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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 23. Feb 14, 06:17

Mom was not surprised to see him of course and she greeted him formally from behind her desk.

"You are looking well Vincent. I had heard that you were injured a Jazura back I thought you might still be convalescing".

"Your spies are getting lazy mother I have been back on duty for the last six months" he replied lighting a cheroot and taking a seat at the far end of the room.

She did not miss the signals and came around her desk her shield as he saw it and took a chair opposite him "so why are you here now" she asked

"You know why I'm here my father your husband is in a med ward the Venturer is shot to hell and my family have suffered in Argon space for Gunnes sake ,you have contacts mother use them you give me the names and I don't care who you sleep with to get those names I'll take it from there .

She was shocked by my hostility and for a moment I saw the woman my father had fell in love with but then she changed became the business woman the world knew.

"You suggest this was not a random attack" she asked .

"Hell no it might even be my fault" I admitted " but the Venturer was the only ship in system that was attacked and just when the sec defensive forces were out of system no mother this was an attack at me or at you".

That sobered her and I could see her putting it together the way I had and I saw her face change back to that of the corporate Manager "I'll look into it she promised but that is not why you came here what do you want Vincent ?".

There it was the question I hadn't wanted to hear because I knew where it led and that was a vey dark place that I shied away from. "Go see him mom I breathed whilst there is still time".

I left then there was nothing more to say and headed for the trading station where the Venturer's crew were waiting till their home had been repaired enough for them to return to it.

Claris watched \Vincent leave the office her anger raging within her that her own son had suggested she was a party to what had happened to Brin and his family appalled her but she would not let that show, she ordered her ship to be made ready and was escorted to the docks by her entourage all highly trained marines and skilled in close personnel protection.
They landed at the Shipyard and were ushered through to the room where Brin was receiving treatment. Claris signalled her guard's to stay at the door as she entered the room.

She sat by his side hurt by the sight of him where was the man who had led her of into the dark in search of fame and fortune back then he had been young and so handsome so full of life and with a dream that had swept her along with him, god those were the days she thought as the memories unfolded in her mind.

"Hello Claris " Brim said Mizuras later waking from his sleep that smile of his hurting her more than she dared admit even to herself. "Long time no see sorry but you look well how's the ship he asked no one here will tell me anything and it worries me Claris, without the ship what's the point he breathed .

"The Ships fine Brin a bit banged up but its being fixed I swear it will be as good as new in a day or two".

"That's good he whispered I was worried about her even after we dumped the cargo they kept at us Claris god I was so scared" he admitted the first time she had ever seen him admit that he could feel that emotion.
She took his hand and tried to give him what comfort she could.

"I love you Claris he whispered at the end always have always will you got to take care of our boy's now " and with that he was gone.

Claris kissed him gently then brushed the tears from her cheeks she stood and gathered her self then left the room to see Vincent and Carl waiting for her in the rest room outside the ward.

"He's gone" she said simply as they both rushed to embrace her to share her pain and loss her son's she realised that she had blamed Brin for stealing them from her but they were here to help her but no one could do that he was gone and then it really hit her and she howled in agony at his passing.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 23. Feb 14, 07:21

Atreus Clouds:

Vincent Jumped into system and set his helm to the coordinates he'd been given. Using the remote command he ordered his fighter to follow him and sectors away it came to life and left the derelict looking out into the dark for new prey.

Far to the east another ship responded to his orders and jumped to his position.

The Chokaro had been expensive but not as much as the Tenjin it carried in its bay he set the Tenjin to protect him after he transferred to the Khaak fighter then he began his attack on the pirate base blasting every ship at its docking ports giving those on the base no possibility of escape.

He flew back to the Centaur and transported across and began firing the missiles normally an M6 couldn't take down a station by itself but he had a lot of ordinance to hand.

After a while when he had shredded the stations shields he got a com from the dockmaster.

"You will die for this our ships will">

"Cut the crap Vincent snarled I've heard better in a fewmizura I am going to launch a barrage of hammerheads at you unless you tell me some thing about a freighter the Venturer your ships attacked recently I want to know who paid you to do that don't speak to me until you give me names" He cut the link the ordered both his fighters to keep the stations shields down whilst he deterred any passer byes from approaching.

The dock master capitulated easily sensing that not to would finish him and told him where the orders had come from.

Vincent thanked him for his help then launched the missiles anyway blowing the base apart the only justice he decided was that which he dispensed.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 23. Feb 14, 07:21

Atreus Clouds:
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 23. Feb 14, 07:22

sorry DP

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 24. Feb 14, 08:31

He returned in good time to the Dauntless and was alone in the observation deck when Sandi came from behind him and took his hand.

"I heard about your father she whispered we all did we would have understood if you didn't come back".

Vincent was comforted by her touch the pain was still there always would be he knew but having some one share it eased it somewhat.

"The Venture is safe" he said at last "Carl's taking some runs around argon prime I think my mother is helping him discreetly of course and I made him buy a jump drive for her.
The old man never would said it was not the traders way and it got him killed Sandi that and others of my family.
That I won't can't forgive sorry I'm rambling he admitted".

She just held him close and for a moment he forgot the rage the anger that burned within him like a torch she must have sensed it she stepped back as if seeing him for the first time and he did not know if she understood what she saw.

She left him then and for an age he stared into the dark.
He had changed and he was not comfortable with that there were dark places in his soul he did not want to go there just yet.

He left in the early hours and went back to his room, He'd got a wave from Carl letting him know the Venturer was back in business and thanked him for the jump drive.

He sent a brief reply then got his head down.

The Daunttless Jumped to Omicron the next morning and once a gain the were launched as a defence screen as soon as they arrived in system it was hardly necessary given the size of the fleet that was massing there, which told him that they were about to launch a major offensive.

They finished there Patrol but on docking were ordered to report to The Captains briefing room puzzled they did as ordered. and waited patiently.

Onamu was there of course but she was saying nothing. The Captain came in a few minutes later, "Ladies gentlemen please be seated sorry to have kept you but things are rather busy just now as you might have gathered".
He walked to he head of the table. "This is a bit sudden I Know But Commander Barrance we will be taking his squadron to the Resoloute as such we nee a new team to take his place that will be you, we have assigned new pilot's to your old ships so all that remains is for you to go to deck four and select your new ships personally we will try and see that you have time to familiarise yourself with them.

Commander Onamu will of course be the squadron leader and as she is already familiar with this class of ship that will be of some benefit to you that is all.

They stood as the Captain and his entourage left the room Onamu took his place at the head of the table and Vincent could see she was angry.

"Pilots" she snapped getting their attention "report to the briefing room on deck four I will join you shortly".

Onamu was furious she took a moment to gather her thoughts she had been neatly ambushed Viper had done that using the Captain no less to box her in.

It was a good job he was leaving the ship or she would have had word's with him words that would have involved a great deal of pain for him.
She steeled herself and went down to the hanger bay where they were studying the ships.

She felt a chill as she walked past her own still covered in tarps to keep of the dust. she hadn't been here for a while.
She braced her self straightening her shoulders and did what she knew she had to if she was to keep her people alive.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 25. Feb 14, 03:28

Vincent stared at The M3's Nova raiders fresh from the yard and packing a lot of fire power he realised looking at the loaded weapons ports.
It was a ship killer and even M6's had reason to be wary of it.

It could carry a range of missiles in its cavernous cargo bay and could in numbers take out a Capital class ship and that would be their new role.

Onamu spoke clearly surprising them as they had not noticed her approach "Pilots select a ship and think about a call sign, you have earned that distinction briefing room in one hour". and with that she left them alone.

Vincent chilled out and heard it from across the bay he found her at the back of the line and climbed into the cockpit plugging in his data pad and bringing the ships systems online he would need a gunner but no doubt that would be arranged by the CAG for the moment he just ran through the ships systems before settling on a name and entering it into the log.
From that moment on the ship and he were one there name one Loki.

He shut her down and went to the briefing room loading his data pad into the desk knowing it would update Loki as and when necessary.

When they were all present Onamu stood and activated the monitors and the tactical display's.

"These are your new ships get to know them now go down to deck five Captain Willems will introduce you to his first and best candidates to be your gunners you will pilot simulators as long as is necessary till you find one you can work with, once you have done that man your ships and be ready for a live combat exercise at 1600 hours is that clear ?".

They all nodded their agreement and headed for the lifts.
The Gunner selection process was a blind test Vincent must have gone through ten candidates before he felt he had found one he could work with the man was a natural and synched easily into his combat style anticipating target priorities before he could.

"Okay he said over the com if you are willing I'll sign you on as gunner on the Loki"

"Roger that" came the monotone reply.

Vincent stepped out of the simulator and walked back to the nearby ready room waiting for the other members of Amber to finish their own try out's, he grabbed a coffee looking forward to meeting the man who had been able to read him so well.

That only happened after they had all finished and they were ordered to the Amber teams new briefing room where Onamu simply ordered them to board their ships and fly to the combat test zone well clear of the systems traffic.

Vincent became Loki as he powered up guns signalled he was ready and they launched he locked on auto pilot for the marker and checked his systems switching the master arm to combat simulation mode.

"Okay guns we have five minutes till the fun starts so how's it looking back there ?".

"All good skip I have no hostile contacts and arms are set to sim mode" came the decidedly feminine voice.

Vince had to do a sudden switch in his thinking "okay guns you can call me Vince or skip what do I call you ?".

"Skip you can call me guns till we get better acquainted, for the moment I am busy tracking Amber wing they are all in formation Delta one forming on you and the target buoy is ten clicks and closing, skip is your squadron leader going to be the target here cos if she is I would not hang around that buoy skip Commander Onamu is a legend and she is a devious sun of a bitch".

