(DINQD)(TC) Story of a fool

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(DINQD)(TC) Story of a fool

Post by Nathancros » Tue, 10. Apr 12, 19:04

hey guys, im once again trying a story :P
ive had to do a fresh wipe and install of X3, so now im running vanilla with only bonus pack

THIS IS NOT A DID, it would be a short story if it was,
If i do die in someway that is legit, i WILL let you know, gate jams, autopillock problems and such i will not mention because this page would be overrun with them after awhile

thought i'd give writing a go again:)
Posts are very welcome :) even if it be critisism :)

ok, well, lets see how this goes :D
Start conditions:

Argon Patriot
vanilla + Bonus pack only

so, here i am, with all my possesions*which accounts to a junky Elite with the following:

4x pacs
2x 5mj shields

and the standard softwa......
Some guy comms me outta nowhere.

At which point i promptly spilled my drink all over the cockpit.
ARGH Gunne help me.! what do you want!?

He then proceeds to rant about some mish he has got going.

"You pay?"

"This will look good on your record.."

"I dont have one, DO YOU PAY???"

at which point he cut coms.

Chapter one:
Luck Sucks

Hm, i suppose having a goal would help for awhile.
I comm him back agreeing, he then puts me *with a wierd stare at my junk of a ship*, into the patrol led by a self-loving argon guy..

Pulling some music from the extranet i play it as loud as i can and i can STILL hear him and the terran chick we are escorting arguing..

Oh gunne, maybe this was a bad idea...

passing through to circle of labour we are ambushed by a few pirates ships.. 1 buster and 1 harrier,
which we*meaning me only*
took out, no problem, if its like this all theway this should end quickly.

Then as we enter Heretics End a xenon wave shows up, bout 4 m5's and 2 m4's, much more like it!

I immediatly engage the M4's
Charging in headfirst i slam pounds of rounds into the first m4..
When he promtly turned blue and slid to a stop my jaw hit the floor as my first cap had on board.
3x PBE

heheh, i think i found my new ship,
Transferring everything from the elite, i collect it all up, send the elite back to omicron to be sold, and then rocketed after the convoy, at a blistering 30m/s.
So after numerous stops i finally get SOME speed into this thing, after repairing it to 100% i went a frightfully fast 60m/s *Mindless scream*

Well needless to say i got paid,
Which went straight engine tunings..

5000 credits didnt even max my engines, let alone rudder... or cargo *twitchs fingers towards fire button*

By this time i get another message from who i have dubbed "The Terran Chick"
asking me if i would like to join teh usc,

Now dont get me wrong, i dont HATE, ok thats a lie, we ALL hate the terrans, but im willing to work with them, so long as the pay is good,
But first, i gotta fly back to omicron to sell that elite cause i dont have a bloody Trading system extension.

i think im going to turn in for the night in this cramped, windowless, dark and rather horrible little ship of mine.

But then. anythings better then that elite... *mutter grumble mutter*

End of Chapter

Started story.
Did start of terran mission
Captured an M4 M Xenon ship, along with 3 pbe's

Property list
M4 M "First Circuit"
M4 Elite "Junk Trunk"
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Post by stads » Tue, 10. Apr 12, 22:59

like the beginning
keep on the good work love reading these

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Post by Nathancros » Tue, 10. Apr 12, 23:17

stads wrote:like the beginning
keep on the good work love reading these
thank you :), is there anything you think i should change/remove/ etc
i cant promise that ill be able to act on the advice*im kinda stubborn sometimes.,*
but the advice itself would help :),

ive already got the next chapter ready, but i want to be able to have chapters readys for when i cant play, so you guys dont miss out. ;)
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Chapter 2

Post by Nathancros » Wed, 11. Apr 12, 01:49

Chapter 2: Foolish ideas

Ok well, time to go back to talk to theese crazy terrans.

and the first thing i get is a warning and hundreds of guns pointed towards me..
Im once again sitting wit my jaw on the floor when i realise..
im flying a Xenon ship into the sectors of a race that hates them more than all others combined.

Immediatly i send a com saying that im not a mad toaster, and that i captured this ship, i then recieve an order to take it to the orbital base for.. study.

I give them the bird and say if they are willing to pay 3 million, its theirs Mwuahahah
We argue for a few minutes till i cut their next comment short,
"Oi you wanted me to work for you, well im here, what do you want me to do?"
and i think i might of pissed them off, cause they've seen fit to add me to a patrol..
as a recruit of the usc!?
I didnt see a recruiting poster in that com from her, so i'm guessing i really did piss them off..
*shrugs* off to s.plinter i go!

A few minutes later..
Good god how do i get myself into theese things???

ok, first i finally catch splinters little task group*after doubling back to sell the elite and soup up my M.
Then apparantly a bunch of micrometeorites did some fancy dancy thing,
Then apparantly they aint meterorites, but xenon ships.. the first time they attacked in 20 years..
and im here.. in a xenon ship..
Oh god...

Turns out the xenon were invading neptune.. everyone terran is headed there to kill them
i rock up expecting to run into a Xenon battle group of frigates atleast..
a pack of n's
HA really? Bloody paranoid terrans.
Though im still in the sme predicament, im in a xenon ship, fighting xenon ships, in a terran sector whos inhabitants are also fighting, you guessed it, Xenon ships..
I have a feeling this will be expensive, if not lethal..

Surprisingly i made it through the fight, tho i got hit down to 90% hull.
not from the xenon mind you,
Thats right, i got hit by the bloody terrans,
knew this day was going to be expense.. just my luck.
And NOW its a decoy attack???

good god i want out of here and back into reality please!!!
Deep breath, ok much better..
Ok chase after message drones? got it..

should never of come here..
ok set course for oort cloud, where'd i put that music..
ah there we go, something to pass the time for theese horribly big terran sectors, overcompensation perhaps?
anywayz after a few HOURS flying.. ok about 10 mins, i make it to Oort cloud,
Wait, dont those message... They look horribly like freight drones.. why did a shiver run down my spine
Anyways, drone followed, found a nova with no tags of ownership..
which the drone was headed to?
Hm, ID scrambling software perhaps?
Anyway. The nova fired a banshee missle at the jump beacon it,or whoever placed, then it jumped out..
Well, that was different, anywayz now splinter has caught up*as in used the jumpdrive somehow in a sector with no jumpgates. OR beacons.. gah. cheater.

Well now me and him. no you know what. only ME, fought through waves of xenon back to saturn. was enjoyable, no loot except 2 wraith missles that were too big for

my cargobay, so i was enveloped in a firey explosion that didnt kill me.thankfully. although i need a change of pants now.. gunne...
Also i got no bails, but hey killin xenon is fun, aahahaha

Now i have to go to the saturn research station for a debrief, apparantly they want my black box.. good luck finding it.. its hard enough squeezing into the pilots chair

on this ship, let alone locate something that needs fixing, removing or sayy... DESTROYING, im so glad guns fit to the OUTSIDE of the ship.. or i'd be in deep.. you know.. that doesnt need to be said.

Meet major general ishi whatever?
got enough titles there mate? ahaha find one you like and stick with it, thats my advice. self-loving, sanctimonious*mutter mutter*

he can wait, im going to bed, i'll see your bloody insane boss later!

