[Script] Universe Explorers v1.0.1: Update Apr. 16

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Should the following be added?

Hire Explorers from the BBS
Options to customize satellite deployment
Neither, go make some other script 7ate9tin11s
Total votes: 92

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Post by maimer » Sat, 15. Mar 08, 19:18

I'm just throwing this out there as a possible suggestion, as it's likely beyond the intended scope of the script.

I started out with 5 explorers and added another 10, of the 15 I am now down to 1. Those harrier groups you mentioned keep swallowing them up. One thing I would like to do to remedy this would be to have a mothership of sorts coordinating the exploration of each sector. A TL or M1 with the explorer software tells it's owned ships where to scan and what to do.

This helps resolve the issue of replacing valuable pilots when they inevitably die. Any lost ships can be replaced easily and without having to retrain them. The pilot of the mothership itself would ideally need to be lvl 20+ to move to the ship.

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Post by darnthing » Sun, 16. Mar 08, 00:58

@ 7ate9tin11s - Thanks.
So far I haven't really lost much in the way of my explorers. I set pirate systems to foes so they skip them, but of the three explorers I have (1 buster, one Discovered and a starbusrt I found), the starburst seems to have died. :-( It was doing very well (nice and fast).
What did you do relating to the "getting attacked"? I know with the starburst it should easily be able to run away assuming it survives the initial second or so. My suggestion would be to have them leave the sector if they detect any enemies and maybe come back later.

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Post by Legionnaire » Sun, 16. Mar 08, 14:51

well i have finally lost all mine and not sure where they all died or what they died off, and 5 of them were at least at level 22, ah well time to start some more off :D

one question, will a new batch learn from finding the same stations and gates that the original group found, or do they need to find completely new sectors?


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Post by Terre » Sun, 16. Mar 08, 15:17

A small spelling error in file 448971.xml

Code: Select all

Line 12    <t id="3">Traveler %s \(%s\)</t>
Line 13    <t id="4">Traveler %s \(%s\)</t>

Code: Select all

Line 12    <t id="3">Traveller %s \(%s\)</t>
Line 13    <t id="4">Traveller %s \(%s\)</t>
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Post by 7ate9tin11s » Mon, 17. Mar 08, 04:00

First of all, thanks for all the bug submissions...and sorry that there are still so many :oops: .

Next, an update on the current rewrite that I hope everyone will look forward too. This update solves the bugs given so far plus:

When certain events happen (detailed below) the explorers will send you a message to your log book. Important messages will also have an audio cue.

In response to popular demand (and the way they die in my XTM game :p ), explorers will now react to the presence of enemies. When they are attacked or notice an enemy targeting them while they are scanning an area they will do the following:

1. Notify you that they are under attack
2. Launch a flurry of missiles at their attackers, usually destroying those pesky pirate harrier groups instantly (Level 7)
3. Launch fighter drones at attackers (Level 10)
4. Escape to another sector or to a station to remove the target lock

This seems to reduce the death rate of my explorers a great deal, but now and again I still get the message in my logbook that the explorer died :doh: . However, it made me smile when my explorer sent me the message that it was targeted by the XTM 'Unknown M6' AND it escaped by distracting it with fighter drones 8) .

Cowardice :?
Though the sector may be marked as a friend, and no one in the sector is currently targeting them, an explorer will preemptively retreat from a sector when too many foes are in its scanner range. With my testing while having pirates set to friend the explorers recognize dangerous pirate sectors and retreat while the 'safer' pirate sectors are explored successfully. Sometimes they don't make it though, I still recommend setting pirates to Foe unless your playing some custom start where they are your friends.

Level 23+ explorers will now use their jumpdrives to quickly goto unexplored sectors.

Damage Control
If an explorers hull is at 90% or less it will find a shipyard, dock, and ask you to make repairs. I had to put this in because the explorers were actually surviving encounters with all that defensive stuff :roll: .

Improved Purchase Routines
The purchasing routines have been improved and now items like cargo bay extensions will not be purchased one at a time. The explorers will now purchase rudder extensions for survivability and fight command softwares to use their missiles and drones as well.

When Will It Be Released
Soon I hope, I have finished debugging all but the jumpdrive usage and am also looking to add a 'Move Universe Explorer Pilot...' command. Currently I plan to use the un-used 'COMMAND_TYPE_NAV_32' for this. It will be released when it is released :twisted: ...prolly by the middle of this week, debugging has been taking longer than expected with all the upgrades :lol:

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Post by Phier » Mon, 17. Mar 08, 06:35

I found it amusing when my new explorer purchased space fuel when he got started.

