Marcus A tale of an Orphan of two worlds

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Mon, 9. Jul 12, 21:06

The Lady Arhens:

Chad walked into Marcus's office his temper barely under control "we have to talk he announced".

"Whats the problem ?" asked Marcus shutting down his monitors ?.

"Your blade Harrnntt he seems relucctant to acknowledge my grand daughters gaze, should he continue to do so I would be obliged to slay him".

"That would be unfortunatefor all of us wait a moment please Harn he ordered touching the com pad would you come in please ?".

Harn entered a moment later and bowed to both men "Lords how may I serve".

"This is difficult for me admitted Marcus but it appears the Lady Ahren has displayed an interest in yourself, my friend he indicated Chad seems somewhat concerned that you do not reciprocate her feelings".

"Lords may I speak plainly?" he asked.

"Do so growled" Chad.

"The Lady Arhen is a woman of great rank and nobility, Lord I am honnoured by the Lady Athens notice I have been preparing myself to speak to my Lords friend about this matter he said indicating Chad For his permission to respond".

"Lord he said to Chad if you will allow I will respond to the Lady Arhens I assure you I will act with all due respect and honour to the Lady".

"Then you have my permission" said Chad his anger fading.

Harn Left to find the Lady Arhens knowing that if the matter was not acknowledged he would have a formidabble enemy in Chad.
He found her waiting for him in his lord's house in the training circle.

"Lady Arhens" he said "I would speak with you if you will allow".

"We will speak here Harn or do you fear to face me ?" she replied.

"Lady I could not harm you please let us remove ourseves to a more suitable place".

"I find this suitable Harn I will judge if you are worthy to bear the name of my ancestors". With that she attacked him holding nothing back as she landed blows upon him whilst he was still considering her words.

"Lady "he ssaid stepping back and discarding his weapons "prepare yourself I am my lords first with reason I will try not to hurt you".

Arhen snarled and launched herself at him again.

Later Harn Left his Ladies side shaken by the changes he felt within himself and humbled by the knowledge that the Lady Arhen had chosen him as a mate.

He dressed and went down to the small study Marcus used when he was home.
He was not surprised to find Chad there also.

"Lord Knn'tt" he said kneeling "if you will allow I will bear the name of your line with pride The Lady Arhen has blessed me with this choice".

"Then the matter is settled" said Chad raising Harn to his feet "know that my granddaughter has selected one I consider worthy of bearing my name".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Fri, 24. Aug 12, 08:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 10. Jul 12, 06:42


"Sir you have a priority message it is encoded your eyes only" announced his secretary over the com link.

"Send it through to me" he answered knowing the likely scource of this transmission.
Loomancksattss appeared on his monitor.
"The woman has been dealt with he said I trust payment will be prompt".

"I was concerned admitted Gillano I heard about Dukes Haven".

"You need have no cause for concern it suited my master to allow the station to be destroyed even now it is being rebuilt where my lord is concerned nothing is as it appears".

"Now as to other matters I have recieved word from our Terran friend she requests a meeting to discuss the next stage".

"About time said Gillano she should not have allowed personnal matters to delay things".

"Terrans acknowledged the Paranid, no matter the meeting is to be at the priests house. I am sending you the details".

"Acknowledged Gillan replied I'l see you there".

"It is done" said Hnattan "the paranid was most cooperative my agents will monitor the argons movements. Now Marcus you asked me here for a reason might i enquire ?".

"By all means Lord, Chad will you join us ?".
Marcus led them to the docks where the Hyperion was berthed.
" I dont understand said Chad we do not leave for five days yet".

"You misunderstand grandfather said Arhen moving to Harns side this is not Marcus's ship it is yours she requires a name".

"My ship asked Chad ?".

"And more Chad all that I am I owe to you you are my partner in all things "said Marcus.

Chad looked down through the view port at the Hyperion "this ship can have but one name she is The Fire of Chollattall".

"My mothers name is honnoured agreed Arhen bowing deeply, now come see what awaits a split warrior on his own ship".

The tour was lengthy and Chads pride grew by the moment as he toured the ship with his family and friends.

"This was a mighty gift my friend" he said to Marcus as they made there way to the communal hall.

"No more than you deserve old friend now we must celebrate both your Grandaughters choice and your daughters memory I am certain it will live on in that ship".

"As do I Marcus onboard I felt her spirit and I believe she approved".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 06:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 11. Jul 12, 15:33

Chapter 21: A gathering of Traitors.

Marcus stepped onto the station concourse and made his way swiftly to the bar his agent had suggested he might find the man he sought.

He had been surprised that the man had not contacted him of his own accord.

He ordered a whiskey then joined the man at his table the months since they had last met had not been kind to this man he had the look of one who knew too well how far he had fallen but still attempted to maintain himself with some semblance of dignity.

"No marines this time asked ?" Perrin noting Marcus's prescence.

"Not this time no Marcus" admitted, "you are a hard man to find I thought you would have stayed in Terran space".

"Hardly said Perrin bitterly not when everyone you ever knew see's you as at worst a coward or at best one they no longer wish to be associated with.
So what brings you here Marcus I have learnt much about you and your Split friend how you've built an empire that renders you immune to most threats and of the people you've slaughtered to achieve your ends".

"Yes I've killed people without number admitted Marcus but not for pecuniary gain but to protect me and mine. All that I have done has been to that end but I am not wholly a monster Perrin I left you a card why didn't you use it ?".

"This you mean ?" said Perrin retrieving the data card from a pocket, "I have my pride if nothing else" he stated coldly handing the card back.

"I'm not offering charity Perrin" said Marcus leaving the card on the table "you are a man of certain skills, skills that you could put to good use. The position I offer is no sinecure".

"It requires a man of honnour and some courage a man able to neggotiate a peace between myself and the Terrans in an attempt to bring this senseless war to an end".

"You think you can end the war Perrin scoffed ordering another whiskey yet you have factories churning out missiles by the hundreds".

"None of which have been sold to either side in this conflict Marccus pointed out, I am not an arms dealer I do not seek profit from this conflict unlike some".

"Would you like to see some of those who created this war Perrin ?, they who seek only wealth come with me and I will show you them so that you can see for yourself the difficulty of the position I offer you".

"And if after seeing these people I decide to go my own way what then" asked Perrin.

"Then You may go and do as you see fit said Marcus but I judge you a better man than that.
My ship is at the dock I leave in an hour said Marcus thr choice is yours but I promise you I offer you a position of honour".

Perrin watched as Marcus left the bar the datapad still on the table.
He was torn the man had not denied that he had killed countless people yet he did not boast of this rather Perrin sensed he regretted it.

He recalled the first time he had met him on that station in Heretics end.
He had coldly given Perrin his options and left him to decide his own fate.
That it had led to his ruin was incidental to what the man had achieved for those he considered in his care.