End of Chapter

Credits 3000-350000
Sold the Elite
Did "Sol incursion" mission.

M4 M "First Circuit"
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Post by Nathancros » Wed, 11. Apr 12, 18:50

Any Comments at All would be very VERY appreicated, would be nice to know theres more then stads watchin n waitin :D
Apologies if there is any words misspelled or such stuff, im no good at cut n polished work, mebbe another chapter later 2night!


Chapter 3: Home again, on the road again, then wishing i was back at home.

Ok well, apparantly now ive earned myself a lil m5 Rapier, *scoff* useless, no weapons, just 1 1mj shield, stuff this, this will stay perm docked to the orbital base, till i get spare weapons..

meet some dude in heretics end? eh ok

Made it to heretics and i find this guy is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off the ecliptic, about... 180km's away... *Screams incoherently*

so after aging another 15 years i finally get to him, then im told to go hunt down some non-xenon ship in a xenon attack force..
Why does that remind me of Where's wally/waldo. except wally got shot dead the moment he joined that crowd... i dont see how this could happen but hey im gettin paid to play games, lets rooll

Another 15 year's or so i finally make it to nyana's hideout and what'dya know, there's a pirate nova raider with a group of L's, I FOUND WALDO/WALLY

He then promtly turns away and burns to the west gate.. at a blistering 40m/s..

seeing that i have time I ripped all the L's apart, tho i ran out of weapon power a few times and came out without a scratch to my hull. note to self, taking on m3's without turrets...EASY
Not bad for my first real fight..
My Tactic.. land on their tail and press the fire button down Simple, Effective, and fighter pilots demand high pay for this!? *scoff* If i ever get any, im giving them MINIMUM WAGE, any complaints, ill give them a REAL fight, sayyy.. taking on a Tyr in a Goner Ranger.. heh, Giggity.

Anywayz off i chase the.. awefullllly slow nova, till i decide frak it and fly past him, mooning the bugger as i go past*tho it took me ages to find a window to do this from*,
anyhow as i speed into scale plate green i get the awful feeling that i really shouldnt of..

See theres a biggggggggg red blip on the map, and infront of me..
No wait. calm down. its far away enough.
And oddly alone too? *in a boasters voice* Q has no need for an Escort!!! ,except for 3 m's on a seperate patrol?

anywayz i watched it rip into 2 falcons and a kite, and completly shrugging off any fire they gave it, if they managed to give it any.., i decide here really isnt the best place for me so i start running as fast as i can screaming like a metal singer in a lunatic asylum, listening to pop music...

Entering PTNI headquarters i decide to fly around a bit, trying to get my heart to stop trying to escape my chest like a capitalist in a rubber cage, With a $50 bill infront of him.
Starting to come down i take a look on the Map again.
Then my heartrates goes back up because as i fly past the west gate a wing of pirates*who hate my guts just so ya know* flew through, one fired a gout of PBG at me, before i ran for my life yet again, then i watched as they decided to attack the local shrike..
Well. thats 4 guys i wont have to worry bout no more.. fools...
As i explore to the east gate i see a Dukes transporter coming through..

Seeing as theese guys are hated by all, this guy is considered fair game to me, and i think its just become hunting season on this particular prey..
So i slipped into the back right of his ship and i lay into him with 2 pbes till i unzip his shields*Which takes almost my entire weapon energy bank*, i then start *slowely* laying into him with my PAC's, expecting him to drop cargo, instead i hear.
"Stop Stop! Take her! She's yours!"
Now when i heard this i thought a woman, now i would of stopped firing for a woman, i mean, who wouldnt aye?, Ahahaha

so i see a space suit fly out, so i head over to pick it up..
only to find its the guy who was piloting the ship..

Then finally it hit me..
Oh.. the SHIP.

of course! Now i shot him in the head purely for confusing me, then proceeded to dance around his corpse as i now have a TP of my own! YAY

anyway's 'captain 40m/s' finally made up his mind and headed towards the Unknown sector to the east of PTNI, so following him after buying 10 silkworm missiles from the EQD cause they were cheap, plus a triplex scanner which should make like SO much more comfortable
i then followed.

Entering i find a 2 pirate bases, a merc training fac, and a PBG forge..

only 2 things are blue to me..
the 2 bases, one is offering to hack the pbg forge for me..

now usually i'd take that offer..
but 2 things stopped me.
1: Im getting the feeling im bout to kill alot of pirates.
2: why would i hack a station for weapons i have no need for as of yet, if not ever?
Sure sooner or later i'll have my own m3, but ill want PBE's and perhaps HEPT or EBC, i dont like PBG, can cause more problems then it solves sometimes..

anyway's the nova finally docked at one of the bases, then i see a TS*looked like a mercury* jump out.. then a pirate and xenon attack group came after me
consisting of
2x m4 M xenon
2x m4 Pirate Elite
1x M5 Harrier
1x m4 Buzzard

now ive fought elites before, and they are a very wierd ship to fight..
sometimes they are a walk in the park. othertimes they really do hurt..
the 2 m's i can take on singly. but as a duo they will destroy me with their PBE,
the buzzard i have no idea really. slow but not very strong to make up for it, mebbe it has a secret?
and the harrier is the hardest oddly enough.. hardest to HIT that is, fighting m5's in an m4 is a reasonably annoying experiment, even worse in an M3

Anyways, i have no intention on taking this group on. so instead i Fire off all 10 silkworms.
2 at one of the M's
1 at the buzzard
2 at each of the Elites.
1 at t he harrier.
and the rest at the elites.

And now i shall endevour to explain my method.
The M's ahve enough shielding to shrug off 1 silkworm and survive.. hence 2. the M got slaughered about 10k off me.
the buzzard is way too unmanuverable to avoid the one, and i checked his hull and shields, it would wipe him off the face of the earth
The harrier only needed the 1. i got lucky on the hit tho. it curved behind me and took it on the nose.
the elites are IMO the most dangerous, with a rear turret that can wield PRG, plus from memory they can sometimes have PBG which.. HURTS
Thankfully they got owned on the nose by ALL of the missiles i fired at them. Me thinks i was just given a second chance at life there..

Luckily for me. all missiles connected and the entire wing was Insta-gibbed, except for the one M i left, which i tore apart with pbe and pac, hoping for a bail, but enjoying the kill anyway.

Now with that furball now over i puttered over to the station, trying to figure out which button to wack to scan in..
instead the ship does it on its own when im close enough... now this is a semi scary experience..
well im in a ship that USED to control itself and destroy organic species like a pesticide over a corn field.
any self-induced action im wary of..
turns out its not so bad.
now i gotta fly back to.. oh no..
the station in heretics end that is 180k of the ecliptic..

What did i do to deserve such torture!!!!

End of chapter

Captured a Hermes from duke transporter(40% hull and one frag bomb)
bought and fired off 10 silkworms.
completed the follow mission of terran plot.

Property list
1x M4 M "First Circuit"
1x M5 Rapier "Unnamed"
1x TP Hermes (40% hull) "unnamed"

212,718 Credits
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Post by Nathancros » Wed, 11. Apr 12, 21:25

Ok well, im getting well on the way now guys :D
games progressing rather well.. Please post tho :) Would love to know who is actually reading :D

Ok next installment
===============================================Chapter 4: Hopeless

Not me, though im probably pretty close to that sometimes..

