A pirates life for me(A XTC XRM DiD) [DEAD KIA]

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A pirates life for me(A XTC XRM DiD) [DEAD KIA]

Post by 89James89 » Wed, 6. Feb 13, 00:44

Rules, Mods and general idea:

General Idea:

Right this is going to hopefully be the long and prestigious life of a true pirate DID. I'm interested to see what sort of game one can play, when I'm not friendly with anyone, and only on semi good term with the Pirates and Yaki. Yes I've decided that even the Tealdi will be fair game. I want to see how long I last without befriending any of the main races (with exception to getting a few much needed stations). Even the pirates, that I'm planning on using for most my ship and station needs are to be fair game when I'm hunting.

The universe itself will be set up to be rather hostile. I'm running the XRM mod so that makes it more deadly and varied right away. On top of that, I also have the Pirate Guild running on very high, though they're set as neutral to me. The Yaki Armada is also running with 10 motherships set up. They are also hostile to other pirates but neutral to me. Then I have Race Military Base Revamp enabled with Xenon' bases present. All in all a much more hostile and violent universe.

Add to that, the fact that I'm using the Boring Boron start should make things much more difficult. Anyway onto the actual rules.


*Argon Anarchist start
*No buying ships
*Can only trade in pirate sectors and buy stations off of Pirates and Yaki
*Pirates and Yaki start off as friendly towards me, Pirate Guild neutral
*Can only accept missions from Pirate, Yaki or Unknown sectors.


XRM (this may be why I keep dying to missiles)
Cockpit mod (the one suggested by XRM)
Missile Defense Script (the one suggested in XRM)
Hull modifier script (Medium)
Pirate Guild (Set on Very Hard and default relations to me)
Yaki Armada (They have 10 Mobile HQ's and are set as neutral to me also foe to Pirates for some more carnage)
Race Military Response Revamp (Xenon military bases on)
Last edited by 89James89 on Thu, 21. Feb 13, 13:01, edited 14 times in total.

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Post by 89James89 » Thu, 7. Feb 13, 01:01

Part 1:

Right I had a ship and a dream. Sure it wasn't a nice dream but a dream all the same. I had very few friends and even fewer true friends, such is the life of a pirate. Even the Tealdi hated me. Oh well, the pirates were more organised now and they have all I need.

Accept the ability to acquire ships. They're not willing to let me buy anything on account of my father being a USC Commander and all. They like me but not that much. Still I've got my trusty Nova Vanguard here with eight Particle Accelerator Cannon's (PAC) and two Phased Repeater Guns (PRG), along with 75mj's of shielding so I've got teeth. Right lets see what should we have for breakfast here in Farnham's Legend. I want more ships, preferably a TS at the moment to store loot, but if I can pick up some fighters to repair and make a wing of then so be it.

First targets a Teladi Courier in a Buzzard M4. Stupid lizard goes down with his ship though. Still he left me some missiles. Now what's next?

Second target is a Boron TP. Stupid fish gets himself and all his passengers killed. Shame really, a TP would have been useful as then I could have boarded a TM or M6 or something. Still, I'm sure there'll be more of them around.

There were but even after four more attempts none had bailed. This was beginning to get a bit annoying. Then I got some Teladi asking me if I could do some patrolling work. Patrol work? In a pirate sector? What the hell am I patrolling for.

Whatever it'll be nice to take a break from TP hunting.

Ah the Yaki are attacking. Well that makes sense given the hostilities between them and the pirates at the moment. Oh well, time to die poor little M5. One wasp away and one very dead M5. What's next? Hmmm another dead M5.

Ok I'm bored now lets attack this Paranid TS. God damn it he's launched fighter drones, tonnes of the buggars. Wait a second. I'm being paid 2,234 credits bonus for this patrol for every fighter drone I blow up. Hell yeah.

Several minutes later and the 6k patrol mission just apid out 50k. That's nice of them. Tealdi like me a little bit more as well. Pity I'll screw that up in a bit but hey. Like now when I attack this Privateer Falcoin MK1. Stupid lizard didn't bail and some Privateer Osprey came through the gate as he blew up and now doesn't like me much. Oh well I'm sure he'll enjoy talking to this pirate Cerberus I'm about to lure him into.

