By the Will of Xaar [Pious Paranid DiD]

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By the Will of Xaar [Pious Paranid DiD]

Post by theroguewriter » Thu, 14. Jun 12, 06:20

Okay, so after my ill fated Squid DiD - ended by an unfortunate computer and/or steam malfunction, I'm trying again. This time though with the Paranid start (and no steam) I will have a far more glorious end in a raging sector-wide battle for honor or glory. Or at the very least slamming into an asteroid or getting run over by a spacefly while repairing a ship... really anything that's my fault and not the fault of poorly executed software. Rules that follow are subject to change/revision as things progress, and input is welcome - any changes will be noted here.

X3: AP - no scripts/mods etc
-Dead is Dead obviously
-Pious Paranid start
-Cannot attack fellow Paranid - self defense is fine.
-Personal use of non-Paranid craft is forbidden, except in cases where it may be necessary for the plot. If I'm not flying it personally, ie freighters for stations, ships assigned to wings, then it's fine.
-Honor must be maintained - particularly among other Paranid, Split and Teladi (historically allied with the Paranid)
-Repairs for Paranid fighter-craft only. Working on inferior tech is demeaning, and I'm not going to sit around holding the trigger to repair capital ships.
-Usual spoiler warning.
-To spread his holiness Pontifex's Will you may allow taking building missions from Argon/Boron etc if they ask to build paranid station on their territory (seems reasonable, thanks)
-Paranid marines only (makes sense that I wouldn't trust other races)

So for the glory of the Paranid Empire... here we go again...

Last edited by theroguewriter on Thu, 14. Jun 12, 17:59, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Kirlack » Thu, 14. Jun 12, 12:22

The Rise of 'Iron 'nid'? :D

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Post by Nathancros » Thu, 14. Jun 12, 12:27

Good luck, heh mebbe make it also paranid Mercenaries only ;)
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Post by Charon_A » Thu, 14. Jun 12, 12:55

Nicey, I enjoyed your squid adventures, short they may've been. :)
To spread his holiness Pontifex's Will you may allow taking building missions from Argon/Boron etc if they ask to build paranid station on their territory
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Post by Triaxx2 » Thu, 14. Jun 12, 17:22

Added to DiD list.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Post by theroguewriter » Thu, 14. Jun 12, 18:06

1.3 - I Feel As If Luck I am

By the will of the Holy Three Dimensionality, I Elmankenstat am here to bring honor and glory to all that is Paranid. Though a mere acolyte among my people, I already am superior to all unholy two-eyes, and I have been set with a sacred task. It is a task sent down from Xaar himself, to the Priest Kings, to the Priest Dukes, and it has ultimately fallen upon me to see it through. It will be my duty to bring the light of Trinity into the darkness of the inferior races - to uphold the honor of the Paranid empire - and, should Emperor Xaar wish it, bring about an end to the Argon entirely. If they cannot be saved from themselves then the only honorable alternative would be to simply put them down. Time will tell where the will of Emperor Xaar will take me.

Where I am at this instant though is clear - glorious Paranid Prime! I am set upon my path here, with a Demeter to carry me onward, and the holy sum of 3,633 credits. This is all quite typical for a young Paranid just out of the Sacred Monastary, though certain I am that it seems grand to any inferior being who may one day read this log. Soon though I shall have a ship that will truly show my might - for now though, I shall remain the most humble of superior beings.

Now, how best to bring the holy light of Xaar to the unholy ones? Though I could undoubtedly destroy lesser beings even in a lightly sheilded freighter, showing off in such a way would be dishonorable. Instead, I will begin my life's journey with some simple trading around local Paranid sectors.

Setting off into Empire's Edge and there are a few trade runs worthy of me - Energy Cells to the Soyery - Soya Husks back to Paranid Prime - Ore from Emperor Mines back to Paranid Prime. This is all rather straightforward and simplistic, but it is ultimately necessary. Menial tasks bring about humility after all.

