the hulls of the destroyed ships.
She is currently into mercenary work, hoping to scrape up enough credits to get herself a nice corvette.

As she was promoted to captain so soon, she is inexperienced with any ship smaller than an M6, yet she will fly anything that needs flying to get to those credits.

Kasamira is smart enough woman, who knows quite a bit about tactics. At first she might seem cold, yet that is probably only due to her calculating everything she sees with hard logic. At the heart she is a nice enough person.

(if you manage to get her a Frigate, it's name would be Deathblossom)

Anything smaller than that will be called Dying Sun

Hope I'll fill some of your needed slots ;)

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Mon, 14. Jan 13, 00:16

Hi guys

1st off, sorry for the time I've taken to post the next chapter. Lots going on at the moment. Main 'time killer' has been my new job. Takes up more time than I would like, but I have family to support. So needs must.

Be assured though, I am not looking to give up this DiD! :)
Khayul wrote:Bad luck on that Dragon! Nice reading though :D
Thank you. Praise is always welcome! :)
Khayul wrote:I'd like to sign up one of my characters! :D
Aplication duly noted on file.

48.Dodging More Xenon

Speaking of which.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0630-1.jpg

I'll take the Missiles, but not the drugs thank you! So moving a little closer to the canisters, I let the computer have a little 'target practice' with them. Once operation 'cleanup' is done, I collect the Missiles.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0631-1.jpg

Hmmmmmmmm.............My own sector eh?........Shame I'm no where near having that kind of cash right now. Otherwise I would be putting in a bid.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0632-1.jpg

Those are some big Xenon! I wonder if someone has informed them of my Xenon bashing antics? :D

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0633-1.jpg

Uh oh! I wondered why Betty went nuts for a couple of Sezura's. Looks like even more of my old metal mates want to play again. Only this time, they've decided not to play fair by bringing out some hard hitting hardware.

Time to skidaddle methinks!

I tell Sabre Squadron to bug out of Teladi Gain, incase it gets too hot. Glad I did to as......

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0634-1.jpg

Oh me! Looks like everyone has come out to play today! lol Shame I've decided to RSLG it though. :)

"Can we not rough up that Pirate group that just showed up?" Asks Frozen.

"Not a chance!" I reply. "Unless you want to end up as PPG food!? I want you lot as far away from this shenanigans as possible! Now move!"

I dock at the Teladi Gain Trading Station, instead of jumping away. To save fuel. Hopefully my scaley friends will sort chips for brains out! :D In the meantime...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0636-1.jpg

I find the first 2920 at one of the the Solar Power Plants in Profit Share. A quick scoot back to Teladi Gain and.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0637-1.jpg

Jumping back to Profit Share. I find the remainder at the other SPP based there, then jump back to Teladi Gain and....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0638-1.jpg

Thank you very much. :D

Next job of the day, is to sell the small batch of Missiles I picked up from the Pirate Dragon transporter. Flying to Ceo's Buckzoid, I dock and unload my cargo at the Equipment Dock based there. Then I get back to the task in hand. Making fast money! lol

Unfortunatly for me, I find no suitable jobs this time round. So I decide to go back to the old Sunrise Flower - Nostrop Oil run through Teladi Gain, Seizewell and Grater Profit, for a while anywayz.

Several trade runs later....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0651-1.jpg

Dear sweet Sonra! Does these buggers ever stop? *Sighs* No, I guess not. They're machines. They don't need to stop. Ever!

So it's off to Scale Place Green I go.

Swooping in, I target the nearest mechanical moron, and let loose.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0652-1.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0653-1.jpg

After serveral Mizura's the Teladi contact me.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0654-1.jpg

I'm getting good at this Xenon bashing now! And Milky is getting good at sweeping up after me! lol Checking over my ships computer I tally up my score.

