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[SCRIPT] Advanced Jumpdrive Addon - Jump Scripts Replacement V1.10 (11/03/07)

Posted: Sun, 11. Mar 07, 14:28
by Cycrow
This is an addon for the Advanced Jumpdrive Scripts, you need to have the Advanced Jumpdrive installed before you can use this.

:arrow: Requires Advanced Jumpdrive
:arrow: Requires Plugin Manager To Install
:arrow: Download: Main Webpage - Direct Download - Mirror Site

This script replaces the standard jump scripts allowing all scripts and ships to make use of the energy free jumps from the Advanced Jumpdrive.

If the Advanced Jumpdrive or Jump Drive Energy Generator is installed on a ship when a normal jump command is used, then it will use the Energy Free Jump Instead.

Posted: Sun, 11. Mar 07, 15:19
by X2-Eliah
Hmm, nice addition, but will the UTs still buy energy cells for fuel?

(although i doubt i'd trust a 9mill worth of equipment to the Artificial Idiot).

Posted: Sun, 11. Mar 07, 15:20
by Cycrow
it wont prevent scripts from buying the fuel, it just means they wont need to use the fuel. So if you have enough fuel in the ship to jump anywhere, it will never need to buy any fuel again

Posted: Sun, 11. Mar 07, 22:44
by garrry34
is this gonna work with the player response fleet script?

Posted: Sun, 11. Mar 07, 23:23
by Cycrow
if they use the jump scripts instead of the script command, then theres no reason it wouldn't work

Posted: Mon, 12. Mar 07, 01:08
by Hadhafang
This is wicked! Cycrow, You RULE!!!! :D

Posted: Mon, 12. Mar 07, 01:42
by Sandalpocalypse

I was always confused by how you used adv. jumpdrives (using it for the first time), fortunately I haven't been able to afford one in my current game yet, so this fixes the problem before I have to deal with it :lol:

Posted: Wed, 21. Mar 07, 03:45
by garrry34
cyc, ive tried this out with the player response fleet script, it doesn't seem to work, the ships go looking for ecells, the script is by LV, i hope you know the one im talking about

Posted: Wed, 21. Mar 07, 03:49
by Cycrow
unfortuatly theres no way to prevent other scripts from looking for energy cells without modifying each and every scripts.

however, what it will do, is when it gets enought energy cells and jumps, it will use the Advanced Jumpdrive so it doesn't use any energy.

so when they come to jump again, they will still have the energy available to jump again.

Posted: Wed, 21. Mar 07, 15:17
by garrry34
lol ive cheated since then, i installed the personal energy generator and alterred it so that there is a constant level of energy in the storage bay, oh its so much fun having the daedalus filled with eclipses set as quick response with ACC active, haha

Posted: Sun, 25. Mar 07, 05:10
by Teladidrone
I installed both the adv jump drive and this addon spk.

I bought the engery generator for my ship.
I can use the adv jump drive ok using the command console.

But if I use any normal jump commands (from command console or J) it still requires and uses up engery cells.
Maybe I misunderstood the description in the first post... so what exactly should this addon do?

OK I figured it out.
The addon will not work if you only have normal jumpdrive + energy generator.
It only worked with both normal and advanced jump drive installed, is this intended?
And it does not work, too, if a jump is started using J hotkey.

Posted: Sun, 25. Mar 07, 13:45
by Cycrow
no it wont work using the Hotkey, as the hotkey is a manual jump, and scripts cant actually alter that behaviour.

it should work if u have the normal jumpdrive and energy generator however

Posted: Sun, 25. Mar 07, 18:47
by Teladidrone
Sorry, but it does not work. :(
Normal jumpdrive + engery generator, jump using command console standard sector jump eats up the energy cells...

Energyfree jump using command console with normal jumpdrive + generator works ok.
Oh well... maybe it has some conflict with other scripts I have installed, no clue ;)

Posted: Fri, 15. Jun 07, 08:24
by KaZsaru
the Shift-J command to use the jumpdrive looks to be not working with anything that modifies the jumpdrive itself. It bypasses scripts apparently.

Considering that it is an ES feature, no wonder.

Posted: Fri, 15. Jun 07, 10:13
by Cycrow
the shift+j hotkey is hardcoded, and work in a different way, so that will always remain the same function

Posted: Fri, 15. Jun 07, 10:17
by KaZsaru
Cycrow, can scripting detect the use of Shift-J and add, say a lump sum of ecells to the cargo bay to cover the maximum possible jump, then after the jump is complete, remove the excess ecells?

Posted: Fri, 15. Jun 07, 10:36
by Cycrow
unfortuatlly not

coz the jump wont run without the ecells and it wont do anything detectable until its run

its completly hardcoded so you cant really do much.

its y setas the shift+j hotket differently to the command console jump

Posted: Fri, 15. Jun 07, 21:21
by KaZsaru
too bad, oh well, make lemonade out of lemons I say. Looks like Shift-J is going to be my "bail-me-out-Scotty!" button :lol:

Posted: Wed, 20. Jun 07, 21:21
by jdm5000
Can you make the energy-free jump started by a different hotkey?

Also, doesn't seem to work with Commercial Agents. Gave a max level one an Advanced Jump Drive and set him to commercial representation and watched what he did and he never jumped... just started heading for the target the old fashioned way as if he had no jumpdrive at all.

Posted: Wed, 20. Jun 07, 21:30
by Cycrow
unfortuatlly, you cant get a hotkey to get the player to choose its destnation sector, so theres no way to create such a hotkey.

The best you can do is use the stored jump hotkey, which requires you to store a jump position.

as for the Commerical Agents, did you enable the Auto Jump command in the ships additional command slot ?