DiD - Explorer to Hero TC (Prematurely Ended)

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DiD - Explorer to Hero TC (Prematurely Ended)

Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 19:16


X3TC - Fully Updated
Dead is Dead – Except Stupidity and Glitches
No Intentional Personal Combat until in a Capital ship M6+ but I am allowed others to fight for me
No FREE ships – Only abandoned ships from war allowed
No Massive Complex – I’m not a Mogul, I can own Loops but nothing Major – Def no Illegal Activity – Space weed is not Illegal in Teladi but No Space Fuel
The Station I Own must Help my Needs – Weapons, Equipment etc or at least help the Local Economy – This will include Food Fabs, Energy & Minerals
No Nividium mining, I’m an explorer, not a miner
No Repairing past M3

All scripts used are there to help improve the flow of the Game – My Laptop struggles with the game so Performance scripts have helped – Here is a Screen Shot of SPK’s used

http://s854.photobucket.com/user/Chrisf ... c.jpg.html

More may be added some scripts have not been listed, but nothing there to really change the Game to much, I’m not into cheating

{Images posted directly to the forums should not be greater than 640x480 or 100kb, oversize image now linked - Terre}
Last edited by BankruptAssasin on Tue, 10. Sep 13, 14:30, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 19:37


Terrans are known for 2 things throughout the Universe, The creation of the Xenon and forcing themselves into other cultures they know nothing about, the latter being a very “Terran” only trait.

We are not very well thought off in the Universe and for good reason I suppose, we tend to shoot first and ask questions later, this is very true for any commonwealth race ship that enters Terran Space but the main problem has been the continued Xenon Invasions into Commonwealth Space, but a common misconception is that every Terran is the same, that we have been brought up to be objects of destruction, this is very far from the truth.

Okay the majority of the Terrans the commonwealth people meet are fighters, however we also have a lot of Scientists, Teachers, Philosophers and even astute Business Men/Women – These are very much in the background off every Terran sector.

I am very much an Explorer/Philosopher, I like to study other cultures and learn from them, I enjoy reading books about them, how each race differs from each other, about the many wars/skirmishes between the Boron & Split, Argon & Paranid, How the Teladi are not at war with any other Culture, and probably have closer links to the shady organisations such as the Pirates or Yaki, but also the allegiances between each of the race against the common threats such as the Xenon or the hive mind of the Khaak.

As a philosopher, although my knowledge comes from the thousands of books throughout Terran Space, I feel that I will learn even more from direct exposure to the commonwealth races, but my main issue is that the commonwealth races are very suspicious of the Terrans and are unlikely to allow me the freedom I need to conduct my studies, for that reason I must leave my Terran life behind me, I must adapt to the commonwealth way of life and for that to work I need to make sure I blend in, this means no Terran Technology inside the Commonwealth Sectors at all, so my sabre is of no use to me.

I managed to convince the Military that it was necessary that I be given a Commonwealth Vessel to expatiate any problems I may have in commonwealth space, this was difficult but a little help from a friend higher up the food chain goes along way.

I’m now the proud owner of a Teladi Harrier ship, however I don't have a license to fly it just yet, and as part of the deal with the military I must take some lessons from their flight instructor. All goes fine until I’m asked to shoot a few crates, this does not go as planned, I end up shooting the instructors ship, and after a long lecture and me explaining that I’m an explorer not a fighter he says good bye and good riddance, I foresee my lack of combat skill as an issue, one that I must rectify in the very near future


1x Teladi Harrier – Small Fry

Time: 00:05:13

Credits: 1000cr
X3TC - Awesome
AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 13. Jun 13, 19:39

01 – Baby Steps

As I leave Terran Space I start to ponder what I will do with myself, I have never left Terran Space and as such this Teladi Harrier has no maps for me to follow. I have very few little credits, I have a small ship, that let’s be honest if anyone takes an unhealthy interest in me, I would be in some serious trouble, I think I need to set up base somewhere but where?

I head south from Heretics End and find myself in an area dominated by Argons, they seem friendly enough and even allow me to dock in their trading station, and I am even given a complimentary drink upon arrival, so far so good then. I eventually start talking to a Teladi called Melessmnius Ymalasist Iphesus IV - I can't even pronounce his name so I just called him Mel. Although drunk and I suspect stoned, I had a good time with him and learnt about his family and where he came from.

