Rise of Phanon LUV DiD

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Post by kaistern » Thu, 23. Oct 14, 10:23

"Helm hundred percent, right stern thruster... NOW!" I ordered as we passed the Xenon P. The helm'sman complied pushing the tail of the ship hard away from the P and in effect bringing the Bow quickly around and the P back into our firing arc.I looked over to Jones who was currently manning the tactical consule "Jones, fire!" I shouldn't have wasted my breath as he was already burning hell into the shields of the Xenon corvette. We were in the Sector called "The Wall" doing a patrol through the muck that was called space here. We had been searching for xenon for hours now and in this Muck we had nearly run head long into a P! The Dragons were making short work of the fighters that accompanied it but they were leaving the P to us. In fact I had left strict orders that they were not to interfer unless things started to go down hill.

The P was trying hard to outmanuver us but with the speed and manuverability of the Centuar the Helmsman was easily keeping on it's tail. "Ops! Give me a status report" I still hadn't learned the names of the crewmen, not even the bridge crew.

"Aye sir. Shields at 90%, hull integrity uncomprimised. Energy reserves at 70% and falling. Enemy shields at 50% and falling." All of a sudden I was thrown forward against the harness of the command chair. The Xenon P had come to a complete halt all of a sudden to try an force us to ram it, but the helmsman had seen it just in time and had thrown the engines into reverse to keep us from hitting. All the while Jones was firing round after round into it's side.

"Come on burn, baby burn!" He said unleashing another volley from the IPGs. The P tried to use it's position thrusters to come about and face us from a stand still, but with a little manuevering we circled around keeping it in our's and us out of it's. 40%...30%...20..10... The Xenons shields fell Jones poured more fire into it, it's hull falling rapidy. 80%...50%...30%....and then.....BOOM! The Xenon disapeared in a flash of nuclear energy as a missile from a Sec Def ship impacted the side of it.

"Yeah!!" "WhoooHooo!" "We did it!" The bridge errupted in cheers. It's suprising how much noise three people can make in a small room. I just smiled shaking my head slightly. They were excited about the victory but the mercenary in me just watched sec def steal over 50k in reward money in a flash of light. I mentally sighed and then stood up to congratulate the crew. They deserved as much. Opening up the ship-wide intercomm I started,

"This is the captain. Stand down to condition two." I took a deep breath in and out before continueing, "Good work, everyone. You can all now notch a mark on your belts for a Xenon P." Short and sweet right? I was never good with talking. Turning off the PA I looked to Jones. "Anything left on the Sat feed?"

"Negitave, captain. This sector is clear."

"Helm, set a course for the northern gate to Antigone Memorial. Full ahead. XO you have the bridge, I'll be in my ready room if something come up, and please get me when we are on final approach to the gate." I said as I stood up and started to the door to the ready room.

"Aye captain."

Closing the door to the ready room behind me I moved to the table and poured myself a shoot. I was mad. This wasn't the first time Sec Def had waited unitl the very end of a battle and then swooped in to steal the kill.... and my reward money to boot! True we would still get paid for the Patrol but 50 grand was a lot of money to lose. There had to be a way to work around this in the future.

"Gizmo, I need you to analize our last engagement. I want a way to increase our chances of landing the last blow, but without wasting money."

"Sure thing boss, give.. me... just.... a...... second... Ok, I think I have a way, but you may to sit down while I explain it though.


It was such a relief to be able to see again. The diffrence between the soup that was called space in the wall and the clearness of Antigone Memorial was just intoxicating. Though the bliss didn't last long as alarms soon rang.

"Sir Xenon ships just warped in. The're right on top of us! Xenon P and assorted fighter less then 2km away!" Jones shouted.

"Understood. Go to red alert." I replied. Red lights breifly flashed as Jones sounded general quarters. The ship shuttered slightly as Beams from the Xenon P lashed out to kiss us.

"Helm hard over, bring us around to fire." The ship slowly turned to face the Xenon at the helmsman's touch. "Jones give them our favorite dose of medication."

"Aye, Aye." He replied with a grin, firing the main cannons into the P. Looking to the gavidar I could see the dragons breaking off to engage the enemy fighters, while in the distance a group of sec def ships sat idle watching as we went to work on the Xenons. Just like them, let us do all the hard work and then swoop in for the kill. Not today fellas.

The P was quickly getting bigger on the screen as we headed straight on towards it both of us exchanging cannon fire. But we were giving better then we were getting.

1km... Our shields were at 80%, it's shields were at 70%.

"Ops, reconfigure the shields to profile Gizmo-3-7-1."


"Just do it!" I shouted

"Aye, captain." He replied as he reconfigured the shields to a setting Gizmo had devised. It completely refocused the shields away from the rest of the ship and into a wedged shape in front of the bowfacing away from the ship.

"Sir, this leaves our back side completely exposed!" Jones said as he noticed the changes. I ignored him as I pressed a button transfering controls from the Helm to my seat.

"Helmsman, I have control." I pushed the trottle in completely bring us to full speed as we headed straight at the toaster.

500 meters... Us - 60%. Toasters - 43%

The P kept growing bigger and bigger as I dared the P to a game of chicken.But that's the ting about computers, no balls.

200 meters... Us - 54%. Them 40%

The P turned to the left, having had enough of this game. But it was too late, it was too slow.

100 meters...

"Captain! Change course or were going to hit!" Jones cried out

"That's the point." I said as I continued to bear down on the P. 100... 50...

It had taken Gizmo hour to convince me of this plan. Shield apparently used some sort of energy that gizmo had a horrendously long name for. I called it dark matter. Anywho, the way dark matter works is that when it comes into contact with any other form of energy it cancels it out. Gizmo tried to explain the physics of it to me. It didn't work, my mind just does not work like that. But in short by canceling the other energy for out the dark matter was depleted but so was what ever it came into contact with, be it a laserbeam, a bolt plasma or other darkmatter (Mass driver work differently, something about the alloy that they are made out of is uneffected by the dark matter). By focusing all of our shields to a wedge at the front of the ship we had effectivly made a sword out of dark matter. A sword that I intended to use. It had taken Gizmo a full five minutes to do that math to calculate how to correctly excecute the sword, and he said that meant it would take a full team of math experts several years to come up with the same results.

25 meters...


I ignored the computer as the edge of my dark matter sword started to impact the shield of the P. Everything seem so sureal in that moment. Joned viably cringed as he braced for the impact he KNEW was coming. The helmsman was staring transfixed on the view screen praying that this was only a dream. The Ops-man threw himself to the floor in an attempt to save himself. And I just grinned.

It was over in a flash. The instant the dark matter shields of both ship contacted they fought, each molecule canceling an opposing molecule out. But the P's shield were already low and they just didn't have enough dark matter left. It soon(as in less then a millisecond) ran out of shields and then my darkmatter impacted the Ps Hull. It cut through it like a hot knife through butter. The P was torn in half as my centaur charged though. Explosions ripped across our hull as the Xenons core went critical. But of course Gizmo had forseen this. As soon as the sword had cleared the P the shield remodulated itself back to it's normal shape to withstand the blast from the explosion. The bridge shook as the force of the explosion overpowered our inertal dameners. And then it was over. Looking out the veiw port nothing but empty space greeted us except the two halfs of the Xenon floated behind us. A quick glance at the now abandoned ops station showed our shields were down to 13%, with no scratchs on the hull. The bridge crew turned towards me with stunned looks on their faces. I smiled. I cheesed it.

"And that gentlemen is the Sword of Vengeance."


"That was dangerous. That was irresponsible. That was... That was..."

"Effective?" I offered "Amazing? Revolutionary?" Me and Jones were in the ready room... talking... I was seated behind the table eating on a bowl of strawberry icecream I had had synthesised, with my feet propped up on the confrence table. Jones was pacing back and forth ranting about my ramming of the Xenon P.

"You could have killed not only yourself but the entire crew! And why? Why? To TEST a THEORY? You had NO idea if that was going to work."

"I had it from a good source that it was likely to work."

"Likely!?!" I winced at my bad choice of words there, "Likely! So you admit you didn't even know that it would work!"

