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Posted: Sun, 2. Mar 08, 23:05
by x0ne
Sorry for the very late reply, RL has me a bit tied up right now... :oops:

Refire delay for the HMG is 7500ms, nice to hear of someone hacking the weapons data script themselves for XTM :)

I think the slow firing you're observing is due to the way the command scripts actually fire - it's different to some other scripts (stock scripts included). Instead of using a fixed wait time for all weapons within a firing loop (e.g the part of the script that goes fire, wait, fire, wait, etc.), the plugin waits for the exact refire delay of the mounted weapon type, this means that when the turret is fired, all guns fire at the same time.

If you use the fixed wait time, a projectile will leave a turret more often, but it will only be one or two at a time - not eight for instance. Both methods ultimately result in the same number of projectiles raining down on a target however.

Hope that helps explain it.

Posted: Tue, 11. Mar 08, 13:20
by DaveyP
Aah - Gotcha - that explains it. Cheers.

A little thought I had about the MD problem. As far as I can see, HMG projectiles are invisible. [EDIT] I don't believe I actually said "as far as I can see, they're invisible [/EDIT] but would it be possible to change the MD bullet type to the same as the HMG to avoid having to render everything?

[Another edit]
Whilest I'm here, the "out of range" problem (which I realise is an XTM problem) occurs on the Olympus, too.

lightweight option?

Posted: Thu, 20. Mar 08, 17:05
by xyzzy
Hi x0ne,

I've been using your TCS with excellent results. I've got it installed on most of my cap ships: basically 2x Argon Titan, 1x Boron Hammerhead, 2x Pirate Reaver, 2x Otas Custodian, 1x Pirate Galleon. It works as advertised :). Mostly I like it because without it, if I set up my ships to fight other cap ships, a few fighters can destroy my M2! With TCS he can defend himself against a variety of threats. It simulates a "layered defense" that is otherwise hard to get in X3 without a lot more turrets per ship.

I'm worried about eventual scalability as I build a bigger fleet though, given your warning about "up to around 36 turrets is (just) ok". I'm wondering if it'd be possible to have a "TCS-light" option for version 2. It might work something like this: forgo most of the fancy features, but check every 5 seconds for which enemies are within a few Km of the ship. No fanciness about which turret can hit them and FFRCS and so on - only a count of "ships in range". If there are "big ships" within 6 Km switch to anti-big-ship weapons. If there are no big ships but there are little ships, switch to anti little-ship weapons. If there are both, half the turrets set to target cap ships with cap ship weapons and vice versa. Something simple like that might solve the basic problem of being defenseless against fighters if you have a capship loadout and vice versa, while being light enough to run on many turrets at once. It wouldn't be as good as full TCS, but you could run it x 150 turrets if you wanted, and you could still run the full TCS on a few selected important ships.

What do you think?

Posted: Sun, 30. Mar 08, 01:51
by Phier
I am using a pirate galleon with 32 b-flacks and 6 bpc, having tricked it out and upgrading my fighter fleet + every thing has me at only 7 million free credits currently.

I'm having the same issue as others where ONE bpc is loaded per turret, they don't seem to fire, and it never loads the flack cannons. For testing I had it fly into 3 pirate M3's and it never fired. I also tried some Xenon cap ships and the bpc's never fired either.

So until I have 44 flacks and 44 bpcs it won't do proper weapon switching?
That bit wasn't clear in the previous posts to me.

If so is it worth keeping the software for now for the rate of fire thing or should I just wait until I can afford a full load out?

Posted: Sun, 30. Mar 08, 04:45
by Legionnaire
Phier is that a bought or captured galleon?
because as far as i understand from other posts in different threads about the 1 weapon per turret sybdrome, setting the turret commands to none using the command for all turrets and then resetting them to what you want them to do should let you load the turrets up. however this complaint is apparent more active with captured ships.


Posted: Sun, 30. Mar 08, 05:30
by Phier
Its a bought one, 67 million took a big hunk of my noob wallet :)

I have gotten it to work mostly correctly after experimenting a lot. It seemed to need to get switched to the 'normal' turret mode and then back to the script one. I'm not 100% sure its functioning 100% correctly but in my 'brief' experiments in X space it seemed the bpcs were switching to the right turrets.

Posted: Mon, 7. Apr 08, 23:28
by Phier
Now that I have a full weapon load out, this script is pretty impressive.

I was rather surprised to see it was using shockwave generators as well, but was a cute effect.

Its fun to watch it work, thanks for making it available.