Nope that didn't go well for you did it idiot.

Several more attempts at getting some bails without luck and I'm getting a bit annoyed. Lets get a drink and then try again.



1x M3 Nova Vanguard (75mj shields, 8 PAC's, 2 PRGS's)


Last edited by 89James89 on Wed, 20. Feb 13, 17:48, edited 7 times in total.

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Post by 89James89 » Sun, 10. Feb 13, 12:22

Part 2:

Right, lets try Bala Gi's Joy and see if we have any luck here.

Hmmm a patrol mission paying 24k base. May as well start with that I suppose. Right first target, lets see, this Paranid TS should do fine. Didn't bail but damn if he didn't leave me about 100k in Low Yield Sidearms.

Second target was a Credentia TS. Turns out the lizards are less inclined to die in a company owned TS, seeing as he bailed. Not that there's a lot left of the ship, given that I accidently crashed into it as it drifted to a stop. It's now at 4% hull.

Opppps. Lets dock this one up and see if I can get another one in better shape.

A couple more dead, stubborn TS's later and I get payment of 29k for the patrol. Not sure where they got the idea that shooting down TS's was a patrol but hey. I'd go more with it being a disruption mission myself. Anyway I need a TS that doesn't look like it'd fall apart exiting a jumpgate and this philosophical thinking here isn't going to get me one.

Looking for some more TS's to terrorize I spot a Goner Crusader M3 on the gravidar. Now it ain't the most heavily armed M3, what with it only being able to mount up to PGG's and only four in the main bay, but it has two turrets, it's faster than this here Nova and it has a huge cargo bay, not to mention the 400mj max shielding. Hell I'd be stupid not to give it a try.

Poor sod doesn't know what's hit him. Dropping onto his tail I open up with everything stripping his shields and eating into his hull. I don't even have to dodge the return fire, it's so weak. He then bails.

Hot damn I've got a new ship. I tip my wing in salute to the bailed Goner and drift to a halt beside the god ugly Crusader M3+, this time being careful not to hit it. It's still currently at 76% hull and has no equipment onboard at all so I order it over tot he TS and use what's left of the TS to fix it up.

Soon as I've got this baby to a Pirate Base to max the tuning and got at least one 200mj shield I've got myself a new fighter. For now however, its going to hold my loot freight.

Docking up with the Crusader I transfer some freight over, While this is being doen though I notice some kid being picked on by some Drunk Paranids. Now I'm no good samaritan but I know that kid wasn't doing anything wrong. Besides, I hate Paranids with a passion. Wandering over, I grab the arm of one of them just as he's about to drive the kids nose through his brain. His mate then turns to swing for me but he's drunk and clumsy. One well placed kick to the shin puts him on the floor. Turning back towards the first Paranid I here a click as he turns the safety off on his illegal solid slug weapon, and points it at my head.

Unluckily for him he hesitates. I don't. Grabbing my own firearm, I quickly bring it up and shoot him in the chest three times, the silencer muffling the sound of the gun shots. He does manags to fire his own weapon just before I got my first shot off, though luckily, thanks to him being drunk it misses completely. It has made the incident look like it was all his fault though, so I help the boy to his feet, instructing him to pick up the fallen Paranid's sidearm and take it for his own. Turning around the other Paranid is unconscious, lying in a puddle of his own sick.

The boy turns out to be a homeless kid by the name of Aaron. Apparently a former fighter pilot, he was discharged for weed usage and ended up here. Now I'm going to need pilots if I want to get a hunting pack up and running and this guy needs a job. He knows it too and is pretty damn grateful to me. Giving him a few credits to go and get some new clothes, while the station security drag the unconscious Paranid off, probably to be enslaved, fighting on a pirate station is usually a bad thing for the loser, especially if they started it, I ask him if he'd mind staying with my Crusader while I looked for something to kit it out with. I told him he'd fly wingman for me when I could get a ship for him and he seemed happy enough. Sure he was just a kid and would probably not even lastt a month with me, but it put a smile back on his face so I consider it worth it.

