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Re: [XTM - TECH. SUPPORT] Technical support for Xtended Mod

Posted: Thu, 10. Feb 22, 04:52
by Lwerewolf
Disregard, it's the "famous" (I guess) target switching with camera set to f3 crash thing. In my case - happens on a fresh install, with XTM installed, on two systems (5800x/5700xt/etc & an 8770w with a 3620qm & a gtx780m in it), linux mint, windows 7 (on the 8770w), windows 10, with the steam version, with the superbox (v2.5 2007) version... Ah well.

Just tried on my surface pro 3 (i5/4gb/128gb i.e. nothing special) and... no issues whatsoever. This gave me an idea - I limited X3's FPS to 60 via rivatuner and... you can probably guess it - from my 2-3 minute long cycle through everything at lightspeed attempts, everything's working. As an added bonus, no coil whine coming from the GPU in the main menu. Might be a good idea to consolidate all this... For anybody wondering - vsync ought to have almost the same effect, with a bit of added input lag to spice things up.

Re: [XTM - TECH. SUPPORT] Technical support for Xtended Mod

Posted: Sun, 26. Feb 23, 20:26
by unknown1
Anyone know how to disable the performance improvement made by the mod ? I'm talking about the fact that the game renders bullets almost invisible to improve performance, even though modern hardware has no problem with such a game nowdays.

Re: [XTM - TECH. SUPPORT] Technical support for Xtended Mod

Posted: Sat, 16. Sep 23, 21:46
by aandrasandras
Are there any .spk downloads for this mod so i can switch it on/off with x plugin manager?

Re: [XTM - TECH. SUPPORT] Technical support for Xtended Mod

Posted: Thu, 21. Sep 23, 15:29
by aandrasandras
Need help, i just finished the Main X3R plot and entered heretics end again, for some reason the paranid special crystal factory is still in that sector and it is invincable. The unknown terran ships in that sector try to destroy it and cause heavy lags for the entire game. Is there any way to remove that station without going "thereshallbewings"?

Ok nvm that, its not that station being attacked that causes the lags.... the lags only start when i enter heretics end. As long as i stay away from that sector the game runs smooth. But once i have been there the game lags everywhere, even outside that sector. But i have to enter heretics end to be able to enter the terran systems. is there a solution for those lags?

Re: [XTM - TECH. SUPPORT] Technical support for Xtended Mod

Posted: Sat, 23. Sep 23, 12:08
by aandrasandras
It doesnt look like there is anyone left to support this thread anymore. im still trying it anyway. I just started the OTAS missions, I picked up some scientist floating in space. And where supposed to dock at the trading station in aladna hill but the incoming message just reads Text7214-2105.

Once again, the issue solved itself by reloading an older save state, i should start making more of these