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Posted: Wed, 11. Jun 08, 11:30
by Buck_Rogers
Thank you for the response Azz. However there was still one question you did not answer :D

I think there is some confusement here. I have LV's RRF script installed and have had no conflicts. I have seen my AI's eject and NPC AI's to. I have seen posts which mention his PLAYER response fleets script. I did have that, but removed it before installing this. As I thought that one caused the problem.

So which is it that causes the problem? RRF? or PRF?

Also. What exactly does this conflict cause?

Posted: Wed, 11. Jun 08, 13:30
by Azz

compatible but some npc capital ships, those that are managed by RRF, would not be taken in account by pilotAI, an thus don't eject pilot or ai, and don't generate bounty for the player.

when you use the 'Jump to Protect' command, if the ship is killed, it will not be detected by pilotAI, and so if the ship is a leader, it's squadron will not be reformed.
PRF do almost the same thing as the Early Warning & Strike Network and ComAI.

Posted: Wed, 11. Jun 08, 14:04
by Buck_Rogers
Thank you Azz. I think I shall stick with your strike network. :D

Posted: Thu, 12. Jun 08, 12:06
by Avantoll
Tried the normal non-script packager version. Didnt work either. It really seems to be incompatible with LVs Cheats

Posted: Thu, 12. Jun 08, 13:08
by sartha
I've been playing with both PiloteIA and LV's Cheats combined for about a year now... and I've uninstalled and reinstalled many times over that year... There is no compatibility issue between the two on my system whatsoever >.>

The problem probably comes from another script you have installed.

Posted: Thu, 12. Jun 08, 21:44
by narn
This is a cool idea but can you make them eject when their ships are almost distroyed like when you cap ships. Then the AI could also cap your ships...LOL. That would be cool.

Posted: Fri, 13. Jun 08, 12:55
by Avantoll
sartha wrote:I've been playing with both PiloteIA and LV's Cheats combined for about a year now... and I've uninstalled and reinstalled many times over that year... There is no compatibility issue between the two on my system whatsoever >.>

The problem probably comes from another script you have installed.
Yeah, but which? I really want to use this script, but seeing as i get an immense amount of Readtext errors its completely unusable for me.

Posted: Fri, 13. Jun 08, 13:05
by Buck_Rogers
Does nothing at all show up in the PM, if you use the .spk verison?

Posted: Fri, 13. Jun 08, 18:40
by sartha

I'm not an expert but the only way I know how to verify which script is causing conflict would be to uninstall all the scripts then install PiloteIA and install your other scripts one after the other... testing the game between each script you install. Long but might be worth it.

Posted: Mon, 16. Jun 08, 06:46
by LordAlrik
Sorry for the slow reply:

I do have the mEngine Library installed, yes. I still cannot use number 1 and 6 as Squadrons, as the Squadron leader, no matter who he is, will constantly "flicker" and any commands will be reset to "none."

Posted: Thu, 19. Jun 08, 02:40
by Estar
Amazing script!

A problem though. Read through the entire thread and couldn't find an answer.
Not sure if its a problem on my part or just missing from the mod. When displaying info on a ship, the rank of the pilot is not displayed in his name, forcing me to use the Pilot Status command to see what rank he is and this cancels current orders.


Vanilla: Production Director John (25)
PiloteAI: John

Instead of "Able Jaks (0)" I get "Jaks"

Also, how to access the extra rename functions?
When I use the "Input PilotAI Name" function I can only change the name and nothing else.

X3 Reunion V2.5
Bonus Package 3.1.07
Xtended 0.7.3
Race Response Fleets 1.7a
Improved Kha'ak 1.1
Improved Xenon 0.9
Universe Explorers 1.0.1
Salvage Insurance Contract 1.01
Fight Command Software MK3 Light 1.2
Open Combat System (OCS) 1.0 With FCS MK3 fix
PiloteAI 3.56
PrizzZ Library mEngine 1.1b


Posted: Mon, 30. Jun 08, 12:45
by dukedroklar
I would really love to get this working :cry:

I can get most things to work like the AI database, installing AI's, upgrading AI's... etc. I cant get the most important features to work like multi sector sattelite network response fleets.
Not really clear on how to set up but i have tried most things i can think of including installing a ComAI in a Panther (XTD Support Carrier), creating a sqd of m3/m5 and through their leaders command console - piracy/squadron - SQ squadron commands - ComAI strike squadron.
That results in them just sitting there in the same sector and not responding to threats 1 jump away. I believe they did attack any hostiles in the same sector... if i recall correctly.
The only thing i can do at this point is assign a several sector patrol through the standard controls which is far from ideal or let them defend single sectors.

