A Story From The Void (AP DiD)

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Post by 46_n_2 » Thu, 16. Aug 12, 19:31

thats what i usually do in my pure pirate games.... at least the camping in Hatikvah's :twisted:

so far i havent turned pure pirate in this one yet tho..... still trying to get everything worked out on how i want the story to go..... (prolly shouldve had that worked out before i started :oops: )

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Post by 46_n_2 » Thu, 16. Aug 12, 22:25

Chapter 4: Old Enemies, and New Friends?

Watching the needle on the compass spin furiously around, my eyes lose focus. The outside world dims and the sounds of the mechanics fade away. My whole world contracts as the compass captivates me. The needle is spinning so fast, that it seems to be at more than one place at once. Four places in fact, perfectly spaced out and spinning slowly in the opposite direction of the actual needle. The eight points evenly spaced out, pointing in every cardinal point, and every spot directly in-between.

“Split say, ship is ready!” a mechanic informs me, breaking me from my entrancement.

Shaking my head I close the compass and put it away. “Thanks,” I tell the Split as I head back to the Final Chance. Getting in and starting her up I could feel the difference in the engines clearly. The ship now softly grumbled, almost purred, sitting there idle. Hitting the undock button, I race into darkness of space. Opening her up I quickly reach my top speed of 175 m/s. Noticing a job offer from a local factory I contact the Paranid making the offer.

He says a criminal has escaped and would pay 63,384 to see him eliminated. Accepting the mission, I bring up my logs. It is a Terran Rapier last seen in Third Redemption. Smiling grimly I alter course for the south gate. What in the frak was a Terran doing out here? For the last few years I had been doing nothing but killing those bastards from the Sol system. They had done their best to kill me of course, and they succeeded in killing quite a few of my friends. For this I have somewhat of vendetta against them. Taking shots at me is fine, but they will pay for ending the life of those I cared about.

Entering Hatikvah’s Faith, I quickly accelerate into the sector still heading south. I dodge around a large asteroid and zip between the smaller chunks floating in the void. As I near the south gate I get a message advising me the target was destroyed. I really am getting tired of this. Sighing I start looking for more work. Spotting a Paranid heavy transporter looking for an escort, I tell him to sign me up. At least this way the marks would be coming towards me.

Falling in with the freighter I notice there is already quite a collection of ships escorting it. There were 3 other Buster variants, a Raider, and 2 Vanguards, to be specific, as well as a Mako sentinel. Well at least this shouldn’t be too hard I thought to myself as we neared the southern gate. The Demeter had a top speed of 60 m/s, but we were only going one sector south to a silicon mine there. Setting autopilot to follow It, I lean back and wait for some action.

No marks showed up as we traveled into Clarity’ End, until suddenly I see two red blips show up on my radar. Breaking formation I turn the Final Chance, and target the enemies. They were Terran Rapiers. Ha looks like I will get my chance to take on my old enemies after all! As they close in the freighter I am escorting launches 10 fighter drones, and the Terrans launch Poltergeist missiles. There is weapon fire from every escort and drone. The Terrans disappear into nothing but space debris.

Checking my charge I notice the Terran missile swarms brought its hull down to 97%. Falling back into formation I continue my vigil. I soon spot another two Rapiers closing in fast. The other escort fighters quickly take one out as I close on the other. As I light him up with IRE fire he turns and speeds away. Damn coward where you going? The scout quickly pulls away from me and starts evasive maneuvers. I finally get a bead on him and open up my orange bolts taking his hull down to 57%. That was when I noticed another Rapier entering the battle. I had let myself be drawn away from the freighter…. Crap.

As I realize my mistake both scouts launch more Poltergeists. I quickly finish off my target while the other escorts deal with the reinforcement. After the screams of the dying Terrans had faded I survey the damage. My charge was sitting at 36% hull, and was currently flying like a drunken school girl, swerving towards and then away from the mine he was trying to dock at, acting like he didn’t know how to just fly around to the docking clamps.

While contemplating the lack of intelligence of my charge, two more Rapiers show up on radar. Bother were quickly eliminated by the escort and myself. Continuing ahead I rounded the asteroid so the clamps were in sight. I sit and watch the freighter cumbrously turn the bend and line up to dock at the mine. Suddenly two more Terran scouts appear on my screen, both launching their deadly swam missiles at the Demeter. The freighter goes critical mission failed.

Grinding my teeth I target the Terrans, and unleash my pent up fury. One quickly goes down in a storm of orange, my IREs ripping through the shields and hull, causing the scout to explode in a most satisfying matter. The other I turn on and hunt down. My 1st pass dropping her hull to 77% the pilot comms over and advised me I have the flying skills of a large asteroid. I promptly tell her she can go frak herself and various ways, as I rotate my ship and drop her hull down some more. Her screams echo through my channel as her ship turns to particles.

Feeling mildly better, and worrying about that, I start salvaging the wreckage of the fighting. The Terrans left quite a few missiles floating around among the junk and I collected it all. As I was picking up the last one I notice a request from an ore mine in sector for protection. Nearing the mine I accept the terms of 6,651 plus a bonus per kill.

I cut speed and wait, my ship grumbling softly around me. The notice the pirates heading towards the station from the north, and alter my course to intercept. The first one I reached was a Discoverer Hauler. I manage to take his hull down to 97% before he zooms by me. I flip the Final Chance on her axis, and getting the Disco back in sight open fire. I manage to drop his hull down to 72% before he escapes firing range, but having got his attention already he turns towards me. That was his final mistake as my IREs finish him off.

By this time the second ship, a Harrier Hauler, has closed in. I open fire, my IREs striking through shields. Turning the Final Chance, to keep the fighter in my crosshairs, I quickly destroy the target, signaling a successful mission. I loot the remains for a couple more missiles, and seeing no other jobs in sector, I start heading north.

Entering Hatikvah’s Faith I notice a pirate Kea off to my left. This shouldn’t have been a surprise to me, being in a Pirate sector and all, but this one didn’t show up as hostile. The only pirate so far that hasn’t. he was far off in sector almost out of radar range and heading seemingly deeper into nowhere. My curiosity piqued I move to follow the Kea, and quickly notice he was in fact not heading nowhere. For I now saw two structures looming out in the abyss. I swiftly leave the M3 behind and close in on them, a Pirate Anarchy Port, and a Pirate Base. The Port was flagging hostile, but the Base like the Kea that lead me to it were blue. Remembering the mostly full case of Space Fuel I was still was carrying, I set to dock with the Pirate Base.

Bring up a list of services I sell off the fuel, except a few bottles that hopefully won’t be missed, and buy some software, that’ll hopefully make making credits a little easier. First was the Cargo Life Support, which will let me start taking taxi jobs. Second to be ordered was a freight scanner. This will open up a whole range of other possibilities, most of which aren’t necessarily legal. Finally I buy the fight mk2 and special software packages, just because I could.