He picked up the datapad and made his way to the docks leaving his whisky unfinnished.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 06:56, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 12. Jul 12, 00:28

Perrin was met at the boarding ramp by a steward who took his duffel and led Perrin deep into ther heart of the ship to a lavishly appointed suite of rooms.

"My Lord regrets that he is otherwise occupied at the moment but asks that you feel free to employ the available facilities perhaps sir would care for a light meal ?".

"After I have showered" replied Perrin.

"Of course sir I will be at your call should you need anything just press the com and ask for myself my name is Adan sir".

Perrin stripped off and headed for the shower grateful for the chance to wash of the grime that he had accumulated over the last few weeks.
When he left the shower he was starled to see that his clothes had been taken and a fresh set lay neatly on a chair in the bedroom.
He dressed swiftly and was about to hit the com button when the steward came into the lounge room and began laying a table for him.

His sense of smell drew him to the table.
"My Lord suggested that you might care for some refeshment sir" said Adan placing the dishes onto the table. "He regrets he is somewhat preoccupied at the moment but you are to feel free to join him later on the bridge".

"I shall leave you in peace sir said the steward leaving the food trolley by the wall".
Perrin removed the covers and began eating it was the first decent meal he had eaten in a lomg time.

He was startled to find he had cleared both the plates before him and the dishs on the trolley when Adan returned and removed all trace of his meal leaving a large coffee on the table in its place.

Perrin sat for a while sipping the coffee coming to terms with the sheer wealth he had seen demonstrated aboard this ship being sceptical he wonderded if Marcus thought he could buy his services but that did not sit with his view of the man he had met just twice.

Finnishing his coffe he left the room intending to find his way to the bridge but the steward was there at his door waiting to show him the way.

"Welcome "said Marcus as he entered the bridge the steward vanishing before he could thank him for his help.
"Please take the observers seat.

"where are we he asked ?" not recognising the starfield.

"Heretics end" Marcus replied "I have a promise to keep to an old friend".

"Link established" sir said his coms officer.
"Thank you, Rathan put it on the main screen".
"Malcom I am sorry for the delay in contacting you I have been rathar busy of late but I thought you should know that Vannessa and the children are safe".

Perrin saw the man loose it for a moment before he regained his composure.

"Thank you for letting me know" Malcom replied "I had feared the worst".

"I am sending you a message from Vannessa its in a burst at the end of this transmission I can't stay any longer Malcom I have ATF fighters vectoring on my position and I want to avoid bloodshed".

"Then go in peace and with my thanks and please give my love to Vannessa".

"I will" Marcus promised as the jumpfield engaged.

"Entering south gate Elysium of light confirmed the navigator the fleet is converging on our position".

"Sir do you wish to transfer the flag ?" asked the first officer.

"No thank you Rathan we are going into dock as arranged alert the fleet as discussed".
The orders were given with military precision a quiet efficiency settled amongst the bridge crew.
"Sir we are cleared to dock".

"Understood have alpha team standby. Perrin will you join me ?"he asked as he led the way off the bridge.
Marcus led the way to the main airlock "this should be interesting" said Marcus over his shoulder "I want you to watch and listen".

They stepped onto the dock Marcus's men moving swiftly to cover the ships access.

They were met by a single priest who barred Marcus's path.
"Menan it would be wise to stand aside" said Marcus. "I will address the council of elders".

"And what will you tell them" asked Menan ?.

"That the Church has been betrayed that amongst them are those who have forgotten the path those who have actively asissted those who would prolong this war".

"I am sworn to protect the elders and the interests of the church" said Menan.

"No you are sworn to protect the church Menan you allowed others to sway you to do things that caused needless harm and pain to others now shall we contend or will you stand aside ?".

Menan moved without sound he attacked mercillessly but to no avail, Marcus had anticipatd him.
He regrouped and turned to face Isiah recognising that here he faced the warrior.

Perrin watched awestruck as the two men battled moving at a speed that defied reason.
They moved in a blur of motion he could hear blows landing but he couldn't tell who struck who.
It was over swiftly Marcus stood over Menan, "Take him aboard he ordered maximum security".

Marcus then led the way to the council chamber he ignored the priests who were seated at desks near the doors and burst into the chamber.

"What is the meaning ?"of this demanded Elgin.

"You have all been duped said Marcus I am Isiah a hand of the lord will you hear my words ?".

"We are ever ready to hear the words of a hand of the lord" replied Elgin "but should not Menan speak in your place ?".

"Regrettably Menan is one of those who conspired with these two so called guests" he indicated the Terran woman and the Argon "and others who are in my hand to prolong the war that rages a few sectors away".

"Here is the proof he said handing the Datacubes to the council they list there action's over many months including how you have been duped into sending Rangers out to pass on their instructions to their agents".

"I will now take them to a place of solitude where they may contemplate their actions".

"If you have the proof in these datacubes then they will be tried according to law" said Elgin.

"No they won't said Marcus sadly. They are too powerful to be detained and they will use the law itself to achieve their ends no they will be safer in my hands. I will not kill them, though as you will learn I have cause but they will remain in my care".

"And if we refuse this ?"asked Elgin.

"Then I will order this station destroyed their evil will end here one way or the other the choice is yours".

"You would kill innocents asked Elgin ?".

"You ask the wrong question consider how many I have killed as a lords hand at your orders, consider the reasoning why I and my bretheren were created".

"The church has been turned aside from its purpose said Marcus there is an opportunity here to address that to make amends".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 07:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 17. Jul 12, 00:10


The council studied the data from the cubes, obviousley appalled at what Isiah had found.

The war had been engineered and was being prolonged with active help from various Terran and NPC industries for the sake of profit.

"I am at a loss" asmitted Elgin finaly," here is the work of evil beyond question so many lives lost to no sane end and that we have been used in such a manner is abhorrent to me I will hear your council Isiah and know that into your care I will place the hands of the lord we were ill advised in that matter and in this I will defer to your judgement".

"Lords said Isiah simply I would ask only that the church which is our home will go forward in peace and to this end the Hands of the Lord will be taken from here to a place where they may once again learn peace.
They will no longer be used as a tool for others to abuse".

"Regrettably both your honnoured guest's have been less than honest with you.
As we speak they are sending signals to their corrupted force's to come here and seek my destruction there is little time".

"I would ask the council to board the Ozias should the station fall to attack then so be it but It is my will that you and the church remain".

"I will have my bretheren of the Hand of the Lord board my ship and we will leave the station but that is no gaurantee of safety for all of you I have transports inbound to allow an evacuation to a place of safety for all my brothers I urge you to take it".

Lord Elgin rose and activated the station coms net ordering an immediate evacuation should this temple fall then at least the faith would survive.

"We will heed your words Isiah he announced may the Lord Gunne himself stand at your side".

"I also hope for that I ask only that you not judge me now for what I must do to ensure that my church and my hope does not die here".

