Problems with the Ship Installer ?

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Post by Cycrow » Tue, 24. Jul 07, 16:12

eah i would uninstall them first, but they can run side by side without problems. Its best to move to the new version

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Post by BRA'TAC » Sun, 5. Aug 07, 01:55

Hi cycrow,

I just got X3 reunion game of the year edition and updated that to latest version.

D/L LV's cheat script. no other mod packs.

I downloaded you latest version of the plugin manager, D/L ships from your site as well as hawkbs, no probs with the battlestars they appear in game and work fine. :D

The problem i'm having is the vipers and cylon fighters and a few other ships from yours and hawkbs only showing up as engine glows (no bodies) or missing parts of the body, apart from you can't see them you can fly them. :evil: what do i need to do to fix the problem.
i'm very computer eliterate so laymans term would be nice thanks.

ty in advance

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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 5. Aug 07, 01:59

i assume ur using the latest version of the Plugin Manager ? its Version 2.11

if not, then u should update that first.

next, you could try to reinstall the broken ships. This means just install the ship again without unisntalling first.

if that still doesn't fix it. Then uninstall all the broken ships, change the file system mod, its in the Options Menu in the Plugin Manager
then reinstall all the ships

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Post by Lidza » Sun, 5. Aug 07, 10:09


2.11 seem bugged

I used 1.86 and upgraded to 2.11. All my save for months playing were incompatible actually even new save games created after upgrading 2.11 installer and playing XTM from scratch were "corrupted". :cry:

2.11 install ships and it shows them as enabled. However those ships do not appear on shipyards and are NOT enabled.
Running 1.91 it shows the same ships and NOT enabled. Enabling them with 1.91 (ship installer) and they appeared into the shipyards.

Anyway... I've removed 2.11 and reinstalled X3 from scratch :x I'm back to ship installer 1.91 and script installer 1.86 to carry on playing my saved games.

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Post by Cycrow » Sun, 5. Aug 07, 12:46

with 2.11, when you run the game, try going to Select Mod Package, and going to Original. Its possible its selected the plugin manager mod and thats causing problems.

other than that, it shouldn't have a problem with curropt saves

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Post by Gammel » Mon, 6. Aug 07, 00:43

I had a few issues on the weekend.

I originally had X3, patched to 2.02, with the bonus pack and XTM installed.
I also had a couple ships installed as well. The Star Trek Maquis Raider (wasn't in use cause I couldn't afford it yet) and the Stargate SG1 F302 (with slightly modified stats to more suit my fighting style) Both off your site.
I was originally using the Script/Ship installer and had no issues whatsoever with anything. But when I changed to Plugin manager (pretty sure it was the vers. 2.11 cause I only downloaded it 3 days ago) I tried to use it to install the Sector Takeover Script. But it said it no longer supported something and refused to install it. So I went back and used Script Installer and it installed it fine. I opened Plugin Manager and it showed the Sector Takeover Script as being installed. Ok, seems to all work now....But when I went to play the game, my F302 had no body! I could play the game fine, fly around, trade, shoot, but my ship just wasn't there! In fact I could fly right through stations and other ships, and if I got into a fight, enemies could target me, but their shots passed right though me! :o It was kinda cool, in a I'm-a-ghost kinda way. ;)

I tried taking off all the scripts and ships I was running and tried just putting the F302 back on (cause considering thats what I was sitting in it HAD to be reinstalled) But all I could get to display was a bunch of floating guns and engine emissions.

After that I just got sick of the bother and uninstalled EVERYTHING and reinstalled the game.
I now have X3 vers 2.02, bonus pack, Sector Takeover Script, Maquis Raider ship, F302 ship , Federation Intrepid class ship
Unfortunately I had to start again, but I have managed to scrounge up enough money to afford the F302 again, and it now displays fine.
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Post by Cycrow » Mon, 6. Aug 07, 01:21

the problem with the no ships body is usually because either the xsp is missing the body, which clearly is not the case, or that it wasn't installed properly.

I've been having a few problems with the cat librires for adding files to the mod files, and i think this is where the error comes from.

the ship installing is simlar in 2.11 as it was in the old versions, a few changes to improve on this problem but its not fixed completly.

i am planning on remaking the ship handing abit which should improve things further.

one way to solve it is to simply install the ship again over the top.

another way is to change the file system mode in the installer to bypass the cat files alltogether.

