Condition: Null [DiD - Total Xenon Xenocide] - BANKS, RANA - KIA

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Post by Zaitsev » Thu, 14. Jan 10, 22:41

Stargate? :p

On the other hand - Xenon, replicators... All Chips.

Great story, by the way :thumb_up:
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by tidurlagi » Fri, 15. Jan 10, 03:54

This is nice story, i thinks its too early for Rana to .....

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Post by Catra » Fri, 15. Jan 10, 03:58

heh, that press conference reminded me of the terran ending of starcraft: broodwar.

be so epic if you got a pic of a space coffin ^_^, assuming this great DiD is over =[ *secretely doesnt want it to end*

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Post by eldyranx3 » Sat, 16. Jan 10, 06:10

2938-05-05 08:45 – Chapter 34 - War! We're going to WAR!

Throughout Earth's prestigious history, there have been many great naval engagements.

This was not one of them.

Through the acrid haze of blown control consoles, the space in front of the cracked view port lurches forward with gut wrenching momentum as 'Kharak' enters the StarGate's Iris. Normally, this is a smooth transition. With inertial dampeners offline at the moment and the frigate on reserve power, we are lucky to slide back into the border of Paranid space in realitively one piece.

Without main power, 'Kharak' drifts below the military base in 'Preacher's Refuge', most of its running lights flickering intermittently. There is no telling how long it takes before that Destroyer comes through the gate after us. So far, it looks like the frigates in the distance have yet to turn in my general direction. Loki be damned if they do.

Now that Gauss rounds aren't impacting my brittle shields, the stress on the energy generator seems to have lifted. After a few minutes, we're up from 23% shields to 66%. Damage Control reports that the damage looks worse than it really is. There are no breeches in the outer hull that they can determine, but the majority of the primary power couplings are fried out, as if by Ion Pulse or EMP technology.

USC Intel didn't think the Beetles had anything like that tech, but in a recent poll X-Universe citizens voted Paranid as the most advanced Commonwealth Race. Either way once primary power is restored, I have Merlin, the NAV-COM AI on board 'Kharak', plot a jump course back to Terran space. Its about that moment when the Odysseus that the two Deimos were escorting undocks from the military base and plots an intercept course.

Mr Wizard! Get me the Hell out of Here!

One welcomed flash later 'Kharak' exits its way out of Tannhauser Gate near Orion's Shoulder. At least the Khaak's K-beams aren't glittering in the dark like they did when they invaded 'Heretic's End' four years ago. I have Comm attempt the hail the Orbital Defense Station and inform them of our situation, but it seems use of the jump drive has temporarily overloaded our already strained sub- systems.

I can't respond to any of the warships that slide past us on their way through the gate to the Asteroid Belt either. They seem to be in a hurry, or Im sure they would have investigated why 'Kharak' lists to port and drifts somewhat. Later I learned some joker thought he could make off with a Tyr in Jupiter Space. Either way it takes us a while to limp the frigate into dock.

Afterward I have an emergency meeting with the ranking officer on board. Seems like there is a big tiff over what just happened in Trinity Sanctum and Major General Rai Ishiyama is suggesting that I lay low for a while until he can confer with USC Brass. If the engineers can salvage the communication logs off of 'Kharak's smoking computer core, then Im confident it will show the Beetle Captain jumping the gun a little. The two second warning the Beetle gave before opening up should have been more like two minutes according to standardized Commonwealth Agreements.

Not that it really helps Ishiyama at this point. All he has right now is my word that I was in Paranid space looking for Xenon rather than another TM or even that Odysseus. I suspect hes going to keep his card to his chest for a while until he has a better hand to play. Looks like that Demeter Super Freighter I jacked earlier will serve to hide me, my command staff, and my Teladi advisers until the heat can die down some. In the meantime 'Kharak' is going to be powered down in Saturn dry dock for a while getting those conduits replaced.

After transferring over with all essential personnel to 'Incognito', my head adviser plots a course to her roost at PTNI. I sit quietly in the back of the tramp freighter, contemplating my next move. This certainly threw an unexpected wrench into the gears of the Xenon war effort. While refueling jump energy in Circle of Labor, we are scanned by Argon Border Control while crossing the No Fly Zone. Its a good thing I left those anti-matter mines behind, or this might have turned things ugly for Ishiyama really fast.

By the time we are cleared to dock at NMMC HQ, Homefront brings us the News:

War! We're going to WAR!

