DiD - Explorer to Hero TC (Prematurely Ended)

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 25. Jun 13, 00:12

Since I'm in a good mood, heres another Chapter - No pics this time, just text.

08. Operation get me some Nukes!!!

So I spend the next load of hours getting money, a couple of very lucrative taxi and especially Scan Asteroids where I’m offered over 100k a Asteroid, things are going well. I am, able to buy another couple of second hand ships, I have even been able to create a second wing "Gold Wing", these are my Home based to my second Pelican and consist of faster fighters such as Mamba, Barracuda, Nova, I am still short a fighter but I am keeping my eyes peeled for a bargain, but all these ships go 150m/s + with one going 210 so they will act as first response until I get the chance to buy some very light fighters. I have also been gathering the Falcon Sentinels up for grabs, so far I have 2, these are rare, they have very good shielding for a fighter, but are quite slow, but due to the good shields and cargo bay, I see them as a cheap bomber squad, so I aim to get another 2 for a bomber wing, and have them firing of Hornets or bigger if I can.

I have also been getting the pelicans to jump around gathering Missiles, Weapons, Shields, I am thinking of swarm type missiles for the lighter fighters, possibly Wasps, then moving onto Tempests for the slightly heavier fighter, I have also been contemplating stocking the Hornets for their eventual use on my Falcon Bomber Squad. The main Missile I’m trying to stock is the Tomahawk; I need these to eradicate the Xenon that has been following me.

I was searching around the Paranid sectors when I came across a mission to return a Minotaur, I have no idea what that ship is and think it’s the Argon TM ship, I agree and start making my way over, glancing at the encyclopaedia I realize it’s an M7M, Now the brain starts ticking over, I don't really want to be a Pirate, I’m an explorer after all, never killed anything in my life, never stole anything in my life and here I am contemplating stealing this. Decisions Decisions

I guess that being in space alone, away from home and with my peoples enemies after me have hardened me up, I left Terran space as an innocent explorer, possibly to naive really, but situations do change I guess and it's times like these that decisions need to be made. It's at times like these that really show a man who he really is, I’ve decided I’m going to steal the ship, hide it and let the Cops come after me, but I have a plan for the Cops, and I hope I don't have to even shoot my laser.

I guess I was so overjoyed that I forgot I simply can't just jump out and claim it, I need my Marines, am I glad I got these boys? Hell yea. So I order my Pelican, the only ship with a Jump Drive over to the Marine Base, pick up 5 Marines and jump to Clarity’s end, I get in the ship an make my move, I try to launch the Marines out, nothing happens, I get message saying the Pelican can't launch marines, quick glance at the mission clock, 15 minutes left, I need to get more E-cells, transfer my marines, jump drive & E-cells to my toucan, then jump back to Clarity's end, and come across half the sector in a damaged ship that does 33 top speed, I guess my luck is up, just as I reach the marine base, I get a message saying I failed the mission - typical, I decide to turn rogue (for the benefits of the people of course and not for self gain you see) well that’s what I told myself, but lady luck would have it differently, I guess there’s always next time.

I was still a little upset that I wasn't able to get that Minotaur, I mean its 50 million credits to buy and I thought I could steal it, but as luck would have it didn't happen. I was drowning my sorrows in a pirate station when a young Split walked up to me, his name was S'hot T'Sht which I found quite amusing, he didn't, and being as I was on a station full of his fellow pirate friends I decide not to provoke him any further.

He said that he heard along the grape vine that I failed a ship recovery mission, he also said that he knew what I was really planning to do with it, something about a Pirates Initiative, off course I denied everything, but he give me some advice anyway,

"Pirate to Pirate, 5 marines would not have been enough, You would have to be very lucky to capture such a ship with just 5 Marines, instead you should try with 10 to see how it goes next time."

"Thanks for that, I will bear that in mind the next time I’m offered a chance to steal a ship"

He also mentioned that it would be a good idea in the future, that if I was to capture a live target and not an abandoned husk like before then I should keep the shields suppressed and weapons trained on something other than the Marines,

"Off course boarding ops are much easier if you have an M7M, boarding pods & enough marines” he said then laughed.

I laughed too, laughed at my bad luck, laughing at the thought of me trying to steal a ship & laughing at the fact that 2 days ago I was just an innocent explorer who hadn't left Terran space and only read about the Commonwealth races through doctored books, and now here I am sitting in a bar with a Pirate offering advice on stealing capital ships, oh how my life has changed.

S'hot T'sht then dropped the real reason for his therapy session; he wants to join ranks with me. He said he wants to take part in my adventure, I try to tell him that I’m just an explorer and don't need his expertise, but he counters that by saying that I need someone with a little fighting experience and someone who is willing to get his fingers dirty once and a while.

