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Posted: Fri, 10. Oct 08, 23:08
by JFJohnny5
Any plans to possibly update this for TC (if some of its brilliance isnt already included) after that's out? :wink:

Posted: Wed, 12. Nov 08, 11:12
by plynak
Hello I just started playing X3: TC and found out that for some unknown reason Egosoft has not included any turret wepons changing script again. Do you plan to update your script for the TC as well? It is the best one I have ever used in the Reunion.

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 08, 07:59
by gilboa
Hello all,

Weird problem:
I've been using this script for a while now, and everything worked just fine.
However, I just finished building two new Split Pythons and suddenly, I can no longer find x0ne TCS Interface MK2 in each of the Equipment docks I visited. (Both Argon and Split.)

No matter where I look, x0ne TCS Interface MK2 appears as 0/2.

Any idea what I can do to get it back?

- Gilboa

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 08, 09:56
by (----____JEFF____----)
cheat it in and subtract the money from your account? Other wise if your a bit of a scripter you can probably write a small script to add stock to the station, I don't know if you can do that with cheat scripts too.

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 08, 10:03
by plynak
I had the same problem in my second game. When I first installed the script, I found about 4 in stock which is enough for my need. But when I started a new game, all EDs were empty :-(

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 08, 10:45
by gilboa
(----____JEFF____----) wrote:cheat it in and subtract the money from your account? Other wise if your a bit of a scripter you can probably write a small script to add stock to the station, I don't know if you can do that with cheat scripts too.
Which cheat script?

As for subtracting the money, well, I've got ~2BCR in the bank and two shipyards... 9M is child's play.

OT question: Is it possible to build these items? (x0ne, advanced jump drive, etc?)

- Gilboa

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 08, 13:40
by (----____JEFF____----)
any cheat script that allows you to script in wares. LV's cheats will do the trick, but there are probably more that can do it. If you don't mind cheating then leave out the money subtraction part, it'll take even less effort that way ;) I just thought I mention it, cause some people around here don't like the idea of scripting in stuff for free.

As for building, I don't know. Maybe if you add them to a factory, that's the only way I could see it happen. That's something your going to have to do on your own, cause I don't think xOne is going to write that for you.

Posted: Mon, 1. Dec 08, 16:57
by gilboa
OK. Thanks.

Posted: Sat, 13. Dec 08, 15:54
by gilboa
Ouch. New problem....
Big one.

I'm doing the Valhalla mission (XTM 0.7.5, currently I'm in Omicron Lyrae) and I'm getting hammered by a single K.
The reason being, all my ships are equipped with TCS and they all target the 3 x Xenon Q's (M7, but the game mistakeably marks them as M1's) instead of targeting the K with its array of GPPC... which in turn, reaps my M2's into shreds. (Even though the M2's are ordered to attach the K).
Any idea how I can manually prioritize the TCS to hit the K instead of the relatively harmless Q's?

- Gilboa

xOne still here?

Posted: Fri, 12. Jun 09, 13:34
by Liath
Hey, is this still being actively developed? Been a long time since I saw an update.

Posted: Thu, 18. Jun 09, 19:41
by x0ne
Depends what your definition of 'actively' is... :roll:

The answer is yes, v2.0 never got released because RL got in the way of me completing it - had a really awful year. I'm currently on v3.0 and making steady progress.

Posted: Sat, 20. Jun 09, 16:43
by Liath
YaY :D Okay just had to check, since it had been a while. sorry to hear you've been having a rough time at RL. Kinda in the same boat. Hope things work out for ya.

Posted: Wed, 1. Jul 09, 16:30
by ytheleus
This was my favourite script from Reunion, looking forward to v3. If you need someone to playtest it, I have a fleet of M6 waiting for TCS..


Posted: Sat, 8. May 10, 23:32
by kraznyi_oktjabr

I used this script when I played vanilla X3R ages ago. I'm now playing X3R (updated to 2.5) with newest bonus pack (3.1.07) and XTM 0.7.5

My question is, is that script version linked in original post compatible with these versions of X3R and XTM?



(still addicted to X2 and X3R :) )

Posted: Mon, 7. Jun 10, 15:19
by x0ne
Should be fine, but I suspect you've discovered that by now.

Still writing v3.0... hardly any free time and when I do get some, it takes a while to figure out what I was doing and how everything works again (despite my notes on the subject). I haven't even played TC yet... or actually installed it for that matter, it's still boxed! I'm not sure if that means I'm dedicated or just insane? :roll:

Sorry for the late reply, I usually get e-mailed when this thread is updated :gruebel:

Posted: Sat, 21. Aug 10, 14:15
by dathion

is version 3 almost ready?

Posted: Tue, 14. Sep 10, 19:49
by x0ne
dathion wrote:hi

is version 3 almost ready?
I don't want to make a promise I can't keep, I wish I had more free time, but I think completion in 2010 is looking realistic... Christmas? I think at the very least I'll be doing final testing and documentation by then, so a late stage beta release at first perhaps.

Heh, famous last words... :roll:

Posted: Tue, 14. Sep 10, 20:33
by dathion
well good luck and no rush was just wondering if you still planned on getting back to it at some point 8) I don't mind the wait.

Posted: Tue, 28. Sep 10, 05:56
by atrain
Hey xOne, awesome script!

I've had a bit of a problem though and from browsing this thread it seems no one else has - perhaps you can shed some light on the issue.

All turret refiring rates work fine from PBEs to PPCs - with the exception of flaks. They fire at the same speed as vanilla or maybe slower, I'm not sure.

I am currently using Roguey's Mod which, to my knowledge makes a few statistical changes in the tlaser.pck file (if that's relevant). Other than that, just a bunch of scripts that have nothing to do with weapons.

Are there any instances in which this script will fail to produce an accurate refiring rate for flaks? I even bumped up the refiring rate (in tlaser.pck) of flaks to 1000rnds/min with no change.

I can use the script editor to a reasonable degree so if no one else has this trouble I can fix it in my own game.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue, 28. Sep 10, 10:18
by x0ne
Hi atrain, glad you like it. I've taken a look at Roguey's Mod and I know what the issue is...

As you may have guessed, this script (the TCS) was written for the vanilla version of the game, so when certain changes are made to tlaser.pck (as there are in Roguey's Mod), you need to make sure x0ne.TCS.dat.weapons.xml is also updated.

You sound like you know what you're doing, so if you take a look at the manual that came with the plugin and go to chapter 4.1 on page 12, it'll tell you what you need to do.

Here's a quick example though for the A-FLAK though, just to clarify:

In vanilla the refire delay is 2143ms (if I remember correctly!), but Roguey's Mod has this at 536ms. If you open up the .cat file for Roguey's Mod, then open tlaser.pck and take a look at the A-FLAK you'll see the following line of info (at offset 7):

Rate of fire | 112 rnd/min (536) | 7

It's the number in the brackets we're interested in (obviously), so just make sure the A-FLAK info in x0ne.TCS.dat.weapons.xml matches it... should look something like this:

Code: Select all

081   $laser.type[$n] = Alpha Flak Artillery Array
082   $refire.delay[$n] = 536
Don't forget to check the other weapons too; from the look of it, Roguey made changes to all of them.

Good luck and if you have any issues, well you know where to find me ;)