The error your getting for Sector Takeover is from the 2.00, 2.10 should have fixed that

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Post by Gammel » Mon, 6. Aug 07, 01:30

I thought it wierd that the ship displayed properly at first, then later, after I installed Plugin Manager and Sector Takeover Script that I started having these problems.
Well, WERE having those problems. Seems to be working now. So I guess thats all that matters. :D
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Post by defiant1 » Mon, 6. Aug 07, 05:05

keep the hammer of trouble shooting near ya...(i got my sledge hammer with me at all times)
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Post by BRA'TAC » Tue, 7. Aug 07, 01:30

Thanks Cycrow,

Everythings working fine, I uninstalled Everythig and started from scratch. I had all the latest updates and patches to begin with but started again anyway. My mistake in the first place was i was double loading the file. :oops: everythings cool now, thx again. :D


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Post by Rebellious_Scum » Mon, 8. Oct 07, 16:37

Hi Cycrow, i am new to this forum and would like to say that i am very impressed by the community and your work XD. I have x3 version GOTY 2007 edition with bali gi and a few mods that came with it such as commodity logistics and afterburner etc. Now all i'd like to do is get a terran odin and upgrade it. I have installed ur complete package from ur pluginmanager site. I did this yesturday and it is the newest version.
OK i downloaded an odin by deadlyda from ur site and sent it to desktop when asked to save it. I open ship creator, went to file and selected open ship pakage, then selected odin from desktop, all the files then transferred to ship crator and i could see them. OK be warned, im a totall computer noob lol, so i didnt want to mess around with it, just change the ship parameters, so i went to customise ship and thats all i changed. There were already scenes, txts, other models, dimmies and components installed but no tcockpits or scripts. I ticked boron shipyard for it to spawn there and changed money value and race it belonged to to boron. Then saved in ships file in x3 directory. Then i opened plugin installer manager and installed ship. Opened game from the manager and selected the plugin mod pakage as my game and then i couldnt find it!!!!! Stangely i downloaded a shadow battle crab and i could find it, but then changed some settings and then i couldnt find it, i dont understand!!!!!
Is there anyway i could get the personalised odin i want to spawn in an area full of weapons that i want for it that i can claim without buying it? If so how, and im sorry but i cant write scripts, i found ur ship add script on the forum (enabling u to spawn ship at argon shipyard only) but dont know where to type it in script pakager. OMG IM SUCH A NOOB!!!!
LOL, however if there is a genious who could do all this for me and likes half life 2 deathmatches i will teach em how to bunnyhop!!! (move like a demon) I dont mind it spawning at a shipyard but then it will be hard to get those beta electromag guns, I want an odin with gamma kyon emmiters, beta electomag guns and 3 x 10gj shields, and 1 million weapons energy, oh and speed of 160mph :D
The thing is the odin i messed with wouldnt appear, but did everything the same for the shadow crab but didnt change settings in ship creator and i did install, however i then started to change it to find out where i was going wrong with the odin and ended up with no shadow crab now as well, i then unistalled and reinstalled crab to see if it worked again and no i doesnt appear :evil: Thanks a bunch rebel scum

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Ship creator prob: ODIN mine!! but lost cockpit mod + cant install kyon Kha'ak weapons

Post by Rebellious_Scum » Mon, 8. Oct 07, 19:24

LOL i managed to get it to work :D
However i had a cool cockpit mod which has now dissapeared, is this because my odin does not have a cockpit, right now the view is on top of the ship with 2 turrets right in front of me. Also my odin doesnt have the slot coloured in to say that i can use kyon emitters or electormag cannon. Am i able to add kyon Kha'ak weapons onto an odin, does the gun selection in ship creator allow this? It was from deadlyDa's ships

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Post by nielsw » Tue, 9. Oct 07, 01:59

Hi Cycrow!

You must have spent so many hours on this!
Awesome set of programs!

The more sad I am over the fact that the installer (2.12) died and refuses to be resurrected...

On a fresh install of both x3 and install manager, (after initial configuration) it gets to 64.7% on "Updating file lists" and then I get:

"XPMInstaller.exe has encountered
a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Up to yesterday, I was happily installing ship model after ship model, working towards being able to get my 3DS models converted into functioning ships in x3.

But things started to go downhill over the course of 2 weeks of heavy testing. I'm listing the occurrences in temporal order:

1) I mostly used a single profile, with just LV's cheat scripts 1.4 and bypasser's cockpit mod 0.3, to be able to look at my ship instantly. I would install my ship, run X3, look at it and close X3, leaving install manager open. Next, I'd uninstall the last ship, make a modification, and install it again.

There was a tendency that the new ship wouldn't show up in the"create ship" list in X3, unless I went to the profile tab, and hit "activate profile", even though that was already the active profile.

2) After re-"activating" the profile, switching back to another tab would most of the time cause Install Manager to crash to the desktop.

3) Since Install Manager won't let me create a profile at will, I imported an existing salvage insurance script into Packager, and checked the "This Package will create a Mod profile with or without a mod installed" saved it and then installed it, to get a profile besides vanilla. (not sure if this is related to the problems)

4) After removing LV's cheats package from Installer once, I noticed, that the commands were not gone from X3, and upon looking through the script folders, I found that Install Manager doesn't seem to clean up.