I consider the idea; do I need a fighter pilot? Do I lack the experience he has with boarding and all things illegal? Do I need help? Do I need an ally? And most importantly do I trust him? Strangely the answer to all these questions appears to be yes, and as I finished my last drink, I decided that S'hot T'sht would be very welcome to join me. Now it's just a little matter of what ship to give him. Being a Split and only wanting to fly split ships he has his eye on a mamba, and as luck would have it I have a Mamba as the leader of Gold wing, perfect coincidence, I just hope his name is not some kind of Omen.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 15:27

Work schedule has been a bit busier this week or so, i will have 2 chapters to post later on tonight i hope. Strats getting a little bit more interesting in a few chapters time and you can maybe see where im going with it, I think i have started something that may not have been done before in DiD but then again i have not read everyones - will have to wait and see.
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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 15:30

Looking forward to it. Don't worry about being super-unique; do it anyway. :-) If it is unique, awesome! If not, just make sure to have fun. :-)

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 18:15

Thanks Poseidon, i am having more fun now than i was earlier in the game, im about 5 chapters ahead of these two so will you will see where im going to from about then.

09. It's all a game of chance

With S'hot T'sht safely on board his shiny new Mamba (Little does he know that he is at least the 3rd owner) and it all kitted out, he is ready for action as leader of gold wing, to his dismay though there is no action for him to be had simply as I don't fancy starting a war while I’m still in a ship class lower than M6 thanks to my awesome firing skills, so from the pirate station he docks in the Pelican and awaits for orders, at least I’m not paying him to sit and do nothing as I think giving him a multimillion dollar ship is worth more than enough in wages.

I was given another return ship mission, I’m not overly keen on these as the time limits are usually not enough and the ships are usually miles away with little hull, this one was no different, but I accepted anyway, mainly because it was a M8 Bomber - Gladiator, these argons sure do love to tempt me with such things don't they? I got the bomber easily enough and docked it to keep it safe, I jumped to Scale Plate Green to initiate my previous plan of making the police follow through X-347 - use the Xenon to my aid for a change, but no one showed up, I waited ages and nothing, surely they would send someone?

I finally think lady luck has smiled on me today, that’s about 6 mill I have saved right there, I order the Gladiator to dock at PTNI Shipyard for repairs, shortly after I get a message, "Your Gladiator was destroyed in sector..... by Boron Police Octubus" I guess the Boron got word from the Argons about a stolen Gladiator, they wiped it out, Ha, Lady luck smiling on me, was always going to be too good to be true wasn't it? But being pessimistic there is always the chance to be pleasantly surprised.

Just after the Gladiator was destroyed, I was offered another return ship, this time a Viper M8 Bomber, this time I would stay in sector and let the Cops follow me from there. Once the Viper was safely docked I let the timer run out, and low and behold a single Octopus turns up, I can probably easily enough kill him myself, if I could shoot right but I see an opportunity I can't miss, the Khaak are in the sector, I get the Octopus to follow me toward them, they all split up and all of a sudden the octopus is getting hit with Kyon emitters, luckily I’m too fast and stay safe, so I now have a banged up Viper, but it's not all good, I can’t get him out of the sector due to the khaak problem I just created. I have no use for the Viper just yet as that Xenon Fleet that has been following me everywhere has now vanished, I wonder if they have been destroyed. Or have they finally given up? Time will tell

After the success of the Viper, even without rep loss, or at least not enough to tell me, I get another return ship mission, this time S'hot T'sht pipes up

"This is what we want, remember what I said earlier, 10 Marines will do the trick, and it won't even be shielded, this is easy pickings"

It's a Demios - How did the Paranid captain misplace this thing? It reminds me of that Earth programme Red Dwarf where they misplaces the Red Dwarf, the captain must have parked it up against a Planet and then thought

"They're all the same, those blue and green planetoids. Blue, green and planetoidy!"

Well their loss hopefully my gain. I jump the Pelican to the Marine Barracks, transfer the Jump drive, and load up the marines, they have been in training for a while now and all seem pretty decent in their respective fields, each of them have 2* in either Hacking, Engineering & Mechanical plus have at least 2* fighting, so with the marines on board, me listening to S'hot Test I reach the Deimos in short order, 20 minutes to go, this should be a cake walk.

Marines away, the music starts, the excitement of watching my marines move towards their first target gets me, me and S'hot Test grinning like big fools when yet again I am foiled, I get a message from the marines saying the Hull is to thick and I have to go pick them up, I re-launch them hoping they were unlucky when I get the same message, I look at S'hot Test and wonder why he didn't mention having marines trained to do this mission, he tries to deny that it's his fault

"I told ya what equipment was needed, the amount of marines needed, it's not my fault you hired a bunch of morons" he said

"I have zero experience of this kind of thing, as evidenced with the last ship, as you pointed out clearly I needed 10 marines, not 10 highly trained marines" I said

Before he has a chance to reply I get a message that I failed the mission, one more glance at S'hot T'sht and another up to the sky and shake my head,

"I guess it's just a game of chance"
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 18:25

10. I grind like Tony Hawks

It's times like these that being a captain can really test you, it's all well and good getting into battles and being the hero every once and a while, going against an overwhelming number of enemies and seeing the light at the other end, but the real test for any captain is keeping the morale of his crew high when you have to grind out hours of boring Taxi & Asteroid scan missions. The only thing that seems more boring is the constant admin work once you add new ranks and weapons; the only thing that keeps us going is the prospect of eventually striking it lucky.

