X3 Reunion won't run on my desktop

Ask here if you experience technical problems with X³: Reunion, X²: The Threat, X-Tension or X-Beyond The Frontier

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X3 Reunion won't run on my desktop

Post by brettt777 » Sat, 2. Apr 16, 09:14

I have all of the "X" games; Beyond the Frontier, Tension, The Threat, Reunion, Terran Conflict, Albion Prelude and Rebirth. They all run perfectly on my desktop machine... except Reunion. No matter how I set the Graphic settings or input device, I can get to the menu or options or even the one intro movie, but as soon as I load a normal game or a custom game, it CtD every time. I have reinstalled it a few times and set the graphics way up or way down. Doesn't matter, still CtD every time. My desktop is an i7 4970 @ 3.6ghz, GTX-770, 16gb DDR3, Soundblaster Zx and Windows 10 Pro. All other X games run perfectly; all other games of any kind (I have about 4 dozen games on it) run great. Oddly enough, I have Reunion installed on my laptop and it runs fine on there. It's an i7 720QM @ 1.6ghz, Mobility HD5870, 8gb DDR3 and Windows 10 pro. Any ideas why every other X game and any other game will run perfectly on my desktop but Reunion will not run and CtD every time?
Matthew 11:28

Alan Phipps
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Post by Alan Phipps » Sat, 2. Apr 16, 14:07

Hi. Please post a current DxDiag for your desktop system. Is this the Steam or DVD version? The information we request for Tech Sp issues is rather essential for making any progress. :wink:

What may help a lot are the relevant CTD error messages.

There are a few other X3R crashing threads on the front page of this forum that might be worth reading through. Good luck.
A dog has a master; a cat has domestic staff.

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