5) I'm only learning to put ships together properly for X3, so I've used Install Manager heavily... sometimes my contraptions made X3 crash, but that was never a problem.

6) Finally, I loaded a ship with some shaders borrowed from the cockpit mod and other funky elements, and X3 died horribly, the harddrive was grinding for a full 5 minutes... I figured this can't be good...

7) well, after that crash, Install Manager was still running, but all of X3's .Cat files mysteriously got eaten, and hence X3 wouldn't run anymore.
8) I saved my various model files and cleaned out the hard drive. uninstalled and reinstalled X3 as well as your software suite.

9) Now X3 runs fine, but Install Manager only ran fine once... after testing my last model, it won't run anymore, even though I totally removed it, killed its old directory, killed its fake mod files and replaced the entire X3 script + t folders with fresh copies from my clean backup.

At this point, I can only think its a bad value in the registry its stumbling over?

Unless there is another folder in the X3 game directory, besides "script" "t" and "mods" that has something that could foul up Install Manager, I'm at a loss...

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Post by draffutt » Tue, 9. Oct 07, 02:13

you'll need to delete the file called pluginmanger.dat. when it gets corrupted installer will not run.
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Post by nielsw » Wed, 10. Oct 07, 13:04

Thanks, Draffutt, that did it :)

Is there any way to stop Install Manager from trying to handle your savegames?

The problem is this:

If I install new ships on an existing profile, they often won't show up in X3, until I hit "activate" once more on the already active profile.

On activation of the active profile, Install Manager decides to swap your saves between current and backup locations, cause it apparently has no routine to recognize if the same profile was already active.

This eventually results in the loss of your latest save games.

Further, it remains unclear to me what exact condition needs to be met for Install Manager to actually update its files.

I've watched my folders for when it creates the different files it uses.
I can't seem to tell when it'll get around to making the change, after switching the options from "Standard Mod" to "Fake Patch"

So far, I've tried the following to trigger updates:

1) switch between tabs - usually triggers an "updating files" messagebox
2) redo basemod command - not sure what it does, nor when it does it... I presume on exit ?
3) exiting and restarting it again - always makes some change, but often won't reflect newly installed (and enabled) items and also won't necessarily reflect the "fake patch" or "standard mod" option chosen.

Sometimes, it takes closing, restarting, reactivate profile, closing again etc.

I realize the program is trying to automate and insulate the user from all the smart file chopping it does, but a manual "actualize" command would be great for when you changed options, or for when you keep installing and uninstalling ships from the same profile at a rapid rate.

I actually have a feeling some small bug sneaked into this latest version, cause I don't remember the same problems from an older version I had. I don't remember it crashing so much either. If you remove and install new ships to the same profile, you have almost a 50% chance of a crash upon switching tabs.

And these ships can't all be that bad, since they usually run ok in X3, once I manage to coax installer into updating its files.

Maybe there's some simple workaround I'm overlooking?
Any advice would be appreciated...

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Post by nielsw » Wed, 10. Oct 07, 13:17

Lidza wrote:I'm back to ship installer 1.91 and script installer 1.86 to carry on playing my saved games.
would you consider emailing me the old versions? I don't have them anymore, but they worked great, and I can't find any link for them anymore. My email is

I really do appreciate the all encompassing elegance of the new Install Manager 2.12! I wish I could write something that cool! But some of 2.12's antigravity flywheels seem as of yet unanchored, roaming the inner mechanics at dangerous speeds.

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Post by Cycrow » Wed, 10. Oct 07, 13:35

nielsw wrote:...
ok, not sure the problem with the pluginmanager.dat file getting curropt, but i hope to fix it at some point, if it happens again, send me the file so i can see where its gone wrong and whats causing it to crash.

as for the saved games, how many mods are you actually running ?
as the profile system is specifically for controlling the saved game, if you dont want that, then you dont need to use profiles at all.

also, the problem with activating existing profiles, you shouldn't be able to do that, as the activate button will deactivate the profile if you select the currently activated one. Upon deactiving, the original save games will be restored so you shouldn't lose them.

the problem with installing ships into an existing profile i will have to look into, it should work.

as for when the program does its thing, it depends on the profile system. If any changes have been made to the existing profile, ie, enable/disabling of ships and scripts, then when you switch tabs, it updates these so the main list displays the correct status.

the generation of all files, which includes the "Standard Mod" and "Fake Patch" options are all done when the directory is closed, this happens either when you select a different directory, or when you close the program.

the fake patch option is only for the Base mod, if you dont have a base mod set, then it wont use a fake patch for it.