After a large number of missions, I decided I would explore the area a little more, you know do the thing that I was supposed to do in the first place. It turns out that S'hot T'sht is actually very good friends with the Yaki Pirates and has asked me to bring him there to meet up with a few of his friends, being as there is little to do in the areas I have found so far I agree and set course for Savage Spur - The first Yaki sector, S'hot T'sht says it's like no other sector and that I will have to wait until I arrive to see.

On the way there, I decide that I will look for missions at each of the sectors and only accept the more lucrative ones, I feel our reputation with each of the races is high enough to demand certain fees for certain missions, the only race that seems to be paying badly are those Paranids, continually paying low fees for very hard missions and calling me names even before I reject them, I think I have a nemesis now. The only real problem is that most of the sectors from Great Trench over are Paranid so I don't envision making much money.

Remember I said something earlier about being pessimistic and then getting a surprise? well I was in for one hell of a surprise, a return ship mission, this time an Ares - I was so determined that I would not be caught off guard again, I somehow had the foresight to have 3 Marine teams, 2 will be in training at all times and I will have 1 free to do these kind of missions. The ship was 2 sectors away, plenty of time left on the clock, Marines on their way to the sector now.

Well like the last chapter, it's just a game of chance. The Express turned up, I hoped over to it and made my way to the Ares, 45% Hull, not in the best shape and certainly in my current state of affairs credit wise not repairable. I send the team over, 10 Marines, off course not all can board but it's better to send extra or so S'hot T'sht says, this time the Marines get through and then all hell breaks loose. I scanned the ship beforehand, No Marines, No defence systems and nothing of value on board and yet half of the Marines are dead, despite this the marines make it to the third deck, not far to go, but then they all bail out, something about hull integrity being too unstable, A quick look at the Ares and it's down to 4%, I guess that was a bad team to send in.

I head on to Yaki Space, going though Savage Spur is a little scary in a rocket ship, a lot of roids around and one false move and it's all over, plus when the Paranids send in a Deimos and a few fighters then space is a premium, The Yaki are Blue to me, but they giving those Paranids some hell, I guess they called them unholy ones too and didn't take it too well, at least I’m not the only one will beef against the Nids.

I make it through to Senator Badlands, not much here at all other than a Shipyard, we dock and S'hot T'sht wanders off to the bar, with nothing really to do I join him. He talks to some Yaki who know him well, they seem cold to me but not hostile, not very good hosts but when you consider these are the most feared pirates in the Universe, not being killed and skinned is as good as it's going to get, but we do seem to have common ground, the Paranids. They tell me about how they regularly raid the Paranid sectors looking for anything valuable to steal, they offer me a simple mission, to scan any freight ships for anything of value and that I would get 4% of the total value. Sounds easy enough, but not much ships seem to get through Savage Spur and I don't have a license for Paranid Sectors so I turn it down.

Apparently the Yaki have been growing their numbers, they seem to have a large fleet of ships and have been planning more and more raids over the next few months to statically hit core & border sectors that are thin on sector defence, I was surprised that they were so open to me about it, but in the other hand who was I going to tell? And what could I do anyway; no-one knew when and where the Yaki would strike so by bragging to us seemed to be as safe as keeping quiet. They went on to tell me about their ships, a few if not all interested me.

The Ryu for instance, it holds a massive amount of cargo, but it can hold 12 fighters in its cargo bay, that’s like a mini carrier for half the price. Still 20m Credits though, and still way out of my reach.

The Tonbo - a quick M4, has good shields and decent cargo bay and can hold m class cargo - this sounds like an awesome chance to try something that I have been thinking for a while - a wing of fighters that have 100% missile launch but I needed quick ships and good shields which until now I didn't have - this could make my plans for the wing of Falcon Sentinels obsolete, I’m sure I can use them for something else though.

A few of their fighters like the Susanowa, Tenjin caught my eye but their Destroyer at a whopping 108.2m the Akuma made me stop and think - how the Pirates managed to acquire a Destroyer is beyond me, but I’m sure glad I’m on their side, I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of that Destroyer or any of their fighters come to think about it.

With not much happening in the Yaki home base, we decide to head back the way we came, I was able to give a Yaki a lift to another base which increased my rep from 0-1. On our way back we took a detour towards Argon Prime, apparently there is jump drives available to buy and as I have not came across one station that stocks them, I’m going to have a look, only having 1 jump drive is a little bit of an issue, especially when trying to organise a boarding party, upon arriving in Home of light I see the rumour was true, the Terracorp Station stocks them and are willing to sell me them. As I can only hold one Jump-drive at a time, I order my Pelican to jump to us, then order Gold wing to dock and buy up 4 extra jump drives, these will be spread out across the fleet, a couple more jumps and hopefully most of the ships that I need to jump will be able to quickly. With that happening I dock at Terracorp and see what’s what.
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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 18:55

A side thought about ship return missions, since you apepar to be turning pirate... I accidentally stumbled on a technique that served me fairly well. If you can't return the ship in time, and you're not interested in capping it, or your cap failed and you still have time... dock it at a Shipyard and sell it. May as well get some credits out of it, if they're just going to destroy it.