"Well it sounded correct, and as it turns out it is. What more is there to talk about? I made a decision, my decision worked, no one got hurt, everyone got paid. End of story." Jones just turned away from me obviously trying to contain his anger.

"You could have killed us all."

"But I didn't. And now we know for the furture that it will work. We now have a method for preventing sec def from stealing kills from us, some of the time."

"From now on, SIR, I request to be kept informed about all decisions such as this."

"Granted. Now.." Gizmo intrupted me before i could finish my sentence.

"Boss, Boss, Boss, We got a problem!"

"What is it Gizmo?"

"Our Sat array in Red Light just got shot down. I checked the sensor log from before it was destroyed and there is another Nova fleet headed this way!" Me and Jones both looked at each other.

"What are we dealing with Gizmo?"

"A Morrigu plus one M3, two M4s and four M5s" I looked jones dead in the eye.

"You ready for this?"

"Are we going to ram it too?"

"No... We are going to capture it."


A few hours later we were ready. in that time the Nova fleet had crossed through Home of light and were now headed north in President's End. We had assembled in Cloudbase Southeast. Kar'l and Frankie had their men ready. Kult had his men ready. And Jones had my men ready. it was time to go.

"Helm, jump the ship to PE."

We emerged from the east gate trailing the Nova fleet.

"Helm set pursuit course. Jones fire a standard missile barrage at all light fighters." The ship turned to chase the Morrigu while jones fired misile swarm after missile swarm at the enemy. We were running low on supplies with on 27 Wasps and 4 Silkworms left. So we had decided on a "standard barrage" of 2 wasps per scout, 3 wasps per light fighter, and then once we were closer we would fire the remainning silkworms and a wasp swarm to cover them at the heavy fighter.

It was beautiful watching the wasp swarms decimate the enemy fleet and when all was said and done only the morrigu and the heavy fighter remainned.

The Morrigu had come about to face us and we were now quickly closing with it, while the heavy fighter was some 7 km further behind it. My fighters were still on there way from CBSE since they did not have the jumpdrive needed to follow me directly. The Morrigu was just barely out of range but with it headed right at us....

"Fire the forward cannons." I said and watched as the cannon fire soared towards the enemy. It had technecially been out of range but since the morrigu was moving closer to us the cannon fire hit it dead-on. The cannons impacted the morrigu reducing it's shields to 93%. Enraged it returned fire. Closer and closer we came as we lobbed bolts of death at each other. Jones looked at me questioning weather I inteded to repeat my earlier manuever. I shook my head. Closer we came and closer. Finally with just a little over 1km seperating us the Morrigu dropped it's nose down in an attempt to pass us.

"Helm, stay the course, let them pass us. Jones target the heavy fighter and take it out." I watched as Jones fired another volley into the Morrigu before it left our firing arch and passed underneath us, bringing the heavy fighter that had been behind it into out view. Jones quicky let out the five silkworms as well as a swarm of wasps to confuse the pilot.

"Resume the attack on the morrigu." A quick glance to ops showed our shields at 86% and it's shields were at 79%. The helmsman turn the ship right as the fighter behind us fireballed. The captain of the morrigu, now without an escort and facing a superior ship and with numerous fighters inbound, decided to make a run for it and started to make for the north gate to escape. That just made it to easy me. I slid in behind the morrigu and ordered Jones to pounded it with the main cannons until its shields were dry. By this time the dragons had finally caught up and started to use their lighter weapons to keep the Morrigu's shields down. However Jones had been overzealous and had done a little more damage then I meant to, and now the wounded ship had only 52% hull left. Kult and his boys were quickly coming up from the rear and were about ready to deploy...

"Helm full stop. The rest is up to the DeathJumpers."


"Alright ladies!" Kult yelled to the other Deathjumpers. "It's go time!"

Kult was in the launch bay of the Marine Lander with the other 7 marines who were about to jump out and try to capture the enemy Morrigu. Five of them had been with him when they had taken the Centuar. One of them was one of the new guys, and the only one that Kult thought was ANY where near ready for boarding ops. And the last member of their party was Nina Nu. Kult still thought it was odd that eight out of the twenty marines he had under his command were boron, had they forgot that they were suppose to be peace-loving? But where that was weird, Nina Nu was different. Nina Nu crept Kult out. NOONE should be able to waltz into a room with 7 guards waiting with automatic rifles and then walk out alive, but for that person to be Boron!?!

The ready light switched from green to yellow.


The light turned from yellow to red. Kult held his breath as he steadied himself for the bay door to swing open and for the Void to pull them out. Something brushed against Kult's arm as the doors started to pull open. It felt like time slowed down as he turned to see a Boron sized space suit rushing past his, then jumping with tenticals spread wide. Kult just stared as he watched Nina Nu being sucked out, through the doors that were only barely open enough to let him through, like a bullet. Never had Kult seen anyone run and JUMP to get out of the launch bay before. Crazy fraking Boron! Was Kult's last thought be for him and the rest of the marines were sucked out into open space where all of his attention went to controling his suit.


Lazy marines. Why stand around waiting to be hopelessly pulled out of the airlock, when with a little effort you are in control? Nina Nu thought as he SHOT straight to the morrigu where his suits built in system brought him safely to latch onto the side of the ship. Now where to get in?


Kult watched as Nina Nu gracefully landed on the side of the Morrigu while the rest of the team was some 150 meters way from it. Damn it, if that is not effective. Crazy fraking Boron! Seconds later his own suit brought him down on the surface of the morrigu. Glancing over to where the boron was some 200 yards further up the ships hull then them, he called out. "Nina Nu over here!" Then he powered up his Photon cutter and started to hack away at the hull. That when the explosion went off.


Argon were such odd folk. Didn't they realise that windows were weak? Nina Nu thought as he finished placing the charges on the window. Smiling inwardly he backed away from the window and pushed the trigger.


Kult looked up from where he had dived for cover when he had head the explosion, his marine instincts kicking in. Looking around he saw debris floating by, coming from where Nina Nu had been standing only moments before. Standing up he rushed over as fast as his spacesuit would let him to find a perfectly round hole blasted away from the side of the morrigu just big enough to fit through. But no Nina Nu.

"Come on boys I guess that crazy ass squid made us a way in."


Corporal Johnson had been friends with Private Marton ever since they both joined with Nova Corp. They had always taken the same assignments, and they had both agreed that this one was to good to pass up. 5 millions credits for everyone if they managed to kill one guy!?! To good to be true they had joked. Now Johnson was not so sure that it wasn't to good to be true after all. From what the captain had broadcast over the intercome their fighter escort had already been blown away in a hellstorm of missiles, and in their attempt to get away they had been shelled and shelled and shelled. Now with their ship limping, the automated system had activated to anounce that they had enemy boarders. Johnson and Marton they were patroling down on othe the level two corridors when they turned a corner to find a boron in a spacesuit halfway down the hall. Johnson glanced at Marton who had a confused look on his face, and then shrugged. Johnson walked over to the spacesuit and nugged it with his toe. It felt hallow. Johnson felt his neck twist suddenly to look at Morson. His last thought before darkness overtook him was how strange Morson looked with his head cocked at that angle... And why was there a tenticale wrapped around his neck?


Kult rounded the cornor to see an odd sight. The was Nina Nu laying on the floor with two argons heaped over him. Ah frak, he got him self killed Kult thought. But he wanted to make sure that the Boron was dead be for he left him so he walked over and pulled the two marines off of him, their head rolling oddly to the side as he pushed them to the side. well at least he was able to break the necks of two of these bastards before they got him. Kult turned to inspect Nina Nu but for the life of him he couldn't find anything wrong with his space suit. Kult pressed the open button on the suit. The facemask slide open to reveal an empty suit.

"Motherfraking Crazy-ass INSANE BORON!"


