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[WIP] Tenlar's X-music

Posted: Sat, 23. Dec 06, 04:41
by Tenlar Scarflame
Tenlar's X-Music

A while back (I think almost a year now? Wow.) I got a wild hair to write some X-universe themed music of my own. This wild hair resurfaces sometimes and goes away other times (usually the direct inverse of my school and work schedule) but the general plan is to eventually compile a full-length CD collection of X-universe tracks; ranging from sector music, to loading music, docking, fighting, and whatever else tickles my fancy.

Being a kind and giving soul, I thought I'd share the fruits of my labor with any X-fan who'd be interested.

Works in progress:

The Thin Line Between Bravery and Madness (combat track)
For Pride, for Family (combat track)
Blind to the Power of the Three (combat track)
Children of Sol, Brothers of Sonra (sector track)
sector music 2: 5%.
combat music 4 (Boron): 2%.
combat music 5 (Teladi): 5%.

Works planned:
Combat tracks reflecting each race (Argon, Split, and Paranid done)
A sector track reflecting each race (Argon done)
A docking track
A couple of title screen tracks
An epic track
A redux version of the credits music
Maybe something special :)

Posted: Sat, 23. Dec 06, 20:27
by Tenlar Scarflame
updated, though this is most likely the last update you'll see til after the new year (I'll be in various places where there are no MIDI keyboards... :cry: ).

For those interested, the sound will be something like X3, Xenosaga and Pirates of the Caribbean wrapped into one. :wink:

Posted: Sat, 23. Dec 06, 21:58
by Tsar_of_Cows
Sounds good. I find the X music a bit tame at times, but if I have to fly around with Within Temptation blaring all the time I'll probably go mad as i only have one album. :P

Posted: Thu, 4. Jan 07, 06:51
by Tenlar Scarflame
updated, finished one!

Electric guitars and french horns actually blend well. Who knew? :P

Posted: Thu, 4. Jan 07, 08:16
by Kaze
So, how about a Link =) ?

Posted: Thu, 4. Jan 07, 17:55
by Tenlar Scarflame
heh, I would but I have nowhere to upload to yet... I should probably get on that :roll:

Posted: Thu, 4. Jan 07, 18:19
by Kaze
Can't wait, your music sounds very interesting =)
Theres like a million free filehosting pages out there..
I found one that seems good at

Posted: Fri, 5. Jan 07, 00:45
by Tenlar Scarflame
Many thanks Kaze, that looks perfect. 8)

Posted: Wed, 24. Jan 07, 22:56
by Tenlar Scarflame
updated- as promised, here's my first Combat track. Hope you enjoy!

My first Sector track (intended to be used in piratical or otherwise less-than-secure sectors :wink: ) is currently in the works. I predict it will be done in a week or two.

Mind you, I have classes I need to go to and they have the nasty tendency to assign homework, so it could take a while before I have much else. :(

Posted: Mon, 29. Jan 07, 20:50
by exelsiar
man im really loving this track, am definatly keeping it for when i get home (few more days yet :cry:), which brings me to my second point; as i cant get home to switch files and stuffs around, could anyone be kind enough to tell me which file(s) i'd need to replace with this combat track, also id imagine it'll be going in the audio folder? (if i remember the folder structure right)

Posted: Sun, 11. Feb 07, 17:25
by Tenlar Scarflame
exelsiar, I believe there should be a folder with lots of numbered MP3 files- I forget exactly which ones are what tracks but if you take a listen to the beginnings of them you should be able to sort it out. There is a (vague ^^) method to their numbering. Thanks for the support! :D

Updated also for completion of combat track 2, which IMHO is a major improvement over combat track 1. 8) It ought to be uploaded pretty soon.

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 01:15
by exelsiar
Ahh thanks much for the reply, i've sorted it now and yes the numbering is very vague :P
i'm listening to the new track now, tis rather good :D the bagpipes make a good adition, a lill repetitive but a welcome change none the less

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 01:22
by garrry34
a bit of an idiot question here, but how would i go about replacing the combat music with some heavy metal tunes?

oops ill might try reading all posts before i jump the gun, lol

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 01:33
by garrry34
thats alot of tracks, dammmmn. have you any idea whats associated with what?

lol for me changing them to heavier music that make the combat a hell of alot more fun, i usually just have the meadia player playing in the backround, but the opportunity to set songs for different roles in the game would be cool, i like you line of thinking ive never contimplated doing this before, lol

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 01:38
by exelsiar
again if only i were at home... >_<
i'm afraid yee will have to go through the tracks yourself, a hint: view the files in detailed veiw, any tracks with an artist/composer in their listing are most likely music, tho some of them dont have an artist... so really to be certain go trhough all of the tracks 1 by 1... fun.. no? yeah ok its a no :P

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 02:10
by euclid
garrry34 wrote: a bit of an idiot question here, but how would i go about replacing the combat music with some heavy metal tunes?...
Yes, that is nice. I've Ace of Spades in X472 and Adagio fo Strings (chorus version) in my hideout sector.

Anyway, a music script is tricky. It as been done before and had to be removed because of copyright problems.

Essentially you can use only your own music. Hence I'm grateful for any work in this direction.

Helge has uploaded some addition tracks and I think Alexei, too (can't find the link atm).

I like 'The Thin Line...' but still have to decide about the appropriate sector; maybe Looms ;-)

Cheers Euclid

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 10:16
by exelsiar
ok now i have to ask another Q, how do you which track is for which sector? i could only find like 3-4 combat tracks in my audio folder >_<

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 13:22
by euclid
exelsiar wrote:ok now i have to ask another Q, how do you which track is for which sector? i could only find like 3-4 combat tracks in my audio folder >_<
That's what sticky threads are for.

Cheers Euclid

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 13:42
by exelsiar
oh wow i managed to not see that one -feels dense yet again-
thanks muchly

Posted: Wed, 14. Feb 07, 14:31
by Tenlar Scarflame
I did a bit of digging in the audio folder last night, I believe the tracks numbered 0100# (# being 1-5) are the combat tracks. I'll look again today for which ones specifically are the sector tracks. ^^

Glad to see my little escapade has gained some popularity :D