He was actually very intelligent, much more than I originally give the Teladi credit for, In the books I studied they seem shady and willing to do anything for profit, but he has helped change my opinion for the better and even give me some advice on how to set up a successful trading business, He also give me a digital copy of a book/guideline I never read before, it was by an Author named Nuclear Slug, the book is called “Wanton use of Nukes” and apparently it gives very good information on starting out with very little and making something from it - this will make for very good reading tonight I suspect and I am sure that I will be able to take something from it. Mel also mentioned that there were a few other digital books that I should read if I wanted to learn how to survive out in the commonwealth by the likes of Nuclear Slug, Scion Drakhar & Triaxx2 among many others. I think I will try to track these books down and see if I can learn anything from them.


Teladi Harrier - Small Fry

Time: 00:25:13

Credit: 1000cr
X3TC - Awesome
AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Sun, 16. Jun 13, 19:19

02 – Explore or Expand?

The morning after the night before is never a good thing, especially when you wake up in a cockpit, let alone a Harrier Cockpit, neck stiff, back aching and head banging. I remember reading a little of Nuclear Slugs book before I fell asleep, and have decided that I am going to try to emulate him in some way, I don't intend on attacking the other races for their capital ships, but his overall survival guide is something I think I can achieve, or at least try to.

Along with Mel’s advice on trading, and Nuclear Slugs example of his trading techniques, particularly having his own stations trading with each other and not actually costing anything, I think I need to make a move to the Teladi sectors and see if these Sunrise Flowers are as good at making money as Mel & Nuclear Slug suggest.

I leave the trading station and head west; this brings me into Nyanas Hideout, with my miniscule sensor range, something that almost killed me in the Asteroid Belt due to unforeseen stations and Auto Pilot Stupidity...

[ external image ]

I don’t find much in Nyanas Hideout and in fact have to make a few passes to find stations and eventually the west gate into Scale Plate Green. Just as Mel mentioned, there is indeed 2 flower farms pumping out products at rock bottom prices, and a sun oil refinery buying at near maximum price, with a cargo space of 35, I think I can make a few credits quickly, only 1k a run but considering the stations are close to each other and my harrier does a decent base speed of 123m/s the credits soon start raking in quick enough, nothing major mind you, not when you compares Mel’s Station Building Business, but for now it’s all I can do with what I got.

My first main objective is to increase my rep with the Teladi, once I get enough rep and money I’m hoping to purchase a Kestrel and then I can map the rest of the universe at ease, the speed of these things according to Mel is unmatched. But my current aim is to get a duplex scanner, reading slugs adventure has opened my eyes to the possibility of a Xenon Migration, particularly in Scale Plate Green, and with me barely seeing a metre in front, especially in an under shielded Harrier is not a wise thing indeed.
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Sun, 16. Jun 13, 19:23

Since these are short chapters, i will post chapter 3 also tonight. Let me know what you think so far.

03 – Just my Luck

I spend the next few hours shipping sunrise flowers around Scale Plate Green, I also start to explore a little around the surrounding sectors due to my lack of scanner range it take same a little while finding the stations and jump gates and nearly made the mistake of entering X-347 before realising what I was doing, enter an Xenon invested sector is not wise in a Teladi Harrier, this has prompted me to invest in a Duplex Scanner, being this close to a Xenon sector and reading the Stories by Slug about the Raging Q's in Scale Plate Green, I feel it is very necessary.

I start looking for some missions, and even find some lucrative Taxi missions, I’m not a fan of taxing people, but for some of the prices I have been offered I think I will make this another way of making credits, I accept one in particular, it’s from an Argon called Kel Aylen, he was offering me over 20k for a simple taxi to an argon station in Omicron Lyrae, easy money, I reach the station where he is and nothing happens, he does not get in my ship - I’m at a loss as to what has happened as I can't contact him anywhere, I cancel the mission and loose a bit of rep - I lose rep because he disappeared? Somehow I don’t think that’s fair.

A few more taxi missions go this way, I start to wonder if I’m doing what I’m expected, some of them have laughed at me for turning up in a harrier and expected luxury transportation while others have just plain not tuned up when I arrived. After a few of these unsuccessful runs I find myself in the bar talking to another Teladi, I didn't get to know his name but he mentioned that to do taxi missions I may need a TP type ship or at least a ship with M class cargo - Bingo, that’s what it has been, I have a Harrier and it only has S class Cargo, but he mentioned something else I didn't realise I needed, a Cargo Life Support System, found in local Pirate Stations - Why do I need that? Can they just not sit in front with me?

