Lone star

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Lone star

Post by samoja » Mon, 18. Feb 13, 20:51

This story is kind of a substory in my real campaign, while my freighter collects nividium in perpetual sin and my factory produces weed ill indulge in a little rp, rules: 1.dead is dead...not, i plan to make this nice little run and i will not have have some silly autopilot glitch cut it short, if death occurs everything after last save did not happen, 2. no mercy, i cant take money from my factories, in fact i got to leave all my assets behind, that including my credits, ships and stations, only thing i am allowed to take is a Discoverer i find floating in space(i am using npc bailing addon) oh by the way, no salvaging ships either except in special rp circumstances. 3. i have to eat, which means i have to carry meatsteak cahoona crate on board at all times, one meatsteak cahoona lasts 30 days after that i have to jettison it and get another 4. if i want anything from any of my factories i have to pay full price(transfer the credits to factory account)5. no stock exchange, now that would just be too easy. Nostalgic Argon start, Albion prelude.

I was visiting a cousin in Nathan's voyage star system, i booked a flight back home on one of regular liners, but as we were passing trough Omicron lyre those two ATF Mjolnjirs opened fire on our transport, those Terrans have no shame, we were just an unarmed civilian liner. The general alarm was sounded and passengers were urged to put on emergency space suits, as the hull was buckling all around us we all rushed to jettison into space and put as much distance between us and that wreck, and not a moment too soon, mere seconds later we saw our transport being consumed in flames. Everybody set course for the nearest station, lucky for us some argon ships flew in so Mjolnjirs decided they have better targets than us to shoot. I was about to follow the group when i suddenly became distinctly aware of two things: one, my credit card was in my suitcase and it was destroyed along with the ship, meaning i was skin broke(and would not even be able to pay a ticket back to Argon prime) and two there was a heavily damaged discoverer floating just to the left of me, obviously abandoned. I taught to myself, there is nothing wrong with me borrowing it to get to the station, after all maybe the owner will see fit to give me a finder's fee if i get it back to him. Like all space suits mine was equipped with emergency repair laser, so i set about to fix the hull of the small fighter, soon it was done, i entered it and sat in the cockpit, it was good to be out of that space suit, i have no experience with flying but the previous owner left everything on, all i needed to do was take the rudder, it took me awhile to master its use tough, i was just about to set course for the trading station when i saw something interesting, apparently Argon patrol took the Mjolnjirs down, and some of their missiles were floating not far from me, one poltergeist and one mosquito. I started searching the cabin for a manual, and finally found it in some rubble, it said "to collect wares from space fly towards them and automatic tractor beams will tractor it in your cargo hold, i did as i was told and set course for the argon trading station. When i finally arrived there there was a surprise for me, Discoverer pilot was killed by Terrans, and apparently it was finders-keepers in space, the ownership of Discoverer was transferred to me, and i named it Lone star, some guy even offered to teach me the basics of flaying for free, he said he was just "helping a new fella in business" maybe this wont be such a bad day after all.

Assets: Lone star, no weapons shields or gadgets, no SETA, one mosquito, one poltergeist.

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Post by samoja » Mon, 18. Feb 13, 21:30

Chapter one
Some guy on Argon trading station mentioned i can get good money for that two missiles on argon equipment dock, he also mentioned something about some gadget called the SETA, he said it will make my travels much more enjoyable, so i set course for argon equipment dock, there i sold the missiles for, wait for it, 3500 credits, it would take a month for me to make that kind of money on my old job, now i am sure that "the pilot's life for me". I am getting hungry tough, i eat in the Canteen on EQ dock but i should rely get some food supplies, obviously meatsteak cahoonas are pilot food of choice, there are no supplies of those here but i was told to look for them in the system Black hole sun, to the east of here, so that is where i am going next.

This keeps getting better and better, on my way to Black hole sun i found 4 more missiles, one poltergeist, one specter, a dragonfly and mosquito. When i arrived in BHS i landed on one of local food factories, i got a whole crate of meatstake cahoonas for just 34 credits, that ought to sustain me for awhile. I sold poltergeist and spectre to local EQ dock, i will keep mosquito and dragonfly in case i run into some trouble, they may be useful later on, i heard that dragonfly can one-shot shieldless M5, or severely damage shieldless M4, allowing me to escape, and although i have no means to bring their shields down right now, ill delight in jamming it to some Teran later on. I also bought Trading system extension, it is supposed to allow me to view prices of goods from space, it did not come cheap tough, so now i have roughly 5000 credits, ill be going to the Argon trading station for some R&R.