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Post by eldyranx3 » Sat, 16. Jan 10, 18:02

2938-05-05 17:16 – Chapter 35 – Rana's Space Raiders and their Battle Beyond the Stars

You remember those industrial scenes in the old Terran 2D movie back from the 20th Century, 'Enemy Mine'? The ones inside the slaver's mobile ore refinery? That's pretty much the interior of NMMC HQ. Talk about OSHA nightmare. Needless to say I spend most of my Shore Leave aboard the Teladi Trade Station in PTNI instead. Those Dom-jot tables and Holo-suites really hit the spot. And the pocketbook.

On the Homefront I can't help but worry that the USC will balk at the situation of a two front war. Seems the same joker that attempted to steal the Tyr also took out Third Fleet while on hostile pirate patrol of the Oort Cloud. Now I feel pretty bad for not taking out those Pirate Bases earlier.

With one of our primary Odin Fleet Carrier's down, its Skinir escorts, not to mention the Tyr itself, USC just got a nice flat kick in the cojones. Its bad enough that our fleets couldn't take a sustained Xenon war. Now, we face a simultaneous Bug war as well. While the ATF Third Fleet is rebuilt, Major General Rai Ishiyama has proposed a daring plan, not backed by the USC.

Ishiyama has asked that I split my Fleet Assets into two groups. My personal Terran fleet, which will continue to spear head the assault of Xenon Space. Most other non-Terran fleet asset's will be assigned a Black Ops Mission to stall and sabotage the Paranid infrastructure long enough for Third Fleet to be re-assembled.

I was hoping to save the 'Wildcards' for an eventual operation to secure a Xenon K, but I have my orders. While those Eggheads at Saturn R&D would love an intact Xenon capital asset, the USC Brass are now more concerned with Paranid weapons development. The technicians on board 'Kharak' are still pouring over the damage and data, so no word back on what caused the power generator overload yet.

Well, Ive got the Fleet Assets reassigned, and the 'Wildcards' are almost out of their latest batch of Black Ops training. Now all I need is a Commander brave and / or foolish enough to take on Ishiyama's suicide assignment. I might know of a few likely prospects. Time to dispatch a secure comm to them and see whose loyal and / or stupid enough to take the job ...

Fleet Reassignments:

( 01 ) Split TM Boa – AGI Express
( 01 ) Paranid TM Helios – Saratoga (Base of Operations for 'Wildcards')
( 08 ) Xenon L - Gold Wing
( 02 ) USC TP Scabbard – Lost in Space and Pressed into Service
( 01 ) Argon TS Mercury – Wolf in the Fold
( 01 ) Argon M5 Adv Discoverer – Scanner Darkly
( 01 ) Split M5 Enh Jag– Kessel Run

( 16 ) [4+] Star Mixed Race Fighting Marines – 'Wildcards' - (In Training – Ceo's Sprite)
( 05 ) [4+] Star Teladi Mechanic / Engineers (Currently aboard TP Scabbard 'Lost in Space')
( 09 ) [2+] Star Teladi Shock Troops (Currently on board TP Scabbard 'Pressed into Service)

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Post by Zaitsev » Sun, 17. Jan 10, 06:45

Yay, he made it :D

*pulls out an old, white t-shirt and writes "Terran Flag" on it, ties it to a broomstick and runs around the block waving the thing, chanting "Go Terra! Go Terra!"*

*cough* Ok, time to cut back on the coffee...

Very nicely pulled off. With a faint smell of Blade Runner... :p
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

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Post by eldyranx3 » Mon, 18. Jan 10, 18:30

2938-05-05 17:45 – Chapter 36 – The Taking of Xenon X101

Now that the Teladi have robbed me of both gonad and cred stick, I leave their dom-jot tables to board 'Incognito'. There I meet up with my head Teladi economic adviser, who seems to have a softer hiss. Rumor among my command staff is that she took her shore leave in Ianumus Zero now that the way is clear and established herself a harem of scaly little male-servants there.

And from the bonus that PTNI / NMMC paid her over the acquisition of X347 and its food bazaar, I hear its quite impressive.

After a coded inquiry to Major General Rai Ishiyama, I'm told the leash can be loosened for a bit. Nothing flashy. Nothing that would say, cause another war. Me? Flashy?

I look over some reports while 'Incognito' prepares to make the jump back to 'Heretic's End'. Seems like Second Fleet's Search and Rescue Operation in Oort Cloud is going well. It doesn't look like the Chips have taken over Down South for the nine hours of shore leave I had. That's a nice bonus. Cash reserves are stable, but not in the best of conditions.