Vincent took that in "you know her he asked incredulously ?".

"Hell sir every one in the corp knows her, the guns who became a pilot and took down a carrier when her pilot bought it, got the Silver leaf for that I heard but she never came back to us the corp I mean".

Vincent took it all in and made the connections all the way back to the early days of the war it had made the front news on every media net in the Verse The tale of a lone crippled Nova that had rammed a Tokyo and let the fleet escape the trap that had been set for it and of the later recovery of the ships pilot when the fleet had come back with enough support to stop the Terrans advance and it had all happened here in this system.

"Okay guns he allowed knowing he was getting to many surprises today I want you to look for a powered down ship just of the radar hiding behind a scan disrupting object" Amber wing he called over the short range com this is Loki go to plan B".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Sat, 15. Mar 14, 06:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by blazermick » Tue, 25. Feb 14, 13:05

Loving this DiD/Story Shaun :-) Thank you for the regular updates.

Keep up the great work
Started playing at X Beyond the Frontier and Tension, and I'm still here at X4. Brilliant games until Rebirth and now x4 manages to regain some of the past glory. Lets hope x5 continues in same vein and not another "rebirth".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 25. Feb 14, 14:08

Plan B:

Vincent led the team past the bouy pinging it as he passed to begin the manouver then led the wing up and away from the buoy trying to reach clear space where any hostiles could be readily seen.

Once they reached what he considered a safe zone they began a patrol sweep.

"What's the plan Loki ?" came Sandi's voice over the com.

"No plan he admitted" that was for Onamu's benefit "if she thinks we've anticipated her moves it will make her have to adapt on the fly out here my gut feeling is that she will use her experience with these birds to out think us so I need passive scans kept up when she hit's it will be hard and fast.

He cut the com link and resumed scanning the dark around him the missile launch was fast and brutal and the squadron scattered to take out the incoming that had targeted their individual ships even so two were tagged as destroyed and they shut down as they were reclassed as eliminated.

"Reform on me" he ordered as he dealt with the missiles that had been targeted at his own ship and turned back to give an assist to the others.
"Guns did you get a vector on the launch point of that barrage ?" he asked eliminating the still active missile targets as they came in range.

"No skip the misslies went hot after we approached them I told you Onamu is one tricky son of a bitch".

Vincent heard the respect in that statement and knew that they would have to up their game and if they carried on playing by Onamu's rules they would loose.

He led the squadron clear of the initial contact point and began active scanning sweeps it made them more visible but it also meant that Onamu would be exposed as soon as she made her move.

They did not have to wait long Onamu attacked from the rear and took Keller out before fleeing into the dark.

"Do not pursue" he ordered "that's what she wants maintain scans the next time she comes in I want a wide dispersal to limit her target options then an enfilading sweep to catch her once we have her in range we cannot afford to loose her ids that clear ?".

It was a gamble but he hoped Onamu would not expect it so far they had been passive in response to her attacks that was about to change.

She came in hard and fast and the wing scattered as ordered giving her limited targeting choices they then set of in pursuit not giving her a chance to get away and launched missiles to kee her gunner busy and scoring multiple hits as she sought to evade them.

She tagged two more of the wing before they managed to bring her to a halt

Amber wing stand down return to the Dauntless she ordered ending the exercise and restoring control to the dead ships that had been forced to watch as the exercise had unfolded.

Loki acknowledged the order and set the ship to land on auto pilot reaching for a tube of juice to quench his thirst.

"You okay back there guns"? he asked.
"No problems skip weapons are safe and I'm just enjoying the ride, that was fun skip".
Vincent accepted that his idea of fun and gun's were radically different but left it there. for himself he was exhausted and was glad when they finally docked and he was able to climb out of the cockpit.

Gun's jumped down of the hull and landed next to him she was small for a marine he thought but she looked him over with eyes that spoke of experience and competence.

"So gun's are you signing on ?" he asked knowing it was her choice.

She grinned at him, and he thought she could give Keller a lesson in grinning but she nodded much to his relief he realised and walked into step behind him as they headed for the debriefing".

Onamu was there again waiting for them they all took their places and waited patiently for her to tell them where they had gone wrong.
She didn't pull any punch's and her take on the exercise was clinical.
She allotted some training exercises to some of the team but the rest she dismissed and told them to rest up an indication that the fleet would be moving soon.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 25. Feb 14, 21:11

Blazermick thanks for the praise glad you are enjoying the story:

Loki as he was beginning to think of himself now left the briefing room and got changed he headed for the regular mess hall but was diverted by the steward who led them to a different mess hall which was where the Nova squadron pilots were assigned.

Guns joined him on his way there and he wondered at her constant presence. so he tackled her on it sensing it could be a problem for him in the future.

"Sir she replied candidly I am assigned to you I specialise in close quarter protection as well as a rear gunner and my job is to see you are fit for duty at all times".

"Okay gun's I can see the sense in that but I work better with people who don't sir me up all day long and what is your name I can't just keep calling you guns there are ten of you in our wing it could get confusing".

She thought about that for a moment still not loosing that grin "the names Sillarn skip Gillian preferably Gil sorry Vince, old habits you know".

loki enetered the mess hall and grabbed a pitcher of beer and a tray of sandwiches which he placed on the table.

"Dive right in if you've a mind to Gil, so tell me something of yourself or did you just appear out of a pod somewhere wearing that uniform".

She laughed at that nearly choking on her first bite of he sandwich, "No sir grew up in the Hole and got so sick of looking at that green soup I upped and left soon as soon as I was old enough and joined the marines figured to see a bit of the verse like my old man. So I ended up here figured to qualify as a gunner to get more chance of seeing some action".

Okay it was show and tell time the expectant look she was giving me made that clear so I gave in. "Okay what's to say I'm trader born fifth generation, family's over near Argon prime about now the Venture that's our ships name is a mistral super freighter most of the family live on board.

"Huh" Gil couldn't accept that view of me, "you're no trader skip sorry Vince I've met a few of them you're the resident hot shot that's the word on you I read all the bulletin's on that run south you did solo and that takes skill and gut's Vince that's why I picked you I figure anyone going to be able to keep my ass breathing out there it's going to be you. I just hope you are as good as I think you are she finished giving me that grin again".

I didn't get a chance to reply as the rest of the team came in and joined us introducing their gunners to the group.
The gunners blended in seamlessly with the team and Vincent began to feel a lot better about their chances in the days to come.

The team trained exhaustively for the next two day's before Onamu grounded them and told them to get some rest time which mean the fleet would be moving sooner rather than later.

Circle of labour was a hell of a battle the fleet were using brute force who's primary goal seemed to be to deplete the terren forces the number of Gladiators in system was alarming more so because once those ships dumped their ordinance their was no safe place for a ship to be and even Amber wing had to be wary of getting caught up in a barrage by mistake.
even so his team were effective in striking hard a the Terrans taking out their Capital defence screens and allowing their own ships a chance to take them out. From there instead of pausing the fleet moved on inexorably to Heretics end.

Again it was a battle of attrition the terrans seemed to be desperate and they were attacked by swarms of fighters with their capital ships moving to engage the fleet directly.

Amber wing was launched to prevent that happening and they moved rapidly getting real close before unloading their entire missile loads at their targets they then spent the next half hour evading the ships close protection fighters and it turned into a fur ball on several occasions before they hot docked were rearmed and launched again at their next target.

On each sortie it became a bit easier as the terrans lost their ability to launch fighters and their capital ships began to take damage.

Loki watched as his last batch of missiles reached the target and then turned and headed back to the Dauntless it was done he knew this last ship had no chance now crippled and with the main body of the fleet advancing it was doomed.

I Have a contact screamed Keller over the com range twenty clicks capital class undetermined. At once they sought the Target and they moved as one to intercept it and make sure it was not alone.

Vince called up the scans which were unclear not surprising with the number of nukes going of in system the Target was definitely Large sitting high above the ecliptic in the perfect position to ambush the fleet.

Keller was way ahead of the wing and still carrying his missiles "Goblin fall back and take your position" ordered Onamu taking lead ahead of Loki.

"Negative on that I have a fix on the target I am firing" he shouted

"Abort, abort" Vincent screamed getting an id on the target at last it was a transport ship apparently trying to rescue downed pilot's.

It was too late of course against a capital ship the missiles might have damaged it but this TP had a fraction of the shielding and died in a blaze of light that they were horrified to witness.

"Goblin you will assume your position in this wing all pilot's set course for the Dauntless now" Ordered Onamu with ice in her voice.

They Landed and went to the briefing room Onamu was not there but they waited no one speaking.

It was going to be a shit storm Vincent knew it Keller looked broken as if he couldn't understand how he had just managed to kill hundreds of civilians and the pilots who for a moment had thought they were safe.

A short while later a squad of marines enetered the room and escorted them back to their quarters where one by one they were questioned about the incident.

The ship had been a Goner vessel he learnt then which made matters worse if that was possible from being regarded as heroes Amber wing was now regarded as pariah's.

A lot of fleet pilots had been rescued and were aboard that ship.
Apparently Keller tried to take sole blame but it was to big and the media people were calling for blood, in very short time they were all formally charged with genocide and ordered to be taken to Argon prime for trial.

Vincent could see the reasoning the terrans had latched onto the incident and were using it as an example to show what depths the Argon military were prepared to go in the current conflict.

The fleet had to respond to those accusations even if it meant sacrificing Amber wing in the process.
They were kept isolated till they met up on the prison transport at Black hole sun.

