Excerpts From the Scrap Ship Armada

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Excerpts From the Scrap Ship Armada

Post by 46_n_2 » Thu, 9. Aug 12, 22:13

ok i have been toying with the idea of starting a DiD, but before i do that i wanted to kick the rust out of my writing style (as its been sitting neglected for about a decade its accumulated a lot) and write something based off my current AP play through. so far this is shaping up to be a 2 part story of my Carracks test flight through Yaki space. this event actually happened in game.

as a back drop my Corporation is the Scrap Ship Armada and the only ships i can buy are transports (TS, TL, TM) every fighting ship has to be stolen capped or made through the PHQ. (same rules i would use in my DiD)

feedback is welcome and heartily encouraged (including any criticism) to help knock out the aforementioned rust..... without further adue

Excerpts From the Scrap Ship Armada (Part 1)

-----Open log: CEO/Admiral Deamar: 1st Fleet Carrack: Trial Run: Senator’s Badlands-----

Admiral’s log. The outfitting of SSA’s new M7 went without a hitch. That crazy old Teladi we interrogated was right. The pirates built these things to handle Plasma Beam Cannons on the flanks. A few scrapped Lasertowers later and we had both banks filled. The other assorted guns (mostly Flak arrays and CIGs) came out the hold of 3rd Fleet’s Ryu. Now it’s time to put her through her paces.

The warp tunnel ended suddenly the onboard computer announcing “Entering sector – Senator’s Badland” just moments before the enemy detection alerts started going off. Directly in front of the ship I spotted a Chokaro with a mix of fighters and a bit beyond a Ryu near the stock exchange. The perfect light test run to check the effectiveness against fighter wings.

Hitting boost I quickly accelerate to max speed of 106 m/s. while my turrets start shredding Yaki M3s. The dying screams of a couple Susanowa pilots bringing a smile to my face. I know that reveling in the death of two creatures is not very healthy, but they started this war with the destruction of my transport so long ago.

Back then the SSA was nothing more than a dream, and now we are a steadily growing empire. Allies in Argon government and close ties with the Teladi and the Boron let us go about our business unimpeded. Who cares if a few ships go missing every once and a while? A few creds in the right hand (or tentacle or claw) and all is forgiven.

Heh that’s the problem with the races too much bureaucracy, and too short of a memory. Not me though, oh no not me. I remember the wrongs I’ve been done and now the toughest pirate faction in the known verse is used for sport. All for the price of an old Mercury filled with assorted weapons and missiles. Heh now that I think about it that doesn’t sound too healthy either…. Oh well.

Two more shots from my FAAs mounted on the top of the ship and another scream bursts through the comm. announcing a Tenjin pilot meeting their quick end. Suddenly I notice a bright line seemingly attaching the Chokaro and my ship together through the void. A few more follow and then an explosion rips through the TMs hull and I watch it vaporize.

Seems like the PBCs work fine as well. Now it’s time to move to bigger targets I’m thinking. I can still see the Ryu near the exchange and I decide to see how long it’ll hold while being blasted by my cannons.

While in route I bring up the sector map. This being hostile territory my satellite network does not extend into Yaki space very far. Luckily I still have one working all the way on the other side of the sector near the south gate. I saw an Akurei sitting out there like a giant bullseye, and decided I have acquired my next target.

First things first though. Closing the sector map as I come into range of the TL, I saw the beams of light shooting out into the void and connecting with the Ryu. Flashing madly they seemed to be dancing to some hidden tune, a beautiful melody only they could hear. They light at different times causing a laser lightshow effect. I see one beam, then two, then four, then two again. No reason no pattern. It is truly magnificent.

Then the TL went up in flames ruining my entrancement. Oh that just will not do. Remembering the Akurei and hoping it will last longer than the TL I call for a short jump to the south gate. I notice my shields have taken a few hits while I was watching the show but am unconcerned. At approximately 90% I should be good for awhile longer.

The computer meanwhile was counting the jump sequence completion 50% 60 70 80% 90 jumping. For a brief moment the warp tunnel was back before spitting me out in front of the south gate. The target is about 15 Km. away so I set my course to intercept. While in course a fighter wing decides to make a suicide run against me. A Rajin turns into a fireball followed closely by a Fujin and a Tonbo.

Closing the gap on the target my cannons start firing their stunning beams again. The simplicity of light in darkness. The absolute perfect lines silently bringing forth destruction and beauty in equal parts. It is truly a sight to behold. Rotating the ship I bring my flank to bear against the underside of the Akurei. Cutting speed and using my strafe drive I stay below and a bit behind the target as my deadly beams shred the shields. After the shields were gone the hull was quick to follow. As I watched the number on my display drop closer to zero I knew this test was not yet over.

