Traders Tale - Chapter 23 completed

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Traders Tale - Chapter 23 completed

Post by Mercenary » Thu, 6. Feb 03, 09:09

Updated after the ******


Chapter 23 - Control

Tereana took a moment to extract herself from the environment suit. Tor stood away from her looking in the opposite direction, even though his thoughts kept drifting back to her he occasionally prodded the bruise on his side and arm. The sharp twinge of pain giving back his focus to the task in hand.

His constant awareness that his mind was somehow being influenced in ways he could not understand helped him to try and fight back, rather than give into his feelings. He wondered if Tereana was similarly influenced or whether her female mind was somehow able to resist the intrusion.

Tor reflected that he had tried to understand the female mind on several occasions and concluded it was too painful an experience. He always understood when he got something wrong, however he was blind to subtlety and if he could somehow get into trouble then he managed it, effortlessly sometimes without apparently doing anything. He had once considered that just being alive tended to be an affront to some ladies. With this thought he concluded that any influence on Tereanas mind would probably have given up and gone home with the comment 'and you think you have problems' biting at its heals. Tor smiled.

Tereana walked past, "When your ready!"

Tor stepped in behind her like an obedient servant. He prodded himself in the ribs, the pain made him wonder if he might have cracked one.

They returned to the science lab and Tereana quickly took her place at the science station. "It's going to take a while to upload the data!"

"Do we have the sector scan information?" Tor looked perplexed for a moment as if he was trying to remember something.

"I have positive confirmation that the power coupling has been repaired!" Tereana pulled up the sector map on the main viewer. The piranha was stationed just outside the asteroid field.

"I wonder what it's up to?" Tor commented. They both studied the screen for a moment.

"I guess it's trying to work out where it is!" Tereana answered carefully.

"Meaning?" Tor looked at her.

She glanced back, "This isn't the sector it has recorded in its databanks." Somehow her memory was clearer now than it had been, the voice in her mind was a comfortable haze. She had pushed back on her feelings for Tor with the understanding that they were mainly induced and if allowed to go further would consume them both. She reasoned that if that point were reached they would waste the limited time they had in discovering as much about the Alien as they could.

"Looks like it's getting some unwanted attention as well." Tereana added. She centered the sector map on the ship and increased magnification.

Five hostile designated ships monitored the Piranha at reasonable safe distance.

"What do we have on near scan!" Tor asked urgently.

"Nothing! I doubt they will risk entering the asteroid field!"

"What are they?" Tor asked, he had his blaster in hand, half expecting a boarding party to burst into the lab.

"I have an new generation Orinoco, two Bayamon and two Wolf ships." She replied.

"Any idea who they belong to?" Tor kept his mind focussed on the screen and the potential danger.

"I have three registered Bloodheart ships and two Dark Nebula Mercenaries!" Tereana confirmed casually.

"I doubt that's a coincidence!" Tor commented quietly.

"What?" She looked across to him curiously.

Tor glanced down. "The Bloodhearts have been after my blood for a while now!"


"It's a short story but not one I'd care to retell just now. Bearing in mind our current situation!" Tor looked hard at the screen to avoid eye contact and keep his mind focused. "Looks like we have a new player come to see what's happening!"

Tereana glanced back, "Mamba, registration War Master!"

The five pirate ships also noted the new arrival and grouped into a tight formation before retreating on a vector back towards the stations.

The Mamba changed to an intercept vector and charged.

The viewer suddenly flared brightly with the premature demise of one of the Bayamons its incandescent halo of super heated particles fading in the bitter cold of space.

The two Wolf ships having a speed advantage harried the Mamba but broke their attack run without making any noticeable impact on the shields. However there was a small amount of hull damage.

"That's strange!" Tereana exclaimed.

"What is?" Tor asked wondering what he was missing.

"Hull damage on the Mamba, but no drop in shield strength!" Tereana spoke cautiously then checked the technical data scan on one of the Wolf ships. "They're armed with solid projectile chain guns. Those are military issue weapons not available to mercs!"