Assets: Lone star, no weapons shields or gadgets, SETA, Trading system extension, one meatsteak cahoona, one mosquito, one Dragonfly, 5494 credits.

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Post by samoja » Mon, 18. Feb 13, 23:16

Chapter two
I arrived on the Argon trading station, and boy are this things amazing, 100 credits per night, and all imaginable commodities, i booked in for 2 day stay, i never had credits to afford this before but now... First thing i did was hit h
the gym, you don't know how sitting in a cockpit all day long can ruin mean's health, nothing like a little workout to make you feel healthy as an argnu ox, then i went to a bar, the selection of drinks they got here is amazing, bartender even let me on some space fuel, personally the stuff is too strong for me, i just took some Ringo wine, i meet some other pilots here, two dudes named Niklas and Dal, they are pilots too, they urged me to get my pilot license sorted out at the local bureau, as long as i was able to prove i knew how to fly, and that i own a ship it should not be a problem, they said, War is taking its tool on the population and many pilots have died, so the government allows just about everybody who knows how to hold a rudder to fly, in hopes of enlisting their aid in the war. It was already late now so i retired to my quarters. The next day i went to the bureau to get my pilot license, they made me run a course embedded in the station hull itself (never knew it existed) and when i finished successfully they gave me my license, strongly urged me to get some shields and pointed me to the shop on the promenade where i can get a flight suit.
The shop was named Jorwans clothes, i found my fit rather easily, i bought two sets, each for 50 credits. After that i went shopping for some more necessities, i bought a cleaning bot to clean up my pilot cabin, and some vegetables and fruits to go with meatsteaks, i also bought a sidearm, cause, as Niklas and Dal pointed out, it is crazy to move around stations unarmed, anyone can be a pirate in disguise, and some races like split are just naturally aggressive and may pick a fight with you purely to entertain themselves, carrying a sidearm makes one think twice before attacking you, and all pilots carry them. And nice piece it was, from Argon prime, having two settings, stun and kill, all this costed me another 124 credits, now i'm down to 5050 credits.
Now i remembered i haven't eaten since this morning so i went to the mess hall for lunch, after that i went to my quarters to rest awhile, and then i hit the gym again. Later i went to check out the simulators, Dal told me that i can gain valuable combat experience there without having to actually face real combat. After several hours i finally managed not to die to every ship i fought, i could even win against small ships like M5s, i would not tackle M4 yet tough as for M3s it would be nothing short of suicide to try and attack one of them in what i fly now. Then i went to meet Niklas and Dal in the bar again, they promised to show me local nightlife, so after several hours in the bar we went into local nightclub, and i can rely tell you, girls sure dig pilots, the moment we entered some 10 pairs of eyes started tracking us. There was this one girl, Tracie was her name, boy was she a beauty, she worked at the local drugstore, i promised ill see her again before i leave. It was well after midnight when we left, i spent most of the next day morning and afternoon nursing massive headache this pilots sure can drink, later i went to meet Tracy at the bar, we talked and got to know each other, i promised ill see her when i am in the system, i said fer well to my new friends and started making preparations to leave. I remembered i haven't called my folks back home since before our transport got destroyed, they must be worried sick. So i called them at Argon prime, needles to say they weren't very happy with my new career, especially in this times of war, but it was my decision after all, i am an adult. So i left the station to search for some shields for my ship.

Assets: same as before, credits 4900

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Post by 89James89 » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 01:11

Nice little read here. You may want to break it up a bit though, as at the moment, the paragraphs are a bit big and the wall of text might be off putting to some in that way.

I'm liking the idea of having to have provisions onboard the ship. Adds a whole new level to it and I don't think I've seen it done before.

Looking forward to more.


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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 10:27

Thanks for reading, i will try to break things up into smaller sections, just that i am trying to do something of quality here, and that demands a lot of words.