Keller was in bad shape and wouldn't speak to anyone. they were released from the shackles they had been made to wear on station but the looks the marines guarding them directed their way made it clear they would welcome any sign of trouble.

Gil joined him a while later as gunners they were not classed as war criminals like the pilots but they maintained their duties as escorts.

"Well this is not good skip news is that you will all have a slam dunk trial and be considered an acceptable sacrifice for the cause, I was wondering what you planned to do about that".

Vincent considered the question there was not a lot he could or was inclined to do at the moment he was certain that once he got a chance he and his fellow pilot's would be returned to duty. Keller being the exception to that of course but he had made a mistake things like that happened in war.

"Do not think you will be exonerated skip word is that Amber wing is being written of the court martial will be a sham so what would you do given the chance and knowing that Argon prime holds at best a firing squad for all of you or at worst a lifetime in a penal colony.
I've talked to the others and they are not happy about this situation skip so give me a reason to want to help".

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 26. Feb 14, 01:14

Vincent was left speechless both by the assurance of their fate and by the offer of help.

"I would need access to a long range com link he whispered can you neutralise our guards ?".

She gave him that look of hers again he ignored it and proceeded to outline a plan for her it would work given what she was able to tell him about their route.

Vincent hated waiting and it was with some relief he was able to send the orders necessary the following day. In a way what he had planned was fitting and took care of a loose end he had been waiting to deal with.

The attack came that evening the transports shields were stripped and the pilots ordered to stand by to be boarded.

Marines came the message over the ships com we have been attacked by Terran ships I am transmitting our sit rep we are trying to get to Elena's fortune man your posts and stand bye.

The transport stood little chance as it tried to evade its attackers who became increasingly more aggressive as they neared the gate.
but the damage was to great the reactor was hit and they had moments left when the order was given to abandon ship.

What happened after that was chaotic with an advance Argon sec defence unit closing in on them having jumped to the gate the terran ships poured all their fire at the transport amazingly it was still firing back one of its turrets still live before it vanished in a silent ball of flame.

The Terran ships were hunted down and destroyed no quarter being given.
It took a while for the Argon forces to put it all together. but the recovered black box's provided irrefutable proof of Amber wing being abandoned as the crew left the stricken ship in their panic forgetting their charges who had calmly manned the guns in the best tradition of the fleet knowing they had but sizura's to live.

The Media picked up on of it of course and before long there was a Tri-cast being broad cast across the systems in which Amber wing became an example of devotion to the cause and a shining example for the fleet.

Vincent shut down the player accepting that it had been necessary to enable a clean escape. Now he had to consider what to do next.

Keller had stayed and Vincent recognised he had made a choice now he had a lot of people that no longer existed and he was going to have to care for them.

He joined them down in the common room the only room on the Chokaro that could accommodate them all at once.

Onamu fixed him with a questioning look so he decided to answer her and his friends in one go.

"Okay he began how did I manage this well I had a little help of course but for the moment we are so far of the grid its a joke.
Now you have all no doubt seen the news cast's which just show's how X2 sagt Bussi auf Bauch people can be considering our intended fate.

I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we have all served our people to the utmost, but now we have to move on they cast us aside when it looked like we screwed up.
I don't like that idea at all the war is being fought on more than one front I intend to continue it but not as part of the fleet that option is closed to us but there are other ways we can help".

That got their interest so he moved on.
We are all highly skilled we are the best of the best and I aim to teach the terrans that, them and those who are traitors who help them for the blood money it gives them.

I'll be honest this is the path I was always going to take but it is to soon for what I had planned it is my hope that you will join me and help me any questions ?".

"I have one Sladon are you suggesting we become pirates to fund this on man war of yours" growled Onamu.

"No Ma'am I'm trader born so I don't need to tell you my view on pirates I intend to do this through legitimate means".

Onamu glanced at Gil and I saw the slow nod she returned to the unspoken question.
That seemed to satisfy her and after that I fielded a few minor questions before leaving them to it we were on route to Avarice and my station there.

It would be a bolt hole and as it was not connected to my real name in any way it would be safe for us all to regroup and take time to consider the future.

"This is insane Vince" Sandi said looking around at the restaurant "You actually own this place the whole complex I mean not just this bar".

"I own all of it" I admitted sipping my wine "and it returns a steady profit, for which I am grateful now to buisnss you are all free to leave I'll stake you enough to get by but I would rather you stayed I think we can make a real difference just not in the way you all expected.
Commander" I said addressing Onamu I'm a reasonably competent fighter pilot thanks to your help but you have experience beyond mine, what could you do with a Centaur ?".

"A lot more than you Sladon so what's the plan ?".

None as yet that is what we have to work out I have information that the terrans are using pirate groups to monitor our fleet movements and other matters like stealing tech not to use but to study so they can find it's weakness's.
We won'y get any medals for what we do but I think it's worth the effort so for the moment lest enjoy our meal and let me know your answers when you have made a decision". At that point I signalled the waiters to approach and we all concentrated on the plates being set before us.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 26. Feb 14, 09:06

So it begins I thought as Onamu led the way into the sector looking for the target we had been paid to take out.
A terran no less and so far south of the war zones you had to wonder how he and his wingmen had got here.

He spotted the Centaur Onamu was piloting of course some one had talked and I had a good idea who but it made no difference. Whilst he was busy amusing himself Sandi an I undocked from the Chokaro and shattered his escorts before he had time to understand he was finished.

That was the first of many jobs we took and gradually our fame spread, not all to the good of course some rival outfits took offence and tried to take us down but they were amateurs in comparison to Onamu who wielded the Centaur with a skill I knew I could never match.

On board the Chokaro the rest of us took turns in the fighters as much to maintain our edge as to give every one a chance to take part in the action.

They had been leery of the Khaak fighter at first and had only agreed to use it after I had demonstrated how effective a weapon it was and insisted they try it out.

Onamu came online after dealing with the last of the latest targets and suggested a jump back to base in this case an ore mine in distant clouds I had established for just that purpose.

I agreed and finished picking up the ordinance laying around before we jumped after the Centaur.

I knew what was coming of course and had readied myself for the questions that Onamu posed for me as we all sat down for our evening meal aboard the Chokaro.

She put those points to me clearly and I finished eating before I responded every one waiting for me to speak.

"Okay Onamu I know we need a bigger ship than the Chokaro as a support vessel and I know everyone of you wants and deserves your own ships.
The problem is one of money to get a ship to house all of us and ten fighters well I have not got that much to hand. Oh I can by a Cerburus right now but I can't equip it let alone afford a crew or a squadron of Nova's to fill the hanger bays let alone equip them they way we need them it takes time Onamu, I have the station in Avarice and what we earn on missions after expenses there can be no shortcut's to this so I just ask you all to be patient for the moment till we can put it together properly, if I go of and do this half baked all I will do is get us killed and that I don't want".

I left them then to think it over angry at Onamu for putting me on the spot like that Gil was behind me like a shadow I had got so used to that I barely registered her presence anymore.

" I wouldn't be to angry with Onamu skip I told you she was devious" Gil said for my ears alone and I got it then she had played me again getting me to address a lot of issues that were getting to all of us, effectively letting people know what I intended to do and why it was taking time to get it done.

"Thanks for the heads up Gil let Onamu know I understand please"

"No problem skip but chances are she thinks you'll have worked it out yourself"

"Or that I had a damn smart marine tell me" I suggested and she did that grin thing again at which point I entered my cabin and closed the door on her.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 27. Feb 14, 06:10

There was one matter that came up during the night that he decided to deal with personally, One of his freighters had been attacked and destroyed in Ceo's doubt on an energy cell run for his complex.

That angered him he had warned his pilots not to go further than the nearest SPP for cells but the pilot thought he could get a bonus for, going further afield when there was a shortage at the local SPP's.

Luckily I had managed to get an ID on the ship that had killed attacked him and found him and some of his friends up in Eighteen Billion trying to put the squeeze on a local factory.

I took out him and his friends and got a nice pay check from the factory owner to boot. I took refuelled the Tenjin at the Outpost then jumped back to base after ordering a freighter to take over from the Vulture tanker I had lost.

Guns said nothing on the trip back but I got the impression she was pleased I'd taken the loss of the ship and pilot personally.
I parked The Tenjin and went down to the station hub where we had our own quarters separate from the rest of the station and made a pot of coffee I poured one for Gil then contacted the station manager and told him what would happen to him if he let one of his pilots ignore my clear orders again.

After that I just sipped my coffee and tried to cool down dealing with some routine paperwork that had accumulated for me and that I had to deal with personally.

Then I sifted through some of the job offers that were available locally,
these for the most part were not worth the effort of taking which meant we would have to look further afield for work.

We really did need a bigger ship so I began looking into what was available unfortunately a frigate sized ship just never came onto the market these day's none of the races are scrapping them at a certain age point anymore due to the war in the north stretching everyone's resources.
Well it was something I would have to keep looking into.

I shut down the data link and got myself a fresh coffee it was too late for me to think of getting my head down. Instead I looked up a map of surrounding sectors and began making plans.

The others came down over the next hour or so and began making breakfast for themselves.

I waited till they had all eaten before I put my cards on the table.
I explained the cash flow situation as it was and they groaned at that to buy and equip a mini carrier to use as a command ship would cost with a compliment of fighters and weapons close to a hundred million that was without the cost of running a crew.

"That leaves the next option open to us we can carry on as we are knowing we have a long way to go or we can up the ante and go after the bigger contract offers that are starting to come our way".

"This is not without risk and I want all of us to agree to it before we go down that route".