Good times! Looking forward to the war on the Paranid.

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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 20:36

Or you can dock it somewhere(equipment dock preferable), take shields and a jumpdrive to it, and jump it around to places that force the pursuing police forces to travel through Xenon space :twisted: Not that I've ever done that, of course...

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 22:16

All in good time Poseidon, All in good time. To be honest these hijacking failures have been down to my laziness to get it sorted but i will get there in the end.

Obsidian - Have you somehow read my future chapters already, i need to check my Laptop for tresspassers. The Xenon can come in handy whenever it suits them. as do the Khaak.

Glad your enjoying it so far, it does get interesting shortly and ive even started sone Plots so Spoiler Alert, although im surr most people reading this have completed all thr plots etc loads of times before me anyway. i have only ever done the Terran and Final Fury but cheated my way through, this time will be different.
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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 22:38

I may have to tune out for a bit, then. My DiD is my first time through the AP plots. I'll be certain to catch up afterwards though.

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 23:22

:( mine is in TC so i dunno if tht affects ur game.
X3TC - Awesome
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Song Of Obsidian
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Post by Song Of Obsidian » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 23:31

I claim innocence of all charges of foul play in regards to your laptop.

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 23:39

X3TC - Awesome
AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 26. Jun 13, 23:51

BankruptAssasin wrote::( mine is in TC so i dunno if tht affects ur game.
Ahh. No, I can read TC, just not AP. :-p

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 27. Jun 13, 18:33

11. Pirate Bay Rules

Not much happening in the world of Home of Light, except another return ship mission, this time it's a Peregrine Bomber, still struggling to arm and shield the Viper "Tag Ur It" I decide I want to keep this one because what’s better than having 1 nuclear chucking ship? More than 1. A quick claim and transfer of Jump drive from the Pelican and the Peregrine is safely aboard the Shipyard in Ianamus Zura beside his brother. Off course the argon are not too happy about this and report the ship stolen to the Police.

I dock in the Pelican and order him to drop me off in Two Grand, I want to start stocking Missiles and Ammo and shields when I can. I even managed to buy 2 second-hand Dolphin Haulers "Ammo Boat" & "Boom Boom" these are in a bad way, only something like 30% hull on the 2 of them, but they will be docked up the entire time at a solar power plant. Why a solar power plant of all places you ask?

Well I have my Jump drive ships jumping around the area collecting the goodies I want, then jumping back to unload them once they full, so I may as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone as they are going to run out of E-cells at some point and it may as well be when they dropping of the goods. Simples.

Another grind later and I get a Return my Heavy Centaur mission - I have spent a lot of money training up my marines, only buying good fighters as I hope to keep them for as long as possible this time after spending so much on training. I jump to the area, the Plan is to get the express as close as possible then send in 10 marines, and it goes something like this....

- Connection made
- Cutting Hull
- Fighting,
- Deck 1 cleared - 1 Marine Lost
- Deck 2 Cleared
- Deck 3 Cleared 2 Marines down

It's at this point I start to panic, 3 Marines down, 2 more to go,

- Hacking
- Ship Computer Transferred

Woohoo - My first Capital ship and my god isn't she a beauty.

I get a message - transfer ship back to Omicron Lyrae - Ha Yeah right; you’re not getting this baby back. Another Jump drive transferred along with E-cells and the Heavy Centaur is sent to PTNI shipyard to await repairs - Which is going to be quite costly - 58% Hull = too damn much to repair = too many hours grinding it out but needs must and I really need to be in a capital ship.

This is two ships I have stole in a matter of hours from the Argons, as you can expect I lost some rep and my license, but still level 8 so won’t be too long before I increase that again. I fly back to PTNI and check out the ship, it needs

- 4 x 200mj Shields - Check
- 6 x Cigs - Half Check
- PRGs for Turrets - Check
- Plus upgrades for speed etc - Can’t move from shipyard, the Rozzers are looking me
- Oh and needs its hull repaired - Not even close to a check

So all in all a great day for us so far, an extra Bomber and a good M6, plenty of jump drives, plenty of ammo, plenty of guns, but now it’s time for some more grinding so I can repair that ship and get out of this Kestrel.

Quick Tip - Honestly, if you have the money and ships, buy as much Jump drives as possible - the way I did it by using a wing docked in my Pelican saved me loads of time and effort and I was able to quickly move a Bomber and M6 to safety.

A long time later and over 10 million credits later I am sitting in my New Heavy Centaur - Completely fixed and upgraded. The Xenon helped sort out the SINGLE police discoverer for me so I’m still put down as harmless, why kill if you can get something else to do it?