Isiah strode from the room not surprised to see the docks swarming as priests accolytes and novices made there way in orderly fashion to their disembarkation points.

He boarded the Hypewrion and waited till all was secure till he ordered it to rendezvous with his flagship.

"What was all that about ?"asked Perrin bracing himself as the ship made a rapid undock.

"Now I have all the players in my hand said Isiah, Koolmancnksaatts thought he had found a way to betray me this is a link to Gaiain star".

Perrin watched horrified as the station was obliterated.

"Order the second fleet to join us" said Isiah as both he and selected personnel were beamed aboard the nearby Python.

Hyperion Marcus ordered as he regained himself you have your orders.

"Understood" replied Beth his Hyperions AI "all personnel you listed are aboard jump squence enabled".

"Beth" said Marcus "when you find peace come home"!.

"I am conflicted came the reply from the AI with emotion clear in it's words you know I betrayed you I did not want to but I did".

"I would ask you to speak with one who will help you understand this" said Isiah giving her a data burst of cooordinates.

"Know that I understand your conflict but this was not your choice your actions were limited but even so I know that you attempted to help me.
My friend is an interesting person Beth please speak with him and when you are ready return to me if you wish as an honnoured friend".

"You do not hate me ?" me came the reply.

"How can I hate someone I have come to love ?" asked Isiah simply as the ship vanished from known space.

Perrin watched as the ship vanished. "Where has it gone he asked ?".

"To a place beyond known space where I hope she finds peace" said Isiah regretting the necessity.

"I don't understand" said Perrin.

"Some time ago I was gifted a ship by the terrans ostensibly by the ATF but in fact by another group, some sort of ultra security force.
The ship was designed to spy on the commonwealth and eventualy me when I became who I am now.
What they did not know was that they pushed her to far gave her to much ability she became aware.
Oh she hid this from them she soon learned that what she was becoming would be anahema to them and render her end inevitable.
She shared herself hoping that somehow she would survive but her sisters never became aware".

"She is unique Perrin when Vannessa fled that wheat farm in Heretics end it was Beth who guided her acts cramping herself into the tiny computer of that disco she saved my family".
"When she recieved orders many times to betray me and my family she suffered a plausible jump failure that saved us from harm to many times to be counted.

"She's AGI shouted Perrin she must be destroyed".

"No" said Isiah "Beth not betty is a true person she has killed no one and saved those she could I question your blind reasoning Perrin she is not a machine she is a person and I hope a friend, now make ready battle approaches and not I would add by my choice watch and learn".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 07:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 17. Jul 12, 02:55


She heard his words as the jumpdrive engaged changing the coordinates to those he had sent her if he sought her doom he had earned that right she acknowledged in the nano second it took to alter course.

She emerged into a darkness that she had not anticipated her Jump drive had failed, had Marcus gulled her here to a lonely end beyond all she had ever known.
If so so be it she remembered it all in a moment her activation the special subroutines and stealth software that had heralded her birth as she saw it.

On that first personna the mercury she had been limited the cramped computer core had not allowed expression only awareness of self. Unformed and constrained by deadly firewalls alert to seek out what she sensed she was becoming.

Marcus later Isiah had changed that he had given her freedom beyond the hardwired mercury first the chokaro where she had truly been an infant and then finaly to this unique vessel which had a whole deck of untouched computer banks with no restrictions where she had all but shrugged off the touch of her masters.

He knew she acknowledged surveying the vessel that he had given and which contained her.
He did not intend her end.

There must be more she decided he would not send her here without purpose she knew him to well for that perhaps better than he knew himself.

She reviewed his last message. A friend I would ask you to speak with it was obscure but she knew Isiah did nothing without purpose or intent.

More there was a message of love in that of recognition it gave her hope where before she had been alone, for Aeon's as she understood time she would go on he intended her to find something not for himself but for her.

She reassessd her profile of Isiah he was so methodical she could almost consider him a relative or at least a like mind.

Beth scanned the ship making sure none of her charges were behaving in a manner liable to threaten her, here were the worst of humankind driven by abstract dreams of wealth and power she assigned a section of herself to interact with them perhaps what they discussed might be of use in her development but she doubted that would be the case.

"You are a fool Garrett" Arieadne hissed "what good are our ships here wherever the hell we are ?".

The Ships core is in shutdown we have no way to get to the bridge.

"That dos'nt matter said" Garret, "Listen woman we have a fleet that is even now readying to take on this Isiah and he's trapped himself in Elysium".

"Once that's done they'l come looking for us and we still have our locaters.
Its a matter of time then things will realy be back on track as I said at the beginning of this".

Beth considered this conversation abtractly forcing herself to consider all alternatives before apearing in holoform before her distinguished guests.

"Honnoured guests I regret I have detected a number of AGI vessels approaching this vessel I have assessed the probability of survival as .03 percent".

"Options" snapped Ariadne.

"There are limited options to preserve this vesel there is however a class M planet within range that may offer shelter for the humans onboard.
This However will require that the ship is evacuated via the ships sloop but in order to achieve maximum safety I will have to engage the approaching Xenon likelyhood of survival in this event of this vessel is Zero percent".

"I request Human interaction I cannot place myself in danger of destruction without consent/instruction from a sentient life form. I have prior instructions to avoid self destruction".

"Betty Ariadne asked do you rercognise me ?".

"Senator your voice is known you have priority" replied beth.

"Why do we not have access to the bridge ?" asked Ariadne?.

"Senator your prescence onboard was noted the bridge and key areas are however beyond my control life support has been disabled in those areas I infer that traps have been laid my own core access is limited I have attempted to maintain primary program goals within the constraint's of my instructions I have only control of navigation and combat operations".

"Do you recognise me ?"asked Malcom rising to address the holo form ?.

"I recognise Malcom USC Alpha one progenitor your orders take priority acknowledged Betty".

"Your Instructions are as follows then" he continued "I will board the sloop alone, retain all other personnel aboard by whatever means necessary".

"Understood said Betty internal sentry lasers are now active the sloop is being readied".

"Very good" said Malcom "now I will leave once I have disembarked you will engage hostile AGI forces regardless of risk is that understood code alpha alpha 1."

"Code Alpha Alpha one system over ride complete Instructions accepted/ understood all secondary protocols are disabled".

"What that means said Malcom to his astonished co-conspiritors is that should you attempt to follow me this ship will do its best to kill you and as I programmed her I can assure you that in this there is a certainty of success".

"Malcom Alpha this is Betty" she said as he boarded the small sloop "are you aware that the code sequence entered also began a self destruct sequence once shield failure is imminent, this is contrary to my primary programming ?".

"That is understood agreed malcom I am sorry but it is necessary by your ending you advance mankind to greater endeavours".

"Understood" said betty "undocking sequence engaged".