I leave the Trading Station and start looking for a pirate station, luckily the Teladi guy knows where one is and sends me to the unknown sector East of PTNI Headquarters, on my way I notice something of interest, a Split Military operation in Scale Plate Green, and they seem to be heading towards the West gate, I decide I will nip into PTNI, get some extra cargo space, I have a feeling the Split are going to start a war with the Boron and I want to salvage some goods.

I get the extra cargo space fitted, I rush to Nyanas hideout and can't find the Split, and I know I was quicker than there Capital ship, where could they have gone too? As I wonder if I should try to find them in Omicron Lyrae I noticed the Argon have their own Battalion heading to the East gate, I tag along and they head towards X-347, so following Slugs advice regarding salvaging, so I monitor the Argon ships as they enter X-347 and they seem ok after a min or two, so I decide to head on through.

Just as I’m heading through, to the point of no return, the Argon ships have disappeared on my monitor, "Oh Shit!!!!" I go through and start panicking

[ external image ]

3 Q's are sitting on the other side

I hightail it back into Scale Plate Green and count my blessings, I motor back towards the safety of sunrise flower hauling but while I have been away exploring, someone has came in and cleaned out the Sunrise Flower Farm, but not just that, 1 of the flower farms is missing???

[ external image ]

Just my luck, can’t do taxi missions, my only way of making money has been taken away from me, and I can't even salvage anything. What do I do now?


Teladi Harrier

Time: 01:34:24

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Tue, 18. Jun 13, 20:05

04 – Change of fortunes

With nothing else to do, I decide I will start to explore a little, but not before picking up a mineral scanner, I have seen some of these missions go for big bucks, but as I’m only starting out I will accept most of them, I can even accept a few different ones at the same time and this will make it worthwhile. The only problem is, the mineral scanner is close to 40k, that’s practically all my credits already, but the advantage of having this will make it worthwhile, and low and behold I have made my money up after 2-3 missions.

I travel into the split sectors; they have some really pretty ships, all pointy and nice colours

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As I’m sitting there admiring these ships, I think to myself that I have to get me some new shiny ships soon, and as it just happens as I was exploring and looking for missions I could do, I came across a Demeter Super freighter with some goodies inside.

[ external image ]

Apparently the pilot has decided it was off no use to him anymore and just spacewalked. Now this I can use, I jump out of my ship and claim it, unfortunately there is nothing of real value on board, and the hull is in a bad way, I send it to the shipyard in PTNI to see what I can do with it, and look, just after I buy a mineral scanner I find a ship with one already installed.

As I passed through the split sectors, I was taking on some missions, just scan asteroid ones, and as I was doing this I seen a ship called a ranger, again it was lying empty, it appears the Goners didn't need this ship, I claim it and send it back to PTNI, I decide I am going to sell it, it does not mount weapons at all, which to me is a complete surprise, Terrans would never fly without at least 1 weapon on board, especially in Commonwealth space were Piracy, Xenon & Khaak are at large and increasing.

I try to sell the ranger back in PTNI, but I get a message saying Trading System Extension not installed, a quick drive back to PTNI and I buy the TSE, apparently the Ranger is worth quite a lot of money, even with the hull full of holes, no weapons or equipment, I’m am offered over 2 million credits for it - It appears the Teladi really want Rangers for whatever reason, either that or they have already found a buyer and I’m a sucker for selling it.

I use the money to fix up my salvaged Demeter SF now known as Donkey Kong, I upgrade its speed and rudder and give it new very shiny equipment and decide to use it as a remote trader, I noticed that ore is surplus in Profit Centre Alpha, which is a surprise as the stations in that sector are in desperate need for it, I guess that’s a good market to go into.


Teladi Harrier "Small Fry"
Demeter SF "Donkey Kong"

Time: 01:55:12

Credits: 1,900,236
X3TC - Awesome
AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

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Post by Poseidon » Wed, 19. Jun 13, 03:05

Good chapter! I'm sad to see the ranger go, but cash is cash. Lucky finds on those derelict ships.

So, earn some money, and then... War? Death to all Duke's facilities? :-p

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Wed, 19. Jun 13, 09:19

Im a good bit in to the story now, when i say that, i have not really done much more than i have already, but due to unforeseen events & keeping bad company i have to put my exploring days on hold.

Hope your enjoying the story, im enjoying writing it, it's just a hassle with the uploading of pictures, but i think pictures in these kind of stories break up the text.