I'm running the XTD mod with the XTD version of any scripts that have it available. I am also running the following scripts most of which are listed as compatible with only a couple not on the incompatibility list:

Ashleys Factories & Extended Complex Hubs XTM
Asteroid creator
Autotrader Sector Lock
Complex Cleaner
Economy and Supply Trader
Emergency Escape Transporter
PiloteIA III
Product Finder
Ring of Fire
Satalite Early Warning Network
Station Trader Camper
Xtended Mod Scripts
x0ne Turret Control System (TCS)

Installation proceedure:
I installed the [LIB] mEngine by copying the files from the T and script folders into the same ones in my X3 dir. Then i ran the PilotIA spk through the installer, then i copied the T/script folder files that came with PilotIA into my X3 folder. Launched the game and fired up Thereshallbewings... saved... restarted. Not really sure if that order or proceedure was correct.

Any help to get this working correctly would be greatly appreciated as it sounds like the best grp command suite out there.

Posted: Sat, 12. Jul 08, 11:14
by dukedroklar
Apparently this thread isnt very lively anymore. Anyway, i finally figured some things out that arent explained in the manual or are lost in translation. For others who follow here are a few tips:

ComAI: To get a COMAI you must either level up one to 24+ lvl or buy one from the hacker station. Once you have it com the station again and request to upgrade it to COMAI. The station will send a drone out and automatically extract it from your AI database, wait until it completes the extraction before sailing off.
It takes a while for the base to get it ready, come back after a while, comm the station and request another "upgrade to COMAI" from the station... IF the COMAI you left is ready it will send it out to you.

COMAI Strike Squadron: To get this to work I use a fighter to limit the response range to a 5 sector radius (playing extreme mode in XTM... very hostile) and install a COMAI. I Strategically place this COMAI Fighter center of a cluster of sectors i want to protect.

Once he's in position I go to THAT COMAI's command console/general/AI communication with pilot AI... from there you get a pop up message, scroll to bottom and choose "COMAI early warning network settings"... another message pops up... I choose "network initializition in global mode", wait for the pop up... then i choose all hostile ship monitoring... wait for pop up... then i choose "COMAI : logon"..... finally when the last popup comes... choose cancel to close it out.

I made the mistake of logging off instead of canceling the last message and that doesnt work.
Also, make sure you have the AI extension running in additional ship commands. Once you have a large fleet i find it easier to just log onto the global settings from my ships command console and select "run AI extension on all properties" or something like that.

Tankers, Suppliers and frustations oh my! What a pain in the arse this is. Unless i missed something, i could only get a tanker and supplier squadron to replenish another squadron on a one time basis, then it would sit idly by waiting for me to tell it to replenish another squadron.

Come on! that can't be how it was intended! Was it??? I want them to continue following that squadron around replenishing them constantly until i tell them to stop or go to another squadron. This way is nearly useless.

Eventually i just loaded up an orca or an asgard with ecells and joined 1 each for each squadron and made it an ecell supplier. The squadrons dont really make good use of missiles or drones anyway. Oh yeah, dont forget to run that ai extension in the additional commands slot or they wont work.


First let me say that the script has a lot of good points and your efforts to further the gameplay of others is appreciated and to be respected. Thses are some areas that i believe either need inprovement, changes or better explanations in the manual to avoid the problems because they have me pulling my hair out...

#1 Wayyyy to many messages to get things done. For example, buying, selling or upgrading AI's. Why do i have to go through several commands and then several pop up messages just to ask the station to buy or sell an AI???
Why not just have one simple command click to comm the station i'm targeting, rather then have to choose the sector, the station and then have to get within 4k of it anyway???