The Mamba had already changed tactics. Using its enhanced speed over standard specification and occasional boost it evaded the two Wolf ships. Tor wondered if Creed had met his match, the two wolf fighters were working together as a well trained and disciplined pair, however they were having great difficulty in increasing the damage to the Mambas' hull.

As these thoughts crossed his mind one of the Wolf ships took a double hit from the Mambas weapons before being rammed by the ship as it attempted a strafing pass.

"Do those Wolf ships have a limit on their ammunition?" Tor asked.

Tereana thought for a while, "Yes, anything up to twenty thousand rounds. It's the biggest limitation to that type of weapon."

The second wolf left the conflict on maximum thrusters, as the Mamba resumed its assault on the fleeing Bloodheart ships.

"That guy really doesn't like them does he?" Tereana observed quietly as the Mamba surgically destroyed the second Bayamon with total indifference to the occasional plasma strikes.

"It's kind of a personal thing!" Tor replied in a calm, matter of fact tone, as they watched the War Master ship tuck in behind the new generation Orinoco, whose pilot was desperately weaving to avoid the measured blasts of the pursuing ship, which stripped away its shields.

The computer indicated that the upload was complete. They both looked across to the monitor.

"Looks like you've got the opportunity to see what's been stored!" Tor said slowly.

"That guy really didn't stand much of a chance did he?" Tereana asked quietly as the haze of the shattered Orinoco span off into the darkness.

"I guess Creed took exception to needing a new paint job on his ship!" Tor replied coldly.

She glanced across to him, "That's Creed?"

Tor just nodded slowly. "What about the data?"

Caran Belign was looking out towards the stars from his office on the Argon Prime Trading Station. He reflected he was long overdue a visit back to the home world. His thoughts were broken as the computer announced and incoming transmission.

"Yes!" He answered with only a glance towards the holo-projection. "Ah, Creed. What news?"

The Nameless almost snarled in the manner of an enraged Split before answering. Caran read this to mean all was not well but his expression did not change.

"Split military disguised as mercs!" Creed answered in a growl.

"Are you sure?" Caran now turned to face the image.

"Mercs don't carry chain guns!" Creed replied.

Caran was glad there were several sectors between them. "I see! And is there anything else?"

"There's Claw Clan ships here in force, we've counted about thirty plus ships. Bloodheart ships too, somewhere between fifteen to twenty. And then there's these Split Navy ships disguised as Dark Nebula Mercs!" Creed spat the last few words out before continuing. "Possibly twenty to thirty of those!"

"How many of your people do you have?" Caran asked calmly.

"Ten!" Creed answered.

"What's your appraisal of the situation?" Caran asked the question even though he knew Creeds answer, it just gave him a moment longer to think.

"There's going to be a lot of dead people!" Creed answered.

"Do you think they'll attack sooner than later?" Caran asked. He was trying to evaluate options.

"No the ship's got the asteroid field behind it. My guess is if it sees a large fighter group heading towards it, then it'll go defensive and retreat between the asteroids where it can pick them off." Creed answered. "Anyway they'll want to see the prize and the size of its teeth before they commit themselves."

Caran smiled briefly at Creeds use of language. "Chances are if it doesn't destroy everyone else then someone will destroy it. The prize is only worth pursuing if you've destroyed all other opposition beforehand!"

"So what do you want me to do?" Creed asked carefully.

"Did you get a scan of Tors' ship?" Caran responded with his own question.

"Yes, there's only one person on board!"

"Okay, then mark the position. I'm guessing Tereana and the Professor are probably on the station completing the research." He paused for a moment reflecting on the information he had received earlier. "If you can sneak around the rear of the station, using the asteroids to mask your approach, then try to get Tereana off the station. I suggest a space walk for the final part, this will be the least threatening approach."

"What about my people?" Creeds' eyes looked hard at Caran.