The rest of the trip to the bridge was uneventfull. Kult and the rest of the marines moved slowly clearing each and everyroom. Several time their position was broadcast by the ships computer to warn the crew where they were. Oddly though the enemy never once tried to ambuse them. Kult stared down the corridor at the doors to the bridge. By his count there should be at least 6 marines on the other side of it just waiting on them. Where the frak is that Boron? he thought as they started inching their way up. Suddenly Nina Nu dropped down from a vent in the ceiling.

"I wouldn't go any further if I was you."

"Why the FRAK not?" Kult shot back. But Nina Nu just shrugged and then sat down in the middle of the hallway. He pulled something out of his pocket and proceded to light it up. He puffed on it and then smiled.

"How the hell can you be smoking a fraking blut in the middle of a boarding op!?!" But the Boron just puffed on his cigar and smiled. Frak it we have a job to finish. Kult thought as he stepped forward. BOOM! The door to the bridge blew out of it's frame as fire rushed towards them, and rocked the ship. The explosion knocked Kult off his feet and onto his back. Once it was over Kult groaned as he sat up to find a grinning Boron in front of him.

"I told you." Ninu Na said taking another puff



(1) Here is a Video of the battle. I change a few detail to make for better reading. I think I was holding my baby durring this battle because I normally don't frak it up so bad. I mean at one point i CIRCLED the morrigu instead of launching marines??? And I normally use my mouse when i am fighting, unless I am holding my baby then I only use the keyboard. I am luck I didn't bite the dust when I accendentally rammed the morrigu :P
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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Post by kaistern » Thu, 23. Oct 14, 11:17

I hope ya'll enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I throughly loved this chapter and it took me DAYS to write it. I especially like the sword of vengeance since this is actually one of my favorite tactics to ensure I get a kill when sec def is hammering on my target. Works REALLY well :D

Anyhow let me know if ya'll like it!

cuss secretly I am a response addict :P
[ external image ]
Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
Rise of Phanon DiD LUV
Wrath of the Hive DiD XM-O
Try my script: Quick Wings for better wing control in LU!

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 23. Oct 14, 13:03

Loved it and unlike Kult Ninu is growing on me.

Posts: 443
Joined: Mon, 30. Jun 14, 13:29

Post by kaistern » Fri, 24. Oct 14, 11:20

"He destroyed half the ship!" Kult ranted.

"He blew up the bridge," Miles replied defending Nina Nu, "Compared to the REST of the damages to the ship, it is very minor."

The morrigu had been VERY badly damaged durring it's capture. First by Jones and my overzealous assault, and then after we captured it we tried to tractor it with the centaur only to have the enitre left engine nacelle rip completely off. After that we used the morrigu's own directional thrusters to slowly move it by its own power. It took days.

Today found us sitting in the ready room abourd my Centuar. All of my Leuitenants were here. Miles I had asked aboard to for updates to the repairs on the morrigu as well as the on going afairs of the missile complex. Kult came to nearly every meeting to keep informed as the the operations of the fleet so that he could keep the marines ready when we needed them. Frankie and Kar'l also came to every meeting as they had been with me from the beginning and they were my top two men.

"As to the rest of the repairs," Miles continued, "I think I can have the morrigu ship shape by the end of the week. I already have a crew stripping the ship of all damaged areas, and a couple other crews back at the factory fabricating replacement parts. It wouldn't take so long but I am going to have to replace all four of the engines, AND completely rebuild the nacelle you ripped off."

I nodded, truth be told it was better news then I had feared. By the computer readings the morrigu had had less then 20% hull integrety left when it made it back to Ore Belt. Oddly though Miles had already told me that I didn't have to worry about any costs assosiated with the repairs. He had told me that he had enough spare parts and materials laying around the facotry that he would just retask some of the workers to building ship parts instead of missiles. What was really diffrent about it though was that he also told me that missile production wouldn't even be slowed down. I was at least 50% sure that there was more to this then meet the eye but my factories were outproducing most other factories in the area and some how Miles alsway seemed to buy the resources at rock bottom prices and sell the excess missiles for more then what they were worth. I smelled something fishy going on but as long as I was making money from it....

"Kult, besides Nina Nu how are the rest of your marines doing?" I asked

"Well I picked up another 8 men, who are now in school. I swear it take forever to teach these numbskulls how to breach a ship."

"So that brings us to 28 marines including you?" Its not every day that you realise you have a full squad of marines at your beck and call.

"Yeah, the borons are ready to go, I am fairly confident that they can tell the diffrence between an enemy and a bulkhead now. I also gave them some basic trainning in hacking as well."

I pulled a bottle out from under the desk and poured myself a glass of spacefuel before passing the bottle around the table. As usual Miles and Frankie passed while Kult and kar'l both helped them selves.

"I am going to suspend operations until the repairs on the morrigu are finished. I feel that the pilots and marines have all earned some valuable R&R and I see no reason to deny that to them. Well gentlemen I feel that about wraps things up. Frankie, Kar'l if you wouldn't mind staying on board for a while I need to speak to each of you privately." With that I stood up while Miles and Kult made their good byes and then I asked Frankie to join me on a walk.

I had a difficult desicion in front of me. The morrigu needed a captain, and I was torn between giving it to Kar'l or to Frankie. On the one hand, outside of battle Frankie was much more professional and would was a better example. On the other hand, DURRING combat Frankie had a tendency to lose his head and THAT was not something I wanted someone in control of so much firepower to do.

"So Frankie where do you see your self going in your career?" I asked hoping it sounded innocent enough.

"Well sir, I really enjoy were I am at right now. Leading the men in a fight is more then I ever would have asked for. The feeling of being in a dogfight is like nothing I have ever experianced before. The thrill when you take down a Xenon L." Frankie got a misty look in his eye as he thought about flying, "I guess sir, to answer your question I hope that going forward You will keep me in my current position as wing leader. I Love the thrill of flying with the Dragons."

"That's good to hear Frankie. Oh I picked up a present for you the other day. I know you have been fighting in that Mako since we meet but I picked up a Nova Raider. It has MUCH more shielding and firepower while still being able to keep up with most M4s and even some of the slower M5s."

"Really sir? I have seen the Nova Raiders before. The Argon navy like to show them off after the war to remind us that they were ready if we were ready. I... ah that is.... Thank you sir I'd love to fly it."

"Good, well that's all I had to talk to you about. If you want to hitch a ride over to the shipyard the Raiser is waiting on you." As Frankie walked off I shook my head with a smile. I think the smile on his face was the most expression I had ever seen on that boy's face outside of battle. Turning around I head back to the ready room when Kar'l was already half way thoug hthe bottle I had left with him. I sat back down in my chair and pulled out another bottle, taking a swig without even thinking of pouring it in a glass first. God I had missed this stuff.

"Ha! Truely as I live it has been to long since we drank together!" Kar'l roared in his usual fashion.

"It is true, it is true." I replied "My friend I have a question to ask of you. What do you see in your future? Will you always be a fighter pilot?" For the first time that I had ever seen Kar'l was silent. The he took a long swig from his bottle.

"Most people do not know the name of fmaily Trukon. Once a long time ago I am told that we were a proud family, but now.... now I am all that is left." Kar'l paused while he took another long swig from his bottle. "That is why I came to Argon space. In split territory all of the best contracts and promotions go to those who have the highest regard with family Rhonkar. There was nothing for me there, to family Rhonkar I am worth less then dirt, and they have plenty of dirt. You have been good to me Wil'helm and I owe you a debt of blood. You I will follow until you have no use for me, and with luck you will bring honor to my name."

I took a long pull from my bottle, this had gone much deeper then I had intended. "I need a captain for the morrigu, and the captain I need is you. I do not now much about Split honor or about these blood debts you and Nina Nu keep throwing in my face but what I do know is that together we are stronger then anything this universe can throw at us."

"Ha! That squid! Now he has the soul of a warrior. Did you know I dueled with him? Never have I had so much fun at losing! And the bad part is he was smiling the entire time!" Kar'l laughed hard at this and I even found my self laughing to, Imagine a Boron wrestling a SPLIT! So yeah this was some good space fuel obviously, I'll have to remember to pick some more up. "But the morrigu? me? Truely Wil'helm it would be a great honor to command such a fine vessel." Kar'l drained the last of his bottle and started eyeing mine. I handed the still more then half full bottle over to him, I could feel the alcohol coursing through my veins... I didn't need any more.