Redo basemod command basically forces the copying of the Base mod, either to the standard mod, or the fake patch, and happens on exit. Althou it only happens on exit if it needs to, ie if there was a change made.

for the crashing, its something i've not been able to reproduce, its been totally stable on my system, so its hard to track down the problems.

but like i said, if you not using muliple mods in the same directory, then you dont need to use the profile system at all, so if this is whats causing all your problems, perhaps just not use it ?

i will look into testing it some more

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Post by nielsw » Wed, 10. Oct 07, 14:22

Thanks for the info, Cycrow!

I've been running your program in debug mode now, so maybe I can come up with something useful for you.

I'll stop using profiles for the moment, since while I'm testing my stuff, I'm not using XTM or any of the other mods anyway.

Currently, I'm only running one mod, one profile... Though I had XTM and some others before... I just decided to simplify once I ran into trouble.

I use Bypasser's cockpit mod 0.3 as my base mod / profile. (love the shaders he did)

Upon this profile, I install and uninstall 4-6 different ships every half hour (as I'm testing iterations in X3)

I only use 1 game install.

Cycrow wrote:Redo basemod command basically forces the copying of the Base mod, either to the standard mod, or the fake patch, and happens on exit. Althou it only happens on exit if it needs to, ie if there was a change made.
Thanks, I wasn't sure if the command did one or the other or both...

So, I wonder if sometimes Installer fails to detect a minor change on a ship, if you uninstalled, and re-installed a slightly changed ship, without exiting in between, resulting in neither the old ship or the new ship showing up when using the "Run Game" button, but then showing up fine after you closed everything and opened it again?

As for the crash, maybe it has to do with me trying to re-activate the mod that's already active, which you said would deactivate it anyway. Sometimes you go to the profile tab and it doesn't show any visual clue as to what is currently active. That alone prompts me to click on my only profile besides vanilla and hit activate...

To duplicate the crashes: You can test with trying to keep activating the same profile over and over, while uninstalling and re-installing ships., closing the program, activating again etc,

I know I'm torturing your software pretty good ;)

I think the info you gave will already help for my day to day use..

So thank you, and when I get my ships done, you'll be the first to get a copy :D
I doubt I would have started without your tools...

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Ship Textures?

Post by vuohi » Thu, 11. Oct 07, 06:02


First off Great Job! On this and all of your other efforts! Top Notch!

Okay on to the problem. I have tried to install all the ships from your website but some do not appear. Its almost as if the texture files are missing.
-> Some display nothing but an empty targeting box (shadow crab)
-> Some are missing everything except the turrets (Narn Frazi I Think it was),
-> Some have huge sections missing (like the EA Starfury is complete except has no cockpit section),
-> Most display like a champ (Asguard).

Out of the 151 I have tried, 29 are broken visually some how. Still good percentage I think.

A hand full of the ones I tried had broken turrets (I could select the turret view, but the guns would not fire), but those models had something like 8 guns in 8 turrets, so... That is not too surprising. The ones I checked that had a few guns in a few turrets, every one worked just fine.

I get them down with out errors.
I run the plug in manager.
I add them.
I launch the game
I use the create ships cheat to check them out.

Here is a list of my scripts/mods:

Community Extended Mod Pack :: AalaarDB / Cycrow :: Yes :: 2.01 :: 11/11/2006
Hotkey Cheats :: Stevio :: Yes :: 1.20 :: 30/05/2007
LV's Cheats :: LV :: Yes :: 1.4 :: 15/09/2007
Merchants Guild :: Cycrow :: Yes :: 1.44 :: 06/06/2006
Nividium Mines :: Cycrow :: Yes :: 1.00 :: 28/11/2006
Overtune BBS :: Cycrow :: Yes :: 1.21 :: 24/01/2006
Player Friendly Equipment Docks :: Voxol :: Yes :: 1.0 :: 20/04/2007
Player Friendly Shipyards :: Voxol :: Yes :: 2.0 :: 09/11/2006
Stevio Fab Supplier :: Stevio :: Yes :: 3.02 :: 30/05/2007
Stevio Shipyard :: Stevio :: Yes :: 2.00 :: 30/05/2007
Stevio Weapons Dealer :: Stevio :: Yes :: 2.10 :: 30/05/2007
Tractor Beam Merchant :: Cycrow :: Yes :: 1.10 :: 25/11/2006
Upgrade lasertowers :: Euclid :: Yes :: 1.0 :: 17/01/2006
Xenon Shipyard :: Jakesnake5 :: Yes :: 1.01 :: 06/12/2006
Yaki and Missiles :: Jakesnake5 :: Yes :: 2.22 :: 13/01/2007

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Post by Cycrow » Thu, 11. Oct 07, 12:37

for the broken models, simply try to reinstall the file over the top, ie dont uninstall it first. Just install it again. Sometimes not all the fiels get installed correctly.

this will hopefully be fixed when i update the XSP file format

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