Posted: Sat, 26. Apr 08, 00:05
by x0ne
Hey all, sorry for the -massively- late reply but I'm moving house... many, many things not sorted yet and I've just not had the time for anything fun :(

About the captured ship weirdness, there's a bug in the game whereby captured ships can end up with 'ghost' weapons installed in turrets - i.e. weapons aboard the ship that the script editor can't detect. Plays all sorts of havoc with the TCS I'm afraid. The only way around it is more code from me in another version, or destroying the ship you capped and scripting in a replacement - it's not cheating ;)

I'm still working on the next version, progress is limited to my free time though - just about everything in RL has changed for me recently though... really sucks.

Should have a new version released in time for everything to be obsolete with the release of Terran Conflict :D

Posted: Wed, 7. May 08, 11:34
by DaveyP
Mmmmm - new version :D

Any chance of a features preview?

Also, while I'm here, re the "dodgy turret slot" problem. Could this be resolved by mounting the lone weapon in the last turret slot rather than the first one?

I know this would mean reversing all the loops, but it might work.

Posted: Thu, 8. May 08, 13:13
by radarhazard
only just found this...what a brilliant solution...and it seems to work, from the other posts, a lot better than A.E.G.I.S. ever did for download to XTM, coming right up! :D

Posted: Sat, 24. May 08, 16:34
by NeonSamurai
Yes I've started using this script again and I must say I am very impressed by the results. I do have a few comments/suggestions though.

First off I wish there was a toggle (key, command, or script edit) which would force the turrets to engage missiles even if they won't do 1% damage. I run this script on m6 ships and even though the missile will hardly dent the shields it will send the ship spinning and flames everywhere which gets annoying.

Second thing is I've noticed a bit of oddness with the script favoring certain weapons over others. For example when I've had BPBEs and BFLAKs loaded on my M2, I've noticed that the script tends to favor the BPBEs and will use them over the BFLAKs against fighters even though the BFLAKs are far more effective at obliterating fighters.

Now I will say that my game is heavily modded (my own mod) and the weapons stats are fairly different (FLAKs got a major boost in range and are very lethal against fighter swarms). I also did customize the script to match the changes to the weapons, even still though the script still favors PBE over FLAK.

Anyhow my other suggestion is that the script somehow take damage into consideration. Though if this would weigh the script down a lot then I wouldn't bother. Another idea would be if the script has hard coded favorites that those favorites be easily editable. My solution to the issue was to not carry PBEs and I flaged my FLAKs in the script as anti missile (they do that extremely well too even though they are slow firing).

Posted: Fri, 18. Jul 08, 07:37
by Algoran
Hello, a question: How does this excellent script behave with B-EMPs (XTM mod)? Should it have support for them? (and other XTM weapons i suppose, but its the B-EMPs im concerned about atm :p)

I ask because it didnt seem to be using them correctly when I took my shiny new Odin out for a spin. I had four BEMPs in the cargo, and it was equipping just one on each turret, and nothing else in those turrets. So I had a situation where the foward turret had a single BEMP equipped, and was firing happily away all by itself. Meanwhile there were three other turrets with a single BEMP each doing nothing, when those guns could have been swapped to the foward turret. So um... help? :p

Other than that minor point its a brilliant script, love it :D Fast becoming one of my favorites.

Posted: Fri, 18. Jul 08, 17:46
by Gazz
Most likely this script (like most turret scripts) equips the longest range laser to have this turret scan for enemies.

You simply have too few lasers in the cargo bay. Go buy more. =P

Posted: Fri, 18. Jul 08, 22:35
by Algoran
Ohh maybe thats it. Problem is Ive got the only 4 BEMPs in the entire universe! Well excluding those already mounted on a couple terran capships.

And, the BEMP forge firstly takes 18 hours to produce one (oh god...) and requires so many resources I havnt yet managed to make one start doing so :(

Posted: Fri, 8. Aug 08, 15:14
by Rad Jeebus^
Hm, is there any alternative download link as the original one doesn't seem to be working at the moment!

Posted: Fri, 8. Aug 08, 16:08
by x0ne
Sorry, no downloads for a few days while I migrate accounts with my ISP. Shouldn't take long though, might even be back later today.

FYI notification of this outage is on the first page of this topic... :D

EDIT: Should have the link up again within 12hrs time.

Posted: Sat, 9. Aug 08, 02:20
by x0ne
Link is up again, goodnight.

Posted: Thu, 9. Oct 08, 11:08
by Cronos988
Link seems to be down again

Posted: Thu, 9. Oct 08, 17:55
by x0ne
The server hosting my site has suffered multiple hardware failures, not much we can do about it but wait I'm afraid.

Posted: Thu, 9. Oct 08, 20:17
by Cronos988
could you upload it on Rapidshare or anything similar as long as your site is down?
(Actually i couldn't even use it till Saturday, since my Desktop PC is down, but an alternate link is always fine)