It's at this time I get a message from home, I have been asked to return to Uranus and speak to a Lt. Plinther regarding some Xenon attacks, I guess they have been watching me or something and found out about the Xenon fleets following me everywhere, maybe they want to debrief me. I speak to S'hot T'sht about the message, he wanted to come along as part of my wing, but I wasn't 100% sure that the Terran Military would look to kindly at a Pirate coming into their sector, so I suggested that he look after the bombing section of our fleet and try to source some tomahawks - I haven't seen that J or his followers about anywhere for a while but I’m sure I will need these soon, it's suffice to say that he was not best pleased with being a transporter and I think he is looking to jump ship, I may have to do something to persuade him to stay but for now I’m being brought back to Uranus about the Xenon I have a bad feeling things are about to get nasty.

As it turns out, Jump drives are useless in Terran space, I think that is probably a safety issue on the part of my people but it is frustrating as hell crossing their sectors in a Heavy Centaur at 115m/s top speed, it's fast enough for my purposes in and around Commonwealth space, even coming from a Rocket ship like the Kestrel, but the Terran sectors are huge. The only thing to do now is open a bottle of whiskey and finish of Nuclear Slugs Books - I managed to Track down Vol 1 & 2 while in Yaki Space - I don't know how they got them but I can guess, and with that it's time to put the feet up and relax for a load of hours and think to myself, being a Pirate can be very rewarding.


1x Heavy Centaur
4x Falcons
1x Mamba
1x Perseus
2x Pelican "Mother" & “First Blood”
2x Dolphin Haulers “Ammo Boat” & “Boom Boom”

Some TS Ships – For Nostrop station
Some Kestrels for Recon/Sats
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 27. Jun 13, 22:52

12. Sometimes the Little guy makes it BIG!!

Eventually I reach Uranus and speak to Plinter, he wants us to do a small patrol around here for a while, and he didn't even mention anything about my Xenon problems. As it turns out, he has got his own problems, he gets an urgent message that the Sol System is under attack from Xenon forces, I don't understand how they got in this far, especially with the amount of Terran Military from the Asteroid belt up to here, and Jump Drives are next to useless around here.

We are ordered to find, scan and destroy a Xenon jump beacon, now how that did that get there? The Heavy Centaur makes good work of mopping up the Xenon fighters and with the Beacon scanned and destroyed all seems well again, just a little more confusing. And thanks to my little battle I’m not ranked a Nuisance - Having turrets do the work for me is just what I needed.

Just as I’m congratulating myself, Plinter orders me to the Oort Cloud way out west, going full throttle and even in Seta takes a while to get there, i've to wait for some kind of message Drone, this takes a good while to happen but eventually it comes through the gate, I tag along with it to it's destinantion, but it goes 3 times my speed so I lose sight quickly, but I head in its general direction and see a familiar ship up ahead, an Argon Nova which proceeds to jump out before I can get to it. Plinter Comms me and tells me to patrol a few more sectors, a couple more Xenon attacks in Pluto & Neptune before making my way down to Saturn Research Station for debriefing, I guess they do want to know about my Xenon problems after all.

A few hours later the Terrans let me leave the Saturn research station, they were very keen to find out how I was doing in the commonwealth and how many Xenon I had run into, I proceeded to explain that the Xenon problem is worst than we first thought and that they regularly go on Migrations destroying everything in their path, including taking out my 3 million investment, and then following me everywhere I go, this did not go down to well and I was blamed for bringing the Xenon back into Terran space, luckily Plinter stepped in and vouched for my innocence and that it was me that helped eradicate the Xenon forces and the problem had started before I arrived back in Uranus.

I decide I have had enough of Terran space for a while - moving this slow in these sectors has frustrated me, I have waited all this time to get a combat capable ship only to have it be so slow, plus my funds are running very low due the amount of training my marines have been taking lately, I now have a "Elite Seal" team that have been picked due to 3* fighting and all other skills trained heavily with at least 3* in everything - after the last debacle of my marines blowing the ship to pieces I don't want to take the risk.

I start doing the long grind again and bring my funds up to a respectable level when I get another return ship mission - this time a Heavy Dragon - a quick look at the encyclopaedia tells me its somewhere around 160m/s so that’s a lot faster than my Heavy Centaur so I make the decision, with the help of S'hot T'sht as his eyes brightened up when he found out it was a Split M6, he has visions of flying a Split M6 but he has no hope, I will be taking it over and he can use the Centaur if he wishes, speed is important to me. The only problem I have is that the "Elite Seal" team is still in advanced training and will take a long time to complete; I’m going to have to use an assortment of poor and okay marines for this one.

I order the Express to jump to the Dragon, I hop in to it and set the Marines on their way, they reach the hull fairly quickly, I’m not holding out much hope for this op, and I think S'hot T'sht is hoping it goes the other way after being told it's mine, but I’m in for a little surprise as although the marines are only 1-2* in certain areas, they are at least 2* in fighting and they make it to the core quickly, I lost a few of them but they are the backup team anyway and can be replaced quickly - the only issue being the dragon is down to 14% hull and I have no money to fix it. Everything goes to plan, I send the Police through Xenon sectors and they don't come after me again, I now have two M6 but only one is usable at the minute. I think I will use the Dragon as a Mass Driver Ship and see how that goes against the bad guys.

