[Script] TerraCorps Fleet Package

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[Script] TerraCorps Fleet Package

Post by siath70 » Fri, 7. Jul 06, 03:26

eladan wrote:In siath70's absence, I'm handling development and releases for TFP. As I cannot update the 1st post on a regular basis as new versions are released, I've asked the mods to display this message.

You will currently be able to find the latest release for TFP from this location (Xai corp.)

For anyone who wants to read the readmes of the package prior to downloading, russbo posted them on page 101 (some more info from older packages on the next page.) The readme isn't for the current version, but changes since have been relatively minor and it should give a reasonable overview.

Normal transmission will resume if siath70 returns.

:EDIT: Updated 9 September 08
Latest package is now v1.53e - Read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION below. Download here [new 9-Sep-08]

The e version fixes several errors in the package - please redownload if you have any previous version, including other 1.53 releases.

RRRoamer also created some additional commands as an optional extra package. These commands help to reduce micromanagement - see here for a description. Download here [new 8-Jul-08]

Erilaz has created another addon for this package, which allows automatic installation of Fight Command Software Mk3 (by X-Freak Cartman) on hired pilots, should you have that package installed. Download is available here [new 25-Jul-08]

New Version - 1.53

This version adds jumbled's gender code as well as the BBS start code, plus some other minor fixes. The gender code should update all pilots automatically - let me know if any appear not to be correct.

IMPORTANT: The BBS start code disables all TFP commands if it is active (see below) until the BBS message has been resolved. The BBS message only appears at Terracorp HQ in Home of Light. There are three responses you can make to the BBS message - if you agree, you will have a captain. If you say thanks, but you'd rather try it alone, you won't get a captain. Both will resolve the BBS and open up the TFP commands. If you respond that you're interested, but not yet in a position to take up the offer, the BBS remains unresolved - the BBS message will keep appearing until one of the other two responses are chosen, but the TFP commands will still be disabled, and you won't be able to hire any pilots. (Unless you have RRRoamers additional commands, for his 'mass pilot hire'.)

The BBS start code only kicks in for new installations or new game starts. If you previously had TFP installed, even if you didn't have any pilots, you won't see the BBS message, and TFP commands will remain available. The cheat script remains in the package, so it can still be used.

I have taken over the TCCPTF and FBC scripts, Jensenman is still involved but not to a high degree as of right now.

I have decided to merge these all into one script/project and have alread done some underlaying changes and bug fixes.

Pilots will not level as fast and will only level to a certain level based on the ship they are currently flying. This makes more sense to me as it keeps ranks in line instead of having a universe on admirals running around. It makes the higher ranks more important and useful in the long run.

I have not merge the script yet but have included all the readmes and scripts into one pakage for ease of installing. I am currently working on flight groups with benifits and a few more things.

I'm an over the road truck driver so there might be times i'm on for a few days back to back or not on for a few weeks, but rest assured I'm working on this project in my free time.

As I don't have a hosting site I have just slapped them up here.

After I get done with my current projects on these scripts I will turn my attention to combining them into one whole script as they all work together anyway. I will also be working on merging the READMES into one readme. Once I get my feet back on the ground I will add more to this initial post.

*UPDATE* 07/07/06
I forgot to mention if you change over to this script and have old ships with pilots in them the old xp tables will stay the same. The only way to correct this is to sell the ship or remove the pilot and put in a new pilot. Other than that everything else will work the way it's supposed to new pilots will rank like their supposed to ECT... ECT...

*UPDATE* 07/07/06 Part2
Ok I have made it so that the TS's will keep their shields maxxed and not give away those they need. Although I haven't made it where they actively seek out and buy them yet until they are needed for M3's. You can just go pick some up and drop however many you want on the TS and they will keep what they need. I'll be working on fixing the tender doesn't rename or replace itself and working on making the tender auto upgrade it's rudder and engine at time of purchase (I hate when they are slow).
I have posted the new files, remember you *MUST* stop FBC and restart it for the changes to go into effect. These slight changes should up the life of the tenders.

*UPDATE* 09/09/06
Ok no I haven't released what I was working on but this does fix patrols.
As found by eladan. eladan will I hope be joining the team and helping me out (yes I'm forming a team) this will get more updates out. I am almost done with what I was doing, I just want to know one thing, Do you guys really use FBC or would you rather see it made part of TF's?