Anywayz. buzzing back from PTNI to Heretics end, i go back through Scale plate green, and find that Q is STILL there, though its far away enough that i can just putter by.

As i enter Nyana's hideout i get an offer for a buzzard.
which i instantly decline.. 2 Million credits!?!?!
If only i had a nuke.. or three.
Sneaky lil sunva..
also there was a patrol offer, to circle of labour.
"Eh" i says, its on the way, so a few quick kills, a little more cash to splash, nots a bad series of events in my eyes.

Thus i ended up swamped in about 5-6 m5 N's and 2-3 M4 M's in one group. PER WAVE, and me puttering along in my M4 M, i almost got taken out by a gout of HEPT from a Centaur that decided to join in the fun..
in the end when i made it to Circle of labour i managed about
3-5 M4 M kills
8-12 M5 N kills

all the missles i got from the ships, i ended up firing at others to make the fights a lil less tense, i mean if i slipped once during theese i woulda of been rolled and lit up like a cigarette, those missiles took of some pressure, along with some enemies.

Ok well now with the patrol from hell complete i return to the patrol base..
And it seems im well welcome, as ive been given 3 M5 Rapiers to command.

I like theese ships, the only thing that may get them destroyed is the accuracy, tho i suppose i could spend some of my money on Poltergiest missles for them, will have to weight whether or not that is neccesary,

anywayz off back to Circle of labour, apparantly i have another patrol there, before i leave tho i need to upgrade those Rapiers speed, so i send them there to the trading dock*i will regret this later*,
i also send that first rapier of mine off to the nearest poltergiest fabrication plant.
also during this time i send that hermes to the Shipyard, to check how much repairs will cost..

Turns out i wont be able to pay for the repairs..
cost me 110k to upgrade the speed and rudder of my rapiers
Now i finally decide to go do that patrol..
I enter to see what the opposition is, rather secure in knowing i have a backup wing..

yeah not anymore..
The wing still exists.
its docked at the trading station.
and hovering around said station
are 2 L's
3 M's
and god knows how many N's

So, i sit and think, and think, then i remember, for this mission i have the semi control of 2 Sabre m4's

The perfect fodder.
So i charge in, hit as many N's for a 6 as i can, till i get hit, then i turn tail and hid in the spinny thing of the Trading dock
and watched as those sabres managed to tear them a new one, while the enemy was safely distracted i started to pick off ships, i took out 3 m's and an L myself. when someone else* i never found out* came into the fight and took a few out..
Then i saw something...

I saw a GIANT blue thing, seemed 2 big for a missoe.
I was right. it was a GROUP of poltergiests in Attack mode. all grouped together, i watched as they slammed through an N and the remainder went onto a nother, then another

That one group took out 4 N's..

Im getting some of THOSE.

Anyways with the bulk of the enemy force destroyed i test out the rapiers on a solo N,
They BOOOOOOOOOOOOST over to it, they only manage 1 hit each with the first pass, which was all that was needed, That N was toast..

Intregued i tried again against another N, this time only 2 made a pass before it was destroyed..
ive heard many complaints bout the EMPC, but i think, done right, theese are formidable weapons, but i will admit one point, in a Dogfight, they are hopeless.
but then thats what poltergiests are for. mwuaha

Anyways on the way to omicron i spot a VERY good deal..
212k for a Nova raider with (60%) hull, now i was screaming cause i was missing 15 k and had no wa to get it, till i remembered.
As quickly as i coud i sent it to the Shipyard in PTNI*where the hermes was*
it took 15 mins for the hermes to get there, with me screaming and ranting and raving in my M praying to dear Gunne that this deal doesnt slip through my fingers.

Well it made it, i bough the Nova, and now i realised.
How in Gunnes name do i plan to Arm this thing?
Deep breath, long deep breath..
slightly better.
Well i decided to try and sell it, but oh wait, omicron is bout to be attacked by xenon, so i sent me and my rapier hitsquad in, we were huting for xenon with a passio while the nova made a very slow run to the shipyard, we found no xenon at all*fortunatly*,
and the nova got sold

Now will all that solved, i putter over to Treasure chest, and become engaged with.. Terraformers apparantly?
eh, tastes like xenon, hits like xenon, explodes like xenon.
once again my rapiers prove their worth by taking 2 of the 4 M4's, Before i even get there, I personally take another out, and the other one get ganked by a centaur with a bad mood.
Ok well. I need a name for this band of misfits,and i think i have one.. i think...
Say hello to the "Sharpshooter" squad.
yes yes i hear those of you that are saying:
"But their weapons are so horrible, they miss all the time,so how can they be sharpshooters?!"
Thats only cause you are trying to dogfight, think of a driveby, doesnt matter if most of the shots miss, you'll be long gone b4 the ramifications come to bite you,
Theese guys charge in, slam a target, and leave on the same vector, no turning back for a 2nd run, if he aint dead, then ill have a surprise ready when that happens.
and besides, like headshots, theese guys are pretty much a 1 hit kill on alot of things in the light to medium fighter range.

Anyway's, back to Heretics end, and i get given yet another mission..

Protect this Scabbard till death? through terran space..

Where Overwhelming firepower was born???

Milk run....

few minutes late

ARGH How did a K get here!!!!

Ok stop, think..

I heard that a ship broke through the terran lines..
Then an N(must be that ship) came into mars, i sent Sharpshooter squad after it, then a K dropped in!!!!

jump beacon? ok guys change of plans, cover me!

i hurtle in, taking out an M*which politely bails at 50%*, tackle 2 n's and send the guys after an L

fighting our way in we destroy the Jump beacon then move to assist the Osaka in taking out the K*as in we took out all the fighterrs so it was 1 on 50 mwuaahhaha*

with the K destroyed We find out that the TP scuttered off to venus without us..

I better get paid for this...
Collecting up all teh missiles i ended up with
2 poltergiests
and 4 wildfires

now that may not seem like much
but look at it like this
1 poltergiest = 2 dead m5's = 1 dead m4
1 Wildfire = 1 dead m5 = 1 dead m4 = 0.5 dead m3

So i can wipe out a small taskforce without getting into the fight
i can fire off the poltergiests from that spare rapier of mine, and since i have a transporter device that is no problem.

I putter over to venus and talk to "That Terran Chick"
She sees fit to give me an Advanced discoverer that they souped up..

Call me blind, but i dont see the difference..

What now?

Dont call us we'll call you...

Bloody terrans..

End of Chapter

Did a patrol to heretics end
Convoy protect mission into Venus
Fought off The K
money 212k - 230l
Obtained a M4 M
Recived Sharpshooter squad
was given the advanced discoverer

1 m4 M "first Circuit"
3 m5 Rapier "Sharpshooter 01-03"
1 m4 M "Scrap"
1 m5 Advanced Discovered "unsure"
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Post by stads » Wed, 11. Apr 12, 22:45

keep um coming

poor Terran's got a feeling there gone be stabbed in the back in the end :D

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Post by Nathancros » Wed, 11. Apr 12, 23:02

stads wrote:keep um coming

poor Terran's got a feeling there gone be stabbed in the back in the end :D
And me flying in an M isnt helping that feeling, shame its TRUE

ahaha next chapter in bout 10-15 mins.
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

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Post by Nathancros » Wed, 11. Apr 12, 23:03

ok more like 10 seconds than 10 mins :D

thanks for the post, this ones for you stad XD

Chapter 5: Fireball Homecoming.