Thanks for the comment
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Post by BankruptAssasin » Thu, 20. Jun 13, 09:22

I'm debating whether to continue with the story, not much has really happened in it after over 3 days and i think i have lost my way with it, plus i don't want to just keep waffling on if nothing interesting has happened. I do have a few chapters wrote, should i post them and you can let me know if i should continue?
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Post by Poseidon » Thu, 20. Jun 13, 16:31

BankruptAssasin wrote:I'm debating whether to continue with the story, not much has really happened in it after over 3 days and i think i have lost my way with it, plus i don't want to just keep waffling on if nothing interesting has happened. I do have a few chapters wrote, should i post them and you can let me know if i should continue?
I can understand the trepidation. It's difficult to stop playing, write up everything, and post it to the forum, when it feels like noone is reading.

Writing fiction for a sandbox game has a few unique challenges associated with it. I believe the hardest part is that most people reading it will be intimately familiar with the game, and in my case, most of my readers are more skilled than I am. How do you take a slow-paced well-understood game, and turn it into narrative?

For me, the answer was "by creating your own fiction". I've always seen Dead-Is-Dead documentation as a strange breed of FanFiction where we're not allowed to break every rule you want. If you look at the stories that garnered the most readers, you'll find a common thread... they added a story to the game. Sometimes it's simple perspective twist on their in-game activities; sometimes it's a complete makeover of the setting.

Your writing is pretty good, and I'd like to keep reading it. I think you're early enough in the game that you haven't found a personal narrative to pursue, and that's why your actions feel dry to you. Once you find that personal narrative, the words will flow and the game world will feel a little brighter because you've added a piece of yourself to it.

And that's why we really play this type of game, right? Not for the existing plot, but because of how we can personally influence the game world in the ways we want, and see results. DiD is just an extension of that, allowing you to add a personal narrative to your influential actions.

We're here. We're reading. Post at a frequency that is comfortable for you, and meshes well with your gameplay. And if the narrative isn't there for this play-through, there's no harm in shutting it down, playing the game until it's over, and starting a new DiD with a different character later. I've shut down a number of my projects, writing and otherwise, that just weren't quite there yet. I started another one when the inspiration struck. This is just as much about what you want as what we want.

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Post by kgkosio » Thu, 20. Jun 13, 18:54

Poseidon is correct, the best DiD stories have character interactions and a main character that can be developed. Your story has started strong in this regard.
Fan of the save game manager by badger
Best Steam DiD death: Fly into a TL repeatatly while repairing it

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Post by Sabrina Bergin » Thu, 20. Jun 13, 19:54

I agree with the previous two post's .

You have an interesting character worthy of development should you so choose.

Unfortunately there are periods in the game where you just have to grind away to reach the next stage and during these times there is little if anything worth writing about.

Short answer:- Don't.

Only write when you feel you want to add to your character or you have decided where you want to take him and your game.

If that helps well and good if you still feel reluctant to continue then that is your choice , personaly I like what I've read so far and would continue to read your posts should you continue.

As regard's adding a Story line that is and excellent idea it gives an immediacy to your character and I have found it does spill through into my playing style. When I accept my persona's aim's.
When traveling pause occasionally, look back and enjoy the moment again.

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Fri, 21. Jun 13, 00:49

Thanks for your support, i did do a DiD ages ago, but i lost interest in it basically due to my laptop being not up to scratch, i dunno why i started it again on the same laptop, but i will continue with it since you seem to be enjoying it so far, i had a load of chapters wrote, probably 12-13, but most of it waffle so i will shorten them down and hopefully make it sound somewhat interesting.

05 – You did say X-347?

With the extra cash starting to flow in, I decide I will upgrade my ship, I have thought long and hard about it, as I’m not the best fighter pilot, as evidence of shooting up the Terran flight school ship, I think my best form of defence will be speed, until I get something that will withstand a heavy blow, so since I’m in Teladi space and my rank has steadily been increasing, I think I will invest in one of those Kestrels Mel spoke fondly off, I decide to upgrade it completely and even get a cargo life-support system so I can do these Taxi missions once and for all.

[ external image ]

Test Drive - Ok!!! I’m still here, I’m alive and the damp feeling between my legs is very real too. In all seriousness though, maybe I shouldn't have upgraded the ship to be as fast as that, I nearly ended up a splat on the Teladi Albatross's windscreen, Memo to self, next time be more prepared, luckily enough they are very similar to that of the harrier with only a few extras such as the turrets on the back for missile defence and the upgraded Pacs to the front, at least if I do get into a scrap, I can run away quickly and if they fire a missile up my ass the turrets should in theory protect it.