Ah - it seems my superiority is already being noted by those around - already I'm being offered ships of my inferior bretheren. A Pegasus, which I decline for now as it would eat up most of my credits, and a Hermes which I accept. At 70,000 credits it is a good deal whether I keep it or resell it. A decision I will make depending on the will of Emperor Xaar.

Things are going as expected for one of my intellect and skill - no less than any other Paranid could do of course.

By the will of Xaar! :paranid:

1 x Demeter 'Xaar's Bones'
1 x Hermes

Credits: 51,000

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Post by theroguewriter » Fri, 15. Jun 12, 20:06

2.3 Paranid Now Nearest Priest Duke for an M3

Honorable Paranid in Empire's Edge has requested I return his lost ship, and I agree to pursue this quest. The ship in question is a Hermes Hauler located in the sector Cloudbase Southwest - a goodly haul in a Demeter, but I set off regardless. With more than three-quarters of my time remaining I reach the target - largely being ignored by the lower life forms in the area, though they refer to me as 'Suspected Foe' - the fools. With the Hermes claimed and sent back on its way south I do some brief exploration. The lesser being HQ known as Terracorp does, as I was led to believe, sell jumpdrives. However they have denied me docking rights. Clearly they have misunderstood my higher forms of speech. I demand to be allowed docking rights and given a compensatory jumpdrive, but again I am denied! These fools will learn the error of their ways soon enough.

Turning back to Paranid space with righteous indignation, it becomes clear that the Hermes will not make it back to Empire's Edge nearly in time. Less evolved pilots might try to steal the ship for their own use, but such an action would be most dishonorable, at least when it comes to the vessel of a fellow Paranid. Tragically the autopilot malfunctions and the Hermes Hauler slams into an asteroid in Emperor Mines. My employer graciously gives me a pittance for my effort, and I move on.

It seems speed will be most useful at this point, so in Xaar's emminent wisdom I have decided to sell my own Hermes and purchase Pegasus Vanguard. I name it 'Messenger of the Priest Duke'and board it, sending 'Xaar's Bones' to busy itself with trading. With newfound speed at 411 m/s I am off into Priest Rings. Upon entering though yet another fellow Paranid has recognized the glory that is me, and offers his Perseus Vanguard for a mere 58,000 credits. That will require the sale of 'Xaar's Bones', but ordering it to u-turn back to the shipyard I soon have enough and buy a ship that is worthy of my presence!

Sending the as yet unamed Perseus to the Paranid Prime Equipment Dock for outfitting, I set off on a mission to scan some asteroids - a simple matter in 'Messenger'.

Soon my M3 will be up and running. Then I can truly begin my quest to bring the foolish two-eyed races into the divine light of Pontifex Maximus Paranidia! Perhaps more of my own kind will see the potential for imperial rule within me and offer up their ships, or even their lives to my cause. Perhaps even lesser beings will swear allegience to me. Though none are my equal, it would not be dishonorable to allow them to serve me...all for the glory of Emperor Xaar of course.

By the will of Xaar! :paranid:
1 x Pegasus Vanguard 'Messenger of the Priest Duke'
1 x Perseus Vanguard

Credits: 83k

Time: 06:21

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Post by theroguewriter » Sat, 16. Jun 12, 21:56

3.3 Stuck Paranid Is

Some may call it luck - those would be the lesser beings naturally. For me it is only expected. Still flying 'Messenger' at present, I accept an honorable mission to defend a station in Paranid Prime, calling in backup from the local Odysseus. Getting a hit in with incredible skill, the cowardly pilot throws himself out the airlock. His Discoverer - inferior Argon tech that it is - is now mine. Only moments later and I am offered a Demeter Super Freighter XL for just over 50k credits, and I graciously accept the offer. Clearly more who see the light!