Kudos to Myros and dwgh for their works on TCCP and TCCPTF and FBC and to Jensenman to his addedscripting to TCCPTF and TCCP.

All files are current and up to date.

*UPDATE* 12/15/06
I have stepped down and as such I'll be updating this page for Eladan

Ok - well, I had a new beta available. I guess it's about to become official...

I'll post it here, until I figure out whether I should start a new thread or whether I can somehow change the first post...

I have repackaged this to use siath's package conventions - I.e. it's no longer labeled beta. I did change the author information, and that appears to stop it upgrading siath's version in Cycrow's script installer.

What this means: Please remove all versions of Terracorp Fleet Package both official and beta before installing this to avoid confusion.

This package *should* play nicely with any pilots created by any previous versions of either beta or official packages - however, I have not got installations of all previous versions to test with, so keep a saved game handy from before you install this until you are sure that your pilots have upgraded properly. (And let me know if you have any problems.)

Changes in this version:
- Commands should only show now if it makes sense that the ship could run them. (M4 should no longer have the 'Hire Combat Pilot' command for instance.
- FBC should now only buy AIREs, BIREs, APACs, BPACs, or AHEPTs as weapons for its fighters. Jury's out on allowing BHEPTs for M3+ ships - feedback?
- Rank increases now change the pilots fightskill, which affects far more than speed and turning (speed in combat is one of the vars affected.) ET and RO beyond max on existing ships is removed.
- Implemented an 'honours system' of awards for pilots (most combat based) - some will provide bonuses.
- Move pilot code now allows TF members/leaders to move ship without leaving/disbanding the TF.
- Encountered a problem while testing move pilot where if the command was interrupted, the pilot info could be corrupted. I've made the move pilot code more robust as a result.

- Added M7s being usable by cpilots. Need rank Commodore and leadership of 35.
- Changed remove homebase cmd to use slot 1249 to keep in step with Cycrow's package.
- Assorted minor improvements/bugfixes.

I have not fully tested the fightskill code to test what difference it makes, although there should be a profound difference between the fighting abilities of a Cadet and a Captain with this code. (Which would not necessarily have been the case with the old code!)

I wanted to release it now, though, because a thorough test of that would likely take up to an extra week, possibly longer.


*UPDATE* 01/14/07
I've jumped the version to 1.47 to keep the script versions in line with the package version, since I was going crazy trying to keep track of versions.

*UPDATE* 01/16/07-Updated to fix a bug with FBC

- More FBC fixes. Hopefully have now removed all references to the subcode lookup script which wouldn't work with the new ships from the patch or modded ships. Added checks for various tasks which could have resulted in problems if certain situations arose.
- Changed the naming of FBC ships and stations - stations now show the name of the FBC in them, and ships now show the name of the pilot.
- Added a tracker script for FBC stations. If the FBC is stopped for any reason, all ships and tasks will be cleaned up. (May take up to 30 seconds.)
- Fixed a couple of issues with honours not displaying properly.


Version 1.49 Changes


- Changed FBC tracker behaviour to stop homebase being removed from fighters when FBC is stopped
- Attempt to ease traffic jam by adding check on docking space before sending idle ships home on FBC.
- Fix for shields not being installed on FBC fighters under certain circumstances
- Fix for AIREs not being installed on FBC fighters under certain circumstances.
- Fixed weapons to be installed in correct turret and slot on FBC fighters.
- Fixed fightskill/ET/RO being lost in ship transfer on FBC.
- Moved in-script text to t files.

Current Version avalible here:
Newest Version (Xai corp.)

Last edited by siath70 on Fri, 2. May 08, 06:19, edited 18 times in total.

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Post by Actorius » Fri, 7. Jul 06, 07:15

I am looking forward to this, but i have been waiting till the bugs are mostly ironed out. Good to see it taken up again

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Post by siath70 » Fri, 7. Jul 06, 07:29

I have fixed most of the smaller bugs I am also removing the log file created by FBC as I see this as more of a debugging tool and not as a general tool.

If you or anyone else knows of bugs that need fixed in these scripts TCCPTF or TCCP or FBC please post them so that I can fix them.

As far as I can tell I have squashed most the bugs.

The only bug I know of and can not be fixed is the Disco bug.

Once EgoSoft puts out a patch to fix that problem everything will be good to go.