"I am planning a GREAT party for when we finish it. Lots of spacefuel. Lots of spaaaccceefeeuullll." Oh yeah it was really starting to go to my head. "We need changes here, many changes."

I don't remember much after that but later Kar'l assured me that we had a hell of a time. I got to get some more of that spacefuel.


Several days later the morrigu was done ahead of schedule. As I told Kar'l I had planned a big party with mandatory attendance for everyone who worked for Dragon Corp well except for the factory workers this was more for the benifit of the military side. I rented a hall at the trade station and had a local resturant carter food. Fresh BBQ Argnu Ribs. I also had Miles procure several kegs of spacefuel. The hall was not anything fancy, I mean after all it was soon gong to be full of drunks eating BBQ... I didn't want anything breakable to be in a thre block radius much less in the hall itself. There was a podium set up at one end of the room and then many tables set up where they would all have a good view of the true reason behind the feast. I arrived early to oversee the preperations, not that I knew ANYTHING about how to prepare this, but my nervous were jittery and it helped to ease them. Finally everyone started to file in and I made my way around welcoming everyone and leting them know that the waitstaff would be able to bring them drinks and that we would break out the spacefuel later on in the night. After everyone had arrived the wait staff served us the ribs which turned out to be delicous and then I made my way to the podium.

"Attention, Attention please." I started. "First off i want to thank all of you for coming to my party, which of course was mandatory if you wanted a paycheck tomorrow." I got a round of laughter from that one "But now I am sure you are all curious as to why I asked... er ordered.. you here. Less then six months ago I was a nobody, broke and with only a pegesus scout to my name. And from there I started Dragon Corp. Today We stand at over 50 millions in networth and over 50 combat members and over 200 non-combat members. Until now we have been very informal as far as rank and position goes. You have always known that I signed the paychecks, Kar'l and Frankie lead the Dragon Wings, Major Kult leads the marines and Jones is the XO of the Centuar. But with the addition of a second corvette to our forces that is no longer enough. Today we rectify that." I took a second for every thing to sink in. "Now for all the marines in the room Major Kult has from the get go given you ranks and a command structure. This will remain. And for the rest of you... Frankie please step up." Frankie slowly got to his feet and made his way to my side. "As of today I bestow to you the rank of Commander. From today forth you are given command over the fighters. ALL the fighters."

Frankies eyes went wide, "Thank you sir, it's an honor." I penned an insigna that I had designed for this to his collar, and then motioned him back to his seat. "Next Kar'l please step forward. I also bestoy the rank of Commander to you and to you I give the new Morrigu "Wrath" Kar'l accepted his insigna and then resumed his seat. "Mr. Jones... You will be know as Lieutenant Commander and will remain the XO of the Vengeance." I said as I penned his insigna on. The rest of the men also receive ranks. The new wing leaders for the Dragons became lieutenant commanders, and the rest were pilots. The Cheif engineer on the vengence became a lieutenant and the rest of the crew were well crewman... orignal I know but it worked. With the Promotions out of the way I broke open the first keg and then the party began. I did nto drink to excess that night, which as I am sure you know by now is not my norm but I wanted to stay level headed. The night mostly went as planned with everyone cheering for each other and proposing toast to each other until Jones all of a sudden turn straight to me and said "What about you sir? What do we call you now?" That was something I had been thinking about for a while now. Obviously I was no longer just a captain, but could you really be a Admiral of only two ships? "Commedore" I replied "For now I am Commedore McCloud."

"To the COMMEDORE!" Jones shouted raiseing his glass the room rocked as every one cheered and shouted. I smiled and set back down. Everyone was happy. You know I throw really good parties.


Game time: 3-1/2 days?


Credits: 2,456,345

--- Centaur "Vengeance" -Personal Ship-

--- Morrigu "Wrath" -Kar'l-

The Dragon's Wings
--- Nova Raider: Frankie "Maverick"
--- 10-M4s
--- 4-M3

Missile Complex
---Wasp Factory
---Typhoon Factory
---Silkworm Factory

Trade Fleet
---8 Uts
---2 Sts (Ore Belt)

The Death Jumpers (marines)
-Major Kult 3 star fight
-Lt. Rider 3 star fight
-Nina Nu Rank 100 fight, 3 star everything else
-5 marines
-20 marines in trainning

NEXT TIME: Becareful not to bite off more then you can chew......
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Post by kaistern » Sun, 26. Oct 14, 03:06

just noticed that the link to that battle was not a view able link lol

try this one instead
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Post by kaistern » Mon, 3. Nov 14, 08:56

Sorry for the delay in updates.... I am trying to add more dialog and interation to my story and this is my weak pint when it comes to writing. I can write the most beautiful combat ever but when it comes to people.... any way just wanted ya'll to know that I am working on it lol
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Post by Kual » Tue, 4. Nov 14, 07:47

Looking forward to it :-)

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Post by kaistern » Tue, 4. Nov 14, 09:10

argg I HATE writing dialog. especially since I feel that I need to flesh out just about EVERY character in the story... which requires DIALOG! lol With the main storyling (combats and building stuf and running missions and what not) it is very easy for the words to just flow and then after one go through to make it easier to read, and another for spelling and grammer, and it done. With Dialog.... I end up going over the same sentence ten to fifteen times.

Anyhow like I said I'm working on it lol
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
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Post by kaistern » Sun, 9. Nov 14, 10:52

"Concusion impulse cannons all around!" Kar'l demanded hold his flash of spacefuel high.

"I understand that CIGs would be devastating on the Wrath, but after a few volleys you'll be out of juice and a sitting duck. Not to mention that it will be harder to hit fighters with them." I explained, pouring my self another glass of spacefuel on ice. Kar'l and I were sitting on a crestent-moon shaped couch in the den of my house, enjoying the finer aspects of spacefuel and descuissing the load out for the Morrigu he had dubbed the "Wrath."

"But against another corvette the CIGs will be invaluable. We would quickly reduce it to space dust."

"True but I can handle other corvettes with the Vengeance. I need a dedicated anti-fighter boat, and THAT is what the wrath will be. Beside I don't want to just destroy every ship we come across, I want to capture them." I pointed out sipping at my glass.

"Of course she is your ship so what ever you think is best, but just think about how much damage we could do with CIGs. Nothing could stop us!" Kar'l drainned the last of his flash as I shook my head.

"Except for a couple wings of fighters!"

"NONSENSE!" he roared in return. I was about about ready to change topics to another contervisial subject, selecting a crew for the wrath, when Elaine walked up.

"William, there is a very polite Boron at the front door asking to see you." She said frowning at the several empty bottles of space fuel laying about. A POLITE Boron? Who could that be?

"I'll go see him." I tried to get up, only to have my legs betray me and drop me back down on the couch. "On second thought, Elaine, would you mind showing him in?" .

"You are setting a very bad example for Valse when you get drunk like this. You need to clean your self up, for his sake." Shaking her head disapprovingly, she turned and left the room. I looked over to Kar'l who shrugged with a smile before lifting another bottle to his lips. Moments later Elaine came back with a Boron in tow, then quickly left after shooting me, and the bottles, with a viscious glare.

The Boron had the largest smile on his face as he slid onto the far end of my crestent-moonshaped couch. Odd, he looks just like Nina Nu. If it wasn't for the fact that Elaine had said he had ASKED POLITELY to see me i wuld think it was him. Everyone knows the Nina Nu doesn't ever talk, and is never polite, maybe it is his brother.... yeah that must be it. I wonder when his Brother came in.

The Boron that I had decided was Nina Nu's brother kept grinning as he lit a cigar and took a huge pull from it, then slowly exhaled an odd smelling cloud of smoke.

"Nina Nu!" Kar'l exclaimed as he passed a a bottle of space fuel to the Boron "Ha! I heard Kult's rendition of how you single handedly wiped out a ship full of marines. Are you sure your not secretly asplit?" Wait so this was Nina Nu? I thought in confusion as my fuel clouded mind tried to sort through facts.