As the Akurei went critical and started to come apart, I was already turning my Carrack around and targeting the south gate. It’s time to pay Weavers Tempest a visit.

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Post by Khayul » Thu, 9. Aug 12, 22:25

Not bad :D want to see more :)

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Post by A99899 » Fri, 10. Aug 12, 00:36

real good start

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Post by 46_n_2 » Fri, 10. Aug 12, 19:31

thanks for the feed back :)

i am about to finish and load up the 2nd part (as soon as i get home and get lunch for the kid done)

expect it tonight in less then 5 hours...

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Post by 46_n_2 » Fri, 10. Aug 12, 23:49

ok so i have finished Part 2. and as it turns out the story is actually going to be in three parts. so you can expect the 3rd and final part sometime this weekend. for now...

Excerpts From The Scrap Ship Armada (part 2)

Nearing the south gate I bring up the sector map for Weaver’s Tempest. No satellites looks like I’m going in blind. Not like it matters each visit to the heart of Yaki space usually ends the same. The most opposition I have seen in Weaver’s is an Akurei and maybe a few fighter wings. Just a little longer and the test will be over. Another fully capable craft for the Armada. I hit the gate and the warp tunnel closes around the ship. It gives me just enough time to glance down at the shields. 65% remaining.

The tunnel evaporates and the computer announces “Welcome to Weaver’s Tempest” directly in front of me there are a few fighters. The Flak arrays start firing, demolishing a Fujin in one shot. I turn my attention deeper into the sector as my turrets deal with the light fighters. Nothing being in my line of sight I bring up the sector map, as another pilot screams for mercy, before decompressing into the abyss.

Disappointment grips me as I realize there is nothing else within radar range. Looks like the test might have to be called short. The last fighter begs for his life offering his ship in exchange, but unfortunately for him the next shot was already in route. Too bad a Tenjin is always a nice bonus for a test run. Looking around the only other target available was the IBL forge just a little deeper in the sector. After losing my chance at a free M3 I decide to see how my beam cannons will do against a station.

Targeting the forge and adjusting course I take stock of the situation. The test run is a full success. The PBCs work even better than I expected, and above all they have the power to take down TLs as well as M7s. Coming within weapon range my guns start the light show once again. Dancing across the surface of the station for a brief second, just to vanish and reappear somewhere else. Such stunning beauty in destruction, the two opposing natures coming together in a symphony, so ravaging it plucks a string in my chaotic soul.


The computers sudden words breaking through my reverie and snapping me suddenly back to reality. Targeting the nearest enemy shows a Firestorm torpedo heading my way, 17 KM and closing. Turning my frigate I see what fired the missile. A Yaki Shuri is behind the missile and also closing on my position. Bringing up my control panel I switch turrets to missile defense. Once that was done I targeted the M1 checking to see if its belly was full of fighters. It was completely empty.

Now I know this was just meant to be a test flight and this ship has proven itself enough already, but I did not get to be an Admiral just off my good looks and ability in bed. And I’ll be damned if I don’t see an opportunity for growth when I see one. Hitting the accelerator I set my ship on a course half way in between the target, which is coming from further south of my position and the north gate.

Let’s see what this ship’s really made of. Closing the distance and putting myself between the target and the gate I make a pass at the carrier. Attempting the same maneuver that I used against the Akurei I rotate my ship so my flank is facing its underside. Cutting speed and hitting strafe I sneak a glance to watch my cannons go to work. That is when I realized my mistake, for as I rotated so did the target. Now instead of a nice soft underbelly I was shooting straight into a stream of IBL fire, and was taking damage. Quickly. Looking down I see my shields 62%

Turning the ship and strafing for my life I hit the turbo booster mk2 button. “That extension is not installed,” the computer helpfully informs me. Shit I forgot this wasn’t ever going to be a personal ship. So no turbo was going to be needed. Hitting the jump button I plot a short jump back to the north gate. The extra 40 Km or so will be just enough for what I had in mind. Shields 36%, the jump drive is spinning up as the shields slowly drain. 50% complete 20% shields. 80% complete 5% shields remaining.

I feel the 1st salvo of unimpeded IBL fire hit as the computer says 90%. Sparks are flying from the control panel as more fire rains down. Hitting the strafe drives for all they’re worth I feel another few strikes then nothing. The warp bubble enveloping the ship cuts the view for a short while. A moment of peace in the shimmering blue tunnel and I started to smile.

The tunnel dissipated and the smile held, growing bigger even as I saw the ship in the distance. It’s too far for my scanners to see but close enough to spot out the front view screen. Looking at my control panel I see my hull is down to 84%. The Carrack has proven herself, but was just out classed.

Hitting my command pad I bring up the Armada’s asset list, while at the same time opening a comm to my fleet command center. “This is the Admiral, I have located a target for acquisition, and she’s a big one.” My smile becomes a grin as my pad scrolls through my fleets. “Send in 1st Fleet’s Agamemnon, 2nd Fleet’s Cobra, and Vano Lucra.”