Only one thing I can do, grind it out and hope for the best. I have been buying second hand ships constantly and making good money on them, they still in bad condition when I sell them as I don't have time to sit and mend a whole ship with one tiny spacesuit laser, but sometimes I’m making double what I paid, so money is coming in quickly. I need to source some more shields for the Dragon and have been sending out the Pelicans to gather the goodies and drop them off at my Storage Ships, I have around 10 million credits and have sent the dragon to the equipment dock to get fitted with upgrades when I come across something I can’t quite believe, and I can’t believe my luck. It’s a.........

Return a Tiger - An M7 Corvette that was made purely for the waging of war, and guess what? The "Elite Seals" have finished this round of training just in time. The Split are not going to be best pleased with this act of piracy at all but this is just too good of an opportunity to turn down and it will even keep S'hot T'ht happy as he can have that dragon all he wants now. Moving from an Kestrel M5 into a M7 Tiger in a matter of days is just unbelievable and just goes to show you that sometimes the hard working little guy do sometimes make it big - that’s if the Elite Seals are good enough to take on a Tiger, we shall wait and see.
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Post by Poseidon » Thu, 27. Jun 13, 23:27

Heh. ALL THE PIRACY! This makes me want to play a pirate game one of these days. :-p

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Fri, 28. Jun 13, 00:38

I dont think i will need to pirate much longer if i get this Tiger. Think i will go on a Xenon rampage if i get it.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Fri, 28. Jun 13, 15:12

13. The Eye of the Tiger

The Marines are on their way, the Hull is on 52% before they reach it, I don't expect it to drop below 40% due to the skills most of the marines have, and I hope it's doesn't as I'm sure it will cost a ton more than that dragon I've yet to fix.

Marines cut through the hull quickly, they fight their way up, I loose 3 Marines before we hit the Core, a short time later and I now own a Tiger with no goodies inside apart from my Marines and only 43% hull, a quick jump to the shipyard in Ianamus Aura. I have decided to sell the Heavy Centaur to help fund the repairs, got around 10 million for it, I now have 23 million and it just about covers it, only 92% hull but I can live with that.
Now I need armaments for it, I go looking for Gauss Cannons only to realize it can't mount them, that’s a pity as reading through Slugs book the Gauss Cannon seems to tear through the Xenon’s quickly, but it does mount another weapon of interest - IBL and if the rumours are correct these things are awesome. Now I just need to source them and that’s the problem, these are like gold dust and the only place I have seen them is in Loomatstrat Legacy and it's hostile to me, I can find a hacker easily enough but it only has 2 in stock and it's not enough.

Just as I’m cursing my bad luck guess who knows who has some? Yep, if in doubt ask my pirate friend where I would acquire extra IBL's seeing as they seem to be a Pirate made weapon. He tells me that the Yaki have 2 IBL forges in their Sectors, this confuses me as I don't remember seeing them anywhere and I also remember thinking that the Yaki have no stations except for that shipyard. He then says it's in the sector below Senators Badlands called Weavers Tempest, why I wasn't allowed to go there before is beyond me but we set course and find the south gate which is located well off the beaten track, and to my great surprise they have 2 Equipment Docks, 2 IBL forges, 2 Space fuel Distilleries and a Disrupter Forge, I jump the Pelicans to Weavers Tempest and pick up another 4 IBL's, that’s 6 in total and probably as much as I’m going to get for a while, I think I will put two cigs on it as well to load the front.

Whilst doing this I have been collecting 4x1GJ shields and 10 Flak Artillery Arrays - this is costing me a load of cash and I've not much left after repairing the Tiger, but on my way to Weavers Tempest I picked up a lot of missions for scanning Asteroids at 150k each and when you consider I have about 4-5 of these at one go and at between 7-10 asteroids a time that’s some money rolling in. I also picked up another Pirate mission, scanning the holds of ships which nets me over 300k for 10 minutes work. Once I have all the guns and shields I need I jump the Pelicans to the Tiger and unload all it's goodies onto him, plenty of shields, plenty of guns and decent speed. It's time to take this out for a test drive and see how she goes.

Off course me spending all this money repairing and fitting the Tiger has left the Dragon in the same state it was when I got it, this has left S'hot T'sht in a mood with me, but I remind him I’m the captain and decide which ships take priority in the fleet and having an M7 Tiger as the Flag-ship is very important, if only it could carry a spare ship in it's cargo bay as getting e-cells and docking is an issue with it.