Ok well, giving the terrans the finger i slide back into mars to sell my M

See i have no use for this ship, i have my attack squad, i havent got the money to support anything else*unless it comes with weapons*
So i sell my M, and buy a Baldric TS,
Outfitting it with the best i can buy, i send it to omicron lyrae

Ok now ive gotten my..... orders...

Talk to commander jackson. good thing he is on my way OUT OF THIS HELLHOLE.
ok talk to him, talk to pearle? *sigh* am i the messenger boy? want me to tell him you miss him?


Ok when i entered circle of labour. i bought a merc tanker..
for an impressively low 50k
thing is, do i keep it, or sell it

My problem is i hav no clue on how to commercial agent and the other thing Bonus pack gives, so im left with manual trading*no thanks*.
Perhaps an enterprising pilot might want to.. Invest in advicing me on how to run this..
Speaking of which.. i COULD hire pilots for my Sharpshooter squad..

Perhaps its time for a Bar run? see if anyone is interested.

Ok well, sending the spare rapier off to the FATS to buy cargo extensions, i head off towards omicron lyrae.

Ok rapiers all set?
back to Saturn with you, we need more poltergiests..
The Rapier shall serve as my Anti fighter missile boat.*cause im 2 lazy to put the missiles on sharpshooter, and im 2 lazy to put guns on the rapier.
Ok on to omicron.
And as i arrive i see 2 ships for sale at the Shipyard,
1 is a mercury SF which i buy for cheap and resell
another is a caiman which i dont quite have the money for. and its a shame really, i hear alot of good things bout the caiman.

Anyways as im floatin bout omi checkin out deals, i get a message from a wierd elite...

Turns out theres a job coming up, the removal of the kha'ak from the galaxy..

tempting.. tempting
do you pay?
yes? awesome
will there be lots of explosions?
yes? perfect. im sold, where do i go

Follow you.. uhhhh ok

and then off he trots. at an insane 210m/s uhhh... elites can do that???

mebbe i shoulda of kept mine..
naah still a useless ship.

anywayz i*rather slowely compared to him* follow through to treasure chest. docking at a station for a drink and a bite to eat*saving moment* i go to check the sector map for jobs, when i see a buster sentinel with no ownership tags...

Finding such a thing and being wary of such ships i slowely crawled in, with my rapiers covering me.

turns out this one*unlike that nova* is abandonded.. so snatchin it up, i clear it out of stuff and send it to the shipyard in omi..
Waste not. want not.

anyway on to Black hole sun, where apparantly the xenon are attacking..
If this is anything like terran space.. that wave of n's. im turning and flying away. i want a REAL fight damn it, the xenon are meant to be the scourge of the universe.

turns out the xenon are bringing out the big guns this time.
4 M6 P's
1 M6 PX
4 M3 L's
1 M3 + LX
3 M4 M's
7-8 M5 N's

A sizeable force.. but dont forget i have the help of my fellow mercenaries.
speaking.. i want a eurus. those things are deadly.
the one in this group. has 10 banks FULL OF MASSDRIVERS.
*shudder* thats a powerful force..
anyways. expending my 6 wildfire missiles and sending Sharpshooter squad after the occasional M or N that strays from the group, we wipe the Xenon force clean for the sector. hell i got PAID for this. i tell ya, theese final Fury blokes sure know how to appeal to a merc like me..
Am i a merc? for now it will do..

Ok well igot paid, off to Nathan's voyage.

Where i forgot i had to go there to meet this captain pearle. 2 birds with one stone methinks..

as head towards the trading station i get a comm that once again. makes me spill my drink..

Im late? well im sorry. i had a date with a xenon force i couldnt cancel.
Got a problem? suck my exaust
now she goes on about how pearle got hisself captured by the argon
now she says they are both undercover..
i dont think shiny blue and white spacesuits are undercover but hey. thats just me. perhaps the argon at this station were blind?
or perhaps not.
Also her ship is just called "Argon Elite"
Not "Military argon elite"
or "Escort Argon Elite"
or even "Argon Freight transporter"
cmon hun. if he is anything like you he would stand out like a sore thumb..

anyways shes now going on about the threat of agi..
im flying an AGI ship atm.. hehe. i dearly hopes she tries to fire on me..

Destroy that ship of hers then drop her into a Xenon core sector..

ok well. lets head off to wastelands.. not a very nice name is it..

nothing doign here. bought a Discoverer for a cheap 20k

Putter off to Belt of Aguilar.
Xenon patrol? sure why not

Total ships were roughly
3 M3 L's
6 M4 M's
12 M5 N's

Rapier 1 got shot down to 30% hull, Temp remove from wing, follow me, i destroy the 3 N's hunting him, along with rapier 2 and 3's help with covering me from the M i was engaging.

Repaired rapier one. helped the jonferco force take out the final L,2 M's and 4 N's

All Hostiles destroyed.

Total was 12 destroyed ships by me and my group
we got paid 164k

Not bad for about 10 mins fighting.

ok. ima take a rest, have a donut and a bottle of spacefuel in jonferco headquarters.

End of Chapter
Collected The buster sentinel in Treasure chest, sold it.
Bough a used buster in BHS
fought off the xenon, once in BHS and Once in BOA
credits 250k- 900k

My M4 M "First Circuit"
3x M5 Rapier "Sharpshooter 01-03"
1x Advanced discoverer "unsure"
1x Baldric "Trader 01, need to figure out how to set him to work on the sectors between ptni and BHS."
1x M5 Rapier "Swarm Boat"
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Post by Nathancros » Thu, 12. Apr 12, 14:09

Ok next chapter, there may not be one 2morrow, tho you never know.

Chapter 6: We dont want to hurt anyone.. now lets go kill those smugglers..

Ok, all rested, lets continue to grand exchance

As we head there i do some small admistrative work, this will soon start to really chew up my time at this rate.
sent the baldric to Nyanas hideout to the Solarpower plant to load up. as EVERY station in PTNI is begging for Cells, *shrugs* fine with me, ill tank up the sattelite fab so i can plant a few around SPG and Nyana's oh and PTNI so i can keep an eye on buisness.
Also i sell the 2nd buster*the first already has been sold* and i already sold the merc tanker.

The rapier ive got at the poltergiest fab is loaded with 20 poltergiests. tho im trying to grab more. thinking of mebbe buying a sabre for the sole purpose of firing off poltergiests.

Ok well entering Grand exhange i see
A P and its escort are about 10km from me.. and inbetween me and my target
flying at a vector that keeps me at more than 10km from them i try to fly around them, whimpering an rocking in the flight chair waiting for them to launch something fast and painful at me..

then all but 1 L.. vanish????

confused as hell. but still eager for profit i attack the L with Sharpshooter squad + me.

It gets ganked and destroyed by my PBE and Their EMPC
EMPC hurts hull.. ALOT. and PBE strips shield. a good combination.