Looks pretty does't she? and people say Teladi ships are ugly, have they ever seen OTAS or Terran Ships, now they are a sign of Ugly if you ask me.

My first "doable" taxi mission offered and accepted was to bring a Boron called Hili Po down to a sector called Eighteen Billion, I hadn't been there before and never heard of it, I had to embarrassingly admit this to my fare and ask for directions, she rolled her eyes and told me it's the sector next to X-347.

"You did say X-347 didn't you?" I asked, thinking surely I misheard her

"Yes" She said with a deadpan face, I'm thinking that I may just give this fare up, but for the money I’m getting paid, it seems worth the risk, plus with the Kestrel's speed, surely I can outrun anything before they know I’m there, but if my last venture into X-347 is anything to go buy, I’m going to have a few Q's sitting waiting for me.

I tentatively move towards the gate, I look at her once more to make sure she is correct in the directions and that she is deadly serious, she looks at her watch and taps it angrily, so pedal to the floor, we enter X-347.

As we come out the other side, I immediately push the Kestrel as fast as it can go, there was no real need to as I was in for a pleasant surprise, the Q's I could see and it's associated fighters of M's & N's were busy shooting up a few slow moving traders, I whizzed buy and barely got a glance, although I’m sure the captains of those trade ships definitely called me something behind my back, especially that Paranid back there, I’m starting to have a slight dislike towards the Paranid, particularly because they keep offering me rubbish missions I can't do, and those I can do they are paying me pennies for, then thye start calling me unholy one and other such nonsense, your lucky im a peaceful person at heart, but someday i may make an exception.

We reach the desired location with plenty of time remaining and I get a hefty fare, over 800,000 for what literally felt like 2 minutes work, i guess being a taxi driver in the X Universe is actually a worthwhile way to make a living.

I also was able to snag up a few bargains, a couple of Falcons sort of around this price

[ external image ]

I even managed to get myself a second hand Vulture, which I will use to help shift some e-cells around from Ceos Doubt through to Home of Perpetuity. So all in all not a bad day so far, lets hope my luck keeps up, but i have a feeling things will go sour pretty soon.

I decide to map out a few of the surrounding sectors; I even get lazy and buy a few maps at a decent price, although I probably could have mapped the sector out quite quickly in my kestrel. I fix up the falcons and the Vulture which brings my cash back down a bit, This was mainly down to using Mels advice of getting sector traders, which he described as Ships that automatically look for the best deals within a sector, but more than that, the surrounding stations with the resources they need which then help the surrounding sectors.

So at 500k a pop it's a major investment and one that I need to keep safe. The best way apparently is to keep them in core sectors where the Sector owner is likely to have military presence to deal with any nasty’s that want to cause trouble.

So a tip from a beginning tradesman, Keep your precious stuff in Race core sectors, especially those with Condors, Shrikes & Phoenix's hanging around.

I give Donkey Kong one and order him to start trading in Profit Centre Alpha so that he can benefit from the Ore Trade - My hope is that he will stimulate trade within the sector and then get the sectors directly beside it going for business, I have noticed that a lot of the stations have stalled due to a lack of resources, so this is my solution to it, plus with it being beside PTNI and away from any troublesome sectors such as Scale Plate Green then it should in theory be safe, let’s hope the theory is sound.

I also equipped the recovered Vulture with one and sent him into Homily of Perpetuity, Then reason for this is although not a core sector, the region is flush with Ecells due to the amount of Solar Power plants in the area, and other traders seem oblivious to the cheap price, I want to use this to my advantage and help increase my Teladi rep even more.

My funds are looking much more healthy I decide to head back towards PTNI, but as I was going through X-347 I seem to have took some damage from something, it came from behind, wiped my shields out and dropped my hull to 74%, luckily I was at the north gate when it happened and was able to get to safety fairly quick.

I cant for the life of me understand how what I presume to be a missile got through my defence, not only that but my computer system did not even warm me, something is wrong and I’m very confused when I suddenly remember than my first taxi fare through here needed me to get rid of some cargo, I give Small Fry my weapons to mind and forgot all about it, a near fatal mistake and one, that as a Terran, I should know better to fly without guns.

A quick space walk and repair I was back to full hull and on my way to get my guns back, luckily I was in a small ship like the Kestrel, my repair skills are not all that, much like my fighting skills but I think I could manage anything from an M5 to possibly an M3 if I had the time spare. While here I also managed to pick up another couple of second hand ships, It seems once I get a certain credit limit I keep spending it on ships that need fixed up, but I did manage to get a couple of Mercury’s and a Barracuda, I even found an abandoned Elite, it appears to be an old Pirate Ship judging by the Unique Paintwork.