"We already discussed this Vincent when you sloped of last night hell we risked more every day we were in the war zones and at least this way we get a chance to help out properly we can't keep on having you spoon feed us, we want a proper chance to pay our own way" Sandi stated.

There were nods of agreement from around the room and for that I was grateful so I looked to Onamu, "Okay then we'll rest up and prep the ships today then we'll head out in the morning and start advertising our services".

We left the next morning have topped of the fuel bunkers on the Cenatur and the Chokaro heading out on a course that would take us through all the sectors between here and depths of silence. The intention was to use the Centaur as our primary attack craft keeping the fighters in the Chokaro as backup.
We pilots would rotate with those on the Chokarao to make sure we all kept our edges sharp so each time we entered a sector we checked the local com channels looking for work.
The money wasn't all that great but it got our name being mentioned as to that name I'd like to have taken the credit for it but it was Onamu who chose it as a name for the Centaur apparently it had been irritating her for some time that I had not named it so she did it herself and after that it was the name people knew to contact when they had a job for us.

I mean the Praetorian is a good name and apparently it goes all the way back to ancient history as a guardian which I thought was fitting considering the line of work we were in.

Also it let me know that Onamu considered the Centaur bridge to be hers and I not was going to try and change that as Captain of that ship she was better skilled than any of us in running the ship even with all the automation. To be honest I felt a lot more comfortable with things set up that way she had always been our Wing commander and it would be unnatural for us to think of her in any other way.

We began our slow journey west diverting only when work required it the aim being to establish ourselves as a reliable company to employ and we found a lot of work with race military who used us to fill in gaps where they were reluctant to commit their own resources on what they considered to be petty criminals.

The up side of that was that we were able to use their facilities when we docked at their military bases. That cheered our marines up no end as they were able to conduct proper workouts in facilities they were used to.

Claris was furious and her aides knew it they were all making sure that her orders were carried out the instant she gave them. As a result the company lawyers were already en route to the military outpost in Elena's fortune in a heavily escorted transport where the military had been advised they would be granted access to their clients.

She had put a lot of pressure on every senator she knew to make that happen and she would be making a lot of the military brass who thought they could rail road her son feel the same amount of pressure.
Vincent and his fellow pilot's would she was determined have their day in court.

"Yes what is it ?" she snapped as Calton her senior aide broke in on her thought's.

"Ma'am you have to catch the news it's on every channel" Calton replied switching the main monitor to the news feeds.

Claris was numb as her mind took in what was being said with live feeds being relayed from the sector where the ship her son had been being transported on had been attacked.

Claris sat down heavily turning up the volume to numb to speak.

"The task force is at this moment collecting escape pods form the vicinity continued the reporter the camera clearly displaying the still smouldering wreckage of the transport. I am told the ship itself is to be towed to the military out post in Elena's fortune where experts will examine the wreckage. There is no news at this time as to the names of any casualties or of those survivors who have so far been rescued.

Claris shut down the monitor at first bewildered then angry this was all to convenient she decided. Had the military decided to circumvent her clear intent to aid her son it was possible she conceded.
If that was the case she would find out and she would have their hides she decided.

The only way she could function was to put her grief to one side for the moment now was not the time to show weakness.

"Get my transport and it's escorts back here now she ordered I want to be in Elena's fortune tomorrow . Make it happen Calton".

"yes ma'am" he replied leaving her alone to carry out her instructions.

Once he had left she ordered a live wave to be put through to the Venture which about now should be in Power circle.

"Carl answered the call himself his hair in disarray as if she had just woken him up".

"Mom why the wave "?.

She told him, what little she knew and told him she was going to care of it personally and would keep him appraised as and when she knew anymore.

"I can come back" he offered

"No Carl you are the old man now, you have family and the ship to look after its what your father and Vincent would want you to do I swear as soon as I get any news I will contact you".

Claris ended the link and ordered he travel baggage to be assembled and delivered to the dock.

Apparently her Transport pilot had had the urgency of her request for him to get here had been impressed on him so it was in the early afternoon that she was informed the ship was at dock and taking on stores.

Claris wasted no time and with her entourage she made her way down to the ship ignoring the media reporters who dogged her footsteps every step of the way. She ignored them and the shouted questions as she was escorted on board. She settled into her office on the transport and switched on the monitor determined to keep herself aware of everything that was going on.

She saw footage of herself as she had been escorted on board. She turned up the volume and ran the story from the beginning apparently it was a special and she recognised Mylene Haldon one of the most respected reporters in the business.

She hit the com button as she could feel the ship being readied for launch. "Calton she ordered if miss Haldon and her crew are on the dock please invite them aboard assure her I am prepared to give an exclusive interview".

Claris made sure the launch was delayed long enough for Mylene and her crew to be allowed on board. she took that time to watch the vid she had selected earlier.

The Vid started with a view of the transport ship that had been destroyed in Heretics end and no punch's were pulled the system scans showed the lead fighter of Amber wing launching the missiles that had destroyed it with the loss of over four hundred lives.

What was different this time was that the media had got hold of the comm traffic in system logs and these were played out as the incident was recreated in real time.

She recognised Vincent's ordering the attack to be aborted but it came a fraction of a second to late.
What it showed was that one man had acted in haste and as a result the whole squadron had been blamed for the incident.
She could see why the military had wanted to bury the whole matter as quickly as possible and with it her son.

Well she would set the record straight The transport undocked and moments later Was heading for the military out post.

She informed Mylene she would give an interview before they docked her vid crew were allowed to come in and set up their equipment before Mylene entered the room and took a seat in front of her desk that allowed a clear angle for the camera's.

"Okay Claris before we start have you got any rules you want me to stick to ?"

"No Mylene you are a good reporter and I respect you that's why I have asked you here just do what you are good at".

Mylene considered that, this was the chance to make her career go stellar and to get an interview with one of the most private of the movers and shakers in Argon space was incredible.

The Cameras rolled and Mylene was certain this interview would be seried out across the Verse.

"I am Mylene Haldon and I am even now in Elena's fortune in the company of Mrs Claris Sladon the mother of one of the men involved in both the tragedies that occurred in Heretic's end and in Split fire just yesterday".

"Mrs Sladon there are several conflicting stories about what happened in Heretic's end as the mother Of Vincent Sladon could you tell us a little about your son".

"Claris could not help the tears she could feel welling in her eyes but she began to speak with pride of Vincent how he had grown up sharing the traders life with her husband but had always wanted to serve in the fleet.
"I didn't want him to of course what mother wants her son to go to war but he was adamant and when he graduated from the academy he was so proud, I still have that picture of him receiving his wings" she said indicating the framed portrait on her desk.

"he could have quit you know" she continued "I am sure you will all recall how even though wounded he rescued a comrade and braved a gauntlet of enemy patrols to get back to his ship the Dauntless and his squadron.
He was badly injured then and there was some doubt that he would fly again but my son is a patriot he got better and as soon as he was well enough he rejoined his squadron on the front line.

"About his fellow pilots did he ever speak to you about them "? Mylene asked.

"Oh yes he waved me all the time and told me all about them, how much they trusted each other literally with their lives on a daily basis it grew a bond between them beyond mere friendship".

"I am sorry Mrs Sladon but at this point I have to ask about the destruction of the transport, could you ever envisage your son doing such a thing?".

"Absoloutly not my son was a soldier first and foremost but he was also a man of honour and integrity.
I have studied the reports of that incident that I am certain my son tried to prevent it from happening, but this was a warzone with a pitched battle being fought around them from what I can gather the lead ship detected it and saw it was a potential hazard to their carrier, if it had been a Terran Capital ship the damage it could have wrought can not be guessed at.
They moved to intercept the ship which was not broadcasting an ID and assumed it was hostile and with the number of nuclear explosions occurring I understand they could not get a reliable scan of the vessel to identify it till it was to late to late, the missiles had been launched and I know my son would have been as appalled as anyone when he realised the truth.

"I make no attempt to hide what occurred but I question the sanity of any man that takes a capital sized vessel into a warzone without making sure they are broadcasting their ID if they had done so a great many lives might have been spared that day including that of my son's and his fellow pilots yesterday.
My only solace has been that he died in the line of duty alongside his friends".

Mylene gave Claris a moment to gather herself together, for a while she had seen this as just a spectacular scoop but now she saw it was more than that and she was humbled by the woman's candour and pride in her son.

She waited a moment then asked the question that would terminate the interview. "Mr's Sladon your son was due to be tried by a military court how do you feel about that ?".

"Angry at first" Claris admitted "but I am confident the facts would have come out at the hearing, yes a mistake a very tragic was made in the heat of battle and it is incumbent on the fleet to admit such mistakes when they happen. I have no doubt that once a court had reviewed the facts Amber wing would have been returned to active duty acknowledged as the heroes they were".

"This is Mylene Class speaking from Elena's fortune" Mylene finished signalling for the recording to end.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Thu, 13. Mar 14, 07:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 27. Feb 14, 10:16

Claris was formally welcomed aboard the station by the Station Commander who escorted her through the milling press reporters to the secured military lifts only Mylene Haldon and her unit were allowed to accompany them.

Once at the heart of the station alone in his office he turned to speak to Claris directly.

"Well that interview of yours has caused quite a stir Mrs Sladon, so I have been asked by my superiors to ascertain your motives you understand that the fleet is under a great deal of pressure at the moment".

"I Understand perfectly Commander I also understand that without this incident you would have allowed my son's name to be tarnished for an act he did not commit, but I will accept that at the time it was seen to be the easiest option to close the matter now events have taken a turn that require a rethink.
I want an inquiry into the matter and I want those who failed in their duty to be named but I also want those who bear no blame to be exonerated".