#2 Once you choose to buy some AI's you have to repeat this click intensive nightmare for each purchase. Why not give a repeating pop up message until you're done buying and have 1 drone deliver them all like when you sell them?

#3 If you want your fighter squads aboard you carriers to actually defend your carrier, you have to install an 8+ lvl AI in the leader and issue him the command "defend homebase/carrier" or else they will sit merrily aboard the carrier as it gets wasted. That should be automatic?

Of course since fighters dont have a great life span you have to install several 8+ lvl AI's in that squad so when the leader dies the next one will hopefully be high enough level to actually carry on defending its carrier.

Why not forget the AI's in fighters altogether? Have the squadrons assigned to a carrier get their orders from the carrier AI? That way you dont have to mess with installing so many AI's in disposable ships.

I've tried not assigning them squads and they will just sit in the ship wile their carrier is under attack... did i miss something?

#4 In battle the AI wont withdraw from battle and go for repairs until it's only got about 10% or so of armor left... by then it's usually too late. Why not have player choices for both fighters and cap ships in the global AI commands?

You could choose to have them retreat at a % of shields or hull or fight to the death. Personally i would rather have fighters retreat to their carriers after minor structure damage to get repaired and sent back out.

If a carrier's got 60 or so fighters then it would still have plenty in the air to fight as the damaged ones are returning to the carrier. If the carrier got in enough trouble then it would jump away based on the suggested "retreat value" you selected for cap ships.

#5 Why do fighters go to a station when they need repairs rather then docking at the carrier they are assigned as a homebase?
In XTM and even vanilla X3 with the right mod carriers can repair their docked fighters. Any fighter with a homebase should head there. I have several hundred ships... i really dont want to scroll through that looking for them.

#6 When you try to send a squadron to a sector or defend another ship or whatever, a message pops up with a list of every sector (several pages worth) which are not in any order i could see. This makes it virtually useless imo as it takes too long to achieve the results.
I'm assumming they're not in alphabetical order because of the translation to english, but isnt there a way to just use the ingame maps as the selection process?

#7 overall, too many things requiring user attention and micromanagement that could have been made automatic or less click intensive.

Posted: Mon, 14. Jul 08, 14:52
by Thufar
I've been trying to upgrade a level 30+ AI to a ComAI. I've dropped him off at a Hacker Station, and given him 28 game hours to be upgraded. I've tried several times to retrieve him. Each time I come back to retrieve him, I get the message to wait for the drone to deliver my upgraded ComAI. When the drone gets to my ship, nothing happens. Am I missing something? This is very frustrating...

EDIT: Well, last night I've figured it out... if you buy an AI, sell an AI, or deliver an AI to a Hacker Station to be upgraded, a drone is sent to your ship and the AI is automatically downloaded from or to your database. In the case of claiming your ComAI back from the station, the drone is sent to your ship, but you must manually download the ComAI from the Transfer Drone (at least in my game you do). AZZ, could this inconsistency be fixed in later versions to automatically download the ComAI back into our database, or at least added to the manual?

Posted: Sat, 30. Aug 08, 19:54
by Azz
Thufar :

it's in the pdf :
(General/Communication with Station menu)
Restricted to Hackers stations only
You have to target a Hackers Community Station first, then activate control and follow Hacker's
If you buy an AI, the Hackers will send you a drone transporting the AI, you will then have to collect it via the ‘Collect AI’ command as usual.

dukedroklar :
#1 Wayyyy to many messages to get things done. For example, buying, selling or upgrading AI's. Why do i have to go through several commands and then several pop up messages just to ask the station to buy or sell an AI???
Why not just have one simple command click to comm the station i'm targeting, rather then have to choose the sector, the station and then have to get within 4k of it anyway???
i know that but the scripts offer very very limited solutions for the user interface. And i am also (self-)limited in the use of slot commands, what complicates even more the things.