According to my advisers, despite owning several large complexes and about eight Sector Traders, I only bring in a pittance of 800k on average every hour. Most of that gets funneled back into my open loop missile and weapon complexes to pay for their energy needs. Seems there's a price to babysit whole economies. On the upside a new XL SPP just re-opened in Mars, proof that I am making some difference. One of the greatest ironies is that a Teladi Heavy Shield production facility just opened in X347.

I check my Shadow stockpile once 'Incognito' clears the jump gate. Ninety Seven missiles; enough to make even a Xenon M0 glow green in the black of space. And that's exactly why Im going to take X101. If I can't take an intact K, then maybe the Eggheads in Saturn R&D will like pieces of that Xenon Planet Killer instead.

It has nothing to do with the fact that its near Paranid core space. No Sir!

With 'Kharak' still in Saturn dry dock and Gold Wing no longer in Terran space, it looks like its just going to be 'Event Horizon' and 'Tiger's Claw' doing this Op by their little lonesome. And it looks like the Chips have been busy. First in is 'Event Horizon' which turns the whole sector into molten slag and glass. Next in is 'Tiger's Claw' and 'Nostromo'. Finally my two bombers, who skate into Phantom range without issue.


After I claim the sector, I put in some navigational buoys as a warning to incoming ships not to enter until I can clean up the rock and ship debris. I commission five Baldric miners and home base them to 'Nostromo'. While they go and clear the sector for R&D, I look over the Xenon Counter Offensive to the loss of their rebuilt shipyard. Looks like the Bugs Down South in Cardinals Domain are going to have their mandibles full for a while chewing on the the first of many to come thier way ...

Account: 3,911,402

New Fleet Assets:

(02) Xenon M3 L
(05) USC TS Baldric Miners

New Sector Assets:


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Post by eldyranx3 » Mon, 18. Jan 10, 19:11

Just if it wasn't clear, anyone want to pick up the re-assigned Fleet Assets of Rana's Raiders in a splinter DiD game? You make the rules, I provide the save file.

Some suggestions:

Primary Goal: Act as a privateer against the Paranid Empire
Seconardy Goal: Capture at least (1) Paranid Warship class M7 or larger within (2) game days and deliver it to the Saturn Research station.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Tue, 19. Jan 10, 13:33

2938-05-05 20:13 – Chapter 37 – In the Footsteps of Admiral Aken Bosch

With X101 secured, I now only have to worry about securing the eastern frontier sectors of Down South. But first I really should do something about those Pirate Bases past the reaches of the Oort Cloud. I jump in with 'Eternal Vigilance' and deliver my ultimatum and regret to find fellow Terrans on board. While they offer me a bribe of ship System Override Software, they obviously don't know who they are dealing with.

I take the bribe and blow the station out of space anyway. Bad for them, worse for me, my dumb Bastu forgot about the laser towers guarding the base, and my shields dip to a critical 8% before I out range them. That was close. Too close. I stay at range and blow the second one just inside comm range.

A distress call comes out from Ocean of Fantasy, where a J and K have broken through Family Njy patrols and decimated Boron space yet again. It seems like the Military Base in Hila's Joy is stocked with spineless jellyfi ... never mind. Once again I blow the Chips out of space, and once again the Squid missing his friends shows up, pleading. This guy wins the Captain Pearle 'Haven't I Already Killed You?' Award for tenacity.

Fine! Where was the last place place your friends were headed? Xenon Core Sector 023!? Why didn't you say so? I download the coordinates to my sector map and realize its east of X627. All right! Lets do this!

It takes me a while to get 'Tiger's Claw' in a good position to deploy the un-manned M5 'Overclocked'. Its a good thing I do to. Recon shows a K parked on top of the jump gate. I attempt to send 'Overclocked' all the way through but it gets run down by a glob of red. These Chips sure get testy when you invade their home sectors.

I'm a bit leery of breaking past X598. According to Argon lore, the only one who attempted was Admiral Aken 'The Butcher' Bosch in a failed bid to make a truce with the Terraformers during the Argon / Xenon Conflict. No one knows what ever happened to him, although if anyone knows, Im sure its Winters. Well, no sense in stalling. I could bring eight Tyrs in there and its only going to make it crowded.