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Post by Legionnaire » Mon, 17. Mar 08, 14:37

@ 7ate9tin11s

Very nice work, my internet connection has been very iffy for the last few days and i was worried i had missed the latest version being released :)

but guess not :D

with regards to bugs, dont worry about them the more people use the software the more will be found as nothing survives its first encounter with the Public as expected by its maker :lol: and there are more than a few people looking for software like this, so its going to be under everyones hyper-critical eye :D

but keep up the good work and i will check back on this as and when my internet connection decides to work :evil:


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Post by darnthing » Mon, 17. Mar 08, 18:09

Phier wrote:I found it amusing when my new explorer purchased space fuel when he got started.
I've seen one buying space weed too. :-)

A question - In my game I've noticed quite a bit of my money just disappear. I.e. I get up to about 1.5mil, forget about it for a while, look again and it's down to 500k or so. This has happened on two seperate occasions. I can account for some of this expense (i.e. new adv satellites - 200k), but most of it just doesn't add up.
Is there any possiblity it's your script buying too much space fuel/weed and magically disappearing it? For some reason that's my incling.

Also - Whilst I appreciate them deploying satellites, can you please make it so they only do regular, non-advanced ones. The adv. ones don't really confer a bonus and cost lots more. And as you can tell, I'm quite poor. :-(

Looking forward to 0.9. :-D

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Post by Legionnaire » Mon, 17. Mar 08, 20:59

@ darnthing
Also - Whilst I appreciate them deploying satellites, can you please make it so they only do regular, non-advanced ones. The adv. ones don't really confer a bonus and cost lots more. And as you can tell, I'm quite poor.
this is the old cookie can please some of the people some of the time but can never please all the people all of the time.

I actually prefer the mix it feels more realistic as in thats whats more likely to happen dropping whats available. eventually i will do what i did in my last game and drop grid patterns of advanced sats in every sector but thats still a little while off just now :roll:

@ 7ate9tin11s

you may be about to start hating me for this one :twisted:

but what about the possibility of when they get to a level where they can drop satellites they ask you what type and how many or even if you want them to?(not sure about this last one as the sats may be required for script to function, but reason i mentioned is is below a bit further down)
yes i suspect its a lot of work and no im not a scripter, so while i can appreciate the work your putting into this for us as well as for yourself, i currently dont have the appreciation a scripter would have.

the reason i said about types of satellite and numbers is that it is a way to attempt to please the masses, but still due to human nature probably wont please everyone :P

i currently also use

which has included in it an option to deploy satelites normal or advanced singly or a grid of 8.

anyway keep up the great work my Explorers have a new pet hate, which they tend to find when they get to about lvl 21-22, Shivan Dragons (XTM)
something along the lines of 'lvl 21 ooh look theres a dragon , oh look another dead Explorer' :twisted:


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Post by 7ate9tin11s » Wed, 19. Mar 08, 10:06

Version Update Technical Report - 0.9

In no particular order... :D

Existing File Updates

448971 - Added messages to player, bonus explorer names, groundwork for hiring explorers BBS. I just realized I forgot to spellcheck it ><

plugin.ux.lib.explore - Added option to force an exploration method (Used in re-explore scenarios)

plugin.ux.lib.locate.comm.goner - Turned off debug switch

plugin.ux.lib.upgrades - Completely rewritten to increase speed, purchase new things, respond to hull damage

plugin.ux.lib.scan.area - Notices enemies targeting me during scan, react to heavy enemy presence in sector.

plugin.ap.lib.buyer.array - Recognizes pre-installed tech, uses smart pathing and jd.

plugin.ux.main - Fixes 'Unknown Object' named pilots, chance of using a forum name, recognizes script upgrades, hooks attacked and death messages.

plugin.ux.lib.locate - Uses new smart pathing and jd

setup.plugin.ux - Installs move pilot command

plugin.ux.lib.pilot.rank - Changed debug messaging to rename ship instead of use logbook

plugin.ap.lib.gate.closest - Updated to use outer environs script

New file additions

plugin.ap.lib.outer.environ - Determines the sector-visable environment of an object, in case of multi-level dockings that happen in XTM

plugin.ux.signal.killed - Writes log entry and sends vocal message (Remote connection lost) when an explorer is killed

plugin.ux.main.restart - Restarts the main ux script

plugin.ap.lib.delivery.wrapper - Makes the delivery system work with ware arrays and sets appropriate messages

plugin.ap.lib.station.vocal - Provides station to spoken translation for shipyards

plugin.ap.lib.attacked.coward - Uses missiles, lasertowers (for some other scripts of mine), and drones to distract an enemy while running away.

