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Posted: Thu, 4. Nov 10, 06:37
by Sinn3246
Hello all, ok, I just stumbled onto XTM, took me 2 hours and find the 0.7.5 link, lmao, not sure if I still needed the scripts dl from the OP if not included in the .7.5, on the note that I do, since I have been trying to figure out where they go, I'm sure I can on my own, but instead of taking me several ours, hoping that someone can just direct me, lmao. Thanks guys.

lol Downloading this plugin manager now, maybe after I"ll get it done before someone responds, lol... heh, when I need it or not with the 7.5 of xtm

Spaarti Cylinders not working

Posted: Sun, 7. Nov 10, 08:00
by 150147
Used these in previous game to make Marines with no problem.
New game start (same start) - have Mammoth loaded with 10 cylinders, 36k EC, 7k Nostrop Oil, 3k Teladianium and 1 War Droid. Cargo Life support installed. Expect War Droids but nothing happening. Am I missing somethimg?
Any help gratefully received.

Posted: Tue, 23. Nov 10, 21:51
by 150147
I guess no one is reading this thread any more. I will try thexuniverse.

Posted: Thu, 25. Nov 10, 13:29
by Buck_Rogers
Sinn3246 wrote:lol Downloading this plugin manager now, maybe after I"ll get it done before someone responds, lol... heh, when I need it or not with the 7.5 of xtm
OK. You don't need the PM to install XTM 0.7.5. Although you will need it for any other scripts you install that are not part of XTM
150147 wrote:Used these in previous game to make Marines with no problem.
New game start (same start) - have Mammoth loaded with 10 cylinders, 36k EC, 7k Nostrop Oil, 3k Teladianium and 1 War Droid. Cargo Life support installed. Expect War Droids but nothing happening. Am I missing somethimg?
Any help gratefully received.
Erm.......not sure what you trying to achieve here? I'm guessing your using the Spaarti Cloning Cylinder to clone War Droids? I don't think that's possible. According to the thread on the it can only clone humanoid lifeforms. (Marines, Cyborgs)

I'm sure someone will tell me if I'm wrong though :D

Posted: Fri, 26. Nov 10, 09:23
by 150147
Thanks Buck - that makes sense. However, I have also tried to use them to produce mercenaries - same problem. Continuing to produce Marines with no dificulty but they are relatively expensive to use in capturing. Need 150 Marines to cap a P (cost 3M credits) or 170 War Droids (cost 1.7M credits) or 240 Mercenaries (cost 1M). Has anyone tried to make Mercenaries this way? Any successes?

Posted: Fri, 26. Nov 10, 20:46
by Buck_Rogers
150147 wrote:Thanks Buck - that makes sense. However, I have also tried to use them to produce mercenaries - same problem. Continuing to produce Marines with no dificulty but they are relatively expensive to use in capturing. Need 150 Marines to cap a P (cost 3M credits) or 170 War Droids (cost 1.7M credits) or 240 Mercenaries (cost 1M). Has anyone tried to make Mercenaries this way? Any successes?

After further investigating, I think I now understand the script your talking about. (Must be getting old! :D)

Ok. There are 2 parts to it.

1, Spaarti Cloning Cylinder
2, Augmentation Alcoves

1. After looking closely at the Readme and the script files, you can only clone Marines using this.

2. (This part confused me a little!) Once you have enough required wares, this only produces Cyborgs.

Posted: Sun, 28. Nov 10, 17:05
by Kapakio
I'm sure this question has been maid million times. If I install this mod and start a new game, can I do all regular vanilla plot missions and then continue with the mod ones? What do you recommend?

Posted: Sun, 28. Nov 10, 18:56
by Aydan
Yes you can, as long as you choose a start which has the plots enabled. Commonly the Julian Brennan starts. Although they could be a bit harder, they do work. The XTM plots are always accessible.

Posted: Mon, 29. Nov 10, 20:53
by 150147
Thanks Buck.

Posted: Sun, 19. Dec 10, 12:58
by Kapakio
Well, I think I made the wrong assumption after the answer. I started a game in vanilla and then installed the mod. Now it says that I have a problem with sector creation and I have to start a new game. No way I can continue with my old game?

Posted: Sun, 19. Dec 10, 16:38
by Aydan
No, i'm sorry, there's no way. The only possibility is to use the X3->X3 converter.

Posted: Sun, 2. Jan 11, 19:07
by ShadowRouge
can someone answer this questions for me o and before i start i used the pious paranid game start ok here we go

1.Does traveling into XTM sectors affect the bala gi missions?

2.If i used the new custom starts where do i buy the Player HQ and bala gi ships?

3.What does the AL plugin add terrans to non plot game set to yes mean its already set to no at default.And will it affect the bala gi mission if i changed it?

4.I heard rumors u can board ships if u can wat ship, where do u get the equipment, and how the boarding procedure works

5.I downloaded the XTM mod from the X universe site then when i started playing it says 0.7.4 which is weird because the download link said 0.7.5 then i did the patch but still stayed at 0.7.4 is it supposed t be like that?