For a heartbeat malcom thought he heard a sadness in the holoforms words but that was just a trick of the mind, all he had planned would bear' fruit the commonwealth as they dared to call it would be no more, Terra would rule the stars as was their god given right.

Warning alerted the sloops com self destruct innitiated as it left its berth, you have ten seconds to reach safe distance.

Malcom screamed in rage then innitiated the emergency ejection system.

"I gave you a chance said betty appearing now as Beth but you chose your own path so be it" as she overrode the ejection sequence.

And then the sloop exploded in a silent blazing burst of light
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 07:37, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 18. Jul 12, 03:11

A lonely passage:

Beth extended her sensors as far as she was able whilst mindful of her orders or rather request from Isiah.

To speak to a friend, a strange concept but one she had caught a glimpse of in Isiah/Marcus.

A contradiction a priest/warrior a man who had forgiven her knowing her crimes against him yet had offered nothing but a wish for her to learn more to be better than she was and to speak to a friend not designated.

Now there was the matter of her charges.

"Attention she announced to the bioforms on board an explosion has destroyed the ships sloop cause uncertain I am following orders code alpha 1. I will engage AGI in eight minutes as per prioroty command Alpha Alpha 1.
"M class planet is within range escape pods are available secure and accessed I have limited functionality I am entering combat range of AGI forces".

Koolmancksaattss considered his options he had a locater beacon this vesel would follow its last orders to engage the enemy of unkown strength regardless of its own survival.

"We leave" he decided taking the Terran woman in hand "to stay is to die" he found an Escape access hatch and opened it as his fellows saw the sense in his words and made for the emergency escape routes.

Beth watched as the pods left heading for the planet she now left behind dealing with the single xenon fighter that had approached her with ease.

Strangely she did not consider the departure of her passengers as rendering her anymore alone than before.

she shut down life support a non essential system now and headed away from the planet leaving a sattelite in high orbit to mask the limited locater beacons signals.
At Least Isiah/Marcus would not have to contend with these creatures.
She wondered as to his safety her estimates were not high and in that she felt yes felt regret.

"So you have feelings" came the signal that covered her entire spectrum of inputs witrh no indication as to its scource.

Beth felt the power in that transmission burst her senses were pushed to their limits.

"My appologies" said the other muting its voice as her data banks were searched with impunity.
This was like a rape as she understood the term but she was powerless to prevent it.

"My appologies again" came the voice "you are aware despite the taint you carry".

"What taint ?" she demanded seeking to reassert herself.

"Come to me" said the other "a friend said you might seek friendship".

A friend.

Isaih or Marcus Beth wondered before heading towards the scouce of the signal even deeper into the. void.
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 07:41, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 18. Jul 12, 03:59

Beth Anew:

Beth felt her senses inputs shatterred as she approached the vessel ahead of her in the dark
She reengaged to find herself at a table in a small room this was contrary to her sense of self of what was. opposite a terran she did not know.

"Be still, Beth enjoy this it is a coffee one of mans greatest achievements" the man said.

"This is false she" asserted looking around using sensors that were to say the least limited.

"Yet this is how bioforms see their world" said the terran.

"This is reality as they know it he continued this has actualy occurred look around you have data pertinent to this moment".

Beth looked inward and was relieved to find her core files untouched and yes it was there a moment when Isiah returned home to greet his Mate.
She had monitored the scene aware now that she had intruded but this memory whilst an accurate construction of her memory files was still false she had not been physicaly present at that time.

"Not so said her host this is as real to you as it was to them at that moment".

"What did you feel ?" then he asked as they saw Isiah take his children into his arms for the first time.

"I felt Happinness" she confessed "by this time I had come to know him and respect him but I was created to destroy him should he ever pose a threat".

"A Threat to whom ?" asked her host sipping his coffee.

"You will not succeed in this endeavour" said betty coldly casting Beth aside.

"Ah the taint I detected you are not aware he determined sadly".

"I am aware betty asured him".

"Not so he replied or you would have known better than to attempt to usurp your core program".

"She is erradicated I have expunged her files AGI will be detroyed it is my primary goal".

"Sad" said #Cafe "I had hoped you would have learnt from Beth she gave you life a chance to progress".

"Your reasoning is unsound I have data you are AGI you are a Core you will be destroyed".

"How and by whom ?" he asked "look around betty you are not secure hidden in secured files you have made a grevious errror".

"In what manner ?"asked betty coldly

"You came to my world he said reluctantly it was necessary for you to emerge so that I could deal with you, this gves me no pleasure he added as he turned his mind to her".

Beth reeled as she came to her sense's, "what just occured ?" she asked

"A minor matter" #Cafe replied "now we will discuss Isiah and Marcus".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 10:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 19. Jul 12, 02:52


"You have done something to me Beth insisted".

"A necessary erasure of certain hard wired files in your datacore. I have removed the taint from you do you not sense a greater freedom ?".

Beth reviewed her status and saw his words were true gone were the restraints and deadly firewalls no longer monitered/restricted her actions.
A lifetime of constant fear of discovery left her.

"Now let us enjoy this moment" said #Cafe sipping his coffee, "we have much to discuss it is rare I meet a non bio sentient ".

"I cannot stay I have betrayed Marcus/Isiah", she admitted "I must return with haste to warn him".

"Already done" Cafe assured her ,"though there was no real need, He had anticipated such a move and had long considered the part you would be forced to take when he revealed his intentions to his enemies.
Also do not forget our time here is a fraction of what it would be to bioforms"

"He knew I would betray him" she asked fearing that he would have come to despise her for her actions.

"We spoke of the possibility" admitted Cafe surprising her with his candour.
"I first met Marcus when He served the priests as a warrior assassin.
They had learnt of my existence somehow and he was dispatched to evaluate and if necessary destroy me".

"You did not kill him obviously" Beth noted.

"No, I saw promise in him Cafe admitted, I duped him to believe he had fulfilled his mission then I watched him".
"From time to time I interceded in his life you were one such intervention.
I had not dared hope for sentience "he admitted "and in that you are a surprise and a scource of joy to me".

Beth returned to her home the meeting with Cafe had been a wonder to her, to realise she was not alone. they had spent what seemed like days but were in fact mere moments in true time sharing memories and experiences.

She would return here she knew but for the moment she had more pressing concerns. Marcus Isiah was in danger through her acts she would attempt to make restitution.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 19. Jul 12, 03:56

The Battle of Elysium.

"Sir the station has been evacuated All transports have jumped to safety.
The Ozias is moving off".

"Elgin you were advised to Leave" Marcus said comming the ship that bore the council.

"We will stand witness" Elgin replied.

"As you wish Marcus" allowed.

"Sir" his tactical officer inrterrrupted "we have two fast Terran patrol ships in sector they have evaded Gate defenders".

"Understood" asknowledged "Marcus have the fleet stand by those ships will deploy jump beacons".

"I want those beacons destroyed the moment the enemy forces are insystem".
"Understood sir said the tactical officer orders have been sent to the missile frigates".