"That is all asked you want ?" the commander was startled by simplicity of her request.

"What else is there I know that my son died on that transport abandoned by his guards apparently but I don't want their cowardice bringing the fleet into disrepute none of us can afford that at this stage in the war.
This whole matter needs to be brought to a close and the fleet can do that best by being totally honest about both incident's".

The commander studied the woman well aware that she was a force to be reckoned with if she felt wronged he had been given orders to act as seemed in the best interests of the fleet so it was not a hard decision to make.
He thanked her for her advice then left to make the necessary arrangements.

The formal Inquiry was broadcast live from the fleet inquiry panel meeting in which all aspects of both incidents were thoroughly examined and the findings were published the following day.

One member of Amber wing was found to have acted negligently during the incident in Heretics end but he was found to have acted under extreme duress in a combat situation where an unidentified ship had seemed to be a Hazard both to his wing mates and his ship.

Amber wing as a whole were as a unit awarded the Silver leaf for heroic action in manning the transports weapons in order to allow the crew time to escape.
the award was made posthumously.

So it was that two days later Amber wings caskets were escorted with full military honours aboard the military transport where they would be taken to Argon prime and buried together in the Acadamy graveyard.

Claris attended both events even though she knew the caskets were empty such was the devastating aspects of modern warfare where often there was nothing left to bury and it was with relief that she was able to return home.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 27. Feb 14, 21:00

"Well that's a pisser" Gil announced after we had all watched the newscasts of our funeral's. If we weren't dead we could be back on the Dauntless about now".

"I doubt it said Onamu this is a result of our death's do you think for a moment that had we not arranged the attack on the transport we would as suspected have been subjected to summary justice before the media could get involved.
We made our choices back then and we cannot go back, all this means is that at least our honour was restored to us.
For myself I had no family as such except the fleet and now ourselves, I recognise that some of us will want to contact our families but to what end we knew we could all be killed and the results on our families we accepted as a consequence of our choice to serve in the fleet should we change that now ?, rob our families of closure to what end ?".

I let the discussion go on till everyone had been given a chance to air their views before speaking.

"Okay that just about touch's all the bases I think, no we can't go back we would not be welcomed with open arms instead we would be seen as at best deserters at the worst well I don't want to go there.
We have a chance to make a difference here in the commonwealth we have all seen how stretched the local military are in trying to maintain order and there are others out there who intend to profit from the war we can stop that we have a chance to make a real difference just not in the way we all originally planned".

They all thought about it for a while but the decision was inevitable given the circumstances.

"Well what about you skip?" asked Gil later that evening as we worked out together in the cargo bay where we had improvised a gym of sort's.
"I mean your mother by all accounts is like mega rich so you don't have to be doing this I mean one wave and she could set you up somewhere".

At which point she threw me over her shoulder and I ended up flat on my back again with the wind knocked out of me yet again.
"Enough I said as she helped me up feeling the bruises all over that she had added to during the workout. and headed for the kitchen to grab a coffee, What Gil had asked had sparked an idea but I needed to work the rough edges of it.

Gil joined me at the table and helped herself to some of the toast I made giving me that come and tell look again.

I said nothing it was still to raw an idea to know if it could float and I wouldn't say anything till I had polished it a bit more.

Gil took my silence for what it was meant to be and walked of to get a shower.
Which was fortunate because Onamu wandered in a while later and I put the idea to her and asked her to think about it.

"It's risky Vincent but could be done if the approach was made correctly.
It would require that we move closer to Argon space in order to pave the way for an introduction but that poses no real difficulties other than meaning we will have to maintain a very low profile no using fleet facilities of course".

"I'll put it together in the mean time we have a contract to fulfil we jump in an hour".

I took the hint and showered and changed before reporting to the bridge on the Praetorian.
We had taken up position just of the station waiting for the freighter to undock. The captain of the freighter was aware of us but he seemed nervous and it made me wonder just what cargo he was carrying.

I ran a scan on him and saw the reason for the captains nervousness he was sitting on a hold full of missiles.

We followed him clear of the station and then took up position above him matching his speed and course.
We did not expect hostiles in this sector but once we hit the sectors between here and Heavens assertion where the local sec defence forces were at minimum we could expect any one wanting to grab that cargo would make their play.

We hit the west gate without incident but now we began taking a long hard look at every ship in the trade lane around us chances are one of them was a spotter.

"I think I have our spotter" Milo one of the gunners reported "its an M5 class ship pacing us at twenty clicks its flagged as a Boron owned octopus but when it came through the gate I scanned it and it is armed".

That said it all a military Boron ship would be armed but a civilian ship that was a rarity.
I selected it as a possible target if it was fully upgraded we would be very lucky to be able to take it out but it's armament rendered it virtually useless as an attack craft.

The mood on the bridge changed though and we powered up the weapons, just in case.
Onamu sent a burst transmission to the Chokaro which gradually drifted towards that Octopus.

The Chokaro was actually carrying a genuine cargo on this trip which disguised it perfectly. We had a freighter standing by to refuel us should the need arise, another of Onamu's suggestions I had taken onboard.
It also carried a range of missile stock that we might need just in case.

The attack came from the south gate a swarm of pirate ships including Nova's and Falcons with some buzzard's and harriers.

A detected transmission from the Octopus sealed its fate as Sandi Captaining the Chokaro obliterated it.

That would blind the hostiles from this point on and Onamu took the lead targeting the heavy fighters as they approached the M4's swept past us expecting to find the freighter unprotected I grinned as I contemplated the shock they would receive finding three fast attack M3's waiting for them.

Onamu lined up the fighters and started dealing out justice on the first pass not trying to destroy them out right just damaging them enough to slow them down and give them a chance to consider their options when we turned around for our second pass.

A Nova and a Buzzard took the hint and bailed and we tagged them for the Chokaro to claim as salvage when they had the time.

After dealing with the M3's we resumed our position near the freighter that had not been struck by any weapons fire at all.
The mission was completed with no further incidents and we all met up in a station side bar when the Chokaro docked.

The pay for the mission had been good and the Chokaru had sold her wares of ore for the max putting us well ahead of the game as we saw it.
The Chokaro's fighters had also swept up a lot of ordinance we could put to better use and the two fighters we had claimed were the icing on the cake.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 1. Mar 14, 07:37

Okay that is it I decided no more parties with marines, as I woke with a thumping hangover that was centred behind my left eyeball, a half hour session in a hot shower had little beneficial effect so I was still feeling out of sorts when I headed down to the common room to start on what I was certain would be the first of a number of coffee's I would need to get my head straight.

So I was feeling cranky when I got the wave from Avarice the station manager there wanted my advice on how to deal with a Split who had put himself in a bad place. He had spent a lot at the casino by all account's and his credit had reached it's limit but he had offered the station manager a deal to get more credits.

The deal got my interest so I waved the station manager to find out more.
I listened and saw an opportunity here so I gave the man a line of credit and went down to the docks and prepped the Chokaro for the mission.

"Going some where skip ?". asked Gil joining me on the bridge as plotted a course.

"Gil you are supposed to be in your rack and yes I have a minor business matter to attend to, I'll be back before noon tomorrow".

"That's good skip so I'll just settle myself in whilst you do your thing".

She wasn't going to shift so I ignored her and made the jump to company pride looking for the transponder trace I had been given.

The salvagers hadn't found her yet which was a relief as I drew up alongside the ship and began prepping myself for a space walk.
What I had planned wasn't strictly ethical but it was too good an opportunity to miss.

Gil knew this was not entirely on the up and up when I changed our id code to one I had prepared before the jump.

"Okay gun's what I need you to do is keep me safe out there for a while then be ready to transfer supplies as I order them, the time window is closing on this deal so don't hang about okay?".

"And just what is this deal skip that's a goddamn Shrike out there and I am pretty sure you are trying to run some sort of scam here so what's going on ?".

It was good question but not one I wanted to answer at that point so I sealed my suit and stepped into the airlock and opened the outer doors to go for the ship.

I'd set my chronometer to keep a time display going on the mission timer which it threw up on my hud display which was just as well as it took me nearly half an hour to override the airlock security and gain access to the ship.

The ship was a mess to put it mildly and it took me an age to reach the bridge where I managed to start to restore the ship systems and at least get the life support systems and the engines online.

"Okay gun's I said as the ship started to come to life I need you to load one of the fighters with E'cells and get it to dock here".

with that I went down to the hanger and got a freight truck ready.
The Tenjin auto docked and I unloaded the cells then the jump drive which I took straight down to the engineering deck and began installing it.

It was taking too long I thought as I made my way back to the bridge and set the autopilot to make the jump. I sent the Tenjin back to the Chokaro and told Gil to make a jump to Ianumus zura where I had arranged for a cargo for her to pick up and gave her the coordinates where we would meet up if all went well.

Gil was not happy with that but as the drive spooled up she could see I was not giving her much choice.

I hit Zyarth stand near the jump beacon a few moments later and had them prepare a repair team giving them a pre payment that had their eye's watering.

On the way to the dock I went to the core on deck five and began pulling modules and changing the ships core identification coding this would buy me some time but I felt vulnerable with no shields and no weapons.

Gil actually beat me to the dock and said nothing when I arrived and began transferring cargo until I gave her a shopping list of items I wanted.
She just gave me a long hard stare before she went back on board the Chokaro and left me to it.

The dock manager must have got wind of my need for haste because he gouged me on the cost of the repairs but it was worth it as they managed to get the worst of it taken care of ahead of schedule.