As the software is being installed I decide to wander into the station and see what I could get into. I stop to grab a quick bite to eat at a nearby bar, and find a nice corner where I could drink my whisky. Sitting in the dark bar I notice an odd figure watching me from across the room. It was a Teladi, but instead of the tight fitting clothes that they normally dressed in this one was in long flowing robes. The hood was up and all I could see was a reptilian snout, and a glitter of eyes peaking at me from the darkness.

The Teladi drew closer to me. When near my table she spoke. “Hello traveler, would you mind if I shared your table?”

Wondering what the hell this was about I nod my head to an open chair, and say. “Sit if you want to, but if you’re trying to sell me something I’m not interested.”

The Teladi let out a soft barking sound, which I took for a chuckle. “Ssseeell? No but I have ssssomething to offer.” The Teladi said drawing back her cowl, and revealing a marking set high up on her forehead, among the scales above her eyes. The marking which seemed to be tattooed on was of four lines connected in the middle. Each end pointing out evenly in a different direction.

Staring at the mark as she sat down, my mind flashed back to the compass earlier. “What does that symbol mean?” I ask pointing at the mark.

She makes the barking noise again, parting her lips in a smile that revealed her long and pointed teeth. “Thiss iss the ssymbol of my order. Long ago before, you Humansss ssstumbled into thisss universssse, we advisssed thossse who we found worthy.” The Teladi extracted a space weed joint from within her robes, and lit it.

“What do you want from me then?” I asked. Figuring this was some sort of scam. Yea you’re the chosen one, just pay three installments of 20,500 for your exclusive membership card. HA.

“I need no insssstallmentss, young Mr. Baron.” The Teladi said still smiling.

The comment caught me off guard; I never told her my name. “Who the frak are you? How in the hell do you know my name?”

“My name isss long and complicated followed by a number ssso high it would take more than your figuresss and toesss to count.” She said still smiling, “Mossst call me Ssseer.”

Starting to get annoyed I reply “I don’t give a rat’s ass what your name is. HOW THE FRAK DO YOU KNOW ME?”

“I have alwaysss known you Mr. Baron, and everything will be made clear with time.” She said as she suddenly got up from her seat and moved away quickly.

“Hey wait I’m not…” I begin, but stop when I realize she has disappeared into the crowd.

I make my way back to my ship and get in. I crack open a bottle and begin drinking. This shit is starting to get weird.


Final Chance – Buster

Credits – 6,703

Game time 1 day 8 hours

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Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 16. Aug 12, 23:59

That's what you get for talking to Teladi. ;)

Yeah, it's nice to have a plan, but frankly, I find that sometimes things go in a different, better direction than you plan. So I only aim for long term goals, and not short term plans.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Post by 46_n_2 » Fri, 17. Aug 12, 04:27

hehehe... damn lizards

right now story wise i really dont even have a goal, let alone a plan.... game play wise my 1st objective is to beat the main plot

other than that i just know eventually to get bigger ships im gonna have to start boarding, or at least stealing....

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Post by 46_n_2 » Sat, 18. Aug 12, 21:15

alright ladies and gentlemen, just letting everyone know, i have 3 chapters worth of notes, and will be trying to get a chapter written sometime today....

thanks everyone for reading and please stay tuned

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Post by 46_n_2 » Sun, 19. Aug 12, 02:19

Chapter 5: Understanding Odds

Finishing a little over a half a bottle, as the new upgrades were being installed, I came to the conclusion of frak this and frak this station. As soon as possible I undocked, moving as quickly away from the Pirate Base, as the Final Chance would allow. Sitting in the cockpit I start feeling warmth spreading through my body, as my eye slightly lose focus.

The Final Chance glides through the void, moving towards the sector center. Suddenly I remember the new scanners I purchased. Seeing a nearby Teladi High Tech Transport I alter course and close on him. Getting within range I initiate the scan, and watch as a list of his goods is brought up on the display. Good, at least the pirates didn’t rip me off on the software. Unfortunately for me, his hold was empty.

Moving past the lucky trader, I spot a few red spots on my radar. A Caravel, with escorting Blastclaws was currently chewing up the trade lane heading towards the west gate. Seeing this I turn the Final Chance west towards the non-pirate station in sector, and beyond, Argon space. As I move within range of the station, a Split yells through the comms that a Yaki needs to be hunted down, and dealt with. I accept, and my logs tell me he is in Rhonkar’s Fire, flying a Fujin.

Turning my Buster I start heading back north to Thuruk’s Beard. I enter the sector and keep heading north, as I reach the sector center I received a message advising me the target was eliminated. Great, another lost target. Cutting speed I let the ship idle as I take another drink of Fuel. From here I could see the west gate heading out into Teladi space. I could also see the gate to the north leading to the Split, and sitting there sipping from my bottle, I truly had no idea where I should go.

Then it came to me, like an epiphany working its way through the haze of distilled wheat. A Jumpdrive! That’s exactly what would solve my problems. No more marks killed before I get there, and an easy escape plan, if needed. Now where could I get one? If my memory was still working I knew they sold them out here. Ah-ha! OTAS sold them and they were located just a few sectors from Hatikvah’s Faith. Turning the ship south I hit the throttle.

As I moved through Hatikvah’s Faith a Split broadcasts a request to protect him from a Yaki attack. Accepting the mission I close in on the Fujin Raider, and cutting speed, open up my guns. An orange stream of bolts roars from my Buster and shred his shields leaving his hull at 71%. He speeds away trying to avoid the punishing rain of fire. Closing the gap again I resume fire bringing his ship critical, and causing it to explode.

After receiving payment for dealing with the Yaki, a paltry 816 credits, I continue my journey east. Heading into Aladna Hill I begin mapping the sector. As I am passing one of the Solar Power Plants I am contacted by a Teladi requesting transport to a mine in Montalaar. He needs eight workers moved and is willing to pay 20,294 credits to see it done within 33 minutes. Accepting, and hoping the life support worked as well as the scanners, I dock at the station and pick the workers up.

Luckily the life support did work, and I undock heading south. I enter Light of Heart, and the first thing I notice is the shear amount of military force flying around. There were a couple Titans, with full escorts of M7s and M6s, a Colossus with a belly full of fighters, and a Minotaur. Trying to ignore all the military hardware in sector, I continued my trek south. Entering Montalaar, I target the silicon mine, and check the clock. 33 kilometers, in 24 minutes, not a problem for this ship.

Speeding towards the mine I dock, and get paid for my services. Seeing no missions available I head back north towards OTAS and my Jumpdrive. Stopping by the Equipment Dock in Light of Heart, a navigational command software pack. I also pick up a trade extension, figuring it might be convenient to be able to see local inventories, without having to dock. Leaving as soon as the software was installed I head north once more.