We then headed to one of the bars to get some food and a drink. Turns out he's a Argon and can, according to him fly. Alright kid, we'll probably find out soon enough.



1x M3 Nova Vanguard (75mj shields, 8 PAC's, 2 PRGS's)
1x M3+ Goner Crusader (basic hull and some Low Yield Sidearms)


1x TS Vulture (4% hull and some fighter drones)


Last edited by 89James89 on Wed, 20. Feb 13, 17:48, edited 15 times in total.

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Post by NetHawk » Mon, 11. Feb 13, 11:50

Great start m8!

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Post by 89James89 » Mon, 11. Feb 13, 15:16


NettHawk Thanks though I did die in the smuggler run so I've started again but not made a new topic as this one was only one entry long so you might have to re read whats here. Sorry about that lol. Lets hope you enjoy it as much.



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Post by 89James89 » Mon, 11. Feb 13, 23:53

Part 3

Taking back off to hunt TS's and anything else that caught my interest I wondered if it was safe leaving someone I'd just met with my ship. I dismissed it pretty quickly. The ship was armed and unshielded and if it came to it I could blow it away easily enough. Plus I trusted the kid and I'd learnt to trust my instincts.

The first TS doesn't bail. He does give me ten Flail Barrage Missiles though so I order Aaron to pick them up for me. Sure he complains about flying a unshielded, unarmed ship across the sector but hey I'm the boss and I want them missiles.

The second one leaves me a Cluster Flak Array but I've got nothing that can hold XXL freight. Bloody hell. Wait a minute I have that heap of junk Demeter. I order it over hoping it'll get there before the canister decompresses. Deciding it might be faster just to get another TS I start picking on everything around me.

Eventually getting a Dolphin Tanker XL to bail at 77%. I jump in it and go to pick up the CFA which is when I find out that the Dolphin Tanker XL can only hold L class wares and crush the CFA instead of picking it up. Oh for gods sake. That's 690k up in smoke. This Dolphin Tanker had better be worth something after that.

Anyway, I'm starting to build a collection of ships here, some with no use. Comming Aaron I get him to find out where the nearest Pirate Shipyard is while I go about being a pirate again.

A short while later he comms me and lets me know that he's found the nearest Pirate Shipyard in a sector called Salien III Only trouble is it's bloody miles away. Oh great. Looks like I'll have to hold onto what I get my hands on for a bit longer.

Shortly after that I get a bit of a shock when a Boron M4 flies into me and takes my hull down to 80%. No systems were damaged luckily. Stupid Ion weapons.

Then the local Quantum Tube Fab came under attack so I decided to help them out. They were willing to pay me 42k after all.

It only turned out to be a couple of M4's and a few M5's. Trouble is, it seems to have peeved some of the local pirate packs off a bit and I've got a couple of M3's and some M4's after me. Oh well, If they want a fight they can have one.

the first pack ordered me to pay them 20k and then they'd leave me alone. Deciding it was better that than stir up a hornets nest I agree. The second lot aren't so easy to win over though, but they head into the neighbouring Teladi sector so there not a problem. The Osprey that currently doesn't like me is tied up fighting a Split Dragon so it seems that I'm in no actual trouble anymore,

Or not. The Osprey deals with the Dragon and soon comes after me. A quick scan reveals that it's only got 625mj shielding and is armed with Plasma Burst Generator(PBG) which means I outrange it by a lot. Breathing deeply I turn and engage my aggressor. Keeping up a steady stream of fire while minding to keep out of PRG range.

After several long minutes, I start to see chunks coming away from the Osprey's hull. Cycling through my missiles I launch all the Firelance missiles that I have and watch in satisfaction, as the ship blows itself apart.

Hell yeah, screw you pirate.

Still gripping the stick tightly and checking the gravidar to see that no ones cared about the scuffle, I decide it's time for another drink. Maybe I won't give up this bird just yet, she seems to do me fine. Need a name for her though. How about 'Supernova' on account of what that Osprey just went.