* I have some scripts/mods running allowing for the ED & Disruptor Forge in Weavers Tempest - sorry if this caused excitement or confusion, plus the extra equipment dock i think is a glitch in the mod when i run it twice.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 1. Jul 13, 11:08

14. Operation "Test Run"

Now where to go? nothing seems to be happening in any of the sectors I have checked so far, I think I will go back to Terran Space, I have to talk to General Mishsiajamama who then tells me I have clearance for Mars and there is a little surprise for me - A crappy M5, I mean I kill a few Xenon and I get a lousy 30k for it? Cheap skates. After picking my Surprise I have to go back to Heretics end and speak to a Mark Jackson, he tells me the Xenon are attacking PTNI - I wonder if it's that J and company again? but he tells me to follow the non Xenon ship and not to engage, this confuses me some no end but order are orders and I want paid.

I jump to PTNI and see the Xenon - 4 L's, not much but I keep my distance and turn the turrets off, the local Shrike is attacking them and two bail, I quickly claim them and send them to the shipyard, they have things I need - PBE's and it's hard to source them. The non Xenon ship appears to be that Nova from earlier, he heads towards the East gate and I follow through. He is heading towards a Pirate Station I'm sure wasn't there before and it docks, after that happens about 5-6 fighters appear and head towards me, im ordered to scan the ship but need to be within certain distance, turrets active and most ships dead, another Nova has bailed and it's sent back to the shipyard. I can't really get as close as I want to in the Tiger so I call in the Kestrel - this is where having a docking bay for 1 ship would help.

I scan the base quickly and go back to the tiger, easy enough mission and I got some goodies from it this time. Im ordered back to Heretics end and given 3 Rapiers, not the best ship in the world but they come with EMC's which from my knowledge are supposedly decent, so I put them in a wing and send towards Omicron Lyrae, it's at this point im asked to patrol Circle of Labour, Omicron Lyrae and then Treasure Chest. If it's like before then again easy pickings.

Just as im leaving Heretics end I get a message that the rapiers have been destroyed, great, I kill the N's & M's, not much of them mind you but I head to Omicron Lyrae, I check ahead and see that there seems to be 2 Q's, a P & PX - I haven't fought these before so this is the real test, I get in and all of a sudden M's & N's spawn - I have a feeling the Q's, PX & P where just a migrating party and not part of the mission, but I was able to kill 1 Q, P & PX without taking any kind of damage, think shields dropped to around 91%, these IBL's work a treat, plus I even managed to pick up a few extra goodies in the form of missiles and weapons.

The Tiger held it's own against 3 Cap Ships quite easily, I really was expecting to die there or at least suffer badly, my fighting has improved immensely but that probably down to the computer fight software plus the cap ships aren't exactly hard to miss from close range, what I do need is a good haul of Missiles to use but I don't know what to use, maybe someone can recommend some for me?

Treasure Chest was empty of enemies apart from some unusual looking ships called Deca Deafs - an old design of the Xenon, they don’t last to well against a Tiger, im ordered again to go back to Heretics end for yet another debriefing. I'm given another mission once I get debriefed and apparently it's just to escort a Scabbard, easy mission and I was going to get S'hot T'sht to do it for me, he is complaining that his skills are being put to waste ferrying goodies around for me, so we reach a compromise, he will man the turrets on this run, little does he know it's just another escort mission.

We reach Mars then all hell breaks loose, the Terrans are all uptight and panicking, apparently a xenon has got through and dropped a Beacon, before we can destroy it a whole fleet of Xenon jump in including a J. I remember how much these models cost me earlier and make a beeline for it, 30 seconds later that J was dead and S'hot T'sht was having a hell of a time swatting down the fighters, he even managed to bail a couple of them which I claimed and sent to the shipyard, Beacon destroyed and the scabbard docked safely onboard the Venus Orbital defence station it's a victory for us. My fight rank has moved up to sharpshooter, happy days, now people will know I can shoot proper now that I've added a J, Q, & P's the list of M's & N's.

Not much of a payout from the Terrans, but the amount of free ships and missiles im picking up seems to be worth the hassle, plus im getting revenge on those "Broken Toasters" for the hassle they caused me earlier, and it's making my number 2 happy that he is involved in some sort of combat, I've promised I will fix up the dragon and he will be leader of a wing, I think I will use the money form the free ships to fund the repair bill plus I have some missiles I can maybe flog if not using them. Who would have thought that the spoils of war could be so good? and to think that I was capable of doing this due to my act of Piracy, I told you, im only stealing ships for the benefits of the Universe, not for self gain.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 1. Jul 13, 11:24

15. Tiger vs. Xenon

The Terrans want me to go talk to some woman called Heywood, she is not the most friendly person I have met out in the depths of space and she orders me to follow her and starts to talk about her captured partner, the only problem with this is that she moves so slow, and the Tiger is so big, trying to make sure I didn't bump into her for 4 whole sectors. We drop into Grand Exchange and have to speak to a Teladi who knows my lady friend, but he refuses to help until we help him first remove some smuggler competition for him, im not overly keen but apparently we really need his help, a short time later and a few deaths he agrees to help, but we need to buy 200 Teladianium - this is not usually a problem but im in a tiger and can't dock, so I need to call in "Mother", hop in and buy the goods, then jump to Argon M148, this is also a problem as the last time I was here I got kicked out very quickly by the sheer size of the Military sitting there.