A total of 5 x M4's and 4 X M5's. Might not seem like much to warrent a 1.5 million reward, But I'll take it! Especially since I also had help in the form of a Teladi Orbital Weapons Platform, a Condor, and a Hawk! lol

I also decide to quickly 'take' the loot that was dropped by all those poor Teladi who did'nt survive the encounter with the Metal Morons! I quickly call in Milky, who joyously rubs his hands together over the video feed at the site before him. A whole pile of Missiles, Bofu, and Chelts Meat. Although some more Xenon have since turned up. Albeit a bit late for the party! I tell Milky to back off and let the lizards take care of the Xenon, before continuing with his.... 'clean up' operations! :) I also decide to hang around SPG for a while. Just to see what turns up.

Whilst hoping from station to station, I manage to get another delivery job, and net 92k from it. As a bonus, the succesful completion of this job gets me promoted to a level 2 Merchant by the guild. Yay me! lol

I get a good start to the following Tazura......

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0663-1.jpg

Makes a change from Xenon bashing!

I call my fighter squadron, who are more than pleased to answer the call. And I jump in, just as they undock from the Trading Station....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... n00664.jpg

Here we go!

Game time = 6Days 12hours 12mins
Ranks = Specialist / Economist
Cr = 10 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Caiman "The White Cow"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
3 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-3"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
4th-------Jack Jomar-------------4

Memorial Wall of Honour

KIA - Lucifer
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Master of the Blade
Posts: 2259
Joined: Fri, 6. Feb 09, 20:52

Post by Master of the Blade » Mon, 14. Jan 13, 17:57

Wow, Xenon are being rather pushy now. Would be awful if any of the Sabres got it into their head to try a death star run on one of those battleships while your head's turned. That flak's deadly!

Nice catch on the energy cell shortage, always good when you can sell loads of them massively above normal asking prices.
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Tue, 12. Mar 13, 00:15

Master of the Blade wrote:Wow, Xenon are being rather pushy now. Would be awful if any of the Sabres got it into their head to try a death star run on one of those battleships while your head's turned. That flak's deadly!
Oh They wont. Not if they value their lives.......and their wages! :lol:
Master of the Blade wrote:Nice catch on the energy cell shortage, always good when you can sell loads of them massively above normal asking prices.
Thank you

On with the show!

49. Once Again, Another STUPID BASTU! Moment!

As we approach the Pirate group, I notice a squadron of local Teladi security ships had already set themselves upon them!. Nice of my scaley friends to soften up the scum bags for the lads!l lol

I hold back, whilst Sabre Squadron do their stuff. A short time later, and the last Pirate goes.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 96bb0d.jpg


"Scores on the doors please boss" Calls Frozen. "Please tell me I got the Falcons!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... a9f0c5.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 4f2ccd.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 4a2e8b.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 3a7186.jpg

"Looks like you got your wish Frozen. You got 1 of the Falcons, and a Harrier. Speedy got the other Harrier, and Apollo got the Buster. So 4 out of 5 kills for you guys. Dock back at the Trading Station and I'll catch up with you lot later. Rogers out"

I watch my ships turn in unison, and speed off.

I then turn my attentions back to my little Nosdrop trade run. I get a couple of runs under my belt, then, just as I finish delivering another cargo hold of Oil to the WarDroid Fab in Seizewell, this turns up!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 5d7831.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 9c7469.jpg

Oh buggery!

I instruct the Teladi Traffic Control personel that I am leaving ASAP and my reptillian friends oblige by releasing the docking clamps. I spin the 'Lazy Geordie' as fast as I can, and hit the Boost button. As I am forced back into my pilots chair, I reach for the Navigation console and begin to plot a jump out of the Teladi home sector.

However, to my utter horror, I discover my hold is completly devoid of the necessary E-Cells to initiate said jump!

"STUPID, STUPID BASTU!" I scream! as I punch the console, shorting out a small section, and skinning my knuckles in the process.

"Looks like I'll be doing this the hard way then!"

I turn the ship towards the nearest Gate. Which in this case, was the North Gate, and take a quick look at my Heads-Up-Display, and my Gravidar. Sure enough, 2 Kha'ak M5's have decided to setup camp next to the Gate, and are harrassing anyone who comes near them!

Checking my ships inventory again, I am pleased to notice that I still have a supply of Silkworm Missiles on board!


I close to within a dozen or so Kilometres, before I catch both Scouts attention, and they turn towards me.

Their mistake!