Ok onto this teladi guy
wants us to kill his smuggler rivals? seems ordinary. like a day at the office for me.
Heywood whines and complains
Grow up hun, this is the Real verse, you can go back to ur glass Case that says *Break glass incase people Do NOT think we are hypocritcal Bastu's* when this is done.
Bloody terrans

Well 5 minutes. 4 Vultures and 100 crates of Space weed floating in space*Which i cant collect. WASTED PROFITS nooooo*
Time to head back to Grand Exchance to talk to the teladi fella again

ok get 200 teladianium? ok then
OI Go'fer! come here,
oh. Go'fer is the name of my baldric now.

well go'fer is coming from PTNI so it will be awhile?
xenon invasion? ok then
average difficulty..
OMFG A P and 2 L's!?!?!
me in a M4 and 3 M5's?
ok fine if they were each seperate i could. but they are staying bunched together.. escape to the west gate!

gah, atleast i bought a kestrel which is running to BHS to get tuned up, then ill have a fast scout and transport ship, ill just need jumpdrives soon..
Also my Spare Rapier is on the way to me now, with its load of 30 poltergiests, heh heh. m5 and m4s be scared :P

Well when i meet up with the baldric im going to fly it back to GE with my rapiers covering me, along with swarm boat.
The M will wait at BHS, along with the kestrel.
i need to go to Argon M148 for 2 different things,
So my plan is to go there for Final Fury, and while im there let Heywood get pearles blue and white ass out of there.
Then ill let FF know i will need more time to prepare then fly back to terran space.

Hope they are ignorant as theese terran fools..

Well flying back through to BHS i notice that im actually following my kestrel, its topspeed atm is 7 less then my M but its keeping just ahead because it has no escort. its on its own. as the kestrel is meant to be..
It is THE scout ship, the one you send in sectors first cause if there is anything there, it will zip right past it at full pelt.

Hmm im thinking..
Im going to try and upgrade to atleast an M3, perhaps an M6 if i can get that far..

But then i shall need a TM for my Rapiers..

im thinking either a Zephyrus if i can get to OTAS, or a Magnetar, which is THE standard TM
need to weigh pro's and cons on M3 or M6
hmm m3 is cheaper, and more manueverable
but m3 is weaker, and ill need to upgrade again when the enemies get stronger
hmm m6 is stronger, buffer, and i wont need to upgrade for awhile..
but M6 is expensive, and theres a bigger chance of my M5's craashing into me, so i would need a TM with a jumpdrive at all times, but then the TM is a vulnerable asset.. ive lost many a TM in Patrols cause the enemy spawns right next to them and destroys them..

hmm m3 seems better, but if i can jump to m6 i will..

ok back at BHS
Switch transporter over to Swarm boat
send swarmboat to Flail fab where my baldric just sold a load of 3000 cells.
switch transporter over, switch ships, send M to eqd dock
Set Sharpshooter to protect me, set swarm boat to follow me, take off, back to Grand exchange..

also i just found out, my baldric can fire those poltergiests..
tho im keeping swarm boat
well for one its fast, so when im flying my M again, i dont have a slow baldric holding me back, however misslle boat on the other hand can go faster than my M, so it can get in and out of the sector quick after firing off its payload.

ok with my escort we head back to grand exchange to pick up 200 teladianium
why go so far?
well its the only place i know that has teladianium factories.. 3 infact..
ok well my kestrel is also ready to go,
its name you ask?
The first two things i did, when i hit the boost extension..
Welcome aboard M5 "Scream and Cry"

Ok well along the way to GE,
In wastelands i get a protect station mission..
3 m3's and 1 m4.

Ok well time to test out the poltergiest Swarm.
Change to Swarm boat. FIRE ALL

Well, even with their turrets, all m3's were vaporised except 1 that went down to 50 hull. i hunted it in my kestrel, it bailed.
Falcon Vanguard with 8% hull.. gah
Gave it a quick jolt and sent it to BHS as a possible upgrade
Sent swarmboat back to terran space to find out the poltergiest factory is GONE!?!?!?!
Foolish Terrans.
ok well, sent it to terran space anyway has it has no use now.
Back into the baldric, continue on my way.

one thing i have noticed bout my fighters..

following my Baldric they weave like a bunch of drunk guys on the way home from happy hour..So close to collissions so many times, going to have to check them for spacefuel or weed, after all we DID leave alot there, or so i thought perhaps? hmmm

this is slow, compared to my lil M

im now very leery of Patrol or defence missions, they are starting to get more than i can handle now without backup..

and i'd resort to missiles. but that would kinda nullify my income..
so im starting to get stuck...
I need more firepower..
will have to ponder possible solutions.

Ok i'm at GE and theres a random Pirate Nova Raider here, setting Sharpshooter loose at him i board my kestrel and be the spearhead of the attack, armed with only IRES and nothing in the turret i spray him twice, then as he tries to lock on to me i turn around and fly between sharpshooter squad as they lay into him nosefirst,
With that Nova now a wreck i see that the shipyard has a deal on. unfortunatly its only for a harrier vanguard.. 50k? no thanks sorry mate. back to the baldric and buying 200 teladianium
also ive retasked swarm boat to explore Terran space in search of Poltergiest fabs.

Ok then, back to Argon 148
Time for my master plan to come together..

End of Chapter.

Captured a Falcon Vanguard 8%
kitted out my kestrel "Scream and cry"
Found out im going to need a bigger gun.
Am now Prepared to save pearle and start FF at the same time

My M4 M "First Circuit"
3x M5 Rapier "Sharpshooter 01-03"
1x Advanced discoverer "unsure"
1x Baldric "Go'fer"
1x M5 Rapier "Swarm Boat" Now out of poltergiests with no way to get more atm
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Post by Nathancros » Wed, 18. Apr 12, 02:27

Ok sorry about the longish wait, been busy, and ill be trying to throw out a few reconciliation chapters

if not, i hope this one will do:

Chapter 7:
It all comes together WRONG

ok, going through the unknown sector between m148 and Nathan's voyage..
i see a few kha'ak scouts and interceptors..

i bring Sharpshooter squad in, then the kha'ak flew right pass me, so i send them home as i dont need them..
just as they leave the sector i get attacked by the kha'ak scout.. and a small oversight bout go'fer gets me roasted a bit..
see. it only has 1 5 mj shield.
yeeeahh.. i ended up killing the scout on my own. with no weapons.. by ramming it.
down to 73% hull

Bring back sharpshooter, follow me, if we see any more kha'ak im giving you guys orders to Tear them a new one...
why didnt i bring a bloody bugzapper with me...
Or a TM....

Ok into Argon m148 i go..

And off to the military base to deliver that teladianium.
Now i have to wait for heywood?
Im going to get some sleep..

6 hours later. oh she docked.. finally, cause I've been docked here for a bit 2 long and the Argon are starting to ask why...

Ok undock, float away to the military outpost regarding FF.
Come back to find pearle and heywood did the one perfectly sane thing to do.
Launch yourself out an airlock in a spacesuit at 99m/s????

my ship has a top speed of 94m/s atm.

Well after prolific use of the strafe drive, i finally catch them.
and on the long flight back to heretics end, i rant and rave and scream and occasionally punch pearle in the teeth.
Bloody,delusional,self-loving,argnu-humping,kha-ak sucking FOOLS
I hope i never see you 2 again, if i do, i will be launching hammerheads.. LOTS OF THEM

As im leaving to gear up for FF and throw theese fools out of the airlock, i get a message
from jesan,
Have a drink? will do, if i get back in time.

