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Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 13. Sep 21, 14:21
by Scion Drakhar
Just a quick tangent: for those interested in the kind of flying I've been doing lately feel free to check me out on YouTube.
Apologies for YouTube's downscaling.
Cheers and carry on.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Tue, 30. Nov 21, 18:25
by Zaitsev
*sneaks in to gently noodle Scion again*

That is all. Carry on.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Fri, 31. Dec 21, 04:57
by ls612
Wow! I remember reading From Nothing many many years ago, and when I bought X4 on the steam winter sale I thought of it and decided to re-read it. Suffice it to say I have completely binged through this sequel in the past few days haha. I'm really looking forward to seeing some sort of closure for Drake and the Terrans and for the story to reach a satisfying ending. Although it will be sad knowing that immediately after the jumpgates will turn off and likely ruin most of their lives. :cry:

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 21. Feb 22, 17:14
by Zaitsev
It's been five months, going on six. I think it's time for another noodling.

*unwraps a fresh pool noodle and proceed to noodle Scion again*

That is all. Carry on.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 21. Feb 22, 19:24
by Scion Drakhar
:D Sorry guys.
I have a fairly good idea where I'm going with the story. I even know how I want to end Prodigal Son. I seem to be evolving as a person, however, and think that's part of the process. As in: I need to become a better person in order to write the ending that I want to write.
It sure has been a journey, hasn't it?

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Thu, 24. Mar 22, 04:44
by Triaxx2
It definitely has been. Glad you're feeling better about it though.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Thu, 24. Mar 22, 15:23
by Scion Drakhar
I first started writing in this forum after falling off a roof in '09. I broke 13 bones and sustained a head injury that resulted in all kinds of neurological issues. I couldn't walk across a room or fill out paperwork once I did. So I ended up on social security as a dependent of the state, which was just devastating to my ego, lifestyle and every aspect of my world view.
I started writing after reading NS's DiD's and discovered that I not only enjoyed it but seem to have a talent for it.
But there was still a lot going on in the real world. I started feeling sorry for myself and, by 2015, had gained an enormous amount of weight. For the next 5 years I fluctuated between 250 and 300 lbs (113 - 136 kg).
Then, in the beginning of 2020, right around the time the entire world was recoiling in shock from Covid 19, I began to have a series of epiphanies. Since then my diet changed. I began exercising more and more, starting with walks that gradually got longer and longer until I was walking a minimum of 5 miles (8 km) a day with long walks being in the neighborhood of 13-17 miles (21-27 km). Last November I weighed 205 lbs (93kg) but I was what they call skinny-fat. I was still carrying a lot of bodyfat. In January I joined a local gym and began weight lifting again.
It was awful.
The first thing I realized was just how much I'd atrophied. In my twenties I benched 325 for a 1PR, for instance. In January I could barely get 1/2 of that up. But I kept after it and kept after it and kept after it. It's a few months later and I'm now up to 221 lbs as my bodyfat continues to drop.
The most amazing part of all of this is the changes in my psychology. Exercise and a consistent daily routine are the cure to the majority of mental afflictions that people in our society deal with. I don't take anti-depressants or anti-anxiety meds anymore. I don't need sleeping pills. I get up every day, hit the gym and then go for a walk as the sun rises. That's my therapy.
Now I need to sort out some things that I need to say with this story before I write the end of it. They're specific and I want to get them right. It's not done. I know how it "ends". I just need to connect the dots.
To those of you who still check this page, thanks, cheers and hang in there.
- SD

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 28. Mar 22, 05:54
by Zaitsev
As someone who once took on a similar journey of self development (minus falling off a roof), only to relapse and then have to start all over again; It can be a b**ch sometimes, but in the end it's definitely worth it. And it sounds to me like you're doing an awesome job. *cheers from the other side of the Atlantic*

Best of luck on your journey, where ever it may take you. And don't worry. I'll be here, noodling you until you either finish or the forum shuts down, whichever comes first. ;)

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 28. Mar 22, 14:08
by Scion Drakhar

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Fri, 1. Apr 22, 23:52
by Triaxx2
Glad to hear it, and I can't wait for more, but take your time and do it right. Soon I start a new job and can get a GPU that'll run at more than 15 FPS, so I can finish my story as well! Or at least get back to it.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Tue, 19. Apr 22, 04:56
by Zaitsev
Triaxx2 wrote:
Fri, 1. Apr 22, 23:52
Glad to hear it, and I can't wait for more, but take your time and do it right. Soon I start a new job and can get a GPU that'll run at more than 15 FPS, so I can finish my story as well! Or at least get back to it.
Congrats on the new job, Triaxx! Looking forward to some more APR. :D

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 27. Jun 22, 05:39
by Zaitsev

*unpacks fresh pool noodle and gently noodles Scion*

Hope all is well, Scion. *crosses fingers and send over an internet hug just because*

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 27. Jun 22, 14:10
by Scion Drakhar
nod nod
I'm working on it.
I've been wrestling with a specific sticking point for a long time and am still undecided on how to resolve it.
This may sound a bit new-agey but direct your thoughts and intentions at me and the story for the next week or two.
I firmly "believe", which is to say, I experience that we are all part of what Carl Jung referred to as the collective unconsious. I sincerely believe that many of my greatest pieces of writing have been the consequence of channelling the imaginations of others.
So put your imaginations to work and direct it at me.
I have an "ending" in mind.
I do.
But I don't yet have all the pieces.
Cheers folks.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 15. Aug 22, 04:17
by Zaitsev
Hello hello.
It's been almost two months, so I think it's time for another noodling.

As always, hope you're doing well on the other side of that pond they call the Atlantic.


Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 15. Aug 22, 14:29
by Scion Drakhar
Back to it, then.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Wed, 30. Nov 22, 03:27
by Zaitsev
It's been over three months.I think it's time for another noodling. And no, I'm not going away. ;p

As always, hope you're doing well, Scion. And to anyone else who still checks in here, hope you're doing well too. <3

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Wed, 18. Jan 23, 07:10
by Zaitsev
Over 5 months of radio silence. I'll admit I might be getting a tiny bit worried now ... :doh:

Still, I do hope you're all right, Scion. Whatever path you may travel.



Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Wed, 18. Jan 23, 13:18
by Scion Drakhar
No worries.
This project just took a backseat to other priorities for a long time. Arguably too long.
I appreciate the prods, though. It lets me know you're still interested.

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Mon, 23. Jan 23, 22:24
by Zaitsev
I was afraid you had pulled a George RR Martin on us. :p
And I will keep prodding you until I see "The end". Or the forum dies. Whichever comes first.
*readies another pool noodle just i case*
Take care and stay safe. <3

Cheers! :D

Re: [AP] PRODIGAL SON, A Rogue's Tale - Book II

Posted: Thu, 11. May 23, 15:42
by Zaitsev
Scion Drakhar wrote:
Wed, 18. Jan 23, 13:18
No worries.
This project just took a backseat to other priorities for a long time. Arguably too long.
I appreciate the prods, though. It lets me know you're still interested.
It's been almost four months, Mr. Scion. Time for another noodling.

Think I got to up the noodling frequency to once a month or something.

Anyway, cheers ;)