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Post by Actorius » Fri, 7. Jul 06, 07:59

awesome. i recently started a new game so i am not yet financially at the point where having this script would be feasible. but rest assured once i have the finances to throw around it will be my first port of call

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Post by WBKingpin1 » Fri, 7. Jul 06, 14:59

Hi ya. its good to see work on these scripts happening again. been reading your post's lately on this topic.
A quick question, In FBC will the base commander now replace the TS if it bites the dust? because this has been a problem with outfitting new ships if it has been destroyed, I have not been using FBC because of this problem but have been using TCCP & TCCPTF all the time with a few of my own tweaks to improve them for my own game.


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Post by siath70 » Fri, 7. Jul 06, 15:29

WBKingpin1 wrote: In FBC will the base commander now replace the TS if it bites the dust?
Hrm I thought that had been fix I'll look into that, there is really a simple solution to it until I fix that problem.

Just restart FBC:
remove the Commander command in the station command and restart by just resetting all the same conditions (shipyard, amount of cash and name for base) and it will auto add all fighter class ships and rebuy the tender.

You might be able to rebuy a new transport and assign it to the station. Fighter base commander should rename it and start using it.

Anyway I will look into it right now and put my other things on hold as this to me seems like a script stopper.


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Post by WBKingpin1 » Sat, 8. Jul 06, 01:53

Thanks for the pointer
I had not used FBC for a while
downloding your package to try out

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Post by siath70 » Sat, 8. Jul 06, 02:07

Also on a side note about the Tender I'm going to change it so that it outfits itself with Max Shields and maybe a couple of jump capable fighters to protect it. I think this would add to its survivablility.

What do you guys think? yes or no?

Thanks Siath70

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Post by EthanL » Sat, 8. Jul 06, 02:27

Yes definitively :)

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Post by siath70 » Sat, 8. Jul 06, 05:15

I case you missed it I post Updates in the first post. But I think I will post a new post too so people are sure to see it.

Ok I have made it so that the TS's will keep their shields maxxed and not give away those they need. Although I haven't made it where they actively seek out and buy them yet until they are needed for M3's. You can just go pick some up and drop however many you want on the TS and they will keep what they need. I'll be working on fixing the tender doesn't rename or replace itself and working on making the tender auto upgrade it's rudder and engine at time of purchase (I hate when they are slow).
I have posted the new files, remember you *MUST* stop FBC and restart it for the changes to go into effect. These slight changes should up the life of the tenders.


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Post by siath70 » Sat, 8. Jul 06, 15:55

I have had a couple of PM's about the leveling of pilots. A few people want me to restrict the to a set number of a rank. Well I have and I left the way YOUR ranks will look up to you.

Heres the down and dirty:

Think about it this way there are over 100 sectors... Late in the game I want 10 TF's, but wait I have it set to 1 adm and 4 v adms sorry can't do that.... People would be upset. The way I have done it allows you to *control* what you want if you only want one adm fine only buy one M1 or M2 and put a pilot in it and you will only have one adm.

You control how you want your fleet, keep adding M3's and you will have more of that rank. It's just the way it is, add 4 m5's and 2 m4's and 1 m5 and you will keep a balance. It is all up to you the player on how your military will look.

I'm not trying to stop players from having a fleet of admirals if they want it just trying to make the leveling thing more senseable and drag it out a bit to be more realistic. If you want a fleet of admirals running around buy 10 M1's and 10 M2's and put the Vice Admirals in them until they hit Admiral then move them all to M3's or M4's or even m5's wash and repeat and eventually you will have your Fleet of admirals. You want to keep a ratio of ranks figure it out and follow it, the only exception I made was there will be hardly any ensigns the lowest rank will most likly be LT. But like I said want 160 Lts to every 5 Cmdr to every 1 Cpt great make sure you buy the ships that way.

See how it works? If not then reread it again please then if you don't understand post and I will try to be a bit simpler.

The one thought that occured to me was the Ensign thing I might just add a lower rank like Petty Officer or something along those lines.

Anyway thanks for support

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Post by russbo » Wed, 12. Jul 06, 04:06

Siath, glad you're working on this already excellent script. I've been playing with the Myros/Jensemann version for a while, and although I've accumulated quite a few admirals, it's a wonderful addition to the game. Now with three task forces, and about two hundred pilots, any suggestions on how to move over to your version without my making a mess of things?

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Post by Dan » Wed, 12. Jul 06, 16:58

any suggestions on how to move over to your version without my making a mess of things?
I play only the Jensemann version without FBC...please let me know if there is a way to move to your version without major changes? :?