Selling off the Argon junk, I continue my refit of the Perseus Vanguard which I have named 'Xaar's Revenge' - a fitting name I have no doubt. Currently there are only 5 MJ shields in stock, so I load a pair in and purchase five IRE's - one for the turret and four more for the main. These are not weapons that make the lesser beings quake in fear, but they will do for now. There is the added advantage that this allows me almost infinite laser energy and some form of missile defense as well, should any lowers have the audacity to lob such a weapon at me.

Even in an under-shielded and under-armed M3, I am now a force to be reckoned with. As proof - a Paranid need not boast - I took a mission to defend a station and the offending Pirate was so terrified, he flew straight into the side of the station! This is not an uncommon reaction to a Paranid moving toward an unholy one in a fighter.

Heading north into Split Fire in search of opportunity, and I believe I have found one. A friendly Paranid wishes me to scan the cargo going through the area, and offers me a generous cut of whatever I find. In the time allotted I uncover a massive 9 million in freight - a lucrative business to the pirates in the area! My cut is just over 400,000, which I find acceptable.

I must admit that even an honorable Paranid such as myself was tempted by the credit-value of all that freight, but attacking them out of hand would prove dishonorable and far below one such as myself. If any of them attack me, however, they shall be sprayed with a holy torrent of IRE fire! Into Brennan's Triumph, and there are a great deal of hostiles here. It seems I am less than welcome in the pirate sectors at present, and indeed a Medusa led wing of Pirates is heading in my direction at top speed. Righteous fury wells up in me at seeing Paranid vessels in the hands of filthy Pirates, and one on one, or even one on three, I have no doubt I would be victorious. One against five though, even for a Paranid of my skill, would just be showing off. Showing off is dishonorable, so I use my docking computer to land at the Pirate Base - now able to purchase a few more upgrades to my ship.

In the meantime, 'Messenger' is performing its duty admirably, tailing a Split Freighter into the southern sectors - conveniently mapping along the way.

By the will of Xaar! :paranid:
1 x Pegasus Vanguard 'Messenger of the Priest Duke'
1 x Perseus Vanguard 'Xaar's Revenge'
1 x Demeter Super Freighter XL

Credits: 378k

Time: 08:07

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Post by Libelnon » Sun, 17. Jun 12, 03:08

Shaping up well so far.

Love how you change your writing style to match the race you're playing into, too. Not an easy thing to (remember to) do.
Sorry, were you expecting a witty one-liner?

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Post by theroguewriter » Sun, 17. Jun 12, 08:29

Thanks! It's challenging being as arrogant as a Paranid. Doesn't hurt that I've been tremendously lucky a couple times, which of course he sees as his own superiority :) no luck involved at all.

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Post by 46_n_2 » Sun, 17. Jun 12, 20:05

:thumb_up: i like seeing things from the eyes of a paranid..... and you are doing a awesome job (i lurked the squid story as well figured i would post this time :P )

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Post by theroguewriter » Sun, 17. Jun 12, 21:23

4.3 Now Nearest Pirate to Fail!

After a brief respite, I leave the Pirate Base again. I would stay and destroy these fools, but 'Messenger' informed me that there is a Medium Shield facility just south of Priest's Pity, and I would quite like an upgrade while they still have some in stock. I will return for these Pirates, but their fool's errand of getting themselves killed at my claws can wait.

With now full shielding, 'Xaar's Revenge' is truly a force, and I set off back into Split Fire where I happen upon a lowly Argon freighter looking for protection. Normally such guard duty would be beneath one of my station, but in this case I agree to run escort. This particular freighter has four wingmen, and I am keen to show them my capabilities - to show them that one Paranid fighter can do what four Argon pilots cannot!

Indeed there are only two contacts on the brief journey, and I easily dispatch them both - one before the freighter's escorts could even break formation! These Argon are truly laughable. This increases my rank to Citizen, and while I have no particular desire for citizenship, it does serve to further my short term goals, so I accept the honor without qualm.