A couple of well placed Silkworms soon puts them in their place, and I reach the Gate unscathed. Just before I go through though, Betty gives another shout to inform me....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... aef22f.jpg

Oh for Snora's sake! This is getting ridiculous now! Someone needs to cull these buggers, and it may as well be me!

"Note to self."

*Grabs data pad*

*Starts tapping away*

"Declare war on Xenon at best possible opportunity!"

*Nods to self*

In the meantime....

I decide to 'station hop' for a bit, with Sabre Squadron in tow, in order to find what I want. Whilst doing this, I recieve notification of the rout of the Kha'ak invasion of Siezewell, and my rewaard...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... a1d4f8.jpg

Every little helps as they say. :)

Continuing the hunt for a certain something, I do a fly-by of this ugly beastie...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... e14292.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... c9d586.jpg

Man those things are uuuuuuuuuuggly! Although I would'nt say that to any Teladi in person! lol

My next 'hop' gets me....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... a00f68.jpg

Looks like that's going to go for alot higher! Shame. :(

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... d9bdbb.jpg


Game time = 6Days 18hours 24mins
Ranks = Specialist / Economist
Cr = 12.6 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Caiman "The White Cow"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
3 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-3"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
4th-------Jack Jomar-------------4

Memorial Wall of Honour

KIA - Lucifer
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Master of the Blade
Posts: 2259
Joined: Fri, 6. Feb 09, 20:52

Post by Master of the Blade » Wed, 13. Mar 13, 23:26

Nice that you get warning of incoming Kha'ak invasions. Had you not seen that message, things could have gone badly with no ecells...
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Mon, 8. Jul 13, 00:42

Hi guys

Just a note to let you know that this is on hold for a wee while. I've just bought a new laptop, and am in the process of transferring all my data. About 250GB worth! Plus I need to find the disc and setup the game again. And with all the scripts I have installed, I'll have all the errors to sort out again. Rest assured though, I hav'nt forgotten about it, and I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can :)

Thank you for reading
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 131
Joined: Thu, 3. Feb 05, 17:14

Post by mcjomar » Sat, 31. Aug 13, 09:42

Wow, how am I not getting kills 0.o
SHA Vice Admiral

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Sabrina Bergin
Posts: 2239
Joined: Sat, 12. Apr 08, 10:53

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 1. Sep 13, 12:03

I wondered why the post has been resurrected as you hadn't contributed since July hope you get that data transfer done.

Easiest way is to get a hard drive docking port external and plug it in the time is minimised.

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Sun, 26. Oct 14, 01:38

I'M BACK! :)

Hello peeps. Thought I would try my hand at this again. Found my notepad the other day, and noticed I still had a fair old chunk of material that I could type up and put on here. Now I just have to hope I can set the game up again.
mcjomar wrote:Wow, how am I not getting kills 0.o
Coz your squadron buddies are getting there before you do! lol
shaun bergin wrote:I wondered why the post has been resurrected as you hadn't contributed since July hope you get that data transfer done.

Easiest way is to get a hard drive docking port external and plug it in the time is minimised.
Got it sorted a while ago, but had alot on recently. All of my time is taken up by the Mrs and 4 kids. So don't get much time for this.

50. Sohen Observer

Jumping to Black Hole Sun, I find it's quiet...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 00b1fc.jpg

...but not for long!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 6927f9.jpg

After several Mizura's and several Silkworms, The 1st wave is delt with. With the exception 2 M5's that manage to sneak

past me, and get through the Gate!

I buzz around, scooping up lots of Mozzies, whilst waiting for payment. Then another batch of Xenon show up. So glad the 3 Centaur's and the Rapid Response Cerberous decided to stick around!

Lots of Silkworm Missiles, 4 Escaped Xenon M5's and a promotion to Fighter Chief later and.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... d2923c.jpg

Wooohoooo! lol

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 3e8a0b.jpg

Hmmmm That's going up quick!

After a well earned break, I stop to go through my ships database. In order to go over how far I've come in such a short space of time! I eventually come across this:

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 681903.jpg

Holy Argnu! I completely forgot about that! Time for a trip to Maelstrom methinks!