Moving the Carrack out of the way of the gate, the 1st of my warships enter the sector. It was the Aggy followed closely by the Cobra. I order them both to follow me as Vano Lucra flashes into the sector. I order her alongside the Carrack, her sleek profile gliding effortlessly through the void, and beam over as soon as she is within range.

Ah how it’s good to be back in my personal ship. I take my seat in the command chair as the over-tuned Hyperion rumbles contently around me. I quickly order the Carrack to the Paranid Prime shipyard, then order the Aggy to defend its current possession near the gate. I comm. the Cobra and inform them to ready all Marines.

The Shuri moves back into scanner range. It looks like my pass did some damage to it after all her shields are sitting at 73%. Targeting the M1 I accelerate ahead and fire 2 Firestorms. Behind me the Carrack brightly flashes as the warp tunnel causes it to disappear.

I hardly notice. Still grinning I get to work.

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Post by Khayul » Sat, 11. Aug 12, 00:00

:D great stuff :D your writing isn't rusty at all! looks rather polished to me :)

but I did not get to be an Admiral just off my good looks and ability in bed.
Here comes the rear admiral! ;)

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Post by 46_n_2 » Sat, 11. Aug 12, 03:51

Khayul wrote::D great stuff :D your writing isn't rusty at all! looks rather polished to me :)
thanks :D... im also surprised how its turning out... the words just come after a while... i just donno if my actual writing technique is 'correct' like grammatically or at least bearable for one trained in that sort of thing... ms word can only help so much :P

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Post by 46_n_2 » Mon, 13. Aug 12, 00:25


The Vano Lucra boosted to her top speed of 189 m/s, her nose pointed deeper into the sector, and slightly away from the Shuri. Cycling through my missiles a send another Firestorm followed by a few Hornets and about 10 Wasps, to cover their arrival. The 1st missiles hit causing the carrier to turn its attention towards me, and away from my two bigger and more deadly ships.

By this point the Hyperion has already blown by the Shuri, dodging incoming IBL fire and causing the larger ship to turn deeper into the sector. Zipping past weapon range I suddenly cut speed, and flip the Vano on its axis facing back towards Shuri. Quickly comming the Cobra I tell them to load up the Marines and fire boarding pods as soon as the Shuri’s shields are down. Hitting boost the Vano begins to speed towards the target once more, her engines rumbling eagerly like a cat before the kill.

Dropping within weapons range I open fire, the white projectiles from my CIGs mixing with the green ISR bolts, and HEPT fire. The deadly stream strikes the larger ship on the bow, for a moment until I am forced to start dodging the return fire. A near continuous stream of green beams shoots from my front turrets as my HEPTs whittle away at the carriers shields. Giant red fire bombs arc from the Shuri each being skillfully dodged as the Vano weaves through their deadly barrage.

The Vano spins and flies around the flank of the Shuri, which is now at 30% shields. Evading the last of the red firebombs she suddenly cuts speed and turns, her nose less than 500 m. from the carrier. My finger squeezes the trigger, and the Vano’s main guns open fire. I order the turrets to cease fire, as I watch the stream of death collide with the belly of the target. The Vano starts taking flak damage, as she continues to rain multicolored fire down on the larger vessel. The Shuri’s shields drop to below 20%, as she tries to turn and bring her IBLs to bear against me.

Hitting strafe and staying underneath the carrier I continue my stream of fire. As her shields drop below 10% I hear my lead Marine announces they are enroute to target. Checking my shields (50%) I switch my main gun load out to 3 ISRs and a HEPT for shield suppression, and hit the accelerator and put my ship in between the incoming pods and the target. Continuing fire I manage to drop the Shuri’s shields down all the way to zero while dodging incoming fire via strafe.

“We have made successful hull contact,” my Marine informs me. I turn the nose of the Vano away from the target hitting her with one last salvo to keep the shields zeroed and hit my turbo button. This time the ship launched forward almost double its max speed. Steering away from the Shuri and quickly leaving weapons range, I bring up my display to check on my teams progress.

“The hull bends to our will,” the lead Marine informs me. His way of saying they are almost in. I smile thinking back to the 1st time I heard the surely Paranid say those words. It was long ago back before there was a true Armada. Back then it was just me with a few beat up fighters and a Centaur that the Argon had given me for the war effort. With the help of some of these very same Marines, a mix of every race and gender, I carved out a place in this universe of conflict and war.

“We are through the hull. Ready your weapons.” Now that the troops were onboard the Shuri I knew victory was just a matter of time. You see, most people think power comes from having the most fire power, or the biggest guns. And those people are fools. Power, true power comes from the ability to take that fire power, and those guns, and make it your own. To take the assets of others through blood, sweat, and steel. The Armada’s true strength doesn’t come from its ships, but from the elite corps of troops I have molded and trained to be the most skilled warriors in the verse.