Aladna Hill seemed to have sprouted a pirate infection since I was last here. It seemed to be working itself out though, for as I moved deeper into the sector, I watched as a pirate wing, led by a Blastclaw, made a suicide run against a Boreas. Scooping up the salvage, including two full crates of space weed, I see another pirate wing heading towards the Boreas. Deciding to ignore them I move east, where I am contacted one of the Medium Weapon Factories in sector. they said they had incoming Pirates, and needed protecting.

After asking how much his life was worth (2,717 apparently) I accept and move toward the factory. Spotting a couple of Harriers I weave around the complex, and set an intercept course. As I near the first one I notice a stream of missiles heading for it, and watch as he, and the other one, both are killed. Mission completed. I start looting, and notice the other pirates I previously ignored were also just debris in the void.

I manage to salvage a number of missiles, as well as 2 crates of space fuel, 1 of Mass Driver ammo, and 24 of Cloth Rimes. Realizing the textiles were taking up too much cargo I head to the trading station, and immediately sell them all. After leaving the trade station I move on to the military outpost, and sell the rest of the loot. All except the MD ammo, that I had plans for. I checked which weapons I could purchase from the Argon, and noticed, to my dismay, PACs were the strongest I could acquire, and unfortunately, they had none in stock here.

Undocking I use my trade extension to browse the local stations. Finding what I need, I set course to the locale Particle Accelerator Cannon Forge. Entering the hangar bay I bring up a transaction screen and order 2 PACs for purchase and installation. Leaving the cockpit, I open up my cargo hold, and take out some space weed, and a few bottles of Fuel.

As the mechanics started installing my new guns, I head deeper into the station, and find a room for rent. It’s time to drink heavily and try to forget.

Unfortunately no matter how much I smoked, or drank I still saw it every time I closed my eyes. The four lines crossed in the center, all eight points evenly spaced slowly rotating.


Final Chance - Buster

Credits – forgot to write down do to RL interruptions.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Sun, 19. Aug 12, 04:16

Good chapter. Why do you sell the missiles? Just junk dumbfires?

Also, don't worry about the assets. It's not quite as bad for you, because you're so early in the game, but I find that once every few chapters is more than enough for an asset list. Of course I tend to go a little overboard and list EVERYTHING. So it might just be me that needs such a complex listing.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

Posts: 310
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Post by 46_n_2 » Sun, 19. Aug 12, 06:38

most are firelances, i get a few decent ones but at this point they are better to sell, than to use imo....

as for the asset list i'll take that into consideration... for chapter 7 because.......

Chapter 6: Skill and Luck

I woke with a start, covered in sweat. I remember a feeling of betrayal and nothing else, the nightmare fading quickly from memory, as dreams tend to do. Looking around the room I see the empty bottles scattered about. After rolling one last joint, I slowly get dressed, and then leave.

After making my way to the hanger, in which my fighter was located, I check to make sure the PACs are properly installed. Everything seemed right so I get in the Final Chance and head out into the void once again. I turn the ship east, as soon as she cleared the dock. Soon I had made it to the gate and enter Akeela’s Beacon.

I start mapping the sector, and realize how giant it is. Great, this is going to take forever. As I’m moving to the center of the sector, I pass an Argon Trading station, and beyond that, barely within radar range, I see an Argon Heavy Load Transporter. Its owner was requesting an escort and had already recruited another Buster pilot. He said he would pay 114,515 to get to Aladna Hill. Accepting the mission I target my new charge and set the computer to follow.

As I fell in behind the freighter I noticed it was a Dolphin, and cringed. Why someone would fly an unarmed ship I could never guess. This particular one trundled onward at 36 m/s and I slowly followed, waiting for action. Lighting the space weed I rolled earlier I lean back, and wait for some hostiles.

I didn’t have to wait long. Soon a group of pirate M5s showed up on my radar. There were three of them, the closest a Harrier Raider. I closed the distance on the Raider and opened fire. As my new PACs quickly chewed through the scout’s hull, the Teladi flying it asked to be spared. He attempted to offer his ship, but unfortunately the final volley was already in route.

Hitting my joint, I turn my ship to take on the next enemy fighter. A Harrier, currently shooting at the freighter I was protecting. My first pass bring his hull to 90%, before he starts evading me. He is a good pilot dodging and weaving the streams of orange and white beams pouring from the Final Chance. His skillful flying would not be enough to save his life though. One wrong move and he was in my crosshairs. Not long after the Split pilot screamed his last into the uncaring void.

Taking another hit, and then locating the next target, I adjust my course. Accelerating quickly I fall into weapons range. My first pass stripped his shields, and I followed that with a couple light bursts of fire. The Boron pilot, after watching his other two squad mates be killed, and now taking hull damage, decided he has had enough. He hits the eject button and goes flying through the void, screaming about the ship being mine.

Cutting speed, I sit looking dumbfounded for a moment, joint forgotten in my lips slowly going out. I move within 30 meters of the abandoned ship, then eject into the void and use my wrist attached command pad to over-ride and claim the ship as mine. I look at my new ship, a Harrier Raider, and begin firing up my repair laser. I swiftly bring the ship from the 71%, which it was left at, to 100%. After repairing it, I order it to the Argon Trade Station, and then buff out the few scratches and dents on Final Chance.

Getting back in my fighter, I remember I should be protecting someone, and quickly locate the freighter. It is still plodding along, a little slower now since its hull was at 41%. As I moved back within range of my charge another squad of pirate materialized out of the abyss. I target the nearest one and quickly get within firing range.

The Discoverer Raider’s shields and most of his hull were gone almost instantly. He tried to escape, but could not get out of range quick enough. My PAC and IRE fire tore through his hull and then his ship was no more. The next enemy last even less time, my guns quickly obliterating his defenses and making the Harrier explode. Checking back with the freighter I notice he is still at 41%.

Another wave of pirates appeared and I was ready for them. The first pilot to face me decided quickly he would take his chances in the void, leaving his Discoverer, with only a few holes in it. I quickly target another Discoverer and bring his shields down. Soon his hull follows and I reduce the ship into dust. I target a Harrier Raider, and begin to take him out. When all of a sudden, the Teladi pilot decides his friends had the right idea, and abandoned ship.

I quickly repair the Harrier, then move to the Disco, and repair that as well, sending them both to the Trade Station. I quickly get back in my fighter and get ready for the next wave I know is coming. I didn’t have to wait long as three more pirates came into view. I met the first with orange and white bolt leading the way, in no time the Harrier was eliminated. The next target, a Harrier Hauler, quickly realized he was going to be next. The Argon pilot begged for his life before ejecting, and leaving his ship behind.

The next pilot was another skillful one; no matter how close I would come she would always evade my fire. She screamed obscenities at me every time I grazed her Disco Raider, and I would reply urging her to just leave the frakin ship. Try as I might she would not, and her luck ran out. Misjudging a turn my guns traced a path across her bow, causing her ship to go critical, and destroying it completely.

After she was done with her cries of death, I moved the Final Chance back to where the Hauler was abandoned. Quickly repairing it, and sending it too, to the Trade Station, I notice another wave of Pirates moving for my charge. Without noticing it the freighter had already moved a bit away from me, and the Pirates would be there before I could come within range. Expecting the worst, I hit the throttle and speed towards the enemies.