"Keep them back, they can clean up afterwards!" Caran answered frankly, it was not a decision he relished, as ideally he would like all his people out of there. However this time there would be casualties and this was his answer to help limit the damage.

"How long before the final delivery?" Creed asked

"We still have thirty Argon hours to go!" Caran commented and I will call Tor after this to make him aware of the situation.

Creed nodded and closed the com.

Caran left his office at a quick pace heading towards the isolated communications room.

Macar was still busy interpreting the data when the door slid open behind him and Caran strode into the room.

"Progress?" The question was abrupt.

The technician nodded, "I have compiled the scan data and this is what we have!" He pressed his fingers to the authorization pad. "Computer, bring up alien bio-scan!"

The holo-image floated over the projection unit and slowly rotated. The body had a clearly defined head however as it turned he saw two sets of eyelids, two front and two rear but only one mouth. The neck was short and broad with the torso having four muscular and powerful looking arms, two down either side. Each hand had six digits with two opposing thumbs. The middle two digits on each hand were more like claws then fingers.

Caran noted there were no legs but two powerful looking whip like tails. "What can you tell me about this thing?"

"The scan can't determine skin pigmentation so we've just left it this mottled white colour. Full length it's about three meters. No discernable body hair." Macar paused briefly. "Although it doesn't have legs we believe that, if it needed to, it can coil the ends of its tails and stand vertically. Also those four arms are completely double jointed! The alien can not only see both in front and behind it at the same time, it can also reverse one or both sets of arms to suit its working environment!"

"Sound useful! Anything else?" Caran asked.

"Vital organs are unusual it has two hearts but no lungs!" Macar began, Caran turned and raised a quizzical eyebrow. "If our scan is correct it appears that this creature breaths through its skin. The skin itself appears to be layered with a porous but hard outer surface, with slightly softer tissues at the joints!"

"Any idea of what it likes to eat?" Caran asked casually.

"Scan data on the teeth would make it carnivorous. I doubt that you would want this thing to give you a hug. Apart from the fact it could probably shatter a mans bones with a gentle squeeze, those claws would rip through you like a laser lance through soft Bamma fruit!" Macar concluded with morbid enthusiasm.

"Well that'll please Tor! Close down the image and call up the Piranha, I need to give them a progress report!" Caran glanced across to the technician.


The image faded and Macar requested connection to the Piranha.

Caran sat down near to the view screen and waited for the image to appear. He glanced across to the technician. Who shrugged, "Not responding! I can confirm the message is getting through."

A moment later the image activated. Carans' expression remained the same even though inwardly he was surprised to see the face of the Professor.

"Professor!" He commented after a brief hesitation.

The Professor looked momentarily perplexed as if trying to remember something then smiled beguilingly, "Mr. Belign. A most pleasant meeting! I hope you have some news for us?"

Alarm bells were ringing through his mind but Caran was true to his impassive nature and gave no hint of his doubts in either expression or manner, "As you are aware, there are a number of hostile pirate and mercenary craft in the region! I would ask that you remember to designate all War Master Mercenary ships as friendly!"

The Professor looked distracted for a moment as if receiving instructions from an unseen source.

"We will remember that as we do not seek conflict!" The Alien AI responded.

"And the delivery?" The Professor enquired.

"Approximately thirty hours away from you!" Caran replied and gave the hint of a reassuring smile.

The Professor smiled and nodded.

"One other thing!" Caran was going to take a chance and hopefully avoid any potential conflict. "A War Master ship will be traveling through the Asteroid field behind the station. I have asked him to ensure that no Pirate ships are trying to reach the station unobserved via this route!"

There was a prolonged silence. "We understand your concern and will not respond unless we register hostile intent!" The AI commented.

Caran gave a slight nod and faint smile but never took his eyes of the Professor. "I will notify you again if there are any changes in the schedule."

The com closed and Caran sat in pensive silence his expression unchanged despite the disquieting thoughts he now had.