Ok back through the unknown sector, but I've changed my tactics..
Time to..
Scream and cry.. in my Kestrel. covering Go'fer.

so for the next few minutes i left my cargo pilot*who i saw fit to equip with a disruputer rifle in charge of the baldric "in case pearle or heywood...have delusions of escape, although after their last little stunt, i shouldnt really worry.*
I gave him one order
while i was zipping around in my kestrel

and IRES seem a good fit for it, it can fire them neigh forever,
Seems to be a good start to this run.

Ok on to nathans voyage, found a rock scannin mish, bout 10 rocks scattered across 3 sectors, 5 in nathans voyage, 1 in wastelands, 1 in black hole sun, and one in... unknown sector? wait isnt that..
yeah the one with the kha'ak scouts.. oh fun joy,

Well i got in and out with no trouble and 123k for my efforts, which is very welcome as i need money for my next military ship, or a TM, although ill need to locate a jumpdrive or 4 for that to be worth it..

hm, im thinking if i load that express i bought with a jumpdrive, and the same with this kestrel, i could make a good supply of cash running people around, and scannin rocks, and if i get my hands on a TM i could recover abandoned ships..

Hm will have to run that one through my mind and bank account..

Ok well following my TS into Omicron lyrae i find 2 protect station missions with a total value of 30k

now normally i would'nt do this, except a Argon Collosus just entered the nearest gate, so i agreed to both, and watched as about 15 pirate fighters got insta-gibbed by what I'm guessing was flak

Free 30k? thank you very much.
Back to following that TS

Ok we finally made it to heretics end, and the usual 15 year travel took over 50 this time.. good god. 97m/s someone save me

oh no..

Then i found out. it wasnt this station. it was the patrol base that would'a only taken me a short while!

*Screams and smashs the recorder*

End of Chapter

Rescued Pearle, and wished i didnt
TS Go'fer took some hull damage, running on 79%
Test ran the kestrel in a combat situation.
Hurt my hand.

My M4 M "First Circuit"
3x M5 Rapier "Sharpshooter 01-03"
1x Advanced discoverer "unsure"
1x Baldric "Go'fer" *minus 1 recording device*
1x M5 Rapier "Swarm Boat" now my Terran Explorer"
1x M5 Kestrel "Scream and cry"
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Post by 46_n_2 » Tue, 24. Apr 12, 23:30

good read so far.... keep it up :)

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Post by Nathancros » Thu, 26. Apr 12, 11:46

46_n_2 wrote:good read so far.... keep it up :)
thanks for that, will tkae awhile for the next chapter as ALOT of things IRL have reared their faces at me, most ugly one not XD

i promise mooooooore when the oppertunity arises :)

Thanks for the post :D
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Post by Nathancros » Sun, 29. Apr 12, 16:02

Chapter 8: Problems? problem solved

ok, just repaired the Recorder
Finished the dropoff, after all i had to buy the spare parts for this here recorder at the terran station, dropped pearle off, and then jumped into my Kestrel and flew as far away as possible..

and as far away seemed to be PTNI headquarters, wherei took a very hard patrol mission AND a very hard protect station..

yeah im in a kestrel.

in comes
5 L's
8 or so M's
15 N's

Plus a Yaki wing of
2 m3 Susanowa's
2 or so M4 Raijins
4 Fujins

And i forgot to bring Sharpshooter, who are in black hole sun..

Well, the station survived..and the sector survived.. and im down to 90% hull, and the shrike had fun so i guess its a good start to the day.

hmm i think ill fly through that west gate this time, Profit center alpha. what do you have in store for me?

2 squash mine fabs, a med shield fab and 2 energy bold chaingun forges???


if only i had a use for SQUASH mines.

ok well i kept flying till i reached patriachs keep, which is the first split sector ive ever found.

and it seems they like me, as i've just been given 2 missions, one to protect a silicon mine, my reward being bout 20k and a Bailed Raijin. heh heh.
And the 2nd mission, return an abandoned discoverer from scale plate.. how long? an hour? i can do that..

also on the way back through PTNI headquarters i find another, Return an octopus sentinel in nyana's hideout? 40 mins? i can do that to.

Sent both ships on their way, and headed my way back towards GE.


I'm going to head to Queens Harbour to buy myself a jumpdrive.

on to BHS i get a mission for xenon defence.
I agree and call Sharpshooter squad out of the Equipment dock where i left them

3 L's and 2 M's

The M's break off from the L's and i get Sharpshooter after one, me taking out the other,
Both Enemies destroyed we now tackle the L's
One at a time we take them one, my kestrel got smashed down to 45% hull, But still, Mission complete, 140K to my bank account.
Dropping out of the kestrel for a repair session, i send sharpshooter back to the EQD, and i sell off the raijn, and the buzzard.
I also purchase 2 pacs and throw the IRE's into my rear turret while the PAC's are my main guns now.

A rock scanning mish in nathans voyage and a very hard protect station mish in belt of aguilar*Thank you jonferco cerberus and collosus, make's life lazy"

Well with that pirate osprey and party.. well.. gone to be honest.. i head back on my merry way, picking up 2 banshee missiles.

Ok through to GE and i once again make the mistake of taking a Xenon defence..

Watched the horde come past, went to take out the last L to come through the gate, and then the WHOLE CLOUD OF ANGRY XENON turn around and engage me.

I Turn tail and run, PBE and PAC rounds bouncing off my shields and then slogging into my hull, im screaming and crying in the cockpit, strafing and boosting as fast and hard as i can,

Slowing down in tears of greed, i stop and breath for a moment...i NEED more firepower now, i cant keep fighting a fight i have no hope in, i need an upgrade.

While in Tears of greed, i get a mission.
Very hard protect station mission,
I wouldnt do this, except for the resident phoenix in the sector.

And it was the best choice for me.

First ship i attacked was a falcon vanguard.
Took alot of shots, but less then IRE's, he went down with his ship.
Next ship i fought was a Standard Falcon.
Who bailed at 80% hull!!!! with 9 banshee missiles which i used 3 on against the nova in this attack group..

So. my m3/m6 upgrade question has been answered for me.

The rest of the trip to Queens harbour was uneventful, bought a jumpdrive, and had to jump 3 times to stop for fuel and makei t back to omicron lyrae where i bought a magnetar, in which i docked Sharpshooter wing and my kestrel,
Time to fuel up, and start to get that falcon ready and in fighting condition.
Gunne.. today has been a tiring day.
ill start work on the falcon tomorrow.

End of Chapter

captured 2 falcons and a Raijin
Bought a Nova Sentinel
Credits are now past the 1 Million credit barrier
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Post by Nathancros » Mon, 7. May 12, 19:39

Chapter 9: A whole lotta nothing

Spent today doing exactly that.. went scouting for most of the time

Flew from GE through The Xenon sector to the north, then through Family Ryk and Njy*who didnt want to let me in, but i convinced them woth 600M/s of pure speed*.

Then south and back through yet another xenon sector, then set the ship on autopilot from BHS to Scale plate green, thinking i should be safe.

Yeah i was wrong..

I awake to a loud bang, a huge flash and the horror of watching my shields and hull plumment, with one hit,,

Seeems i have an admirer, Namely a Xenon Q, he liked my ship so much, he decided to try and destroy it and take he pieces!

anywayz, hull down to 40% and im running as fast as i can, which isnt As fast as before, roughly average m5 speed.