These Argon in Elena's Fortune are quite needy, it seems, and one has lost his Harrier in President's End. Seems some rebuilding has been done there since the Khaak destroyed the place. Lower life forms can, one must admit, be difficult to truly squash at times. It is not long before the Harrier is back in its owner's claws - or hands as the case may be.

With not much else in Elena's Fortune, I head back into Brennan's Triumph, and once again the Pirate Centaur is heading my way with no consideration for his own safety. I am, however, in a forgiving mood today, and I pass him by as my ship far outspeeds his. I do note that he is not particularly heavily shielded, and should I acquire some Paranid marines I may well take his ship for myself - the Pirate Centaur specs being rather admirable for a non-Paranid vessel. His three Harrier wingmates do not seem to understand that their luck is in this day, for they continue at my pace to harass me. I took none of their lives, however, and merely left them each with about 25% of their hull intact. That should allow them to better stay with their M6 compatriot.

Though I have had no particular grudge against Pirate-kind, the lesser beings are, I admit, beginning to try my patience. Perhaps the next group to attack me will not be so lucky.

By the will of Xaar! :paranid:
1 x Pegasus Vanguard 'Messenger of the Priest Duke'
1 x Perseus Vanguard 'Xaar's Revenge'
1 x Demeter Super Freighter XL

Credits: 274k

Time: 10:07

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Post by Charon_A » Sun, 17. Jun 12, 22:41

Pirate Centaur is heading my way with no consideration for his own safety. I am, however, in a forgiving mood today, and I pass him by as my ship far outspeeds his
Your arrogant paranid style is really something :) Excellent roleplay - keep up the great writing! I enjoy following your adventures 8)
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.
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Post by Libelnon » Mon, 18. Jun 12, 01:29

I seem to remember that only the Teladi have claws. :P
Sorry, were you expecting a witty one-liner?

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Post by Kirlack » Mon, 18. Jun 12, 01:44

I don't think Paranid appendages have ever been clarified :p

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Post by theroguewriter » Mon, 18. Jun 12, 02:20

From what little I could dig up about Paranid, their described in at least one place as being very tall and thin/almost bony looking, but extremely strong. Apparently fond of administering a crushing bear hug to anyone silly enough to start a fist fight with them - Pretty sure that was in the Farnham's Legend book (I think that was the title....I've got it kicking around here somewhere).

If it's all wrong, call it artistic license. :) They surely don't have tentacles - most of the rest is guesswork.

Oh yeah, here's a reference

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Post by Kirlack » Mon, 18. Jun 12, 02:33

Biology and anatomy

Paranid are often classified as humanoid, given their apparently standard five-membered body configuration (two arms, two legs, head). They reach an average height of 250 centimetres and can weigh up to 200 kilogrammes. The atrophied remnants of their former flight-capable wings can be seen in the conspicuously long arms which extend vertically down towards the ground. Each arm has four major sections jointed in three places and can develop significant force. Their hands - that is, their claws - each have eight multi-jointed fingers. Their legs curve inward, resulting in a wide, striding gait.

From the X - Encyclopedia


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Post by theroguewriter » Mon, 18. Jun 12, 04:32

5.3 Argon Citizenship Revoked

Leaving Freedom's Reach, there is little to be done in these lawless Pirate sectors. My future Pirate Centaur is still rampaging around Brennan's Triumph with his trio of gimped wingmen, and I easily pass him by again on my into Split Fire. Here there are a number of missions on offer from one station, and the first I accept has me traveling to Farnham's Legend to dispose of an Unholy One - an easy task for even the most inexperienced Paranid.

Returning to Split Fire, the next mission I accept is another freight scanning run - this time only 13 minutes allotted. Once again this is hardly a challenge for one of my stature, and I scan a quite respectable 18,000,000 worth of freight, netting myself a hefty sum of 900k. Once again the lure of freight of such value is difficult to resist. On a most positive note, a pair of Pirate Blastclaws fly through the sector and are registering as friendly to me. It seems even the lawless infidels accept my position as superior being and wish not to risk my wrath! Their ships interest me, as one of them is capable of using an Ion Disruptor - an item I acquired when an Argon pilot cut me off in the trade lands and I demanded recompense lest he suffer the consequence. He was only too happy to oblige.