Cutting speed to match the Shuri I bring up my sector map. It seems a fighter wing has come through the gate while I was busy with the target. The Agamemnon, which I left guarding the gate, was just getting into range of the fighters. Turning the Vano I see the Aggy opening up with PSG fire. My Marines were giving reports of the decks they were clearing, but I wasn’t listening.

If the PBCs were the beauty of a light show, then the PSGs were the beauty of a funnel cloud. No elegant dance of lines dancing across the void, but a raging torrent of death and destruction. Obliterating anything in its conical path the PSGs annihilate the fighters, and the Aggy once again goes silent, lying in wait like a spider guarding its trapdoor, and just as deadly.

The Marines inform me they have made it to the computer core, and the ship will soon be mine. Preparing for the transfer I order the Cobra to follow me, and turn towards the Shuri. Whistling tunelessly I watch as the display around the target switches from red to green. “The ship is ours!” my head grunt informs me.

“Excellent work troops!” I say “The Cobra will be around to pick you up. As soon as she is in range she will beam you aboard.” Cutting the comms. I zoom in closer to my new prize. The troops did indeed do a good job, the ship’s hull was just under 80% and scanning the target I was even left a few IBLs in one piece. Bringing up my freight menu I transfer a jump drive and enough energy to get out of Yaki space to the Shuri, and then transfer the jump drive from my docked Aamon to the Vano insuring I would not be stuck here as well.

By this point the Cobra has closed in and my Marines are back on board. I leave the command chair and move to my office in the luxury yacht. “Computer log the test run as completed. The Carrack was successful and shall be hence forth designated as a 1st fleet asset.” Sitting down at my desk I fish out a cigar, one of which I produce and sell at my spaceweed complex in Bala Gi’s Joy. Lighting it I continue, “Also log our new asset capital class carrier Shuri, and order her to Paranid Prime for repairs.”

Sitting at my desk I also order the Aggy back to home sector, and bring up the control console for the Cobra. “Computer target the IBL forge and bring it up on my view screen.” Taking a hit from my cigar I lean back in my seat, and order a missile barrage “Computer broadcast the image I’m seeing to all assets and also the following message.”

Taking another hit from my cigar I begin. “This is Admiral Deamar. I would like to begin by saying thank you all for your support of the Armada. Today we are welcoming a new ship to the ranks. The Carrack has proven herself worth of 1st Fleet status. Also a new acquisition has been brought into the fold by our brave troops in the Corps.” Once more hitting my cigar I smile and finish, “Today is a day of celebration for the Armada’s victories! Now let the fireworks begin!”

I mute my microphone as the 1st of the nuclear warheads hit the station. Leaning back I hear the cheers of the Armada through the still open comms. As the station goes critical and explodes in fiery glory I order my two remaining ships in sector to return to HQ.

Leaning back in my chair the computer starts counting the jump sequence. As the warp tunnel envelopes the ship I hit my cigar and think, “it’s good to be Admiral.”

-----------Closing log. Carrack test flight: Successful.------------------

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Post by Khayul » Mon, 13. Aug 12, 00:43

That was awesome :D
I never actually managed to cap anything but fighters in my game, even with 3/4 star fighting, rest 5star marines >.> nor even a pirate Osprey, without defenses, and it's really bugging me :D

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Post by 46_n_2 » Mon, 13. Aug 12, 01:11

thank you for continued reading and praise :D now just to figure out where to go now... to maybe do another excerpt or to start with my DiD (maybe both if i have the time)

:o with marines like that you should be able to take anything...i start boarding as soon as i have 8, 3 star marines in everything. and keep chucking em out the air lock untill they can get me a m7m (in ap i needed 15 marines 5 of which had 5 star mech)

in this story i only used 15 all had 5 star fighting 5 had 5 star mech a few had 4-5 star engineering and everyone only had 3 stars in hacking.... like i've said before getting them on the ship is the hardest part... after that its just a numbers game with a RNG.

once again thanks for reading, and any and all comments are welcome (how else would i know which story i should continue with :P )

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Post by Khayul » Mon, 13. Aug 12, 02:13

No problem, only the truth :D
I'm for both :D start a cool DiD, and do another action-excerpt from the "Scrap Ship Armada" :D

I'd've thought they should too, but it's always: "Deck one cleared"
Second deck *laser sounds, explosions"

Betty: "Boarding operations failed. Boarding crew: Eliminated"

I have 120+ Marines, and about 25-30 of them are 5 star in all but fighting :P

Anyway, no problem :D thanks for writing, should be the real thing, not thanks for reading hehehe.

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