I came up behind the Pirates unnoticed as they took pot shots at the Dolphin. In a matter of seconds the first target, a Disco Vanguard, was obliterated. The second fighter fared no better as my guns ripped through his shields and hull like they were nothing, quickly causing him to turn into nothing but space junk. The last target in sight swiftly joined his dead friends as I closed and ended his existence. My freighter was down to 10% hull, and I knew the next wave would be his last.

The Pirates waited until we were within a kilometer of the west gate. I intercepted a Disco Vanguard and made short work of him. Before his screams had fully faded I was already firing on another target, a Harrier Vanguard. As I finished with the Harrier I turned just in time to see the Dolphin explode. Targeting the Harrier that was responsible, I close within firing range. After taking some damage from the first pass the target starts evading my rounds. Flying back in forth through space, I finally get a good drop on him, and the fight is over. Mission failed…

Heh, oh well not a big loss. I just captured four ships. Four scouts now mine. Grinning ear to ear like a loon, I begin salvaging through the wreckage in sector, picking up the missiles left behind. After the salvage work was done I set a course for the Trading Station. As I pull into the hanger bay I am still smiling, for taking up the 4 slots next to me at the dock were my new ships.

I transfer a mineral scanner and a few missiles over to the Final Chance from my new acquisitions. I head back out into the cold void, and order my scouts to follow me. Heading south I finally spot the gate that leads to Legend’s Home, the home of OTAS, and the place where I can finally find a jump drive.

Entering the sector I begin to map it, while my scouts come through the gate. I order the scouts to the Argon Shipyard and by the time my mapping was done they had all docked. I turned my ship and headed to the OTAS Headquarters. Before arriving I brought up a trade screen for the shipyard and sold two of my new ships, the Harrier Hauler, and one of the Raiders. Using this new income I buy a docking computer, and a Jumdrive. Smiling to myself I head into the station, looking for a place to wait while the drive was installed.

As I thread my way through the halls of the station, my wrist pad beeps notifying me of a message. Ducking into a small, dark side corridor I bring it up on my data pad, and instantly feel my stomach drop. It was the Argon Military. They were requesting my presence in Argon Sector M148. There was a secret operation, and as a disposable asset, they want me to be involved. All thoughts of ignoring the message swiftly left my mind as I remembered the warning the Admiral had given me, in that small cell.

FRAK just when I was getting use to my newly found freedom, they show up back up. Dragging me back to a place I would rather leave behind. Is there no fraking escape from them?!?

“There issss one essscape, young Baron.” A familiar Teladi voice said, as Seer stepped out of the shadows behind me. Her order’s pale symbol stood out, in stark contrast of her dark scales, which blended into the darkness. “I think now you are ready to lisssstin to me, yesssss?”

I nodded dumbly, not sure what else I could do, and she led me farther into the station. As we walked through the long corridors she talked, and I listened.


Final Chance – Buster

Harrier Raider


Credits – 26,197

Posts: 310
Joined: Thu, 21. Jul 11, 23:32

Post by 46_n_2 » Sun, 19. Aug 12, 23:01

wow i was just playing and i came so close to being killed it was not even funny :o

on another note...i have come to a point where i will be needing pilots very soon in game. if anyone wishes to offer their service please do. i have two scouts available at the moment a Disco, and a Harrier Raider. 1st come first serve.

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Post by 46_n_2 » Tue, 21. Aug 12, 02:12

Chapter 7: Saving Time

It felt like days had past, as we walked the halls of OTAS, but was actually less than an hour. As we moved through the belly of the station she told me of her order, which she refused to name. She actually refused to answer a lot of questions I had. She answered mostly with “in time” or “thisss iss not for you to know.”

Sitting back in the Final Chance now, I still wasn’t sure if I halfway understood what she told me, let alone if I could believe it. Apparently, before the Teladi were flying around looking for the most profitsss they were led by a group of prophetsss. The Order would advise the race on matters of ruling, and justice, as well as offer guidance to a select few. Why they did this, and why they picked the certain individuals, was another unanswered question.

As time passed, and the wonders of space opened up, they continued to operate, but on a more secretive level. When the gate network cut off the Teladi home world, the Order made sure to not be in the Ianamus Zura sector. Adopting the cloning solution to the population decline, the Order multiplied, and apparently still does. She said now the Order was everywhere in the known universe, mostly using operatives of other races as eyes, and ears. Still advising and guiding the certain few.

Then, as I noticed we had walked in a large circle, and were coming back to the hangar bay, where my fighter rested, she told me. “The Argon Military, isss going to use you up until there issss nothing left, but a body floating in the void. We cannot let thisss happen young Baron. For now follow their ordersss, and before you assssk, your other quessstionsss will be anssswered when the time comessss.” Then she was gone, disappearing just as quickly as she had appeared.

After she left I sat there in the docking bay. I still don’t know if this isn’t some big scam, but I do know she was right about the military not ever letting me have my freedom. If she could get their claws out of me, I’ll play along with her mystic Goner BS. Grabbing some space weed and Fuel from my cargo hold, and stuffing it into my flight suit, as a personal stash, I had gotten in my ship. After rolling something up I was ready to depart.

Undocking I quickly spot some work, a patrol mission heading to Aladna Hill. I accept the mission, and cut speed, waiting for anything to show up. It wasn’t long before a group of Xenon Ns showed up on the radar. I turn the Final Chance and punch the throttle, zipping through space at the nearest N. As I’m closing on it I notice a swarm of missiles also rushing towards the scout. The Flail Barrage got there first, destroying the target. The other targets quickly followed suit, victims of one of the two Aquilos in sector.

I salvage a few missiles, and then start heading north, into Akeela’s Beacon. Knowing that an enemy could be anywhere in this giant sector, I don’t expect this to be very fun. Closing in on the center of the sector, I finally spot a group of enemies, another group of Ns. I target the nearest, but by the time I get close, the sector police have already dealt with it. The next N wasn’t as lucky as I open up my main guns, quickly striping the shields and biting into the hull of the scout. After another pass, there was only one N left.

I catch it unaware, as its attention was on a civilian ship. My fire tears into its flank, and quickly through its shields. The Xenon’s microprocessor realizes the threat and tries to avoid destruction by accelerating away, out of my firing range. Its plan might have worked too, but a bolt of PAC fire chose this moment to slam into a critical component causing a power surge, and ridding the ship of its parasitic computer pilot. The moment I see the ship turn blue on my display, an Argon also appears, telling me to prepared to be scanned for illegal goods.

Thinking quickly I jettison the soon to be discovered contraband, and go about my business claiming and repairing the N. By the time I was finishing patching up the ship, the Argon advised me, with a mildly pissed off look, that they found nothing. Smiling to myself I hopped back into the Buster, and started moving to pick the crates back up. Suddenly I see green bolts flash through the darkness, HETP fire from the police Nova that just scanned me, destroyed the contraband. Ah well, I got another scout, so I guess I can’t really complain.