Begin Operation: Beachhead

'Event Horizon' exits the west jump gate just outside PPC range of that K. Well, I thought it was just outside PPC range. I launch Shadow after Shadow in an effort to establish a tenuous beachhead, using up 1/3 of my Shadows and 1/5 of my Ghouls just in the first five minutes. Once Ive got a good 25km of clearance, I swoop 'Tiger's Claw' in the Hotzone to pick up the salvage. Baring a P2P jump by a Q or K within PPC range, she should be able to handle herself.

Well looks like Im deep within Xenon territory. Its only going to get tougher from here on out.

Operation: Complete

Account: 8,220,121

New Fleet Assets:

(03) Xenon M3 L
(02) Xenon M4 M

Fleet Losses:

(01) Xenon M5 N - Overclocked

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Post by eldyranx3 » Wed, 20. Jan 10, 18:19

2938-05-05 22:23 – Chapter 38 – 'Open the Core Sector Jump Gate, HAL.'

So lets see here. Xenon behind me, Xenon Core sector somewhere in front of me. Yeah. Only one place to go. The trip to the east gate of X627 goes at a snail's pace, eating nuke and swarm ordinance at an alarming pace. But finally I arrive at the gates of the Xenon core sector. Their home world as it were. And with knowledge of its location, humanity will take the struggle for survival to their door.

I have no idea how heavily defended their core sector will be, or how many there even are. With the untimely destruction of 'Overclocked' it looks like 'C-Viper' is back in the hot seat. I hope that pilot paid up his or her life insurance premium. And ... they're ... through! Looks like a J and ... um ... what the Hel is that? Better yet where?

I pull 'C-Viper' back before the J can pounce, but it decides to come through the gate after us anyway. Battle Stations! *Klaxons Blare* I twist and jink as much as a fat M7M can when sitting point blank broadsides to a carrier. Looking back on it, I probably could have rammed it more effectively, but two volleys of Shadows cracks the carrier's shields long enough for my rear SSC's to eat into its hull.

Once the carrier superstructure breaks apart, I send 'C-Viper' zipping through the east gate again before the J's fighter screen can sneeze and wipe the scout from existence. Another trail of PPC fire zips past my bridge and tactical informs me a Q has just performed a P2P jump at our six. Just great. Helm! Plot a course for that unknown sector! Full head flank!

With PPC bolts slamming into our aft shields, we make the jump and re-appear inside some type of structure. Navigation tries to get a fix on the sector location using one of the pulsars far in the distance seen through a small gap. Without reliable positional data, using the jump drive might be risky business. I have the helm plot a course to the center of the sector in case more Xenon pop through one of the six gates around me.

Comm informs me they are receiving an automated distress beacon, and they triangulate it to an Argon wreck. I pull along side it and have a search and rescue team explore the wreck. Would it be considered an Omen for 'Event Horizon' to be doing this? The team manages to pull some logs, but nothing that really explains the previous crew's whereabouts. Just because Ive come so far to turn back now, I send 'C-Viper' through the only other operational gate. Bingo!

A shipyard. More like their primary one at that. Ive got a gate on scanners too, but Im not going to risk the pilot's life scouting it on what could be a one way ticket. I recall my scout to 'Tiger's Claw' and make a note to buy that pilot a round. Sounds like Navigation has got a lock on our stellar position. Merlin, take us home!

One flash later we are back in 'Heretic's End'. I send 'Tiger's Claw' back to X101 to refit a reformed Gold Wing and add some more M's to Silver Wing. I'm torn between keeping them unmanned or to assign pilots to them. So far I don't have any volunteers. Considering what happened to 'Die by the Sword', I can't blame my crews for their hesitation so far.

I check back around X472 to see what the Chips response to invasion of their core sector is. Four Q's and a juggernaut of a K so far. After nuking the K with 'Fail-Deadly', I watch its escort tuck exhaust and return to X472. Those Q's I'll leave as a gift for the Bugs in 'Cardinal's Domain'.

That's enough excitement for one day I think. I close down all launch tubes and recall the fleet to their home bases for some much needed maintenance.

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Post by Sp@c3Ch!mp » Thu, 21. Jan 10, 10:55

what a great DiD. You put in a nice cliffhanger too. Hopefully you will post the next installment soon.
I also like the way you mix the story with influences of the SciFi series/movies.
So far I found:
Space above and beyond
Star Wars
Star Trek
Starship Troopers
Wing Commander
2001 a space oddessy
Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Thu, 21. Jan 10, 16:55

Sp@c3Ch!mp wrote:what a great DiD. You put in a nice cliffhanger too. Hopefully you will post the next installment soon. I also like the way you mix the story with influences of the SciFi series/movies. So far I found: Space above and beyond, Star Wars, Star, Trek, Starship Troopers, Wing Commander, 2001 a space oddessy
Great Eye!