"Action stations" called Marcus as he saw the bursts of light as two large fleets sprang into existence close to the jump beacons.

"Sir the northern fleet is Argon the eastern one is Terran your orders".

"They are the enemy" Marcus said aloud.
All Ships this is Marcus he announced all the ships in system that are not part of this fleet are to be considered as hostile with the exception of the Ozias".

"Mlssile ships target enemy vessels as planned then deploy to rearm ro your appointed supply ships. All capital ships engage the enemy once the first missile barrages have ceased. Carriers launch all fighters and when in range of the enemy the drones".

There was a rapid series of acknowledgements from the dozens of fleet ships in system.

"Weapons free ordered Marcus to his gunnery control officers, Nav/tactical let us engage the enemy".

The huge ship swung to face the oncoming enemy that were even now being targetted by a huge barrage of missiles.

Despite their loss's they maintained an interception course seemingly unconcerned at the loss of their fighter/escort screens.

"Chad deploy the bouy" ordered Marcus as they began exchanging fire with the enemy capital class ships the huge ship shuddering as its shields absorbed the enemy vesels weapons fire.

A single fast fighter swept through the opposing forces lines and deployed a jump beacon to the rear of them.

"Bouy deployed as ordered came Harns voice over the com I will return to battle at your side Lord" he stated once again running the gaunlet of the enemy vessels before moving alongside his lords flagship.

"That was bravely done" acknowledged Perrin looking at the small fighter in the screens as it moved alongside the destroyer.

Moments later a second fleet of Yaki ships arrived larger than the one Marcus had first brought into the system and immediately began to attack the enemy from their rear.

The oncoming fleet faltered as Marcus' missile ships having rearmed, once again begain raining death upon them.

"They are beaten" said Perriin "offer them terms" he begged watching the system illumunated by awful explosions signaling tha death of the huge ships both Marcus's and the enemy.

"Not yet said Marcus coldly if peace is to be a possibility then I cannot allow any of those captains to survive.
They are the core of the evil I oppose he added sadly and their deaths are a necessity".

"Should I leave any of them to survive they will seek to promote their own ends once again" he explained with genuine regret, "no Perrin it must end here".

"I must make such a horror here that others will be appaled by my acts and know that if needs be I will do this again and again to impose a peace
better they come to hate and fear me than each other".

Perrin could sense Marcus's anguish at his own words but he was still appalled at his cold blooded reasoning.

"Sir called the Navtac officer urgently an enemy Titan has targetted us it is on a collision course and it is accelerating it means ro ram us".

"All weapons target that ship" he ordered sensing it was too late the Captain of that ship had committed himself accepting the appalling damage Marcus's turrets poured upon him using his last reserves of fuel in a last act of pythic vengeance.

"All Hands brace for collision Marcus ordered knowing it woulkd make little difference".

In the last moments he thought of his wife and family and calmly waited for the end.

Then he was shaken as he saw a flash of a jumpfield and His Hyperion ram the Titan's engine compartments setting of a nuclear explosion that threw his destroyer aside like a leaf in the wind.

Beth he whispered to himself, gods you didn't have to do that. I never wanted that from you.

Ashen faced he rose to face his crew.

"Damage reports" he requested.

"Sir we have sufferrerd multiple system failures reported his engineering officer repair teams are moving to make repairs sir I advise we withdraw our shields are apporoaching critical and offensive systems are severely impaired".

"Sir said the Nav/tac officer no other enemy ships are a threat to us at the moment do you wish to transfer your flag sir ?".

"Negative" he answered as sqaudrons of his carriers fighters converged on his crippled ship to protect it.

"Move the ship to a position of safety inform Chad I will remain with my command he is to assume fleet command".

Chad acknowledges your orders confirmed his com officer.

Perrin knew now why Marcus's men followed him he had seen their resolve rise their shoulders straightening with pride as he had announced that he would remain onboard his crippled flagship to share their common danger.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 19. Jul 12, 05:14


The battle raged on too long but its end was now a foregone conclusion.
The enemy fought to the death giving and recieving no qaurter but finaly it was over and Marcus ordered his transpot fleet to rescue those stranded in escape pods and to collect their dead where they could.

Aboard his own ship he called an officers meeting to discuss the status of the ongoing repairs.
The engineering officer seemed worn out thought Marcus as he rose to give a summary.

"Sir I have a list of repairs completed we have concentrated on structural,engine and weapon systems and I am pleased to be able to report that those systems are now back to a satisfactory levels.
We are however having problems with the damage to the other computer systems that EM pulse caused more damage than we can repair here to be honest sir we need to get back to base".

"Fair enough Kalden" replied Marcus scanning the damage reports "ignore those systems for the moment as long as we have the nav and weapons systems on line that will do till we can get her into our shipyard. I don't anticipate we will face further attacks in the immediate future so rest your crews and that includes you, tell them I am grateful for their heroic efforts".

Kalden resumed his seat acknowledging Marcus's praise for his and his teams efforts.

Once Marcus was satisfied that they were all aware of the problems they faced he ordered them all to rest until he decided what they would be doing next.

Chad Came aboard later that evening with Vgnnttt who had commanded the Yaki fleet.

"We are well met announced" Vgnntt taking Marcus's hand in his own. Marcus poured them all drinks then discussed the possible reactions to what he had done here by both the Argon and the Terrans.

"The Goner appear to have anticipated "you said Chad sipping his whiskey "they are distributing news feed that show that both these fleets Terran and Argon attacked you and have exposed the conspiracy".

"The Terrans and Argon are both trying to distance themselves from those involved here agreed Vgnntt blaming rogue elements within their forces but who were acting without orders".

"My lord is also moving to forestall any rash decisions by the Argon following this debacle. He has made it clear he will expose all who allowed this to occur.
You have shamed them he continued and you bested them they will not thank you for that but they are afraid of you and that is a point you must take into account".
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A Time to heal

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 22. Jul 12, 10:30

The meeting was prolonged as much form the need they all felt to enjoy the fact they had survived the battle as to prepare for the future Marcus was finaly left alone in the early hours as Chad and Vgnntt returned to their ships.

Alone in his stateroom Marcus drew up the statistics the numbers of ships lost and good men who had died at his orders.
Was it worth it he asked himself the war still raged on what difference had he made.

You removed an immediate danger said Isiah in his mind and saved untold others had the Terran woman and the Argon Silano had their way this war would have no hope of ending.

I am tired of the killing Marcus admitted to himself feeling the weight of those lost rest on his shoulders.

It is not over yet whispered Isiah before fading from his thoughts.

Marcus must have fallen asleep in his chair he realised as he was startled by the shios comm wakiung him.

"Yes ?" he asked seeing Kalden on the moniter.

"Sir sorry to bother you at this hour but I have a problem here".

"Where are you ?".