During all this, 'Messenger' has acquired Explorer Software from the Teladi who, at some point, noted my superiority and granted me docking rights. My super freighter, now known as 'Priest Duke's Storage I' has done a few successful trade runs, and picked up a pair of Particle Accelerator Cannons which he is bringing to me in Split Fire - whereupon he will serve to pick up any other useful cargo that may be liberated from passing vessels.

After defending the lone station in the sector from a quintet of M5s - four of them were so terrified of my piloting skills that they bashed themselves into the station, while the last used his admittedly impressive speed to evade me. However, speed does not trump Paranid intellect, and I proceeded to blow up a number of small space rocks around me, providing him with more to avoid than he was capable of. A victory for Paranid brilliance, I'm sure all would agree.

I have decided at this point that I do not need the Argon's petty title of Citizen, and challenge a Nova pilot to a duel. He accepts and I destroy him with little effort. His turret does manage to put a small dent in my shields, but such was allowed to give him a brief feeling that he was being an effective pilot.

The next two Nova pilots I challenge have similar skills, and are similarly dispatched. Despite my ship being less shielded than theirs, these Argon pilots are proving Paranid superiority by their failed attempts to engage me.

Having acquired a task for space combat, I belive I will continue in this endeavor for some time. Perhaps now that my freighter has arrived with my PACs some Argon coward might be willing to give me his ship rather than die an honorable death - such remains to be seen.

By the will of Xaar! :paranid:
1 x Pegasus Vanguard 'Messenger of the Priest Duke'
1 x Perseus Vanguard 'Xaar's Revenge'
1 x Demeter Super Freighter XL 'Priest Duke's Storage I'

Credits: 1.3 million

Time: 13:37

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Post by theroguewriter » Tue, 19. Jun 12, 02:52

6.3 Paranid now Space Jockey

My space combat dominance is now even more dominant!

At present, my Perseus Vanguard is equipped with the full 2 x 25 MJ shields, 1 IRE in the turret, and 5 IREs and 2 PACs in the main, leaving one slot leftover for something. A Pulsed Beam Emitter would be ideal
at some point. With my increase in firepower, the duels I engage in become quicker and more common - some challenge me, others I challenge, but every duel is met with honor - whether or not the Argon agree.

Admittedly, even their inferior tech can be dangerous, but superior piloting skills keeps me out of range of the Plasma Burst Generators that they all seem to carry. Many of the cowards are also quite missile happy, which does them little good when under a constant spray of holy fire from a Paranid vessel.

It is not long before I find an OTAS ship bearing a pair of M4s. Determining that 2 on 1 is adequately fair, I challenge them, coming under fire from the TM class ship as well, but I do not feel as if luck they are, for one of the Solanos is quickly dispatched while the second pilot is quick to bail out. A dishonorable end, but I will let the pilot live on in misery and keep his ship for myself.

Soon an Argon Nova appears - again being honorable and challenging only those whose ships can rival my own (assuming they had good Paranid pilots) - and I challenge him. The initial pass goes as expected with a
massive exchange of firepower, but the fool launched a missile as the same moment. Where do these primates train? When I spun about to get a bead on him again, he was floating away in a likely soiled spacesuit, leaving me with a slightly dented but fully shielded Nova. A fine prize even though it is Argon tech.

Now both of these fighters are indeed Argon - OTAS being an offshoot 'organization,' though I use the term lightly considering their skills. Nonetheless, in the hands of a skilled pilot they can both be quite efficient killing machines. Perhaps my display of skill will encourage other pilots to join my cause! It is, after all, the will of the Priest Emperor that the lesser races join us. As our subordinates of course, but join us nonetheless.