After a quick stop over in Elysium Of Light for a full load of E-Cells, I jump into Maelstrom, which is surprisingly quiet, for a Pirate Sector. I then head for the co-ordinates I bought. This had better be worth it!

After a few Mizura's.....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 8f2745.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... ccbd21.jpg

Yeah! Nice to meet you to! Sheesh!

I tell him I have the necessary fuel on board and he promptly beams it over.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 7019c0.jpg

You're welcome. Who are you?"

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 1b5d06.jpg

"What? Are you taking the Mick?"

I decide to call up Milky to bring the Silicon Wafers from my mine, and get him to stop off at the nearest Quantum Tube Fab for the rest. Whilst waiting, I use the time to swat a couple of Pirate Falcons, and a Harrier that had decided to poke their noses into my business. Better not tell Frozen about those Falcon kills! lol

The goods are delivered and I await my reward....

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 55f2e9.jpg

Pet? PET?! My hand hovers over the missile launch button on the console, but I stop before hitting it. I still don't know who or what I'm dealing with here!

Next he tells me he needs 5 x Nvidium!

Hmmmmmmmmm. Well, that wont be as easy to get hold of as the last load of stuff! So he is going to have to wait a while for that. So he should to! His attitude stinks! I also notice that my computer has identified him as a Sohen Observer. Ohhh!, so thats who you are? Never heard of them!

I set my computer to scan the database for any known sources of Nvidium that either myself or my ships have come across on our travels. If anything, my explorers are most likly to have found some, if any. As its their job to scan any and all asteroids they find.

In the meatime, I check my credit rating to find I have enough of a stash to buy what I want next. However, after jumping to Family Pride, Cho's Defeat and Family Njy Shipyards, I notice that my rep with the Split is still not high enough!!

DOH!!! Completely forgot that my rep with any particular race effects whats available to me in ALL of their systems. So what a waste of time that was!

Anyway, I stay in Family Njy for a while and do some E-cell runs, before jumping back to Cho's Defeat. Whilst perusing the local ads in the bar here, I find a very interesting note for Military Personel! I quickly get back to my ship and head for Red Light. Whilst undocking, I check my ships computer to find that my Gonar friend has eyeballed what im after...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 0662f2.jpg

Unfortunately, due to me not being quick enough, by the time I reach the transports destination, and head over to the Military section, all of the personnel have been sold on!


Time for a change in work methinks

Game time = 7Days 1hours 45mins
Ranks = Fighter Chief / Economist
Cr = 15.9 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Caiman "The White Cow"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
3 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer1-3"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
4th-------Jack Jomar-------------4

Memorial Wall of Honour

KIA - Lucifer
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Sun, 19. Apr 15, 12:02

51. A Laid Back Day

I decide to take things easy for a wee while, so I jump to Kingdom End and dock at the Taxi Drivers Guild station, to join up. I hear there is some easy takings here, if you can get the right kind of passenger. I spend 20+k joining fees and add 5 x Basic and 1 x Luxury cabin to my Boron Angel.

As luck would have it, I dont have long to wait before my 1st 2 mugs......errr.....I mean 'Passengers' :) sign up for a joyride round the universe.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... xcpiom.jpg

Once all the paperwork has been signed in the guild office, I head back to the ship, just in time for the station mechanic to inform me that the modifications to the Angel are complete.

"Mighty fine ship you got there boy!" the small, podgy and rather manky looking mechanic exclaims, as he rubs his dirty hands on a rag.

"Thanks!" I reply, as I head passed him and into the boarding tube.

I settle into the Angels cockpit just as another boarding tube attaches itself to the cargo section of my craft, where the cabins are installed. I see 2 figures enter the tube and approach the ship. 1 Boron and 1 Paranid. Both of them glance in my direction, giving a curtesey nod as they enter the ship. I shrug my shoulders, and turn to the controls. 1st stop of the day, is Queens Space for a refuel. To my surprise both of my passengers contact me through the ships internal communications and decide to disembark here!


http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... ge3gnv.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... sk6rf1.jpg

Easiest 43k I will probably ever make! lol

Unfortunately, I don't find anymore ads asking for a taxi service, in the surrounding area, so I change my plans again. Once I have stocked up on fuel, I jump to Family Pride, for the next stage of my companies expansion.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... dhzzyz.jpg

A few million credits, 1 x hired Heffalump, 2 x Rastar Refineries, 1 x construction kit and 1 x kitted out Argon Mercury, complete with trained CAG pilot, that I asked to be transferred from my Wheat Complex, and 'TigerInc Raster Complex 1' is up and running! PHEW! lol

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... y5bmkx.jpg

Okay, Okay! So its not the prettiest! I was never very good at organising and construction! As a bonus though, I am promoted to Master Economist! :) YAY!