plugin.ap.lib.buyer.single - Buy a single ware, used for jumpdrive energy

plugin.ux.lib.attacked.coward - Wrapper for ap library that adds post-event response, messages and vocals

plugin.ux.main.upgrade - If there are any upgrade tasks in future versions they will go here

plugin.ux.move.pilot.check - Prevent move pilot command from being used on non-explorer ships or players ship

plugin.ux.move.pilot.slave - Handles the target ship, forcing it to land at a nearby station and prepare for boarding

plugin.ap.lib.sector.movement - Handles all in-sector movement such as docking and moving to position

plugin.ap.lib.smart.flyer - Handles all non-jd movement between sectors by using astar with a custom heuristic

plugin.ap.lib.smart.jumper - Handles all jumpdrive operation, including getting energy for jumps. Allows a ship to hop from spp to spp getting energy to the destination as needed.

plugin.ap.lib.clean.ware.array - Does all the evaluating of ware arrays making sure we need and don't already have what is being asked for. Note: Items that take no cargo space should be given as negative amounts.

plugin.ap.lib.ad.astar.costs - Calculates custom astar pathing costs that include friend/foe settings.

plugin.ux.move.pilot - Moves a pilot from one ship to another. Includes vocalized errors and messages on start and success.


Testing was done with both normal and overtuned ux's including the following ship types: Arrow, Mako Raider, Goner Ranger, Discoverer Raider. Some hints for making your new explorers survive are:
1. Set pirates to Foe. Not only will they stay away from dangerous sectors, it limits them from easy access to space weed and fuel (They will only travel so far for it).
2. Pre-load their ship with some missiles and fighter drones. Even though they do not buy them until later they will still use them if they have them.
3. Maximize their Engine Optimizations before starting them out. Even though they will upgrade them as they level it is faster leveling and easier escaping if the ship is already maximized.
4. Don't worry about buying upgrades, like scanners, beforehand they will not use them until they are of level and you will have wasted money if they don't survive.
5. Speed is usually better than shields for defense

With the improved survivability the only losses were against M3's or larger. Particularly XTM's pirate blastclaws are nasty.

Lastly, with the myrid of changes there are prolly some bugs that slipped through. Please post them if you find them :).
Last edited by 7ate9tin11s on Thu, 20. Mar 08, 05:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Legionnaire » Wed, 19. Mar 08, 18:24

Downloaded for testing :) will get back to you, been looking forward to this. to the point that i fornatted the pc to get the internet connection running again :twisted:


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Post by darnthing » Wed, 19. Mar 08, 19:09

A bug for you in 0.9
Just started the 0.9 explorer on a harrier that is lvl 18 from 0.8. It's docked with an argon equip station (that's where it was when I started the script).
For some reason it is sitting there trying to buy:
"Resupply: Video enhancement goggles" - They aren't available from the argon.

On top of that, the ship remains docked but has for location:

Code: Select all

Argon equipment dock
[Dest: Exploring Harrier sentinal [Arg...
That's the exact quote. The name of the ship is "exploring harrier sentinal".
So somehow it is targetting itself as the destination. :-/

I command it to leave the station, it does, then order it to get exploring and it deciedes to "resupply wasp missiles", and sets destination to itself again :-/

It did successfully buy fight command software before stalling on that.

Neither of my other two explorers (Discoverer and Buster, both lvl 20) exhibit this behaviour.

Edit - actually, now that my Buster has gotton to a resupply station, it's doing that too (referring to itself), and wants to resupply with "unknown item". My Discoverer stocked itself with fight software and figther drones just fine.

Edit second time - Dicoverer is doing this too now. Appartently when it "resupplied" the first time it only bought fight software Mk1, and went back to get Mk2 after I had cause to re-initialise the software. Now it's stuck at the trading station trying to resupply fighter drones (even though it already has 2 from the previous resupply) and pointing to itself as the destination.

So all of my explorers are now out of action. :-(

Hope that's clear enough.

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Post by 7ate9tin11s » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 04:30


You've discovered a feature, not a bug ;) . This happened in the previous version as well, but I changed the display so I could see it happening. From the first post:
Experience also brings wisdom, the pilot will purchase wares needed to explore more efficiently and, eventually, will just order in wares to the edges of space so they never have to stop exploring. Then again their new addiction to exploring is just as bad as their old space weed/fuel addictions due to the 10% delivery surcharge!
Congrats! You've seen the delivery service in action :D . If you look in the sector where the delivery is happening you will see a freighter jump into the sector, move to the explorer and deliver the requested ware. Once the ware is delivered the explorer will begin exploring again (or order another needed ware). This happens for explorers of level 15 or higher and since the upgrade made explorers need several new things and required a restart this is probably the first time you've seen it happen. As for the unknown object missiles that is fixed in the patch I am going to post in a few minutes.