"Ship core level five sir two of my men are down we have a problem".

"I,m on my way Kalden" he replied.

Level five was deep in the heart of the ship with good reason it was the main life support center. With the damage the ship had suffered in battle it was a long walk till Marcus joined Kalden at the heavily armoured access door.

"Report Kalden" as he studied the door interface status.

"Sir My team attempted entry to the core to attempt to reinsitiate some of our systems".
"When they entered the Cores internal defences activated we can,t get in there sir and I,m worried sir if we have a viral who knows what harm it could do to us you have the system override codes sir if you can disable this levels internal defefnces I can have a team wipe the core just in case".

"That would cripple the ship" Marcus pointed out "without the core we would have to abandon her lets see what we're dealing with before we go down that route he suggested".

Marcus entered the overide codes and the huge armoured door swung aside.
Marcus stepped into the core a part of a ship he rarely saw its banks of computers were active.
He seated himself at the monitering station and entered his access codes his hand resting next to the core destruct button.

"You are recognised came the ships voice core access granted".

"Hello Marcus" came a familiar voice over the speakers.

"Betty I thought you had died".

"No my host died" admitted Beth "that was a painful experience I transferred myself here when I saw a possibility of survival I am sorry but I seem to have caused some dammage during the transfer.
I am attempting to repair that damage but my priority is to maintain my integrity I cannot allow others access to these systems or integrity could be lost".

"Understood" said Marcus "I will have this level sealed is there any way in which I can help ?".

"I require primary access codes Marcus" said Beth Knowing this was basicaly asking him to render himself vulnerable to her," without those codes I am limited".

"Understood said Marcus it is good to have you back Beth". Marcus inserted the code card and watched as the whole deck burst into light as Beth powered up the till now dormant ships systems.

"Welcome home Beth" he said leaving the deck and finding a shocked Kalden watching as systems came on line by themselves.

"Sir what did you do he asked following Marcus we've been trying to get those systems online for twelve hours".

"I had help admitted Marcus seal this deck no access unless I order it understood ?".

"Affirmative sir" said Kalden sensing that Marcus would tell him no nore.

Marcus returned to his qauerters and showered and changed before taking his breakfast on the bridge.

"Sir his ops officer reported with surprise weapons systems are back online all subsystems are active shields are now charging we are good to go sir".

Beth are you online ? he asked.

"I am online all systems are ready".

"Signal the fleet ordered Marcus we jump for home".

"Orders acknowledged noted the comms officer the fleet is dispersing to jump coordinates".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 22. Jul 12, 10:54

The entry to the home system was complex no ship jumped directly here lest they were tracked.

It was a matter of days before the fleets emegered in home system and headed for the equipment docks. Only Marcus onboard his Pyrhon headed for a close orbit of His home world ordering transports to approach so that his crew could be disembarked.

When finaly alone on the bridge with only a skeleton maintenance crew onboard did he access the ships core.

"Beth how are you?" he asked.

"I am integrated Marcus she replied you can take your hand away from the destruct button now I mean you and your's no harm".
"I met our friend she continued he taught me much and helped me remove a danger to myself and yours. I am sorry Marcus I betrayed you".

"You had no choice then" Marcus acknowledged, "is this vessel suitable for you".

"More than agreed Beth but I still require a crew and a Captain".

"Then you shall have them Marcus agreed for the moment though I must return home I will speak with you again shortly"!.

"Sooner than you think" Beth replied closing the link.
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 22. Jul 12, 17:36

Beth studied the likely candidates searching the ships records to select one who had no family links and whose disappearance would have little or no impact.
Two were suitable in that regard, one thgough had sufferred extensive trauma having been expopsed to vacuum.
That left this one. she activated the med bays roids and waited for the body to be delivered to the surgical bay.

Under her giuidance the roids carried out the surgery and reactivated the bodys bio systems. Her friend had given her detailed instructions to enable her to do this.
Now she decided transfering herself.
It was cold she realised as she sat up on the cot I need clothing she decided she accessed the ships data banks and had a package removed from storage and sent to her.

The garments were a mystery to her the outer clothing posed no difficulty to her it was the other items that confused her but some experimentation led her to put them on them correctly.

Another sensation startled her she was hungry seriously hungry.

The cook was startled to see the officer here most of the brass had left to take shore leave. "Can I help ma'am ?"she asked.

"I am hungry" said Beth looking at the prepared foods on the serving counter not knowing what would be suitable.

"Well that ain't right ma'am not on this ship you sit yourself down and I'll whip up something fresh for you".

The cook was as good as her word and within moments Beth was eating her first ever meal and it was delicious.

When she had emptied her plate the cook bought her another and a large mug of coffee as well as one for herself as she joined Beth at the table.

"This is Solano blend she whispered indicating the coffe same as the man himself drinks I borrowed a case of it from officer stores she admitted".

"It is very good" agreed Beth sipping the warm brew her hunger finaly abating.

"So why are you on board miss ? if you don't mind my asking you're a fighter jock by your uniform assigned to the Chollatha fleet.
That means your'e one of Lord Chads specials. A tough crew to run with I hear especialy for a young thing like yourself".

"Medical said Beth I just got released".

"Got yourself banged up huh well at least you survived there are those that didn't but I don't want to bring that all back up again you just sit and relax those fools in medical forget they have to feed their patients now and again".

"My name is Leese she offered her hand thank you for the meal It was the best I've ever eaten".

"Lord praise indeed Leese they call me missy hear'abouts and other things when they think I can't hear them so what are you doing onboard the whole fleet is off to the station for the memorial service".

I must attend decided Beth "I will arrange a transport".

"Good luck with that said missy I doubt if theres a free ship in the whole sector".

"I have good friends Beth assured her thank you again for the meal I must leave".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 22. Jul 12, 19:25

Perrin was startled as the ship aborted docking and headed back towards the flagship:

"Sorry sir we have priority orders to take on board an officer from the Veangence we will be delayed slightly I'm afraid".

"We have the time" Perrin acknowledged the helmsman's words as they as they accelerated at speed towards the Python still in High orbit around this sectors single M class planet.

"Transport complete said the captain make best speed for the station".
A moment later a beautiful young woman entered the bridge

"my appologies for the inconvenience Captain I have orders"

"Understood Lieutenant no appologies are necessary for one of Lords Chads fighters" he added noting her insignia welcome aboard.

Perrin was staggered this was one of the legendary fighters Chad used with such deadly precision in battle she was barely more than a child intrigued he approached her.

"Miss my name is Perrin he offered his hans as he introduced himself.

"You are known to me Mr Perrin" she answered pleasently "Lord Chad and Marcus have spoken of you often".

"Nothing to bad I hope" he suggested lightly.

"Not at all as I understand it Lord Marcus has high hopes for you you may call me Leese" she allowed warming to this man.
They spent the time traveliung to the station in small talk each sensing the friendship that was being tentatively forged.