1x M3 Nova Vanguard 'Supernova' (75mj shields, 8 PAC's, 2 PRGS's)
1x M3+ Goner Crusader (basic hull and some random high value loot)


1x TS Vulture (4% hull and some fighter drones)
1x TS Dolphin Hauler XL (80% and random loot)


Last edited by 89James89 on Wed, 20. Feb 13, 17:50, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by 89James89 » Thu, 14. Feb 13, 13:14

[b[Part 4:[/b]

Right so there we are, minding out own business when some Boron starts yelling over the comm system that all pirates are to get to their ships. Apparently there's some Xenon inbound or something. I open up the comm unit on my wrist and tell the bloody fish to shut it, hes ruining my drink.

He then offers me 96k to go help. Well now. Why didn't you say that before hand. Course I'll go help for that amount of cash. Not like the Xenon are going to stop invading if I don't is it. After downing my drink and passing the rest of my smoke to Aaron, I head to my ship and prepare to roast some toasters.

'GIve em hell boss' he yells after me as I leave the bar. Sure thing Ki. Sure thing.

Leaving the station I head over to where the rest of the pirates are patrolling. Seems pretty quiet at the moment, but I don't want to be swamped out on my own and picked off.

At which point a Xenon P M6 jumps into the sector. Hitting the boost I shoot off to help out the Pirate Osprey already engaging the giant toaster. Turns out he's a bit more difficult than the previous Osprey I took out and quickly takes out chunks of my shielding. Unluckily for him the pirates are mounting hull damaging weapons and slowly, with me providing the unwilling bait he's taken out.

Also turns out that, on account of not getting any kills I'm not being paid the full amount. Bloody pirates there was only that one bloody ship. Oh well they still paid me 20k so that made up the amount spent to pay off them pirates earlier.

Back to trying to get some equipment for Aaron and the Crusader.

Then I get another comm from some Yaki Split asking if I'd like to earn 500k. Too bloody right I would. What do I have to do? Kill off two TS's in this sector. Alright mate your on.

Turns out to be the easiest million ever. Maybe even more. Why a million? Well as it happened the target ships were two Teladi in a Vulture Miner and a Dolphin Superfrieghter, neither of which had any drones or weapons. Easily taking out the Vulture I then turn on the Dolphin which bails at 75%. Hell yeah that's what I'm talking about. Taking the payment of 473k for both ships and having a bail is brilliant.

Still I need to find a bloody Shipyard to sell them.

It's after I get another bail, this time a Dolphin Superfreighter XL still with some freight onboard that I decide it's time we moved to Brenan's and see if there's anything we can sell to the pirates down there.

Then I have an idea. Leaving Aaron to guard the ships on the once they've docked at the Pirate Guild Stronghold I head off to see if I can reach Salien III without incident. Turns out no. I have to cross race space and put frankly, they all hate me. Oh well it was worth a try so I head back to check up on Aaron. On the way back I get an idea. Now the pirates have jumpdrives for sale on some of their bases. God knows where they got them or if they work but I've got a plan.

Firstly I need a TP though. Then I need some marines and a TM to capture. Then I'll need two jumpdrives. That's going to be the hard part, raising the 4m needed for the jumpdrives. Right better go see if we can sell anything to the pirates.

Or not, Hatikvah's Faith has a whole load of M3 traders in it screaming take me. So I do. Well try. First few go down with their ships but then I get a Perseus with 80% hull bail. Nice. I might just fix it up and switch to it. It can mount heavier weapons than Supernova and has pretty much the same specs apart from that. For now though I fix it up and send it to he nearby Pirate Guild Base. When I last crossed Nopileos Memorial there were some homicidal toasters in there and I don't want to lose my prize.
Deciding I'd have one more go at getting a TP before I called it a day I dropped onto the six of a Teladi TP and opened up. Several minutes later the dam lizard and his friends were a ball of rapidly expanding gas. Very annoyed at this point I decided to head to the Pirate Guild Base and call it a day, when I spotted a Split TP. Thinking that it couldn't get much worse anyway I went for it.

Hell yeah he bailed. I've now got mys.....


What the hell was that?