Continuing my patrol I move west, into Aladna Hill, I order my new ship to the OTAS shipyard, and my Disco to the light shield complex there in Legend’s Home, hoping they will get stock sometime soon. As soon as I enter the sector I see another group of Ns not far from the gate. I manage to close on one and obliterate it in one pass. The others are brought down by missiles fired by one of the many Military ships in sector.

Waiting for the next group of hostiles, I notice another patrol mission being offered for here in sector, so I agree, figuring they could pay me double for the next wave. I suddenly see red on my radar, but it wasn’t more Xenon. This time I see a small group of Pirate scouts. I start heading towards them, but do not make it in time. My mission log updates, first patrol successful two kills, one capture, and a 16,793 paycheck. After a brief moment it updates again the in sector patrol is over as well, and I get paid 3,414 for my troubles.

Setting the computer on auto to salvage the left behind missiles, I start planning my next step. The only real option I have is to report s ordered to M148. Before I get there I would like some better weapons, and to be fully shielded. Now that I have a jumpdrive, I can start really making money with assassinations, so hopefully money will start becoming less of a problem. Also since I have a few extra fighters I need to get them up to par, and get a TM to transport them around. As the computer picked up the last salvage I had a plan formulated.

Taking back control of my ship, I turn towards the Military Outpost, and dock using my new docking computer. I sell off the assorted missiles, and then head over to a SPP in sector. There I buy enough energy cells, at 12 Cr. a piece, to leave me with a little less than half my total cargo space. Leaving the power plant, I start moving south. I pass through Light of Heart, and into Montalaar, without seeing any jobs.

Turning my ship, I start moving towards the eastern gate, and Teladi space beyond. As I close on the event horizon of the gate it dawns on me, I have no clue what’s beyond this point. I mean I know its Teladi space, and I think it should lead me to a Xenon sector, that I will have to cross, to get near the war sectors. From there I could get to M148, but the spaces between here and there, are a vague guess at best. Hoping for the best, I hit the gate, and am soon sitting in Avarice.

Hitting the thrusters, and bringing up my map, I can tell this is another giant sector. Accelerating deeper into the sector I notice a few stations, but no trade traffic, formed into lanes, leading to another gate. I cut speed as I reach the center sector, and begin to worry. Did I frak up? Is this just a dead end sector, and not a path through? Spotting a Split high tech trader on the edge of my radar, and moving eastward, make my doubts start to fade. Following the Split my doubts soon disappear completely as the east gate comes into view.

Entering New Income I keep the fighter pointing straight ahead, to the east. Passing through the sector I finally spotted some work. A Teladi had a business partner betray him, (big surprise) and now wanted that ex-partner dead. Hoping the mark would be somewhere I had previously been, I accept the mission. Checking my logs I notice the mark is in fact not anywhere on my navigational computer. I also fortunately notice that my Nav. computer was being updated showing the gate that would take me to him as quickly as possible.

Hitting my jump drive I plot a short jump to the east gate. After the countdown ended, I was at my distention. I turned the ship around, and flew through the gate, into Ianamus Zura. Another short jump and quick turn later, I was entering Eighteen Billion. Now, instead of a gate my computer just showed the coordinates of the mark. he was flying a Harrier, and in typical Pirate-Teladi relations, was being ignored by sector police.

Unfortunately for him, I wasn’t on the pay roll. Speeding through the void I quickly closed on his position. My shots hit him square in the bow, quickly draining his shields. By the time the trail of fire hit his engine the ship went critical. Mission accomplished 27,114 transferred. Apparently killing the target pissed off his squad mate though. I deduce this because a Harrier Raider is quickly closing on me. Turning my ship, I dodge the incoming fire, as I unleash my own, and hit the accelerator. Quickly reducing him to dust, I savage the remains.

As I finish looting my kills I notice a personnel transport job offering. They were at the local Dream Farm, and needed to transported to the Bliss Place in Scale Plate Green, to oversee a new, more powerful, strain be processed. Accepting the mission, I pull into the docking bay. Remembering the joint I had rolled earlier, I took it out and sparked it up, before I got out of the ship to greet my fares. This being Teladi space no one would care if I was smoking on the job, especially considering I’m taking the growers to the cooks, so to speak.

As the Teladi approached they smelled the acrid stench emanating from my smoke, and started to laugh. “That sssstench isss vile.” One said reaching into a bag he carried. “Take sssome of thisss, it’sss our newessst sssstrain. Much better than that dirt.” After I took the space weed he offered, he said. “The priccceee of that will be taken from your pay.” Then they got in.

Shaking my head and continuing to smoke my other joint, I get back in the Final Chance and head on east. Smiling to myself as I fly, I come to the conclusion that this was a lucky break. Between these guys and the assassination mission, I just inadvertently solved my problem of finding the war sectors. Because I remember Scale Plate Green, and I knew it was just a short flight away from where I was going.

Now just to make it through a bloody Xenon sector….

Entering Xenon Sector 347, I was nervous. This could end up very bad if a Q decided to show up and start lobbing fire at me. The first thing I do is target the north gate and plot a short jump to it. While the time is counting up to 100 I start to notice, that there are in fact no Xenon near here, but is quite a bit of freight traffic. After the jump was completed I notice the same thing on the other side of the sector. Huh, well that’s odd, but I’m not going to complain. Turning on my axis, I enter the north gate, and Scale Plate Green.

I swiftly make it to the destination, and unload my passengers at the Bliss Place. Another mission successful… the pay out 97,726. Grinning to myself, I quickly undock from the station. Mapping the sector I don’t find what I need. Before heading east into the war sectors, I turn north. I don’t want to be flying to war without being fully shielded. Period. Entering PTNI I don’t see any shields here either, so I move on west to Profit Center Alpha. Here I do see an opportunity to refuel. Illegally scanning a passing Duke’s freighter I notice it is filled to the brim with energy.

Opening up on the freighter, I keep my ship away from his rear turret, and strip away his shields. After biting into his hull I comm. over and tell him to release his cargo. The Paranid refuses so I continue raining down fire. After a while I ask again. This time he jettisons come energy cells. Smiling wickedly I keep bursting the target with shots of PAC and IRE fire. This time I tell him to leave not the cargo but the whole ship. Outraged he refused, so I destroy him.

After looting as many cells as I can I map the sector, and find no light shield complexes. Heading north Two Grand proves to be much the same. Continuing north, I enter the Split sector, Patriarch’s Keep. After mapping the sector I finally find what I am looking for. I dock with the shield complex and buy up three 5mj shields.

Now that the Final Chance was shielded, I only needed better guns. When I was looking for shields I didn’t see any, but I know one place that will have them. Omicron Lyrae…..