[ external image ]

I did consider upgrading to it from the Kestrel due to it having more shields and a decent speed, but something made me just sell it; I think it was because it would cost more than it was currently worth to repair.


Harrier "Small Fry"
Demeter SF "Donkey Kong"
Kestrel”Travel Sickness"
Vulture "Sleuth"
2x Mercury
2x Falcons
1x Barracuda

Credit: 2,500,147
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AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

We're All dying from the moment we are Born.

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Post by Poseidon » Sun, 23. Jun 13, 02:46

You're making some decent bank, and avoiding getting dead. Good work. :-)

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Sun, 23. Jun 13, 14:18

Cheers. Have nearly died a couple times, and have had a few auto pilock moments already, very frustrating sometimes the way the auto pilot works.

06 – Broken Toasters

After spending a lot of money creating my mini trade fleet, I realised that the money was not coming as fast as I thought, perhaps Mel was wrong about Traders. Time to start an internal investigation and smack a few heads together. I took a quick glance at the Vulture, the pilot was now a level 3 trades man, so he is doing his job admirably, I checked on Donkey Kong, he hasn't moved at all, he is on standby, he has been on standby the entire time.

I’m furious and try to get him to start, but he refuses to budge, I spent nearly 1 million credits fitting you out and you’re refusing to do your job? So I strip him of his MK3 trade extension as punishment and relegate him to remote trade, of which I will decide where he goes and what he buys/sells.

I have a Mercury pilot who is eager to get started, so I pass the MK3 extension into his ship and sent him out to Nyana's hideout to ply his trade, a short time later he is increasing his rank with ease, I don't understand Donkey Kong’s problem, and as such I have sacked the Captain and stripped his ship of the name he give it. And as further punishment, I have sold his ship after stripping out all the goodies inside and gave to the mercury. That’ll teach that bozo.

Along time later, my bank balance is looking healthy, a few smart trade runs, especially with nostrop oil as PTNI is chronically short of it all the time, this will be an area for me once I get enough money to buy the stations I need, which will be a Sun Oil Refinery L and because the closest Flower Farm L is beside X-347 and will have no chance of making it, so 3 Flower Farm M will have to do, plus if my calculations are right, I will have extra Sunrise flowers to shift off to NPC Stations, So that’s a short term goal and I will need at least 3.5 million credits, plus extra for traders.

I decide that I should start trying to find lucrative missions and have started to venture further afield, but I have also bought another Kestrel, this will automatically explore the galaxy for me, and I’m hoping it will start a satellite network for me, but just have to wait and see, the best thing about using a kestrel for this is that it is so fast, and even in the huge Terran sectors it should not take overly long to map, let’s hope the Terrans don’t shoot him down on me.

While exploring the western areas of the map, near legends Home, Dannas chance etc, I came across a mission for a Argon who mentioned he didn't have time to scan ten asteroids and would pay me 67k to do it for him,

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Another quick glance at the mission info and I notice what he really means, 67k per asteroid, now that’s the kind of lucrative mission I can do, and in the kestrel the 4 sectors he wants me to travel too are a blast, with that done my bank balance is looking much healthier again, especially after purchasing another couple of second hand ships, including a Pelican that cost me over 400k, I thought it was a dodgy deal, and was proved right when I sent it to the shipyard, 300k, I just got duped out of a 100k odd, but under closer inspection,

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It comes with a Jump drive and 2 Marines – I have no use for the Marines at this time, so they will stay with the Pelican but the main bonus is that jump drive, I have yet to find a station that stocks them, this will make life so much bearable, but at the minute I’m doing fine, having a rocket ship is almost as good as a jump drive, plus I only have a small selection of sectors mapped out so the jump drive will stay with the Pelican also. But as it can dock ships if I need to get anywhere quickly, I can jump the Pelican “Mother” in and dock the Kestrel, then jump to where i need to go, so jump drives do make life easier.

After a few more boring taxi runs and asteroid scans I have a little more money and have decided to give my Pelican some ships to own, the main reason being as one of the Falcons is in Inamuas Zura and I want him closer to my "home sector PTNI", and with jump drive capacity its easy picked up and brought up. So it is currently sitting with a wing of 3 Falcons & a Mamba, not a bad wing but the mamba is much quicker than the falcons so I’m considering purchasing another Pelican or other TM's and having a wing of faster response teams, of course to do this I need money, and more importantly weapons & shields to equip them with, so for now the Mamba will stay put and hopefully not die in the process by rushing in and getting itself shot to pieces before the rest can help out, time will tell.