Apparently some idiot pirate had just shot my TP with a missile. Luckily it was still there just very much more damaged. Making sure there were no more surprises, I quickly claimed the Iguana Vanguard, now at 23% hull and sent it off towards the pirate base. It would take a while to fix it but it was a TP and that was all that mattered.

The Pirate Guild Base even had 200mj shields in stock so I grabbed two of them and then decided to get some sleep. It'd been a long, successful day.



1x M3 Nova Vanguard 'Supernova' (75mj shields, 8 PAC's, 2 PRGS's and 2 200mj shields)
1x M3+ Goner Crusader (basic hull and some random high value loot)
1x M3 Perseus (basic hull)


1x TS Vulture (4% hull and some fighter drones)
1x TS Dolphin Hauler XL (80% and random loot)
1x TS Dolphin Super Freighter XL (83% hull and random loot)
1x TP Iguana Vanguard (23% hull and some random loot)



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Post by 89James89 » Thu, 21. Feb 13, 01:58

Part 5:

Well I'd just spent the last couple of days getting the TP ship shape again. Bloody thing was beat up to hell. Had told Kid about the situation as well and the lad had found us a old Argon TP pilot. Apparently he used to fly a TP for a merc outfit but they'd disbanded and he'd been looking for work ever since. Will have to meet him myself before he gets the go ahead to join us, but Marv Tathers sounds like he may be useful. I'd also told kid about the Persues I'd captured, telling him of my plan to get it up and running and make it my personal ship. This would leave him the Nova so I left him to decide between the Nova and the Crusader.

Anyway, after having spent such a long time fixing up the Damn TP, I was itching to get back out and steal something. Being cooped up isn't good for me. Ahhhh brilliant open space. Let's see. Hmmm a Boron Military TP carrying SQUASH mines. Well that doesn't sound very Born like now, does it? May have to take them off your hand. I'm going to need the credits to hire some marines and get the TP kitted out. Not to mention getting Kid his ship up and running.

Hell yeah he bailed. What do you know. Spend ages trying to find a TP then you get two, one after th other. Only came with one SQUASH mine though but hey that's better than nothing. I'll let Marv decide which ship he'd rather have. The Manta I just got is at 84% hull so patching her up will be easy.

Right what's next?

Hmmm a TP carrying 400 Firefly missiles. Well damn that's not something you see everyday. Manage to get him to cough up about 200 before he dies. Nice. Order the Iguana over to help pick them up. Then I get someone who drops 30 Hurricane Missiles for me. Same thing, Iguana comes out and picks them up. Still it's a bit annoying having to manually switch ships as the Iguana doesn't have the software to do automated ware gathering.

Sending it back to the Pirate guild Base I get it the software installed. Was trying to save money but hey, this might just make some instead. I can use the Iguana to grab the loot and the Manta to store it. Trouble is I need a Trading System Extension which no where sells. Looking at my ships I realise that I have one on one of my bails. Only trouble is, that's in Brenan's and I'm here. Hmmm may have to make a trip back there in a bit.

First though and much more excitingly, a Yaki Akuma M2 has just appeared in the sector. Now given that the Yaki and pirates hate each other, there's going to be a tonne of fireworks any time soon.

Yep there was. The sector is now littered with loot. That TP needs that software quickly.

Hmmm it appears the Masom Mill is asking for help against some aggressors. There also paying 91k for me to deal with them. Sure thing. If it goes like last time I'll just have the Yaki M2 over there deal with the angry pirates.

Holy hell the aggressors a Xenon P. This may prove a bit more difficult than last time.

Bloody hell that was close. I'm sat at 5% shields breathing rather heavily and shaking slightly. Thank god for them Thunderbolt missiles I'd just picked up, they defiantly saved my life. Still I've been paid 120k all told for that little dance with death. Let's not try it again though. That was close enough. At least not on my own anyway.

Or so was the plan. Apparently they got more unwanted attention. There also paying 90k again, and seeing as I just spent about that maxing the speed and buying Special Command Software for the Iguana what the hell. Let's go for it.

