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Posted: Wed, 1. Jul 09, 04:47
by 7ate9tin11s your registering your it files or your ix files?

Also, I do not use the initial 8 in my scripts, just the 4 digit identifier. So you would be looking for 8973 to change it to your number (8975?). The one you may have missed that is really important is in near the beginning, the $page variable.

Lastly, just doing a search/replace in notepad will take care of most things, but changing Xenon to Terran requires a bit more work. You will either have to do it in the script editor or find the actual values for Xenon (131074?) and Terran so the code array is correct.

Posted: Wed, 1. Jul 09, 05:24
by zombie-uk
Right..i noticed that I didnt change the ix to it in the scripts themselfs...but they are still not appearing in the options and I think they are still overwriting the Improved Xenon.

here is a link of the latest version I have done and all what you have told me is done to the best of my ability of following your instructions. it contains the t and script files plus the X Plugin if you needed that also...

Posted: Wed, 1. Jul 09, 05:47
by 7ate9tin11s
Yes, it would be overwriting.

From a quick glance there are 4 things left to do (I have to head out to the beach in a few):

1. Change all script and al calls to plugin.ix.* to you new* files.
- This can probably be done with a search/replace in the files, just make sure you change the code array references too
2. Change any references of '' to ''
- This to is a search replace candidate
3. Change any references of 8973 to 8975
- I think this one can be search replaced as well
4. Change any references of 'Xenon' to 'Terran' (For example, right now takeover.make.station creates a Xenon Terran station :D )
- Have to do this through the x3 script editor or figure out what numbers they are in the code array

I should be responding again in a few hours, off to the ocean 8)

Posted: Wed, 1. Jul 09, 05:51
by zombie-uk
Rite-o and enjoy the Ocean! Hopfully I shall get this mess sorted out.

P>S if anyone else would like to help feel free cos I REALLY would like a Improved Terran mod up and runing...Im using 7ate9tin11s Improved Xenon as a template, just changing the Xenon Script to Terran...tho it be more Complicated than I realized.... Thanks again.

Posted: Sat, 4. Jul 09, 11:52
by 7ate9tin11s
and now to tempt you to upgrade to x3tc:

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Sun, 5. Jul 09, 05:45
by zombie-uk
Ah Already you copleted your mission before you already began it! Thanks!

Posted: Sun, 1. Nov 09, 12:27
by Pirate hater
A bug with the Khaak start is that the Core sectors are hostile.....

This has caused issues for the Khaak invader start. When they jump a group from a home sector, they proceed to kill me.

I have turned off revenge and deactivated the Khaak core but still seem to be running into this issue.

Any help? Is there any scripts to turn the khaak sectors friendly?

One other thing, if I jump out in time and leave them to clear the sector. When the sector is clears the Khaak ships are no longer hostile. :evil:

Posted: Sat, 2. Jan 10, 15:31
by Cerber_963
Hi, I have two problems with it:
1. In BBS I have Readtext 8972-204 but when I open this file there isn't any 204 line. What's going on? :?
2. When kha'ak teake sector I can't lock on it on universe map.
I've got version 1.1

Posted: Mon, 5. Jul 10, 23:20
by Mazryonh
Hi, is there a way to install this mod without the Kha'ak takeover of sectors? I don't want the whole universe to fall, even with Race Response Fleets installed. Also, is there a way to make this mod more newbie friendly, or should users hold off on installing this until they have a sizeable defence force before going up against the wrath of the Kha'ak?

Posted: Wed, 28. Jul 10, 08:15
by Kanos0

Let me start off by congratulating you on how awesome this script is. This is truly a masterpiece. Keep up the good work!

But I have run into a slight problem. When I'm playing the Kha'ak start, and I have taken over the sector I start in, I run into an issue. All the Kha'ak ships turn red and start shooting!

I did stay in the sector for a while, so is it the overmind punishing me for not fulfilling my duties? Or is it just something else?


Posted: Wed, 28. Jul 10, 15:58
by Kanos0
Hi again.

I played it again today. I left the sector almost immediately after taking it, but when the kha'ak ships appeared in the next sector, they were red. And they were shooting at me.

Thanks again!

Posted: Tue, 6. Nov 12, 06:54
by Centron
Can we please get an updated link and mirror for this and improved Xenon?

Trying to go back and play XTM, but a lot of these scripts have dead links...

Posted: Tue, 6. Nov 12, 08:43
by Moonrat

Posted: Tue, 6. Nov 12, 20:08
by Centron
Moonrat, you rock. Thanks for letting me get my fix of old-school x3.

Cheers mate! :D

Posted: Thu, 20. Feb 14, 18:00
by Akalay
I don't really know if it's this script, I run a few kha'ak boosters, but I just went into Ianamus Zura, and I'm greeted by 40 Alpha Swarm Kha'ak Mammoths. Guess I did something wrong?

Posted: Sun, 29. May 16, 11:05
I helped vanquish my first Khaak invasion in Ormicron Lyrae, it was good, I even capped a destroyer, but now i'm left with a small egg in the sector, I can't target it, I can't see it, it's just there on the map. If I select autopilot my ship just turn and do nothing, if i select info betty give me a matter-anti matter mine description, if I select attack the game crashes.

I tried 3 times and the game crash as soon as I try to attack it (autopilot), disabling the mod does remove it.

What should I do about this?

Posted: Mon, 28. Aug 17, 02:00
by Azulius
all download links i can find are dead :/

Posted: Mon, 28. Aug 17, 09:42
by X2-Illuminatus
Moonrat posted a working link a couple of posts above.

Re: [script] Improved Kha'ak 1.1: Updated June 10, 2008

Posted: Sat, 16. Sep 23, 20:42
by aandrasandras
Any support for this mod?`I just installed it, but all options in the artificial alife menu just say readtext with some numbers.