I have decided that my Kestrel will be a satellite dropper for me and I would use the Pelican, by having satellites in the areas I hope this will allow me to source weapons and shields fairly easily, but as it turns out, the whole area already mapped out is chronically short of shields, especially 25mj which just happens to be what all my fighters need. So I have a full wing of Ships with no shields but plenty of firepower, you would think I was a Split with that kinda layout.

I have managed to acquire quite a few weapons including 15 PACs; a couple of PRGs and one of the falcons I bought had 8 IREs already on board. Next thing I require is possibly missiles, one thing I learnt from reading through Slugs guide is that Missiles = Win or at least give you a slight advantage for a short time.

But which Missiles should I use? I have looked at Wasp for their anti M5 type ships, or possibly Hurricanes, Banshee for the usual dog fights, Tempests for Anti M3, the only one I could find any kind of stock has been the wasp so that will do for starters.

I have also began buying and training Marines up, if I am going to have marines then I may as well have good marines, but like I thought this is a very costly exercise, I noticed that you can’t train them in fighting, so I decided to get a Bio Scanner and only buy marines that have experience in fighting, these seem to cost a little more but I feel that you can never have too much experience.

As I’m recruiting these guys, I notice this bashing up the place...

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A PX floating around the area, it's not really doing too much and like before no salvageable opportunities, but I don’t want to stay around too long to find that he has taken an interest in me. I jump the Pelican to PTNI as I now have enough money to start my first Business, I had to sell my Barracuda to help fund it, but it was damaged and would cost too much to mend so I used it to help fund future endeavours.

I hire the local Albatross in the sector for only 500cr a jump, must be my good reputation within the Teladi ranks, I buy 2 Flower Farms and 1 Sun Oil Refinery, it's all I could fit on it, I’ve decided to send it to Profit Centre Alpha, it’s close to the E-cells I need, and the nostrop can be used there and in PTNI.

As I’m watching the big ship move with my 3 million investments, taking its sweet time for whatever reason at the west gate, all of a sudden a massive fleet of Xenon come tearing through the gate......

2x Kestrel (Galaxy Explorer & Sat Dropper)
Vulture "Sleuth"
2x Mercury
1x Pelican “Mother”
3x Falcons 1x Mamba (Blue Wing)

1x Sun Oil Refinery L Bought
2x Flower Farm M Bought
1x Hired Albatross

Credit: 1,276,842
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Rebirth - we all know the problems here

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Post by Poseidon » Sun, 23. Jun 13, 14:26

Yay, Xenon! Salvage time!

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 24. Jun 13, 18:43

Ha, you would think so wouldn't ya? your forgeting my bad luck Poseidon.

07. Build, Fight, Trade, Think

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Including a J, a few Q's, P's & PX's and a large assortment of Fighters.

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The Albatross is destroyed before my eyes before it can even react, that J just cost me 3 Million and I can't do anything about it. I sat there watching the Single NMMC Shrike and 2 bombers heading to stop the Xenon lay waste to my "Home Sector", somehow I don't think the Teladi are going to be making much profit now & I’m certainly not going to be making much either.

I watched the show for another few minutes, still in shock at my loss of millions of credits and hours of hard work, the Shrike did take out a few smaller ships and managed to take down the shields of a capital ship, but it was blew to pieces shortly after, with no defence of the sector left the Xenon proceeded to start destroying stations, first up....

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Pac Forge, and it was full of Pacs which I could have snapped up, next up looks like they are targeting the Teladi Shipyard, This is of great concern to me as this is where I have been selling my ships, where I will be buying my stations for a while, the next closest Teladi shipyard is in Inamus Zura and I won't be able to use that for this sector thanks to X-347 as neighbours, so I will be at a loss without it, I wonder do the Teladi build new shipyards if this is destroyed?

Luckily the Xenon seem to have got bored and are instead coming toward me, they must have scanned the ship and realised I’m not Teladi and I’m in fact Terran, they smell blood and they coming for it. I decide to let them get a little closer before I jump to the west gate, this gives me the chance to collect all the debris, not much of it is valuable, just a few missiles, E-cells etc, but it’s not going to help cover the 3 million I just lost, that J is marked, I will have great pleasure in taking him out once I get the chance.