"Not who you'd thought it'd be?" Macar asked quietly.

"No!" Caran replied then stood up hastily, his initial feelings were to speed things up, but first he needed to talk to Creed again. He knew the Nameless did not like surprises.

Pacing himself he returned back to his office in contemplation of what he needed from Creed. Also with disquieting thoughts as to why the Professor was the only one on Tors' ship. He felt that Tor would not have simply handed over the controls, but he was also reasonably certain that he would still be alive.

It was a dark decision in front of him. If the technicians' advice was correct the Alien would regenerate itself using the biological matter of one or more of the three individuals. Fresh biological material would be preferential to the alien than long deceased and preserved meat. Chances were if he ordered the rescue of both Tor and Tereana then the Alien controlled Piranha could become hostile. It was a risk he did not want to take. One or two sacrificed would prevent unnecessary bloodshed as the mind strove to accomplish its goal of regaining a body. In terms of knowledge and understanding of the technologies then Tereana was the most valuable member of the team and this was her ticket off the station and potential danger list.

He sat at his desk and opened a transmission call to Creed.

Creed answered abruptly, "What?"

"I've spoken to the Alien AI, it will be aware of, and expecting your presence in the asteroid field. It knows your ship by now and if it picks you up on scanners then hopefully its reaction will not be hostile." Caran commented.

Creeds eyes narrowed slightly, he could see the reasoning, but was now uncomfortable with stepping into the unknown. This Alien had everyone guessing as to its motivation but they were standing well back leaving others to find out for real.

He compared it to the days of the Pit, the early days when he was not expected to survive but somehow always did. Then in the later years, before his escape and rescue, listening to the false courage of his masters, full of their own self importance and impotent bravery. He remembered how some wept for mercy, surrounded by their dead bodyguards just before he disemboweled them on his escape and hunt for revenge.

He looked at the image in front of him trying to read the big mans enigmatic expression. With a sigh he reflected that Caran had been very much like him. To the point, that given the choice, he would probably have given his hind teeth to be in the pilot seat of the Mamba. 'No' he thought Caran was one of the few men he trusted. The big Argon had proven a valuable ally and had shown his courage and skill several times. Carans' words were a caution and a warning.

"Very well, I will see what can be done!" Creed closed the com and pulled up the medium range scanner. He would test the Piranha by taking his own weapons offline and passing the ship at speed with less then two k's separation. If it made any move to intercept then he would release drones and abort the mission.

The Mamba banked and turned on full thrusters and selected his vector heading towards the asteroid field. Setting the speed he watched the scanners for potential threats.

The minutes passed as the edge of the Jakjolok Belt drew nearer. He identified the Piranha nonchalantly waiting. He looked at the scanner again to satisfy himself that there were no pirates or mercenary ships in the area. Then took both Alpha HEPT weapons off line, and used the autoloader in the cargo bay to position the ten drones ready for deployment.

The Piranha remained motionless as the Mamba came within two k's and headed along the boundary of the asteroid field prior to turning in.

Tor had taken himself for a run around the station, he needed something to do. Or at least not to succumb to the emotions that marched merrily across his mind. His ribs still hurt and the running was not helping the healing process even if the pain helped focus his thoughts.

Tereana was still busy isolating the navigational data. Some of the Aliens computer data had also transferred across and this she would try to decode after.

After his third circuit he stopped for a breather in the food hall and helped himself from the stock of supplies he had originally carried. Munching on a hot Cahoona Meatsteak covered in rich Boron spices he wandered back to the lab.

"Good you're back!" Tereana commented as she unclipped his old personal pad from the console. Waving it towards him she continued, "This has the navigational data on it. I just hope someone will be able to understand it."

"Excellent!" Tor wandered across and held out his hands he gripped the top of the panel but Tereana did not let go. Instead she moved closer to him, and throwing an arm around his neck they kissed. In that moment all thoughts of their predicament were washed away in a wave of uncontrolled feelings.