Ok, this time its a M8 bomber. Well that's slightly different form last time, also slightly easier. A very easy 106k seeing as how the bomber doesn't actually have any ordinance onboard. Idiot.

Several minutes alter, pottering around watching traffic and I spot a Teladi hauling 25 SQUASH mines in a TP. Hell yeah I want them mines. Ok sure, I'll take the ship too if you want. Yep, he bailed as well. Another TP and this time the keeper. Three times the shielding of the Split one and just as fast, plus more cargo space. It came with 10 SQUASH mines so that's a nice 100k bonus.

Then things go bad. Very bad.

Firstly I miss witha missile and hit the gate. No biggy?

Yes, very big biggy. Firstly the Pirate Guild in the sector tunr hostile. Crap I've got two TP's and Perseus on that staion. Then they send a Hydra after me which I have to destroy. That doesn't help matters.

Then they blow up my Iguana with my two 200mj sheilds onboard and all the loot it'd picked up. Crap, crap and more crap.

They then message me and tell me if I pay a 500k fine, they'll let me get my ships back and I'll have docking rights again. I've got 485k. Crap, crap, crap, crap.

Right let's just dock at this Pirate Anarchy Port and get some sleep. I've got to make some credits tomorrow and fast.



1x M3 Nova Vanguard 'Supernova' (75mj shields, 8 PAC's, 2 PRGS's)
1x M3+ Goner Crusader (basic hull and some random high value loot)
1x M3 Perseus (basic hull, currently stuck on a pirate base)


1x TS Vulture (4% hull and some fighter drones)
1x TS Dolphin Hauler XL (80% and random loot)
1x TS Dolphin Super Freighter XL (83% hull and random loot)
1x TP Manta Hauler (currently stuck on a pirate base)
1x TP Hermes Hauler (currently stuck on a pirate base)



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Post by Zaitsev » Thu, 21. Feb 13, 08:03

Interesting start :)

I'm thinking about going for the Argon Anarchist start myself, but with my luck I'll probably get nuked before I can get my ship out of Freedom's Reach ...

Tip from the sideline: You don't really need to use the Military Base Revamp to add more Xenon, as XRM will add more than enough to level just about every sector bordering on Xenon territory three times over. If you make it to Grand Exchange and stick around for a few minutes, you'll see what I mean :p
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D

Eye of the storm Completed
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Post by 89James89 » Thu, 21. Feb 13, 11:59


Zaitsev: Well I did kind of cheat a bit and made the pirates friendly to me. Given that I'm not allowed in any races Core sectors currently though I feel it's balanced. Also weirdly enough I spawned in Farnham's Legend, go figure (mind you if you get nuked in Freedom's Reach your doing something very wrong :p).

Yer I know. When I tried the Smuggler start Grand Exchange was just the Shipyard by the end of the second day. Damn machines. Oh well I'll leave it on. I don't really care in this save, if the races get ganked lol.

Thanks for checking in though. Really appreciated. I hope you like the progression as well. Well, provided I don't die.

Part 6:

Right lets see. I need money and fast. I don't much trust the Guild to keep my ships on lockdown for much longer and they've got about 300k worth of SQUASH mines, not to mention a tonne of other missiles on them. Let's get to work.

What now god damn Split? Your under attack again. What the hell do you keep doing to achieve this? Fine I'll defend you. I need the 13k your offering anyway.

Brilliant two M5's and three M4's, easy money. It was on taking out the third M4 that I got laced by Mass Driver fire. What in the hell? Apparently some other local pirates had taken offence to my defense of the station and were piling in. Last mistake they ever made though.

After I'd taken out the Flacon M3 and his buddies that had got involved, and checked that no one else was peeved at me, I checked my credits. Hell yeah 503k. Let's go get my ships back.

They were good to their word. Cost me all my credits but I now have my ships back. Deciding I need another ship to grab loot, and also just because it would be useful anyway I head back to Brennans to pick up the TSE.

On my way back I nearly get myself spaced though. Apparently they arm their TS's bloody well in Terran space because that Baldric was eating my shields for lunch. His escort's didn't help either but I managed to take them out. Still they took me down to 5% shields at one point. Stupid Dark Space Corporation.