As I am in need of a reputation boost with the Split, I decide to call on Sabre Squadron to join me in Family Pride. Hopefully some Xenon/Kha'ak/Pirate bashing will please my new warrior friends. Or at least enough to help me on my way!

"We're on our way boss" Comes Mckenna's response.

Shortly after this, a friend turns up in Family Pride.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... kcolys.jpg

Oh ho! Better not let Frozen know!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... zuwoij.jpg

Luckily for me however, I'm not the one who delivers the killing blow. Even though I manage to soften him up with a few Silkworm hits. Although the pilot does manage to eject, and I get a 10k reward for handing the criminal into the local authorities.

Whilst I wait for Sabre Squadron to turn up, I decide to replace my lost Octopus racer that Lucifer (RIP) so valiantly flew during the Boron Princess rescue. so I buy the Raider variant of the Jaguar from the local dealer. I decide to name her Xccelarate II in honor of my old ship. Then, as if to put as dent in my day, Betty informs me that 2 of my Universe Explorers have been destroyed!

She sure knows how to cheer someone up!

Game time = 7Days 10hours 20mins
Ranks = Fighter Chief / Economist
Cr = 17.5 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
1 x Rastar Complex "TigerInc Rastar Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-RC1-T1
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Caiman "The White Cow"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer 1"
1 x Boron Angel "TigerInc Taxis"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
4th-------Jack Jomar-------------4

Memorial Wall of Honour

KIA - Lucifer
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

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Sabrina Bergin
Posts: 2239
Joined: Sat, 12. Apr 08, 10:53

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 19. Apr 15, 12:07


Glad to see you back in the saddle, as it were. Keep going I want to see what you get up to next.

Posts: 1521
Joined: Mon, 20. Dec 04, 23:23

Post by Buck_Rogers » Mon, 1. Jun 15, 08:15

shaun bergin wrote:Buck:

Glad to see you back in the saddle, as it were. Keep going I want to see what you get up to next.
Thanks Shaun. :) Its always nice to hear from a reader.

On we go!

51. The Next Stage. Finally!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 1ihhne.jpg

Well, well. Looks like my purple friends have decided to leave Ore Belt alone......For once! Time to deliver on my reputation as Buck Rogers CB :)

Or not in this case!

I exit the East Gate into Teladi Gain and close to Missile range. Only to realise I am out of Silkworm Missiles!! Yet another Stupid Bastu moment! If anything is going to be the cause of my demise, its one too many Stupid Bastu moments!

I consider doing an RSLG manouver, only to see the Kha'ak turn head on towards me! I shrug my shoulders and punch the boost button.

"May as well go down fighting!" I say to myself.

The distance to the cluster rapidly decreases and all too quickly the 'Lazy Geordie' is being pummeled by Kyon Beams! I clench my teeth as the ship begins to shudder, and glance at the shield readout. it quickly starts to drain.

"Just a few more Sezura's!" I say to myself as I set my turrets to attack.

I would've loved to see the Kha'ak's faces as my little Vulcan streaked towards them!

I wonder what's Kha'ak for "WTF?!?!" lol

I pass the cluster and pull up hard on the control stick. just as I hear the warm, fuzzy glow inducing sound of my turrets opening up on my purple friends! I begin to roll the ship. the Kha'ak are now all around me. I then hear those wonderful Pulse Beam Emitters on my ships belly let rip, and a smile creeps across my face. it is quickly wiped off though, as an all mighty jolt shakes the whole ship, and another chunk of the shield gauge dissappears!

A Kha'ak missile!

Now that is just not fair!

