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Posted: Fri, 9. Mar 07, 21:03
by Ben2006
reinhart_menken wrote:I don't know if this has happened to anyone else but I seem to have a problem hacking a friendly ship with a polit in it (though no problem with enemy ships with polits). I went to Freedom's Reach and hacked one of those racers' Arrow, with the pilot in it. The hack was successful and I wasn't caught (well...I wasn't really watching, but I wasn't attacked). The ship became my property, but somehow I can't give it a command. Everything else works fine, transporter, freight transfor, I can fly it, just not commands. And the ship still has the same original pilot in it.
Hi reinhart,

no there should be no problem hacking friendly ships or enemy ships whith the BenCo System Override Software. I have hacked 100's of both. The problem is with those particular racing ships in Freedom's Reach. They are dif than all other ships in the game, ie: they do not have any collision bounding boxes so you can actually fly right through them and you can also shoot at them tell your weapons melt, with no effect. They were put in the game mainly for visual appeal and were not meant for any real Player interaction. The pilot that is in there isn't really a pilot either, as they have "0" value for fightskill, moral, aggression etc. It is best to think of these ships as mere flying transparent icons and just move on to other ships. Sorry, BenCo does not offer fee for service refunds while trying to hack a mirage. :D

Posted: Sat, 10. Mar 07, 00:38
by reinhart_menken

That's a good response. Well, I am relieved to learn that it's only because ships there are "special". Thanks for letting me know!

Posted: Tue, 13. Mar 07, 02:23
by The Cuban Nightmare
I recently got this script and i love it! I had started as a humble trader and i managed to capture a M6, now, since i play with the Xtended mod, there are many, many M7's around.

So I went to Black Hole Sun and capped myself 5 xenon Q's (M7) quick math: 2 mil per attempt, i used 6 so -12 mil so far, i sold the ships, 48 mil profit... each! I went on to buy a leviathan m0 with my cash, Avarice here I come!

On a side note, i'm doing the enemy of the state beginning and i'm gonna use this script to cap lots and lots of m6's, i'll let you know how it turns out but in the mean time cheers and thanks for this life saver!


Posted: Wed, 21. Mar 07, 11:52
by Ben2006
Ok, I have added the X3 Script Installer "SPK" file format version for you.

Posted: Wed, 21. Mar 07, 13:54
by defiant1
Ben2006 wrote:Ok, I have added the X3 Script Installer "SPK" file format version for you.

LOL..i coulda saved you the time for this one...i already packed it up and all (unless you made updates to it some how) and yea i sent you a few PMs about it...:P...oh well...

Posted: Tue, 8. May 07, 08:13
by Nightmariner
Hello Ben2006,

I am trying to download this good-sounding script but both of the links that you have posted state "We're sorry, this page cannot be found". Do you have an alternate link to find this item?


Posted: Tue, 8. May 07, 18:02
by Dark-Venom
links dead, any chance of a re-upload

Does anyone have the benco system override software.

Posted: Fri, 11. May 07, 22:08
by nitromethane
It seems benco pulled all his stuff and this script sounds pretty neat anyone have it saved somewhere?

Posted: Fri, 11. May 07, 22:32
by PhantomDG1
I asked the same, but NO joy so far ! :(

If you do get a link, could you forward it please :D

Many thank

no joy

Posted: Fri, 11. May 07, 23:02
by nitromethane
will do please do the same if you find it

Posted: Fri, 11. May 07, 23:05
by SymTec ltd.

This site says it is under construction. Since Ben didn't show up since April, it does not look like a short-time problem.

Thing with scripts is that third-party-distibution - if not stated otherwise by author - may be connected with (and prohibited by) legal issues. So, let's just hope for Ben to show up and make a statement about these scripts.

Posted: Sun, 13. May 07, 00:13
by Nightmariner
SymTec and All,

A couple of folk were gracious enough to e-mail me a copy of the scipt. It is, indeed, lots of fun. If requesters of this script would llike to PM me with your e-mail addresses I can send it to you. I have converted it to .spk format.

Hopefully no mad, spam-like e-mail rushes though. :P

good to keep track of....

Posted: Sun, 13. May 07, 19:21
by KRM398
I never did much with larger ships..too slow to turn, etc. but had to give the benco software a try..after loosing a vette 3 times and rethinking the aproach, I own a Pirate M1...actually the one that patrols in Farnums Legend. It is a lot bigger than I'm used to and no..I learned that it wouldnt take out a pirate corvette patrol with 6 novas.hehe, but the software does work well, its not free ships, but with practise it does wanders. PS, I'm not sure thats an M1...but to me it looks big

Posted: Sun, 13. May 07, 19:54
by Dark-Venom
is it possible for someone who has all his scripts or some of them to re-upload them else where?

would really like to try out some of them :(

Posted: Sat, 16. Jun 07, 02:21
by Christie
Noooo i can't download ur amazing script. When i click on ur link it says webpage not found :evil: help me coz i really want this piece of snazzy equipment. :(

Posted: Mon, 9. Jul 07, 12:52
by xierxior
can someone rehost the files since it looks like ben is missing in action?

Posted: Mon, 9. Jul 07, 14:37
by KRM398
OK, guys, Nightmariner (up a few messages) said he'd send anyone who wanted a copy of them, go get his PM and ask. As far as the software, here is a testamonial from a merc friend. (Shady character walks over and sets down at your table in the TS without asking)... "I hear you want info about Benco Capture Software..I personally have had.....some sucess with it, and was asked to advise you further. Dont take my word for it though, in Brennans Triumph, there is an organization who shuns publicity, but who...when properly aproached ,will admit the quality of the Benco product. In Danas Chance, there is another station who sells weapons and ships, they also dont say much aloud, but will gladly acknowledge the greatness of Benco software. Likewise, the very largest Pirate stations in the Universe will fire on you without thinking, but if your faction is suficient, will glading help you find copies of the Benco software." He looks as a policeman enters at the far end.."I hope this is helpful in your quest for info.." He gets up and disappears into the groud. After a second you gotta have that software...I know where theres this pirate Reaver on patrol...... :twisted:

need script] benco system override

Posted: Tue, 24. Jul 07, 00:54
by defiant1
I want to get this script again, i checked the topic for it but both the links are deadder then a dead dog on a hot sunday and im not sure where else to get it from...if anyone has it could they let me know...


Posted: Tue, 24. Jul 07, 10:28
by Ikaruga
I still have it

Download it here ... _v1.01.rar

*merged* - STL :)

help please

Posted: Mon, 22. Mar 10, 21:06
by Übersoldier
i accidently activated to scripts in X3, one is called hack.initand the other is something with sudoku/hack whatever

now i cant end them and a message from it is permanently rising on my display, i need help to end them, they appear in the list of avtive scripts but i dont know how to make them shut up