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Post by djssuk » Wed, 12. Jul 06, 18:47

These are the main scripts for me, so I hope this keeps going and develops. There are so many new things and places this could go. Why stop at M3 class ship transfers for instance?

Good luck

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Post by siath70 » Fri, 14. Jul 06, 03:27

Ok, I will try to address everyone at once,

To the first and second question actually yes. Just install the new set and leave what you have alone it will continue to run as it did before. Any new bases or TFs you make or pilots you higher will be under the new rules.

You can always if you have all your figters assigned in a TF to a flagship just disband the TF and then Reform the TF and it will add all the fighters back to the TF. But everything still functions as before so I see no sense in doing this until I get the newer script out with bigger patrols and such.

If you don't want to use FBC just don't higher a base commander. The base commander just helps players by moving pilots and buying ships for them then equiping them. As I merge these scripts together EVERYTHING will work together. Tf's will beable to request help from local bases and also beable to request replacements Etc... Etc...

To the last question trust me I'm not stopping there, although there is only so far I will go I don't want to take everything out of the hands of the player. It should never be completely AI driven. As far as M6 M1 and M2 pilot switching I'm not sure about that yet, the thought has crossed my mind. But here's my take on it, shouldn't the player decided what pilot he/she wants in a M6 M1 M2? I'm still kicking this around.

I'm not doing any major changes right now until I get flight grouping in and I get FBC alittle smarter on weapons load outs, I.E. random weapons not just the best and greatest. I would also like to make the pilot have smart switching like an M3 with AHEPTS and Mass Drivers and knowning when to use and switch to them based on their rank/leadership.

Anyway a lot of changes are in line for this set of scripts.

Thanks Siath70

P.S. Also once again on a side note remember I am a Over the Road Truck Driver so it can be sometime between my replies I try to make it a habit to get on every other day but sometimes it's a week or two before I get the chance. Thanks again

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Post by Dan » Fri, 14. Jul 06, 10:29

I'm not using FBC because I want to assign the pilots personal to the ships and also to resuply ...but I'm using a carrier like a home base for all my fighters involved in that project...it's ok?....of course I have 36 fighters in that carrier but really I change the pilot manually I don't want to do it automatically...hope it's k... :D

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Post by djssuk » Fri, 14. Jul 06, 21:57

Just some thoughts...

I would like some interation with what is loaded to a ship regarding primary weapon choice, perhapps some kind of option for each class.

Also, I think gonig to M6 would be a reasonable stopping point as they are not cheap but not many can get to that skill anyway in a hurry.

Also, some kind of inteligent escape process. If they are above the first rank then they should jumpas soon as they feal they are close to death and get back to a station for repair and thensend a message stating repair complete.

I agree that progrss and promotion should be a lot slower and more basis on speed of promotion based on special attributes. Perhapps an attribute of 'Ambitous', or ' Natural Pilot' could help decide promotion speed.

I think there should be more ranks tooat th elower scales for a sense of hierarchy, so if it was British military it would be Private, Lance Corporal, Corporal, Seargeant, Leuitenant, captain, etc, etc.

Anyway, just some idea :)

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Post by kamikazepenguin » Sat, 15. Jul 06, 01:09

I'd like an option to instruct the FBC which kind of ship/variant to buy for each class.

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Post by Reece » Sat, 15. Jul 06, 19:25

kamikazepenguin wrote:I'd like an option to instruct the FBC which kind of ship/variant to buy for each class.
I agree with this!! I like the Terran ships for instance, and keep wanting to make a Terran fleet. That's difficult when the Fighter Base Commander likes all the other M5's more (i.e. Discoverer). :) With other scripts that allow Shipyards to sell Terran/alien ships, it'd be nice to have that option.

Oh yeah, the other problem I've always had with FBC is that my M5s are always purchased without weapons or max shield layouts. I end up with patrols flying around without weapons...
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Post by siath70 » Sun, 16. Jul 06, 03:56

FBC buys just the basic shell of a ship and then outfits them. The only thing it does on purchase it max ther rudder and such.

As far as selecting specific ship types I have thought of this and it's a possibility. I would rather work on the other things for time being and then worry about spiffing up the script.

As far as personally moving pilots I could put in an argument for that so that people could turn it off.

The M6 is still a possibility but for now I have other bigger fish to fry.

Thanks Siath70

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