A sense of fear begins to seep into my head, but I carry on. However my fears are not realised as my more than capable Vulcan smashes the Kha'ak into oblivion, with only half of my sheilds gone. Although I give thanks to Sonra that it was only a wee sized cluster!

Just after the last Kha'ak goes 'pop!' my Gravidar registers another enemy contact. This time a Pirate Energy Transporter Vulture. I decide to give chase and lock my sensors onto the Pirate.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 9cv8vo.jpg

I close to scanning range, and take a quick peek inside his hold. Just in case he is carrying a nasty surprise or 2!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 4gcn6e.jpg

Hmmmmmm...Nothing really too dangerous in that hold. So I set my turrets up to attack the Pirate.....TALLY HO!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 8e40l7.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... pmfael.jpg

As soon as my first salvo begins striking his ship, the Pirate Captain contacts me to surrender. Only as per the last time a Pirate surrendered to me, He only drops his cargo, and attempts to run off. He promptly gets a face full of PBE for his cheek!

BOOM! :)

Although I still pick up the cargo of value he was carrying, with the exception of the Space Weed. Which suffers the same fate as the Pirate! I.E gets turned to space dust!

Job done

I jump back to Family Pride, just in time to see a lone Pirate Kea come through the South Gate. Time for Sabre Squadron to get some target practice in methinks!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... plggml.jpg

I move off to a safe distance, and lock my ships cameras onto the Kea, so I can see the melee unfold. The Pirate immediately begins to hound the local traffic at the Gate.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... c0c4er.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... wan37p.jpg

To my surprise the Split actually respond to this threat...

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 7rrasj.jpg

Maybe a little exccesive for a lone Kea? But then again, I guess I should've expected as much from the warrior race! I doubt Sabre Squadron will get a look in here, but I tell them to continue their attack run.

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... ee9rbf.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... hqmmj3.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... ivvpnw.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... v1cmdl.jpg

As I thought, Sabre Squadron dont even get a shot off in anger, before the Kea is toasted by the Raptor! Although, again, the pilot ejects and I quickly secure him into the cargo hold, before handing him over for another 10k bounty.

Now for the Next stage of my plan...

I contact the hired Mammoth I have sitting in the Shipyard in Argon Prime, and tell the Captain he is dismissed. Much to his annoyance! I then take the short flight to the Family Pride Shipyard and buy myself an Elephant. Complete with upgraded engines and rudders, and the necessary software I need. I name her 'TIBG Mobile HQ'. I'm left with the patry sum of 2.1 million credits in the bank. But she is worth it!

http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... s6v4zn.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... 4ts3gt.jpg
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/ ... fj5mjt.jpg

I now have the capacity to jump my fighter fleet anywhere I want. Once I find a crew and get all the other bits and pieces together, that is. :)

Game time = 7Days 20hours 26mins
Ranks = Fighter Chief / Master Economist
Cr = 2.3 Million

Non combat orientated assets:

1 x Silicon Mine L "TigerInc Silicon Mine 1"
1 x Wheat Complex "TigerInc Wheat Farm Complex 1"
1 x Food Complex "TigerInc Food Complex 1"
1 x Rastar Complex "TigerInc Rastar Complex 1"
12 x Advanced Satellites
1 x Mercury "TI-SM1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-WFC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-FC1-T1"
1 x Mercury "TI-RC1-T1
1 x Caiman Super Freighter "Profit Maker 1"
1 x Caiman "The White Cow"
1 x Terracorp Vulcan "Lazy Geordie"
1 x Gonar Ranger "Universe Explorer 1"
1 x Boron Angel "TigerInc Taxis"
1 x Elephant "TIBG Mobile HQ"

Combat capable assets:

7 x Harrier Sentinal "Sabre Squadron"
"Shoot that Guy"
"Frozen Dream"

TigerInc TopGun Rankings

Rank-------Pilot------------No. of kills
4th-------Jack Jomar-------------4

Memorial Wall of Honour

KIA - Lucifer
Buck Rogers

Vice Admiral of Shadows Haven Alliance (SHA) visit us at:
SHA Forum
Feel free to join my DID
Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. But only 4 to extend your arm and slap the bugger!

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