Nina Nu took another puff from his oddly smelling cigar before he looked at Kar'l "Yesss he wasn't to pleased wasss he? Isss think he is just mad he didn't get any fun."

"YOU TALK!?!" I exclaimed.

"Of courssse. When the time is right." Now was the right time? I thought looking at all of the alcohol thrown about. I would have MUCH prefered that the RIGHT time was when I was sober and clear headed. Aww well, I'll take what I can get. Nina Nu took another drag off of his oddly smelling cigar and then passed it to me. I had never been much of a cigar man myself but this was such a rare oppertunity, that I decided not to risk insukting the boron. I took the cigar and took a long puff and immediatly bent over coughing my lungs out. I had NEVER had such an odd cigar, it's taste was even odder then it's smell and it took me severl minutes to recover from my coffing spell. Nina Nu
and Kar'l were both laughing histerically at me as I recovered, quickly handing the cigar to Kar'l who also took a drag.

"You are brave indead, life-savior. Such a big hit of spaceweed will surly be intrestinnng."

"Space weed!?! I thought it was a cigar!" Both Kar'l and Nina Nu started laughing all over again, I found myself joinning them, unable to stop myself, yet unsure of what was so funny. "What is this about life-savior? I have a name."

"But't issss who you are to me. You saved me from Phantom, and in return I owesss you a debt. Until I repaysss, I am your servant."

"Servant? What do you mean? You will do what ever I ask?"

"Of a sortsss. It is different from slavery. I retain my honor. But Isss will help you when needed. Until our debt is settled." I let that news sink in as I battled for control over my own head. To say that the room was spinning was not correct, yet to say that the room was NOT spinning was also not correct. Such an intresting feeling. I was soon lost in my own head just feeling the motions of my own body and marvelling in them. Sometime later as the room stopped... not-spinning?... My attention wandered back to the table and Kar'l and Nina Nu. I was not sure how long I had been lost in my own head but it seemed like it had been forever, and I had not been aware of anything that had happened around me. Kar'l and Nina Nu must have decided that my first drag should also be my last drag of the night as the space-weed was now nothing more then a pile of ashes in a ash tray. Several more empty bottles now surrounded Kar'l though oddly the bottle Kar'kl had handed Nina Nu still sat there full.

"Welcomess back." Nina Nu and Kar'l laughed at my obvious state of bewilderment. I found myself once again unable to stop myself from joinning them in a laugh even though for the life of me I wasn't sure what was so funny. Even though my world was no longer not-spinning I still knew everything was not back to normal.

"How long was I," I stuttered confused as to how to describe my prior condition.

"Higher then a kite?" Kar'l offered "oh about three hours or so. Next time you shouldn't take such a big hit. You are way to small for it." We all cracked up laughing all over again. When we managed to stop i looked again to the Boron's still full bottle of space fuel.

"Did you forget about your booze?"

"No lifesaver, I do not drink. It dulls the sences and clouds the mind." And the spaceweed doesn't? My stomach rolled at the very thought of spaceweed, and I suddenly found my self rushing to the bathrroom where I puked my guts out for the next hour or so. By the time I finished and I was feeling better I came back out to find that Kar'l and Nina Nu had felt. I stumbled back to the bedroom and fell into bed.


"Yes boss?"

"Remind me not to take big hits of spaceweed."


Blahhhh...... Ok that is all the dialoge I can stand to write at one time. Next update should be quicker as it is very action oriented, and I likes writing action :D
Last edited by kaistern on Sat, 22. Nov 14, 08:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
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Post by Kual » Tue, 18. Nov 14, 15:48

How can you not like writing dialogue? You got some really great characters like Gizmo, Frankie, Valse, Elaine, Kar'l and Nina Nu.

You are doing very well in giving them life already, look at them as your friends. If there is something you do not like, embrace it and practice all the more.

And btw: waiting eagerly for the next chapter :-)

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Post by facastefff » Tue, 18. Nov 14, 18:36

Kual wrote:And btw: waiting eagerly for the next chapter :-)
So am I, but I fear our friendly writer is getting more and more projects on his hands. First litcube baited him into working for the wiki, then there is the Wings-mod and now a second DiD. Makes me sad. :(
I sure hope you don't give up on this one, kaistern, we need to see it move on!

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Post by kaistern » Wed, 19. Nov 14, 02:14

Aww i did realize ya'll still cared :)

I have put a lot on my plate recently but meh... assuming it isn't to busy at my "writting studio" this weekend i'll write more then :D maybe before then but idk
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
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Post by kaistern » Sat, 22. Nov 14, 08:53

Kual wrote:How can you not like writing dialogue? You got some really great characters like Gizmo, Frankie, Valse, Elaine, Kar'l and Nina Nu.

You are doing very well in giving them life already, look at them as your friends. If there is something you do not like, embrace it and practice all the more.

And btw: waiting eagerly for the next chapter :-)
It's not that I hate dialogue its just that.... it is hard to write :D I know that the more I do it the easier it will become untill it is really easy and so I am trying to add more and more to it, and lord knows there are a lot of areas I would like to expand. But it literally gives me a headache after the tenth time I have gone over the same material to make sure all the characters sound "in-character" and that there is no useless dialogue or, some thing that I am really bad at, the dialogue doesn't become a FAQ. I have this really bad tendency for my dialogue to sputter away until it literally looks like a FAQ of information that I am trying to spoon feed you :(.
"Why is the moonround?"

"Because the centrfical force of the moon's...(snip)..."

"What is centrifical force?"

"The force a object....(snip)...."


"bla bla bla bla..."


"Bla bla bla bla..."
and that's just horrible writing :D well anyhow I am going to stop wasting time and get to writting todays post :D
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
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Post by kaistern » Sat, 22. Nov 14, 12:14

There are so many spelling errors in the following post, however my computer does not have spell check and I am out of time... So it's post it rough or odn't post it at all... I'll clean it up when I get time later today or tomorrow in the mean time enjoy!


Karl walked onto the Bridge of the Wrath nursing a hangover. Kar'l was not used to waking up to bright lights and such noise! Normally his usual morning hangover would be greeted by the beautful darkness of space and a 90% shader he had installed to keep the light from any sun or ships engines from hurting his eyes. But there was no such mercy on the tiny bridge of the Wrath. Sure 60% of the room was covered in veiwscreens depicting space, but the rest of the room was bathed in what currently seemed to be the light of a thousand suns.

"Good morning captain." Said a three eyed humanoid sitting at the helm.

"What's so good about it Slidders?" Slidders was an oddity. First off he was the first athiest Paranoid that Karl had ever heard of. Second his name was Slidders, who ever heard of a Paranoid with such a name? And lastly he just didn't act like a Paranoid. Never once had Karl heard him say anything about the holyness this or the great that. Even if you asked him about why he was an athiest he just clammed up. Weird.

"Well, we're alive, we all have very good pay checks, and we are half way through our 3 day patrol and have yet to see any enemy activity." Even after three days of this Karl was not sure if he was going to be able to accept a Slidders as his XO. Miles had insisted that he was very good at what he did, but sometimes Karl wondered about Miles judgement, after all, an athiest Paranoid!?!

Karl sat down in the command chair and brought up the logs from the last night...

[log entry-XO Slidders]2250:Jumped through gate to Antigone Memorial in formation with the Vengeance, fighter squardren to follow. Sector scanned for hostiles. None found. Sector Scanned for God. None found. Vengeance made contact with sector defence. All quite. Proceding in formation to Power Circle.

[log entry-XO Slidders]0350:Jumped through gate to Power Circle in formation with the Vengeance, fighter squardren to follow. Sector scanned for hostiles. None found. Sector Scanned for God. None found. Vengeance made contact with sector defence. All quite. Proceding in formation to Three Worlds.

[log entry-XO Slidders]0650:Jumped through gate to Three Worlds in formation with the Vengeance, fighter squardren to follow. Sector scanned for hostiles. None found. Sector Scanned for God. None found. Vengeance made contact with sector defence. All quite. Proceding in formation to Cloudbase Northwest.