Other points which you indicate are interesting.
I have already advanced on things, but that takes me a lot of time and I have no much of it.
Furthermore, the arrival of the new extension cast doubt on this script what makes me doubt the interest to work still on pilotAI :(

but anyway, here is :

  • PilotIA 3.57
New in 3.57 : PilotAI is now in German, thanks to CS for his translation :)

Posted: Sat, 13. Sep 08, 03:11
by Unknown object 003
I have just updated to 3.57 - with the result, that I am not able to sell, buy or pick up my com ai (level 127!). The only answer I get from the hacker station is "you are not allowed to trade with ai's". Is it a new feature to reduce the use of the pilot ai script? :(

Posted: Thu, 18. Sep 08, 08:54
by Azz

it's not a new feature .....

you must do a mistake

The command sell/buy ai must be launched from your own ship.

Posted: Thu, 18. Sep 08, 14:11
by Unknown object 003
Thanks, AZZ.
I bought > 100 with the old version. But I have found a simple solution. After destroying all stations by script, the new stations do sell & buy ai's now. The old stations did behave like pirate stations after the 3.57 update (blow up player's ship e.g.). Thankx anyway.

Posted: Sun, 28. Sep 08, 21:01
by Azz
PilotAI 3.70

what's new:

* Improved renaming:

In the renaming menus, you can use codes in the name to name a ship as you want.
A code is made of an asterisk followed by two letters:
  • *ID : Ship ID
    *PN : Pilot Name
    *PL : Pilot Combat Level
    *GN : Group Name
    *SC : Ship Class ex: M3
    *ST : Ship Type ex: Nova Vanguard
    *SN : Actual Ship Name
    *HB : Ship HomeBase
    *LD : Leader

i.e: Entering ship code as such: *CL-*ST SQ:*GN, will provide you with such result: M6-Argon Centaur SQ:Black Sheep.

* MK3 Suffix

The MK3 suffix followed by the commercial rank is added behind the name of the ship equipped with the Trade Command Software MK3.

* Reminder - Squadron selection and commands:

When you are using a keyboard shortcut to select a Squadron or giving an order, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen to tell you what you are doing.
NB : you must have selected display of the subtitles

* Bombers Squadron:

In the Squadron's command menu, you can select Squadron type: Bomber ON/OFF

A bomber Squadron will use first and foremost missiles .
- If you give to it the order to attack a specific target for example with the command 'target: Attack / Protect / Supply', the Squadron will approach the designated target, then break the formation and at a good distance from the target, each ships will launch its missiles on it.
When the target will be destroyed, or all the missiles fired, the Squadron will be reformed and return to its starting sector, or to its homebase if he has one. You will be able to rearm the Squadron's ships and send them to the battle again.

- If you give to it a strike order of selective type (attack M1, attack M6, attack capital... etc) Squadron will approach the target it has found, launch its missiles at a safe distance, then when out of missiles, will switch to standard attacking mode.

* Squadron Command : Favorite Attack (or immediate attack)

This command is available in the Squadron's command menu.

You can define once for all a type of favorite attack for every Squadron (Atk M1, atk M2, fighters... etc)
You can afterward trigger the command ' favorite attack ' and the Squadron will fall over automatically on the predefined mode of attack.
This new command is also available by hot key.

You can also decide that the favorite attack always automatically remembers the last type of attack used for every Squadron. For that purpose, use the parameter in the menu: 'general / global AI setup/Atk AI/Favorite Atk: automatically last type of atk ON/OFF'

* Carriers management

In the menu of communication with PilotAI, new choices for carriers are available, if the pilot is at least of level 25 - Commodore:
  • -List of of the Affected Squadrons
    -Return: Any attack Squadrons in sector
    -Return: Any other Squadrons in sector
    -Return: Any Squadrons in sector
    -Return: Any ships in sector
    -Return: Any ships
    -Out: Any attack Squadrons
    -Out: Any Other Squadrons
    -Out: Any Squadrons
    -Out: Any ships
    -Emergency defence
    -Automatic defence ON/OFF
    -Sending to repair docked damaged ships

-List of the assigned Squadrons :
Give the list of the Squadrons assigned to the carrier (Squadrons whose homebase is the carrier) For every Squadron, it is mentioned if it is docked, its current action and its favorite command.