I leave the Teladi to it, the military don’t seem to be too interested, so NMMC have sent 3 shrikes

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And all 3 have been utterly destroyed, I glanced at slugs book and remember how his shrike lasted so long, if what I have seen so far is to go anything by, the shrike is not as good as I thought, either that or the captains off them all have been careless.

I decide I will need to make my money up again, the area if it still exists is still short of Nostrop, I am still keen on building that complex, so I continue doing scan asteroids, Taxiing people and returning ships, plus a few shrewd buys such as a

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Pelican for just over 8k - now that’s the sort of bargain I need constantly. I have even been able to increase my Pirate rep from -4 till 0 by doing 1 lucrative mission worth over 1 million credits, not bad for a day’s work. But the pain of my life so far in Commonwealth space have returned,

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That same J, K, Q and fighters have turned up again, are they following me? Have they caught wind of a Terran and are trying to take me out?

I avoid them again, the kestrel is quite quick so it's easy enough to avoid them, but them turning up again has me a little concerned, I need to get myself some kind of capital ship soon, or come up with another plan of action, particularly when there seems to be very little Military around these days, The Xenon are having a ball of a time destroying everything it is path, and there has been very little in the way of resistance. I also need to hire some qualified fighters to the cause, and for that I will need some extra ships but more importantly, credits.

I eventually have enough for my First Complex (again), I buy the stations and have it all connected in a jiffy, due to recent events, "Blue Wing" were escort for the Albatross, although if that Xenon fleet comes back I doubt 3 Falcons and a Mamba are going to cause much trouble, perhaps the Xenon can do me out of 6 million this time?

But this time all went well, I thought I would use that soft squishy bit of muscle between my ears for this, I ordered the Albatross Captain to place my stations away from the main trade route, About 10km above the trade lane, this I hope will mean if the Xenon/Pirates decided they want to attack they will leave my station alone, or at least leave it until the end.

I decided I would sell the Vulture Miner I had kept purposely for this station and just use 2 Mercury’s, they are quicker and cheaper than what I sold the Vulture for, so a win win situation for me really and I already had 1 mercury bought second hand and fixed up, it was already sitting with its cargo bay filled with e-cells for its new Home base. These will buy and sell the goods to within a 1 sector radius, it means that I have more control over where the traders are and means I can if needs be use this to help supply Nostrop to another complex. By setting it to 1 sector, it means that Profit Centre Alpha & PTNI should be sorted for Nostrop and will start producing their own products quicker, plus in general there should not be too much trouble from Pirates due to the heavy presence of Military.

Just as the Ecell buyer is leaving my station, guess who shows up again?

Yep my old friend XM1TX-69. This is the 3rd sector since the initial attack they have turned up in while I’m here, they are definitely looking for me, just as I think my Mercury is about to get killed, it is pulling away from them, no attacks at all on it, but that’s probably due to the Teladi Phoenix & Shrike

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keeping it busy, I have decided that I need to do something about it, I think because the Capital ships are millions and millions over my kind of budget, I have 2 options, capture a capital ship or the one I’m going to try first, buy a bomber and arm it, then nuke the Xenon, I was going to take anything over 200k from the Nostrop Factory back into my account, but I will instead keep the money on station and use it to buy the bomber I need, with a little bit of luck I may even be able to buy a second hand bomber for a very good price, if not that’s a 6 mill + lay out.


4x Falcons
1x Mamba
1x Perseus
2x Pelican "Mother" & “First Blood”

Some TS Ships
Some Kestrels for Recon/Sats

Credit: 824,358
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AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
don't play Reunion - Too old
Rebirth - we all know the problems here

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Post by Poseidon » Mon, 24. Jun 13, 21:26

Damn. Sounds like it's time for an M8 and some Lasertowers. What'd you do to piss them off?

I guess you could try to lure them into a Core sector or a War sector.

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Post by BankruptAssasin » Mon, 24. Jun 13, 21:28

Maybe they know im Terran. I hadn't fired a shot at anyone, im still classed as harmless and was minding my own business then this happened. Yeah Bomber time indeed, didn't think of Lasertowers.

Cheers for the feedback.
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AP - Just started playing - Looks impressive
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Post by Poseidon » Mon, 24. Jun 13, 21:31

I've lost a Heavy Osprey to a cluster of 5 Lasertowers in OOS combat. I have to image they'll be even more effective if you're in sector, assisting them, especially if you can spread them out so AoE doesn't kill them all at once. Beware the 10 minute deploy timer though.

There's gotta be a way out of this. You might need to stuff all your cash in a bag and keep running.

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