Some smaller ones: ALIENS, ALIEN, Event Horizon, The Matrix, The Last Starfighter, Red Dwarf (upcoming), Battlestar Galatica, Spaceballs, Battle Beyond the Stars, Space Raiders, MST3K, Freespace 2, Homeworld, Starcraft, Stranger in a Strange Land, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, I have no Mouth and I must Scream.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Thu, 21. Jan 10, 17:53

2938-05-07 00:23 – Chapter 39 – Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers

Its a little bit past midnight and Im having problems sleeping. With 'Event Horizon' docked in the Asteroid Belt it begin the tedious process of re-arming and refueling. My M7M complex is going full bore, but still not meeting demand. While 'But Im NOT an Alien!' is gallivanting around in Jupiter collecting Shadows and Ghouls, I realize I'm going to need another TS lackey to be my re-supply tether now that 'Saratoga' and 'AGI Express' are off in Paranid space somewhere.

'Rimmer (H)' rolls out of the shipyard in the Moon, and after getting the essentials, goes about collecting the small smattering of 2 GJ shields that just came in stock to the Military bases. While its doing that I look over some reports since insomnia has me in its grasp. The operation to clear debris from X101 is going more efficiently than I expected. In the few short hours its been working, 'Nostromo' and its feeder ships have filled up half of its hold with ore.

Preliminary findings on 'Kharak' suggest that lack of downtime maintenance on the energy core contributed greatly to the damage on the primary power conduits. It might have something to do with the frigate being only two days old and shearing apart two Xenon Q's in head on collisions. ETA on 'Kharak's total refit is still eight hours. I'm hard on ships under my command I guess. Even when their crews are not jumping blindly into X472.

With 'Event Horizon', 'Kharak', 'Tiger's Claw', and 'Nostromo' all under refit, refuel, re-arm, or collecting, Ive got some serious downtime on my hands. I might as well let squid face know about his friends. When I get back to 'Menelaus' Paradise', I find him docked at the IRE complex there with a slight ding in his hull. Maybe a wandering Q scared him. After explaining to him what I had to go though to get to the Argon wreck, he seems reluctant to come with.

With some ingenuity, I get Mahi Ma's Enhanced Dolphin to undock, but hes no where on board. Looks like hes still hiding on the station. Huh. Ive pretty much decided that this guy is Loki in disguise since I can't seem to kill him. Lets call in 'Nukem' Rico!' and see how well that theory holds up ... *His index finger hovers over the Nuke button* ... oh wait. Nothing that might cause a war.

Looks like I'm going to get creative on this one. After the lone J makes a kamikaze run on the Boron Large OWP, I decide to go and offload 'Nostromo's hold of ore before I start making those Squids glow like their deep sea relatives. Afterwards I find bite off more than I can chew in 'Eternal Vigilance' when I take an 'Easy' Xenon defend mission in Black Hole Sun. Even with 'Tiger's Claw' backing me up, those wandering Q's just keep coming.

That inert LX sitting right in the fly lane might as well be made of solid Unobtainium. You Argon can keep your Loki damned 10M!

Finally I manage to get a K and a J in 'Menelaus' Paradise' to follow me to that IRE Complex. Leave it to the Chips to only use CIG's on the station instead of PPC's. Its like they are mocking me. Finally, Mahi Ma bails the station debris, and 'Eternal Vigilance' carries him off to the strange Gate Hub.

What? You need some parts? Um. Okay. I'll see if my Teladi Economic Advisers can swing an arrangement with PTNI. Or ... I can just flood the Hub with Cadmium II gas. Knowing my luck Mahi Ma's got a Kosh Encounter Suit tucked away somewhere ...

Account: 49,574,325

New Fleet Assets:

(01) Xenon M3+ LX – Holly
(01) Xenon M4 M
(01) USC TS Baldric - Rimmer (H)
(01) Enc Dolphin – Kryten

New Sector Assets:

Unknown Sector [13|08]

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Post by Sp@c3Ch!mp » Thu, 21. Jan 10, 22:36

oehhh nice going :p
Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Fri, 22. Jan 10, 18:38

2938-05-07 06:43 – Chapter 40 - The Taking of Xenon X534

You ever have one of those days where you get out of bed, expect to lay down some machine stomping Ragnarok, and when you get to the party, no one is there?