Credits – 124,725

Posts: 190
Joined: Thu, 22. Dec 11, 14:29

Post by stads » Tue, 21. Aug 12, 03:26

like the story so far

still in the bin if that order thing is a scam or not :)

Posts: 310
Joined: Thu, 21. Jul 11, 23:32

Post by 46_n_2 » Tue, 21. Aug 12, 06:12

thanks :D
there really is no telling... damn lizards and their money schemes... ;)


Job Posting -- Pilots Wanted!

Who to Contact -- C. Baron. pilot of Final Chance

What You Will Fly -- there are currently two M5 scouts sitting in a TM waiting for pilots. not a fighter? no problem there is also a freighter pilot needed!

When Can You Sign Up? -- Right now!

Where Can You Find C. Baron -- around the war sectors, or near Ianamus Zura

Why You Should -- The sooner you sign up the sooner you will advance. start in a Discoverer today be in a M6 tomorrow. only your skill can limit your rise!

DISCLAIMER: C. Baron will not be responsible for any harm, dismemberments, disembowelments, decapitations, or any other form of trama physical or mental.

Vim Razz
Posts: 1842
Joined: Tue, 2. Nov 10, 02:20

Post by Vim Razz » Tue, 21. Aug 12, 07:05

Risky! Starting out in an M5 like that. :D

Nonetheless, I humbly submit myself:

Pilot: Warren Jay
Race: Argon

Warren joined the Argon Military with dreams of becoming a pilot. He then spent the rest of his enlistment as a cook. He isn't particularly happy about that, but he'd never admit it unless he was drunk.

He'd still like to fly and fight, but has somewhat lowered expectations at this point. He does understand the basics, having grown up in space and having spent a fair amount of time is simulation. However, he's still completely untested in real, direct combat and has a lot of learning to do before you might consider him truly competent.

Posts: 310
Joined: Thu, 21. Jul 11, 23:32

Post by 46_n_2 » Tue, 21. Aug 12, 08:05

excellent our 1st vict.... errr.... recruit! you have your pick between a Discoverer, or a Harrier Raider. do u have a death wish or are you merely suicidal? also pick what u wanna name your formidable craft. :)

since he is ex-argon military i have a perfect idea for recruitment. he'll make an appearance in chapter 11 or there about.

Vim Razz
Posts: 1842
Joined: Tue, 2. Nov 10, 02:20

Post by Vim Razz » Wed, 22. Aug 12, 00:09

Sure -- Warren has a passion for classic Argon ships, and will prefer them whenever possible. Even if "better" options might be available.

He wont complain if required to fly something else, however.

So: Discoverer, "Zephyr".

Posts: 310
Joined: Thu, 21. Jul 11, 23:32

Post by 46_n_2 » Wed, 22. Aug 12, 00:37

Chapter 8: Scanning Rights

The Final Chance, now fully shielded, pulled out of the hangar bay, of the shield factory. Her belly was still full of energy; I had only sold enough to buy the shields. Plotting a jump the ship is soon enveloped by a flash of light. As the flash of light cleared, the ship was no longer in Split space, but instead located in Teladi space, near the north gate in Scale Plate Green.

Looking for work, and seeing none I start moving east, towards the war. I am soon distracted as I see a Duke’s Freighter, on the edge of my radar, and moving towards a bliss place. Turning my fighter I follow the freighter and watch it dock. Bringing up the station’s information screen, I can see it has a decent stock of product. An idea comes to me. I might not have enough credits to buy a full load of space weed, but I do have the firepower to take one.

As I sit outside of the bliss place, a Teladi contacts me. He is requesting I help protect the station, and he will pay 14,443. Accepting the mission, I notice a group of four pirates entering by a nearby gate. Knowing what they would do, I speed towards them, directly away from the station. As I as I got about 10km from the station I cut speed, and waited finger on the trigger.

The first target to cross my cross hairs was a Harrier Vanguard, and he died quickly. The next was a Disco Vanguard, and he followed, soon after. The next enemy to stumble into the kill range was another Discoverer Vanguard. He almost made me have to hit the accelerator, but merely turning the ship was enough to do the job. By the time I turned back the last target came into range. A Discoverer, a short time later and he too was nothing but space junk. Mission successful.

Beginning salvaging the leftovers, and by the time I’m done the Duke’s ship still hasn’t undocked. Tired of waiting I once again turn my ship to the east, and Argon space beyond. About half way to the gate, I notice a red blip on my radar. It was the Duke’s transporter, finally leaving the station. Letting the freighter distract me again, the Final Chance spins on its axis, and speeds towards the target. As I close on the target I perform a soft scan, revealing it to be a Hermes, and it is only packing two 25mj shields and one 5mj. The ship is armed though with one FBL in the back.

Closing in I open fire on the Hermes, stripping away its shields, while I avoid fire from its rear gun. As I am slowing destroying the ship, I comm. the Paranid pilot, and demand his cargo. He laughs at me and jibbers something in the Paranid language. Cutting comm. I continue putting more holes in his ship. For every ten percent I hull I destroy I request cargo once more. By the time he was at 20% left he was frantic. Instead of dropping freight he instead left the ship. Jumping out and claiming it I notice why he didn’t give up cargo. It was empty.

Disparaging over the lack of free space weed, I fire up my repair laser. The ship is in bad shape, and needs to worst hole patched up so it can make it to the dock before next year. By the time I got the ship up to 35% hull the blackness of space was getting to me. It felt like the weight of the galaxy was closing in on me, and I needed more protection from the void than a flimsy EVA suit. Getting back in my Buster I order the Hermes to dock in PTNI at the shipyard.

My arms slightly shaking from my longer than normal visit to the abyss, I point the Final Chance towards the east gate, and am soon in Nyana’s Hideout. As I map out the sector I notice no jobs worth my time, but I do notice something else. A few Paranid freighters were flying about sector. Now I know the Argon don’t care about Paranid being pirated in their space, but as my recent exploits have taught me knowing what’s inside of a target is important.

Now I can just scan the target, but unfortunately that would be illegal, and I have to stay on the good side of the Federation. I know of another option luckily, one that will not only give me rights to scan ships, but also will give me money for killing any hostiles in any Argon sector. I turn the ship towards the stock exchange in sector, and buy a Argon Police License, as soon as I am docked. The process is quick, and actually pretty simple, as well as being mostly automated. I just had to land and register my info at the Licensing Bureau. Not five minutes later, I was a certified representative of the Argon Police Force.

Leaving the stock exchange, I soon spot my first opportunity for privateer work, a Paranid food transporter. I close in on the target, and scan him. He has a few fighter drones and no weapons. Smiling I open fire stripping his shields. As soon as his hull begins to take fire, he releases the Drones. Breaking away from the freighter I open fire on the nearest drone and quickly vaporize it. The second take a bit longer, but soon my weaving pays off and I line up a shot, obliterating the drone.