Posted: Tue, 4. Jan 11, 17:51
by Buck_Rogers
1. no

2. There us a script on, called 'Bala Gi ship & Station unlocker. This will add all the items from there to shipyards.

3. I think this just adds the Terran sectors. I doubt it would afffect Bala Gi.

4. you can board any ship you want. as long as you have the troops to do it. There is a guide on regarding boarding.

5. that's just an admin error. The front screen for XTM was not updated to 0.75

Posted: Wed, 5. Jan 11, 02:54
by ShadowRouge
cool thx for the answers

Posted: Thu, 13. Jan 11, 15:46
by Kapakio
Is autopilot the only way to dock to the Sonhen Dyson Sphere? It's so big that you can't come close enough neither to request docking or autodock.

Posted: Sun, 30. Jan 11, 04:50
by DevilDog_016
This post will probably generate so many facepalms, the combined heat of face-palm friction will flash-ignite the atmosphere and kill us all...

After 2 months of parting ways with X3 (the fact that I couldn't transfer my X3 empire into XTM - and that the X3-X3 Converter does not seem to cooperate with me - completely bummed me out :( ) I couldn't stand it anymore.

So I started a new game to *ahem* test all the new features. And I can't get them going. The missile destroyer doesn't fire missiles, the frigate is equally unfunctional... even though I can get the "Heavy Missile Gun" weapon for them, they won't mount.

Also, Griffon won't make drones, and the OTAS shield frigate doesn't do anything... except being really big and attracting all the attention with the shiny golden Shield-Generators.

What am I doing wrong here? How do I get all the features on the ships? :?

Also, anyone knows a way to get the standard X3 savefiles over to XTM? As I said, the X3-X3 Converter mentions that it is possible, but for me it didn't seem to work. Any help here would be appreciated, as I really don't want to lose 400+ hours of work on my empire...
And if I do sacrifice it, the new one must be better, stronger, and have lots of ships firing missile cannons and launching 9001 drones and going PEWPEWPEWPEWssssskhBOOM! :D

Posted: Sun, 30. Jan 11, 17:41
by Buck_Rogers
If nothing is working the way it should be, then perhaps you have a dodgy XTM installation?

If I remember rightly, there is an option in the Artificial Life menu, which will check your files and make sure they are installed correctly.

Try that.

Posted: Tue, 1. Feb 11, 03:01
by DevilDog_016
I don't see how it could be a dodgy XTM installation. It was done on a completely fresh installation of X3. I'm using a handful of scripts that I tested in-game so that they wouldn't mess with XTM. Here they are:

Anarkis Carrier Commands v1.41 (Anarkis Federation)
Asset Summary v1.01 (Carlo)
Autotrader Sector Lock v1.0 (halo)
Bounty Boost v1.0 (LV)
CMOD II for XTM 0.7.4 v1.10 (Ulfius)
Crew Chatter Ambient Plugin v1.0 (Ulfius)
Emergency Escape Transporter v1.00 (Cycrow)
LV's Cheats v1.4 (LV) - ironically, a plug-in that's supposed to make me NOT play the game proper made me realize I CAN'T play the game proper... I suppose this is why messing around with the game is sometimes good.
Military Hud MkII Plugin 2.0 (Ulfius)
OCS Apollo v1.0 (Laureati)
Player Friendly EQDocks v1.0 (Voxol)
Player Friendly Shipyards v2.0 (Voxol)
RRF Final v1.7a (LV)
Report Enemy Action v1.12 (eladan)
Sensor Boost Plugin v1.00 (Ulfius)
x0ne Turret Control System v1.02 (x0ne)
X3-X3 Converter v2.5 (SymTec ltd.)
XTM Speed Boods Plugin v1.10 (Ulfius)

Also, nothing under Artificial Life.
I get all the XTM ships, all the XTM wares, only not their appropriate functions. And I've gotten the error "File Not Found!!!" while playing several times now.

I can't see what's wrong here, and TBH I'm a bit tired of having to work around with such finicky things. I've already had one bad experience with a years-old TES4 Oblivion modded installation suddenly deciding to die on me... And right now I don't need to know that I've also sacrificed hundreds of hours in X3R for a mod that only half-works.

Allright. Let's give this a few more shots.

So I downloaded XTM 0.7.4 and installed it. That's all it came with - just an .exe that extracts all the files for XTM in a given folder. Nothing else.
Jumped in the game, new menuscreen, I get all the ships, the new weapons, all the goodies.
Problem is, all the new things don't work on any ships they should.
And I get some obscure, half-witted error that doesn't help with the problem.

So, am I doing something wrong? Missing files? What's going on here that's keeping my XTM installation from working?

Posted: Tue, 1. Feb 11, 03:43
by Deeparth
Just try reinstalling :D

Posted: Tue, 1. Feb 11, 14:54
by DevilDog_016
Deeparth wrote:Just try reinstalling :D
Again? Grrrh...Maybe I will do that.

Anyone got the latest links to the XTM downloads?
Also, it seems to me like 0.7.4 did NOT come with the scripts SPK package... For example, on the XTM page here, they have a file called "XtendedModScripts+Patch-0.7.3.SPK"

Supposedly, 0.7.4 includes the patch. What about the scripts file? In-game, I get the message that XTM has installed successfully, but then it's missing most of its functions.