Of course if no pilot is yet willing to join me, the ships can be easily stripped and sold for a reasonable profit. It will only be a matter of time before other Paranid and lesser beings alike flock to me!

By the will of Xaar! :paranid:
1 x Pegasus Vanguard 'Messenger of the Priest Duke'
1 x Perseus Vanguard 'Xaar's Revenge'
1 x Demeter Super Freighter XL 'Priest Duke's Storage I'
1 x Solano
1 x Nova

Credits: 1.3 million

Time: 14:38

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Post by theroguewriter » Wed, 20. Jun 12, 17:44

7.3 Paranid Now Take Road Trip

Beginning to grow bored with Argon Fighters - they are simply no match for me, and half the time are so inept that they blow themselves up with poorly planned missile launches.

Onward into Brennan's Again then. Upon entering I am nearly run down by another poor Argon pilot, this one piloting a Freighter. No challenge of course, but I demand his freight in recompense for his slight. He responds by spewing a massive amount of crates out into space, more than 'Xaar's Revenge' can hold, so I call in 'PDS I' for collections. In all I net a few PACS, a HEPT, a Mass Driver (primitive weapon it seems) along with some other choice goods. I find this acceptable and allow the pilot to go on hiw way, warning him that any further dishonor will be met by total destruction.

It seems these freighter pilots are more brave than their fighter brethren, for it is not long after than an Express nearly runs me down. The pilot makes an excuse, but I find it unacceptable - and in somewhat of a rage I raze him with the holy fire of Paranid vengeance. He offers not his freight, but his ship, and I accept the trade - sparing his life. While not superior Paranid tech, the vehicle could prove useful as a platform for training Marines, so I send it along to home space for just such a purpose.

With 'Messenger' having scouted some of the Yaki sectors, I decide that I am in need of a jumpdrive. As the foolish Terracorp seems unwilling to sell me one, that leaves me a long trip to the southern Boron sectors to see if Atreus will be more accommodating - or whether I will have to force them to accommodate me. I send 'Messenger' back south to Reservoir of Tranquility, while I head through Nopileos', Hatikvahs, and then south through friendly Paranid space. Naturally I take time to challenge a few Argon M3s, including an Eclipse. I would quite like that pilot to offer me his ship, but it seems I've found an Argon with a spine. At least he had one until I vaporized him.

Into Mookye's Revenge and quite an eye-raising sight - all three of them 000. A Pirate Brigantine is trundling towards an Argon warfleet led by a Cerberus and a colossus. Parking up next to an asteroid I decide to watch how things play out. It does not look good to start as the Brigantine is somewhat under shielded, but the Pirate Captain earns my respect for taking on what I expect to be a lop-sided battle.

However it seems my estimation of Argon ineptitude was somewhat lax, for the Cerberus is very quickly dispatched. The Brig comes about right into the face of the Colossus, and the two rake each other with everything they have. There are many fighters in the fray as well - many of which armed with Plasma Burst Generators, tearing the Brig's shielding to shreds. All respect to the Pirate though as he angled his ships flaks to nuke several fighters while his rear turret finished off the Colossus. Ultimately though many small stings add up and the fighter wing finish the job, though not without a few more losses. The remainder of the Argon fleet limps away - descimated despite their overwhelming advantage.

Reaching Cardinal's Domain, I park up at a local station. 'Messenger' has reached the sector to the west, while the remainder of my still growing fleet has regrouped in Paranid Prime to be refit or sold depending on my whims.

By the will of Xaar! :paranid:
1 x Pegasus Vanguard 'Messenger of the Priest Duke'
1 x Perseus Vanguard 'Xaar's Revenge'
1 x Demeter Super Freighter XL 'Priest Duke's Storage I'
1 x Solano
1 x Nova
1 x Express

Credits: 1.7 million

Time: 19:18

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