Turning back to the mark I resume fire. I comm. over and tell him to drop some of the Cahoonas he is carrying. He agrees, spilling cargo out as fast as he can. By the time his cargo hold is empty; his hull was at one percent. Opening the comm. one last time I thank him for his cooperation, and apologize for fire, flipping him back to blue on my view screen. After salvaging as many Meatsteaks as I can and wishing I had a TS, I point the ship east, and enter Omicron Lyrae.

The very first thing I see as I enter the war zone was a Terran fighter group getting demolished by the Argon Military. That was what I first saw, but what I first noticed was they, the Terrans, a group that I had been fighting, while enlisted, were now natural towards me. Wondering how this could have happened, I moved towards the light weapon complex in sector. Unfortunately, even after selling the meatsteaks I still couldn’t afford a PRG.

Sitting at the station I do some managing of my growing recourses. I order the Disco to buy enough 1mj shields for it and the Harrier Raider, then order it to the shipyard there in Legend’s Home. I also sell the N before undocking my fighter and launch back into the foggy void. Noticing no missions, I ignore the fighting and move east, into Treasure Chest. Once again noticing fighting, and ignoring it, I map the sector. I grab a few of the more expensive missiles left behind in the wreckage, but find no missions.

I head north into Goner space, hoping they might have work. After entering Elysium of Light I discover they do not. Turning around, and heading south, I re-enter Treasure Chest. Seeing a lot of loot lying around and figuring I might as well be the one making a profit from it, I begin salvaging. As the last missile finds its way into my hold, I target a nearby Paranid High Tech Transporter, and scan him for freight. I notice he has 18 fighter drones, as well as a few missile, one extra PAC, and about 500 units of Space Weed.

The Pirate Transporter quickly turned red on my display. I accelerate out of range of his rear turret and open fire. As his hull takes damage I demand his cargo. As his hull reaches 50%, I decide I have pressed my luck enough, and let him go, before he remembers his drones. I gather up the PAC and missiles first, followed by as much weed as can fit in my fighters hold. As I celebrate the good fortune with a sampling of my new cargo, I was also getting my two scouts equipped with shields and ordering them about. The Disco I left where it was the Raider I ordered to Light of Heart for upgrades. I also notice the Hermes finally made it to the shipyard in PTNI, and sell it for scrap.

Moving east once more I enter Black Hole Sun, and start mapping the sector. I notice an odd indicator on my screen and bring up its info. A UFO… huh don’t see one of those every day. As the UFO flew off to the south I finished my mapping, and started docking at the military outpost in sector. I sell off what loot they will buy and order a Phased Repeater Gun. I have the mechanics install it as well as the looted PAC I got from the pirate.

As soon as the ship was ready, I left the outpost, and headed south, into Nathan’s Voyage. I map the sector while ordering software for my Raider. Soon a job piques my interest. An asteroid scanning job, which would pay 26,323 per roid. Accepting I start the task, and scan one asteroid there in sector. The next was in Wastelands, and I quickly plot a short jump to the east gate. After the short jump was complete I turn around and fly into Wasteland, flying to and scanning two ore rocks.

Then I was jumping back to Black Hole Sun to get four more. After that it was another jump back to Nathan’s Voyage, and the contact for the job. I open a comm. and give him the data on the asteroids. I receive the payment, a nice 263k credits. Just was I was thinking this were going good a police nova pulls up next to me and informs me that I was about to be scanned. Frak, I don’t want to lose my license. Let’s see if I can lose him.

Cutting comm. and plotting a short jump to the east gate, I hope I will jump before the scan is completed. The police officer is silent as a flash of light causes my ship to disappear, but soon I hear him through the comm. again. He was yelling to pull over and prepared to be sized or destroyed. I ignore him and punch the throttle. I speed through the void, and soon see my destination hidden between giant rocks.

As I receive a notice that my Police License has been revoked, I land at the pirate base, and sell off the weed. Leaving the hangar I wander off and try to find a place to sleep, after I get stoned of course.

Credits – 380,592

Posts: 310
Joined: Thu, 21. Jul 11, 23:32

Post by 46_n_2 » Wed, 22. Aug 12, 22:53

Chapter 9: Contact(s)

I was awoken by a soft, feminine snoring in the bed beside me. I look over and see a petit, dark haired woman sleeping soundly next to me. I get up quietly, not wanting to wake her, and get dressed. Checking my flight suit’s pockets, I find all my things still in place. A small bag of space weed, a flask of fuel, and the old beat up compass, were all still where they should be, so I leave the room.

I don’t remember much of what happened after I sold off the rest of my weed last night. I do remember the woman, in flashes of the lights in one of the lower level clubs, but do not remember much after that. The sting of a few scratches on my back pressing into my suit tells me it was enjoyable. As the door slides closed I move towards the hangar bay where my ship waited.

Getting in the Final Chance and starting her up, I soon leave the pirate station. The Final Chance, weaves around the asteroids that surround this particular pirate base, and is soon speeding west towards Enduring Light. As I am nearing the sector proper, I notice the local police are still flagging hostile, so I comm. them and clear everything up. No sir, no contraband on this ship. Yes sir, I heard you request someone halt, but I didn’t think it was me. Yes sir, feel free to scan.

After dealing with the frustrated police I enter Enduring Light. I begin mapping the large sector, and suddenly remember, one of my old squad mates retired out in this sector. I pull up to the trading station, the last place I remember him staying, and search the database for his name, Toki Fisty. It seems he was working for the Licensing Bureau here on the station.

Toki it seems had gotten fat since I last saw him, his face now hung in loose jowls, but his smile was the same. It shined white and split his face, as I walked up to his desk. “Well look what the cat has dragged in. Lieutenant C. Baron, you still bustin’ heads up in Heretic’s End? “ He asked while rising to shake my hand.

“Actually, I’m not in the military anymore Tokes. They finally caught on to my little recreational ring.”

“That’s a damn shame… well Captain, what brings you this way?” he asks sitting back down, and withdrawing a bottle, and glasses from within his desk. He pours two glasses and slams one down, offering the other to me.

Accepting the glass I drain it in one gulp. “Ahhh that’s good… well Tokes I just wanted to poke in here and say hi. Cant an old friend stop by and visit?”

“Sure they can, but I know you Baron, and I know you don’t stop to talk to people unless you have to.”

Laughing to myself and shaking my head I reply, “I do have some things I wanted some help with, but I was going to let it wait. Now that you bring it up though, I wanted to see if you knew any mercs needing a bird to fly.”

At that he raised an eyebrow, “Mercs? Why are you loo…. Wait never mind I don’t wanna know. I don’t know of any right now, but I’ll contact you if I see anything.”

We sat and chatted for a little longer, but soon he advised me he had to get back to work. I have him renew my Police License before I head back to the Final Chance and leave the station. I continue mapping the large sector, and notice a Paranid Frozen Food transporter. I close in on the ship and see that it is a Vulture. I scan the target thinking it was going to flip to a pirate vessel, and was surprised when it didn’t. Huh, a ‘Nid in a Vulture, with no cargo, or guns.