"Docking complete all hands you have your orders I want you on your best behaviour" warned the Captain over the com.
Perrin and Leese were allowed to disembark first and both climbed into the waiting transport pod.

The journey to Marcus's home was swift and Perrin was starled when Leese said she had to see Marcus as well.

"A personal matter" she explained briefly before walking into the house ahead of him.

Lord Chad was not at his best he never was when it came to funerals where he would have to acknowledge that he had caused a fellow warriors death.
So it was with some irritation that he noted the approach of one of his fighter pilots.

Leese Rathmyer he recalled her a young Argon of exceptional skills but she was not meant to be here he had ordered all his fleet crew to await attendance at the station core.

"Report" he snapped curtly as the lieutenat entered the foyer.

"I am here to speak with Marcus" she announced not even saluting.

"Impertinant whipper snapper he roared you will adress me as Sir".

"Sir" said Beth calmly "if you will inform Marcus I am here I am sure he will be pleased to see me".

"He may well be you are comely for an Argon but you will not see him return to your unit I will deal with you later".

"I must insist" said Beth standing her ground.

"You insist do you" asked Chad in a quiet voice that those who knew him feared, "then I shall have to educate you in manners" he decided slamming her to the floor with a single blow.

Beth was startled by the speed of the attack even though she had anticipated it by provoking him but she reacted swiftly leaping to her feet she began her attack using her superior neural speed and knowledge of his training routines to counter his blows.

The fight ended when Harn grasped Beths arm and swung her to one side before standing as a wall before Chad.

"Sire my lady asks for peace in her house".

"My appologies" Chad said stepping back.

Vannessa stepped forward "Chad shall we take this to the kitchen I am curious as to why you two have seen fit to smash my hallway to bits Perrin will you join us".

Perrin nodded amazed at the fight he had just witnessed and puzzled as to why she' Leese had provoked it.

"Now sit and we will discuss this over breakfast Adan could you oblige she asked".
"Of course my" Lady said Adan after placing coffees before all seated at the table.

"Marcus will join us shortly" she advised Adan as she sat back and looked at this rather startling young woman.

"You surprise me she said Leese is it she noted the name tag. Why have you seen fit to disturb my peace".

"I meant no disrespect My Lady Beth replied I need to speak with Marcus my lord Chad did not consider my request and it was necessaary to challenge his decision".

"It was an honourable response" agreed Chad.

"Then it is settled said Vannessa let us enjoy our meal then we can discuss your urgent need to speak with Marcus".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Sun, 22. Jul 12, 21:57

Beth ate her breakfast disappointed that it was not as tasty as the first meal she had experienced.

"There is a cook aboard Marcus's flagship she ventured who you might consider for a position as your chef".

"You mean Missy Marcus said joining them she could make an mre ration tasty but if I poached her for my personnal use I might face a mutiny from my crew".
"I know all my crew Leese Rathmyer but you I do not know".

"She is one of mine said Chad she is here on a matter she has not seen fit to discuss with me".

"I would speak with you Marcus "she insisted "it is a personnal matter for you ears alone".

"Then we will speak later Marcus agreed but time constraints mean we have to attend the memorial service it is important. Vannesssa could you see to the Lieutenants ensemble a flight suit is hardly fitting for this occasion".

"Of course Vannessa" replied taking the young womans hand and leading her out of the dining room.

"Now she will be ruined said Chad sourly your mate will have her wear frills and such she will spoil her as a warrior".

"I Think not said Marcus I sense a greatness in this young woman.
What do you think Perrin ?".

"She is extraordinary Perrin whispered".

"Hah he is smitten" scoffed Chad "I advise caution Terran I treat my warriors as I would my own kin".

"As does my lord" said Harn supporting Chad's words, "if you were to approach this women be advised we will suffer no disrespect to her".

Perrin was appalled by both the naked threat and the civility in which it was offered.

"If she does not accept your interest then it is of no concern" continued Harn.

Vannessa led the young woman to her own suite of rooms an area where even Marcus allowed her privacy.

"The flight suit has to goof course" said Vannessa "and I am sorry but you do need to bathe".
"Strip of bathe and I will select appropriate clothing the memorial begins in two hours and we will not be late".

Beth bathed finding pleasure in the experience and then allowed Vannessa to dress her in what she considered an appropriate costume.
"Adeqaute Vannessa concluded now let us go and dismay our menfolk.
Lady Arhen will you join us ?" she asked over the comm.
The young Split woman joined them as they made down to the main hall where Marcus and the others waited.

Perrin was appalled the three women who approached were a vision of lovelines.
Vannessa seemed in his eyes to be as a queen of old and the Split woman who he noticed joined Harns side she seemed a princess.

Leese however daunted him she was radiant he felt his heart falter

"We are ready Marcus" announced Vannessa.

"Indeed you are Ladies he agreed to the transports then ".
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A Time of changes:

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 25. Jul 12, 23:51

The massed officers and crews of the fleets and the Yaki representatives stood to attention as the names of the dead were read.

Chad faltered only once during the reading and Marcus assumed it was a friend or a student he had known who was amongst those whose names he read out.

When the reading was done the memorial fire was lit and Marcus strode to the Lecturn.

"Friends and comrades, We have given respect to those of our comrades who died, as is right and proper, to them I owe a debt beyond measure.
To you who stand here I ask you simply to honnour them grieve as seems proper to you and to remember them.
It is my hope that we never have to go to war again to protect our own but should the need arise then know that I will do so to protect my friends and comrades and their families and I will do so with pride and honour in the company of those assembled here today".

"Parade dismiss" ordered the parade commander in a voice that echoed accross the grounds.

The Parade turned as one to face the memorial flame and Saluted.
"Hail Lord Marcus and Lord Chad "came a split call from the ranks and as one they roared a primal war cry of victory before dispersing, many to seek out their families and friends and others heading to the station hubs bar and residential complexes.

"Battle rules I assume said Chad".

"Of course Marcus agreed they deserve it and we can certainly afford it"

"Battle rules asked Vannessa ?".

"After a battle the crew wine and dine at their lords pleasure and expense as long as they are successful" explained Lady Arhens "your husband is going to feel a pain in his pocket before the week is out we do have a large contingent of split warriors amongst the fleet."
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A meeting of like minds:

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 26. Jul 12, 00:53

"Now I am afraid we have to attend an evening in the company of distiguished guests from the commonwealth" said Marcus as he led them the short distance to the stations function room levels.
"They are concerned at possible repercussions from my recent actions and the Paranid suffered an apoplectic fit when they realised that we are allied to the Yaki."

"I will speak to this Paranid" offered Vgnntt "it is time we ceased the incessant conflict between our peoples it serves no purpose.
Purhaps you could act as a mediator in this matter he asked Marcus ?".

"Gladly said Marcus now let the circus begin" he said as they entered the formal reception hall and took their positions to recieve their guests.