Bugs that are addressed in patch 0.9.1:
1. No more buying 'Unknown Objects' via delivery service
2. Pilots can no longer be moved to non-M4/5/Goner Ships
3. There was a free 2 to 8 experience being given to explorers whenever they entered any sector and saw a gate, this has been fixed. :twisted:
4. Expanded purchasing range for high level explorers to 1 sector away instead of 0 before ordering the ware from the delivery service.
5. Fixed a minor bug in vocals when a damaged explorer lands at a friendly race shipyard in xtm

Features added in 0.9.1:
1. Stationary ships like navigation beacons and squash mines are now plotted on the map.
2. Wares in space are now plotted on the map once an explorer reaches the rank of 'Finder' (7) or higher

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Post by Legionnaire » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 05:27

Is version 0.9.1 uploaded?

as the link for 0.9 still seems to be 0.9


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Post by Legionnaire » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 05:47

Downloading ........

Download Complete.......


Install Complete.....


Thanks, will keep you informed as to how it goes....

Legionnaire :twisted:

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Post by 7ate9tin11s » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 05:55

Yes 0.9.1 is up now...my message did say a few minutes, wanted to make sure the increased buying range before ordering did not break anything :p. I've also been watching what happens to my cash during testing and noticed that 20 explorers in stripped ships of randomized levels (using plugin.ux.cheat script) eat up about 7.5 million in 2 and a half hours played (used seta) from upgrades and purchases of missiles/drones/satellites. I am using the built-in egosoft purchasing script so I am not doing anything funny with the money, just did not realize how expensive it is when your always buying things in the local area not caring about price...perhaps I should switch them to lowest price in area instead of closest? Then again these *are* weed junkies, not merchants or economics majors :D ....hmmm....

What do you all think?

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Post by Legionnaire » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 06:24

is there anyway to switch methods when they hit a certain level?

ie when they start as you say they dont care about anything but theyre next fix, but as they get straightened out the fix they want changes from weed/fuel to exploring and technology, so possibly about lv 10-14 switch over to start looking for lowest available as opposed to nearest.

now on my third batch of explorers.....

i voted for both on your poll at the top, however do these guys not hang around in groups? ie if a BBS method of hiring is introduced are you going to have several hired at once? obviously random amounts would be better, i buy equip and set 5 off at a time personally.

Also if using BBS hiring what about having the option of them starting in theyre own ramshackle m5's or m4's no weapons and only 1*1mw shield(everything else has been sold to pay for the habit ) :D which brings in diversity as to where you hire them from , as i just buy in Argon Prime and equip then send to Ceo's Buckzoid to put explorer software in and start them off from there.

just about to reload after a software update on the pc so will get to actually see how my explorers are doing 1 of them just bout some spacefuel and now appears to be changing sectors without drinking it lol edit *i noticed this in Paranid Prime, hes now run 3 sectors and is heading to Trinity Sanctum, he has Paranid set to Foe (which he did himself) as hes been scanned and has about 5 police ships chasing him just now :twisted: and hes lvl 11 so ill watch and see if he gets away, i hope he does as its an almost brand new Buster L hes flying :lol: *


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Post by 7ate9tin11s » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 07:40

Changing methods at a certain level would be quite easy to do (ie 2 lines of script...~30 seconds at most)...probably at level 11 would be best, since level 10 is the most expensive level with the new tech and drones...the expense report will shock them into finding better prices :cool: .

As for your current chase through Paranid space I wish him well...never had one get scanned in all my testing that I noticed. I guess the new method of traversing multiple sectors without 'idle' time checks can backfire, makes life more interesting :twisted: !

Have a happy Vernal Equinox day! :D

/Yes that is today
//In Japan at least...

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Post by Legionnaire » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 10:28

Not having known what 'Vernal Equinox day' was ive just googled it, never heard of that one before but Happy Vernal Equinox Day! to you as well :D

as for my explorer he managed to give the police the slip, and shortly after i go two messages

1. i am currently being targetted by Kha'ak Corvette in Unknown sector, i am currently trying to escape. Wish me luck, followed by

2.We regret to inform you.....

these both came in within a second of each other so i have to assume that the corvette was gate-camping :twisted:

Its a dangerous life they lead, and expensive for me as well :lol:

im determined to get one to lcl 24 though so im looking at my options, and i have a few ideas, ill keep you informed as to how it goes :twisted:


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Post by russbo » Thu, 20. Mar 08, 12:49

savefile.com sucks.

Anyone have a link to this .spk file, on a real server that works?

Thanks. Looking forward to trying this.

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