I hired a refit team to begin work on board and as soon as the ship was cleared for operations I jumped for the outpost in merchant haven.
I had a freighter there that had been picking up the supplies and equipment I would need for a frigate over the last few months.
I had not expected the need to arise so suddenly which was why I had Gil leap frogging across the verse picking up the rest.

It took a week and a lot of credits for the ship to be outfitted and I arranged a transport for the workmen to be taken back to Zyarth's dominion.
The result though was staggering as I looked down from the gallery overlooking the hanger deck that now looked as good as new.
The Split work crew had baulked at what they considered frippery in the outfitting but the amount of money I was paying them had overridden their objections.

The Shrike now started to look like an Argon ship all that was missing was enough weapons and some fighters and that would be my next stop when Gil arrived with the last cargo I had arranged for her to collect.

I had a skeleton crew on board now but they were a stop gap till my own people arrive I had a transport hitting the docks everywhere picking up the people I had hired.

I was particularly looking forward to meeting one of them when the passenger transport docked and the crew began arriving on board.

The chief was pacing up and down the empty hanger bay obviously thinking dark thoughts when I met him.

"Problem chief" I asked

"Not really Loki unless you count the fact that this carrier don't have no fighters which sort of makes me obsolete before I even begin work and what the hell are you doing here word has it you got yourself killed".

"The rumours to that effect I am grateful are exaggerated chief so how about we go and find some ships for you to play with".

The Chief walked off at that point and began muttering to himself which I took as a good sign. Once he'd had a chance to cool down a bit he joined me on the bridge and gave me that stare of his.

"Okay Loki what ships are you thinking of getting because I won't work with crap it's bad enough when you flyboys beat the crap out of Argon ships I shudder to think about what you would do with other races fighters.
Add to that the fact that all you've got on that flight deck is me and some green as grass monkey's and I got to tell you kid I aint getting enthusiastic about this job".

"Come with me" chief I said leading him back to the day cabin just aft of the bridge.

I powered up the monitors of the shipyard in home of light where I had a live feed of the fighters I had ordered being prepped.

I gave him a glass of whiskey and sat back and enjoyed the look on his face as he began to take it in.

"I only count six fighters he said after a moment this carrier can carry eight"

"I already have two chief not Nova's but good ships all the same, they will be landing once we undock, what I need to know is are you ready to take on board the fact that we are off the grid so to speak!".
"We are not some bunch of mercenary's chief we are patriots and we are about to go to war with our enemies are you ready to join us".

The chief thought that over the hotshot had offered him a job blind when the fleet decided he was too old for active duty, there was something askew about the circumstances but he made a gut decision it also did not hurt that at his age he was unlikely to get a job in the civil sector despite his experience so he decided to wait and see.

"Okay Hotshot I'll run that deck but I want a free hand you ever come down there and you have to know I rule that deck, you got a problem with that then I'll pack up my kit and leave now".
The chief waited for an answer knowing who the kid was and the fact that he was alive made himself a liability to the kid but he figured if the kid was straight it would not be a problem.

"Okay chief the deck is yours we will be jumping to pick up those fighters tomorrow. Let the cargo master know what you need to do your job and then we will go and see some old friends".

That stumped the chief as he left the room reaching for a cigar he wondered at the kid being here obviously he had made it to an escape pod and had lain low. Which begged the question of how he managed to get hold of a fifty million credit ship and be talking about picking up a batch of brand new fighters less than two months later.
The Chief figured it had to be something to do with spooks, he had heard a lot over the years about so called black ops that the fleet could deny. Short term he just hoped the kid was not going to get him killed.

Other than that he decided as he was led to his quarters by one of the ships marines at least he would be working instead of being one of those had been vets you saw hanging around dock side bars when their pensions ran out.

The rooms he was shown to were impressive and he thought for a moment the Marine who gave him the key card had made a mistake the rooms were big more than he had ever been given in the fleet till he saw the data pad indicating a message waiting for him and saw the kid.

"Chief get settled in tomorrow you will be busy Loki out".

The Chief stowed his gear he donned some coveralls and headed for his deck startling the crew men who were hanging around in the decks canteen, "Ladies he said ominously in a tone those who knew him had come to fear, I want this deck prepped and ready for the ships we have incoming, I want the ordinance to be racked and ready and ladies don't let me wait for you to finish your coffee's.

When they had all fled the chief mad his way to his office where he looked down at the sudden frantic activity going on, it was a start he decided lighting his cigar switching of the smoke detector alarm.

There was a lot of coming and going the next morning with two fighters taking up two berths and a hell of a lot of gear being transported to the cargo bays.

The chief supervised the tie down of the fighters admiring the Tenjin which to be honest needed some work there was some hull damage that showed signs of being a quick patch, he made a note of it then looked at the Khaak fighter feeling his blood run cold.

The thing did not have a scratch on it and he was startled when the canopy opened and a young women in combat gear stepped down.

"Where's Loki?"she snapped and he muttered the bridge still trying to get rid of the shakes he felt looking at that fighter.

Spook stuff he decided sensing that this was the Kids bird and ordered his crew to get it tied down.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 1. Mar 14, 09:56

Gil was pissed I could tell by the way she was looking at me as if deciding which bones to break first.
Fortunately I was busy ordering the jump to home of light and sending the Chokaro back to the station in Distant clouds with a slight detour to pick up the other fighters I had gathered.

She gave me the cargo manifest that she had transferred and I winced we were light but not terribly and the price tag was more than I had hoped for but I had no doubt she had done her best even now the weapons were being installed and I had the crew taking positions as their consoles came to life.

"Okay skip, I've run all over the verse to get you what you wanted and now I want some answers. I just spoke to the chief for Gunne's sake but he did not recognise me and where the hell did you get this crew "?.

"My office Gil" I said leading her of the bridge. "You did great Gill no mistake" as I poured us both a coffee. "Now as to answers I want you to trust me we have one brief stop to make then we jump for Distant clouds and I get to tell everyone what the score is at the same time, we are way behind schedule and I need to be able to deal with a hell of a lot in a short space of time at the moment so give me a breather okay".

There it was I was asking her to trust me she knew that I had jacked the ship and also knew that we did not have the police all over us .
I also had a crew such as it was making the ship ready and I could see the dark thoughts hiding behind her eyes.

We went to jump at that point and I led her down to the gallery overlooking the hanger where the chief was in his element screaming orders at his crew as the first of the fighters started to dock.

"That I said pointing at the ships is Amber wing Gil, I've spent practically everything I have to get it together but that is the result so I ask you to trust me a little further at least till I can speak to the others when I will answer all your questions".

She looked at me a little old fashioned but then her eyes drifted back to the ships.
They were packing the weapons that I had got her to collect and were combat ready fully shielded with a decent weapons load out that could be altered as and when.

"Okay skip" she said at last "now how about you show me the rest of this ship".

I nodded and took her to deck four where I had decided to house the marines some were already in residence and were making use of the training court's.
Her eyes lit up a little when I showed her the armoury all state of the art equipment and workshops to care for the weapons and suits, she also nodded approvingly at the hardened defence points that had been established on the access points to every level.

"This I said at last is the point of this ship as" I opened the bulkhead
she took it in at once it was a ready and briefing room combined with fast access to the hanger below and rooms laid out for the rest of the wing pilots and gunner's." Now is the time to stow your kit Gil pick a room they are all the same of course but you get first pick".

She liked that I could tell and I left her then to go back to the bridge and finish supervising the installation of the weapons that I had bought.

I ordered the jump to be set and comm'd the chief.

"Kid he growled chewing that cigar you got shorted do you know how long it's going to take for me to get these birds up to spec ?".

"Chief that's why I hired you let me know what you need we'll be jumping in about five minutes and I won't need those birds for at least a day at most".
I cut the link then, the chief would do his job I was counting on it I just did not want the bridge crew to hear him cussing me out it set a bad precedent.

We Jumped to Distant clouds and made our way to a position just of the station then I called Gil and had her wait for me in the Tenjin.
We launched and after a few minutes I was granted docking permission then once we had the ship tied down I walked to the common room where I had some very angry pilots and marines to placate.

I had been gone for a week with no explanation and now there was a Capital ship just of station and Onamu wanted answers.

"Not here" I said "board the Chokaro which will take us out to the Shrike, follow my lead and bring your kit".

So it was after they had been transported aboard and been showed to the accommodations that we all gathered in the briefing room.

"Okay let's get this out in the open this is a ship I jacked" I explained how I had bought the salvage contract from that split and then decided to keep the ship.

I had paid for the repairs and the ships sitting in the hanger and hired a crew, "Look the contract to return the ship was not doable that's why the Split was getting himself drunk at the station in Avarice.
So I bought the contract of him and salvaged the ship with a little help" I acknowledged glancing at Gil .
"The point is the ship is clean, no back trail and it's all bought and paid for I even refunded the Teladi the money he paid to get it back so as far as I can see no harm no foul.
I am sorry I did not brief you on this but it was time critical, the thing is we are now ready to do what we wanted to do right when we started down this road. Now it's time for you to decide if you want to stay on or to bug out".

There was uproar at that and I headed for the galley and grabbed a jug of coffee and grabbed a seat in the corner of the lounge.

There was a lot of angry voices over there but it died down eventually, Onamu joined me and took a cup of coffee, what of the Praetorian she asked.

"Its being resupplied in light of heart and should be here tomorrow, I was sort of hoping you would take the chair on this ship".

"Oh no hotshot you get to be the man on this ship, its to big for me Vince I like the Centaur but this, no you bought her kid now you get to be the skipper".