I then also realised that I hadn't patched up my hull from the Mass Driver pirate so did that quickly.

Nopileo''s Memorial is screwed, to put it basically. There's a Xenon K M2, Q M7 and several P M6's in there wrecking the place. They did try and take me out with long range missile strikes but I dodged them. Getting my TP's out of Hatikvah's is going to be fun. May have to leave them there and acquire a new one in Brenan's .

Once back at Brennan's I transferred some equipment around and sold all the crap I didn't need at both stations, including the haul of firefly missiles. This brought my accounts back up to 350k. Not bad but still not enough. Also my TP's were on the other side of what was now basically a Xenon sector so not good. Oh well I'll do some pirating here while I decide what to do.

Then the Pirate Guild ask me if I'd like to take out a convoy in Savage Spur. There paying 98k per ship so I take it. Not sure where Savage Spur is but hey, I'm sure the mission won't be too hard.

One Paranid core sector later and I abort the mission. Screw that I'm not risking my life for 190k. There's two bloody M6's and a wing of M3's closing in on me. Back to pirate space I think.

Did mange to get something from the whole thing though. On the way back I found a Paranid Weapon Dealer carrying some PAC's and missiles and after some coxing I managed to get him to give me them. Five PAC's and a load of missiles were the haul. Not bad as now I can give the Perseus or the Crusader some teeth.

Then I got a convoy hit mission, offering 93k for each ship from some Split in Split Fire (fitting eh?). This ones in Bala Gi's Joy so sure. I know that's a pirate sector at least.

It turn's out that Bala Gi's Joy is going to be very nice to me today as well, as when I enter some Yaki asks me to take out another convoy there for 49k per ship. Sure what the hell I'm here now. May as well.

A very, very good day indeed. I now have three slightly damaged new freighters. Yep three out of the four ships bailed on me. Now given that ones a Super Freighter and the other two are Haulers, along with the 280k payment, that's not a bad haul. I then also manage to get a Jaguar Raider to bail and send it down to Brenan's where I have plans for it, before Khaak cluster shows up and forces me out of the sector.

In Farnham;'s Legend I then get cause to go back to Bala Gi's Joy. 177k per ship is too much t pass up so I accept another convoy hit mission and head back, hoping that the Khaak have gone after some pirates instead. They had and several minutes later I was sat on a cool million in credits.

Seems like there raining convoy missions today. Got another one for 44k per ship in Bala Gi's Joy. Tip. If your a trader. Stay the hell away.

The mission goes rather easily until the convoy of Teladi ships jump east in Blue Profit. Ok this may have got a bit harder. I need to take out two Teladi traders in Teladi space.

Turns out however, that they have their hands full with other pirates at the moment. What's even better is that one of the TS's bails. A Dolphin Tanker and holy crap, it's still got a full 125mj of shields. Hell yeah the Perseus is now going to be up and runhning. Well as soon as I can get it past the Xenon. Or rather get me back down there. Might be easier that way.

Anyway for now I'm going to head back and have drink with Kid. Want to meet this Merv guy too. See if he's going to be our new TP pilot.



1x M3 Nova Vanguard 'Supernova' (75mj shields, 8 PAC's, 2 PRGS's)
1x M3+ Goner Crusader (basic hull and some random high value loot)
1x M3 Perseus (basic hull, soon to be fully shielded and half armed. Or fully if I make it my new main)


1x TS Vulture (wreck)
1x TS Dolphin Hauler XL
1x TS Dolphin Super Freighter XL (83% hull and current storage ship)
1x TS Caiman Hauler
1x TS Demeter Super Freighter
1x TS Dolphin Tanker
1x TS Dolphin

1x TP Manta Hauler (currently stuck on a pirate base)
1x TP Hermes Hauler (currently stuck on a pirate base)



Posts: 69
Joined: Wed, 23. Jan 13, 16:01

Post by 89James89 » Thu, 21. Feb 13, 13:00

Dead unfortunately. Turns out that Heavy Centaurs are more than a match for a Nova. Who'd have thought.

Guess it's back to my aquatic taxi driver.

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