Karl shook his head, it was one thing to not believe in God but to be so blasphemeth? Karl believed in the God of the Split who created the universe and tought the split the way of the warrior. He was not sure if the Split God and the Paranoid God were the same but for anyone to insult any god in such a manner?

"Captain I have Commedore on the line, he says it is urgent." The communications officer said as he patched William through.

"Morning Karl, you look ripe and eager this morning." Wil'helm said smiling evilly. The humor faded from his face replaced by a seriousness Kar'l had never seen in the young man's eyes before as he continued, "I just received a distress call from one of my traders in Elain's Fortune. A Phanon Demios and assorted fighters attacked it, though it made it away safely." A Demios? Karl thought as images of the Paranid designed frigate flashed across his mind, Were would they acquire one of those? "I am afraid that they are planning on continuing on their path and that they plan to attack the Complex in orebelt. We have to stop them."

"Wil'Helm, it is a Demios, a FRIGATE! They are not to be taken lightly, but I am sure with our fighters to help we will take it!" Kar'l felt his heart starting to pound, the thrill of a truely worthy fight exciting him.

"Negitave, bearly any of the fighters are equiped with jumpdrives. Frankie is going to take the squadren and head for President's End, were we will fall back if the Demios proves to be more then a match for us." A devilish smile came back across william face, "Besides when was the last time two corvette's managed to capture a Frigate, huh? Imagine the stories." Kar'l couldn't help but lose himself momentarly in the romance of it all. That kind of story would bring much honor to his families name.

"When do we jump?" Kar'l asked with anticipation radiating from his face.

"Now my friend, The demios is headed towards the south gate in Elaine's Fortune presumably to restock after fighting the traders drones off. We are going to jump in on top of them and hopfully catch their convoy halfway through the gate. The Marine Lander is ready as soon as we get the demios' shields down. Jump on my mark, 3... 2... 1... JUMP!"


Elaine's Fortune blosomed into view as the Wrath brust from the gate. A fighter banked hard and bearly managed to evade being run over by the Wrath as it barroled forward at full speed. Kar'l brought the main guns to bear and fired a salvo into the fighter nearly breaking it shields. The fighter shot back meaninglessly and then tried to make another run for the gate; but Karl let loose another salvo and the fighter errupted into a ball of fury. Kar'l pulled the Wrath around to search for more targets in time to see missiles from the Vengeance rip apart two more fighters.

"Shit, I didn't expect them to run quite so quickly, so much for our element of suprise." Wil'Helm radioed over. "Ok Jumping to Split Fire in 3... 2... 1... JUMP!"


Split fire was a much plainer veiw with almost no stations to be found, Kar'l noted as the Wrath and the Vengeance came through the Gate together. Karl's scanners immediatly picked up the demios as well as three heavy fighters, two interceptors, and four scouts.

"Hold position and watch this." Karl bought the Wrath to a stop a missile after missile began to bloom from the missile tubes of the Vengeance. Hundreds of missiles soon filled the air as the Phanon fighter despiratly tried in vain to escape. Seconds later nothing remained between them and their target.

"God I love missiles," William said over the radio, "Hold on I am getting a hail from the demios... Maybe they want to surrender?" Highly unlikely. Karl thought. "Patching it through.

The bridge of the demio came to life on the forward view screen dipicting a much younger captain then Karl had been expecting. Sitting in the command chair of the demios was a maybe 25 year old Argon clad in a formidable black Uniform that was perfessionally pressed to be absoultly perfect. Several Medals decorated the man's chest and he proudly wore the insignia of Rear Admiral on his collar.

"Good Morning Gentalmen. It is rather unseemly that you would attack without first introducing yourselves. I am Read Admiral Gordek of Nova Corperation." Karl felt a little stunned at such mild manners from a man who just watched his entire fighter wing disappear in a cloud of missiles. A cold ruthlessness seemed to eminate from every mild mannered word Gordek spoke.

"Enough with pleasentries." William returned, "Surrender your ship and no one else has to die today."

Admiral Gordek let out a long and sinister laugh, for several minutes before getting a hold of himself, "You and what fleet? Oh that was good, I'll tell you what, I am late for my Daughter's wedding. How about you turn around and disappear and I'll just assume you are some hapless pirates not the Phanon Corp. most wanted individial."

"You may want to let your aughter know your going to be late because today that ship goes home with me."

"Suit yourself," Admiral Gordek said with a grin, "All cannons fire at will."

The Wrath shivered as Ion Disruptors blasted into it's shields. Kar'l pushed the thruster all in and returned fire with the HEPTs. The vengeance also began moving firing it's cannons.

"Shields at 85%!" The engineer yelled as another wave blasted into the Wrath. Kall glanced at the tactical screen to see the Demios' shields had fallen to 90%. Maybe we have a chance? Karl thought as he pour fire from the main cannons into the frigate. The corvettes continued to try and outmanuever the frigate however the true firepower of the frigate lie in it's broadsides which could fire at almost any angle from the ship and under Admiral Gordek's hand they never missed an opertunity and the well trained gunners fired with deadly accureacy. Karl winced as another volley shattered across his shields bringin them to a meassly 3%, while a glance at his Tactical display showed a grim sight his weapon capacitors completely drained and the frigates shields still at 10%. That's it there is nothing more we can do Karl thought as he opened a comm link to the Vengeance.

"Wil'helm, We are out of weapon power. Our shields are..." Another blast of cannon fire rocked the Wrath this time carving into the hull. "Down!" William's face was pinched as he searched for a way to win. Karl watched as the frigate opened fire once more this time on the Vengeance. Fire ripped across it's hull as the shields failed and the frigate brokethrough to the hull. Explosions ripped across the bridge as the frigate's gun overloaded near by conduits. karl watched in horror as William was tossed head over heels into the far wall by the explosion.

"Wil'Helm!!!!!!" Kar'l roared trying to think despirately of a way to save his friend. He turned his ship to face the frigate and started to accelerate. The frigates shields were down and if he hit it in just the right angle he could take it with him.

Karl was so focused on the frigate that he bearly head a whispered voice trying desperatly to be head. "Kar...l... ju....mp.... Presi...dent's... End...." Kar'l looked down at the comm's screen to see a badly battered and burn William clutching his rib cage with one hand as he held himself up against the captain's chair with the other. Relief to see that his friend was not dead flooded him and distracted him... then looking up the frigate was less the 300 meters away and closing fast. Karl pushed down on the stick to try and clear the frigate as he activated the jump drive. The frigte loomed closer and closer as the jump drive spooled up 150 meters... 75 meters... 25 meters......


President's Ends burst into view as a relief to Kar'l... just 1 more second and it would not have been the case. Kar'l sighed as the Veneance aslo emerged from the gate just seconds after him. The Vengeance looked rough, with scortch marks running all up and down it's side, Karl would hate to see what the Wrath looked like... Turning his attention back to the rest of the secotr Kar'l found another sight that made his heart feel light, then entire Dragon Squadran sitting not 10 Km off. Salvation.........
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Running LU 1.4.7 + XM-O 1.0 + Quick Wings 1.0
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Post by kaistern » Tue, 9. Dec 14, 11:51

"What's our status?" I asked to my assembled leautinents.

It had been several weeks since our encounter with the Demios. Mear minutes after we had retreated to President's End, I collapsed leaving Jones in command of the Vengeance. From what I was told after the event he arranged for my transport to the hospital while he and the rest of the dragons awaited the Demios. But it never came. For days they waited in President's End but the demios must have had enough. Finally they pulled back to begin repairs.

"All ship repairs are complete, Commedore." Miles stated standing from his chair. I had asked Miles, Jones, Kar'l, and Frankie to a special diner to get me cought up on what I had missed in my time in the hospital. "The blast that you were in was actually more of a lucky shot then anything else. The Wrath was actually the worse off of the two ships. In the end I had to replace 7% of the Vengeance's hull plating and 16% of the Wrath's. In the end the repairs made us 435 thouasand credits"

"I dont suppose you would mind explainning how repairing my ships made me money?" I asked as Miles made to sit down. He shot me an evil grin.