Docking at the pirate base in SPG, i buy the system override software, and a cargo life support*which i need for... shady dealings perhaps*

Then feeling crazy i fly through yet ANOTHER xenon sector, zipping throug Xenon 347 i fly down to ianiumus zura, then west towards avarice

But in IZ i get no less then 3 *count em!* ship offers
1 for a barracuda vanguard with 50 hull.
Selling for 50k!?!?!?! BARGAIN
A toucan hauler at 60 hull, 50-100k? Done!
And another at 96% hull at the same price?

Well, that was very. very profitable. roughly 1.6 millions credits worth.

Ok, time to keep on my way.
You see i have a goal now.

Ive been stopping at bars and bases to try and figure out my firepower problem.
I keep getting the same advice.
Buy a Solano...
and the more i hear, the more i like this ship...
So im on my way to legends home.

well. that was quick..

thought it would take me longer, but im already here. and already in a fully equipped Solano.
I'd keep flying,but i'm going to go take a nap in my magnetar, which i had purposly flown over here for that sole purpose.

Bought a solano
bought and sold 1x barracude and 2x toucans.

Same as before with falcon,nova both sold
And with a Solano now to the list. need to think of names
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Post by Nathancros » Sat, 19. May 12, 22:06

I would like peeps to post so i know who's reading, also i would love some advice on changes in my gameplay.
Also debating whether to throw in some prose, give my character some background, Also whether anyone wants to pilot any of my ships.
Ok guys, thanks for reading, perhaps another post soon!

Chapter 10: Bridging the gap.

Today i flew from Aladna hill to CBSE

And i indulged in a few spots of piracy

First a Teladi Freight transporter carrying...

110 1MJ shields!? DONE
Lost 2 rep ranks, but was worth it.
Then a paranid weapons dealer with..

5 frag bomb launchers.
Done with no rep loss.
Had to call in the magnetar for the next 2 hauls
A split weapons dealer..
with over 500 wasps!?
and finally

A strong arms trader..
With 100 or so IRE's
Oh god!!!

So. That was a profitable run, and i was only travelling to Elena's fortune. where i bought a buster on the cheap, and captured a Buzzard in a protect station mish,
oh this was all done in my kestrel, i have yet to fly that Solano in combat, as its currently docked to my magnetar back in legends.
Ok well, into Cloud base SE and i find a hard protect station mish...

400k.. vsing a Pirate centaur!?

Oi Maggy, get over here,
Launch all fighters, switch to solano "Pocket Pistol"
Send sharpshooter over, covered by 10 wasps and 5 silkworms to soften the target.

I cant tell how the hits went, but the centaurs down to 20% shielding and has an addittional argon nova pounding into it,
So with the total of roughly 6 or nine EMPC's
And 4 HEPTS laying into it, the centaur explodes, and i got credited with the kill! WOO
Ok with that fun over i dock the Solano and take off with the Kestrel again.
Oh. return abandoned Hermes in CBSW?
Sure why not. i got a jumpdrive and enough fuel to jump it back
Ok well ANOTHER 400K later.
I think its time to return to the terrans, as i now have my CLS i can get pearle back onto my ship.

Ooooh i wonder what wierd job ill get now.
mebbe ill have to swing my hips for Proffiiiiitsssss
Heh, no thanks.

Ok, jump to Aladna, refuel, jump to IZ, fly thru 18 Bill, thru xenon sector where i find a whole page of red, and mostly capitol ships too...

Oh and about 20 or so fighterdrones attempting to engage 2 J's and about 4 Q's..

Good idea really, as the pilot escaped from the middle of a giant furball.
ok through to scale plate green where i lost my Vulture SF and my "Go'fer" sad, I will avenge them, When i find out WHICH Q it was. as there seems to be alot flying around.

also i notice my money is past 2 mill mark

awesome. but not quite there yet.

Ok i made it.. finally. good thing for this kestrel or my son might of been the only one to make it here, good god it takes so long,
And i think Pearle is a bit.. anxious. ok lets be honest. he is scared out of his wits, entering my ship, knowing my prediliction for smackin him around for being a fool.
Anyway. where are we headed?

Ok. wait wait waiiiit a second, family zyarth??

now if i remember correctly....

Oh your kidding, i either go the LONG LONG LONG way, and go thru a xenon sector.

Or i go the sort of shortish way.
And go through a xenon sector -_-
*smacks pearle across the cheek*

Gah bloody terrans, good thing i picked up pearle in my Kestrel.

Ok well on the way i bought:
a demeter tanker (86%) for 20k
A buster for 150k
A merc SF for 100k, which im going to have running around ore belt and CBSE/CBSW running ore for me.
and a few others, all getting sold.

also to note, im currently floating around the 2.4mill mark.

my next thing to buy, will be a Nostrop oil factory in PTNI, which will have
1 Sunrise flower farm.
And the fab that make nostrop oil*currently i dunno the name, im sure ill remember it soon*

Then, when thats finished, ill either upgrade it, or plonk a Weed plex in Avarice, and mebbe a Booze plex as well,

first tho, i need the startup capital,

Hence the work for the terrans, they do give good toys.
Sometimes -_-..

Lets go suicidal again. To xenon land we go!!
money up to 2.4mill
Started next terran mission.
lost Vulture and Go'fer

Property list
Magentar: Docked =
3 Rapiers*Sharpshooter squad*
1 Solano "pocket pistol"

1 kestrel "Scream and Cry"
1 express. Drydocked currently in BHS
1 Mercury SF, remote trading in Orebelt/CBSW/SE
1 Xenon M "first circuit" docked in Heretics end
1 Rapier "Swarmboat" Exploring mars.
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Post by Nathancros » Sun, 20. May 12, 02:09

Chapter 11: Make like a Bananna,

Ok we are in BHS ready to invade the Xenon sector in naught but a Kestrel.
*deep breath*
*hears Pearle whimper in the cargo bay, Backhands him again*
Ok we are through..


4 q's in a neat row 0_0, well you dont see that anyday. and i dont wanna see it any more than i have to!


ok, well we were shot at every weapon i can think of, even flak i think, as something flashed past my cockpit, getting another yelp from pearle, and i was in no position

to hit him. but now that we are on the other side.... *Punchs Pearle, SHUT IT!*

*deep breath* bloody terrans, ok lets get to Zyarth

Oh yeahhhh. Njy hates me, i forgot bout that *Shrugs* cant stop me anyway.
you can?
600M's of speed says No.

A tiger? not bad. not bad.
can it do 600M/s?
no? refer to previous statement*Cuts comms*

Ok, well, after having to jump in the magnetar to lay some sattelites, im told to scan freighters. okie doke..
Take out this freighter? righteo

after i smashed it down past 50% hull pearle is screaming at me. ive got no clue why so i smack him across the cheek again, till i remember..
he said CAPTURE it.
Darn. i do end up capping it.. with 20% hull

Anywayz. 30 mins of swearing. curseing, and fleeing for my life im told to go to ocean of fantasy, which is Perfect. cause i think thats where pearle is, he says theres a

terran odin in teh sector?
mebbe 2 much weed?
Like i said, pearles in an ocean of his own fantasys

oh wait..
There IS an odin here.. righteo 0_0

Oooooh, big fleet battle coming up? score!
I get a free m3? SCORE
it had weapons, missiles and some fighterdrones

oh, they didnt upgrade the speed to max, ok not so score, leave it here. fly to this unknown sector in my kestrel, speed will be my safety

Woah. thats a big split fleet. OI MAGGY, get over here!