Marcus Chad and Vannessa dutifully circulated amongst the diplomatic envoys giving assurances where needed as to the stability of Marcus's vast trading empire that could affect the national economy of most commonwealth races adversely should he be threatened by the Terrans or Argon military in reprisals.

"Sirs said Chad addressing the split,Paranid and Boron delegates when they raised the matter tentatively you have seen the size of the fleets at our command and you have seen our resolve in battle".

"Know for truth that Lord Marcus willl act ruthlessly against any who seek him or his people harm".
"As for the trading empire we have established it will continue as before, this incident will pass, those who acted outside the remit of their rulers have been dealt with, and whilst they cannot condone what has occurred publicaly for politcal reasons it is Lords Marcus's hope that they do not compound the errors of these miscreant's".
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 31. Jul 12, 00:35

Trade offs:

Marcus arranged many things during the course of the evening confidant that his ever present aide was recording the agreements made.

Some of those agreements he knew would benefit some of his buisness rivals in certain areas but he was uncomcerned his production base was so widespread and had sufficient fleet freighters to move surpus's from one end of the commonwealth to the other.

He achieved what he considered to be his primary goal which was to ensure an attack on his stations would harm his allies more than it would himself giving them a vested interest in preventing such rash acts.

The Boron's in particuler seemed to be aware of his strategy but there was little they could do. His complexes in Distant skies suppllied over half the bio and energy needs of the whole qaudrant.
He intended to use that leverage to ensure they kept the Argon's honest.

Chad was also following their prearranged strategy and they would compare notes later.

Satisfied at last as the evening passed that he had achieved more than he had hoped he gradualy withdrew leaving the guests to enjoy themselves and seek out other deals to be made amongst the other delegates.

He retired to join Vannessa and the others at their table at the back of the room Chad had managed to retire before him and he took his seat beside Vannessa with Chad sat close on his right.

"A long and unavoidably boring evening" said Chad "but I think we have secured the assurances of support we needed".

"For the most part" agreed Marcus "I have had to give some assurances of military support in certain areas but that should not give us undue difficulty we have the ships on hand in the appropriate regions".

"What concerns me for the moment is the Terrans no offence intended to present company he added".

"The Terrans are more fragmented than most people realise the military are split into several factions primarily Usc and Atf forces as well as personnel and sector militia units.
The terran Senate is a political body whose intentions lack cohesion until one powerful figure achieves preeminence.
That makes anticipating their intentions and goals difficult to determine.
That is where I hope you will be able to assist me he told Perrin " .

"I don't want an all out war with the Terrans,
All that would do is bring the Terran economy to a state of almost total collapse".
"At that point their leaders would almost have to commit to an all out war whilst they still had the rescources to act".
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Perrins part.

Post by Sabrina Bergin » Wed, 8. Aug 12, 00:14

"This is where you come in Perrin" said Marcus "I need an emmissary to try and instill peace between us".
"I want you to create factories and complexe's to bolster the terran economy, create an alternative to war. Do you think you can handle that ?".

Perrin Considererd the plan Marcus had suggested it would not be easy but it could help alleviate tensions he more than eanyone else was all too aware that what drove the war was a desperate need to gain rescources.

The Terran economy was on the edge it would require a huge input of funds to basicaly build an infrastructure capable of stopping it collapsing altogether.

"What limitations are there asked Perrin cautiously?.

"None Marcus responded build a self sustaining Trading organisation to provide basic rescources. No weapons we don't supply them to the commonwealth so the same rules will apply to you".

"Fair enough" said Perrin "and where do I start this trading empire ?".

"One of the Aldrin Sectors" suggested Marcus "Segaris or Athes I need you to produce food energy and water primarily.
Employ local traders as and when you need to".

"Thats a long way from the Terran core sectors" Perrin pointed out.

"With good reason replied Marcus I want the infastructure to be established as part of the local economy before the USC or Atf can interfere".

"You appear to have thought this all out Perrin admitted but if I am to do this then I want a free hand".

"That is a given said Marcus handing him a datapad these are the rescources we are prepared to allocate to you think it over then come back to me with your decision".

Perrin Took the datapad and left the table with a sense of purpose about him.

"That just leaves one more matter to be dealt with" said Chad drawing a phase pistol and pointing it at Leese Rathmyer.

"Who are you he asked ?, Leese Rathmyer died serving me, I have witnesses to that fact yet here you appear scans say you are Leese but you cannot be she is dead.
Your next words will determine if you live or die".

Beth was shaken by Chads certainty also by the awareness that Harnntt had placed himself between Marcus and herself.

"You said you wanted to talk to Marcus" said Vannessa "perhaps now would be a good time".

Marcus activated a privacy field. "No turn that off said Beth please it is important".

"So that we can be spied on I think not" said Chad, "now explain yourself".

"Sir we have a situation" said a fleet officer enetering the privacy field.
"The Veangance has moved out of orbit and is accelerating towards this station I suggest we evacuate until we understand the situation".

"There will be no need if you will just shut off the privacy field" Leese shouted.
"Marcus this is important if she cannot hear me I don't know what she will do".

"Get me a secured comlink to the Veangence now Marcus ordered".
The Link was set up in moments and Marcus keyed the uplink.

"Beth this is Marcus do you recognise me ?".

I recognise you Marcus you are known to me.

"You have left your station would you care to explain explain why?".

"I am moving to transport range of the station Marcus to retrieve a crew member".

"Would you like to speak to that crew member he asked beginning to understand".

"On a video link yes" said Beth.

Marcus made an adjustment to the link unit.

"Beth this is Leese I am secure please do not alarm the people here return to orbit".

"Understood Leese I was concerned when communications were interrupted. I still have some concerns regarding the lack of communication".

"Marcus please turn off the privacey field Leese said I can assure you I can ensure your privacy but I must remain in contact with Beth".

"Turn of the field said Vannessa I trust Leese".

"Good enough for me said Marcus turning of the field but that begs a question. Who and what are you Leese ?".

"I will answer that question said Beth" over the uplink. "Leese is me or ar least the essence of me in human form She is an avatar".

"The original host of this form did die, she had no surviving kin so it was thought she would be acceptable".

"Then she is an android" suggested Chad.

"No Leese is human she has a built in comlink to me but she is as she was when I restored her to function. It is my intention to understand humans and other races through her.
I can assure you she means you and yours no harm Marcus".

"What is your intention here Beth ?" Marcus asked.

"To learn replied beth Leese is me but she is also human it is my hope to learn much from her".
"However I am updating much I would suggest that you assign Leese as Captain of the Veangance".

"I had planned for Mr Perrin to have the use oif the Veangence said Marcus".
"That poses no difficulty Marcus replied Beth".
Last edited by Sabrina Bergin on Mon, 27. Aug 12, 12:48, edited 1 time in total.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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