X3:R crash after installing wrong x3 version mod: FIXED MYSELF instructions included

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X3:R crash after installing wrong x3 version mod: FIXED MYSELF instructions included

Post by CashStrapped » Mon, 12. Oct 15, 16:58

I installed the wrong mod for AP where it should have been the mod for x3 Reunion, so i tried to remove the mod, but the crash still occurs, just after game start selection or file load.
I dont have my original disk anymore.

Here is the crash report if anyone can figure out whats wrong and how i fix it.

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: X3.EXE
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4759b1a8
Fault Module Name: X3.EXE
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4759b1a8
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000895a9
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Last edited by CashStrapped on Mon, 12. Oct 15, 19:54, edited 1 time in total.

Alan Phipps
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Post by Alan Phipps » Mon, 12. Oct 15, 17:29

I am afraid that the fix is probably a clean game reinstall (see end of this) - or possibly a system restore to before the problem. I assume that the game played OK before the mess up with the mod?

You know, I really don't know how/why an X3AP mod would install into a disk version X3:R. You must have been very persistent! :lol:

Moving to correct Tech Sp forum.
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Post by CashStrapped » Mon, 12. Oct 15, 18:29

Yes it worked before, I cant do system restore because i dissabled it a long time ago.

So there is no "Fix" utility i can get, or a download of original files, with provision of some security file on my installation to prove its a legitimate version/copy ?

I had not played X3 for a long time, and could not see the mods when i launched mod manager, after moving the installation to a new drive, so downloaded them (mods), and applied with mod manager, but then crash occured. I used mod manager again to remove all the mods, but game still crashes, it gets to point of solar array image then black screen before the crash popup.

Ok, ive logged into steam and see X£ in the libary so ive been able to select "Install" from there to a new directory, hopefully all goes well.
Thank god for steam, From now on ill always add games to steam where and when i can, even though i play offline, just in case something like this happens again.

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Post by CashStrapped » Mon, 12. Oct 15, 19:47

Well it runs! :) only issue atm is that it will only run on Steam. If i exit Steam and run it, it opens up steam to do so. Is this from the .exe file or another file i could try to replace with my original istallation?
Anyone know what file i need to replace?

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Post by CashStrapped » Mon, 12. Oct 15, 19:53

All fixed :D
All i had to do was 1st rename the "steam" installed exe for a backup, and then copy over my original X3.exe to the new steam installed x3 folder and all works without steam running it.

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Post by CashStrapped » Mon, 12. Oct 15, 20:00

P.S. i think i may have actually tried to install the mod by script replacement, i cant remember. I thrie this some months ago, and had given up with the crash, today i decided to ask here for help, and that set me on a course of events that led to me fixing the issue.

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