We jump in and everything is red, the ships are blue but every station is red, we get scanned by some police and they allow us to dock at the Military Outpost, I am told to wait in space after the delivery and wait for Heywood. I have an open channel to her and can here her talking away to the Argons, me and S'hot T'sht are sitting having a game of Poker and just generally chilling out when Heywood starts screeching through the comms, apparently the Argons don't want Heywood rescuing Pearle and they are having a hard time getting back to their ship, we can see the Argon Military starting to surround the base, the word is out that something is going on, I jump at the controls and warming the jump drive up, Heywood and Pearl don't reach their ship and instead jump out the nearest airlock, are they mad? she barks for me to pick them up, I consider leaving her there as I don't like her one bit but I take her onboard, we are to make our way back to Heretics end quickly before the Argon Military can reach us, and few seconds later we in heretics end, im glad I warmed the Jump-drive, any longer im 100% sure I was getting a Panther in the ass.

After Pearls debrief I am ordered to jump to Split Sectors - the argons have nothing to do with the recent Xenon in Terran space but apparently a split family have been using it to gain an advantage over another family, the split families are always trying to get one over another. The catch? for whatever reason, Pearl does not want to leave the Pelican, I have to go to these sectors in a ship with little defence and attacking options, these missions are going to be the death of me.

First sector reached and sat dropped, 2nd sector sat dropped, 3rd sector sat dropped, then I get a message from Pearl that he has some activity in Family Zyarth, a quick jump there and we have to scan some ships for Jump-drive Components, after 3-4 ships I find one, im ordered to shoot it and capture it, that’s easier said than done in a Pelican but eventually the captain agrees to spacewalk. I transfer over some of the Pelicans shields, I don't fancy flying in Split Space with no shields, not when I have to plant a tracking device on an Elephant, once that is done I am rushed by a couple of Deca Deafs, luckily I had the Tiger follow me and it took them out easily enough, especially when S'hot T'sht is at the controls, I feel lucky I have someone here I can trust, someone with no other motives. All he wants to do is fly a Split Capital ship and destroy things.

I have to get to Ocean of Fantasy and speak to a Terran, by this time im running out of E-Cells, I try to buy some freight drones but none are about, I have to call in the Calvary in the form of another Pelican and take his, he docks and buys more, easily done but it's more extra micro management that I would prefer I didn't have to do, I need to think of something regarding this, but it's not the time for that, I received a new ship as payment from the Terrans, a cutlass M3, not bad but I have no use for it now since im in a cap ship, this may have been useful earlier on but I can't see me flying this anytime soon.

We have to jump to an unknown sector where that Elephant has went too, when we get there, there are hundreds of Split and Terran ships, the mission is to capture that Elephant while staying alive, luckily I wont be the one doing the boarding op and im just there for kicks, the Split start to attack me, this is where S'hot T'sht proves his loyalty, by shooting his own people out of the sky without hesitation, if that had been me I don't know if I could bring myself to do it.

After a long enough battle and some decent ships capped such as the Terran Thor and Mjilnor they are sent to the scrap yard to fund the Dragon repair bill. We then have to capture a scientist who spacewalked, this is easier said than done as the Tiger although faster and more agile than most M7's the tiger is still hard to control. We need to get to The Moon, a sector north of Mars so that’s a long trek to be had, looks like it's more Poker & whiskey for us on this trip.

With no further orders around from the Terrans im a little bored, I don't want to go back to taxis or scanning rocks and the Terrans have nothing for me, so I decide I will give this Tiger it's first proper battle, remember X-347? well that’s where im headed for a battle.

Coming through the gate I'm a little nervous, the Tiger held up well before against the xenon but this is their sector and I have no Teladi Phoenix or Terran M2's helping me, but it was all an anti climax really, 1 Q, took it out in a matter of seconds, although they can turn their ass around quickly if they want, I need to remember that, I move further in and see a P on the far side of the station, I move towards it still surprised that only a handful of Fighters were knocking about, just as I was reaching the P a Q popped up to my left, too far away to do anything serious so I finish the P off and make my way toward the Q, S'hot T'sht is enjoying his turret duty and is taking down hordes of M's, L's, Lx's & N's, the only issue so far is that I have a Blind spot, beneath me on the belly, no turrets reach there and I have took a couple % shield damage, a quick barrel roll solves that though.

Im still in decent shield strength and have nothing around that concerns me, however if the Q can't shoot your shields down then it does the kamikaze run of ramming you, this wrecks my shields but kills itself in the process, 80% Hull, 0% shields in X-347, luckily nothing is around now to annoy me, a quick seta and shields are up again, time for some more fishing. it goes like this for a while and the only time I had a issue is when 3 Q's where coming toward me - took them out 1 by 1 before they could gang up but that 3rd one rammed me again, slightly bored and nothing left to salvage I make way for the shipyard in PTNI, time for some R&R I thinks after a good days fishing and then see what those Terrans are up to tomorrow, maybe put these missiles to some use tomorrow.
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