"Nope, state secrets and all." I shook my head, trouth be told I was not sure I wanted to know what laws he broke to obtain his ends.... At least it made me money.

"While I was in the hospital I had a lot of time to think about our future. It is not enough anymore to stay put in our home. It is past time that we branch out and explorer the rest of the galaxy. To this end starting tomorrow I want half of our light fighters to continue mapping the galaxy, starting off where frankie left off. The other half will fallow behind deploying trade satilites for the other economic half of Dragon co." Frankie nodded, I could see the number going through his head. 15 fighters in the squardren, a full 10 of which were lights... 2/3 of his fighters of the line... Well he wasn't going to like what came next any more... "As well, the recent attacks on our assets have made me realise the inherant weak of our fighters. It is to costly too equip them all with jumpdrives and energy cells. Yet without the ability to jump, in the event of an attack on our facilities, the fighters will be left behind. I ran simulation after simulation and in each the presence of the fighters was the difference between victory and defeat. Because of this the heavy fighters will remain in Ore Belt to guard the factories." Frankie shot our of his chair suprise flash over his face.

"You can't be serious! Your removing the fighters from duty!?!"

"No. You still have your duties, and once we obtain some sort of carrier then you will be back on active patrols. But until then I can not risk you not being here in the event of an attack."

"Yes sir..." Frankie set back down with a sigh. Then looking back up he smiled. "I trust your looking into a carrier? I wouldn't mind being the Captain of an Odin..."

"I'm sure you wouldn't, make you a deal, you convince the Terrans to give me one and I'll let you be the captain."

"Wil'helm what of us?" Kar'l interjected.

"Glad you asked. Since things on the mission front have cooled down in argon space lately we will head out looking for work, and ships. Our mission now is to capture anything that i can put marines onto. And it's as simple as that."


"Captain on DECK!" Jones bloated out as I stepped on to the Bridge of the Vengeance for the first time in weeks.

"At ease gentlemen" I replied feeling ill at ease myself. I still was not used to such military protocol, But it seemed that while I was gone Jones' had been working tirelessly to impose it behind my back.

"Commedore, welcome aboard."

"Thank you Jones. It's good to be back." I said as i walked over to the command chair and slowly sat down. Truth be told I missed this very much. "Helm, set course for Empire Mines, transmit destination to the Wrath and prepare to jump."

"Aye, Captain. Setting jumpdrive to Empire Mines... Wrath confirms jump cordinates.. Jumping in 3..2..1.."

We emerged from the eastern gate of Empire Mines to the normal systems traffic... nothing spectacular.

"Comms, contact the local Sec. Def an-"

"Sir I have an incoming hail fro-"


The entire ship jerked to the side as the Helmsman used every available thruster to throw the ship violantly to starboard. Bearly in time a not a second later an osprey shot by with it's escorting fighters.

"Sorry captain, I guess I was not far enough away from the gate."

"Dont worry about it leutenant, that was some good work on the evasives. Now then, Comms what were you saying before we were almost run over?" I asked as I watched the Osprey on the viewscreen head towards a local mine.

"I have the foreman of Ore Mine beta on the line sir. He says it's urgent."

"Onscreen, Leautinant." A three-eyed something apeared on the screen. Paranoids... Who could really even tell what they were?

"Captain! The holiness begs your mercy! Even now foul pirates, nay demons!, are on their way to attack us! We are def-"

"Wait they would happen to be lead by an Oprey would they?"

"Yes how did you---"

"We accept!" I said as I seververed the comm link. "Helm engines to full, Jones are we in range of the osprey?"

"Aye sir, 1k and falling, but we are still in weapons range."

"Give them a full salvo. Comms have the Wrath take out the fighters, and get the Marine Lander here ASAP!!!"

Ion beam lashed out from our main cannons scoring hit after hit as the morrigu blasted through several of the fighters. The oprey tried to come about but it was slow and sluggish, making it all to easy for the Helmsman to keep us behind her and to keep out cannons aimed true. It didn't take long for the Osprey's shields to fall and by that time the Marine Lander was already beside her and then...

"...shht... Marine 1 to overwatch. We're aboard. Proceding to the command deck. No opposition met... shht.."

Minutes passed with occasional updates as the marines swept through the decks and then...

"...Shht... Marine 1 to overwatch. Command deck secured. We have control...shht"

"Overwatch to Marine 1. Good job, there is a shipyard in Paranoid prime. Head there for refit."

"...Shht... Aya Commedore, Major Kult out...shht..."

The oprey slowly started moving towards the east gate as we swung the Vengeance back around to find the Wrath returning having destroyed all of the Pirate fighters. A quick come to a grateful Paranoid to collect the debt and we were back on our way... One osprey richer.

"Captain!" The Comms officer shouted "Incoming distress signal. It's one of ours."

"Not agian..." I said. Suddenly all of my ellation from capturing the oprey was gone. Was the Demios back already?


Next time on Rise of Phanom:

Nina Nu jumped behind a craft of cargo, dodging several laser blasts.

"...shht... Overwatch to marine 1, status report... Whats going on?...shht..."

Glancing over to one of the several dead marine littered around the cargobay Nina Nu pressed down on his comm link to answer back.

"This is Nina Nu. They are all dead. Say again I am the last one left, send help!"


(1) Note about the word Captain. It is both a rank and a title. Who ever is "in charge" of a ship is the ship's "captain" regardless of the person's actual rank.
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Post by Zaitsev » Fri, 12. Dec 14, 03:30

Yay, an update :D I also see you've been taking notes regarding cliffhangers ;)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

Eye of the storm Completed
Eye of the storm - book 2 Inactive
Black Sun - Completed
Endgame - Completed

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Post by kaistern » Fri, 12. Dec 14, 06:42

Zaitsev wrote:Yay, an update :D I also see you've been taking notes regarding cliffhangers ;)
Maybe I have, Maybe I have not....

Ok I have, you like it? i don't think I'll use them as much as you do, but maybe on the eve of events that I think are really cool... a harbinger epicness... err... well at least in my mind
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Post by kaistern » Fri, 12. Dec 14, 12:17

"This Furry, Sector Rhy's Desire. I am receaving heavy fire from a Nova Fleet. Repeat I am under heavy fire and need immeadiate assistance." Furry was one of the pilot that had flown with us since nearly the beginning, and when I had ordered the light fighters to set out exploring he had been one of the first to volenteer.

"Furry, this is Vengeance actual. Make haste to the nearest safe station and get me a sit rep."

"Aye Vengeance, I have a couple of Harriers on my tail but I can shake them. I see Marlin Corvette as well as several fighters. Two heavies, two lights, and.. maybe 5 scouts. I have docking clearance at an ore minning proceding to hot dock." I continued to keep the comms line open until Furry made it to the mine and saftey. Now that the immediate threat was passed I opened a line to the Osprey I had just captured.

"Major Kult I need your men back on board the Lander ASAP. Prepare for another Op."

"Captain, who is going to man the Osprey? We're not leaving it adrift are we?"

"Negative, I am transporting aaa..." I glanced at Jones not sure who I could trust to command the osprey while we went after the Marlin.

"Leautinant O'her will be honored captain." Jones offered. The Helmsman turned from his console slackjawed.

"Me sir? I... ah... I mean..."

"Leautenant, report to the transporter room. Dont break my new ship."

"AYE SIR!" He said jumping up and throwing a quick salute before rushing off the bridge.

"Are you sure we can trust him Jones?" Jones shrugged slightly

"Better then leaving it adrift. Beside I figure he knows if he tries any funny buessiness we will hunt him down." I transfered control of the helm to my seat and then flipped open a comms link the the wrath.

"Kar'l hope you haven't made any plans for tonight. A Marlin just attacked Furry in Rhy's Desire and I think I feel like thanking them for there generosity."

"Ah Wil'helm, it will be a glorious day indead. I stand ready, shields and weapons at full." I grinned a glorious day indead. Punching in the cordinants for Rhy's Desire I opened a wormhole...