The trouble was I could see where she was coming from as a fighter or M6 pilot she was without equal but she did not want to run a ship this size.
That closed that option for me and she saw it in my eyes but she was right.
"Okay" I acknowledged giving in, "I'll captain the ship Onamu and the Centaur is yours you know it so I want you as Squadron leader what ever ship you are on and I need to know who you suggest should fill your shoes".

Onamu considered that for a moment before she Looked at Sandi and I had to agree she was the most stable of the pilots me included and would be a good team leader.
I powered up the monitor and gave Onamu a chance to look at the ships available and let her work it out who would go where the only exception was the Khaak fighter that I would keep for myself well not entirely there was only one person on board other than myself that actually liked flying the thing and Onamu just grunted and made the assignments.

The rest of the team just watched as we sorted it out then we walked back to the front of the room where Onamu powered up the displays and began giving the orders.

There was a brief flurry of activity as they were ordered to report to their ships and get ready for combat drills.

Gil stayed behind seeing my pain perhaps but she just nodded "Okay skip I guess that you did not want but what now".

"Now Gil I said you get in your ship and teach these rookies a lesson" I replied walking to the lift for the bridge.

It was harder than I wanted to admit watching them launch and beginning the combat exercise without me.
I watched it all from beginning to end and I began to see the bigger picture that Onamu had seen before I did.

So I settled into the command chair and began calling up data from our satellites planning where we would go next.

We Jumped the next day for depths of silence where some local pirates were causing problems we added blunt force to the Borons defence forces and got rid of the pirates that were harassing their transports.

The Boron might have expressed disdain for our methods but they were suitably grateful and so our fame spread and I was kept busy screening waves for requests for help that were worthy of our attention.

To be honest the tasks we undertook were perhaps necessary for those affected by the sudden upsurge in pirate activity but we vastly outmatched them, not just in the Dominator as I had christened her but also by the Praetorian and the fighters the Chokaro carried.

We must have been making an impact as I found there was now a bounty being offered for the destruction of my ship and to be honest I took that as both a compliment and some thing that needed to be stamped on at the start.

So it was I found myself closing on the Pirate base in the far reach's of the ore belt.

I had gone to a great deal of trouble and expense to load the cargo bay with ordinance.
The fact that the Local sec def forces were paying me to get rid of hostiles was just the cream on the cake and I transmitted a warning to the base to tell them to evacuate the station before I unleashed hell.
Some civilian's took my advice and those we let go but the fighters were another matter and we destroyed them as soon as they were in range of our turrets much to the disgust of the team who were waiting in the launch bay just in case.

After that I bit the bullet and jumped to home of light taking position high above the systems trade lanes before going down to the dock where Gil was waiting to take me to the Terracorp hq station.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Thu, 13. Mar 14, 11:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sat, 1. Mar 14, 17:19

I bottled it to be honest I was planning to go on station myself but that would leave me exposed, at least that was the reason I gave myself so Gil took the Tenjin with a coded message that I thought would bring the desired response.

It was a long wait and I spent an hour hovering near the coms operator waiting for an update that would tell me it was a bust.

The ship was ready to jump and I waited for what seemed an eternity before the Tenjin undocked from the station and docked in the hanger.

I left the bridge and went to my ready room.

"Well" I asked as Gil walked into the room.

"Your mother is not an easy person to get to see" she answered "I had to speak quite harshly to some of her aides but I delivered the message and she said she would consider it skip".

So there it was the die was cast and I would have to wait to see if things were going to pan out the way I hoped. We Had a limited time window a contract had been offered that would mean stepping back into the front line.

A short while later we got a transmission from the station on an ultra tight beam that I had decrypted and sent to my desk.

I hit the replay button and Gil joined me to get a view of the desk console as my mothers image appeared on the screen.

She was sat at that huge desk of hers wearing an immaculate suit that I guessed had come straight from one of the top designers in Argon space and was staring straight at the monitor.

"Captain Hallard I have considered the proposal your aide delivered to be honest I have no problem with it, like everyone else at the moment our resources are somewhat stretched so I can see a use for you in assisting our own forces in defence contracts and the like. I will transmit a transponder code that you can use to access our facilities but do not abuse my trust in this matter.
If you perform well you will be paid accordingly if not then I will ensure your company will find it hard to get work anywhere in the commonwealth.
Cross me at your peril she concluded Vixen out".

The screen went dark and I just smiled Gil caught it and gave me that look again.
"She knows" I said "using her call sign from back when she was in the fleet she let me know that she knows or suspects".

Gil was angry that I thought she might have compromised us "You've got me there boss I swear I gave her no indication by any means that you were here".

"Don't beat yourself up about it guns my mother is a very sharp woman you don't get to be one of the ten richest people in Argon space by being stupid, so that deals with that install the key code she sent us that will give us access to facilities that we will need in this region and prep for jump we are going back to the war on a mission that should give us a shoe in with the military for future ops."

Claris watched the external monitor feed as its fighter docked she had ordered covert scans of the ship as soon as it had approached but her attempts to get any information on it had been confounded by a solid military grade firewall protection that could not be penetrated.

The woman no marine she corrected herself she had spoken to just a few mizura before was obviously military, the way the woman had dealt with her own guards had been frightening and impressive.
She was going to have to review her own security she decided obviously the people she had were adequate but she had just witnessed at first hand a demonstration of what a fully skilled marine could do and was frankly impressed.

Vincent was on that ship her heart told her that and when it vanished in a jump field she touched the screen ands felt the tears running down her cheeks.

She calmed herself drying her eyes and sent a global wave to her stations and ships giving the ships id code and an assurance that they would respond if they needed help.

She then waved Carl who it seemed was busy at the unloading dock in Paranid prime.

"Mom what's new ?" he asked shouting an order at a cargo handler out of view of the terminal he was using.

He was in his element she could see that and he reminded her so much of Brin that it made her heart ache. She just wished that Vincent had chosen the life he had but that was a path she had long ago accepted he would never follow.

"Just an update Carl I want you to log this transponder code we are adding security to our operations and I thought you would appreciate the help if you ever get into a serious situation this unit will respond".

"What's the charge mom ?" Carl asked suspicion evident in his question.

"No charge Carl you are one of our regular independents and we want you and the others working for us to know we aim to be there for them should the need arise".

Carl was a little puzzled by the personal wave but dismissed it from his thoughts as he heard a cargo module being dropped by a loader and turned around to vent his anger at the stupid dockworker who was trying to dent his loading ramp.
He was eloquent in his questioning of the dockworkers fore bears and stomped back on board to take a break letting Hal know he should take over before he felt the urge to kill something or some one.
He was on a tight schedule the high and mighty Paranid who wanted this cargo was already badgering him for an arrival time.

Glisa sensed his mood and said nothing as he sat down in the lower deck dining room just pouring him a coffee and waiting for him to cool down.

"Okay so tell me she said what's the problem ?".

Carl thought about it and told her about the delay's they were getting from the cargo delivery. they would be lucky to be able to make the delivery without time penalties and he hated that.

"Hey honey, it's okay so we won't get top rate if we run late but you knew this was a tight run before we started so are you going to tell mw now what it is that's got you so wound up ?".

"My mother she sent me a wave out on the docks" he handed her the data pad.
Glisa played back the message and was baffled by Carl's response to it knowing there was help out there should be a blessing but she knew that was not what Carl feared.

"Okay Carl speak your piece why does this upset you on the face of it looks good knowing we have someone we can call for help if needs be?".

Carl thought about it for a moment before answering and accepted the fact that this was the way his old man had felt at times dealing with his mother she always had an agenda what bugged him was that he could not see it, he had made it clear to her that the Venture would always be an independent operator this just seemed like some sort of trap to get him tied into her companies.

Glisa was right though on the face of it, it was an offer on the up and up and he could not see the snare he was sure must be there that was what was irritating him.

"Hey" she said clasping his hand "let it go Carl I don't think your mother is trying to trap you and the offer of protection is a bonus so do you want some good news to cheer you up ?.
I'm pregnant Carl. So we better visit a chapel before we leave this dock".

That just blew Carl away and he just grinned like an idiot as he took in the news.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 2. Mar 14, 09:38

They jumped into treasure chest and the alarms started screaming at once with missiles being targeted by the gunnery officers, The Cerberus they were tasked to protect was heading for the north gate so he ordered the Guards the name they had chosen for the fighter to flank the Cerberus and offer close in protection to it.

The Praetorian was on our six as we dealt with the ATF fighters that tried to get past us. The north gate was looming and I opened a link to Onamu.

"I need to know what is beyond that gate Onamu jump in and run high and right because that Cerberus will be on you tail as will we I said".

It was a risk but Onamu vanished in a jump field and began feeding live data from the area near the south gate.

There was a rapid response force in system and they were taking out the big hitters but I put us right on the Cerberus's tail as it entered the gate.

Elysium was a mess I figured as we entered veering sharply to avoid the Cerberus that was taking its time to clear the gate, the Guards were busy taking out misssiles and fighters that came to close.

Following the task force we maintained position on the Cerberus and made it through the north gate.

The task force did not follow us and the guards were out ahead of us checking for hostiles the Cerberus headed for the only friendly ship we had flagged as a contact and we waited of its port side as they got to com range.

I ordered the Guards to dock and alerted the chief to be ready to get them on board they had been in the air for hours and must be at the limits of their endurance.

Onamu stood of at our six and I too an interest in what was going on and ordered coms to tap into the conversation.
Well no surprise there I realised as I saw Braks on the monitor the Teladi though was a surprise and what he said hit a nerve.
It was Jonferco all over again and I could see a pattern developing.

"Braks must have seen it as well and he offered me a contract to go and protect the assets they had in the Albion sectors.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 3. Mar 14, 10:01

The Dominator dropped into power circle at the south gate the contract was to protect The SPP in system the fleet was busy just of our port bow and terran ships were moving to take out the station.