Opening up on the foolish trader, I quickly take out his shields. As my mix of PAC and PRG fire tears into his hull he ejects three fighter drones, which I quickly take out. The Paranid flying the Vulture with no guns turned out to not be as dumb as he seemed though. For as I turned the Final Chance’s guns back on him, he decides the Void was a better idea, and left his ship at 83% hull with one 1mj shield intact. I claim the Vulture and repair it up to 90%, then order it to the trading station here in sector.

I start to feel a bit nervous as I near the southern gate. On the other side lay Argon Sector M148 and the Federation’s newest attempt to frak me up. As I enter the sector, I am contacted by a Commander Derik. He orders me to form up with Task Force 87, and advises me that because of my experience I would be given the rank of Sergeant. He also informs be that because of the special circumstances that caused me to be assigned to him, the rank is only a ruse, and I will get not benefits from it.

Moving into the sector and heading to the positioning beacon, I start feeling a little out of place. Every other ship in the task force was a bright and shiny new Nova, and here I come pulling up in my beat up and rusty old Buster. The Commander starts giving a speech, the kind I have heard many times in the past. For the Federation… blah blah…. Lost brothers…. Blah blah….. Finally he finished and the orders to aid in the war sectors came through.

As the task force breaks up I notice a Paranid energy transporter nearby. Scanning the target I notice he has no drones, and a full load of energy. I close on the target fire from my guns leading the way. Soon his shields were gone, and I was ordering him to give up the loot. After just one request the pilot decided to give up the whole ship instead.

I move to claim the ship, but stop as I notice a red blip on my radar. Apparently, me blowing up a Paranid transporters made the Paranid Military crafts in sector mad at me. I turn the Final Chance right as the first, a Pericles, comes into range. I open fire quickly ridding him of his shields. In retaliation, he launches a Firelance missile. With no MDS or turret in this Buster that caused me to panic. I turn the ship to try and shoot the missile down, but am too late. The firelance explodes taking the rest of my shields, and most of my hull with it.

I take out the Pericles not two seconds later. My ship’s hull was at 27%, and another Paranid was closing fast, this time in a Medusa. I open up a comm. and apologize to the three-eyed pilot, causing him to call off the attack. Shaking from the close encounter with death, I move to claim, and repair the Demeter SF XL. After that was done and the freighter was on the way to the shipyard, I patched up the hull of the Final Chance.

I take 20 energy cells from my new Demeter, as I remotely upgrade the Vulture, and order it to the M148 shipyard. I also notice a used Mercury Hauler at the shipyard for sell for 149K. Buying the Mercury and quickly selling it for 223k brings in a nice little profit. Deciding I need some back up I begin managing my small fleet. I order the Raider to Ianamus Zura for better software, and then buy myself a Zephyrus. The extra shielding will be nice to have around when I move to assist in the war, plus with its docking slots I can have a mobile base for a small wing.

After my TM is bought and outfitted with some software from OTAS (including a JD) I order the Disco in Legend’s Home to dock at it and order the Zephy to Aladna Hill for energy cells. By now the Demeter SF XL has landed at the shipyard and is quickly sold. It is too slow for what I want, and worth more than the Vulture, which is still on the way to the shipyard. Done with my managerial work I plot a jump to the east gate in Treasure Chest.

As I enter the sector I get the drop on a Valkyrie, quickly destroying it before it even registered as red on my display. A Mjollnir quickly followed, as a few bursts stripped it shields. After a few more its hull was full of holes, causing it to explode. Heading deeper into the sector I do not see any more Terrans, but I spot a Paranid freight transporter, and scan it, revealing a load of Massom powder.

As I stripped the shields of the freighter, and start to bite into the hull, the pilot ejects four drones to dissuade me from continuing my attack. I break off from the trader, and deal with his drones. I line them up one after the other quickly obliterating them with bolts of IRE fire. When I finish with them I turn back to their master, and resume putting holes in his ship. As his hull nears 15% I notice he is out of cargo. Sparing his life I tell him to get the frak out of my sight, and begin to salvage. I make sure to grab any missiles before stuffing my hold full of massom powder.

The Vulture has made it to the shipyard by now, and I buy it some software, before I notice another Paranid. This one is flying another transporter, but is a weapon dealer. I close in on the target and scan him. The scan shows he has a nice amount of 1mj shields and IREs, and also 25 fighter drone mk1s. Now I know I need those shields and guns to outfit any scouts I might get, but with the drones this is a risky target.

Shrugging, and apparently forgetting about my near brush with death I charge in guns blazing. The attack starts off well enough, my fire blowing away his shields and stating to tear holes into his hull. He is dropping freight at my request, with no problem, until I get his hull to around 80%. Then he released the Drones, just 5 of them, which I deal with easily. I resume my fire on the freighter, and he drops some more cargo. As his hull continues to drop the Paranid pilot gets tired of dealing with me, and sends out 10 more drones.

The cloud of mechanized death swarmed over me. I broke from my run against the freighter, and turned to the new threat. I tried to pick one out from the swarm to destroy but it was difficult. After I manage to take out two I notice I am in serious trouble. My shields were falling fast, and I couldn’t out run the drones. Gritting my teeth and hoping for the best, I take the small fast drones out, one at a time. As the final one goes up in a fireball, my hull was at 12%, and my freight and mineral scanners were destroyed.

Once I catch my breath, I eject the massom powder from my hold, and pick up what salvage I could, including some 1mj shields, and a few IREs. When that is done I eject myself and repair the Final Chance. This is getting ridiculous I need a bigger ship. Finishing the repairs I get in my fighter and head west, into Omicron Lyrae.

I ignore the fighting as I make my way to the EQ dock, to sell my loot and re-buy the software that was destroyed. Looking at the Final Chance sitting in the hangar bay I knew 25mj of shields would not serve any longer. I almost died twice in a short time, and that was unacceptable. Lighting a cigarette, I lean against some crates as I wait for the ship to be upgraded.

As I waited all I could think of was the swarm of fighter drones closing. Their IRE fire tearing into my hull, and I thought I could hear a barking noise, like a certain Teladi laughing, somewhere far away.


Final Chance – Buster
Zephyrus – w/ Disco docked (needs software/tuning)
Harrier Raider

Credits – 26,642

Posts: 7229
Joined: Tue, 29. Dec 09, 02:15

Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 23. Aug 12, 02:46

Might consider using they Zeph as a combat ship instead. Just as maneuverable, better shields, better firepower.
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Post by 46_n_2 » Thu, 23. Aug 12, 05:20

already way ahead of you :P

its just annoying that a TM cant use the collect all wares in sector command.

Vim Razz
Posts: 1842
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Post by Vim Razz » Thu, 23. Aug 12, 05:28

Hmm... I hadn't anticipated you'd be rolling in a Zephyrus any time soon... -.-;;

"Sea Breeze" might be a better name for Warren's Disco, to avoid possible confusion. :)

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