Jump into solano. Fire all silkworms, wasps, dock at maggy, get more wasps, fire more. oh look, poltergiests fired from terrans, wanders over to popcorn maker and

watchs the fireworks.

Ok well, thats over, i got a free jag, and time to fly this loon back to terran space,

well, that was.. nice, i got nothing at all! Bloody terrans!

They better make up for this!!!!

Dont call us. we'll call you!

Ok well, i need a 2nd TM
So i jumped maggy over to Legends, bought a zeph, loaded it up, dropped my solano in it, rejumped maggy to ocean of fantasy to pick up that cutlass, which i have

dubbed "Queen Anne" after an old terran tale i heard.

Ok well on my way out of terran space two things happen at once.

First, i get a protect station mission. hard.

2 Nova's and an Osprey.

hm i think im going to need help, jumping in maggy, i take on one of the novas, which hurts, down to 30 hull. 1 nova down, Over to maggy, get in my shiny new

cutlass, attack nova raider..

oh.. WOW.

I got hit many times, shields COMPLETLY shrugged it off, managed to cap the nova, tho my turrets smashed it down to 10%. *Shrugs*
now i get a message from the terrans, come back? *sigh* okie doke, atleast you guys gave me a fighting ship.

turned around and smash the osprey. and i mean SMASHED, down to 90% shields, and my weapon energy was on 90% as well, and one destroyed osprey.

Well. i like this ship. ALOT.

Ok back to the terran blokes, They aint so bad.

Ok im a terrible liar, they want to gift me a M6, a very. very Beautiful M6, but they want me to cap it, with the scabbard full of FOOLS they just gave me.

NOpe. not going to happen, send theese fools out of the sector back to argon space, to train them up. Thanks guys!!!
Oh. and they GAVE me that M6
ohhh im Salivating right now.
this ship LOOKS evil, and from wat i can tell, it has guns in every nook and crannie.
ALSO i found a poltergiest missile fab nearby!

*docks both scabbard and advanced disco which has been sitting here FOREVER, and loads up on 30 poltergiests.

Well, now i just need M/AM launchers.
Oh look, the ammo fab to the sector north has some, swarm boat. go buy.
Now i need the launchers, Jupiter 2?
Queen anne, go fetch.
time to go upgrade the engines..
I think the terrans are starting to get a lil squiffy, I havent showed up for their lil... taskforce...

I give them the excuse that im arming the ship they didnt see fit to arm. i mean seriously. it only had 25MJ's of shield and a jumpdrive, what were you expecting. also

speaking of which. MAGGY! wheres those jumpdrives..

I think the pilot of my Maggy is starting to get tired of getting yelled at.
Well if he got my ship here when i needed i wouldnt need to, so wat i didnt tell him, i EXPECTED him.

wait what!?
IM DOWN TO 200k!?
What am i paying you trader fools for!
MERC!!! Go to orebelt and sell ore damn it!
i wish i had a better grade of fool, you know, the ones that can do it for themselves.. i hate having to be so specific.

Well, im in venus, and im headed to dock to upgrade my speed.
Cause currently im watching a Terran TS ore transporter pass me, probably laughing at me..

he wont be laughing when im sportin the biggest guns i can find on this thing

Well, i cant buy antimatter launchers, something bout not being able to trust me?
Well shucks, dont compliment me like that.

No seriously. Dont...

Ok well, time to try and get my terran rep up, yeah.. right..
with no jumpgates to speak of, doing most missions are a no no, and this vidars speed isnt exactly all that great...
hell. my TS went faster.. till it got blown up..
anyway. i DO spot a group of 3 pirate elites flying to engage my maggy and zeph..
I could either let the docked ships have the fun. or i can do it myself..

heh. do it myself. jump out maggy, zeph follows, sell off the shields and IRE's i collected awhile back.. and proceed to SMASH those lil elites to bits..

Heh, i used to hate fighting elites, now i can shrug off anything they do.
EMPC isnt so bad ahaha

Well, today has been a Good day.
I'll do some damage tomorrow. after i take this vidar to the teladi and ask for a REAL interior. i dont like metal bedsheets.

Captured a nova raider at 10% hull
Got given a cutlass
Got given a Scabbarb
Got given THE vidar
Money went down to 200k, then back up to 3 mill after the sale of my express and alot of excess weapons.

Property list
Magentar: Docked =
3 Rapiers*Sharpshooter squad*
1 kestrel "Scream and Cry"
Zeph: Docked
1 Solano "pocket pistol"

1 Mercury SF, remote trading in Orebelt/CBSW/SE
1 Xenon M "first circuit" docked in Heretics end, been stripped of weapons, left in heretics
1 Rapier "Swarmboat" Exploring the moon. then buying me anti matter ammo.
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

Posts: 310
Joined: Thu, 21. Jul 11, 23:32

Post by 46_n_2 » Wed, 23. May 12, 20:05

well im still reading it at least :) good updates... as for adding prose i say its whatever you are comfortable doing (same with game play)

i volunteer as a pilot as well..... lets see

Name: Kase Nonm
Race: Argon
Weight/height: 260 lbs/ 6'5"
Age: unknown (appears to be mid twenties)
Call sign: Shard
Description: large, hairy and mean... light brown long hair and full beard (imagine a mountain man in space) blue eyes
Background: who's askin'? :pirat:

Posts: 674
Joined: Tue, 30. Nov 10, 04:46

Post by Nathancros » Thu, 24. May 12, 01:28

46_n_2 wrote:well im still reading it at least :) good updates... as for adding prose i say its whatever you are comfortable doing (same with game play)

i volunteer as a pilot as well..... lets see

Name: Kase Nonm
Race: Argon
Weight/height: 260 lbs/ 6'5"
Age: unknown (appears to be mid twenties)
Call sign: Shard
Description: large, hairy and mean... light brown long hair and full beard (imagine a mountain man in space) blue eyes
Background: who's askin'? :pirat:
fair enough, where would u want me to dump him?
ive got 9mill currently btw, so i can go buying a ship for him if neccesary.
but it cant be from
Yaki, Paranid, or split
im working on split, and yaki.

unless u want one of the ships i currently have

OK ill see how i go with a short prose adding him in.

Thank you :)

Split love me now, so it can be a split ship.
Nullam et arcu vitae magna instabilitate omnia solvit

Am a recovering Addict of the CREATIVE FORUM.

Long live X3

Posts: 310
Joined: Thu, 21. Jul 11, 23:32

Post by 46_n_2 » Thu, 24. May 12, 03:28

whatever is available i wont complain (wait make that something thats not a scout at least lol) at least for now..... i like split ships for low classes (m6 and lower) paranid for capitals

eventually i would hope for either a dragon or heavy dragon. anything higher then a m7 is whatever <wills you to not die>

i've been thinkin bout working on my own writing skills so i might even give some alt view type posts... cant promise tho with school and kids and all

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