Today was kinda like that. I spent all day earning enough money for three Teladi trade stations. In the end, all I had to do was unload the trade dock and the Xenon forces, consisting entirely of a single N, went back to their core sector to sulk. In between copious amounts of SETA, I scooped up the lone derelicts that the Xenon had given up in small engagements.

Oh well, at least the view is nice.

Account: 2,791,381

New Fleet Assets:

(02) Xenon M3 L
(02) Xenon M4 M

New Sector Assets:


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Post by Master of the Blade » Fri, 22. Jan 10, 19:18

Every time I visit X534, there are never any Xenon- they all hang around in the one to the North, around the gate. Caution is advised upon entering the North gate of X534.
Allergic to work.

If at first you don't succeed, delegate the job to a minion.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Sat, 23. Jan 10, 18:03

2938-05-07 11:11 – Chapter 41 - The Taking of Xenon Sectors X596 and X597

With two more trade stations, a military base in 'Nostromo's hold, and few Xenon Invasion missions coming from 'Menelaus' Paradise', I make the difficult decision to take X596 and X597. Why is this a difficult decision? It all boils down to strategy.

First of all, X472 still funnels Q's down to 'Cardinal's Domain' on a semi-regular basis. There is an old Krogan saying: 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'. With the Q's tying up a good portion of the Southern Paranid fleets in defense of 'Cardinal's Domain', it stalls their war effort against Earth. Hopefully Rana's Raiders are tying up anything in their Core Sectors.

Second, if I take X472 too early, I loose a huge source of income. The average Hard Patrol of a single sector nets me a pittance of 3M. I thought I could ice these Ice Pirates without a sweat, but I barely take two of their corvettes out before they knock my shields down to 47%. I say we Emergency Jump and nuke their entire fleet from the West Gate. Its the only way to be sure (tm).

Incidentally I end up spending 1M of that bounty on Shadow Missile ordnance. My Teladi Adviser assures me that the CCE of that mission was 'Not Good Profitss'.

Alright. Into X597 it is. Looks like Ive been hitting the Chips harder than I thought. All that's guarding the gate is a toothless J without any fighters docked. It gets me a bit cocky, and I plunk the Trade Station smack in the center of the huge sector. Big mistake. The Xenon refuse to pull back, which means that there's a station hidden in the nebula somewhere. I better blow that station before a wandering K hidden out of grav range finds mine.

In an even bigger mistake, I misjudge the range and my Phantoms explode mere meters from the station's unharmed shields. Well this Op is starting to go FUBAR. Sure enough a K pops into grav range and I distract it with 'Event Horizon' while 'Tiger's Claw' leads a Q away. I barely have enough Phantom reserves to call back in my bombers, but in the end I drop the station and claim X597.

For X596, I get a bit more conservative, and plop the trade station near the gate. Sure enough, there's a Xenon station hiding about the nebula again. I play it safe and nuke it at range with about thirty Shadows. It's a huge victory for Earth, but 'Tiger's Claw' gets buzzed by another UFO just as the station goes down in a blinding nova of plasma and debris.

Coincidence? I think not.

Account: 21,716,489

New Fleet Assets:

(02) Xenon M3 L

New Sector Assets:


Edit: Meant X472 not X101
Last edited by eldyranx3 on Mon, 25. Jan 10, 22:36, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by dandog2142 » Sat, 23. Jan 10, 18:09

Lol, very nice thing you got going there, so to "capture" Xenon sector, you just have to clear the station and plant one of your own? Das pretty cool.

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Post by Sp@c3Ch!mp » Sat, 23. Jan 10, 18:12

And you also need a script installed but for that you will have to turn to the S&M forums. Such things are not discussed here I'm afraid.
Nuke 'em till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark.

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Post by eldyranx3 » Sun, 24. Jan 10, 03:14

Yes, I'm running STO (Sector Take Over) for X3TC. The reason why some people shy away from Scripts or Mods in a DiD because they may add bugs or unforeseen issues.

Besides the Ghoul Bug, I -just- experienced a rather odd glitch in the game that I can only presume to be the result of STO or something else.

In this case, it happens to add a twist to the storyline in progress. So like the unforeseen event of going to war with the Paranid, I'm going to post the few chapters I have written up to catch up what -just- happened to me.

Its amusing and all around scary.

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