[LU] A New Adventure Begins...

Official fiction, fan fiction and artwork. Let your talent express itself!

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Joined: Fri, 10. Feb 17, 06:28

[LU] A New Adventure Begins...

Post by ArgoChris » Fri, 13. Apr 18, 02:01

Hey Guys!
I'm new to the forum, but not to X. I've put countless hours into the base game, and its been awesome to explore everyone's content and passion for this game, I had no idea that this community was so involved. I've been diving into those famous scripts and mods, and I know there is a whole new world to explore in Litcube's Universe. So that's what I'm gonna do! And I'm hoping to explore that world with anyone who's interested :)
If you have the time I'd love you to stop by and talk about the game and what you love about it!
Hope I found the right space for this :D

P.S. I hope to start really diving into the discussion here and around the forums, I'm a self-admitted x junkie who finally found an outlet!

Warm regards,

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