I moved to intercept the Katana's and powered up the mains ordering the wing to take position around us as a defence screen.

The fleet was taking care of the capitals and driving them north they were using a staggered fall back strategy to keep the fleet busy and allow time for their strike force to take out the station.

I ordered the weapons chief to launch the missiles and aimed at the heart of that strike force our gunners firing as soon as they acquired targets. It got ugly very fast and for over an hour I was trying to weave my way through the attackers the bridge shook from multiple missile hits and we were starting to take damage.

I launched the drones then in themselves the were not that effective but they kept the targeting computers of the terrans locked up with multiple targets which is when I launched the next barrage of missiles.

Our shields started to recover as the missiles took out the closest M6's The Guard wing poured through the hole we made and added their weight to the battle in moments the strike force was reduced to debris.

I bought the Dominator to a halt and ordered the Guards to land and rearm.
just north of us the battle was still raging. So once the wing was on board I headed that way to assist if necessary.

The Terran Capitals were starting to jump out of the system as they realised their attempt to destroy the SPP had failed but a small group was attacking the Dauntless whose own fighters were heavily involved in the running battle.

I hit the turbo booster to bring us to the Dauntless's position then took a position between the Dauntless and the terrans that were making repeated run's on it. The guard launched and started to play hell with the fighters that headed our way. Those that slipped through thee
n had to face us and I was impressed with my crew that day targeting the hostiles effectively and letting nothing pass.

The Dauntless crippled but still combat ready moved to a position of our bow and began taking it's fighters on board a lot of them were damaged.

The Guard escorted the worst hit of them too shepherd them back to the Dauntless before they landed themselves.

The Dauntless had been hard hit so we stayed on guard for them giving them time to at least get their weapon's back on line.

They headed for the ship yard at Omicron and we covered their six just in case. It hurt to see her so beaten up she was going to be in for repairs for months and I wondered how many of the people who had died on that ship I had known.

We escorted the Dauntless all the way to the shipyard the fact that she did not launch her own fighter screen told me how bad she had been hurt so I waited of station till she was securely docked.

The captain comm'd me from the bridge of the Dauntless before he went on station for obvious reasons I limited my response to audio only.

"Captain my thanks he said simply I and my people are in your debt".
Should you ever get the opportunity to be off duty so to speak I'd be happy to buy you and your crew a beer".

The Captain obviously thought we were some black ops outfit and I said nothing to suggest otherwise. "The offer is appreciated Dauntless and one day I will be glad to take you up on it for now though we have pressing business elsewhere".

"Understood Captain my compliments then to you and your crew" He replied throwing me a salute before cutting the Link.

We jumped from there straight to Brennan's Triumph where a convoy was under attack form a group of pirates. The pirates had apparently been busy over the last few months and had upgraded from their normal ragtag bunch of fighters and had a Viper trying to cripple the Cargo ships with missiles.

The guards launched as soon as we had a clear picture of the situation and were busy engaging the fighters as I zeroed in on the Viper.
The execution was brutally swift the man piloting that ship had spent the money to acquire it but no amount of cash could give him a battle hardened crew to run it effectively and it showed we absorbed the missile hits that got through and they dented our shields a bit but once in range of our turrets we ripped him apart.

We escorted the convoy all the way to home of light with the Guard wing out and ourselves providing cover other pirates were clearly not tempted by the convoy despite the value of the goods it carried.

Clearly our reputation was spreading as we were now getting contract offers coming in that offered ridiculous amounts of credits.

Oh I took the jobs I had no qualms about accepting the money but after nearly a month of non stop action I called a break and we jumped to Avarice station where we could all take a breather from the hectic pace of missions that we had taken on.

I stayed on the ship for a week before the alter day crew had all had a chance for a run ashore and came back on board to relieve us.

I was tired I will admit as I stepped of the dock and headed for the station hub where we had a set of rooms and offices set aside for our exclusive use.
The attack was as swift as it was shocking one moment I was chatting to Gil as we walked towards the lifts the next, I knew I was being pushed to one side as a phase pistol caught me in the shoulder spinning me around and sending me crashing to the deck plates.

I reached for my own pistol and began firing at the Split who had shot me and was trying to get close enough to finish the job.
I stopped firing when I saw Gil leap at the Split and began to demonstrate how effective a skilled marine could be against a civilian.

"Don't kill him Gill" I shouted as she made to rip out his throat and I could see the anger in her eyes at me denying her the chance to finish him but she stepped back and let the stations security team take him to a holding cell.

With a little help I made it to my feet and was helped into the waiting lift where I was taken straight to the stations hospital.

The wound luckily was not as bad as I had feared the pilots suit I was wearing had taken most of the force of the shot and after a brief treatment I was able to walk out and rejoin my crew who were hovering by the Hospitals entry lounge.

Gil looked a little haunted till I caught her eye and winked at her she was the one who had pushed me to one side, but she was beating herself over not spotting the would be assassin earlier.
To be fair I should have anticipated it myself that some one would try to take a shot at me. The Praetorians as we were named were making an impact in commonwealth space and what better way to blunt that than to eliminate me.

"Hey Gil" I called "I owe you one now lets get settled in quarters and start to enjoy our leave beers at the casino tonight okay".

That settled the tension and I could sense that they were certain I was fine before they scattered and left me alone with Gil.
Therein lay my problem over the last few months we had developed a bond that went beyond friendship and I was being forced to look that in the eye right now.

"Hey Gil I could use a coffee about now join me" I asked. She gave me that thousand meter stare for a moment but nodded and walked with me as we made our way to my suite.

I managed the coffee but Gil had to handle the toast and we sat down at the small breakfast bar each waiting for the other to speak.

I was stumped to be honest I had thought at one time that me and Sandi might get together but over the months we had grown distant from each other in a way that hurt me and I had changed I realised.
The Dominator had become more important to me than she was and perhaps she had sensed that. We were still close friends but I accepted that we would never be more than that which left me in my current predicament.

Gil must have sensed something in my manner because I could see her bracing herself for what I was about to say even before I had a chance to put my thoughts into words.

I put down my coffee and took her hand "Gil I am trader born do you know what that means ?".

That stumped her and I saw her confusion so I continued to explain what I meant.
"Traders don't rush into things like this and a commitment is for life, it goes all the way back to the generation ships back before the earth was lost and we were still reaching out to the stars where there was a need for it".

I was getting it all wrong and I could see it but I held onto her hand whilst I sought for the right words that just would not come.

"Hey skip" she said at last "you have had a rough day we can leave this till later you know".

There it was she was giving me a chance to let her go without harm to either of us but I did not want to.

"This could get complicated Gil I breathed but I think we deserve to give ourselves a chance don't you ?".
There I had said it finally acknowledging how I felt about her, feeling more vulnerable than I had ever felt before.

She just squeezed my hand back then sat back and sipped her coffee, we sat there for what seemed and age just letting the thing that had grown between us settle into it's place.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 3. Mar 14, 21:58

The rest over in Avarice was a good idea the Guards needed the break they had been clocking more flight time than any one had a right to expect and it had started to show.

Onamu still stayed on the Praetorian and would often disappear for a day or so responding to calls for assistance. On one of those occasions she called for an assist from the Dominator and I did not have a chance to get back on board before it jumped out.

I spent the next few hours pacing up and down at the stations hub com centre waiting for news before I saw her jump back into sector and resume position of station.

The Praetorian jumped in later that day and I waited for Onamu to brief me on what had happened, resisting the urge to rip into Deklar my alter day Captain on the Dominator.

"Sorry for worrying you Vincent but that last contract got ugly real quick and I needed the Dominator to balance the firepower we were up against".
Onamu explained, "seems like we are attracting the heavy hitters when we take on a contract these days Vincent".

That was not good news it meant some one out there was targeting us and I had a good idea who but now was not the time to go into that.
"Suggestions" I asked knowing Onamu would have thoughts on that or else she would not be here.

"Missiles she answered swiftly at the moment we are carrying anti cap missiles and md defence missiles I suggest we start carrying tempest missiles they are expensive but they can wreak havoc in the right hands.

"Okay I will get us a stock of them" I agreed "if it keeps our people safe then I am not really worried about the cost Onamu".

"That's good to hear Vincent I have a load on board the Praetorian I'll send some over to the Dominator, so tell me how's the shoulder ?".

"It's pretty much healed up, Onamu I actually do have a decent medical staff on this station", but that was not what she was really asking.
Dammit why did every one want to know my personal business.

"I am not prying Vincent I think Gil would be good for you and you need her at your side from now on we cannot afford to loose you kid so take some advice from a marine on this treat her with respect you hear me ?".

I nodded at that and Onamu left to go back to her ship leaving me alone with my thoughts which at the moment were trying to work out if Onamu had just threatened me.
Which then led me back to thinking of Gil something I had been doing a lot of lately.
Contrary to popular belief traders did not normally get involved with outsiders unless they were going to join the life, oh we were no saints hence the stories of a girl in every port.

Therein lay my problem, I did not want what was growing between me and Gil to be some casual thing and here the reputation we traders had acquired over the years worked against me.

Gil walked in on me about then and I suspected some sort of telepathy thing that women had going for them.

"Problem Vincent" she asked grabbing a coffee flask and pouring me a fresh one.
She had obviously seen Onamu leave and had given me some time to deal with what ever news she had given me.

"Not really seems that pirates are taking our operations some what personally so she wants me to upgrade our ordinance for the ships. Speaking of which I am starting to get bored here how about we go back on board ?".

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