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 10:28

Chapter three
Uh, i just undocked to find that sector is swarming with xenon, i spent my last dime on engine tunings and managed to outrun them, barely, without shields and weapons it would be a short battle. In the next sector i saw a battle in progress, some stupid Terran pilots jumped head first into argon patrol, they were quickly dispatched, and i was left with another poltergeist and a mosquito, on the other side of the gate i found yet another same set. I docked on the EQ dock in Omicron lyre and sold 2 poltergeist, then i docked at local IRE forge and bought an IRE, truth be told i know that 1 IRE is not enough for combat, especially without shields but it is better than nothing. Then i went to Circle of labor but only thing i saw was Argon M2 being dispatched by several Terran ships, disgusted i went back to Omicron lyre to find a real treasure, around 8 missiles including 2 remote guided warheads lay there. i picked all of it up and it amounted to over 65K i immediately used half of that money to tune my engines all the way, i also got another IRE so now i got a matching set. With this improvements i decided to search for some shields, my path lead thru xenon sector but with my new speed i was confident i'll be able to outrun them.

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 10:32

As i taught only my speed saved me in the xenon sector, i was almost splattered but luckily i am alive and well. Still, i now begin to understand how dangerous career i chose for myself, Xenon, Terrans, pirates, no wonder so few people became pilots despite the benefits. I finally found what i was looking for in Lucky planets, i sold all my missiles and bought 3 1mj shields and another dragonfly, i even had some credits left to improve my rudder, so i decided to return to the warzone to test my new toys.

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 11:30

Once back in the warzone I docked to Argon EQ dock and took time to take a lunch thinking of my next move. Just then i heard a report over the audio, Circle of labor was under siege by a sizable Terran fleet, so i decided to go there.
Just as i exited the gate in saw something, a lone Mjolnjir harassing an unarmed trader, i could not let that pass. Although Mjolnjir was bigger, had stronger shielding and weapons then i do i engaged him at once. Obviously Mjolnjir pilot did not consider me a threat, that is a mistake he had time to regret. My twin IRE quickly chewed trough his shields, i was zipping past him so fast that he did not even have time to land a single shot, then i launched one of my two dragonfly missiles. It hit home with devastating efficiency, target hull integrity was down to 12 percent. Now if it was me in that Mjolnjir i would have bailed, but this guy elected to fight to the bitter end, and bitter end it was, not 20 seconds later he exploded in a fireball shouting courses over the comm. When i looked around i noticed there were 3missiles floating around, a wasp, a dragonfly and a beluga. I collected all three and set course for EQ dock in Omicron lyre to sell them.

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 11:44

The missiles i collected achieved a good price , put together they brought me about 28 000 credits, which coupled with what i had before amounted to little over 29 000. I think it is time i got myself another pair of IRE.
I was lucky, IRE factory had quite a stash on their hands so i got mine cheaper than i taught. I had some credits left so i went back to EQ dock and bought boost extension and duplex scanner, i also maxed out my rudder, which left me with 6161 credits. Now i am thinking about going back to the BHS, there is somebody there i promised i would meet.

Assets: Lone star, fully shielded and armed, 1 dragonfly missile, 3 mosquito missiles.

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 19:16

Chapter four
As i was approaching the station i was feeling anxious and at the same time there was an underlying feeling of dread, i could not help but ask myself, "what if she forgot about me, what if i was just a bit of fun for her, what if she found someone else" I was tempted to comm her right there in space but i knew that would ruin the surprise, on the other hand this could turn very ugly very soon. I realize now that i never described how Tracie looked like, she was about 5.5 feet tall, with long blond hair and blue eyes, for girl of so sharp name she looked surprisingly fragile, like she was made of silk, no words can describe her correctly tough, you just had to see her to understand. I am sure that she would have no problem finding another guy if she wished to, list of potential candidates went on and on but well, there is no time to think about that now, i am almost at the station so i guess i will find out.

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Sabrina Bergin
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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 19:25

I like the story and your crisp style keep up the good work.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 19:37

shaun bergin wrote:I like the story and your crisp style keep up the good work.
Thanks, this is my first story so comments like this mean a lot, i am just about finished with another paragraph. ill post it soon.