This set of commands allows to call back the Squadrons of the carrier and to dock them.
The Attack Squadrons are the Squadrons executing a command of selective attack (atk M5, Atk M6, Atk fighters, Atk all etc...)
Other Squadrons are the Squadrons having no current order (stopped) or Squadrons executing another orders than command of selective attack (for example: Squadrons of intervention, Squadrons of protection... etc)
The commands 'Any ships' address to ships not currently in a Squadron.

Ships will make use of their docking computer, if they are equipped with it, to self beam up in the carrier without wasting time in deck-landing.
Ships are indifferent to attacks when they return to the carrier.

NB: The Squadrons keep the memory of the command that they were executing when they have been told to dock from these menus, they can so automatically resume it when we shall told them to go out again.

This set of commands allows to get out the Squadrons or the ships of the carrier.

As said previously, the Squadrons resume their last command when they went out It works only if the Squadron docked further to one of the previous 'Return' commands.

Even principles as previously...

-Emergency defense:
It is the rush out.
All the docked squadrons in the carrier go out as a matter of urgency.
All the Squadrons assigned to the carrier, including those not docked, execute then their command of favorite attack. If they have no command of favorite attack defined, they will execute the command 'Attack all'

-Automatic defense ON/OFF:
The pilotAI of the carrier launch himself the Attack Squadrons outside of the carrier when it detect s a threat in the sector.
He takes into account Squadrons belonging to him already out to decide if it is necessary or not to get out the other Squadrons.
For example, Squadrons with the command 'Protect your Base/carrier' docked in the carrier can even detect themselves the threat before the carrier still has time, they will go out of the carrier and will go to meet the threat, the carrier will realize it and if the Squadrons are sufficient out, he will not launch other Squadrons.
The carrier launches only the on board Squadrons which have in memory a command of selective attack (atk M5, Atk M6, Atk fighters, Atk all... etc).
At the end of the alert the carrier returns all the groups which have a active command of selective attack.
Thus, launch a command of selective attack to each Squadrons (atk M4, atk fighters etc.) and make them dock (or not). The carrier will use them then for his defence. He will not use Squadrons without commands at the time of the deck-landing, or the Squadrons for example assigned to the resupply.


* The Strike Squadrons is doing a pre-scan before jumping into a sector in which an alert has been activated. It allows them to get in the sector by using the closest jumpgate. NB: the leader has to be level 11 at least.
Previously, it was not rare that the Strike Squadron atempted to fly through all the sector while chasing the threat...

* Return to Base
The Squadrons with the order 'return to base' do not react any more to the enemy attacks during their routing time, they are now more capable of using their jumpdrive if they have one.
If the homebase is a M1, fighters equipped with a docking computer will dock themselves directly inside when they will be under a 4000m range, without docking by the regular procedure.

* Damaged Hull
- Ships with a hull damaged (80 %) will leave at once the fight to return to their base or go to the closest shipyard. He will not react any more either to attacks during the transit time. Previously a damaged vessel waited until
- Ship with a damaged hull will join first and foremost its homebase if it has one, otherwise he will join a Shipyard or a friendly station. Those who the end of the fights to start the procedure of evacuation...are using a script allowing the carrier to repair their ships (for example in xtended) can so take advantage of this option, damaged ships will join their carrier and can be repaired.
Otherwise, for the others, this allows to put damaged ships fast under cover rather than they scatter in all the universe in search of a shipyard.
- A new order appears for carriers (niv 25 minimum): " Carrier: Sending in repair docked damaged ships " The damaged ships which had come put themselves under cover in their carrier can so be sent to be repaired in shipyards afterward. This allows the carrier to get closer to the targetted shipyard before triggering this order, after the battle. Those who use a script allowing the carrier to repair their ships (for example in xtended) can so take advantage of this option.

* Correction:
-Antimissile M5 jumps with the group.
-The name of a NPC pilot is not any more crushed when we ask for a status.

As usual, thanks to the Xchange Guild for their help and thanks to Odin83 for the translation :D

Posted: Sun, 28. Sep 08, 21:32
by Phlt
Azz wrote: As usual, thanks to the Xchange Guild for their help and thanks to Odin83 for the translation :D
It was a real pleasure! :-)