Rhy's Desire Open up in front of me as the ships computer whinned about hostiles it quickly found. Looked like Furry had a good eye, his ship count was just right and thanks to his escape attempt the enemy was out of formation and spread in a line almost from one side of the system to the other.

"Jones fire missiles, standard barrage." Missiles lanced out quickly wipping out one after another after another of the enemy fighters leaving us alone with the Marlin and a single Kea hidding behind it. I pushed the throttle to full and charged at the marlin weapons blazing. It's shields droped to 45% before we came nearly nose to nose forcing it to dive and leaving me zeroed in on the Kea behind it.

"FIRE SILKWORMS!!" I said as I basted the Kea with the Ion Disruptors.

"Negative captain, that was the last of our missles, were dry." Well shit, no one said this was going to be that easy. I thought as I blasted the fighter with the HEPT batteries. A few more rounds and the Kea's reactor could take no more. Leaving the wreckage behind I turned to find Kar'l in a knife fight with the Marlin and he was giving far better then he was getting. I pushed the throttle in and made to intercet the Marlin firing as I closed the distance. I closed quickly but as i got with in 500 meter the Marlin turned sharply towards me...

<Collision ALER--->

The warning was to late as the top of the marlin collided with the under belly of the Vengeance. I was thrown from my seat as several of the terminals exploded from the energy surge. I could hear metal screeching as I rolled across the floor. Visions of my ship being torn apart flooded my eyes as I lay there waiting for the inevitable vaccume to engulf us.

But it never came. What seemed like an eternity later, even though it way but a few seconds later, Jones helped me up off the ground.

"Our shield held sir, their critical but they held!" He said with a shit eating grin on his face. "We torn the Marlin a new cargo hatch though. She is still alive but her hull integraty is down to 23%. Marine one is on route, she will be ours soon!"


Nina Nu grinnned as he fell toward the Marlin with the rest of the Marine on his tail. It took all the fun out of finding a way on board a ship when you local freindly captain ripps a hole in it, but it sure does make it easy. Nina Nu touched down gracefully on what was left of a bulkhead as several other marines touched down beside him. The other marines had quickly started following in his example some even going as far as asking him to teach them his way. They quickly and queitly ghosted to an blastdoor that had sealed to keep the rest of the ship from decompressing. Nina Nu smiled as one of the best of the hackers quickly hacked through the door and gain them entrence to the ship. Air rushed out at them as they forced their way in and sealed the door behind them. More easy prey Nina Nu thought with a smile. The Hacker shoot him a smile, an expression that conveyed the same thoughts as Nina Nu himself was having. It was the last time the boy ever smiled.

Laser fire ripped out of nowhere ripping the head off of the Hacker. Nina Nu's reflexes kicked in sending him summersaulting over the dead marine as he fire dthe laser guns built into his suit's wrists toward the far end of the corridor, where the enemy fire had come from. He was awarded with a cry of pain that he silenced with another burst from his wristguns. The body of the marine brought a frown to his always smiling face. So much potential lost.... Frak when did i become sentimental? Hearing foot steps from the corridor he motioned for the other marines and then charged through a nearby door, hoping that there were not any badies on the other side. More laser fire welcomed him into the room as he dove for cover behind a nearby crate. This time it was not from any sentiant life form but instead from internal security lasers. FRAK! He thought as he jumped out from behind his cover to fire at the turret. Two shoots from his laser and the turret was no more. He turned around to find two more of his fellow marines laying dead on the floor.

"Damn you argonians, why do you die so easy?" He screammed at their bodies. Two marines clad in black rushed in through a door at the far end of the room firing towards his. Nina Nu dropped to the floor and rolled throwing a ion granade to the new comers. One of them caught it from the air not realising until blue-white light burst from the granade and consumed them both. The four marines that remain with Nina Nu followed him to the door. he kicked it open to find a corridor with rooms branching off in either direction. So many places to hide, so many place to lay in waiting he thought as his mind race to find a way. Picking a door at random he rushed in to find himself in a cargo room filled with yet more crates. Shizen! I will never make progress like this!" The other marines followed him in spreading out looking for anything hostile. It came to soon. Lasers errupted from behind them striking two of the marine dead. Nina Nu and the others took cover behind some of the crates as more black clad marines flooded into the room. Nina Nu threw the last of his granades at them cursing himself for not bringing more. He followed the granades with several volleys from his wristguns as he prayed to the god of luck to save them. The God of luck was not on their side. As Nina Nu and his companions laid down fire on the door way from which the black clad marines were coming another automated turret sprang to life behind them. Before Nina Nu could sound the alarm it opened fire and blasted through his two remmaining allies.

Nina Nu jumped behind a craft of cargo, dodging several laser blasts.

"...shht... Overwatch to marine 1, status report... Whats going on?...shht..."

Glancing over to one of the several dead marine littered around the cargobay Nina Nu pressed down on his comm link to answer back.

"This is Nina Nu. They are all dead. Say again I am the last one left, send help!"

Nina Nu knew he was quickly running out of options as his hands ran through his pockets until they came to rest on Singularity mine. He smiled as he armed it to a timer and then ran as fast as he could.


A singularity mine is banned throught the known universe for a good reason. Unlike normal weaponry it does something truely stupid, it creates a miniture black hole. Now most of the time they work as intended and only create a blackhole a single atom in size for not only a fraction of time, but in that time they still cause massive distruction to anything anywhere near them. It is a blackhole after all.
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Post by kaistern » Fri, 12. Dec 14, 13:20

"Major Kult whats going on?" I asked him over the comms link.

"Not good captain, the first wave was wiped out but the second wave is making progress. Their under heavy fire though and there have already been casul-"

Kult was cut off as suddenly the Marlin violently shook with a massive boom. The ship seemed to visably twist.

"Captain, I am detecting a forming singularity!" Jones shouted from his station, then a look of confusion came over his face. "It's gone, it was only there for a second..."

"Boss, it's a Singularity mine." Gizmo said as terminal to my left popping to life. "They have been baned from the entire commonwealth they are so dangerous!"

"They would use a singularity mine on their own ship!?!" I asked in shook. Who in their right mind would use such a weapon at all, much less aboard their own ship!

"Captain I am detecting spike from the Marlins plasma core. It's going critical, she going to blow!" Jones said

"Kult get your men out of there."

"Already ahead of you captain, I just beam squad two off the ship. I am headed to a safe distance now."

"Gizmo give a count down." I asked as I backed us off to a safe distance as well. I was mad, never before had I lost a single man, and now? I still did not know what the dealth toll was.

"Core overload in 10... 9... 8... 7..." I watched as several escape pods launched from the Marlin as the remains of her crew tried to escape. "6... 5... 5... 5... Boss the core just stabilized." I frowned, cores did not "just stabilize."

"Captain we are receiving a hail from the Marlin." The commsman said

"Onscreen" To my great shock I was meet with the smiling face of Nina Nu.

"Did someone order a marlin?"
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Post by kaistern » Fri, 12. Dec 14, 13:34

Behind the sceens:

This battle did not go the way I origanally planned. I did not actually ram it by accident, but instead after several attempts to board it that failed, because the marlin was faster then I was used to, I jumped back into the Vengeance and applied the breaks for them... with laser fire. I dont do that anymore. In the end i did manage to reduce it's speed to a more manageable level and then was able to board her. And then she took losts of damage. I didn't know it at the time but when you order a ship to attack shields the turrets do not obey that command and at this time they were set to protect the ship so through out the entire boarding op both of my ships's HEPT turrets were pouring fire onto my new price. In the end my boarding team did not win. They bail ship, and then I got very very very luck. At 2% hull left the marlin bailed, it was the first and only time I have ever seen a ship greater then a m3 bail. In the end I lost 10 of the 30 marines I had at the time. Amazingly Kult and Rider never made it into the Marlin. Nina Nu made it onto the ship in the first wave, however by the time I transported the left over marines back aboard the lander and then redeployed them, and then they caught up to Nina Nu he was the last on from the first squad alive.

This ended up being a successfull operation, however it was very messy. They got a lot better from their. (except for the few that failed :-/ )
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