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 19:45

I Showed up at the doors of her shop at early afternoon. There are no flowers in space but i managed to find a shop that had red silicon crystals cut and polished to resemble a rose, it coasted me 500 credits but it was worth it. I will try to describe her reaction when she saw me as best as i can, first she just stood there speeches, looking at me, that at the rose, then at me again, then, so suddenly that i was unable to respond, she ran and hug me. I must say that reaction shocked me, "i taught you were dead" she told me. "Why did you think that"? I asked her. The xenon, we heard of the raid, i know they were very close to the station when your ship undocked, and also that you had no weapons or shields on board, i was sure that Xenon got you. Ah, the xenon, that fairybugy that was used to frighten Argon children for centuries, everybody knew about them, everybody feared them. It was ok baby (i stammered somewhat clumsily, i was still a bit shocked) although i had no shields i was smart enough to buy some speed upgrades before i tried to pass the Xenon, i was able to outrun them, they did not even scratch me, when is your shift ending? In about 20 minutes, she replied. Good, i said handing her the rose, ill wait outside for you and i then i will take you to holoteather, ok. She smiled, "ok".

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Post by 89James89 » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 20:22

No worries, I know that qualitt means lots of writing. The thing I use to break up the blocks of text is to put a line between each paragraph. This seems to make it look like a lot less writing there to read.

Still there good updates.



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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 20:24

And true to her word she showed up twenty minutes later, rose slightly sticking out of her purse. Let me go back to my quarters to change, she said, and then we can go. Several minutes later we arrived at the Holoteather, they were playing a drama about Argon pilot that has to go fight in the Boron campaign and leave his young wife behind. We did not pay too much attention at it tough, we were too busy enjoying each other presence, it was well into the second half of the novel that we finally kissed. While we were going back to her quarters she said to me "it will be my birthday soon and i will be taking some of my leave, and i want to spend it with you. I want you to take me somewhere special, somewhere outside the human space where we can be alone. I knew what that meant, i will need two things to deliver it, cargo life support system so she can come aboard and a jumpdrive. Bidding her farewell i set out to find what i needed.

End chapter four

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Post by samoja » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 21:27

Chapter five
After several days of fighting Terrans, maxing out my cargo bay to accommodate more cargo and many collected missiles i was finally able to afford a jumpdrive, i raised over 160000 credits overshooting my target quite a bit, i bought local star map from some fella in the bar and set course for Goner temple to acquire a jumpdrive. I reached the temple without incident and a group of helpful goner technicians installed a jumpdrive on my ship, but the true challenge was yet still before me. Only place i knew of that sold cargo life support system was a pirate base in Nyana's hideout, without it there was no way Tracie could even come aboard, but since pirate station was willing to allow me access the sole lasertower which was obviously in somebody else's possession threatened to blow me out of the sky. There was only one solution, i was in no way capable of destroying that lasertower, i will have to outrun it, manually land on pirate station, and then fly out before it can get a lock, it will not be easy but i had no choice.

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Post by Triaxx2 » Tue, 19. Feb 13, 23:28

Now added to the DiD List.
A Pirate's Revenge Completed Now in PDF by _Zap_
APR Book 2: Best Served Cold Updated 8/5/2016

The Tale of Ea't s'Quid Completed

Dovie'andi se tovya sagain

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Post by samoja » Wed, 20. Feb 13, 08:57

I cant rely believe my luck, it appears that since that map was made somebody blew that lasertower straight outta the sky and pirates haven't got around to replacing it yet, so i just flew in without any problems, a rude technicians tried to swindle me, of course, they first tried to install a system that was not functioning at all, they quickly changed their tune when i requested that we test it out in the way that i drive them around the station in it. Next they tried to charge me for it 3 times as much as it was worth, of course i did not agree to this, i told them that i will be paying the station manager for it as per agreement and they are better off finishing the installation and leaving. Later as i was waiting for the installation to finish a guy approached me and offered me an extensive list of different wares and equipment, i think i am better of not knowing where he got that, anyway there was nothing useful for me there and it was all seriously overpriced so i politely declined. Having the last of what i need i left the pirate station and set course for BHS.

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