Help me someone plzs

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Help me someone plzs

Post by neilparker68 » Sun, 3. Jul 05, 20:28

I got a porbelm I got a script and installed it But it didnt work and I had to delete all the script files I fear i mite have delete a Main file for X2 So i reinstalled it it didnt work So i uninstalled it and then delete the Dirtectory And installed it again And it still dont work. The promelms is I Start it up and it Just stays blank Could someone hlpe me plzs ty

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Post by TSM » Sun, 3. Jul 05, 20:47

you have tried this
FAQ Installation hope that helps
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Post by Red Spot » Sun, 3. Jul 05, 21:04

well if nothing works .. I'd suggest .. re-install the game .. :shock:


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Post by nuclear_eclipse » Sun, 3. Jul 05, 21:40

I had this problem on my laptop a while ago. You need to enter the registry editor and delete all of the entries for X2. Once you do that, it will work once more.

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Post by Burianek » Sun, 3. Jul 05, 22:37

Yup, you can uninstall, enter the registry editor and search for anything with X2 in it and remove it, then reinstall. Just be very careful using the registry editor, I wouldn't recommend it unless you know what you're doing. You can mess up your computer if you aren't careful. Otherwise have someone who does know what they're doing come over and do it for you. ;)
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Post by neilparker68 » Mon, 4. Jul 05, 00:58

Thanks for the quick replys But i'll need ma brother to do it :-( i'll prob Break my Pc knowing my luck :( There is one more thing Is it possable To have a Ship made Like a hole brand new one??? if so does anyone know anyone who would be willing to make me one thanks

O yeah Can someone Not just copy there Files Like the Mov T and all them ones Would that not work?

OK this is odd I put a Mod into the Mods folder One that dont work unless u put other stuff in some other folders ( Ithink ) And X2 worked Only thing that didnt work Is the Voice of the computer that tells u what sector u enter and all That is all Messed up. soo this is kinda odd

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Post by Burianek » Tue, 5. Jul 05, 00:08

Again, if you've messed up your installation, the best thing to do is reistall the game.
If that isn't working, you might need to have your brother edit your registry, but I would not recommend doing this unless you know what you are doing.
Those are really the only ways to fix a messed up installation.
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Post by neilparker68 » Tue, 5. Jul 05, 00:14

Ah ok ty

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Post by neilparker68 » Wed, 13. Jul 05, 21:04

Is there any easyer way to fix this Cozs my brother is going to be buys for Ages If i put a mod on It works But the voice are all messed up and all and i dont wanna save it So if someone knows a easyer way to fix it Plzs tell me

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Post by TSM » Wed, 13. Jul 05, 23:00

voices are mixed up how? on X2 CD2 there is a program called WMFDIST running that may cure your voice issue!
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Post by Burianek » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 01:28

At this point, if you've damaged your installation by accidentally removing some files, it's not really a problem with scripting / modding. You might have better luck posting your problem in the tech support forum.
The folks in there are much more able to help you than I am.
I'll move your post there to see if they can help you any further.

My best guess is that if your game will run with the mod selected but will not run without it, then you have deleted some files from your game (which the mod contains). But you've told us that you reinstalled the game and that it still doesn't work, so I'm confused.
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Post by frymaster » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 02:06

voices all mixed up can be a symptom of applying the wrong patch to your game.

check on the downloads page what patches are needed for your particular version.
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Post by TSM » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 02:14

If Burianek is correct then you going to need to reinstall again, how ever if you have used the wrong patch your game is X2 (1.3 version) then you going to need to reinstall anyway so either way it looks like you going to have to reinstall sorry.

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Post by neilparker68 » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 03:21

rite ok I put a scirtp in U had to split it up and all to diffrent folders I do that Then it didnt work so i deleted them I mite have delete some file So i reinstalled it then it never worked So i uninstalled it and deleted all left over files Still wouldnt work when i installed it again. it was working fine Voices and all Before i put this Mod in. Soooooo Now i go to start it up The screen just stays Black When i go to end Task It says it's Running

Ok heres odd part If i put any old mod into the mod Folder and select it The game works But all the Voice are messed up and annoying. soo i hope u understand better of the Oddness of this problem.


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Post by CBJ » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 10:06

Please slow down a little and tell us what the actual symptoms are, otherwise we have little or no chance of helping. Before we go any further, we need to know whether your game works correctly before you add any mods and what you mean by "messed up" with reference to the voices.

Incidentally, for the black screen problem see this FAQ entry.

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Post by KarlHemmings » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 10:43

If you instal a mod and then told the game to play with the mod installed a line is written into the registry to tell the game that the mod has been installed.
Deleting the mod does not remove the registry entry.
Uninstalling the game does not remove that registry entry. So re-installing without changing the registry does not help.
Click the X2 icon, select mod, select none. This will clear the registry entry. Start game.

Does the game work? Do you still have problems?

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Post by neilparker68 » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 14:10

KarlHemmings wrote:If you instal a mod and then told the game to play with the mod installed a line is written into the registry to tell the game that the mod has been installed.
Deleting the mod does not remove the registry entry.
Uninstalling the game does not remove that registry entry. So re-installing without changing the registry does not help.
Click the X2 icon, select mod, select none. This will clear the registry entry. Start game.

Does the game work? Do you still have problems?

I go no mods at all In it now i Just added one and started x2 up It work But the voice Where all nuts If i went into ore belt It would Say. Danger station Warning Gate xenon 45. Then Thats it All mods have been delete So i cant even selete the Mod thing now. And for the Black Screen Ive had No updates at all And i know that for a fact. sooo My game is pritty much Screwed :(

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Post by CBJ » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 14:19

First of all if the voices are messed up then you have not removed all the files between uninstalling and re-installing. Make sure you clean both the game folder and the registry. Second, for the black screen, the FAQ entry I linked you should be tried regardless of what else you have or have not done.

Now, uninstall the game completely, keeping only your savegames. Delete anything else left in your game folder and any left-over registry entries. Reinstall, and apply the just 1.4UK update.

Before you do anything else, STOP and tell us whether the game works and whether anything is wrong with the voices. We can then try the next step. If you carry on doing a whole series of things and then telling what happened in such a jumbled manner, we won't be able to help.

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Post by neilparker68 » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 17:32

Ok but I'll need Help with the registry If u explain what to do it will be a big help

Ok i went to add or remove programs I went to uninstall X2 it Froze and when i tryed it again it said Something about this is already uninstalling or something Now it's gone and There seems to be no left over files Like there was the other times :S

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Post by CBJ » Thu, 14. Jul 05, 17:42

If it froze during uninstallation then you probably have a problem outside the game. You should check that you are logged onto the PC with a user account that has admin rights, and you should run a thorough anti-virus check with an up-to-date anti-virus program. You should then disconnect from the internet, switch off the anti-virus tool and any other external software that is running before uninstalling or re-installing. Remember to switch your anti-virus back on before reconnecting to the internet.

Most of what you need to do is listed in this FAQ entry. If you are not comfortable with editing the registry and think you might delete something that doesn't belong to the game (e.g. an entry with X2 in its name that isn't actually related to the game) then I suggest you ask a friend with a little more experience to help you with this part. You should also check that the game folder mentioned in this FAQ entry is completely deleted.

Do not at this stage go beyond reinstalling the game and the 1.4 UK update and checking that it works normally, and don't start reinstalling until you have checked that the uninstallation worked correctly.

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