They held each other for a while longer until Tereana placed her hand on his bruised ribs when Tor snapped awake with a sharp intake of breath and stepped back saying. "Tereana! Listen to me, this alien is playing with us. Don't ask me to explain how as I don't know. It's some sort of mind control, today I love you tomorrow I may want to kill you. Before it couldn't manage strong feelings but I think since we went to the ship it's overcome that!"

Tereana had a misty look in her eye as she moved closer to him and stopped his chatter with another kiss.

There was a cough behind them. "Not interrupting anything am I?"

Tor was the first to look around then was suddenly aware both he and Tereana were partially undressed. The voice also reached her mind and she looked around to see Creed standing eating a meatsteak with a bemused look on his face.

Tor did not know if he should feel happy that Creed was here or upset that he had interrupted when things looked to have become interesting.

"Creed! How long have you been here?" Tor asked with open surprise.

"Long enough to make one of these and see you two start to get intimate!" Creed answered still smiling.

"Tell me you've come get us out of here?" Tor answered.

Creed took a slow, thoughtful, bite out of his meatsteak and glanced at the two of them. "I have orders, only Tereana is leaving!"

"What!" Tor and Tereana exclaimed in unison.

"Mr Belign, doesn't want to provoke a negative reaction from the Alien AI so only one of you will be leaving with me!"

They glanced at each other having returned to being fully dressed again.

"What happens if we don't agree?" Tereana asked carefully and looked at Creed.

"Tereana, you're leaving whether you want to or not!" Tor answered.

"What!" Tereana looked hurt. "Don't you want us to be together?"

Their eyes met. Tor poked his bruise and the sharp pain brought clarity to his senses. "What I want has nothing to do with it. Creed has his instructions and willingly or not you will be leaving and nothing I can do will prevent that!"

Tereana looked crestfallen. Creed was no longer smiling and he discarded the last of the meatsteak. "Believe him lady! I will do anything that is required for me to complete the mission I've been assigned!" He glanced over at Tor and gave a slight nod of his head in recognition of Tors' support.

She stormed off.

Creed shook his head, "Women!"

"You don't understand there is an Alien influence controlling our thoughts and feelings, perhaps even actions!" Tor offered by way of explanation.

"And I thought it was just your rapier wit and charm!" Creed replied.

Tor opened his mouth to respond but resisted in case of further rebuke. Then asked "Don't you sense anything, like a whispering in the back of your mind?"

"No!" Creed replied.

"Somehow I'm not surprised!" Tor commented quietly, as he reflected on the knowledge that the Alien influence had trouble influencing the most basic and primitive of emotions. Something Creed was packed with if he had any emotions.

The Nameless glanced at him but said nothing.

Tor wandered across the lab and picked up his technical data pad then drifted towards Creed. He presented the old personal pad. "This one Mr. Belign will be very interested in. It has the navigational data of the alien ship." Creed took the pad knowing its significance. Tor continued, "This one holds Sweety my ships personality AI." Tor glanced down at the floor, his jaws clenched tight as he felt as though he was preparing the speech of a condemned man about to die.

"Don't you start to cry on me, don't you dare!" Creeds voice was hard and unforgiving. "I will be back before the end you can be certain of that. Remember there is one more shipment, and if anything happens then it won't be made!"

Tor glanced up and smiled before saying, "If you take advantage of her then I will kill you!"

Creed laughed, "And what did you want me to do with Sweety?"

"Give it to my." Tor stopped the recollection of the demise of his parents sank in and he fished for a name. "Find a Teladi trader called Bilyzonus. Sweety when activated will be able to contact her direct!"

Creed nodded slowly, "I think we should go find Tereana!"
Last edited by Mercenary on Wed, 12. Feb 03, 11:03, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by KiwiNZ » Thu, 6. Feb 03, 09:49

Excellent read!! I have been looking forward to that :-)

Now, with so many ships it will be interesting to see how the battle develops. Apart from Creeds suggestion I can only imagine a shockwave-like weapon to resist so many opponents. Cool, MORE!!!

found three thingies at the of the chapter, apart from the title of the thread, which was Chapter, which was Chapter 22 instead 23.

'rather then' than
'clearer now then' than
'reasonable safe distance' reasonably (?) I could be wrong here :D

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Post by Mercenary » Thu, 6. Feb 03, 10:04

Cheers :D

Corrected the 'then'. Read the 'reasonable' line a few times and decided to leave it... :wink:

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Post by Al » Thu, 6. Feb 03, 10:59

Good stuff Merc. Cant wait for the action to kick off :)


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Post by Adamskini » Thu, 6. Feb 03, 19:47

Aug 2000 -> March 2001 - Old Skool Egosoft Forum
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Gandalf The White
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Post by Gandalf The White » Thu, 6. Feb 03, 23:37

Hmmm, good scrap coming up me thinks.

Good stuff Merc
some who deserve life receive death. Others who deserve death receive life. Can you give it to them? Don't be eager to deal out death in judgement, for not even the wise can see all ends.

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Post by Moss » Fri, 7. Feb 03, 05:12

Very interesting looking alien, seems evolved or designed! for space i'd say, no legs needed there! Now whats it up too, just wants to find home maybe? looks like a good fight on the way soon too :) .

Excellent reading again Merc, cheers.

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Post by Mercenary » Fri, 7. Feb 03, 10:12

Cheers :D

Bit of a delay in typing the second part :( Looks like a DIY frenzy this weekend with a horde of family descending on me...

May have to hide myself away somewhere with the beer fridge and the PC...

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Post by SteveMill » Fri, 7. Feb 03, 11:13

Good again.

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Post by KiwiNZ » Sun, 9. Feb 03, 01:55


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Post by Mercenary » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 11:12

Chapter complete...


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Post by SteveMill » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 11:44

Mercenary wrote:Chapter complete...

And completed well. Damn, I wish I had your profligacy. i'm really struggling on my current chapter which has a planet based component. Up until now everything has been in space and I'm finding it hard to switch. My writing skills are agorophobic. I'm hoping to get something out soon though.

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Post by KiwiNZ » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 11:49

COOL Excellent finish to the chapter. Luckily Creed was there at the right time ... in the end they may have produced little aliens :lol:

Very well written Merc!!

Will be interesting to see what happens next ... you are not really giving anything away here :rant: :wink:

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Post by Mercenary » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 11:55

SteveMill wrote:
Mercenary wrote:Chapter complete...

And completed well. Damn, I wish I had your profligacy. i'm really struggling on my current chapter which has a planet based component. Up until now everything has been in space and I'm finding it hard to switch. My writing skills are agorophobic. I'm hoping to get something out soon though.

I have to admit it's not as easy as it may appear... So many times I've sat with my notes, typed up a few and then deleted it and started again...

I'm sure when you've sorted out how you want the place to look in your own mind and who you want to be there it'll start to drop into place.. :)

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Post by Moss » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 13:30

Very good finish to the end of this chapter Merc, seeing the aliens intentions become clearer (well some of them :) ) is very interesting, methinks the professor is in trouble tho if a living being will be needed for the reconstruction. Looking forward to more, cheers.

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Post by Adamskini » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 16:34

another \o/
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Post by Al » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 18:13

Good stuff. Need more conflict though :D

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Post by Mercenary » Wed, 12. Feb 03, 22:49

Al wrote:Good stuff. Need more conflict though :D


Soon :wink: :twisted: :twisted:

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Post by Mercenary » Thu, 13. Feb 03, 21:37


But only because I'm trying to kill a cold with a nice new bottle of Laphroaig.... :roll: :D

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Post by Moss » Fri, 14. Feb 03, 04:20

But did it die, I wanna know if it was worth 'all' that effort :wink: :D

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